
Persuasive Problem - solution - Mac Os X Server:有说服力的问题-解决方案- MAC OS X服务器

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Persuasive Problem - solution - Mac Os X Server:有说服力的问题-解决方案- MAC OS X服务器Persuasive Problem - solution - Mac Os X Server:有说服力的问题-解决方案- MAC OS X服务器 FINAL SPEECH (Persuasive Problem-Solution) Purpose: To inform and persuade your audience that a specific problem exists, it is serious, and it affects them. Time: 6-8 minutes Topic: Choos...
Persuasive Problem - solution - Mac Os X Server:有说服力的问题-解决方案- MAC OS X服务器
Persuasive Problem - solution - Mac Os X Server:有说服力的问题-解决- MAC OS X服务器 FINAL SPEECH (Persuasive Problem-Solution) Purpose: To inform and persuade your audience that a specific problem exists, it is serious, and it affects them. Time: 6-8 minutes Topic: Choose a topic that interests you and would probably interest your audience (the class). Consider what your audience already knows about this topic and what their attitude about this topic will be. Do not choose something the audience already knows a lot about. This topic must be presented in a persuasive manner; if the majority of your speech is informative, you will fail this speech. Requirements: - You must inform and persuade the audience of a position on a topic you have researched. - You must identify a problem, explain several possible solutions (preferably 3 or more), and then convince your audience of the best overall solution. - Identify the opposition, then defeat it with your position’s/view’s support. - You must use at least one technology-based visual aid (ELMO with 2 or more pix, chart, diagram, etc…Power Point, video (YouTube or DVD/VHS), or other audio/visual aids, etc…you may use additional non-technology based visual aids if you want) - You must prepare & type an outline, to be turned in right before you present. - You must orally cite at least four published or copyrighted sources as support. - You must type a Works Cited of your sources to be turned in with your outline. - You may use no more than TWO note cards (3x5) – keywords or phrases only! - Do NOT write out your entire speech word for word on the note cards! *You must have teacher approval for your topic, and you will not present the same topic as another student. **If you do not complete this speech, you will NOT receive credit for the course, regardless of your current grade. Persuasive Problem-Solution Where do I start? Problem – , Convince us the problem exists and is serious! , Find personal stories – Visual Aids of people, places, destruction, etc… , Use persuasive language and powerful, colorful word choice to make a major impact on your audience (especially with Pathos) Examples: - If we do not do something… - We must recognize… - …wiped from existence. - …slow, agonizing and painful death (then show VA) - …perished forever. , State an opinion then a fact to back it up, or a fact then an opinion with either a persuasive tone &/or use a rhetorical question. Examples: - If we do not do something about the AIDS epidemic, entire generations and races will be wiped from existence. We must recognize that life is about more than money and cars; our world, our future is in grave danger. [OPINION] Millions have perished from this disease, and it is projected that by the year 2014, 60 million more people will die a slow, agonizing and painful death. So by the time some of you graduate from high school or college, the Indianapolis population will be destroyed over 60 times or the world will bury over 17,143 North Central- sized schools. [FACT] - Millions have perished from this disease, and it is projected that by the year 2014, 60 million more people will die a slow, agonizing and painful death. So by the time some of you graduate from high school or college, the Indianapolis population will be destroyed over 60 times or the world will bury over 17,143 North Central- sized schools. [FACT] If we do not do something about the AIDS epidemic, entire generations and races will be wiped from existence. We must recognize that life is about more than money and cars; our world, our future is in grave danger. Or is life just not that precious to you? [OPINION] , You do not have to overload your speech with lots of numbers and facts – 2-3 good opinions with facts to back up the opinion or 2-3 facts with connecting opinions, like the examples provided, are all you need. Solution – , You can use solutions that are already out there, but not currently in use. You just have to work out the kinks; meaning, why are these solutions not being used? Then, decide on the best solution to this problem – is it one thing or is it a combination of a couple of the stated solutions. Visualization – , Show us pictures of the world with (and possibly without) the problem. , Be very visual and descriptive , Paint us a mental picture with your words. What should we (as society) expect after your solution is implemented? Action – , Give us contact information– hotlines numbers, shelters, government agencies and advocates, web addresses, postal