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狗狗不能吃的水果蔬菜狗狗不能吃的水果蔬菜 狗能吃和不能吃的水果蔬菜 下面是应该避免的: 葡萄和葡萄干: 葡萄和葡萄干可以导致狗肾衰竭. 有时仅仅一个葡萄干就可以害 死一条狗. 洋葱: 洋葱破坏狗的红细胞并可导致贫血. 巧克力:巧克力可导致心脏病发作,昏迷和死亡. 咖啡,咖啡豆,茶和袋茶:含咖啡因的饮料/食品对狗和巧克力一样致命. 澳洲坚果和胡桃:澳洲坚果可导致虚脱,肌肉痉挛以及瘫痪.其他坚果对狗来说也不好,坚果里有很高的磷含量有可能导致肾结石,应尽量避免.花生酱是一个例外, 不过如喂食花生酱,应选用有机无糖花生酱 动物脂肪和油炸食品...
狗狗不能吃的水果蔬菜 狗能吃和不能吃的水果蔬菜 下面是应该避免的: 葡萄和葡萄干: 葡萄和葡萄干可以导致狗肾衰竭. 有时仅仅一个葡萄干就可以害 死一条狗. 洋葱: 洋葱破坏狗的红细胞并可导致贫血. 巧克力:巧克力可导致心脏病发作,昏迷和死亡. 咖啡,咖啡豆,茶和袋茶:含咖啡因的饮料/食品对狗和巧克力一样致命. 澳洲坚果和胡桃:澳洲坚果可导致虚脱,肌肉痉挛以及瘫痪.其他坚果对狗来说也不好,坚果里有很高的磷含量有可能导致肾结石,应尽量避免.花生酱是一个例外, 不过如喂食花生酱,应选用有机无糖花生酱 动物脂肪和油炸食品:过量的脂肪会导致胰腺炎 骨头:熟骨头会扎破狗的内脏.当喂食生骨头时,一定要时刻监督.注意不要让狗吞 咽骨头碎片. 西红柿:西红柿会导致痉挛和心率失常.不过这个问题是有待辩论的,因为有一些 高品质狗粮里含有西红柿. 牛油果:牛油果本身,果核和果树都是有毒的。他们会导致狗呼吸困难以及胸腔腹 腔以及心脏积水.据一些人的理论.牛油果的油对狗是有好处的. 肉豆蔻:肉豆蔻可导致痉挛,心脏病发作以及死亡. 苹果,樱桃,梨以及类似水果是对狗非常有好处的---但是,他们的籽和果核含有氰化物,对人和狗来说都是致命毒物.氰化物可也存在狗的肠道里,并在24小时之内 没有任何预兆的使狗死亡. 生鸡蛋:生鸡蛋可致使沙门氏菌中毒.稍炒一下再给狗食用最为合适. 盐:过量的盐可导致肾脏问题. 蘑菇:可以致命. 对狗安全并有好处的水果蔬菜: 去皮去核无籽的苹果,梨、胡萝卜、西兰花、蓝莓、豌豆.、青豆.、水田芥.、芹 菜.、南瓜、甜薯、去皮土豆(土豆皮对狗有毒)、白胡桃汁.。 狗狗所不能吃的瓜果 先说蔬菜,其实像红萝卜,马铃薯煮熟后对狗没有伤害,却也没什么太高的营养价值,只是模仿人类餐点的装饰。或许有的狗很爱吃某些蔬菜,但也间接造成挑食,饲料中已包含纤维质。 从国外网站和讨章探讨的结论与我们的认知不同,水果对于狗并没有益处,只有口感,不具备狗需要的reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 蛋白质(毕竟是狗不是人,需要的营养不同),甚至许多水果种子和果皮对狗是有害的。水果对狗的肠胃只有刺激性,人类摄取水果是为了得到VC,而狗从肉类食品或饲料中就能得到(经由一些复杂的生化过程自体转化为VC)VC会使动物的尿液酸化,过量的VC甚至会造成尿结石。 下面列出狗不能吃的蔬菜水果以及部位,还有可能产生的症状: 杏仁 桃子 野霉 苦瓜 李子类 梅子类 果肉不可过量,种子是完全不能吃。因为多数瓜果类的种子含氰化物(cyanide),可能导致下痢,呕吐,下腹疼痛。 梨 果肉,果皮和花都有毒,会导致呼吸困难和胸腔下腹或心脏积水。 花椰菜 刺激肠胃 樱桃 导致呼吸急促,休克,口腔炎,心跳急促。 洋菇 导致急性肠胃反应,肝脏和肾脏损伤,下腹痛,反胃恶心,呕唾液。 