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黑龙江省建设厅黑龙江省建设厅 黑龙江省《建筑业企业资质管理规定》实施意见 发文单位:黑龙江省建设厅 文 号:黑建建,2007,69号 发布日期:2007-12-29 执行日期:2007-12-29 各市,地,建设局,建委,~省农垦总局、森工总局建设局: 为贯彻落实《建筑业企业资质管理规定》,建设部令第159号,和《建筑业企业资质管理规定实施意见》,建市[2007]241号,~进一步规范我省建筑业企业资质审批管理工作~省建设厅结合我省的实际情况~制定了具体的实施意见~现将《黑龙江省实施意见》印发给你们~请遵照执行~并提出如下意见:...
黑龙江省建设厅 黑龙江省《建筑业企业资质管理规定》实施意见 发文单位:黑龙江省建设厅 文 号:黑建建,2007,69号 发布日期:2007-12-29 执行日期:2007-12-29 各市,地,建设局,建委,~省农垦总局、森工总局建设局: 为贯彻落实《建筑业企业资质管理规定》,建设部令第159号,和《建筑业企业资质管理规定实施意见》,建市[2007]241号,~进一步规范我省建筑业企业资质审批管理工作~省建设厅结合我省的实际情况~制定了具体的实施意见~现将《黑龙江省<建筑业资质管理规定>实施意见》印发给你们~请遵照执行~并提出如下意见: 一、认真贯彻落实《建筑业资质管理规定实施意见》~并结合本地区实际制定相应的审批管理程序及措施~完善审批~确保资质许可程序化、规范化。 二、对本辖区内从事建筑施工活动的建筑业企业建立信用档案~制定资质许可的层级监管办法~加强企业资质的批后监管。 三、《建筑业资质管理规定实施意见》于2008年1月1日起正式实施~凡过去文件规定与本意见不一致的~以本意见为准。 二〇〇七年十二月二十九日 Seven remediation outdoor barbecue. Main roads in the city, an important regional establishment of barbecue prohibited zone, found a clearing a; in secondary roads and area to set up a barbecue strict management district, guide barbecue operators into the store, into the courtyard, into the city business; to in accordance with the needs of the public, scientific siting, planning and construction of a batch of concentrated market barbecue, barbecue City, and strengthen the management and the barbecue smoke concentration, filtering, and purification. The problem area, to take a multi sectoral joint law enforcement, law enforcement, public security, industry and commerce, taxation and other departments of the unified organization, the joint action. Eight is to improve public infrastructure. At all levels of housing, transportation, municipal, sanitation and other departments to duties in accordance with the requirements of good old, rags, defect and other hardware facilities maintenance, repair, and acquires the job, accelerate the greening of municipal facilities, lighting, landscaping, and increase home a batch of urban street landscape, to ensure that water, Lupin, light, line Qi and the wall the United States, Jing Ya, enhance urban grade. 黑龙江省《建筑业企业资质管理规定》实施意见 依据《中华人民共和国行政许可法》、《建筑业企业资质管理规定》,建设部令第159号,、《建筑业企业资质管理规定实施意见》,建市[2007]241号,和相关法律法规~制定本实施意见。 一、资质申请范围 在黑龙江省行政区域内依法取得工商行政管理部门颁发的《企业法人营业执照》~从事土木工程、建筑工程、线路管道设备安装工程、装修工程的新建、扩建、改建等活动的企业均可申请建筑业企业资质。 二、资质许可程序 ,一,下列建筑业企业资质的许可~由国务院建设主管部门实施: 1、施工总承包序列特级资质、一级资质, 2、国务院国有资产管理部门直接监管的企业及其下属一层级的企业的施工总承包二级资质、三级资质, 3、水利、交通、信息产业方面的专业承包序列一级资质, 4、铁路、民航方面的专业承包序列一级、二级资质, 2、国务院国有资产管理部门直接监管的企业及其下属一层级的企业的施工总承包二级资质、三级资质, 3、水利、交通、信息产业方面的专业承包序列一级资质,4、铁路、民航方面的专业承包序列一级、二级资质, 5、公路交通工程专业承包不分等级资质、城市轨道交通专业承包不分等级资质。 Seven remediation outdoor barbecue. Main roads in the city, an important regional establishment of barbecue prohibited zone, found a clearing a; in secondary roads and area to set up a barbecue strict management district, guide barbecue operators into the store, into the courtyard, into the city business; to in accordance with the needs of the public, scientific siting, planning and construction of a batch of concentrated market barbecue, barbecue City, and strengthen the management and the barbecue smoke concentration, filtering, and purification. The problem area, to take a multi sectoral joint law enforcement, law enforcement, public security, industry and commerce, taxation and other departments of the unified organization, the joint action. Eight is to improve public infrastructure. At all levels of housing, transportation, municipal, sanitation and other departments to duties in accordance with the requirements of good old, rags, defect and other hardware facilities maintenance, repair, and acquires the job, accelerate the greening of municipal facilities, lighting, landscaping, and increase home a batch of urban street landscape, to ensure that water, Lupin, light, line Qi and the wall the United States, Jing Ya, enhance urban grade. 