addresses, etc… , Make/Give cards, handouts, or brochures with contact info &/or steps we can follow to make your solution work , Be creative – don?t just say HELP, but give us the TOOLS to help. PROBLEM-SOLUTION WORKSHEET Problem – _____________________________________ Step 1 – Write down as many causes/contributors (what leads to the above problem) as you can for this problem. _________________________ ________________________ _________________________ ________________________ _________________________ ________________________ _________________________ ________________________ _________________________ ________________________ Step 2 – From Step 1, choose the 3 greatest causes/contributors (what leads to this problem) and briefly explain why. 1. _________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 3. _________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Solution – Step 3 – Problem: ________________________________________ What can be done What is being When and Where Who has, is, or to make the current done to fix, are these will benefit from solution(s) better, correct, or solve changes already these solutions? reach more people, this problem?taking place?(stories/examples)effect more lives, etc…? Solution #1 Solution #2 Solution #3 Problem-Solution *If you are thorough and detailed on this handout and your research, you will find your solutions faster and easier. Furthermore, the Visualization and Action Steps (what you want the audience to do to make your best solution a success) will come easier. * Your best solution for this problem may be one of your already mentioned solutions but with modifications, a new solution not yet mentioned, a combination of an old and new solution, a combination of all or some of your previously mentioned solutions, etc… Be detailed with your best solution; possible ideas include: - Creating a new policy that people should follow. - Creating a detailed plan of action that needs to be implemented. - Creating a new law or revising a current law. - Creating a plan to implement new requirements, classes, systems, etc… that would improve current policies and plans. - Creating preventative methods (getting to things before they become a problem). Persuasive Problem-Solution Speech Topics (you do not have to choose from this list) , Civilians with automatic weapons/gun control , Sweatshops/Child Labor Laws , Teen Pregnancy , Teen Suicide , Hate crimes legislation (to impose harsher punishments on those who commit crimes against others because of their race, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, etc…) , Euthanasia , Cloning/Stem cell research , Murder (Capital Punishment) , TV & film violence/Censorship , Teen Drivers & Accidents - Seat belt laws (for cars, trucks, school busses) , Illegal Immigration , Nuclear Weapons (Nuclear Disarmament) , Gambling (illegal, underage, online, addiction, etc…) , Lottery , ISTEP or ECA testing/Standardized tests , Animal product testing (cosmetics, household cleaners, product safety tests, etc…) , Animal Cruelty (dog fights, neglect, etc…) , Abortion , Marijuana , Buying American products/trade (Importing/Exporting) , Prison reform/overcrowding , NCAA and illegal recruiting practices , Gang violence , Teen Drinking & Driving (harsher punishments) , Gas prices/reliance on fossil fuels (electric cars, etc…) , Global warming , Poverty in Africa , Homelessness , Welfare reform , Save the whales, dolphins, other endangered species , Save the coral reefs, everglades, rain forests, or other endangered environments , Forced sterilization in China /1 child law in China , Child obesity , Water pollution , No enough people in Armed Forces (Join the Armed Forces/Peace Corps , Professional Athletes? Salaries are too high , The Electoral College , Minors Tried as Adults , US should get rid of NASA , Losing National Endowment for the Arts (receive government funding?) , Terrorism , Personal Electronic Devices (mp3 players, I-pods, cell phones) while driving/in school , Illiteracy , Title IX law and its effect on women?s/men?s sports programs , Smoking Cigarettes in Public (Smoking Bans) , Internet Predators (myspace.com & chatrooms) , Reality TV isn?t Reality (glamorizes sex, violence, drinking, etc… & it?s affecting adolescents) , Bullying (in school & online) , Child Abuse , Soil Erosion , AIDS/HIV , Identity Theft , Dropping out of HS , Hazing (college & HS) , Police Brutality , Music Piracy , Wiretapping/Patriot Act , National Deficit/US Budget & Debt , School Safety (shootings, bombings, etc…) , Tax laws , Minimum Wage , Pesticide use , Affirmative Action laws , Eating disorders , Divorce , Sex offenders amongst the public , Plastic surgery , Subliminal Messages , Heart disease , Teen Drug Abuse Name: _________________________ Period: _______ Final (Persuasive Problem-Solution) Speech Outline Template Title/Topic:____________________________ Introduction – (1) Attention Getter, (2) Credibility, (3) Relevancy, & (4) Thesis/Preview Body – I. Problem (Topic Sentence): A. Significance/Severity