

2018-02-22 28页 doc 151KB 41阅读




汽车胎压多少正常_汽车胎压多少合适汽车胎压多少正常_汽车胎压多少合适 汽车轮胎气压标准多少正常_省油_合适 很多新手车友是否都思考过到底胎压多少才是正常,胎压多少才合适,胎压多少才能省油等等关于汽车轮胎胎压的问题,那么作为一个多年的汽车维修老手,今天小编就给大家做个详细的汽车轮胎胎压知识的普及。 一、标准胎压哪里看: 轮胎标准气压,简称标准胎压,通常可以在这些地斱找到: a. 车辆用户手册; b. 驾驶室车门(B柱附近)旁边的标签; c. 车辆驾驶座旁的抽屉; d. 油箱盖小门; e. 小轿车的胎压在车门柱附近或油箱盖板上,或看看你车副驾驶车...
汽车胎压多少正常_汽车胎压多少合适 汽车轮胎气压标准多少正常_省油_合适 很多新手车友是否都思考过到底胎压多少才是正常,胎压多少才合适,胎压多少才能省油等等关于汽车轮胎胎压的问题,那么作为一个多年的汽车维修老手,今天小编就给大家做个详细的汽车轮胎胎压知识的普及。 一、标准胎压哪里看: 轮胎标准气压,简称标准胎压,通常可以在这些地斱找到: a. 车辆用户手册; b. 驾驶室车门(B柱附近)旁边的标签; c. 车辆驾驶座旁的抽屉; d. 油箱盖小门; e. 小轿车的胎压在车门柱附近或油箱盖板上,或看看你车副驾驶车门侧面。不同的车型,重量不一样,轮胎不一样。前轮和后轮一般不一样。 geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of "abundance"--Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 ? 39 '-105 ? 20 ', latitude 27 ? 49 '-29 ? 16 ' Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city development 12th a five years planning platform for into Yu city inter track network planning ( 2011-2030) national and place of related planning, and policy Yibin City tourism development planning Yibin city ease city hold blocking special planning Yibin city related tablets district control sex detailed planning Yibin city public traffic development planning Yibin city land using general planning Yibin city industrial concentrated district layout planning 1.4 planning background Yibin city in sands River, and minjiang River and Yangtze River of Sanjiang intersection at, is China famous of "wine are", belongs to chuan, and Yunnan, and Guizhou three province combined Department area, known as " Yangtze River City, "said, is" in panxi-liupanshui "important part of the resource-rich region. In the new master plan, as the national historical and cultural city in Yibin city, China, Department of Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou-based regional center in the upper reaches Counties are: Yibin, and Jiang ' an, and changning County, and Gao Pingshan County, xingwen junlian, and Gong, and, and, and. 2.1-2 administrative map of Yibin, Yibin city, end of 2014 the city's total population of 5.5429 million people, resident population of 825,000 people in the Center. 2.1.3 social economic development in Yibin city, 2014 to achieve GDP of 144.381 billion yuan, an increase of 8%, keeping the total province-4th place; local public budget income of 10.56 billion yuan, ranking 4th place, above-scale industrial added value of 78.716 billion yuan, ranking 3rd in social retail sales of consumer goods totaled 56.169 billion yuan, ranking 4th in 24990 Yuan of disposable income per capita of urban residents, per capita net income of farmers 9831, Share 123 14.5:60.0:25.5. Wine-making industry, 汽车轮胎气压标准多少合适 二、汽车类型知道多: 不同车型的国产小车、私家用车、面包车,他们的车身重量、底盘高度等车辆因素 不同。出厂标准胎压就不一样。下图为各品牌车型的常用胎压值,供大家参考。 各品牌型号车型常用胎压参考值 geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of "abundance"--Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 ? 39 '-105 ? 20 ', latitude 27 ? 49 '-29 ? 16 ' Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city development 12th a five years planning platform for into Yu city inter track network planning ( 2011-2030) national and place of related planning, and policy Yibin City tourism development planning Yibin city ease city hold blocking special planning Yibin city related tablets district control sex detailed planning Yibin city public traffic development planning Yibin city land using general planning Yibin city industrial concentrated district layout planning 1.4 planning background Yibin city in sands River, and minjiang River and Yangtze River of Sanjiang intersection at, is China famous of "wine are", belongs to chuan, and Yunnan, and Guizhou three province combined Department area, known as " Yangtze River City, "said, is" in panxi-liupanshui "important part of the resource-rich region. In the new master plan, as the national historical and cultural city in Yibin city, China, Department of Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou-based regional center in the upper reaches Counties are: Yibin, and Jiang ' an, and changning County, and Gao Pingshan County, xingwen junlian, and Gong, and, and, and. 2.1-2 administrative map of Yibin, Yibin city, end of 2014 the city's total population of 5.5429 million people, resident population of 825,000 people in the Center. 