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(相反词peace)(相反词peace) B2U5 Vocabulary, Idioms and Phrases 403/404 Words for Production 1. war n. [C][U] 戰爭 (相反詞,peace) ?The king led his people into another war with/against other countries. ?There were wars between England and Scotland in the 14th century. 補充 civil war...
(相反词peace) B2U5 Vocabulary, Idioms and Phrases 403/404 Words for Production 1. war n. [C][U] 戰爭 (相反詞,peace) ?The king led his people into another war with/against other countries. ?There were wars between England and Scotland in the 14th century. 補充 civil war 內戰 nuclear war 核子戰爭 world war 世界大戰 win/lose a war 贏得/輸掉戰爭 be at war 處於戰爭狀態 ?They had been at war for 10 years, and there was no sign of peace. go to war 開戰 ?We hope that they won't go to war. declare war (on) (向…)宣戰 ?Congress has the power to declare war. 2. contest n. [C] 競賽,比賽,競爭 a quiz contest 益智競賽 ?Peter took part in the English speech contest and won (the) first prize. ?A bitter contest developed between Frank and Tina for the position. (激 烈 的競爭) contest vt. 爭奪,角逐 ?The soldiers were contesting the hilltop with the enemy. contestant n. [C] 競賽者,角逐者,參賽者 ?How many contestants are there in the race? 3. fight (fought, fought, fighting) (1) vi. 爭吵,爭論,打架,戰鬥 ?Ron and his wife were always fighting over/about trifling matters. ?They were fighting for freedom. ?The army were fighting with/against the enemy. ?Dr. Martin Luther King fought with/against racism all his life. (2) vt. 與…戰鬥、奮戰,進行(戰鬥等) ?The army fought their enemy in the mountains. ?The warriors fought a good fight/a losing battle. 補充 fight to the death/finish 戰到最後 ?The soldiers were ready to fight to the death and would never surrender. fight back 反擊 ?Women should know how to fight back and protect themselves when being attacked. fight off 擊退 ?The man managed to fight off a big shark with his bare hands. fight n. [C] 爭吵,打鬥,戰鬥 ?Their fights were always over/about money. ?Andy got into a fight with a man in the bar. ?A fight broke out between them. 4. prince n. [C] 王子 Prince Charming 白馬王子,理想的男子 5. beauty n. [U] 美,美麗,美人 ?Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.【諺】情人眼裡出西施。 ?Beauty is but skin-deep. 【諺】美貌是膚淺的。 補充 beauty contest 選美比賽 beauty parlor 美容院 Sleeping Beauty 睡美人 6. marry (1) vt. 與…結婚,嫁,娶 ?Helen married money/a rich man.(嫁給有錢人) (2) vi. 結婚 ?They're in love and want to get married. marry young/late/again 早婚/晚婚/再婚 married adj. 已婚的 (反義詞,single) ?Is she married or single? marriage n. [C][U] 結婚,婚姻 have/propose/reject an offer of marriage被求婚/求婚/拒婚 ?More and more marriages end in divorce. ?Judy is related to me by marriage. (姻親) 7. warn vt. 警告,提醒 ?The radio is warning us of the approaching typhoon. ?The teacher warned us against smoking. warning (1) n. [C] 警告,提醒 ?He ignored my repeated warnings. ?Sue gave a warning that she would not put up with any rude behavior. ?The researchers issued a warning against eating any fish in the river. ?Let his failure be a warning to you.