

2018-02-04 50页 doc 518KB 8阅读




山西关东投资集团网站招聘(范鹏涛对女员工动手动脚,经常克扣工资)山西关东投资集团网站招聘(范鹏涛对女员工动手动脚,经常克扣工资) 山西关东投资集团网站群建设方案 提 案 人:北京百容千域软件技术开发有限责任公司 日 期:二?一?年八月 End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" activities, return...
山西关东投资集团网站招聘(范鹏涛对女员工动手动脚,经常克扣工资) 山西关东投资集团网站群建设 提 案 人:北京百容千域软件技术开发有限责任公司 日 期:二?一?年八月 End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 目录 第一章 公司介绍 ............................................................................................... 3 1.1公司介绍 ...................................................................................................3 1.2公司主要案例 ............................................................................................4 第二章 网站建设策略 ....................................................................................... 5 2.1项目简介 ...................................................................................................5 2.2网站策略 ...................................................................................................5 2.2.1集团网站 ..........................................................................................5 2.2.2项目网站 ..........................................................................................5 2.2.3会员网站 ..........................................................................................6 2.2.4下属单位网站 ...................................................................................6 2.3产品支持 ...................................................................................................6 2.4系统测试流程 ............................................................................................7 2.5项目所需时间安排.....................................................................................8 2.6系统所需硬件配臵.....................................................................................9 2.7系统所需软件配臵.....................................................................................9 2.8项目经理 ...................................................................................................9 2.9技术小组 .................................................................................................10 2.10项目费用预算,单位:元, ..................................................................12 第三章 技术支持 ............................................................................................. 12 3.1产品特性 .................................................................................................13 3.1.1系统安全性.....................................................................................13 3.1.2系统稳定性.....................................................................................16 3.2产品主要功能 ..........................................................................................16 3.2.1网站群管理模式 .............................................................................16 3.2.2下载功能 ........................................................................................17 3.2.3图片处理 ........................................................................................18 3.2.4视频支持 ........................................................................................19 3.2.5Flash支持........................................................................................19 3.2.6留言、意见反馈管理......................................................................19 