of Problem: 1. Detailed Explanation: a. Support through (at least 1) SMELF: b. Support through (at least 1) Ethos/Pathos/Logos: II. Problem?s Direct/Indirect Effect on Society (Topic Sentence): A. Direct Effect (& Oral Citation?) - 1. Detailed Explanation & Evidence/Example: B. Indirect Effect (& Oral Citation?) - 1. Detailed Explanation & Evidence/Example: III. Possible Solutions (Topic Sentence): A. Possible Solution #1 – 1. Detailed Explanation: 2. Evidence it can work (& Oral Citation?): 3. Drawbacks: B. Possible Solution #2 – 1. Detailed Explanation: 2. Evidence it can work (& Oral Citation?): 3. Drawbacks: C. Possible Solution #3 – 1. Detailed Explanation: 2. Evidence it can work (& Oral Citation?): 3. Drawbacks: IV. Best Solution (Topic Sentence): A. Why Best Solution? 1. Detailed Explanation (how better than solution #1): a. Support through (at least 1) SMELF: b. Support through (at least 1) Ethos/Pathos/Logos: 2. Detailed Explanation (how better than solution #2): a. Support through (at least 1) SMELF: b. Support through (at least 1) Ethos/Pathos/Logos: 3. Detailed Explanation (how better than solution #3): a. Support through (at least 1) SMELF: b. Support through (at least 1) Ethos/Pathos/Logos: Conclusion – Summary/Review & Clincher (What can audience do? Why & How?) Yasmin Leal Air Pollution Introduction- (Attention Getter) When people think about air pollution, they usually think about smog, acid rain, and other forms of outdoor air pollutants. But did you know that air pollution can exist inside homes and buildings? In the article “Air Pollution Fatalities Now Exceed Traffic Fatalities by 3 to 1”, Bernie Roberts says that 70,000 people die each year from the effects of air pollution. This outrageous number of people dying is because of human activities that release substances into the air that cause health problems. (Credibility & Relevancy) I don’t want to die because of polluted air, and I know most of you would not either. (Thesis & Preview) It’s not just humans who are adversely affected by air pollution but also plants, living organisms, and the natural environment. Something must be done to decrease and potentially prevent air pollution from harming mankind and the other living organisms on Earth. Body- I. Problem: Air pollution is a significant cause of health problems and eventual death worldwide A. Severity/Significance of Problem: The American Lung Association estimates that more than 64,000 Americans die each year due to inhalation of microscopic particles from factories, electric power plants, and car emissions. 1. Detailed Explanation: Many people are suffering from asthma due to inhaling these toxic particles, damaging their respiratory and immune systems. a. Safety: Because people are always going outside, especially when the weather is nice, it is very important to keep our air clean and comfortable for people to breathe. b. Ethos: No one enjoys breathing second-hand smoke, smog, or car exhaust, so we need to work together to diminish the pollutants we allow in the air. II. Problem’s Direct/Indirect Effect: Air pollution negatively effects everyone directly and indirectly. A. Direct Effect: The American Academy of Family Physician’s article titled “Air Pollution,” tells us that United States factories release over 3 million tons of toxic chemicals into the land, air, and water each year. 1. Detailed Explanation & Evidence: This means that because of the chemicals with which we are contaminating our Earth, people develop many types of diseases. Some short-term effects include irritations to the eye, nose, throat, as well as upper respiratory infections, such as bronchitis and pneumonia. Each and every day, almost 15 billion people breathe high levels of pollution, making air pollution one of the main causes of premature death in this country. B. Indirect Effect: The long term health effects of air pollution can include lung cancer, heart disease, damage to the brain, nerves, liver, or kidneys, and eventually death. 1. Detailed Explanation & Evidence: According to the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory’s article titled “How Can Air Pollution Hurt My Health?” by the year 2031, 7,000,000 Americans will have died from long term chronic exposure to air pollution. This means that if we don’t do something soon, air pollution will only get worse and more people will die. III. Possible Solutions: There are several possible solutions to prevent and reduce air pollution, such as more environment-friendly vehicles, cautiously using chemicals, and recycling. A. Possible Solution #1: One of the solutions to the devastating air pollution problem is environment-friendly vehicles. 1. Detailed Explanation: Car dealerships and car rental companies could sell and rent only electric, hybrid, and low emission gasoline-powered vehicles.. 2. Evidence: According to Sarah Franklin’s article “Community Action”, car dealers and rental car companies who have adapted environmentally friendly vehicles have prevented more than 15 tons of air pollution since 1998. 