首页 > 人工智能机器会不会具有意识(Artificial intelligence will machines have consciousness)

人工智能机器会不会具有意识(Artificial intelligence will machines have consciousness)

2018-03-09 10页 doc 39KB 30阅读




人工智能机器会不会具有意识(Artificial intelligence will machines have consciousness)人工智能机器会不会具有意识(Artificial intelligence will machines have consciousness) 人工智能机器会不会具有意识(Artificial intelligence will machines have consciousness) In a more in-depth understanding of information technology at the same time, after writing thousands of lines of code, ...
人工智能机器会不会具有意识(Artificial intelligence will machines have consciousness)
人工智能机器会不会具有意识(Artificial intelligence will machines have consciousness) 人工智能机器会不会具有意识(Artificial intelligence will machines have consciousness) In a more in-depth understanding of information technology at the same time, after writing thousands of lines of code, after the communications revolution today, settling down this is not a new topic: our machine, whether can have the envy of all consciousness? Through some ideological and written collation, through the following to express my views. In addition, it is necessary to note that all the terms and opinions involved are not well documented. Machine and Human In the busy construction site, it seems chaotic mixer to stir mortar and stones, crane had tons of materials to tens of meters in height; in the General Company production workshop, mechanical arm automatic assembly parts on the assembly line as it shows its dexterity and accuracy, while in the control room of another head in the quiet surface of computer equipment actually in the "mind" to complete the internal operation and control of very complex, as an experienced leader can do that. Now, opening the window, in the street, in the factory, in the school, in the hospital - wherever you can think, presents a perfect and wonderful picture of a man and a machine working together. And that's not a new look. As early as a long time ago, our ancestors understood how to use some tools to make themselves seem "idle"". This can be considered as the prototype of the so-called machine. Now, my question is: why does this happen, and is it getting better and better? The answer seems to be obviously: the great power of natural selection gives it to have the reward, so we lucky enough to become the so-called "robot ruler", and has a great ability to survive. Here, let's take a look at our own ability. I'm going to describe one of my experiences. Somewhere in the campus on the site, a huge "cat" in digging. Its strong cat claw thorn deep in mud, and then bend the wrist dexterity, easy to scoop up a full car of the earth, then it came off in the giant truck, and then continue to dig. The whole scene is rumbling, workers only need to sit in the cab all lift lever. Then I suddenly had a strange idea: if this is a living creature, if it suddenly doesn't listen to it, can we stop the machine that is infinitely powerful? Maybe you think this is nonsense, because you would say that it doesn't even have a computer or chip, and you're going to expect a bunch of steel to think? But it's not hard to put it on the computer. The reality is that most of today's machines belong to a system called industrial automatic control. The computer plays the role of the original worker, and is even better. From space planes to microchips, from farm tractors to your standard keyboards, it's hard to believe that these are produced smoothly and easily by the computer. It seems that machines have taken part in the process of replacing people. What about us? The fact is not so pessimistic. Because you're going to ask me the same question. Here's my question: will the machine ultimately have consciousness? Before that, let's examine another related theme: why human beings are conscious? Here, I first stand on the premise that human beings have "consciousness". That is to say, other species "no"". This is the opposite of the strong AI (Artificial Intelligence) point of view. The strong AI believes that not only humans, other mammals, insects, and even stones, have wisdom (they equate it with consciousness) in it. Or, as long as the object of a certain algorithm is obeyed, it is full of wisdom". I'm going back to this topic later. In mammals, I think it at least some perception, but the words of stone, but I beg to differ. So, where's the difference? You think that only human beings have consciousness, So, is there any kind of operable, active, and judged method for this valuable property? A bottom line view is that if a species is conscious, then it will think about why it is conscious. It's like saying that the sign of maturity for young people is that he learns to think about the meaning of life as clearly as possible. Conscious human beings are constantly exploring the meaning of our existence. Robots can produce similar behavior through program control. You can make a machine to do all day thinking: why am I here? What is the meaning of life? But is completely different. Natural selection will mercilessly eliminate this waste, and human self-awareness