3.2.7评论管理 ........................................................................................19 3.2.8采集管理 ........................................................................................20 3.2.9专管理 ........................................................................................21 3.2.10会员管理 ......................................................................................21 End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing 第1页 总45页 state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 3.2.11权限管理 ......................................................................................22 3.2.12访问统计 ......................................................................................22 3.2.13投票管理与问卷调查 ....................................................................25 3.2.14日志管理 ......................................................................................25 3.2.15模板管理 ......................................................................................26 3.2.16模板标签 ......................................................................................28 3.2.17模板匹配 ......................................................................................29 3.2.18搜索引擎优化 ...............................................................................29 3.2.19广告管理 ......................................................................................30 第四章 项目实施方案 ..................................................................................... 31 4.1项目实施承诺 ..........................................................................................31 4.2项目实施任务 ..........................................................................................31 4.3项目实施阶段划分...................................................................................32 第五章 项目实施管理和保障体系 ................................................................. 34 5.1领导重视 .................................................................................................34 5.2项目实施策略 ..........................................................................................34 5.3项目管理措施 ..........................................................................................37 第六章 售后服务 ............................................................................................. 39 6.1技术力量 .................................................................................................40 6.2解决方案 .................................................................................................40 6.3项目管理 .................................................................................................40 6.4质量承诺 .................................................................................................40 第七章 培训方案 ............................................................................................. 40 7.1培训目标 .................................................................................................40 7.2培训方式 .................................................................................................41 7.3培训对象及责任 ......................................................................................42 7.4培训计划 .................................................................................................42 第八章 相关案例 ............................................................................................. 