3. Drawbacks: One of the drawbacks to this solution could be that some people might not be able to afford these cars because of how expensive they are. B. Possible Solution #2: Another solution to air pollution is cautiously using any kind of chemicals. 1. Detailed Explanation: People need to buy and use products that are environmentally friendly, natural, and/or non-toxic for cleaning, painting, and hygiene. For example, you could use vinegar and water instead of Windex and other bleach or chlorine-based cleaners around your house. This is not only cheaper but also safer for people and their pets. 2. Evidence: According to the National Council for Science and the Environment’s article "Air Pollution Causes and Effects”, people should buy products that come in pump-spray bottles instead of aerosols, buy low-solvent paints, and keep chemicals tightly sealed to prevent home air pollution. 3. Drawbacks: A drawback for this solution is the products that people want to use may not come in environmentally friendly containers, or the harmful ones may be cheaper and easier to find than the “green” choices. C. Possible Solution #3: A third solution to air pollution is recycling. 1. Detailed Explanation: People should recycle their paper and plastics instead of burning or sending trash to the dump. Burning trash made of certain plastics and chemicals can cause toxic smoke and air pollution. Also, just throwing away your waste only adds to our Earth’s litter and land and water pollution problems. 2. Evidence: We can decrease and prevent air pollution by recycling materials that can be reused, such as glass, paper products, some plastics, batteries, and aluminum cans. If every American recycled his or her newspaper just one day a week or recycled only their soda pop cans on the weekends, we would save over 36 million trees a year, in turn reducing air pollution by 15%. 3. Drawbacks: One of the drawbacks for this solution is that it takes a lot of time, effort, and money to recycle. People don’t think about the consequences of their actions, and it is just easier to throw things away and let someone else deal with it or burn the trash in your backyard to get rid of it. IV. Best Solution: There are many solutions to decreasing and preventing air pollution, but the best solution would be to pressure legislators to create pollution-control regulations, limiting the release of fossil fuels by companies and individuals. A. Why?: This is the best solution because it will by law force people to follow environmentally-friendly or “green” regulations, which would greatly decrease air pollution. 1. Detailed Explanation #1: A law eliminating or at least limiting the release of fossil fuels will better decrease and prevent air pollution than environmentally- friendly vehicles because it includes but is not limited to just the vehicles we drive that pollute our air. a. Safety: Meaning, the risk to our health and future safety from diseases due to air pollution will exponentially decrease with more than just cars and trucks not polluting the air. Manufacturers and producers of materials who have smoke stacks and such will also be unable to contaminate the air we breathe. b. Ethos: Better controlling the reduction and elimination of fossil fuel burning can only make it easier for our society as a whole. We won’t have to worry about going outside and inhaling toxic fumes that are out of our control. 2. Detailed Explanation #2: A law preventing or limiting the emission of poisonous fossil fuel will improve the air outside, and if the outside air is less or not polluted, the air inside our homes will also be healthier, with or without our use of natural or “green” products. a. Life/liberty: With this option you would have a choice as to whether or not you want or can afford to purchase and use “green” products. b. Logos: If we write to our local representatives and show support of such a law, we can ensure a healthier future for everyone. 3. Detailed Explanation #3: The decrease or elimination of fossil fuels through law does not require every single household to complete a long list of recycling requirements. a. Environment/Safety: By creating and enforcing a law to decrease and prevent air pollution, the physical damage that people cause the Earth and the illnesses and eventual death these activities cause mankind can stop. b. Logos: The reduction of fossil fuel emissions over one year by a law such as this is 15 times more helpful to the environment than recycling alone. Conclusion: (Summary/Review) Air pollution has many negative effects on people, the Earth, plants, and other living organisms. In addition to being ugly, it can cause illness and eventually death. Clean air is important because we cannot live without it! Something needs to be done to reduce and prevent air pollution. (Clincher) There are a number of things you can do right now to reduce the harmful pollutants we allow into the air we breathe. While you can drive an environmentally friendly vehicle, buy and use natural, non-toxic and “green” products, and even recycle. However the biggest way for us to make an impact on this problem is to write to our representatives, so we can get the laws about fossil fuel emissions changed. The Clean Air Act is important! We all need to take an action because we will all have to live with and potentially die as a consequence if we don’t make a change and stop air pollution now! Works Cited American Academy of Family Physicians. "Air Pollution." FamilyDoctor.org. AAFP. July 2010. Web. 26 March 2011. Franklin, Sarah. "Community Actions." Easy Breathers. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. 2002. Web. 24 March. 2011. "How Can Air Pollution Hurt My Health?" Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. University of California. 23 March 2011. Web. 25 March 2011. National Council for Science and the Environment. "Air Pollution Causes and Effects." AirpollutionFacts.org. NCSE. 3 November 2010. Web. 26 March 2011. Roberts, Bernie. "Air Pollution Fatalities Now Exceed Traffic Fatalities by 3 to 1." Earth Policy Institute. Earth Policy Institute. 2002. Web. 25 March 2011. Old Example Persuasive Problem-Solution Speech Outline Abortion Introduction- (Attention Getter) Have you ever stopped to think about the thousands of babies that are dying per day because women decide they do not want them? Dr. John Jamison & The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform shows us in the article “Keep the Children” that there are approximately 3,700 abortions per day, totaling 1.3 million abortions per year. (Credibility & Relevancy) Many of these abortions are the product of teens like you and me putting ourselves in compromising positions for which we are unready and unprepared. Abstinence and safe sex have been highly underrated and abortions have become the new “Plan B”. (Thesis/Preview) The numbers of potential children being killed are absurd. Something needs to be done to prevent any more babies from being murdered. Body- I. Problem: Too many kids are having sex at a young age. A. Significance/Severity of Problem: Dr. John Jamison tells us in “Keep the Children” from the Center of Bio-Ethical Reform that over 53% of abortions are from women age 24 and younger. 1. Detailed Explanation: Young adults are engaging in unprotected sexual activity more than ever, and the pregnancy rates are skyrocketing. a. Environment: The environment teens and young adults grow up in is becoming overwhelming. TV, film, videogames – everywhere you turn there is sexual innuendo. b. Life/Liberty & Ethos: As we grow up, we are allowed more personal freedoms, but with those freedoms come responsibility and the need to think about the choices we make. Young adults should be urged to make better decisions and not put themselves in situations for which they are not able to handle the consequences. c. Logos: We need to educate today?s youth to not think an abortion is an easy solution to an unwanted or inconvenient pregnancy. Otherwise, how will our future generations handle such issues? II. Problem?s Direct/Indirect Effect: Abortions have a huge direct and indirect affect on our society. A. Direct Effect: An article titled “Defining „Abortion?” tells us that 93% of all abortions are for social, not medical, reasons. 1. Detailed Explanation & Evidence/Example: This means women are killing a potential child because they do not want to deal with the consequences of their actions. It has nothing to do with medical or biological complications. It is merely the inconvenience of having a child that these abortions are performed. The direct effect of abortion being legal in the US is the loss of so many lives. Furthermore, the “World Health Report” from the World Health Organization states 68,000 women world-wide die each year from unsafe abortions. Therefore, it isn?t just the lives of the lost the babies we need to worry about; it is also the risk of losing the mothers? lives by going through with these abortions. B. Indirect Effect: The indirect effect abortion has on our society is how it shows teens and young adults that if you screw up, you can just get rid of the mistake – nor harm, no foul. 1. Detailed Explanation & Evidence/Example: Acceptance of abortion only tells society?s youth that killing is okay, and they don?t have to actually deal with the consequences of their poor choices. Where will the world be tomorrow if today?s children see this as a viable solution? III. Possible Solutions: Help from the Crisis Pregnancy Center, a law against abortion, and safe sex are all solutions to this problem. A. PS #1: The Central Indiana Crisis Pregnancy Center is a great place for help for those women who are unable to afford having a child, who are considering an abortion, and/or are lacking a support system. 1. DE: Teens, young adults, or independent women are all welcome at the CICPC. Here they can get necessary guidance and support they may not have elsewhere. Furthermore, the CPC can offer possible options for both those thinking of having sex and those who have already had sex and become pregnant. 