首页 > 上海各种批发市场详细地址


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上海各种批发市场详细地址上海各种批发市场详细地址 我去过最多的就是七浦路和豫园了......感觉还可以 江阴路花鸟市场 上海最大的露天花鸟市场 东方路2981号 浦东地区大型花鸟市场 曹安路花卉市场(武宁路2207号) 市郊大型鲜花交易市场 精文花卉交易市场(陕西南路227号) 市内大型鲜花交易市场 太仓路 上海旧红木家具交易市场 浏河路(东台路) 上海古玩工艺品交易市场 文昌路(豫园商城) 上海珠宝工艺饰品一条街 福佑路69号(老城隍庙) 珠宝交易市场 豫园、福民街 小商品市场一条街 七浦路服装市场 上海最大露天服装批发市场 ...
上海各种批发市场详细地址 我去过最多的就是七浦路和豫园了......感觉还可以 江阴路花鸟市场 上海最大的露天花鸟市场 东方路2981号 浦东地区大型花鸟市场 曹安路花卉市场(武宁路2207号) 市郊大型鲜花交易市场 精文花卉交易市场(陕西南路227号) 市内大型鲜花交易市场 太仓路 上海旧红木家具交易市场 浏河路(东台路) 上海古玩工艺品交易市场 文昌路(豫园商城) 上海珠宝工艺饰品一条街 福佑路69号(老城隍庙) 珠宝交易市场 豫园、福民街 小商品市场一条街 七浦路服装市场 上海最大露天服装批发市场 香港路面料街 襄阳南路电器一条街 凤阳路 羊毛衫市场 柳林大厦(淮海东路) 羊毛衫市场 the 20 cases liver within hematoma, liver Schistosoma disease, (liver package insect disease) the 2 cases gallbladder stone, bile duct stone, urgent chronic cholecystitis, gallbladder cancer, gallbladder hyperplasia sex disease the 20 cases bile duct cancer, congenital bile duct SAC-like expansion syndrome, (biliary Ascaris disease) the 2 cases urgent, and chronic pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer the 10 cases pancreatic Island cell tumor, Pancreatic transfer tumor the 2 cases spleen enlargement, 5 cases spleen congenital exception (deficiency as, more spleen syndrome), spleen cyst, spleen lymphatic tumor, spleen vascular tumor, spleen transfer tumor the 2 cases urinary system kidney water, kidney cyst, kidney cancer, kidney stones, nephritis the 20 cases kidney congenital development exception (different bit kidney, and fusion kidney, and kidney deficiency as), kidney sagging, walk kidney, kidney week abscess, kidney TB, kidney function failure, (transplant kidney and complications) the 2 cases ureteral stone, Ureteral water, Ureteral tumor, pelvis cancer the 10 cases the 2 cases ureteral narrow, Ureteral cyst, bladder resting room the 2 cases bladder tumor, bladder stone the 20 cases obstetric and reproductive system normal early pregnancy, and in the pregnancy, and late pregnancy, exception pregnancy (various abortion, and different bit pregnancy, and more tire pregnancy, and expired pregnancy, and fetal growth hysteresis, and fetal deformity, and amniotic fluid too much, and amniotic fluid too little, and Qian reset placenta, and placenta early stripping, and implanted sex placenta), nourish leaves lesions (grape tire, malignant grape tire, and chorionic cancer) the 20 cases the 3 cases congenital uterine deformity, uterine muscle tumor, uterine gland tumor, uterine gland muscle syndrom 石门一路服饰街 斜土路266号275号 鞋类批发市场 公平路88号 大王庙公平鞋料市场 平利路143号灵石路口 上海保健品批发交易市场 大田路375号 上海酒类批发市场 曹安路轻纺市场(床上用品,窗帘等等) 还有:买床上用品,比如:床单,被子,窗帘等等要去曹安路的轻纺市场,要比外面的便宜一半以上。不过也是要慢慢淘的。 买外贸服装:可以去遵义路仙霞路旁的几个小店淘,还有就是长乐路到常熟路这一段的小店。 另:七宝附近的服装工厂,例如:小熊威尼等等很多工厂每季都会有厂价促销的服装,有大人的哟,还有袜子帽子围巾什么的,非常便宜,很实惠的。 精文花卉交易市场(陕西南路227号) 市内大型鲜花交易市场 七浦路服装市场 上海最大露天服装批发市场 兴旺批发市场 地下一楼主要是鞋和包的批发和零售,陕西路的大部分东西来源与这里 而一楼二楼主要是女装,有一部分外贸的产品还不错, 三楼主要是外贸的童装 新七浦市场以批发为主,主要是一些内地的品牌 华亭水果批发市场,中山西路2366号. 上海东方国贸西郊批发市场 彩电、空调、小家电、食品、服装、羊毛衫、床上用品、小商品、工艺品、窗帘装饰等的批发 地址: 上海市沪青平公路5 9 8号 the 20 cases liver within hematoma, liver Schistosoma disease, (liver package insect disease) the 2 cases gallbladder stone, bile duct stone, urgent chronic cholecystitis, gallbladder cancer, gallbladder hyperplasia sex disease the 20 cases bile duct cancer, congenital bile duct SAC-like expansion syndrome, (biliary Ascaris disease) the 2 cases urgent, and chronic pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer the 10 cases pancreatic Island cell tumor, Pancreatic transfer tumor the 2 cases spleen enlargement, 5 cases spleen congenital exception (deficiency as, more spleen syndrome), spleen cyst, spleen lymphatic tumor, spleen vascular tumor, spleen transfer tumor the 2 cases urinary system kidney water, kidney cyst, kidney cancer, kidney