is the result of natural selection. The answer to the question is here. The reason why human beings are conscious is the result of natural selection. Consciousness makes man have the advantage of surviving, and the ability to conquer disaster. If consciousness is useless, why doesn't nature evolve into automata? Why does nature prefer animals with autonomy like humans, and why does nature not evolve machines? It seems that we can be so proud, and some lucky ideas, because humans are better than machines. Under the "barbaric" jungle law, a member of the human race escaped the tracking of a leopard. At this critical moment, our fellow citizens have not forgotten to use his most powerful weapon: the power of consciousness. He accurately identified the leopard up position, clever setting a barbed cloth trap, then at hiding in a tree waiting behind. Sure enough, the foolish Panther fell into the trap and lost his life. Consciousness saved his life once more. We will find that the skills of cruel our clever fellow: he knows the bad judgment, know the barb. Or, he has the ability to know. This is the greatest power of consciousness, and the sign of consciousness. Consciousness can help people in the brain left the world, like alluding to or "movie", then the abstract, as we draw beneficial conclusions and correct views, so as to guide our actions. Before the barb may make him hurt, and he in a panic may fall into a deep pit. This made him learn to survive. So how did he learn that? Is the automatic program telling him, or is it instinctive? So there's the next question: is consciousness arithmetic? In order to discuss this problem, we first need to know something about the behavior of machines (mainly modern machines). Modern intelligent devices consist of sensors, input tapes, central processors, output tape and actuators. The behavior of an automatic walking robot is a typical example. The camera or sensor of infrared guidance told the processor, there are obstacles in front, then according to the filling procedure, a processor to "avoid the bypass instruction, control steering and track a series of movement system around the steering action. Here, the function of the algorithm is the "soul" of the robot". All the movements of the machine, are in strict accordance with clear clear procedural requirements, so as to solve problems strict in demands, no "sometimes desperate" the wrong choice or decision. So, when the soul of this kind of algorithm develops to be extremely complex, precise and effective, does it produce a great "spirit"? If so, then, the infinite choice of nature gives us a family of more and more perfect algorithms And with the gradual development of hardware and software technology, we will eventually seek a similar wonderful algorithm and give it to the machine, so that the machine has the ultimate wealth of the universe - consciousness? Here, it's necessary to have a good understanding of our minds. In our heads, it contains the biggest secret of the universe. They are the structure of the brain, cerebellum, brainstem, thalamus, hypothalamus and hippocampus after eccentric. Among them, The brain performs functions such as tactile, visual, auditory signals processing, neural impulse signals related to muscles, language, logical abstraction, and artistic appreciation. The cerebellum is fully responsible for physical coordination, accurate and stable movements. Brain stem is the base of life, it is responsible for some lower but more important mission: control our heartbeat, breathing and blood circulation and other tasks. The hippocampus seems to be associated with permanent memory. We also have many related experience: when we go to the park, often while enjoying the beautiful scenery, while tasting the hands of ice cream, while some anecdote, thinking about the day, legs were still responsible for walking, breathing, heartbeat and other more is in the while we learn everything in good order and well arranged; table tennis often, a sense of the control of our hands, in the moment "to" how to complete an action, but as soon as we have learned, these are completely without thinking, almost turned into our body reflex, and the action is more flexible than you think it is beautiful; and when you recall something when necessary, not in the brain to replay it and size without leakage, just a thought almost know all the details of this thing, but when you say it, it is like Replay so time-consuming; but when you turned a corner when you suddenly get a wonderful idea, make a mathematical puzzle you smoothly done or easily solved for a long time, you almost have no doubt of its correctness, but in fact it is only a moment, you still have to strictly prove fundamental and future...... Similar about our grand mind story is too numerous to mention. Here, we seem to get a vague conclusion: this seems to be different from the computer's algorithm. Algorithms can't do such complex tasks. Actually, it's not a matter of principle. Looking at the speed of our current information industry, it