2. Evidence: The CICPC has helped many women over the years. The Central Indiana CPC in 2006 alone helped 876 women change their minds about getting an abortion, as stated in their article “Created for Good Works”. 3. Drawbacks: These centers, however, require a lot to stay in operation: man-power, supplies, the facility, etc… They are constantly in need of donations. B. PS #2: There needs to be a specific law against abortion. 1. DE: There are many ways around the few restrictions place on abortion. 2. Evidence: If pro-life laws are put into action, millions of lives will be saved. 3. Drawbacks: The problem, however, is that people may still find a loop-hole in the law, continuing the practice of abortions. C. PS #3: Teens and young adults are not ready to have children of their own, so if they choose to have sex, it needs to be safe sex. 1. DE: If women know they are not ready for a child then they should take precautions; they shouldn?t rely on the man to have/use contraception. 2. Evidence: Women should also request their partner to use contraception even if they themselves are using some sort of protection. Nothing is 100% accident proof, except for abstinence. So, using two or more forms of contraception will help ensure an accident (and later an unwanted pregnancy) does not happen. 3. Drawbacks: A drawback to this solution, however, is that some women have allergies, which prevent them from using certain forms of contraception. Furthermore, many men and women simply forget, can?t afford it, or choose not to use it IV. Best Solution: If you know you are not ready to have a baby, then the best possible solution is abstinence. Choose to not have sex until you are ready for such possible consequences. A. Why?: If you remain abstinent, then you do not have to worry about getting pregnant and relying on abortion to alleviate that inconvenience. 1. DE#1: If you are not sexually active until you are ready to handle the possible repercussions, then abortion is unnecessary. a. Safety: Meaning, abstinence prevents the need for abortion, let alone the need for getting help elsewhere such as a clinic or pregnancy center, hence saving the lives of millions of potential children. b. Ethos: Through abstinence, our society as a whole will be a better place to live in. 2. DE#2: Realize that while you may feel you do not have a huge voice to make a difference, you actually do. a. Life/Liberty: There is only one person for you to make a difference to – YOU. b. Ethos/Pathos/Logos: And if we all take responsibility for only ourselves, then we don?t have to worry about the consequences, because those consequences will not be an issue to deal with until we are ready to deal with them. Therefore, no abortion will be necessary. Murder is not the answer, and a lesson not learned is a poor decision doomed to be repeated. 3. DE#3: Abstinence is the only way to ensure complete safety of one?s body, mind, and soul. a. Safety & Life/Liberty: Abstinence prevents one?s body from being harmed or having to go through such a physically overwhelming predicament, such as pregnancy. However, abstinence also aids in one?s solidarity or comfort of heart and mind. Waiting until one is married/ready guarantees both freedom from stress and the strain of the future consequences of sex. b. Logos: While condoms and other contraceptives, especially when used together, can prevent pregnancy and STD?s, it is not an absolute. Contraceptives are at best 97% preventative, but what if it is not used correctly or is faulty/damaged in some way? Nothing is 100% fool proof, except abstinence. Conclusion – (Summary/Review) There are too many abortions occurring in the US, and something needs to be done! Kids, teens, young adults, and independent women everywhere need to realize they are not just potentially harming themselves when they decide that abortion is a viable option to the inconvenience of a pregnancy. (Clincher) Women and girls need to look out for themselves, respect themselves. Wait until your ready. You?re worth it! You will be saving both your own life as well as the potential life of another. If you care about yourself enough to wait, those who truly care for you will too! Do not kill an innocent baby. Choose to wait to be sexually active until you are ready to handle a possible pregnancy. But if you cannot or do not want to wait, please make sure both you and your partner use protection. One reason it?s called “safe sex” is because it saves lives from being lost. Works Cited Central Indiana Crisis Pregnancy Center. “Created for Good Works.” CICPC. Life Centers, Inc. 2005. Web. 11 May 2007. Jamison, Dr. John. “Keep the Children.” AbortionNO. Center for Bio-Ethical Reform. 2000. Web. 8 May 2007. NRLC. “Defining „Abortion.?” National Right To Life. National Right To Life Committee. 2007. Web. 8 May 2007 “The World Health Report – 2005.” The World Health Organization. WHO. 2005. Web. 10 May 2007.
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