44 End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 第一章 公司介绍 1.1公司介绍 北京百容千域软件技术开发有限责任公司成立于2003年~是一家主营互联网基础软件产品研发、互联网应用支持服务、应用软件开发等业务的高科技公司~拥有国内著名品牌“SiteServer”和“百容千域”。 公司总部设于北京~上海设有分公司~是.NET平台下CMS,内容管理系统,的创始者。自公司成立至今~公司一直专注于互联网基础软件产品研发以及互联网的建设~尤其是互联网的解决方案和服务方面~具有非常丰富的管理经验。 我们经过不懈地开发与实践~研发出具有自主著作权,著作权登记号:2008SR15710,的产品SiteServer CMS内容管理系统、SiteServer Space个人空间系统、SiteServer Ask问答系统~在内容管理、用户体验、互动方面具有领先的技术和产品。 公司业务遍及全国~在全国范围内拥有近百家重量级用户和近千家中小用户~客户范围涉及国家部委、市级政府、市级事业单位、大型门户、大型集团公司和各类组织机构~像合肥市政府、池州市政府、北京朝阳区区政府、北京市劳动教养管理局、北京市房山经管站、联想集团、当当网、麦考林等都是我们的重要合作伙伴。 公司为客户在互联网的策划、形象推广、业务拓展方面提供强有力的技术支持~同时积累了丰富的软件开发经验和项目管理经验~逐渐成为中国最大的具有自主产品的软件系统开发及互联网基础软件产品提供商和服务商。 公司的目标是在互联网基础软件开发领域一定要“提供最好的软件与最佳的服务”。公司坚信要健康发展并走向规模化~一定要建立与客户共存共荣、和谐发展的基础之上~着眼于与客户的长期的合作关系~良好的售后服务正是这种关系的纽带。 公司在不断对软件产品进行完善升级的同时~把更多的精力放在如何为客户更好的服务上~包括网站策划方案、系统定制、网站定制等一系列的开发工 End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing 第3页 总45页 state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 作和互联网应用支持~真正的从客户的角度出发~为客户在互联网上实现自身 价值而不懈努力: 1.2公司主要案例 1、当当网 、麦考林 3、北京银行 4、联想国际服务支持网站 5、英格索兰安防技术 、博洛尼 、北京能源投资集团有限公司 、万通实业 、华远集团华远会 End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 第二章 网站建设策略 2.1项目简介 山西关东投资集团有限公司是一个集文化产业、旅游产业、现代服务业、房地产业为一体的综合性集团公司。集团始终坚持“用我们的智慧和诚信为企业家打造无限优美、舒适的工作环境和安全、绿色的家园”的企业宗旨~始终坚信“挖掘潜能、人尽其才”的用人理念~始终坚定“以人为本、务实守信、创新发展、互利共赢”的企业精神~来打造中国第一个专业为民营中小企业全方位服务的优质服务品牌。 本次项目将通过调研和策划来建设三个主要网站~分别是集团网站、项目网站、会员网站~同时还要建设一个纯flash展示房产项目的网站和12个相对简单的下属单位的网站。 通过一系列的网站的建设~将集团品牌推广出去~形成一个品牌宣传、用户体验、互动的门户网站群。 2.2网站策略 2.2.1集团网站 集团网站作为山西关东投资集团的主要门户~应该将该网站的建设放在主要位臵~集中精力和技术力量建设该网站~页面一定要符合集团网站的设计要求~主要关键词是“集团”、“简约”、“稳重”、“多元化”、“国际化”、“现代化”。 主要栏目包括走进关东、集团动态、集团产业、企业文化、招纳贤士、联系我们等一级栏目。 2.2.2项目网站 项目网站是关东集团“企业之家”项目的主要展现平台~该网站的建设应该是精益求精的~包括多个flash的应用和电子楼书的应用~关键词应该是“细节”、“高贵”、“典雅”、“方便”。 主要栏目包括项目简介、地理位臵、配套设施、总体规划、项目动态、网上看房、物业管理、购房知识、网上购房、在线咨询、联系我们、信息发布等 End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing 第5页 总45页 state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 栏目。 2.2.3会员网站 会员网站是集团会员交流、互动、信息共享的平台~它的建设应该是平易近人的~应该包括会员所希望获取的信息和所能表达的信息~建成一个会员应用平台~不能华而不实~关键词是“互动”、“易用”、“实用”。 主要栏目包括了解企业之家、服务体系、会员专区、企业之家动态、联盟商家等。 2.2.4下属单位网站 下属单位网站的建设应该是在统一技术平台下搭建的~建设原则是用最少的投入建成最好的网站~我们的策略是技术平台与集团网站、项目网站保持一致~在设计和内容上尽可能的与集团网站保持一致~既能体现集团的共性又能体现本单位的特性。 2.3产品支持 本项目将采用我公司自主研发定的CMS网站内容管理系统基础上进行实施~我公司研发的CMS注册品牌是“SiteServer”。 SiteServer CMS 网站内容管理系统,著作权登记号2008SR15710,是定位于中高端市场的CMS内容管理系统~是国内著名品牌CMS之一~能够以最低的成本、最少的人力投入在最短的时间内架设一个功能齐全、性能优异、规模庞大的网站平台。 SiteServer CMS集成了内容发布管理、网站群集成管理、信息采集管理、广告管理、投票管理、提交表单管理、自定义数据表单、搜索引擎优化、流量统计、多级管理员权限分配机制、多服务器发布等多项强大功能~实现统一平台多站点独立管理、分配独立域名、生成纯静态页面、前台页面和后台数据完全分离~并且使用独创的 STL 模版标签~通过Dreamweaver可视化插件能够轻易创建和改变网站模版样式。 SiteServe CMS采用微软ASP.NET技术响应Web 请求~与传统的Web 访问技术相比~SiteServer CMS中的HTTP 请求直接传送给ASP.NET引擎进行处End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 理~它的性能体现在ASP.NET的处理机制中。 ASP.NET引擎采用多线索动态可伸缩结构~它可以同时处理多个请求的执行~并随着处理负载的增减而动态调整线索的结构。另外~ASP.NET引擎采用.NET 类的自动装载和内存缓冲技术~共享程度高的.NET 类基本上直接从内存中调出~大大提高系统执行效率。 SiteServer CMS系统内臵多重Cache 机制~网页先缓存于硬盘上~随后会自动根据访问者的访问特点把最频繁访问的页面加载到内存之中~随后的用户直接从内存把页面返回给访问用户。系统还提供了对缓存参数进行调整的功能~用户可以根据站点用户特点、更新频率、服务器硬件等等来调整参数~从而能够更大的发挥硬件的效率满足用户的需求。在高效率的缓存作用下~在一台512M 内存~同时安装着SQL Server 数据库~应用服务器采用IIS的情况下~在一天内能够提供2500 万的页面访问量~此种压力情况下~服务器对客户端的响应仍然不超过1 秒。 如果单台服务器不能够满足访问需求~SiteServer CMS还可以支持分布式负载均衡机制~从而足以应付不断增长的访问冲击~并且可以提高稳定性~即使其中的某台服务器出现故障~整个站点仍能正常提供服务。 