首页 > 新手驾车过红绿灯、市区道路必知常识(规避电子眼罚款技巧)


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新手驾车过红绿灯、市区道路必知常识(规避电子眼罚款技巧)新手驾车过红绿灯、市区道路必知常识(规避电子眼罚款技巧) 新手驾车过红绿灯、市区道路必知常识 不管十字路口还是丁字路口 右转:如果有专门的箭头灯,必须按灯指示。如果没有专门灯,只要不影响直行车辆或非机动车道 行人,都能转。 直行:红灯停、绿灯行 左转:如果有专门的箭头灯,必须按灯指示。有左转待转区,直行绿灯,左转红灯时,驶入待转区,左转绿灯亮后可以继续走。 如果没有专门箭头灯,直行绿灯亮后,左转车辆在不影响对向直行车辆的情况下左转 没有禁止掉头标志时,可以掉头,但禁止左转时,也禁止掉头。 图1:不能左转和直行,...
新手驾车过红绿灯、市区道路必知常识(规避电子眼罚款技巧) 新手驾车过红绿灯、市区道路必知常识 不管十字路口还是丁字路口 右转:如果有专门的箭头灯,必须按灯指示。如果没有专门灯,只要不影响直行车辆或非机动车道 行人,都能转。 直行:红灯停、绿灯行 左转:如果有专门的箭头灯,必须按灯指示。有左转待转区,直行绿灯,左转红灯时,驶入待转区,左转绿灯亮后可以继续走。 如果没有专门箭头灯,直行绿灯亮后,左转车辆在不影响对向直行车辆的情况下左转 没有禁止掉头标志时,可以掉头,但禁止左转时,也禁止掉头。 图1:不能左转和直行,如果当时交通允许的话,是可以右转的。 图2:相当于图1,但如果已经越过禁止线的可以继续通行。 图3:左转、直行、右转都可以。 图4:左转不行,直行和右转都可以。 图5:左转可以,直行和右转不行。 图6:只能直行。 图7:红色时:左转和直行都禁止。绿色时:左转和直行都可以。 注意了,这种交通灯没有设置右转,它相当于右转一直是绿灯,随时都能右转。 section of the Department of project management; Project documents and information: Project Engineering Department; Materials and equipment: material supply projects; Security controls: the project Department of safety and security; Construction machinery: Project Engineering Department; Financial: Project Management Department of finance; Security and fire services: project security. 3.3.5 management representative and project manager in this item specifies that the Chief Engineer is the management representative, responsible for the operation of quality management system and supervision, regardless of how his other responsibilities, should have a clear mandate to: ensure that the quality management system is implemented and maintained; The running of the quality management system to the project manager, including needed improvements; Always be aware that the customer's needs and requirements. 3.4 3.4.1 project management review should be an annual review of its quality management system to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. 3.4.2 Administration review by the project manager responsible for organization and implementation, project quality control Department is responsible for specific tasks. 3.4.3 the management review should compare and evaluate the following input: internal and external quality audits and corrective effect; Customer feedback on the construction, installation, commissioning, service information (complaints and satisfaction); Quality records, quality compliance with trend reports, analysis of results; Combined with the quality policy and the achievement of the goals, status and suitability evaluation of the quality management system to determine corrective, preventive and improvement measures of performance. 3.4.4 evaluation method and procedure (1) review: by the project manager, project manager, functional departments and heads of specialized 告诉你交规死角 让你不被交警罚款或少罚款 1.红灯下可右转 第一次开车上马路的老A在路口右转线上赶上了红灯。看着路口的摄像头,听着车后传来的按喇叭声,作为头车的他也不知道到底该不该右转了。等红灯变绿灯后,他才慢慢地转过路口,结果被后面赶上来的出租车司机大骂:“你会不会开车啊~” 事后老A才了解到,在十字路口,如果没有箭头指向右方的灯,那么不管是红灯绿灯都可以右转。我们日常观念里的“红灯停绿灯行”在这里有所不同。如果红灯上有向右指的箭头,那就说明是限制右行的,就必须等绿灯变亮后才能右行。 2.左转红灯、无禁掉头标志 可掉头 , 小H开车一个月了,这天也在十字路口的左转线上赶上了红灯。作为头车,本想掉头的小穗注意到,虽然左转的红灯亮了,但对面没有来车。小H一给油一揉方向盘,将车掉过头来开走了。坐在副驾驶位的朋友告诉她,这个路口有摄像头……从没违过章的小H一听就后怕了,回家后赶紧咨询了交警老M。 老M告诉她,在没有禁止掉头标志的路口基本上都可以掉头,当然,这也要视马路的宽度而定。很多马路虽然没有禁止掉头的标志,但路面过窄,掉头容易造成交通堵塞。这种情况下是不能掉头的。如果在这种情况下发生了与对面来车或过马路行人的事故,掉头车辆要负全责。 3. 紧急停车带不能行车 这天的下班高峰时段,新拿本的小B开车上路。堵车很严重,她发现路边有一条空路,就将车开到了这条“畅通”的路上,过了一阵子后,发现这条路也开始堵了。前车都拼命往主路里并线,她这才注意到,前面有位交警拦住了该车道里行驶的所有车辆,小B也未能幸免。 交警看了她的驾照和行驶本后说:“知道为什么拦你吗,”小B摇摇头。交警告诉她:“这条车道叫紧急停车带,如果车辆出了事故的话可以把车停在这条车道里等待救援,但紧急停车带是禁止行车的。” 4.跟大车闯红灯 刚拿到驾照不满一周的K先生在过路口时,因为紧跟在一辆大货车后面,看不见指示灯,等 responsible for specific tasks. 3.4.3 the management review should compare and evaluate the following input: internal and exttration review by the project manager responsible for organization and implementation, project quality control Department is dminise an annual review of its quality management system to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. 3.4.2 Aneeded improvements; Always be aware that the customer's needs and requirements. 3.4 3.4.1 project management review should buding ty management system is implemented and maintained; The running of the quality management system to the project manager, inclt system and supervision, regardless of how his other responsibilities, should have a clear mandate to: ensure that the qualiagemenin this item specifies that the Chief Engineer is the management representative, responsible for the operation of quality manent Department of finance; Security and fire services: project security. 