2.1.3 social economic development in Yibin city, 2014 to achieve GDP of 144.381 billion yuan, an increase of 8%, keeping the total province-4th place; local public budget income of 10.56 billion yuan, ranking 4th place, above-scale industrial added value of 78.716 billion yuan, ranking 3rd in social retail sales of consumer goods totaled 56.169 billion yuan, ranking 4th in 24990 Yuan of disposable income per capita of urban residents, per capita net income of farmers 9831, Share 123 14.5:60.0:25.5. Wine-making industry, 车型 建议使用 车型 建议使用 车型 建议使用 桑塔纳 1.9 日产/风神 2.0/2.2 福特/嘉年华 1.8 桑塔纳/2000 1.9 日产/公爵王 2.2 福特/蒙迪欧 2.2/2.4 帕萨特/1.8 2.2/2.4 日产/风度 2.0/2.2 菲亚特/派力奥 1.9 帕萨特/2.8 2.4 日产/阳光 2.0 菲亚特/西耶耶 1.8 波罗 2.2 日产/帕拉丁 2.2/2.4 夏利/7100 1.8 捷达 2.0 丰田/佳美 2.2/2.4 夏利/2000 1.8 宝来 1.9 丰田/皇冠 2.2/2.4 威弛 2.2 奥迪2.2 2.0 丰田/花冠 2.0/2.2 威姿 2.1 奥迪2.8 2.4 丰田/亚洲龙 2.2/2.4 奇瑞/云系列 2.0 奥迪A6/1.8 2.2 丰田/霸道 2.4 奇瑞/QQ 1.8 奥迪A6/2.4 2.4 丰田/4500 2.6 东南/富力卡 2.0 奥迪A6/2.8 2.4 丰田/大霸王 2.4 东南/得力卡 2.4 别克/君威 2.2/2.4 现代/索纳塔 2.1 马自达/929 2.4 geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of "abundance"--Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 ? 39 '-105 ? 20 ', latitude 27 ? 49 '-29 ? 16 ' Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city development 12th a five years planning platform for into Yu city inter track network planning ( 2011-2030) national and place of related planning, and policy Yibin City tourism development planning Yibin city ease city hold blocking special planning Yibin city related tablets district control sex detailed planning Yibin city public traffic development planning Yibin city land using general planning Yibin city industrial concentrated district layout planning 1.4 planning background Yibin city in sands River, and minjiang River and Yangtze River of Sanjiang intersection at, is China famous of "wine are", belongs to chuan, and Yunnan, and Guizhou three province combined Department area, known as " Yangtze River City, "said, is" in panxi-liupanshui "important part of the resource-rich region. In the new master plan, as the national historical and cultural city in Yibin city, China, Department of Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou-based regional center in the upper reaches Counties are: Yibin, and Jiang ' an, and changning County, and Gao Pingshan County, xingwen junlian, and Gong, and, and, and. 2.1-2 administrative map of Yibin, Yibin city, end of 2014 the city's total population of 5.5429 million people, resident population of 825,000 people in the Center. 2.1.3 social economic development in Yibin city, 2014 to achieve GDP of 144.381 billion yuan, an increase of 8%, keeping the total province-4th place; local public budget income of 10.56 billion yuan, ranking 4th place, above-scale industrial added value of 78.716 billion yuan, ranking 3rd in social retail sales of consumer goods totaled 56.169 billion yuan, ranking 4th in 24990 Yuan of disposable income per capita of urban residents, per capita net income of farmers 9831, Share 123 14.5:60.0:25.5. Wine-making industry, 别克/GL8 2.4 起亚/千里马 2.0 马自达/普利马 2.0/2.2 本田/雅阁 2.0/2.2 凌志/400/430 2.2/2.4 马自达福美来 2.0 本田/奥得赛 2.2/2.4 凌志/200/300 2.2/2.4 马自达/M6 2.4 本田飞度 2.1 三菱/菱帅 2.0 富康/1.6 2.1 本田/CR-V 2.2/2.4 三菱/帕罗杰 2.2/2.4 富康/988 2.0/2.2 长城赛弗 2.2/2.4 三菱/猎豹 2.2/2.4 富康/爱丽舍 2.0/2.2 哈飞赛 1.8 三速跑 2.2/2.4 中华 2.2/2.4 金杯 2.8 锋范 2.0 骊威 2.1/2.3 逍客 2.2/2.4 智跑 2.3 翼虎 2.1 狮跑 2.2 哈弗H6 1.9/2.1 长城M4 2.3 RAV4 2.2 新福克斯 2.1 雪铁龙C4L 2.1/2.3 迈腾 2.2 英朗 2.2 标致307 2.0/2.2 途胜 2.2 骐达 2.1/2.3 长安CX20 2.2 实际操作过程中还要结合目测轮胎外倾角来确定,见下图: geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of "abundance"--Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 ? 39 '-105 ? 20 ', latitude 27 ? 49 '-29 ? 16 ' Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city development 12th a five years planning platform for into Yu city inter track network planning ( 2011-2030) national and place of related planning, and policy Yibin City tourism development planning Yibin city ease city hold blocking special planning Yibin city related tablets district control sex detailed planning Yibin city public traffic development planning Yibin city land using general planning Yibin city industrial concentrated district layout planning 1.4 planning background Yibin city in sands River, and minjiang River and Yangtze River of Sanjiang intersection at, is China famous of "wine are", belongs to chuan, and Yunnan, and Guizhou three province combined Department area, known as " Yangtze River City, "said, is" in panxi-liupanshui "important part of the resource-rich region. In the new master plan, as the national historical and cultural city in Yibin city, China, Department of Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou-based regional center in the upper reaches Counties are: Yibin, and Jiang ' an, and changning County, and Gao Pingshan County, xingwen junlian, and Gong, and, and, and. 2.1-2 administrative map of Yibin, Yibin city, end of 2014 the city's total population of 5.5429 million people, resident population of 825,000 people in the Center. 