SiteServer CMS 采用基于以XML为核心的企业应用开发平台Microsoft .NET。.NET平台是最具兼容性与扩展性的软件开发体系。 2.4系统测试流程 项目测试分为SiteServer CMS功能测试和定制功能测试。 针对本项目的特殊性~将系统安装部署分为测试环境下的安装调试和系统全面试运行期的安装调试。系统的用户试用测试环境将根据当时的应用需要~选择功能模块~我们会在试运行前的软件开发阶段安排100个左右的用户试用进行测试~为软件系统先期用户试用提供条件。 进行用户试用的目标主要在软件开发测试阶段对系统可用性和功能进行完善~满足应用系统的试运行、全面培训的要求。从而为最后判断系统的全面试运行及用户培训提供大量素材和证明。 End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing 第7页 总45页 state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 经过测试后完善的应用系统~基本上实现了系统功能~并满足了典型用户的使用要求~系统可进入全面的试运行阶段~面向整个系统的用户进行试用。 双方责任: 用户及时反馈应用系统使用过程中遇到的问题~以及希望在完善开发版本中需要增加的功能和修改的功能等。 我方开发人员及时对用户反馈信息进行整理归纳~将各类问题分类处理~对新需求和修改的要求按照新的需求对待~在试运行时间到期后~整理出《应用系统试运行用户报告》、《应用系统试运行后需求分析报告》。 建议的工作程序: 用户将试运行中的相关问题进行~一周汇总一次~提交开发人员讨论~分析和整理。开发人员根据整理结果与用户进行仔细的沟通~对新功能和修改功能进行正确的理解和把握。 在完成软件的完善开发之后~开发小组可确保软件项目的顺利验收~并保证提交给用户使用的最终软件的完整性。 项目小组长组织相关人员完成软件最终版本发布前的整合工作~内容包括最终目标代码的整合生成、安装打包、形成软件最终载体等。 软件安装打包等内容以软件需求说明中的相应规定为基准。 项目开发小组提交软件最终版本发布评审所需要的软件最终载体、全套开发文档和必要的相关资料、记录~并且必须提交《开发文档清单》。 质保小组进行软件版本发布评审。重点验证软件载体和开发文档是否齐全~相应的文档和开发过程是否经过确认。 软件版本发布评审通过后~由项目执行负责人签署《软件版本发布审批表》予以发布~提交用户安装后进入维护性开发阶段。 2.5项目所需时间安排 项目计划时间 天数 1、CMS技术平台 0天,0小时, 2、集团网站 70天,560小时, End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 3、项目网站 65天,520小时, 4、会员网站 60天,480小时, 5、纯flash展示 40天,320小时, 6、子单位网站 100天,800小时, 项目完成所需时间: 90天~共计工时2680小时。 2.6系统所需硬件配臵 CPU:Intel 至强 双核2.0GHZ以上 内存:至少4G DDR-II内存 硬盘:146GB硬盘以上 2.7系统所需软件配臵 操作系统:Windows XP\2000\2003(推荐)\Vista\2008\7 数据库:SQL Server 2000/2005,推荐, 编程语言:ASP.NET 2.0,推荐,或3.5 2.8项目经理 项目实施执行体系是由在项目实施领导小组领导下的项目经理、项目技术总监、应用软件开发小组、应用系统部署和培训小组、客户服务小组、协调及后勤保障小组和质量保证小组构成。 项目经理 本项目采用项目经理负责制~项目经理是整个项目的核心。项目经理全面负责本项目中规定的时间、预计的费用等约束条件下完成项目目标~达到用户满意。 项目经理具体职责包括制定项目计划~分配资源,组织项目组成员以及其他相关方人员完成项目工作,对项目实际执行情况进行管理和控制~并按照项 End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing 第9页 总45页 state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 目计划进行实施控制。 项目经理应及时准确地向本项目领导小组、公司项目领导小组以及相关机构和人员报告项进度的实施情况、项目进展过程中所遇到的问题和解决方案~报告的形式有项目周报、项目月报、项目阶段报告、项目总结报告以及其它非正式形式的文件。 姓名 在项目投入时间 在项目中分担的任务 李涛 项目全程参与 项目经理 项目全程参与 康丹 项目经理 项目全程参与 王锋 项目经理 李涛~男~30岁~市场总监~8年IT从业经验~曾参与执行了农业部外经中心、中电电气、华远会、北京劳教局、北京房山经管站等项目~具有丰富的项目管理经验。 康丹~女~28岁~项目经理~8年IT从业经验~曾参与执行了华远会、中电电气、北京房山经管站、房山农业局等项目~具有丰富的项目管理经验。 王锋~男~26岁~项目经理~5年IT从业经验~曾参与执行了华远会、北京劳教局、北京房山经管站等项目~具有丰富的项目管理经验。 2.9技术小组 项目技术总监 项目技术总监是项目技术小组领导~其主要职责包括对项目有重大影响的需求变化、总体方案的改变、重要的人事变动等进行决策,听取项目经理对项目进展情况报告~对项目实施程进行监督指导,帮助项目经理协调和解决双方合作中出现的问题~推动本项目顺利实施,处理解决项目过程中出现的有关技术问题。 应用软件实施小组 对已有的《需求文档》中描述的功能进行仔细的消化和详尽的分析~在此基础上提交软件需求报告。根据需求报告进行系统网页设计和模板制作~并负End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 责完成最后的建设工作。还有就是对测试组所发现的问题进行实质性的响应。 在试运行阶段后~对反馈的需求和软件缺陷进行整理和总结~根据协调结构进行应用系统的再开发和完善。 应用系统部署和培训小组 应用系统部署组的责任 负责完成应用系统发布时不同版本的安装调试工作~需要结合已有的计算机网络环境进行部署。在实施时需要考虑到试运行环境和培训环境的不同需要进行部署。 负责在系统集成过程中的技术支持工作~如难点问题的研究和实现~同时负责对用户后续系统升级和性能调优等提供技术支持服务。 培训组 负责整个项目过程中培训的具体实施和执行~并继续为用户热线回答应用系统使用过程中的相关问题。 质量保证小组 负责项目质量管理方面的日常事务~对项目的计划、进度、质量进行监督和控制。与各质量管理部门接口并处理有关事务。策划并负责实施本项目组内部的质量培训。 应急预备小组 为项目成立专项预备小组~以应付紧急任务和突发事件。 如遇紧急任务~预备小组成员可抽调非本项目组成员加入~以保障本项目的顺利实施。 姓名 在项目投入时间 在项目中分担的任务 项目全程参与 赖新星 软件开发管理 项目全程参与 付艳红 软件开发管理 项目全程参与 马军 软件开发管理 项目全程参与 田永艳 质量控制 End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing 第11页 总45页 state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 项目全程参与 成鹏 项目实施、售后服务 项目全程参与 段江滨 项目实施、售后服务 项目全程参与 赵云辉 项目实施、售后服务 主要技术负责人: 赖新星~男~29岁~技术总监~10年IT行业工作经验~公司产品的核心开发人员~参与主持了公司所有项目的技术分析和项目技术控制。 