申请前款所列资质的~由市,地,建设行政主管部门提出申请~省建设行政主管部门应当自受理申请之日起20日内初审完毕并将初审意见和申请材料报国务院建设主管部门。 ,二,下列建筑业企业资质许可~由省建设行政主管部门实施: 1、施工总承包序列二级资质,不含国务院国有资产管理部门直接监管的企业及其下属一层级的企业的施工总承包序列二级资质,, 2、铁路、交通、水利施工总承包序列三级资质, 3、专业承包序列一级资质,不含铁路、交通、水利、信息产业、民航专业承包序列一级资质,, 4、专业承包序列二级资质,不含民航、铁路专业承包序列二级资质,, 5、铁路、交通、水利、信息产业、消防专业承包序列三级资质和起重设备安装工程三级、拆除工程三级资质, 6、专业承包序列不分等级资质,不含公路交通工程专业承包序列和城市轨道交通专业承包序列的不分等级资质,, 申请前款所列资质的~在市,地,工商行政管理部门注册的建筑业企业由市,地,建设行政主管部门初审~在县,市,工商行政管理部门注册的建筑业企业由县,市,建设行政主管部门初审。初审部门应当自受理申请之日起20日内初审完毕并将初审意见和申请材料报省建设行政主管部门。 涉及铁路、交通、水利、消防、信息产业等方面资质~由省建设行政主管部门送省有关部门审核。 省国资委直接监管的企业申请施工总承包、专业承包二级资质的~由省国资委初审并报省建设行政主管部门。 Seven remediation outdoor barbecue. Main roads in the city, an important regional establishment of barbecue prohibited zone, found a clearing a; in secondary roads and area to set up a barbecue strict management district, guide barbecue operators into the store, into the courtyard, into the city business; to in accordance with the needs of the public, scientific siting, planning and construction of a batch of concentrated market barbecue, barbecue City, and strengthen the management and the barbecue smoke concentration, filtering, and purification. The problem area, to take a multi sectoral joint law enforcement, law enforcement, public security, industry and commerce, taxation and other departments of the unified organization, the joint action. Eight is to improve public infrastructure. At all levels of housing, transportation, municipal, sanitation and other departments to duties in accordance with the requirements of good old, rags, defect and other hardware facilities maintenance, repair, and acquires the job, accelerate the greening of municipal facilities, lighting, landscaping, and increase home a batch of urban street landscape, to ensure that water, Lupin, light, line Qi and the wall the United States, Jing Ya, enhance urban grade. 省农垦总局、森工总局建设行政主管部门负责本系统内建筑业企业资质的初审和申报。 申报前款所列第1、3、4项资质的~省建设行政主管部门实行实地核查制度。 ,三,下列建筑业企业资质许可~由企业工商注册所在市,地,建设行政主管部门实施: 1、施工总承包序列三级资质,不含国务院国有资产管理部门直接监管的企业及其下属一层级的企业的施工总承包三级资质和铁路、交通、水利总承包三级资质,, 2、专业承包序列三级资质,不含铁路、交通、水利、信息产业、消防专业承包序列三级资质和起重设备安装工程三级、拆除工程三级资质,, 3、劳务分包序列资质, 4、燃气燃烧器具安装、维修企业资质。 申请前款所列资质的~应当实行专家审核制度~并填写《建筑业企业专家审核表》~具体许可程序由市,地,建设行政主管部门依法确定。 三、资质许可时限 建设行政主管部门应当自受理之日起60日内完成审核。 涉及铁路、交通、水利、消防、信息产业等方面资质~省有关部门应在20日内审核完毕。 企业申请资质升级、增项的~应当在其资质批准一年后申请。 四、资质申请材料 企业申请资质应当书面材料和网络材料同时申报。 Seven remediation outdoor barbecue. Main roads in the city, an important regional establishment of barbecue prohibited zone, found a clearing a; in secondary roads and area to set up a barbecue strict management district, guide barbecue operators into the store, into the courtyard, into the city business; to in accordance with the needs of the public, scientific siting, planning and construction of a batch of concentrated market barbecue, barbecue City, and strengthen the management and the barbecue smoke concentration, filtering, and purification. The problem area, to take a multi sectoral joint law enforcement, law enforcement, public security, industry and commerce, taxation and other departments of the unified organization, the joint action. Eight is to improve public infrastructure. At all levels of housing, transportation, municipal, sanitation and other departments to duties in accordance with the requirements of good old, rags, defect and other hardware facilities maintenance, repair, and acquires the job, accelerate the greening of municipal facilities, lighting, landscaping, and increase home a batch of urban street landscape, to ensure that water, Lupin, light, line Qi and the wall the United States, Jing Ya, enhance urban grade. 报送书面材料应提供《建筑业企业资质申请表》及相应附件资料~并按照下列顺序进行装订: ,一,《建筑业企业资质申请表》一式三份~其中涉及到铁路、交通、水利、信息产业、民航、消防等专业部门资质的~每涉及一个专业部门~须另增加《建筑业企业资质申请表》一份。 ,二,综合资料,第一册,: 1、企业法人营业执照副本, 2、企业资质证书正、副本, 3、企业章程, 4、企业近三年建筑业行业统计报表,加盖统计局印章,, 5、企业经审计的近三年财务报表,审计事务所出具,, 6、企业法定代表人任职文件、身份证明, 7、企业经理和技术、财务负责人的身份证明、职称证书、任职文件及相关资质标准要求的技术负责人代表工程业绩证明资料, 8、如有设备、厂房等要求的~应提供设备购臵发票或租赁、厂房的房屋产权证或房屋租赁合同等相关证明~以及相关资质标准要求提供的其它资料, 9、企业安全生产许可证,劳务分包企业、混凝土预制构件企业、预拌商品混凝土等企业可不提供,。 其中~首次申请资质的企业~不需提供上述2、4、5、9的材料~但应提供企业安全生产等文件。 ,三,人员资料,第二册,: Seven remediation outdoor barbecue. Main roads in the city, an important regional establishment of barbecue prohibited zone, found a clearing a; in secondary roads and area to set up a barbecue strict management district, guide barbecue operators into the store, into the courtyard, into the city business; to in accordance with the needs of the public, scientific siting, planning and construction of a batch of concentrated market barbecue, barbecue City, and strengthen the management and the barbecue smoke concentration, filtering, and purification. The problem area, to take a multi sectoral joint law enforcement, law enforcement, public security, industry and commerce, taxation and other departments of the unified organization, the joint action. Eight is to improve public infrastructure. At all levels of housing, transportation, municipal, sanitation and other departments to duties in accordance with the requirements of good old, rags, defect and other hardware facilities maintenance, repair, and acquires the job, accelerate the greening of municipal facilities, lighting, landscaping, and increase home a batch of urban street landscape, to ensure that water, Lupin, light, line Qi and the wall the United States, Jing Ya, enhance urban grade. 1、建筑业企业资质申请表中所列注册人员的身份证明、注册证书及养老保险凭证,申请之日起一年内任一个月份单位养老保险缴费收据和社保局出具的缴费人员名单,, 2、建筑业企业资质标准要求的非注册的专业技术人员的职称证书、身份证明和中高级专业技术人员养老保险凭证, 3、部分资质标准要求企业必须具备的特殊专业技术人员的职称证书、身份证明及养老保险凭证~还应提供相应毕业证书及反映专业业绩的证明材料, 4、劳务分包企业应提供标准要求的人员岗位证书、身份证明。 ,四,工程业绩资料,申请最低等级资质不提供,,第三册,: 1、工程合同、中标通知书, 2、符合国家规定的竣工验收单,备案表,或质量核验资料, 3、上述资料无法反映技术指标的~还应提供反映技术指标要求的工程照片、图纸、工程决算资料、设计审查合格书及反映工程规模的主要设计文件,平面图、剖面图或工艺流程图,等。 ,五,对企业申请改制、分立、合并需重新核定资质的~除需提供上述资料外~还应提供下列资料,列入第一册综合材料,: 1、企业改制、分立、合并,包括新企业与原企业资产、人员、工程业绩的分割情况,, 2、企业改制、分立、合并的批准文件或股东会或职工代表大会决议, 3、企业改制、分立应提供改制、分立前企业近三年财务报表和统计报表, 4、企业合并应提供合并前各企业近三年财务报表和统计报表及最新合并报表, Seven remediation outdoor barbecue. Main roads in the city, an important regional establishment of barbecue prohibited zone, found a clearing a; in secondary roads and area to set up a barbecue strict management district, guide barbecue operators into the store, into the courtyard, into the city business; to in accordance with the needs of the public, scientific siting, planning and construction of a batch of concentrated market barbecue, barbecue City, and strengthen the management and the barbecue smoke concentration, filtering, and purification. The problem area, to take a multi sectoral joint law enforcement, law enforcement, public security, industry and commerce, taxation and other departments of the unified organization, the joint action. Eight is to improve public infrastructure. At all levels of housing, transportation, municipal, sanitation and other departments to duties in accordance with the requirements of good old, rags, defect and other hardware facilities maintenance, repair, and acquires the job, accelerate the greening of municipal facilities, lighting, landscaping, and increase home a batch of urban street landscape, to ensure that water, Lupin, light, line Qi and the wall the United States, Jing Ya, enhance urban grade. 5、会计师事务所出具的验资。 ,六,省建设厅行政受理中心负责核对企业提供的资料原件~原件由企业保存。正式受理后~所有资料一律不得更换、修改、退还。上级有关主管部门对企业申请材料有质疑的~企业应当提供相关资料原件~必要时要配合有关部门进行实地调查。 ,七,附件资料应按“综合资料、人员资料、工程业绩资料”的顺序排列装订~规格为A4,210×297mm,型纸~并有标明页码的总目录及申请说明~建议采用软封面封底~逐页编写页码。 ,八,由省建设行政主管部门核准的资质进行变更的~应当提供下列资料: 1、申请法人变更的~应提供: ,1,黑龙江省建筑业企业资质变更申请表, ,2,企业法人营业执照复印件, ,3,个人简历和职称证复印件, ,4,网上变更手续。 2、申请企业负责人、技术负责人变更的~应提供: ,1,黑龙江省建筑业企业资质变更申请表, ,2,个人简历和职称证复印件, ,3,网上变更手续。 