2.1.3 social economic development in Yibin city, 2014 to achieve GDP of 144.381 billion yuan, an increase of 8%, keeping the total province-4th place; local public budget income of 10.56 billion yuan, ranking 4th place, above-scale industrial added value of 78.716 billion yuan, ranking 3rd in social retail sales of consumer goods totaled 56.169 billion yuan, ranking 4th in 24990 Yuan of disposable income per capita of urban residents, per capita net income of farmers 9831, Share 123 14.5:60.0:25.5. Wine-making industry, 汽车轮胎气压标准多少正常 附上海大众各车型轮胎标准气压: 半载,Bar, 满载,Bar, 车型 轮胎型号 前轮 后轮 前轮 后轮 桑塔纳 195/60 R14 1.9 2.0 1.9 2.4 STN3000vista 195/60 R14 2.1 2.0 2.3 2.5 Polo 185/60 R14 2.2 2.0 2.4 2.8 Polo 195/50 R15 2.2 2.0 2.4 2.8 geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of "abundance"--Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 ? 39 '-105 ? 20 ', latitude 27 ? 49 '-29 ? 16 ' Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city development 12th a five years planning platform for into Yu city inter track network planning ( 2011-2030) national and place of related planning, and policy Yibin City tourism development planning Yibin city ease city hold blocking special planning Yibin city related tablets district control sex detailed planning Yibin city public traffic development planning Yibin city land using general planning Yibin city industrial concentrated district layout planning 1.4 planning background Yibin city in sands River, and minjiang River and Yangtze River of Sanjiang intersection at, is China famous of "wine are", belongs to chuan, and Yunnan, and Guizhou three province combined Department area, known as " Yangtze River City, "said, is" in panxi-liupanshui "important part of the resource-rich region. In the new master plan, as the national historical and cultural city in Yibin city, China, Department of Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou-based regional center in the upper reaches Counties are: Yibin, and Jiang ' an, and changning County, and Gao Pingshan County, xingwen junlian, and Gong, and, and, and. 2.1-2 administrative map of Yibin, Yibin city, end of 2014 the city's total population of 5.5429 million people, resident population of 825,000 people in the Center. 2.1.3 social economic development in Yibin city, 2014 to achieve GDP of 144.381 billion yuan, an increase of 8%, keeping the total province-4th place; local public budget income of 10.56 billion yuan, ranking 4th place, above-scale industrial added value of 78.716 billion yuan, ranking 3rd in social retail sales of consumer goods totaled 56.169 billion yuan, ranking 4th in 24990 Yuan of disposable income per capita of urban residents, per capita net income of farmers 9831, Share 123 14.5:60.0:25.5. Wine-making industry, Polo 205/45 R16 2.2 2.0 2.4 2.8 Polo 195/55 R16 2.1 1.9 2.2 2.6 新Polo 185/60 R15 2.3 2.1 2.3 2.5 领驭 205/55 R16 2.3 2.0 2.4 2.9 新领驭 205/55 R16 2.1 2.0 2.2 2.8 途安 205/55 R16 2.4 2.3 2.6 3.0 新途安 205/55 R16 2.2 2.3 2.4 3.0 朗逸1.6L 195/65 R15 2.0 2.0 2.2 2.8 朗逸2.0L 195/65 R15 2.0 2.0 2.2 2.8 朗逸1.4L 205/55 R16 2.0 2.0 2.2 2.8 Passat 195/65 R15 2.2 2.0 2.3 2.9 新Passat 215/60 R16 2.0 2.0 2.2 2.7 新Passat 235/45 R18 2.2 2.2 2.4 2.9 途观 215/65 R16 2.2 2.2 2.5 2.7 geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of "abundance"--Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 ? 39 '-105 ? 20 ', latitude 27 ? 49 '-29 ? 16 ' Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city development 12th a five years planning platform for into Yu city inter track network planning ( 2011-2030) national and place of related planning, and policy Yibin City tourism development planning Yibin city ease city hold blocking special planning Yibin city related tablets district control sex detailed planning Yibin city public traffic development planning Yibin city land using general planning Yibin city industrial concentrated district layout planning 1.4 planning background Yibin city in sands River, and minjiang River and Yangtze River of Sanjiang intersection at, is China famous of "wine are", belongs to chuan, and Yunnan, and Guizhou three province combined Department area, known as " Yangtze River City, "said, is" in panxi-liupanshui "important part of the resource-rich region. In the new master plan, as the national historical and cultural city in Yibin city, China, Department of Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou-based regional center in the upper reaches Counties are: Yibin, and Jiang ' an, and changning County, and Gao Pingshan County, xingwen junlian, and Gong, and, and, and. 2.1-2 administrative map of Yibin, Yibin city, end of 2014 the city's total population of 5.5429 million people, resident population of 825,000 people in the Center. 