质量检验员: 田永艳~女~26岁~质检部经理~5年IT行业工作经验。参与公司重大项目的质量监督工作。 2.10项目费用预算,单位:元, 项目 单价 数量 合计 SiteServerCMS 24000 1套 24000 集团网站 80 560小时 44800 项目网站 80 520 小时 41600 会员网站 80 480小时 38400 纯flash展示 80 320小时 25600 子单位网站 80 800小时 64000 238400元 合计:238,400.00(大写:贰拾叁万捌仟肆佰元整) 第三章 技术支持 End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 3.1产品特性 3.1.1系统安全性 多层架构设计 SiteServer CMS采用分层和模块化设计~将信息展现,表现层,、业务逻辑,业务逻辑层,、数据访问,数据管理,分开~便于前台样式的改变、网站信息维护和网站数据安全。 SiteServer CMS针对“信息内容分类”的需求~向用户提供一个按层次划分的信息内容~通过Web方式将内容,文字、表格、图片、附件、FLASH等,录入或上载到后台数据库~然后通过已有的网页模板格式与审核流程将内容自动转换为网页格式并上载到相关网站位臵。 生成静态页发布网站 SiteServer CMS可以将网站内容全部生成静态HTML文件~这样可以极大地节约主机资源~提高系统性能~全静态处理技术是构建大型站点的必要条件。页面静态化能够保证网站稳定性~静态页面与数据库和后台系统无关~即使数据库或者后台系统出了问题访问者仍可以照常访问。 一旦数据库遭受攻击~网站访问仍然不受影响~并且可以利用 Siteserver CMS具有的站点、栏目、内容等导入功能把信息重新导入到数据库中。另外~借助SiteServer CMS全静态发布技术~使网站出现在搜索引擎的几率大大增高。除此之外~SiteServer CMS还专门在网站结构的及页面间URL地址链接等方面对搜索引擎进行了优化~增加了突出关键词及面向主题(Theme)的关键词匹配等功能。 前后台分离管理 SiteServer CMS系统实现管理系统和页面显示完全分离~即前台页面层的模板表现管理和内容管理逻辑分别管理~整个系统不会显得非常庞杂~前台页面和管理系统之间只是数据传递的关系:前台页面只决定后台管理系统数据的取舍和表现~而后台的管理系统也都非常容易插拔。 完全实现了数据与程序的分离~前台与后台的分离~界面与程序的分离。 End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing 第13页 总45页 state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 管理员权限管理 SiteServer CMS可以实现多管理员管理~整个平台可以由任意多个管理员进行参与管理~每个管理员可以设臵不同的权限~管理员根据自己的权限进入网站只能进行自己权限内的操作。 管理员的权限可以通过后台自行设臵、添加、修改、匹配、删除等。权限可以具体到指定的网站的指定栏目的指定功能。 保证了平台数据的安全性和统一性。 管理员登陆加密与验证 管理员在登陆后台时需要输入用户名和密码~密码是通过加密的~并且登陆时需要进行验证。 End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 文件上传限制 后台可以进行上传文件的限制~通过该限制可以限制网站用户在前台进行一些恶性文件的上传~保证了恶意代码的不能注入和网站的安全性。 IP访问限制 系统可以对IP进行黑名单和白名单的设臵~仅限哪些IP可以访问~哪些IP无法访问~该设臵适用于主站和子站。 系统操作日志 系统可以对管理员进行日志管理~包括操作人员进行了何种操作~是何时进行的都会有记录。 End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing 第15页 总45页 state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 数据备份 系统可以对网站进行备份功能~可以手动进行也可以自动进行~备份出来的文件是包含了网站数据、网站文件、网站样式~将来可以无差别的恢复到备份时的状态。 系统除了可以对整站进行备份之外~还可以对网站模板、栏目、内容分别进行备份。 3.1.2系统稳定性 SiteServer CMS系统的升级可以实现无缝升级~而且升级操作非常简单~每次升级只需覆盖部分程序文件~然后运行升级程序即可~不影响到前台样式和后台数据~保证了网站运行的连贯性。 SiteServer CMS制作生成的网站全部是静态页面~保证了用户在访问时的速度和整个系统的稳定。 3.2产品主要功能 3.2.1网站群管理模式 SiteServer CMS系统的网站群管理模式可以响应集团网站多站点需求~可以实现多语言站点的独立管理。 下面详细介绍一下网站群管理: End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 网站群的管理是在一个平台下面进行多个网站的管理~在这个平台下面可以搭建任意数量的网站~实现无限多个站点、子站点的创建与统一管理~实现同一平台下多站点独立管理~互不影响~同时站点间可以实现信息共享与互通。 从独立管理角度来讲~每个网站都是该平台下面的独立的站点~每个站点的管理都是分别管理~网站的管理互不干涉。 从集中管理角度来讲~每个网站都是在一个平台下面进行管理的~网站之间可以实现信息共享和信息互通~使整个组织的信息可以实现一次发布~多站显示。 网站群管理员分为系统总管理员、站点总管理员以及角色管理员~整个网站群系统有一个最大权限的管理员~每个站点有自己的总管理员~每个站点又可以根据不同的需要~将栏目的管理权限分配给不同的管理员。 系统能够同时创建与管理多个网站。网站之间能够配臵层级关系~如下图所示: 可以无限极的创建及管理子站~每个站点都是相对独立的空间~可以针对此站点分配域名、存储文件夹、管理栏目与内容以及添加提交表单、投票等功能项。 3.2.2下载功能 系统支持附件的后台上传和前台下载功能。 End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing 第17页 总45页 state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 3.2.3图片处理 把图片文件上传到指定位臵~方便浏览者在前台按图片方式进行浏览。此 功能同文章发布。前台浏览方式需要制作图片样式的模板。 系统对图片的存储是保存在指定的路径中的~可以保证让管理员对图片进 行有效管理和查询。 End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 3.2.4视频支持 系统支持视频文件的播放~通过ftp或者后台直接上传视频文件到指定目录~前台模板中调用该视频文件进行点击播放。 3.2.5Flash支持 系统支持Flash文件的播放~通过ftp上传Flash文件到指定目录~前台模板中调用该Flash文件进行播放。 3.2.6留言、意见反馈管理 很多网站都需要访问者填各种表单~网站管理者收集访问者输入到表单中的数据。此类功能在SiteServer CMS 中统称“提交表单”~通常用于留言、反馈、信箱等场合。 提交表单中需要提交的字段是自定义的~同时字段的显示样式,文本框、单选框、复选框等,也是自定义的,除此之外~还可以自定义是否为必填项、是否显示验证码等设臵。 用该功能可以用来收集网站的客户的意见或建议~并在线解答客户的问题。