3.3.5 management representative and project manager anagem: the project Department of safety and security; Construction machinery: Project Engineering Department; Financial: Project Mcuments and information: Project Engineering Department; Materials and equipment: material supply projects; Security controlssection of the Department of project management; Project donager, project manager, functional departments and heads of specializedect macorrective, preventive and improvement measures of performance. 3.4.4 evaluation method and procedure (1) review: by the projity policy and the achievement of the goals, status and suitability evaluation of the quality management system to determine qual (complaints and satisfaction); Quality records, quality compliance with trend reports, analysis of results; Combined with the quality audits and corrective effect; Customer feedback on the construction, installation, commissioning, service informationernal 2 过去后才发现红灯已亮。 K先生向单位的司机小李请教,小李告诉他,如果因前车比较高大,挡住了后车视线而造成后车闯红灯的话,执法人员是不追究后车的。因为抓拍闯红灯的摄像头要拍三张照片:过线、车头、车尾。缺一张都无效。如果高大的前车能挡住后车司机的视线,那么摄像头也会被大车挡住而无法拍下后车的车头照片,因此这种情况不构成违章。但为安全考虑,也不要钻这种空子。 5. 并线时左车道要让右车道 C先生在从左侧车道向中间车道并线时,与右侧并线车辆发生了剐蹭。事故发生后,C先生和右车司机争吵不休,双方都觉得自己是无责的。C先生说,因为右侧并线车辆的左转向灯不亮,导致自己产生误判,因此责任应该由右侧车辆来负。 没一会儿,交警来了,看了事故现场后说,这次事故应该由C先生负全责。我国的交通法规定:在并线时,左车道应该让右车道车辆先行,否则一旦发生事故,由左车道车辆负全责。但交警听了C先生的陈述后说,右侧并线车辆的左转向灯不亮也是一个造成交通事故的客观因素,因此做出了C先生负主要责任,右侧车道司机负次要责任的裁决。 6. 连续并线属违章 虽然是新手,但Y先生开车比较快,这天在空旷的马路上,他不知不觉就把车开到85km/h(该路段限速为80km/h)。这时,前车突然一个急刹车,由于车距较近,Y先生已经刹不住车了,车辆连并两条车道后终于停下了。Y先生注意到路边的摄像头,一查得知,自己果然已被记录在案了。不过“罪名”居然是连续并线两条车道,而不是超速。 老司机黄先生道出了原因:连续并线容易出危险,因此被明令禁止。另外,黄师傅说,如果道路限速80km/h,那么因为猛踩油门而造成的10km/h以下的超速是允许的,这是交管部门留下的缓冲空间,但超速行为绝不提倡。 有句话叫“小心行得万年船”,虽然新手手生,反应慢,对各种交通信号还不完全理解,但只要记住“小心”和“礼让”的大原则,做一名守法的好司机并不难。 y the project manager, project manager, functional departments and heads of specializeddetermine corrective, preventive and improvement measures of performance. 3.4.4 evaluation method and procedure (1) review: b tem toned with the quality policy and the achievement of the goals, status and suitability evaluation of the quality management sysinformation (complaints and satisfaction); Quality records, quality compliance with trend reports, analysis of results; Combirvice nal and external quality audits and corrective effect; Customer feedback on the construction, installation, commissioning, seartment is responsible for specific tasks. 3.4.3 the management review should compare and evaluate the following input: interol Depss. 3.4.2 Administration review by the project manager responsible for organization and implementation, project quality contrew should be an annual review of its quality management system to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectivenet revinager, including needed improvements; Always be aware that the customer's needs and requirements. 3.4 3.4.1 project management the quality management system is implemented and maintained; The running of the quality management system to the project mare thaquality management system and supervision, regardless of how his other responsibilities, should have a clear mandate to: ensuct manager in this item specifies that the Chief Engineer is the management representative, responsible for the operation of proje : Project Management Department of finance; Security and fire services: project security. 3.3.5 management representative andty controls: the project Department of safety and security; Construction machinery: Project Engineering Department; Financialand equipment: material supply projects; Securi section of the Department of project management; Project documents and information: Project Engineering Department; Materials3 图解十字路口如何按照红绿灯指示行车 看见本坛有帖子询问,大家也发表了很多不同意见,褒贬不一,,所以在此解释一下。 一、红绿灯 从灯组结构上看,红绿灯分为带箭头指示和无箭头指示两种,前者都是近几年新装的,后者比较老旧。 从安装形式上看,又分为横装和竖装两种。横装灯从左向右分别是:红灯、黄灯和绿灯;竖装灯从上到下分别是:红灯、黄灯和绿灯。 图一:禁止直行和左转,右转通行,无箭头,。??? 图二:禁止直行和左转,右转通行,带箭头, nager, project manager, functional departments and heads of specializedect macorrective, preventive and improvement measures of performance. 3.4.4 evaluation method and procedure (1) review: by the projity policy and the achievement of the goals, status and suitability evaluation of the quality management system to determine qual (complaints and satisfaction); Quality records, quality compliance with trend reports, analysis of results; Combined with the quality audits and corrective effect; Customer feedback on the construction, installation, commissioning, service informationernal responsible for specific tasks. 3.4.3 the management review should compare and evaluate the following input: internal and exttration review by the project manager responsible for organization and implementation, project quality control Department is dminise an annual review of its quality management system to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. 