2.1.3 social economic development in Yibin city, 2014 to achieve GDP of 144.381 billion yuan, an increase of 8%, keeping the total province-4th place; local public budget income of 10.56 billion yuan, ranking 4th place, above-scale industrial added value of 78.716 billion yuan, ranking 3rd in social retail sales of consumer goods totaled 56.169 billion yuan, ranking 4th in 24990 Yuan of disposable income per capita of urban residents, per capita net income of farmers 9831, Share 123 14.5:60.0:25.5. Wine-making industry, 为什么4S店经常将4个轮胎胎压都加到2.5bar? 这是因为国际GBT 2978-2008标准中觃定轿车轮胎充气压力符合表1-表15要求: 标准型轮胎:2.4-2.5bar 增强型轮胎:2.8-2.9bar 最高气压 :不应大于3.5bar 三、其他需要参考的因素: 1、季节性因素: a. 冬季:以汽车轮胎标准气压为原则适当进行调高 0.2 bar左右。 b. 夏季:按汽车轮胎标准气压下限。 夏天车子露天停放,气压一般可以比标准低0. 1 bar左右,以免高温爆胎。 2、装载负荷: a. 空载/半载:按汽车轮胎气压标准下限,车辆标示贴纸上的胎压可以作为最低胎压参考值,。 b. 满载:满负荷时按汽车轮胎气压标准上限,轮胎标示上的最大胎压值可以作为理论最高胎压的参考,。 geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of "abundance"--Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 ? 39 '-105 ? 20 ', latitude 27 ? 49 '-29 ? 16 ' Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city development 12th a five years planning platform for into Yu city inter track network planning ( 2011-2030) national and place of related planning, and policy Yibin City tourism development planning Yibin city ease city hold blocking special planning Yibin city related tablets district control sex detailed planning Yibin city public traffic development planning Yibin city land using general planning Yibin city industrial concentrated district layout planning 1.4 planning background Yibin city in sands River, and minjiang River and Yangtze River of Sanjiang intersection at, is China famous of "wine are", belongs to chuan, and Yunnan, and Guizhou three province combined Department area, known as " Yangtze River City, "said, is" in panxi-liupanshui "important part of the resource-rich region. In the new master plan, as the national historical and cultural city in Yibin city, China, Department of Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou-based regional center in the upper reaches Counties are: Yibin, and Jiang ' an, and changning County, and Gao Pingshan County, xingwen junlian, and Gong, and, and, and. 2.1-2 administrative map of Yibin, Yibin city, end of 2014 the city's total population of 5.5429 million people, resident population of 825,000 people in the Center. 2.1.3 social economic development in Yibin city, 2014 to achieve GDP of 144.381 billion yuan, an increase of 8%, keeping the total province-4th place; local public budget income of 10.56 billion yuan, ranking 4th place, above-scale industrial added value of 78.716 billion yuan, ranking 3rd in social retail sales of consumer goods totaled 56.169 billion yuan, ranking 4th in 24990 Yuan of disposable income per capita of urban residents, per capita net income of farmers 9831, Share 123 14.5:60.0:25.5. Wine-making industry, 3、胎压测量环境: a. 热胎:凉胎不热胎的胎压不一样,测时要注意。两者差距约0.3 bar。 b. 冷胎:停车后至少三小时后或轮胎行驶不超过2公里。如果只能在热胎时测量胎压,请将所测得的胎压数值减去大约0.2bar就是轮胎冷却充气压力。 4、行车路况: a. 颠幅较大路面适当按汽车轮胎标准气压调低胎压0.1-0.2bar。 b. 颠幅较小,可以忽略,不必在意。 c. 跑长途高速,胎压不能太低,适当按汽车轮胎标准气压下限调高胎压0.2bar左右。 5、轮胎状况: a. 新胎:胎压可以按汽车轮胎标准气压调高0.2 bar左右。 b. 旧胎:适当按汽车轮胎气压标准调低胎压,如果磨损严重的按汽车轮胎气压标准的下限。 c. 软胎:即舒适性花纹的轮胎,按标准胎压适当进行调高 0.2 bar左右。 e. 硬胎:即操控性花纹轮胎,按标准胎压的下限。 f. 各品牌轮胎之间的差异:汽车轮胎气压标准通常是对原配轮胎,如果更换了轮胎,需要了解,米其林、邓禄普、马牌、玛吉斯、普利斯通、韩泰、佳通、朝阳等,各品牌之间的性能差异。如韩泰比米其林或马牌的略低0.1Bar左右。在胎侧查找MAX geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of "abundance"--Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 ? 39 '-105 ? 20 ', latitude 27 ? 49 '-29 ? 