葡萄 葡萄干 梅子 肾衰竭,严重呕吐,下痢 香蕉等五毒性植物 香蕉目前在ASPCA(新西兰流浪动物救助组织,就是救助中国黑熊的)还是列于五毒性植物之一,但ASPCA也特别提到,所谓五毒性只是让狗食用后如果有产生上述症状还是比较轻微的,或者对于狗的胃肠道没有很大影响,通常不需要特别治疗。这类蔬菜水果可以吃,但如果出现上述症状,就示喂食过量了。 另外,苹果内也含有一定量的生物碱,长期大量食用对狗狗的健康也有不良影响。 用人类的角度来帮狗思考,怕他们吃腻了,吃烦了,这样问题反而更多哟。 【特别提醒】:狗不能吃葡萄~~~葡萄是很危险的,它能引起狗急性肾衰竭。宠物主人往往不能意识到这个表现的严重性,等送到医院时,经常容易错过抢救机会。 葡萄引发的中毒迹象往往在6小时内发生症状,表现为精神沉郁、上吐下泻、食欲不振,呕吐物或排泄物中可能有葡萄的残渣,典型的症状跟急性胃肠炎一样。大部分狗在24,72小时内就会开始发生急性肾衰竭,初期没有尿液生成或尿液量太少,脱水与狂喝水现象很常见,此时,血液中的ca、p及尿毒症指数会上升,并发尿毒症的狗如果没有好好的进行医疗处理,往往都会死亡。对于葡萄引发的狗急性肾衰竭的机制目前还不是很清楚,可能是对肾脏的某些结构造成损害。有文献,如果狗狗每公斤体重吃了超过11.5克的葡萄,很有可能就会无法医治。 【注意~~~】 1、 千万不要给狗狗喂食葡萄,葡萄干也不行; reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 2、 请将残渣收好处理掉,千万别让狗吃到; 3、 一旦发现狗吃葡萄中毒,及早治疗,不要以为急性肠胃炎吃点药即可,错过最佳治疗时机。 【另附】询问医师/大敦宠物医院戴更基院长 一、请问狗狗可以吃蔬菜或喝果汁,来取代可能含化学物质的罐头食品吗, 答:当然是可以,不过我觉得所谓的「有机生活」,有点吹毛求疵,麻烦极了,而且我必须先提醒几项禁忌,切忌洋葱、巧克力、葡萄、百合、巴西磨菇这些食物狗都不能吃,尤其巴西磨菇、葡萄都有肾毒性,吃了可能引起肾衰竭,千万不能吃。 我在此提供一份国外针对肾衰竭的狗(一只10公斤未结紮),所开出的健康食谱: 「360克的煮过白米、35克鸡胸肉(无骨带皮)、20克黄豆油、1.5克的碳酸钙、0.25克的盐、1.25克氯化钾、1.5克的维他命。」 做法非常的麻烦复杂,我真不知谁能做的到,而且前提是狗狗不能偏食,上述食物得全吃光才有效喔。而且一旦开始之後,饲主大概也别想出远门了,看看有谁能帮你做出这分食谱, 二、国外提倡有机食材,据说在澳洲有专卖狗狗吃的生牛肉,我们在家里可以自制哪些食材给狗狗吃, 答:最近有关吃生牛肉的问题,在国外也引起广泛讨论;其实,生肉的营养成分没问题,但生肉保存不易,容易孳生生菌、腐败、产生寄生虫等问题,而且,狗狗也不能生吃生肉,还得注意营养均衡的问题。其实,几百年前动物近是靠吃生肉过活,寿命并不长,现代才逐渐进化成吃饲料,所以我不知道是否真有此必要, 三、如果家人吃素,狗狗可以一起跟着吃素吗,会不会营养失衡, 答:当然可以吃素,只要营养均衡的话,其实市面上就有贩卖素狗粮。 四、坊间的手工饼乾等都标榜健康,到底有没有效用, 答:这些饼乾应该都有标示成份,对健康显然不会有害,所以喂食时,只要记得均衡原则,每天的饲料也要跟着减量,不要把狗狗越喂越肥,结果适得其反。 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 黄焖鸡米饭加盟 iulZ277723yY reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give
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