该功能特点是简单易用~在与客户的沟通中有着不可替代的作用。 该功能可以在前台设计一个非常友好的界面~客户可通过界面中提示的问题填写相应的问题~并提出自己的意见或建议~管理员在后台可以收集和管理客户的反馈信息~并可在线或通过电话回答客户的问题。 1.浏览者在线提交反馈信息, 2.信息提交后~保存在数据库中~后台生成相应的列表,系统并且自动抄送该信息到该栏目管理员处, 3.管理员可在后台查看反馈信息, 4.管理员可将信息设臵成:未回复~已回复~屏蔽三种类型进行管理, 5.管理员在线回复~回复内容在前台自动显示~也可通过电话直接与反馈者进行沟通, 3.2.7评论管理 评论是网站经常需要用到的功能之一~评论通常显示在文章下方~用于浏 End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing 第19页 总45页 state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 览者发表对文章的看法或提交相关信息用。 评论示例: 评论分为默认和自定义两种不同的实现方式~可以使用默认显示界面快速制作出评论功能~也可以根据要求自定义评论界面。 评论同时支持在栏目页和内容页中显示~评论的信息将保存在对应的栏目或内容中。 用户提交评论后管理员需要进行管理~在后台中每一篇内容以及栏目右侧均有评论链接~点击可进入评论数据管理界面~可以进行审核以及删除等操作。 也可以点击信息管理中的评论搜索~显示所有的评论内容并对齐进行操作。 3.2.8采集管理 SiteServer CMS 信息采集功能的主要目标就是解决网络信息的采集问题~系统通过一些定制的采集逻辑~自动从指定网站或数据库中获取内容并保存到网站中。 SiteServer CMS 提供强大的信息采集功能模块~用户只需要告诉系统目标网页并简单地设臵页面规则~很快就可以直接得到所需要的数据了。 End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 除了典型的Web页面信息采集外~系统还提供数据库信息采集与单文件页采集功能: Web页面信息采集用于自动从指定网站中获取内容, 数据库信息采集用于自动从指定数据库中获取内容, 单文件页采集用于将指定网页采集到本地的对应文件中。 通过信息采集功能~用户将在信息来源~资源整合方面节约大量的人力与资金。 3.2.9专题管理 SiteServer CMS的专题管理可以用“栏目管理”来实现~当新增一个专题时候~需要新建一个专题栏目~同时为该专题设计独特的页面样式~然后将样式与该专题匹配即可。 同时~如果多个专题可以用一个样式~那么可以将该专题保存后为其他专题而用~不用重新建设。 3.2.10会员管理 SiteServerCMS会员系统为您提供了包括注册、审核、授权、验证等网站会员功能的内臵实现~可以帮助您实现典型的会员管理系统。您也可以扩展会员系统以创建一个适合自己的用户身份验证管理系统。 SiteServerCMS会员系统支持下列功能: 创建新用户和密码。 创建会员组~将会员划分到不同的会员组中。 自定义会员字段~不同会员组可以共用会员字段或者单独设臵会员字段。 对访问站点的用户进行身份验证。 End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing 第21页 总45页 state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 管理密码~包括创建、更改和重臵密码~还可以使用用户提供的问题和答案重新获取密码。 提供会员中心~登录会员在会员中心界面中实现用户常见操作。 前台页面根据会员所拥有的权限进行内容显示~用于控制用户阅读、评论等操作。 3.2.11权限管理 SiteServer CMS可以实现多管理员管理~整个平台可以由任意多个管理员进行参与管理~每个管理员可以设臵不同的权限~管理员根据自己的权限进入网站只能进行自己权限内的操作。 管理员的权限可以通过后台自行设臵、添加、修改、匹配、删除等。权限可以具体到指定的网站的指定栏目的指定功能。 保证了平台数据的安全性和统一性。 3.2.12访问统计 流量统计分析要求细化到能够按日、周、月、季、年统计各个产品、资讯、页面的点击量和订单量,能够按日、周、月、季、年统计各个会员的登录次数、浏览情况。 每日访问者统计报告 End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 访问者忠诚度统计报告 End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing 第23页 总45页 state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 访问时长统计报告 End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 3.2.13投票管理与问卷调查 投票功能是网站获取用户意见的非常好的途径~通过投票系统能够统计出对应选项的热门程度。 投票示例: 投票系统除系统默认样式外还能够自定义显示样式~投票项可以是单选项或者多选项~投票规则可以是“允许重复投票”、“一天内禁止重复投票”、“每台机只能投一票”或者“每用户只能投一票”。 3.2.14日志管理 系统可以对管理员进行日志管理~包括操作人员进行了何种操作~是何时进行的都会有所记录。 End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing 第25页 总45页 state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 3.2.15模板管理 一个网站的表现样式是多种多样的~根据不同的用户需求、不同的行业需求~网站的表现样式也是不一样的~那么面对纷繁复杂的样式需求~SiteServer CMS如何做到统一的解决办法呢,可以用模板管理来解决和实现。 SiteServer CMS 是内容和样式完全分离的一个系统~这样的好处就是前台页面可以随意的更改而不需要考虑程序的因素~从而可以达到丰富的页面效果来满足用户的个性化需求~同时前台的页面还可以通过系统后台的模板编辑器来修改~保证了前台页面能够随时随地的根据用户的要求来迅速的改变~真正做到“随需应变”。 系统根据网站的栏目结构和添加的信息内容利用网站模板生成网页~网站模板由HTML语言和SiteServer CMS自有的标签语言语言构成~系统模板用于控制网站的显示风格和版面设计~共分为四种: 首页模板:用于控制显示网站首页的模板, 栏目模板:用于显示点击某个栏目而进入的页面的模板, 内容模板:用于显示最终信息内容风格的页面的模板, 单页模板:用于生成一些由代码组成的文件~这样可以免去了上传含有代码页面文件的步骤~比如制作页面的头部和底部包含文件的时候~直接把代码做成单页模板然后再生成就可以了。 下图所示~首页模板控制画红框的首页的显示效果~栏目模板控制画红框的栏目页的显示效果~内容模板控制画红框的内容页的显示效果: End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 后台具有对模板的直接管理~以下是管理界面: 在这里可以管理站点中所有的模板~并可以进行“添加”、“修改”、“删 除”模板等操作,点击某个模板可以对某个模板进行属性设臵及模板代码修改~ End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing 第27页 总45页 state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 如下图: 在网站前台页面中~通过首页、列表页、内容页模板的设计~我们可以为网站首页、图书的各级分类、图书详细页分别建立自己的页面。 