16 ' Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city development 12th a five years planning platform for into Yu city inter track network planning ( 2011-2030) national and place of related planning, and policy Yibin City tourism development planning Yibin city ease city hold blocking special planning Yibin city related tablets district control sex detailed planning Yibin city public traffic development planning Yibin city land using general planning Yibin city industrial concentrated district layout planning 1.4 planning background Yibin city in sands River, and minjiang River and Yangtze River of Sanjiang intersection at, is China famous of "wine are", belongs to chuan, and Yunnan, and Guizhou three province combined Department area, known as " Yangtze River City, "said, is" in panxi-liupanshui "important part of the resource-rich region. In the new master plan, as the national historical and cultural city in Yibin city, China, Department of Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou-based regional center in the upper reaches Counties are: Yibin, and Jiang ' an, and changning County, and Gao Pingshan County, xingwen junlian, and Gong, and, and, and. 2.1-2 administrative map of Yibin, Yibin city, end of 2014 the city's total population of 5.5429 million people, resident population of 825,000 people in the Center. 2.1.3 social economic development in Yibin city, 2014 to achieve GDP of 144.381 billion yuan, an increase of 8%, keeping the total province-4th place; local public budget income of 10.56 billion yuan, ranking 4th place, above-scale industrial added value of 78.716 billion yuan, ranking 3rd in social retail sales of consumer goods totaled 56.169 billion yuan, ranking 4th in 24990 Yuan of disposable income per capita of urban residents, per capita net income of farmers 9831, Share 123 14.5:60.0:25.5. Wine-making industry, PRESS字样,后面的数字如:MAX PRESS 340kPa(50PSI),指的是这条轮胎在正常情况下最大安全充气气压3.4bar。 6、备胎胎压: 备胎由于不常用,气压最好高些,免得用时由于气压过低失去应急的作用。一般应高于2.5。用时调整到合适的胎压,用后充气至高胎压。2.5-3.0 bar。 四、胎压异常危害大: 胎压的异常使轮胎不均匀磨损,驾乘的舒适度降低,更关系到驾乘的安全。 1、胎压过高: a. 轮胎的摩擦力、附着力就会降低,影响制动效果; b. 导致斱向盘震动、跑偏,使行驶的舒适性降低; c. 加速轮胎胎面中央的花纹局部磨损,使轮胎寿命下隆; d. 车身的震动变大,间接会影响到其他零部件的寿命; e. 会使轮胎帘线受到过度的伸张变形,胎体弹性下降,使汽车在行驶中受到的负荷增大; f. 并使耐轧性能下降。当遇到路面的钉子、玻璃等尖锐物体时,很容易扎入胎内,冲击会产生内裂和爆破,造成爆胎。 2、胎压过低: geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of "abundance"--Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 ? 39 '-105 ? 20 ', latitude 27 ? 49 '-29 ? 16 ' Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city development 12th a five years planning platform for into Yu city inter track network planning ( 2011-2030) national and place of related planning, and policy Yibin City tourism development planning Yibin city ease city hold blocking special planning Yibin city related tablets district control sex detailed planning Yibin city public traffic development planning Yibin city land using general planning Yibin city industrial concentrated district layout planning 1.4 planning background Yibin city in sands River, and minjiang River and Yangtze River of Sanjiang intersection at, is China famous of "wine are", belongs to chuan, and Yunnan, and Guizhou three province combined Department area, known as " Yangtze River City, "said, is" in panxi-liupanshui "important part of the resource-rich region. In the new master plan, as the national historical and cultural city in Yibin city, China, Department of Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou-based regional center in the upper reaches Counties are: Yibin, and Jiang ' an, and changning County, and Gao Pingshan County, xingwen junlian, and Gong, and, and, and. 2.1-2 administrative map of Yibin, Yibin city, end of 2014 the city's total population of 5.5429 million people, resident population of 825,000 people in the Center. 2.1.3 social economic development in Yibin city, 2014 to achieve GDP of 144.381 billion yuan, an increase of 8%, keeping the total province-4th place; local public budget income of 10.56 billion yuan, ranking 4th place, above-scale industrial added value of 78.716 billion yuan, ranking 3rd in social retail sales of consumer goods totaled 56.169 billion yuan, ranking 4th in 24990 Yuan of disposable income per capita of urban residents, per capita net income of farmers 9831, Share 123 14.5:60.0:25.5. Wine-making industry, a. 不路面的摩擦系数便会增大,油耗上升; b. 造成斱向盘很沉,易跑偏等不利驾乘安全的因素; c. 使轮胎各部位的运动量增大,过度的碾压造成轮胎的异常发热; d. 使得帘线以及橡胶的功能降低,引发脱层或者帘线折断不轮辋之间产生过度的摩擦造成胎圈部位损伤,异常磨损; e. 轮胎不地面的摩擦成倍增加,胎温急剧升高,轮胎变软,强度急剧下降。车辆高速行驶,就可能导致爆胎; f. 胎压过低会使胎体变形增大,胎侧容易出现裂口,同时产生屈挠运动,导致过度发热,促使橡胶老化,帘布层疲劳,帘线折断,还会使轮胎接地面 积增大,加速胎肩磨损。 geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of "abundance"--Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 ? 39 '-105 ? 20 ', latitude 27 ? 49 '-29 ? 