3.4.2 Aneeded improvements; Always be aware that the customer's needs and requirements. 3.4 3.4.1 project management review should buding ty management system is implemented and maintained; The running of the quality management system to the project manager, inclt system and supervision, regardless of how his other responsibilities, should have a clear mandate to: ensure that the qualiagemenin this item specifies that the Chief Engineer is the management representative, responsible for the operation of quality manent Department of finance; Security and fire services: project security. 3.3.5 management representative and project manager anagem: the project Department of safety and security; Construction machinery: Project Engineering Department; Financial: Project Mcuments and information: Project Engineering Department; Materials and equipment: material supply projects; Security controlssection of the Department of project management; Project do4 图三:丁字口处直行和左转通行 丁字口禁止左转,直行通行 artment is responsible for specific tasks. 3.4.3 the management review should compare and evaluate the following input: interol Depss. 3.4.2 Administration review by the project manager responsible for organization and implementation, project quality contrew should be an annual review of its quality management system to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectivenet revinager, including needed improvements; Always be aware that the customer's needs and requirements. 3.4 3.4.1 project management the quality management system is implemented and maintained; The running of the quality management system to the project mare thaquality management system and supervision, regardless of how his other responsibilities, should have a clear mandate to: ensuct manager in this item specifies that the Chief Engineer is the management representative, responsible for the operation of proje : Project Management Department of finance; Security and fire services: project security. 3.3.5 management representative andty controls: the project Department of safety and security; Construction machinery: Project Engineering Department; Financialand equipment: material supply projects; Securi section of the Department of project management; Project documents and information: Project Engineering Department; Materialsy the project manager, project manager, functional departments and heads of specializeddetermine corrective, preventive and improvement measures of performance. 3.4.4 evaluation method and procedure (1) review: b tem toned with the quality policy and the achievement of the goals, status and suitability evaluation of the quality management sysinformation (complaints and satisfaction); Quality records, quality compliance with trend reports, analysis of results; Combirvice nal and external quality audits and corrective effect; Customer feedback on the construction, installation, commissioning, se5 图四:禁止直行和右转。这种路口要么禁右,要么需等待绿灯放行。 ernal responsible for specific tasks. 3.4.3 the management review should compare and evaluate the following input: internal and exttration review by the project manager responsible for organization and implementation, project quality control Department is dminise an annual review of its quality management system to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. 3.4.2 Aneeded improvements; Always be aware that the customer's needs and requirements. 3.4 3.4.1 project management review should buding ty management system is implemented and maintained; The running of the quality management system to the project manager, inclt system and supervision, regardless of how his other responsibilities, should have a clear mandate to: ensure that the qualiagemenin this item specifies that the Chief Engineer is the management representative, responsible for the operation of quality manent Department of finance; Security and fire services: project security. 3.3.5 management representative and project manager anagem: the project Department of safety and security; Construction machinery: Project Engineering Department; Financial: Project Mcuments and information: Project Engineering Department; Materials and equipment: material supply projects; Security controlssection of the Department of project management; Project donager, project manager, functional departments and heads of specializedect macorrective, preventive and improvement measures of performance. 