seems that we can solve this kind of tough programming in a few decades. You can now even simulate some brain's conscious behavior, and it's perfectly lifelike, but that's not the same solution at the same level. The actual research shows that the precise control of the cerebellum on the body without consciousness, so the algorithm is more close to the behavior, and almost impossible to crack and interpretation, and the brain's conscious behavior, but there are obvious non algorithmic tendencies, but also conforms to the "easier to understand the problem of logic". So, recalling the process of learning table tennis, learning process is from scratch "understanding" process, is the process of conscious participation, and learn to become the cerebellum after the control algorithm behavior. It seems that we have initially discovered that knowledge seems to leave us with a non algorithmic impression in our whole picture of consciousness. The behavior of the machine did not leave us with a similar impression. At this point, the machine is not even as good as a gorilla or a cat looking in the mirror, and in fact it's not as good as it is. If this statement is non awareness algorithm "to obtain further" the machine does not have the consciousness of "the conclusion is premature, but we did find a sign of the two (perhaps not essential) difference: cognitive ability, or seek truth judgment. Of course, materialist dialectics teaches us the ability to "work", but obviously, labor belongs to the ability to "transform" nature, and knowledge is its first step. Materialist dialectics seems to have some "non pure academic" impression. The further question is: does the mind leave room for it for free will? Assuming that our spirit from all the algorithms established, then we will actually become a face stimulus signal reflect the automaton, and free will is into a dead end. If our minds are non algorithmic, then there is a place to live, such as pleasure, impulse, depression, and sinister. The greatest difficulty faced by free will comes from determinism in physics. In classical physics, even in the U part of quantum mechanics, When all of the state of a given moment in your system, then all the state of the system before and after all is determined, or, from the big bang moment, the universe is (perhaps probability) laid down. There's no room for poor free will. The problem is that "decision" and "algorithm" are different categories. I insist that the universe is determined, but it is only determined by the physical laws that restrict its behavior (which is not equivalent to the formula), and this family of laws may contain non algorithmic elements. So, in this unified theory of determinism, there is the reason for the existence of non algorithmic consciousness, and it is these non algorithmic factors that make the universe evolve consciousness. Since the universe allows the evolution of algorithm factors containing non consciousness, so, this awareness in the framework of determinism, and "insatiable" with "free" factors? What is the definition of freedom? Is it "complete" freedom? Obviously not. Freedom refers to the selectivity under the domination of the laws of physics. The unified theory of quantum gravity is not to the exclusion of random factors with probability elements, it defines the choice of reasonable and "appropriate" for us, the options in the space is about "close" to infinity, this does not allow us to do as an "outsider", but that we have a choice your path power - free will. You can choose to study and play computer games at some point, which is your choice, but it doesn't violate determinism. If you were Xiao all state of the universe for a moment, and then to calculate your future, I think, you calculate almost countless future possibilities for complex linear superposition, and even according to your mental state also calculate you will choose what kind of possible, and you deliberately choose the another, you will cheer loudly for free? This is an obvious paradox. Therefore, here, I can only confirm that the universe is not calculated, is non algorithm, if you really know all the state of the universe was a moment, nor can you according to your theory of unification out the future of the universe, because the algorithm does not give the non calculation ability. This is barely avoided paradox. Here, we know that consciousness provides us with the benefits of selective evolution, and that consciousness has non algorithmic components, and that the algorithmic properties of the machine do not make it conscious at the same level. Human beings have consciousness even envy free will. But the question comes: what's the non algorithm? Now that it exists and looks so extraordinary, how exactly do we describe it in a precise way? When we find the essence of it, will we create a non algorithmic machine? Will the machine be conscious at that time? And a more childlike question: where do we come from? What are we going to do? Where are we going?
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