(成為某人的前車之鑑) (2) n. [C] 徵兆,預兆 ?It started raining without any warning. warning adj. 警告的,警示的 a warning light 警示燈 8. destroy vt. 毀滅,消滅 ?The fire destroyed the town. ?Many lives were destroyed in the war. destruction n. [U] 毀滅,消滅 ?The storm left destruction behind it. ?The painting escaped destruction by fire. ?Doing things carelessly would bring down destruction upon yourself. (自 取滅亡) destructive adj. 破壞的,招致毀滅的 ?An earthquake is a kind of destructive force of nature. 9. reject vt. 拒絕 (反義詞,accept) ?Danny rejected my suggestion/a job offer. reject an argument/a decision/an offer拒絕(接受)論點/決議/提議 ?Ken rejected any idea of changing the plan. rejection n. [U][C] 拒絕(提議、請求等) ?For fear of rejection, Tom didn't ask Mary to marry him. ?Be prepared for many rejections until you get a job. 10. sail vi. (船)航行 ?Three ships sailed into the harbor. ?The man sailed around the world. ?The boat sailed along/down the river.(沿著河的下游行駛) 11. declare (1) vt.; vi. 宣告,宣言,宣布 declare war on/upon/against sb.向某人宣戰 ?He was declared the winner in the contest. ?We declared Mr. Brown elected. ?They declared against/for/in favor of war. (宣布反對/支持/支持…) (2) vt. 表明,斷言 ?Ted declared himself innocent. ? Ted declared that he was innocent. (3) vt. 申報 ?Do you have anything to declare? declaration (1) n. [C][U] 宣告,宣言,宣布 make/issue a declaration of war 宣布參戰 the Declaration of Independence(美國)獨立宣言 (2) n. [C] 申報 a declaration of income 所得(稅)申報 ?At the customs, you must make a declaration of what you bought abroad. 12. hero n. [C] 英雄,勇士 (相關字,heroine) ?Lincoln is a national hero of the U.S. 13. agreement (1) n. [C] 協議,協定 ?The U.S. came to/entered into/made/reached an agreement with Great Britain.(與…達成協議、協定) (2) n. [U] (意見)一致 ?Your view is not in agreement with mine. 14. army n. [C] 軍隊,陸軍 join/enter/go into the army 入伍 serve in the army 服役 retire from the army 退役,退伍 15. heel n. [C] 腳後跟,(鞋子等的)後跟 補充 at one's heels 緊隨著某人 bring sb. to heel 使某人就範 drag one's heels 不情願(做…) take to one's heels 拔腿逃跑 high-heeled/low-heeled/flat-heeled shoes高跟鞋/低跟鞋/平底鞋 16. harm vt. 傷害,損害,危害 ?The dog will harm no one. ?Chemicals may harm our environment. harm n. [U] 傷害,損害 ?A few drinks will do you no harm. ? A few drinks will do no harm to you. ?I see no harm in trying. ?Keep children out of harm's way.(處於安全之處) 補充 do more harm than good 弊多於利 ?Excessive exercise can often do more harm than good. There is no harm in V-ing.... = It does no harm to V.... 做…無妨。 harmful adj. 有害的 (反義詞,harmless) ?Those bugs are harmful to the crops. 17. brave adj. 勇敢的 (反義詞,cowardly) ?It was brave of her to jump into the river to save the drowning boy. ?Lucy put on a brave face and said she was alright when her husband left.(強顏 歡笑,假裝不在乎) bravery n. [U] 勇敢 (反義詞,cowardice) ?The soldier received a medal for bravery. 