3.4.4 evaluation method and procedure (1) review: by the projity policy and the achievement of the goals, status and suitability evaluation of the quality management system to determine qual (complaints and satisfaction); Quality records, quality compliance with trend reports, analysis of results; Combined with the quality audits and corrective effect; Customer feedback on the construction, installation, commissioning, service information6 不过,西安市有很多红绿灯没有倒计时读秒,这让等红灯的我们有时感到困惑。 二、左转等待区 在西安,只有很少路口有左转待转区。有待转区时,直行车辆通行时允许左转车辆在待转区等待;没有待转区的路段只能在白线内等待或按现场交警指挥行驶。 下面这幅图有两种可能,一是直行红灯,二是直行绿灯,但是大巴前的辆车不知所措 information (complaints and satisfaction); Quality records, quality compliance with trend reports, analysis of results; Combirvice nal and external quality audits and corrective effect; Customer feedback on the construction, installation, commissioning, seartment is responsible for specific tasks. 3.4.3 the management review should compare and evaluate the following input: interol Depss. 3.4.2 Administration review by the project manager responsible for organization and implementation, project quality contrew should be an annual review of its quality management system to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectivenet revinager, including needed improvements; Always be aware that the customer's needs and requirements. 3.4 3.4.1 project management the quality management system is implemented and maintained; The running of the quality management system to the project mare thaquality management system and supervision, regardless of how his other responsibilities, should have a clear mandate to: ensuct manager in this item specifies that the Chief Engineer is the management representative, responsible for the operation of proje : Project Management Department of finance; Security and fire services: project security. 3.3.5 management representative andty controls: the project Department of safety and security; Construction machinery: Project Engineering Department; Financialand equipment: material supply projects; Securi section of the Department of project management; Project documents and information: Project Engineering Department; Materialsy the project manager, project manager, functional departments and heads of specializeddetermine corrective, preventive and improvement measures of performance. 3.4.4 evaluation method and procedure (1) review: b tem toned with the quality policy and the achievement of the goals, status and suitability evaluation of the quality management sys7 提问者采纳 2010-07-04 21:41 左转弯,如果有左转箭头灯,需要等箭头灯变绿灯;如果是圆灯,可以和直行的一起走; 右转时候,如果有右转箭头灯,需要等箭头灯变绿灯通行;如果是圆灯,红绿灯时都可以通行,但是需要让直行车和行人先行。 (complaints and satisfaction); Quality records, quality compliance with trend reports, analysis of results; Combined with the quality audits and corrective effect; Customer feedback on the construction, installation, commissioning, service informationernal responsible for specific tasks. 3.4.3 the management review should compare and evaluate the following input: internal and exttration review by the project manager responsible for organization and implementation, project quality control Department is dminise an annual review of its quality management system to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. 3.4.2 Aneeded improvements; Always be aware that the customer's needs and requirements. 3.4 3.4.1 project management review should buding ty management system is implemented and maintained; The running of the quality management system to the project manager, inclt system and supervision, regardless of how his other responsibilities, should have a clear mandate to: ensure that the qualiagemenin this item specifies that the Chief Engineer is the management representative, responsible for the operation of quality manent Department of finance; Security and fire services: project security. 3.3.5 management representative and project manager anagem: the project Department of safety and security; Construction machinery: Project Engineering Department; Financial: Project Mcuments and information: Project Engineering Department; Materials and equipment: material supply projects; Security controlssection of the Department of project management; Project donager, project manager, functional departments and heads of specializedect macorrective, preventive and improvement measures of performance. 3.4.4 evaluation method and procedure (1) review: by the projity policy and the achievement of the goals, status and suitability evaluation of the quality management system to determine qual 8
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