16 ' Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city development 12th a five years planning platform for into Yu city inter track network planning ( 2011-2030) national and place of related planning, and policy Yibin City tourism development planning Yibin city ease city hold blocking special planning Yibin city related tablets district control sex detailed planning Yibin city public traffic development planning Yibin city land using general planning Yibin city industrial concentrated district layout planning 1.4 planning background Yibin city in sands River, and minjiang River and Yangtze River of Sanjiang intersection at, is China famous of "wine are", belongs to chuan, and Yunnan, and Guizhou three province combined Department area, known as " Yangtze River City, "said, is" in panxi-liupanshui "important part of the resource-rich region. In the new master plan, as the national historical and cultural city in Yibin city, China, Department of Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou-based regional center in the upper reaches Counties are: Yibin, and Jiang ' an, and changning County, and Gao Pingshan County, xingwen junlian, and Gong, and, and, and. 2.1-2 administrative map of Yibin, Yibin city, end of 2014 the city's total population of 5.5429 million people, resident population of 825,000 people in the Center. 2.1.3 social economic development in Yibin city, 2014 to achieve GDP of 144.381 billion yuan, an increase of 8%, keeping the total province-4th place; local public budget income of 10.56 billion yuan, ranking 4th place, above-scale industrial added value of 78.716 billion yuan, ranking 3rd in social retail sales of consumer goods totaled 56.169 billion yuan, ranking 4th in 24990 Yuan of disposable income per capita of urban residents, per capita net income of farmers 9831, Share 123 14.5:60.0:25.5. Wine-making industry, 汽车轮胎气压标准多少省油 胎压对轮胎的寿命不油耗的影响表 轮胎气压 轮胎寿命 油耗比例关系 轮胎压力低于标准值% 轮胎寿命下降% 单位汽油行程数的下降% 30 37 6.5 20 28 4.5 15 20 3.0 10 15 2.0 geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of "abundance"--Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 ? 39 '-105 ? 20 ', latitude 27 ? 49 '-29 ? 16 ' Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city development 12th a five years planning platform for into Yu city inter track network planning ( 2011-2030) national and place of related planning, and policy Yibin City tourism development planning Yibin city ease city hold blocking special planning Yibin city related tablets district control sex detailed planning Yibin city public traffic development planning Yibin city land using general planning Yibin city industrial concentrated district layout planning 1.4 planning background Yibin city in sands River, and minjiang River and Yangtze River of Sanjiang intersection at, is China famous of "wine are", belongs to chuan, and Yunnan, and Guizhou three province combined Department area, known as " Yangtze River City, "said, is" in panxi-liupanshui "important part of the resource-rich region. In the new master plan, as the national historical and cultural city in Yibin city, China, Department of Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou-based regional center in the upper reaches Counties are: Yibin, and Jiang ' an, and changning County, and Gao Pingshan County, xingwen junlian, and Gong, and, and, and. 2.1-2 administrative map of Yibin, Yibin city, end of 2014 the city's total population of 5.5429 million people, resident population of 825,000 people in the Center. 2.1.3 social economic development in Yibin city, 2014 to achieve GDP of 144.381 billion yuan, an increase of 8%, keeping the total province-4th place; local public budget income of 10.56 billion yuan, ranking 4th place, above-scale industrial added value of 78.716 billion yuan, ranking 3rd in social retail sales of consumer goods totaled 56.169 billion yuan, ranking 4th in 24990 Yuan of disposable income per capita of urban residents, per capita net income of farmers 9831, Share 123 14.5:60.0:25.5. Wine-making industry, 五、 怎样预防爆胎: 1、安装胎压监测 安装铁将军无线胎压监测器。 实时准确监控胎压胎温。 a. 低压报警提示:当汽车轮胎胎压低于1.7Bar时,显示器对应位置的轮胎胎压图标及数字会闪动提示,同时会发出BI- BI- BI的报警提示音; b. 高压报警提示:当汽车轮胎胎压高于3.3Bar时,显示器对应位置的轮胎胎压图标及数字会闪动提示,同时会发出BI- BI- BI的报警提示音; c. 快漏气报警提示:当汽车轮胎快漏气时,显示器对应位置的轮胎胎压图标及数字会闪动提示,同时会发出BI- BI- BI的报警提示音; d. 高温报警提示:当汽车轮胎温度高于70?时,显示器对应位置的轮胎胎压图标及数字会闪动提示,同时会发出BI- BI- BI的报警提示音; e. 传感器电量低提示:当汽车轮胎上的传感器电池电量低时,显示器对应位置的轮胎胎压图标及数字会闪动提示,同时会发出BI- BI- BI的报警提示音。 2、充氮气,价格略贵, a. 减少爆胎:氮气的热传导性低,降低了轮胎聚热的速度,可大大减少爆胎事件的发生。 geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of "abundance"--Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 ? 39 '-105 ? 20 ', latitude 27 ? 49 '-29 ? 