18. battle n. [C] 戰役,戰鬥,爭鬥 (指特定地區、時間進行的個別戰役) ?The Battle of Gettysburg marked the turning point of the American Civil War. ?The two companies fought a fierce battle for control of the market. ?Cindy has lost the battle with/against breast cancer. battle vi.; vt. 搏鬥,奮鬥 ?They kept battling for freedom. ?The police are battling with/against the powerful drug dealer. ?Firefighters were battling the flames. 19. wisdom n. [U] 智慧 ?Fred showed his wisdom in the decision. ?Experience is the mother of wisdom. wise adj. 明智的,聰明的 ?I quickly got wise to John and his lies.(了解,知道) ?You were very wise to make the decision. 20. prayer n. [C][U] 祈禱(文) ?The children said their prayers, hoping their mother could recover from the operation. ?They folded their hands in prayer. pray vi.; vt. 祈禱,禱告 ?I prayed to God for help. ?He prayed that God would help him. ? He prayed God to help him. 21. complete vt. 完成,做完,使完整無缺 ?The ship was completed in 1950. It still can sail across the ocean now. ?One more chapter will complete this book. complete adj. 完成的,完整的,完全的 ?You may leave only when your work is complete. ?The dinner doesn't seem complete without a salad. ?It was a complete surprise for me to meet him in London. completion n. [U] 完成 ?We will pay you the money on completion of the work. 22. peace n. [U] 和平,治安,秩序,平靜 ?Terrorism threatens world peace. ?The area is at peace. (處於和平狀態) ?We need the police to keep the peace.(維持治安) ?Leave him in peace. (平靜、不受干擾) ? Leave him alone. 補充 peace-loving 愛好和平的 peace talks 和平談判 peacemaker 調停者,和事佬 make peace with sb. 與某人講和 peaceful adj. 和平的 peaceful means 和平手段 ?The two countries tried to find a peaceful solution to the problem. 23. attack (1) n. [C][U] 攻擊,襲擊 a surprise/sudden attack 奇襲/突擊 ?We made an attack on the enemy. ?They were/came under attack from the enemy fighter planes. (遇襲) 補充 make/launch/mount/carry out an attack on 對…發動攻擊 ?Israel is prepared to make an attack on the nuclear sites in Iran. resist/repel an attack 抵抗攻擊 ?The soldiers were trying to resist the attack from their enemy. (2) n. [C] 發病,發作 ?The old man died of a heart attack. ?Paul is recovering from an attack of flu. attack (1) vt. 攻擊,襲擊 ?Our army attacked the enemy at night. ?I was attacked by the robbers in the dark. (2) vt. (用言語)攻擊,攻訐 ?The mayor was attacked by the press for lying to the citizens. (3) vt. (疾病等)侵襲 ?The boy was attacked by a high fever. Words for Recognition 1. mythology n. [U][C] 神話 補充 mythology,神話的集合名詞,如Greek mythology等。 myth,一篇或一則神話故事,如The Trojan War、Pandora's Box等。 fable,寓言,通常把動物等擬人化,用以警示或諷刺的故事,如Aesop's Fables。 fairy tale,為孩童所寫的,內容包括魔法或精靈的童話故事,如Cinderella。 5. Paris n. 帕里斯 補充 帕里斯出生前夕,王后做了個怪夢,夢見自己生下一根火把,火把點燃特洛伊城,把城市燒成灰燼。王后十分害怕,把夢境告訴丈夫。解夢專家解釋說,王后將會生下一個毀滅特洛伊城的兒子,並建議遺棄他。王后果然生了一個兒子,之後把嬰兒交給一名僕人送到山裏,幸好一頭母熊收留了孩子。過了五天,僕人看到孩子安然無恙地躺在森林裏,便決定把嬰孩帶出山送給一個牧人。牧人對待孩子猶如親生兒子般,給他取名帕里斯。帕里斯在牧人家中長大,成了一位勇力過人、才貌出眾的英俊少年,遠近聞名。有一天放牧時,帕里斯介入三位女神的金蘋果爭奪戰,因而種下禍根。話說,特洛伊國王舉辦一場比賽活動,獎品是一頭公牛。僕人們選中的公牛恰巧是帕里斯家的,而且是他最喜愛的一頭牛。帕里斯無法阻止國王的僕人牽走牠,於是,他決心要在比賽中贏得這項獎勵。