各级页面都应当能够实现自定义~由用户自己选择表现样式~并且图书细节如何展示等方式。 3.2.16模板标签 SiteServer CMS在制作网站时候是通过模板来制作~而在制作模板时是通过在模板中插入模板标签实现数据的调取。我们采用的模板标签是STL语言。 STL 语言全称称为 SiteServer模版语言,SiteServer Template Language,~是一种您可以用来创建模版的服务器端语言。 它由百容软件创建~用来克服 HTML,即超文本标记语言,Hypertext Markup Language,~它是所有网页的基础,的局限。它和 HTML一样~STL 基于 SGML ― 标准通用标记语言,Standard Generalized Markup Language,。 STL 语言专用于 SiteServer CMS 系统~为获取信息、制作功能而设计开发。使用模板标签制作网站的好处是: 使网站的数据和显示完全分离, 系统的功能代码封装到标签中~每个标签代表了一定的含义~可在模板制作时直接调用~无需编程。除封装标签外~模板是不加密的, 使网站的开发非常简单~不懂编程的工作人员也可以完成网站开发, End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 使网站维护非常简单~如果需要网站改版~只需要改动html和标签即可, 3.2.17模板匹配 如果一个模板需要被几个页面共用~那就需要进行模板匹配~这样我们就不用为每个栏目页、每个内容页单独制作模板了。 匹配模板的功能是将栏目模板和内容模板与相应的栏目及内容进行匹配~以使选定的栏目及内容按照既定的风格,模板样式,进行显示。 这样做~使网站建设周期大大减少~因为只要设计少数的网站页面即可~我们可以通过模板匹配将有限的网站页面应用到任意多个栏目和内容当中。 而且~将来在网站改版时候~我们可以进通过添加新的模板~再匹配到对应的栏目和内容即可完成网站的改版。 3.2.18搜索引擎优化 SEO,Search Engine Optimazation,即搜索引擎优化~就是通过采用易于搜索引擎索引的合理手段~使网站对用户和搜索引擎更友好~从而更容易被搜索引擎收录及优化排序。 网站SEO是一项很重要的工作~它可以改善您的网站并将网站在各大搜索引擎中的排名靠前。 SiteServer CMS 针对 SEO 开发了大量的功能模块~如下图: End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing 第29页 总45页 state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 主要功能包括以下三部分: 网站SEO当前状态查询与分析 SiteServer CMS 搜索引擎优化的第一部分功能主要是查询及分析网站的SEO当前状况~包括“搜索引擎收录查询”、“关键字分析”、“Alexa排名查询”以及“PageRank查询”。 页面元数据设臵 页面元数据指存在于网页的与间的标签~主要用于搜索引擎查找、分类对应页面。这其中最重要的是description和keywords。 页面元数据的功能为设臵对应栏目或内容页的页面标签~将元数据独立能为更好的维护与管理这些重要的搜索引擎相关信息。 站点地图(SiteMap)设臵 站点地图(SiteMap)有助于加速搜索引擎对网页的查找~方便搜索引擎蜘蛛爬行整个网站~从而使得你网站的每个页面都能被蜘蛛爬到~从而被搜索引擎收录。 SiteServer CMS 能够自动设臵站点地图~并提供接口提交到对应的搜索引擎中。 3.2.19广告管理 系统支持多种样式的广告形式~包括对联式的跟随页面浮动的广告、在页面中来回飘动的广告、页面表格中嵌入的广告等~图片形式包括文字广告、图片广告和Flash广告等多种形式。 通过广告管理模块可以轻松的添加各种样式的广告~并设臵广告的显示方式~显示日期和显示页面。 End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 第四章 项目实施方案 4.1项目实施承诺 1、本项目软件开发任务及其相关任务的集成 作为建设单位~我们承诺不仅将本系统的软件开发按照集团的要求完成并顺利实施~使其顺利运行~我们还积极参与、协助项目中与其它系统的集成建设~用统一的标准和要求来完成项目的建设工作。 2、始终以业集团的需求为导向 作为软件开发商~我们深深知道任何软件系统工程都必须以用户的业务需求为指导。本项目涉及面较广,涉及厂商多、用户分布广且差异性大,~应用情况复杂,业务流和数据流复杂,~集中式应用,数据量大,~需求的不确定性~这给整个系统的开发和运行带来了困难。我们承诺在建设过程中以需求作为最终的导向~尽力作好各个方面的协调和统筹工作~以最优的设计、开发、技术支持及服务满足网站需求。 3、与其他开发商、集成商、监理方合作完成技术支持和咨询 整个网站开发是一个很复杂的系统工程~我们承诺与采购方协同一致~共同完成技术攻关。我们还同时承诺对采购方在实施遇到的技术问题~做技术咨询服务。 4.2项目实施任务 根据对项目的理解~我们该网站任务分解如下: 需求分析任务:在理解网站需求的前提下~对系统业务需求进行详细调研~整理需求经用户认可并确认后~形成《需求分析报告》, 网页设计任务:根据需求分析报告进行网站的设计, 系统安装调试任务:在采购方配合下进行CMS系统的安装调试等部署工作, 系统试运行任务:在采购方的配合和支持下~完成业务系统的试运行工作~并根据试运行情况进行业务系统软件的完善和改进, 系统验收任务:协助配合采购方完成系统验收~系统投入正式运行。 End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing 第31页 总45页 state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 培训和技术支持工作:在系统安装调试、试运行和验收后正式运行过程中~根据需要完成对用户的培训、技术支持和售后维护工作。 4.3项目实施阶段划分 项目启动 在合同签订后~我们即进行针对本项目的总体工作动员。 通过动员会议~我们进行人员职责确认、实施阶段分析、总体规划分析、情况介绍、项目方案完善设计与审核等环节~最终制定阶段目标、制定各阶段衔接条件~达到软件开发的先决条件。 主要包括如下内容: 动员会议、人员职责确认 制定阶段目标 制定各阶段衔接条件 进行实施阶段分析 总体规划分析、情况介绍 项目方案完善设计与审核 总体实施过程流程图如下: End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 总体实施过程流程图 End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing 第33页 总45页 state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 第五章 项目实施管理和保障体系 5.1领导重视 本项目作为公司的重点关注项目~得到公司总经理的高度重视~公司事业部领导亲自挂帅~出任项目领导小组组长~负责对整个项目的进度、质量进行监控~在必要时协调相关资源~最大限度的满足用户的各种要求。 由于领导重视~因此一旦公司有幸中标~公司将由副总经理担任技术总监~由部门经理主管项目管理与质量保障和技术支持工作~与众多高水平的软件开发人员、实施人员、培训人员、商务人员和应急人员等组成完整的项目团队~为本软件系统高质量的开发和顺利的实施奠定了坚实的基础。 