3、申请注册资本金变更或注册地址变更的~应提供: ,1,黑龙江省建筑业企业资质变更申请表, ,2,企业法人营业执照复印件, Seven remediation outdoor barbecue. Main roads in the city, an important regional establishment of barbecue prohibited zone, found a clearing a; in secondary roads and area to set up a barbecue strict management district, guide barbecue operators into the store, into the courtyard, into the city business; to in accordance with the needs of the public, scientific siting, planning and construction of a batch of concentrated market barbecue, barbecue City, and strengthen the management and the barbecue smoke concentration, filtering, and purification. The problem area, to take a multi sectoral joint law enforcement, law enforcement, public security, industry and commerce, taxation and other departments of the unified organization, the joint action. Eight is to improve public infrastructure. At all levels of housing, transportation, municipal, sanitation and other departments to duties in accordance with the requirements of good old, rags, defect and other hardware facilities maintenance, repair, and acquires the job, accelerate the greening of municipal facilities, lighting, landscaping, and increase home a batch of urban street landscape, to ensure that water, Lupin, light, line Qi and the wall the United States, Jing Ya, enhance urban grade. ,3,网上变更手续。 ,九,资质证书有效期为5年。 1、有效期的起始时间:以企业首次取得最高等级主项资质的日期为资质证书有效期计算起始时间。企业资质发生变更的~有效期不变~其中涉及到主项升级~或分立、合并事项的~按新批准时间作为有效期的起始日。 2、企业在资质证书有效期届满前 60日内申请资质延续的~资质受理部门可受理其申请~但自有效期到期之日至批准延续的时间内资质证书失效。资质证书有效期届满仍未提出延续的~其资质证书自动失效。 企业申请资质证书延续的~应当提供下列资料: 1、《建筑业企业资质延续申请表》 2、企业法人营业执照副本, 3、企业资质证书正、副本, 4、企业注册人员的注册证书 ,十,企业遗失资质证书~可以申请补办~需提供下列资料: 1、申请补办报告, 2、省级综合类报纸上刊登的遗失声明。 由国务院建设主管部门颁发的资质证书~还应当提供《建设工程企业证书增补审核表》。 ,十一,企业因变更、升级、注销等原因需要换发或收回资质证书的~由原资质许可机关负责收回并销毁。 五、监督管理 Seven remediation outdoor barbecue. Main roads in the city, an important regional establishment of barbecue prohibited zone, found a clearing a; in secondary roads and area to set up a barbecue strict management district, guide barbecue operators into the store, into the courtyard, into the city business; to in accordance with the needs of the public, scientific siting, planning and construction of a batch of concentrated market barbecue, barbecue City, and strengthen the management and the barbecue smoke concentration, filtering, and purification. The problem area, to take a multi sectoral joint law enforcement, law enforcement, public security, industry and commerce, taxation and other departments of the unified organization, the joint action. Eight is to improve public infrastructure. At all levels of housing, transportation, municipal, sanitation and other departments to duties in accordance with the requirements of good old, rags, defect and other hardware facilities maintenance, repair, and acquires the job, accelerate the greening of municipal facilities, lighting, landscaping, and increase home a batch of urban street landscape, to ensure that water, Lupin, light, line Qi and the wall the United States, Jing Ya, enhance urban grade. ,一,各市,地,建设行政主管部门应依据《黑龙江省建筑业企业行业信用评价办法》对本辖区内从事建筑施工活动的建筑业企业建立信用档案~并根据本地实际情况制定资质许可的层级监管办法~运用网络信息化手段对建筑业企业资质许可实施监督管理。 ,二,上级建设主管部门有权对下级建设主管部门受理的企业申请材料、初审部门的审核材料进行监督检查。资质许可机关对建筑业企业的所有申请、审查等书面材料应当至少保存五年。 ,三,对于发生违法违规行为的企业~违法行为发生地县,市,级以上建设行政主管部门应当依法查处~并将违法事实、处罚结果或处理建议及时告知该企业的资质许可机关~同时将处罚结果记入建筑业企业信用档案。 ,四,由省建设行政主管部门审批的建筑业企业资质的处罚~各市,地,应当在违法事实查实认定后30日内~将资质处罚的建议报送省建设行政主管部门~省建设行政主管部门依据有关法律法规进行处罚。 ,五,省建设行政主管部门每年对建筑业企业的资质条件进行核查~核查率不低于5,。 被检查单位应如实提供企业资质证书、企业财务报表、人员资料及业绩资料等与资质标准相关的资料~核查中发现企业不符合相应资质条件的~由资质许可机关通知企业限期改正~整改期限不少于一个月。逾期不改的~由资质许可机关撤回其资质。 ,六,本实施意见未明确事宜~请参照《建筑业企业资质管理规定实施意见》,建市[2007]241号,执行。 