比賽時,帕里斯靈活機智、英勇無比,戰勝了所有對手。這時,先前的解夢專家一眼就看出這年輕牧人正是被遺棄的王子。國王夫婦聽說後,立即抱住了失散多年的兒子,高興得忘記有關厄運多難的神諭,迎回王子。 Idioms and Phrases 1. except for 除了…以外 ?The dog was black, except for its legs. ?We enjoyed the trip except for the cold weather. ?I felt all right except for being a little tired. 補充 同義詞有except、apart from,例如, ?They invited everyone except Martha. ?I ate everything on the table apart from the cake. 2. bring...down 擊垮,打倒,使…倒下 ?The hunter brought the tiger down with a single shot. 補充 bring...down尚有以下含意, ? The government is trying to bring down the unemployment rate. (降低) ?The people finally brought down the tyrant. (使垮台) ?Two enemy fighters had been brought down. (擊落) 3. be unable to 不能,無法 (同義詞,cannot) ?I am unable to run as fast as he (can). ?Unable to fall asleep, I listened to some soft music. 4. take(...)over 佔領,接收 ?The army battled the enemy to take over the city. 補充 take over尚有以下含意, ?Could you please take over the painting while I walk the dog? (接手) ?When Mr. Geller retired, his son took over his company. (接管) ?Robots have taken over from workers in that factory. (取代) 5. turn to... 求助於 ?I don't know who to turn to. ?Nancy had nobody she could turn to. 補充 turn to尚有以下含意, ?Now let's turn to cleaning the room. (著手) ?Please turn to page 18. (翻到) 6. not a single... 一個…也沒有 ?I didn't get a single reply from my brother. ?Luckily, not a single person was killed in the air crash. 7. fall asleep 睡著 ?It's dangerous to fall asleep while driving. 補充 asleep adj. 睡著的 (反義詞,awake) ?The baby was fast/sound asleep. (酣睡) ?The student was half asleep in class.(半睡半醒) sleepy adj. 想睡的,昏昏欲睡的 ?I always feel sleepy after lunch. 8. in spite of 儘管,即使 ?My father went fishing in spite of the heavy rain. Word File I. Allusions to Greek mythology 以下補充課本提到的引喻的典故, 1. Pandora's box 禍害之源 其中一個版本是,普羅米修斯從天上盜火種送給人類,使人類學會用火, 使得宙斯十分惱怒,並決定要讓災難降臨人間。宙斯命令他的兒子火神赫 淮斯托斯(Hephaestus)用泥土做成一個女人,名叫潘朵拉,意為「被授予 一切優點的人」。眾神都對她有所賦予,以使她完美,愛芙羅黛蒂賜與她 美貌,荷密斯(Hermes)賜與她伶牙利嘴,阿波羅賜與她音樂的天賦。宙斯 命荷密斯將這位美人送去給普羅米修斯的弟弟厄庇墨透斯,說是「來自天 上的禮物」。普羅米修斯深信宙斯對人類不懷好意,便告誡自己的弟弟不 要接受。但厄庇墨透斯為潘朵拉的美貌所吸引,還是娶了她。在婚宴當晚, 宙斯命人送給潘朵拉一個小盒子當禮物,裡頭放滿了眾神的禮物,可是禮 物是好是壞不得而知。潘朵拉很好奇,一直想打開盒子看看裡面裝些什 麼,但厄庇墨透斯警告她,不要打開。某一天趁丈夫不在的時候,潘朵拉 接近盒子,一個聲音在她耳邊響起,催促她打開盒蓋。就在丈夫進門之時, 潘朵拉打開了盒子,一群像是蛾的棕色生物從盒中飛出,猶如烏雲一般彌 漫天空,那些儘是疾病、災難、罪惡、嫉妒、姦淫、偷竊、貪婪等各種禍 害,迅速散落人間。窗外的歡鬧聲頓時變成痛苦的呻吟。夫妻倆又是驚恐, 又是憤怒。此時,關上的盒子傳出聲音,「放我出來,」。原來,那是智慧 女神雅典娜為了挽救人類的命運,早就悄悄地放在盒底的「希望」。潘朵 拉再次打開盒子,「希望」飛了出來,給充滿禍患的人間帶來一絲撫慰與 希望。所以,「潘朵拉的盒子」便用來比喻「禍害之源」。 2. play Cupid 撮合 愛神Cupid「邱比特」在希臘神話中叫Eros,愛芙羅黛蒂的一個兒子,他 有一張孩子臉,一雙可愛的翅膀。他手拿弓箭,射向男男女女。人類甚至 眾神的愛情命運,就是這樣撮合而成。所以play Cupid有了「撮合」之意。 II. Countries, people, languages, and corresponding adjectives 以下補充與希臘、羅馬相關的用語, 1. Greek Greek gift 存心害人的禮物 Greco-Roman mythology 希臘羅馬神話 ?It's (all) Greek to me. 我完全不了解。 2. Rome ?All roads lead to Rome. 【諺】條條大路通羅馬。 ?When in Rome, do as the Romans do.【諺】入境隨俗。 ?Rome was not built in a day.【諺】羅馬不是一天造成的。
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