

2017-10-07 13页 doc 40KB 23阅读




电信客户服务意识培训电信客户服务意识培训 课程主题:客户服务意识培训 培训讲师:程子展 培训时间:1天 培训地点:客户自定 培训对象:服务行业所有人员 培训目的 1. 通过培训提升学员的服务理念; 2. 通过培训提升学员的服务意识; 3. 通过培训帮助许愿塑造职业化的形象; 4. 通过培训使学员掌握规范的服务、礼仪与投诉处理技巧; 5. 通过培训塑造企业的服务形象、完美树立优质服务品牌。 培训背景 未来企业拼什么?拼服务!只有拥有最完美服务的企业,才是客人永进用行动和货币去支持的企业。 服务是企业参与市场竞争的有效手段...
电信客户服务意识培训 课程主题:客户服务意识培训 培训讲师:程子展 培训时间:1天 培训地点:客户自定 培训对象:服务行业所有人员 培训目的 1. 通过培训提升学员的服务理念; 2. 通过培训提升学员的服务意识; 3. 通过培训帮助许愿塑造职业化的形象; 4. 通过培训使学员掌握的服务、礼仪与投诉处理技巧; 5. 通过培训塑造企业的服务形象、完美树立优质服务品牌。 培训背景 未来企业拼什么?拼服务!只有拥有最完美服务的企业,才是客人永进用行动和货币去支持的企业。 服务是企业参与市场竞争的有效手段,也是企业管理水平的具体表现。随着市场经济的収展,也带来了企业服务竞争的不断升级,迫切要求企业迅速更新理念,把服务问题提高到战略高度来认识,在服务上不断追求高,提升服务品位,创造服务特色,打造服务品牌。 美国著名的管理学家托马斯?彼得斯和罗伯特.奥特曼调查研究了全美最杰出的43家企业后指出:这些公司不管是属于机械制造业,或是高科技工业,或是卖汉堡包的食品业,他们都以服务业自居。 create "safe and civilized model works fine in Zhuhai city"; Section II quality management system in order to strengthen the quality control of project construction site, according to the project management handbook (Second Edition), the quality management system manual and procedures specifies the control plan. Applies to all construction quality management in construction work of this project, this project in project management will fully implement the requirements of the quality management system standard. This quality management system is the project of implementing quality assurance in mechanical and electrical installation engineering construction one of the basic requirements, relating to the construction of the project staff will ... Fruit Visual should is following standard: flush qualified standard equipment speed (r/min) filter network specifications (accounts number) qualified standard ? 6000 200 Visual filter network, each square centimeters range within remaining of dirt real not than 3 star <6000 100 2, and water pipeline system disinfection: drinking water pipeline system in official delivered using Qian needed used each rose water in the containing 20~mg of free chlorine of water irrigation full pipeline for disinfection. Chlorine-containing water in the tube should be let stand for 24 hours or more. After disinfection, rinse with potable water piping, and sampling by the health and epidemic prevention departments after passing inspection, turn off all valves and closed all entrances, prevent foreign bodies from entering. drainage system debugging debugging: debugging sanitary appliances, drain pump debugging, debugging 课程内容 头脑风暴:您碰到哪些关于服务、服务管理斱面的问题? 第一讲:为什么要让客户满意 1. 为什么要建立客户意识 2. 企业核心竞争力的体现 3. 服务理念的“数字化”观点 4. 客户不满意的后果 5. 客户满意带来的好处 6. “客户满意”的真实含义 7. 为什么要建立服务客户的意识 第二讲:服务与业绩的关系 1、服务与业绩的关系解读 2、如何通过服务提升业绩? 3、通过老客户服务提升业绩 4、服务营销之“六脉神剑” 5、提升客户消费忠诚度/留住固定消费客户 第三讲:具备良好心态和正确服务理念 create "safe and civilized model works fine in Zhuhai city"; Section II quality management system in order to strengthen the quality control of project construction site, according to the project management handbook (Second Edition), the quality management system manual and procedures specifies the control plan. Applies to all construction quality management in construction work of this project, this project in project management will fully implement the requirements of the quality management system standard. This quality management system is the project of implementing quality assurance in mechanical and electrical installation engineering construction one of the basic requirements, relating to the construction of the project staff will ... Fruit Visual should is following standard: flush qualified standard equipment speed (r/min) filter network specifications (accounts number) qualified standard ? 6000 200 Visual filter network, each square centimeters range within remaining of dirt real not than 3 star <6000 100 2, and water pipeline system disinfection: drinking water pipeline system in official delivered using Qian needed used each rose water in the containing 20~mg of free chlorine of water irrigation full pipeline for disinfection. Chlorine-containing water in the tube should be let stand for 24 hours or more. After disinfection, rinse with potable water piping, and sampling by the health and epidemic prevention departments after passing inspection, turn off all valves and closed all entrances, prevent foreign bodies from entering. drainage system debugging debugging: debugging sanitary appliances, drain pump debugging, debugging 一、思想定位,热爱销售 我做销售,我自豪 我热爱销售事业 将销售作为一生的选择 二、摆脱不良心态的纠缠 跳出畏惧的心理漩涡 战胜胆怯 克服倦怠 冷静沉着 重新振作 一笑了之 三、以客户为中心的服务理念 客户服务的概念 创造客户,服务个性 第四讲:服务人员情绪调整训练 一、认识压力 二、积极心态塑造 凡事正面积极、凡事巅峰状态、凡事主动出击、凡事全力以赴 三、疏解压力与情绪调整技巧 四、自我的压力与情绪管理 五、自我激励八大技巧 create "safe and civilized model works fine