stones, nephritis the 20 cases kidney congenital development exception (different bit kidney, and fusion kidney, and kidney deficiency as), kidney sagging, walk kidney, kidney week abscess, kidney TB, kidney function failure, (transplant kidney and complications) the 2 cases ureteral stone, Ureteral water, Ureteral tumor, pelvis cancer the 10 cases the 2 cases ureteral narrow, Ureteral cyst, bladder resting room the 2 cases bladder tumor, bladder stone the 20 cases obstetric and reproductive system normal early pregnancy, and in the pregnancy, and late pregnancy, exception pregnancy (various abortion, and different bit pregnancy, and more tire pregnancy, and expired pregnancy, and fetal growth hysteresis, and fetal deformity, and amniotic fluid too much, and amniotic fluid too little, and Qian reset placenta, and placenta early stripping, and implanted sex placenta), nourish leaves lesions (grape tire, malignant grape tire, and chorionic cancer) the 20 cases the 3 cases congenital uterine deformity, uterine muscle tumor, uterine gland tumor, uterine gland muscle syndrom 上海饰品批发 地址: 福佑路福佑门商场 上海汽配批发市场 上海浦东汽配批发市场 地址:上海浦东新区杨高南路1681-1687号(原697号) 上海酒店设备用品批发市场 上海万润国际酒店设备用品批发市场 地址: 上海市普陀区武威路259号 上海包装类批发市场 上海包装城 地址:上海市嘉定区宝安公路3705号 上海广通鞋类箱包批发市场 地址:上海市西藏南路1222号 上海茶叶批发市场 上海恒大茶叶批发市场 地址: 上海市浦东成山路500号 上海眼镜批发市场 上海开泰眼镜批发市场 地址: 上海市宝昌路706号 上海三叶眼镜批发市场 地址: 上海市沈家宅路五十五号(上海火车站北广场) 上海水产批发市场 上海曹杨水产批发市场 地址: 上海市普陀区铜川路151号 上海曹安四平水产市场 the 20 cases liver within hematoma, liver Schistosoma disease, (liver package insect disease) the 2 cases gallbladder stone, bile duct stone, urgent chronic cholecystitis, gallbladder cancer, gallbladder hyperplasia sex disease the 20 cases bile duct cancer, congenital bile duct SAC-like expansion syndrome, (biliary Ascaris disease) the 2 cases urgent, and chronic pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer the 10 cases pancreatic Island cell tumor, Pancreatic transfer tumor the 2 cases spleen enlargement, 5 cases spleen congenital exception (deficiency as, more spleen syndrome), spleen cyst, spleen lymphatic tumor, spleen vascular tumor, spleen transfer tumor the 2 cases urinary system kidney water, kidney cyst, kidney cancer, kidney stones, nephritis the 20 cases kidney congenital development exception (different bit kidney, and fusion kidney, and kidney deficiency as), kidney sagging, walk kidney, kidney week abscess, kidney TB, kidney function failure, (transplant kidney and complications) the 2 cases ureteral stone, Ureteral water, Ureteral tumor, pelvis cancer the 10 cases the 2 cases ureteral narrow, Ureteral cyst, bladder resting room the 2 cases bladder tumor, bladder stone the 20 cases obstetric and reproductive system normal early pregnancy, and in the pregnancy, and late pregnancy, exception pregnancy (various abortion, and different bit pregnancy, and more tire pregnancy, and expired pregnancy, and fetal growth hysteresis, and fetal deformity, and amniotic fluid too much, and amniotic fluid too little, and Qian reset placenta, and placenta early stripping, and implanted sex placenta), nourish leaves lesions (grape tire, malignant grape tire, and chorionic cancer) the 20 cases the 3 cases congenital uterine deformity, uterine muscle tumor, uterine gland tumor, uterine gland muscle syndrom 地址: 上海市密云路10l8号 上海服装批发市场 上海七浦路服装批发市场 地址: 上海市七浦路 上海兴浦服装批发市场 地址: 上海市七浦路服装一条街 上海新金浦服装批发市场 地址: 上海市七浦路258号 上海静安小亭服装市场 地址: 静安区愚园路68号 上海丽影服装批发市场 地址: 浙江中路天津路口 上海轻纺市场 地址: 上海市曹安路1618号 上海曹安国际鞋城 地址: 上海曹安路1777号 上海广通名鞋城 地址:上海市西藏南路1218号至1222号 上海照相器材批发市场 上海星光照相器材城 地址: 上海市卢湾区鲁班路288号 上海果蔬批发市场 上海龙吴进口果蔬批发交易市场 地址: 上海市龙吴路3188号 the 20 cases liver within hematoma, liver Schistosoma disease, (liver package insect disease) the 2 cases gallbladder stone, bile duct stone, urgent chronic cholecystitis, gallbladder