黑龙江省建设厅 Seven remediation outdoor barbecue. Main roads in the city, an important regional establishment of barbecue prohibited zone, found a clearing a; in secondary roads and area to set up a barbecue strict management district, guide barbecue operators into the store, into the courtyard, into the city business; to in accordance with the needs of the public, scientific siting, planning and construction of a batch of concentrated market barbecue, barbecue City, and strengthen the management and the barbecue smoke concentration, filtering, and purification. The problem area, to take a multi sectoral joint law enforcement, law enforcement, public security, industry and commerce, taxation and other departments of the unified organization, the joint action. Eight is to improve public infrastructure. At all levels of housing, transportation, municipal, sanitation and other departments to duties in accordance with the requirements of good old, rags, defect and other hardware facilities maintenance, repair, and acquires the job, accelerate the greening of municipal facilities, lighting, landscaping, and increase home a batch of urban street landscape, to ensure that water, Lupin, light, line Qi and the wall the United States, Jing Ya, enhance urban grade. 房屋建筑工程施工总承包企业资质等级标准 房屋建筑工程施工总承包企业资质分为特级、一级、二级、三级。 特级资质标准: 1. 企业注册资本金3亿元以上。 2. 企业净资产3.6亿元以上。 3. 企业近3年年平均工程结算收入15亿元在上。 4. 企业其他条件均达到一级资质标准。 一级资质标准: 1. 企业近5年承担过下列6项中的4项以上工程的施工总承包或主体工程承包~工程质量合格。 ,1, 25层以上的房屋建筑工程, ,2, 高度100米以上的构筑物或建筑物, ,3, 单体建筑面积3万平方米以上的房屋建筑工程, ,4, 单跨跨度30米以上的房屋建筑工程, ,5, 建筑面积10万平方米以上的住宅小区或建筑群体, ,6, 单项建安合同额1亿元以上的房屋建筑工程。 2. 企业经理具有10年以上从事工程管理工作经历或具有高级职称,总工程师具有10年以上从事建筑施工技术管理工作经历并具有本专业高级职称,总会计师具有高级会计职称,总经济师具有高级职称。 企业有职称的工程技术和经济管理人员不少于300人~其中工程技术人员不少于200人,工程技术人员中~具有高级职称的人员不少于10人~具有中级职称的人员不少于60人。 企业具有的一级资质项目经理不少于12人。 Seven remediation outdoor barbecue. Main roads in the city, an important regional establishment of barbecue prohibited zone, found a clearing a; in secondary roads and area to set up a barbecue strict management district, guide barbecue operators into the store, into the courtyard, into the city business; to in accordance with the needs of the public, scientific siting, planning and construction of a batch of concentrated market barbecue, barbecue City, and strengthen the management and the barbecue smoke concentration, filtering, and purification. The problem area, to take a multi sectoral joint law enforcement, law enforcement, public security, industry and commerce, taxation and other departments of the unified organization, the joint action. Eight is to improve public infrastructure. At all levels of housing, transportation, municipal, sanitation and other departments to duties in accordance with the requirements of good old, rags, defect and other hardware facilities maintenance, repair, and acquires the job, accelerate the greening of municipal facilities, lighting, landscaping, and increase home a batch of urban street landscape, to ensure that water, Lupin, light, line Qi and the wall the United States, Jing Ya, enhance urban grade. 3. 企业注册资本金5000万元以上~企业净资产6000万元以上。 4. 企业近3年最高年工程结算收入2亿元以上。 5. 企业具有与承包工程范围相适应的施工机械和质量检测设备。 二级资质标准: 1. 企业近5年承担过下列6项中的4项以上工程的施工总承包或主体工程承包~工程质量合格。 ,1, 12层以上的房屋建筑工程, ,2, 高度50米以上的构筑物或建筑物, ,3, 单体建筑面积1万平方米以上的房屋建筑工程, ,4, 单跨跨度21米以上的房屋建筑工程, ,5, 建筑面积5万平方米以上的住宅小区或建筑群体, ,6, 单项建安合同额3000万元以上的房屋建筑工程。 2. 企业经理具有8年以上从事工程管理工作经历或具有中级以上职称,技术负责人具有8年以上从事建筑施工技术管理工作经历并具有本专业高级职称,财务负责人具有中级以上会计职称。 企业有职称的工程技术和经济管理人员不少于150人~其中工程技术人员不少于100人,工程技术人员中~具有高级职称的人员不少于2人~具有中级职称的人员不少于20人。 企业具有的二级资质以上项目经理不少于12人。 3. 企业注册资本金2000万元以上~企业净资产2500万元以上。 4. 企业近3年最高年工程结算收入8000万元以上。 5. 企业具有与承包工程范围相适应的施工机械和质量检测设备。 三级资质标准: 1. 