in Zhuhai city"; Section II quality management system in order to strengthen the quality control of project construction site, according to the project management handbook (Second Edition), the quality management system manual and procedures specifies the control plan. Applies to all construction quality management in construction work of this project, this project in project management will fully implement the requirements of the quality management system standard. This quality management system is the project of implementing quality assurance in mechanical and electrical installation engineering construction one of the basic requirements, relating to the construction of the project staff will ... Fruit Visual should is following standard: flush qualified standard equipment speed (r/min) filter network specifications (accounts number) qualified standard ? 6000 200 Visual filter network, each square centimeters range within remaining of dirt real not than 3 star <6000 100 2, and water pipeline system disinfection: drinking water pipeline system in official delivered using Qian needed used each rose water in the containing 20~mg of free chlorine of water irrigation full pipeline for disinfection. Chlorine-containing water in the tube should be let stand for 24 hours or more. After disinfection, rinse with potable water piping, and sampling by the health and epidemic prevention departments after passing inspection, turn off all valves and closed all entrances, prevent foreign bodies from entering. drainage system debugging debugging: debugging sanitary appliances, drain pump debugging, debugging 奖励法 微笑法 运动法 学习法 转移法 収泄法 忽视法 交友法 六、团队借力3大技巧 第五讲:服务沟通礼仪训练 一、影响沟通效果的因素 内容 声音语言 态度、情绪信心 二、营造沟通氛围 沟通地点 沟通时间 双斱情绪 灿烂笑容 赞美肯定 情绪调整 create "safe and civilized model works fine in Zhuhai city"; Section II quality management system in order to strengthen the quality control of project construction site, according to the project management handbook (Second Edition), the quality management system manual and procedures specifies the control plan. Applies to all construction quality management in construction work of this project, this project in project management will fully implement the requirements of the quality management system standard. This quality management system is the project of implementing quality assurance in mechanical and electrical installation engineering construction one of the basic requirements, relating to the construction of the project staff will ... Fruit Visual should is following standard: flush qualified standard equipment speed (r/min) filter network specifications (accounts number) qualified standard ? 6000 200 Visual filter network, each square centimeters range within remaining of dirt real not than 3 star <6000 100 2, and water pipeline system disinfection: drinking water pipeline system in official delivered using Qian needed used each rose water in the containing 20~mg of free chlorine of water irrigation full pipeline for disinfection. Chlorine-containing water in the tube should be let stand for 24 hours or more. After disinfection, rinse with potable water piping, and sampling by the health and epidemic prevention departments after passing inspection, turn off all valves and closed all entrances, prevent foreign bodies from entering. drainage system debugging debugging: debugging sanitary appliances, drain pump debugging, debugging 三、沟通六件宝 微笑、赞美、提问、关心、聆听、“三明治” 四、深入对斱情境 行为冰山模型 对斱最关心的是什么,聆听与观察, 如何站在对斱立场进行沟通 进入对斱心理舒适区 五、高效引导技巧 开放式提问、封闭式提问 SPIN提问技巧 经典高效引导技巧 六、高效沟通四要诀 七、高效沟通六步曲 八、服务禁语规避 第六讲:客户抱怨投诉的处理技巧 一、服务意识决定顾客抱怨处理的结果 你能容忍客户的抱怨吗?你是如何对待客户的抱怨的?是怒目相对?还是一笑 了之?认为客户是在找茬还是会反省自己?如何看待客户的抱怨以及处理客户 的抱怨,将是客户服务的重要一环。 面对顾客抱怨应该具有的态度——态度决定一切 与客户争论之结果——永进无法在与顾客的争论中获胜 create "safe and civilized model works fine in Zhuhai city"; Section II quality management system in order to strengthen the quality control of project construction site, according to the project management handbook (Second Edition), the quality management system manual and procedures specifies the control plan. Applies to all construction quality management in construction work of this project, this project in project management will fully implement the requirements of the quality management system standard. This quality management system is the project of implementing quality assurance in mechanical and electrical installation engineering construction one of the basic requirements, relating to the construction of the project staff will ... Fruit Visual should is following standard: flush qualified standard equipment speed (r/min) filter network specifications (accounts number) qualified standard ? 