cancer, gallbladder hyperplasia sex disease the 20 cases bile duct cancer, congenital bile duct SAC-like expansion syndrome, (biliary Ascaris disease) the 2 cases urgent, and chronic pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer the 10 cases pancreatic Island cell tumor, Pancreatic transfer tumor the 2 cases spleen enlargement, 5 cases spleen congenital exception (deficiency as, more spleen syndrome), spleen cyst, spleen lymphatic tumor, spleen vascular tumor, spleen transfer tumor the 2 cases urinary system kidney water, kidney cyst, kidney cancer, kidney stones, nephritis the 20 cases kidney congenital development exception (different bit kidney, and fusion kidney, and kidney deficiency as), kidney sagging, walk kidney, kidney week abscess, kidney TB, kidney function failure, (transplant kidney and complications) the 2 cases ureteral stone, Ureteral water, Ureteral tumor, pelvis cancer the 10 cases the 2 cases ureteral narrow, Ureteral cyst, bladder resting room the 2 cases bladder tumor, bladder stone the 20 cases obstetric and reproductive system normal early pregnancy, and in the pregnancy, and late pregnancy, exception pregnancy (various abortion, and different bit pregnancy, and more tire pregnancy, and expired pregnancy, and fetal growth hysteresis, and fetal deformity, and amniotic fluid too much, and amniotic fluid too little, and Qian reset placenta, and placenta early stripping, and implanted sex placenta), nourish leaves lesions (grape tire, malignant grape tire, and chorionic cancer) the 20 cases the 3 cases congenital uterine deformity, uterine muscle tumor, uterine gland tumor, uterine gland muscle syndrom 上海真如农副产品交易市场 地址: 上海市兰溪路187号 上海山珍批发市场 上海龙上山珍批发市场 地址: 上海市北翟路1905号 上海副食品批发市场 上海中山副食品批发市场 地址: 上海市古宜路100号 上海化妆品服饰礼品市场 上海靓妆化妆品服饰礼品市场 地址:上海徐汇区漕溪路113号(靠漕溪路轻轨站) 上海灯具批发市场 地址: 上海市虹口区柳营路一百二十五号(北宝兴路口) the 20 cases liver within hematoma, liver Schistosoma disease, (liver package insect disease) the 2 cases gallbladder stone, bile duct stone, urgent chronic cholecystitis, gallbladder cancer, gallbladder hyperplasia sex disease the 20 cases bile duct cancer, congenital bile duct SAC-like expansion syndrome, (biliary Ascaris disease) the 2 cases urgent, and chronic pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer the 10 cases pancreatic Island cell tumor, Pancreatic transfer tumor the 2 cases spleen enlargement, 5 cases spleen congenital exception (deficiency as, more spleen syndrome), spleen cyst, spleen lymphatic tumor, spleen vascular tumor, spleen transfer tumor the 2 cases urinary system kidney water, kidney cyst, kidney cancer, kidney stones, nephritis the 20 cases kidney congenital development exception (different bit kidney, and fusion kidney, and kidney deficiency as), kidney sagging, walk kidney, kidney week abscess, kidney TB, kidney function failure, (transplant kidney and complications) the 2 cases ureteral stone, Ureteral water, Ureteral tumor, pelvis cancer the 10 cases the 2 cases ureteral narrow, Ureteral cyst, bladder resting room the 2 cases bladder tumor, bladder stone the 20 cases obstetric and reproductive system normal early pregnancy, and in the pregnancy, and late pregnancy, exception pregnancy (various abortion, and different bit pregnancy, and more tire pregnancy, and expired pregnancy, and fetal growth hysteresis, and fetal deformity, and amniotic fluid too much, and amniotic fluid too little, and Qian reset placenta, and placenta early stripping, and implanted sex placenta), nourish leaves lesions (grape tire, malignant grape tire, and chorionic cancer) the 20 cases the 3 cases congenital uterine deformity, uterine muscle tumor, uterine gland tumor, uterine gland muscle syndrom
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