企业近5年承担过下列5项中的3项以上工程的施工总承包或主体工程Seven remediation outdoor barbecue. Main roads in the city, an important regional establishment of barbecue prohibited zone, found a clearing a; in secondary roads and area to set up a barbecue strict management district, guide barbecue operators into the store, into the courtyard, into the city business; to in accordance with the needs of the public, scientific siting, planning and construction of a batch of concentrated market barbecue, barbecue City, and strengthen the management and the barbecue smoke concentration, filtering, and purification. The problem area, to take a multi sectoral joint law enforcement, law enforcement, public security, industry and commerce, taxation and other departments of the unified organization, the joint action. Eight is to improve public infrastructure. At all levels of housing, transportation, municipal, sanitation and other departments to duties in accordance with the requirements of good old, rags, defect and other hardware facilities maintenance, repair, and acquires the job, accelerate the greening of municipal facilities, lighting, landscaping, and increase home a batch of urban street landscape, to ensure that water, Lupin, light, line Qi and the wall the United States, Jing Ya, enhance urban grade. 承包~工程质量合格。 ,1, 6层以上的房屋建筑工程, ,2, 高度25米以上的构筑物或建筑物, ,3, 单体建筑面积5000平方米以上的房屋建筑工程, ,4, 单跨跨度15米以上的房屋建筑工程, ,5, 单项建安合同额500万元以上的房屋建筑工程。 2. 企业经理具有5年以上从事工程管理工作经历,技术负责人具有5年以上从事建筑施工技术管理工作经历并具有本专业中级以上职称,财务负责人具有初级以上会计职称。 企业有职称的工程技术和经济管理人员不少于50人~其中工程技术人员不少于30人,工程技术人员中~具有中级以上职称的人员不少于10人。 企业具有的三级资质以上项目经理不少于10人。 3. 企业注册资本金600万元以上~企业净资产700万元以上。 4. 企业近3年最高年工程结算收入2400万元以上。 5. 企业具有与承包工程范围相适应的施工机械和质量检测设备。 承包工程范围: 特级企业:可承担各类房屋建筑工程的施工。 一级企业:可承担单项建安合同额不超过企业注册资本金5倍的下列房屋建筑工程的施工: ,1, 40层及以下、各类跨度的房屋建筑工程, ,2, 高度240米及以下的构筑物, ,3, 建筑面积20万平方米及以下的住宅小区或建筑群体。 二级企业:可承担单项建安合同额不超过企业注册资本金5倍的下列房屋建筑工程的施工: Seven remediation outdoor barbecue. Main roads in the city, an important regional establishment of barbecue prohibited zone, found a clearing a; in secondary roads and area to set up a barbecue strict management district, guide barbecue operators into the store, into the courtyard, into the city business; to in accordance with the needs of the public, scientific siting, planning and construction of a batch of concentrated market barbecue, barbecue City, and strengthen the management and the barbecue smoke concentration, filtering, and purification. The problem area, to take a multi sectoral joint law enforcement, law enforcement, public security, industry and commerce, taxation and other departments of the unified organization, the joint action. Eight is to improve public infrastructure. At all levels of housing, transportation, municipal, sanitation and other departments to duties in accordance with the requirements of good old, rags, defect and other hardware facilities maintenance, repair, and acquires the job, accelerate the greening of municipal facilities, lighting, landscaping, and increase home a batch of urban street landscape, to ensure that water, Lupin, light, line Qi and the wall the United States, Jing Ya, enhance urban grade. ,1, 28层及以下、单跨跨度36米及以下的房屋建筑工程, ,2, 高度120米及以下的构筑物, ,3, 建筑面积12万平方米及以下的住宅小区或建筑群体。 三级企业:可承担单项建安合同额不超过企业注册资本金5售的下列房屋建筑工程的施工: ,1, 14层及以下、单跨跨度24米以下的房屋建筑工程, ,2, 高度70米及以下的构筑物, ,3, 建筑面积6万平方米及以下的住宅小区或建筑群体。 注:房屋建筑工程是指工业、民用与公共建筑,建筑物、构筑物,工程。工程内容包括地基与基础工程~土石方工程~结构工程~屋面工程~内、外部的装修装饰工程~上下水、供暖、电器、卫生洁具、通风、照明、消防、防雷等安装工程。 市政公用工程施工总承包企业资质等级标准 市政公用工程施工总承包企业资质分为特级、一级、二级、三级。 特级资质标准: 1. 企业注册资本金3亿元以上。 2. 企业净资产3.6亿元以上。 3. 企业近3年年平均工程结算收入15亿元以上。 4. 企业其他条件均达到一级资质标准。 一级资质标准: 1. 企业近5年承担过下列4项中的2项以上单项合同额3000万元以上的市政公用工程施工总承包或主体工程承包~工程质量合格。 