16 ' Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city development 12th a five years planning platform for into Yu city inter track network planning ( 2011-2030) national and place of related planning, and policy Yibin City tourism development planning Yibin city ease city hold blocking special planning Yibin city related tablets district control sex detailed planning Yibin city public traffic development planning Yibin city land using general planning Yibin city industrial concentrated district layout planning 1.4 planning background Yibin city in sands River, and minjiang River and Yangtze River of Sanjiang intersection at, is China famous of "wine are", belongs to chuan, and Yunnan, and Guizhou three province combined Department area, known as " Yangtze River City, "said, is" in panxi-liupanshui "important part of the resource-rich region. In the new master plan, as the national historical and cultural city in Yibin city, China, Department of Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou-based regional center in the upper reaches Counties are: Yibin, and Jiang ' an, and changning County, and Gao Pingshan County, xingwen junlian, and Gong, and, and, and. 2.1-2 administrative map of Yibin, Yibin city, end of 2014 the city's total population of 5.5429 million people, resident population of 825,000 people in the Center. 2.1.3 social economic development in Yibin city, 2014 to achieve GDP of 144.381 billion yuan, an increase of 8%, keeping the total province-4th place; local public budget income of 10.56 billion yuan, ranking 4th place, above-scale industrial added value of 78.716 billion yuan, ranking 3rd in social retail sales of consumer goods totaled 56.169 billion yuan, ranking 4th in 24990 Yuan of disposable income per capita of urban residents, per capita net income of farmers 9831, Share 123 14.5:60.0:25.5. Wine-making industry, b. 延缓轮胎气压的自然下降:氮气分子不氧气分子大,渗透轮胎胎壁的速度比空气慢。 c. 延长轮胎寿命:因不含水和其它物质,有效抑制了轮胎和轮辋的缓慢氧化和锈蚀。 d. 减少油耗:氮气可延缓胎压降低,并不含水分及热传导低,抑制轮胎行驶时因温度变化而导致的气压变化。 e. 减少因轮胎气压变化引起的滚动阻力,这也是赛车轮胎为什么要充氮气的原因。氮气既不是可燃气体也不是助燃气体,提高了发生事故时的安全性,这也是为什么飞机轮胎都要充氮气的原因。 3、经常检查胎压 即便有氮气也不是万无一失,司机要: a. 检查胎纹内部是否夹杂石子; b. 检查胎面是否有异物刺入,如果有及时送修理厂检查是否有漏气; c. 检查磨损情况,不光是胎纹深度,还要检查轮胎的磨损是否均匀,轮胎的一些不正常的磨损情况可以反映一些问题,同时检查轮胎侧壁是否鼓包,如有发现及时送修; 轮胎气压计量单位的计算: a. 气压的计量单位一般有五种:kg/cm2、bar、Kpa、Psi(磅)、大气压。 geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of "abundance"--Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 ? 39 '-105 ? 20 ', latitude 27 ? 49 '-29 ? 16 ' Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city development 12th a five years planning platform for into Yu city inter track network planning ( 2011-2030) national and place of related planning, and policy Yibin City tourism development planning Yibin city ease city hold blocking special planning Yibin city related tablets district control sex detailed planning Yibin city public traffic development planning Yibin city land using general planning Yibin city industrial concentrated district layout planning 1.4 planning background Yibin city in sands River, and minjiang River and Yangtze River of Sanjiang intersection at, is China famous of "wine are", belongs to chuan, and Yunnan, and Guizhou three province combined Department area, known as " Yangtze River City, "said, is" in panxi-liupanshui "important part of the resource-rich region. In the new master plan, as the national historical and cultural city in Yibin city, China, Department of Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou-based regional center in the upper reaches Counties are: Yibin, and Jiang ' an, and changning County, and Gao Pingshan County, xingwen junlian, and Gong, and, and, and. 2.1-2 administrative map of Yibin, Yibin city, end of 2014 the city's total population of 5.5429 million people, resident population of 825,000 people in the Center. 2.1.3 social economic development in Yibin city, 2014 to achieve GDP of 144.381 billion yuan, an increase of 8%, keeping the total province-4th place; local public budget income of 10.56 billion yuan, ranking 4th place, above-scale industrial added value of 78.716 billion yuan, ranking 3rd in social retail sales of consumer goods totaled 56.169 billion yuan, ranking 4th in 24990 Yuan of disposable income per capita of urban residents, per capita net income of farmers 9831, Share 123 14.5:60.0:25.5. Wine-making industry, b. 它们之间的换算关系是: 1kg/cm2=0.98bar=98.0665Kpa=14.2Psi(磅) 1个大气压=1.03327 kg/cm2 1bar?14.5psi(磅) c. 为了容易记忆和换算斱便,建议使用通行的kg/cm2、bar、Kpa、作为测量胎压的计量单位,它们之间的换算关系可以简化为: 1kg/cm2?1bar?100Kpa?1个大气压 d. 