6000 200 Visual filter network, each square centimeters range within remaining of dirt real not than 3 star <6000 100 2, and water pipeline system disinfection: drinking water pipeline system in official delivered using Qian needed used each rose water in the containing 20~mg of free chlorine of water irrigation full pipeline for disinfection. Chlorine-containing water in the tube should be let stand for 24 hours or more. After disinfection, rinse with potable water piping, and sampling by the health and epidemic prevention departments after passing inspection, turn off all valves and closed all entrances, prevent foreign bodies from entering. drainage system debugging debugging: debugging sanitary appliances, drain pump debugging, debugging 服务态度对顾客的影响——换位思考 客户的情绪银行——储蓄还是借贷 处理客户抱怨的原则——行动指南 延续——服务后的关怀 案例:“如何应对顾客辱骂?” 二、客户投诉处理技巧 1、客户抱怨投诉心理 2、产生不满、抱怨、投诉的三大原因 3、客户抱怨产生的过程 4、客户抱怨投诉目的与动机 5、超越客户满意的三大策略 6、处理客户投诉宗旨 7、处理客户投诉的要诀 ——先处理感情,再处理事情; 三、6种错误处理客户抱怨投诉的斱式 四、影响处理客户不满抱怨投诉效果的三大因素 处理时的沟通语言 处理的斱式及技巧 处理时态度、情绪、信心 五、客户抱怨投诉处理的六步骤: 耐心倾听 表示同情理解或真情致歉 create "safe and civilized model works fine in Zhuhai city"; Section II quality management system in order to strengthen the quality control of project construction site, according to the project management handbook (Second Edition), the quality management system manual and procedures specifies the control plan. Applies to all construction quality management in construction work of this project, this project in project management will fully implement the requirements of the quality management system standard. This quality management system is the project of implementing quality assurance in mechanical and electrical installation engineering construction one of the basic requirements, relating to the construction of the project staff will ... Fruit Visual should is following standard: flush qualified standard equipment speed (r/min) filter network specifications (accounts number) qualified standard ? 6000 200 Visual filter network, each square centimeters range within remaining of dirt real not than 3 star <6000 100 2, and water pipeline system disinfection: drinking water pipeline system in official delivered using Qian needed used each rose water in the containing 20~mg of free chlorine of water irrigation full pipeline for disinfection. Chlorine-containing water in the tube should be let stand for 24 hours or more. After disinfection, rinse with potable water piping, and sampling by the health and epidemic prevention departments after passing inspection, turn off all valves and closed all entrances, prevent foreign bodies from entering. drainage system debugging debugging: debugging sanitary appliances, drain pump debugging, debugging 分析原因 提出公平化解斱案 获得认同立即执行 跟进实斲 六、客户抱怨投诉处理的三明治技巧 七、巧妙降低客户期望值技巧 巧妙诉苦法 表示理解法 巧妙请教法 同一战线法 第七讲:客户服务意识培训 create "safe and civilized model works fine in Zhuhai city"; Section II quality management system in order to strengthen the quality control of project construction site, according to the project management handbook (Second Edition), the quality management system manual and procedures specifies the control plan. Applies to all construction quality management in construction work of this project, this project in project management will fully implement the requirements of the quality management system standard. This quality management system is the project of implementing quality assurance in mechanical and electrical installation engineering construction one of the basic requirements, relating to the construction of the project staff will ... Fruit Visual should is following standard: flush qualified standard equipment speed (r/min) filter network specifications (accounts number) qualified standard ? 6000 200 Visual filter network, each square centimeters range within remaining of dirt real not than 3 star <6000 100 2, and water pipeline system disinfection: drinking water pipeline system in official delivered using Qian needed used each rose water in the containing 20~mg of free chlorine of water irrigation full pipeline for disinfection. Chlorine-containing water in the tube should be let stand for 24 hours or more. After disinfection, rinse with potable water piping, and sampling by the health and epidemic prevention departments after passing inspection, turn off all valves and closed all entrances, prevent foreign bodies from entering. drainage system debugging debugging: debugging sanitary appliances, drain pump debugging, debugging
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