Seven remediation outdoor barbecue. Main roads in the city, an important regional establishment of barbecue prohibited zone, found a clearing a; in secondary roads and area to set up a barbecue strict management district, guide barbecue operators into the store, into the courtyard, into the city business; to in accordance with the needs of the public, scientific siting, planning and construction of a batch of concentrated market barbecue, barbecue City, and strengthen the management and the barbecue smoke concentration, filtering, and purification. The problem area, to take a multi sectoral joint law enforcement, law enforcement, public security, industry and commerce, taxation and other departments of the unified organization, the joint action. Eight is to improve public infrastructure. At all levels of housing, transportation, municipal, sanitation and other departments to duties in accordance with the requirements of good old, rags, defect and other hardware facilities maintenance, repair, and acquires the job, accelerate the greening of municipal facilities, lighting, landscaping, and increase home a batch of urban street landscape, to ensure that water, Lupin, light, line Qi and the wall the United States, Jing Ya, enhance urban grade. ,1, 城市道路、桥梁、隧道、公共广场工程, ,2, 城市供水工程、排水工程或污水处理工程, ,3, 城市燃气工程或热力工程, ,4, 城市生活垃圾处理工程。 2. 企业经理具有10年以上从事工程管理工作经历或具有高级职称,总工程师具有10年以上从事施工技术管理工作经历并具有本专业高级职称,总会计师具有高级会计职称,总经济师具有高级职称。 企业有职称的工程技术和经济管理人员不少于240人~其中工程技术人员不少于150人,工程技术人员中~具有高级职称的人员不少于10人~具有中级职称的人员不少于40人。 企业具有的本专业一级资质项目经理不少于12人。 3. 企业注册资本金4000万元以上~企业净资产5000万元以上。 4. 企业近3年最高年工程结算收入1.6亿元以上。 5. 企业具有与承包工程范围相适应的施工机械和质量检测设备。 二级资质标准: 6. 企业近5年承担过下列4项中的2项以上单项合同额1000万元以上的市政公用工程施工总承包或主体工程承包~工程质量合格。 ,1, 城市道路、桥梁、隧道、公共广场工程, ,2, 城市供水工程、排水工程或污水处理工程, ,3, 城市燃气工程或热力工程, ,4, 城市生活垃圾处理工程。 2. 企业经理具有8年以上从事工程管理工作经历或具有中级以上职称,技术负责人具有8年以上从事施工技术管理工作经历并具有本专业高级职称,财务负责人具有中级以上会计职称。 Seven remediation outdoor barbecue. Main roads in the city, an important regional establishment of barbecue prohibited zone, found a clearing a; in secondary roads and area to set up a barbecue strict management district, guide barbecue operators into the store, into the courtyard, into the city business; to in accordance with the needs of the public, scientific siting, planning and construction of a batch of concentrated market barbecue, barbecue City, and strengthen the management and the barbecue smoke concentration, filtering, and purification. The problem area, to take a multi sectoral joint law enforcement, law enforcement, public security, industry and commerce, taxation and other departments of the unified organization, the joint action. Eight is to improve public infrastructure. At all levels of housing, transportation, municipal, sanitation and other departments to duties in accordance with the requirements of good old, rags, defect and other hardware facilities maintenance, repair, and acquires the job, accelerate the greening of municipal facilities, lighting, landscaping, and increase home a batch of urban street landscape, to ensure that water, Lupin, light, line Qi and the wall the United States, Jing Ya, enhance urban grade. 企业有职称的工程技术和经济管理人员不少于100人~其中工程技术人员不少于60人,工程技术人员中~具有高级职称的人员不少于4人~具有中级职称的人员不少于20人。 企业具有的二级资质项目经理不少于10人。 3. 企业注册资本金2000万元以上~企业净资产2500万元以上。 4. 企业近3年最高年工程结算收入6000万元以上。 5. 企业具有与承包工程范围相适应的施工机械和质量检测设备。 三级资质标准: 1. 企业近5年承担过下列4项中的2项以上单项合同额300万元以上的市政公用工程施工总承包或主体工程承包~工程质量合格。 ,1, 城市道路、桥梁、隧道、公共广场工程, ,2, 城市供水工程、排水工程或污水处理工程, ,3, 城市燃气工程或热力工程, ,4, 城市生活垃圾处理工程。 2. 企业经理具有5年以上从事工程管理工作经历,技术负责人具有5年以上从事施工技术管理工作经历并具有本专业中级以上职称,财务负责人具有初级以上会计职称。 企业有职称的工程技术和经济管理人员不少于50人~其中工程技术人员不少于30人,工程技术人员中~具有中级以上职称的人员不少于8人。 企业具有的三级资质项目经理不少于8人。 3. 企业注册资本金500万元以上~企业净资产600万元以上。 4. 企业近3年最高年工程结算收入1000万元以上。 5. 企业具有与承包工程范围相适应的施工机械和质量检测设备。 承包工程范围: Seven remediation outdoor barbecue. Main roads in the city, an important regional establishment of barbecue prohibited zone, found a clearing a; in secondary roads and area to set up a barbecue strict management district, guide barbecue operators into the store, into the courtyard, into the city business; to in accordance with the needs of the public, scientific siting, planning and construction of a batch of concentrated market barbecue, barbecue City, and strengthen the management and the barbecue smoke concentration, filtering, and purification. The problem area, to take a multi sectoral joint law enforcement, law