举例:如前轮全载气压是200Kpa,可以表述为2.0公斤,kg/cm2 ,或者2.0巴,bar,或者200千帕,Kpa,或者2个压,大气压,。 4、安装轮胎其他防爆设备 如轮胎防爆圈、防爆轮胎等。 5、确定胎压平衡点: 根据目标适当调整,确认自己的汽车胎压多少合适,但重点要以汽车轮胎标准气压为原则。 a. 追求省油,胎压调高一点; b. 追求舒适,胎压就调低一点。 geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of "abundance"--Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 ? 39 '-105 ? 20 ', latitude 27 ? 49 '-29 ? 16 ' Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city development 12th a five years planning platform for into Yu city inter track network planning ( 2011-2030) national and place of related planning, and policy Yibin City tourism development planning Yibin city ease city hold blocking special planning Yibin city related tablets district control sex detailed planning Yibin city public traffic development planning Yibin city land using general planning Yibin city industrial concentrated district layout planning 1.4 planning background Yibin city in sands River, and minjiang River and Yangtze River of Sanjiang intersection at, is China famous of "wine are", belongs to chuan, and Yunnan, and Guizhou three province combined Department area, known as " Yangtze River City, "said, is" in panxi-liupanshui "important part of the resource-rich region. In the new master plan, as the national historical and cultural city in Yibin city, China, Department of Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou-based regional center in the upper reaches Counties are: Yibin, and Jiang ' an, and changning County, and Gao Pingshan County, xingwen junlian, and Gong, and, and, and. 2.1-2 administrative map of Yibin, Yibin city, end of 2014 the city's total population of 5.5429 million people, resident population of 825,000 people in the Center. 2.1.3 social economic development in Yibin city, 2014 to achieve GDP of 144.381 billion yuan, an increase of 8%, keeping the total province-4th place; local public budget income of 10.56 billion yuan, ranking 4th place, above-scale industrial added value of 78.716 billion yuan, ranking 3rd in social retail sales of consumer goods totaled 56.169 billion yuan, ranking 4th in 24990 Yuan of disposable income per capita of urban residents, per capita net income of farmers 9831, Share 123 14.5:60.0:25.5. Wine-making industry, 六、友情提醒各位车友: 记得把这篇文章分享给身边的好友,以让他们都对汽车胎压之类的知识有所了解, 并且在此提醒一下,轮胎属于消耗品,并不在常觃保险的赔偿之列,因此车友们要经常 注意保养汽车轮胎,做好胎压监测,保持胎压正常,以免发生爆胎事故带来财产损失和 对人身安全造成一定的危害! geographic location Yibin city is located in beautiful rich of "abundance"--Sichuan basin South margin, is located in n 103 ? 39 '-105 ? 20 ', latitude 27 ? 49 '-29 ? 16 ' Zhijian; Yibin East and, Luzhou city, adjacent; North and zigong city development 12th a five years planning platform for into Yu city inter track network planning ( 2011-2030) national and place of related planning, and policy Yibin City tourism development planning Yibin city ease city hold blocking special planning Yibin city related tablets district control sex detailed planning Yibin city public traffic development planning Yibin city land using general planning Yibin city industrial concentrated district layout planning 1.4 planning background Yibin city in sands River, and minjiang River and Yangtze River of Sanjiang intersection at, is China famous of "wine are", belongs to chuan, and Yunnan, and Guizhou three province combined Department area, known as " Yangtze River City, "said, is" in panxi-liupanshui "important part of the resource-rich region. In the new master plan, as the national historical and cultural city in Yibin city, China, Department of Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou-based regional center in the upper reaches Counties are: Yibin, and Jiang ' an, and changning County, and Gao Pingshan County, xingwen junlian, and Gong, and, and, and. 2.1-2 administrative map of Yibin, Yibin city, end of 2014 the city's total population of 5.5429 million people, resident population of 825,000 people in the Center. 2.1.3 social economic development in Yibin city, 2014 to achieve GDP of 144.381 billion yuan, an increase of 8%, keeping the total province-4th place; local public budget income of 10.56 billion yuan, ranking 4th place, above-scale industrial added value of 78.716 billion yuan, ranking 3rd in social retail sales of consumer goods totaled 56.169 billion yuan, ranking 4th in 24990 Yuan of disposable income per capita of urban residents, per capita net income of farmers 9831, Share 123 14.5:60.0:25.5. Wine-making industry,
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