enforcement, public security, industry and commerce, taxation and other departments of the unified organization, the joint action. Eight is to improve public infrastructure. At all levels of housing, transportation, municipal, sanitation and other departments to duties in accordance with the requirements of good old, rags, defect and other hardware facilities maintenance, repair, and acquires the job, accelerate the greening of municipal facilities, lighting, landscaping, and increase home a batch of urban street landscape, to ensure that water, Lupin, light, line Qi and the wall the United States, Jing Ya, enhance urban grade. 特级企业:可承担各种类市政公用工程的施工。 一级企业:可承担单项合同额不超过企业注册资本金5倍的各种市政公用 工程的施工。 二级企业:可承担单项合同额不超过企业注册资本金5倍的下列市政公用 工程的施工。 1. 城市道路工程,单跨跨度40米以内桥梁工程,断面20平方米及以下隧道工程,公共广场工程, 2. 10万吨/日及以下给水厂,5万吨/日及以下污水处理工程,3立方米/秒及以下给水、污水泵站,15立方米/秒及以下雨水泵站,各类给排水管道工程, 3. 总贮存容积1000立方米及以下液化气贮罐场,站,,供气规模15万立方米/日燃气工程,中压及以下燃气管道、调压站,供热面积150万平方米热力工程, 4. 各类城市生活垃圾处理工程。 二级企业:可承担单项合同额不超过企业注册资本金5倍的下列市政公用 工程的施工。 1. 城市道路工程,不含快速路,,单跨跨度20米以内桥梁工程,公共广场工程, 2. 2万吨/日及以下给水厂,1万吨/日及以下污水处理工程,1立方米/秒及以下给水、污水泵站,5立方米/秒及以下雨水泵站,直径1米以内供水管道,直径1.5米以内污水管道, 3. 总贮存容积500立方米及以下液化气贮罐场,站,,供气规模5万立方米/日燃气工程,2公斤/平方厘米及以下中压、低压燃气管道、调压站,供热面积50万平方米及以下热力工程,直径0.2米以内热力管道, 4. 生活垃圾转运站。 Seven remediation outdoor barbecue. Main roads in the city, an important regional establishment of barbecue prohibited zone, found a clearing a; in secondary roads and area to set up a barbecue strict management district, guide barbecue operators into the store, into the courtyard, into the city business; to in accordance with the needs of the public, scientific siting, planning and construction of a batch of concentrated market barbecue, barbecue City, and strengthen the management and the barbecue smoke concentration, filtering, and purification. The problem area, to take a multi sectoral joint law enforcement, law enforcement, public security, industry and commerce, taxation and other departments of the unified organization, the joint action. Eight is to improve public infrastructure. At all levels of housing, transportation, municipal, sanitation and other departments to duties in accordance with the requirements of good old, rags, defect and other hardware facilities maintenance, repair, and acquires the job, accelerate the greening of municipal facilities, lighting, landscaping, and increase home a batch of urban street landscape, to ensure that water, Lupin, light, line Qi and the wall the United States, Jing Ya, enhance urban grade. Seven remediation outdoor barbecue. Main roads in the city, an important regional establishment of barbecue prohibited zone, found a clearing a; in secondary roads and area to set up a barbecue strict management district, guide barbecue operators into the store, into the courtyard, into the city business; to in accordance with the needs of the public, scientific siting, planning and construction of a batch of concentrated market barbecue, barbecue City, and strengthen the management and the barbecue smoke concentration, filtering, and purification. The problem area, to take a multi sectoral joint law enforcement, law enforcement, public security, industry and commerce, taxation and other departments of the unified organization, the joint action. Eight is to improve public infrastructure. At all levels of housing, transportation, municipal, sanitation and other departments to duties in accordance with the requirements of good old, rags, defect and other hardware facilities maintenance, repair, and acquires the job, accelerate the greening of municipal facilities, lighting, landscaping, and increase home a batch of urban street landscape, to ensure that water, Lupin, light, line Qi and the wall the United States, Jing Ya, enhance urban grade.
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