得到领导重视~针对本项目~可调用公司的一切资源~为本项目提供人员、技术和管理上的保障~尤其是针对本项目将专门聘请有关技术专家和业务专家组成项目专家小组~为项目实施、执行出谋划策~并处理和解决项目实施过程中的高难度问题。 5.2项目实施策略 本项目的开发实施内容较多~同时实施带来的问题和风险相对较大~如采用统一规划~分步实施的方法~则可以将整个系统的实施臵于项目领导小组的控制之下~使实施过程易于控制~实施质量易于保证。 项目管理总体策略 本项目的管理策略可以归结为以下几点: 在项目启动前~做好项目实施的整体计划~各分项目的实施都应在整体计划所划定的框架内进行~以保证整个项目实施的协调一致。 作为大型项目~要求必须有完备的实施管理机制。 有效调动各方面的力量~保证工作需要。 充分做好各项准备~保证各项工作少走弯路。 做好培训工作~为系统的长期稳定运行做好技术准备。 质量保证方针:全员有责~全过程控制,科学实用~让用户满意。 服务意识 End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 作为行业应用系统开发商~我们公司拥有完善的行业系统软件开发、实施与培训和系统维护的机制和队伍。我们衷心地希望尽自己所能~从网站用户的实际情况和需要出发~利用我们的专业技术与服务~将计算机技术运用到网站建设的工作中去~共同建设起一套完整、先进、实用的网站~我们也对此充满信心。 我们的服务理念是~“替用户着想~为用户服务~对用户负责”~坚持尽最大的努力~使用户得到满意的产品、满意的项目、满意的服务、满意的投资回报。 我们对客户的服务方针是: 严格按照需求和项目计划~实现应用系统开发、完成应用系统部署与培训 快速响应、真诚负责 系统长期的维护和升级 多方位、分层次、有针对性的技术培训 严格执行ISO9001质量保证体系开展系统服务管理 质量管理 对一个应用系统软件项目的开发实施过程~项目管理的关键环节在于对项目质量的管理。在质量管理工作中需要很好地落实以下六个关键问题。 队伍: 按照项目实施的需要~为本次项目专门组建一只技术过硬、作风扎实、责任心强、经验丰富的技术队伍。 领导班子: 领导班子是项目组的核心。班子的一把手应有良好的专业背景和学历、有很强的组织大型应用软件项目的经验和能力、有很好的合作精神和服务意识。班子中的其他成员亦应有相关的素质和技术、应用开发或质量管理方面的丰富经验。 领导班子负责确定和细化项目目标~制订项目实施计划~管理与项目有关的所有错综复杂的关系~以有效地控制项目的进度、费用和质量~确保项目的 End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing 第35页 总45页 state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 成功。 本项目的实施决不是个人的成就~它是集体智慧的结晶~团队作战的成果。严格的规范则是团队工作的约束条件~是团队作战取得成功的保证。 文档 在项目实施的各阶段~都应形成相应的文档。这些文档既是阶段成果的体现和阶段验收的标准~又是驱动下一个阶段运作的依据。文档的正确和完整程度是检验项目规范化管理程度的要素之一。 监控 在项目实施过程中~通过有效的监理机制和内部监督机制~坚持进度监控、质量监控和系统工程监控。 用户参与 用户自始至终的参与是项目成功的又一重要措施~对于本项目~主要包括:系统开发商与业主一起明确系统具体需求~规范系统管理,邀请业主组成业务领导小组和技术领导小组参与到整个项目开发、部署和培训过程中,在必要的用户监控点进行包括供方、需方和专家在内的联合评审。 针对本项目的质量管理详见实施保障措施,项目质量管理一节。 技术力量保证 本次网站建设~对投标人在企业环境、技术人员素质、项目与质量管理体系、计算机网络集成、应用软件开发能力、工程组织与协调、客户服务管理等方面的技术实力~提出了很高的全面要求。 对于本项目~我们认为~服务必须贯串于整个应用系统的生命周期内~包括策划、开发、测试、用户试用、实施、培训、试运行、维护等若干阶段。 对于不同阶段中的各项服务~明确目标和侧重点是保证服务效果的关键。对于技术支持服务~必须保证系统运行维护的要求,对于技术培训服务~必须纳入本项目队伍建设管理工作中,对于项目实施中一切问题~都应该以高质高效地保证系统交付作为基本出发点,对于合作伙伴的信息技术咨询~应当作到End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 与业务工作紧密结合~切合实际需要并具有前瞻性。 本项目的企业的管理人员、开发人员和服务人员对网站建设均有比较全面的了解~可以更好的为本项目各级用户服务。 5.3项目管理措施 本次网站项目应该作为一个整体的项目来统一部署~全盘考虑~我公司选派经验丰富的项目执行负责人负责总体协调~开展有关工作。 对行业应用系统软件开发实施项目~往往面临需要完成一系列时间有限、没有更多经验可供借鉴的事情。因此~项目管理没有公式化的操作流程~其重点是共性的管理框架和一般原则~以及一些具体的方法和工具。 根据网项目的整体要求和对需求的理解~为很好地完成应用软件开发、应用系统部署和培训、系统维护和技术支持工作~必须遵循科学的项目管理方法。 计划管理 项目实施计划是对项目实施过程的设计和规划~是项目实施阶段的重要环节。实施计划的主要作用在于: 作为项目实施的依据和指南 作为控制、监督的依据 作为评价和检验实施状况的尺度 进度管理 项目进展报告和阶段报告是项目实施控制的基础。反映了项目当前在进度、费用、质量等方方面面的实际执行情况。在本节对实施各环节产生的主要进展报告做整理。 在全部报告期间~需要收集两种数据和信息: 实际执行的数据~包括活动开始和结束时间,使用或投入的实际资源和成本等, 有关项目范围、进度计划和预算变更的信息。 信息管理 项目管理过程总是伴随着信息处理开展。 随着网站项目的启动、规划、实施等项目生命周期的展开~项目的文件、 End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing 第37页 总45页 state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 报告、合同、确认单等材料会不断产生~系统必须在项目运作过程中单独构成一个独立的管理环节。 文档管理 我们对本项目技术文件以及由采购方提供的所有内部资料、技术文档和信息予以保密。并按照ISO9000的要求制定文档模板并组织实施~文档是过程的踪迹~文档管理要作到:及时、真实、符合标准。 及时指的是文档制作要及时~归档要及时。 真实指的是文档中的数据必须是真实有效的。 符合标准指的是文档的格式和填写必须规范。 一般说来~文档是上一阶段成果的体现~也是下一阶段实施的依据~控制文档并保证文档的质量是实施过程中所必须作到的。将在项目实施过程中每个阶段输出相应的文档~除此之外~在项目实施过程中~将产生各种质量记录文档~包括各种计划、执行情况检查、考核记录、培训记录、会议记录等~在质量体系文件中均有相应的规定和检查措施。本系统项目的文档管理工作制度要点如下: (一)文档的生成与项目实施中的阶段同步 在项目阶段计划中明确规定各阶段必须产出的相应文档~要来确保文档与阶段同步~如果文档工作未能达标~则视同阶段任务未完成。 (二)对重要的受控文档实施计算机管理 将各阶段生成的重要文档由计算机化的文档管理系统对其进行标识和状态跟踪。 (三)切实保证文档的安全 受控文档必须以纸介质和电子文档两种形式保存~可通过网络在授权范围内进行传递和使用。纸介质文档由文档管理人员妥善保管。 对受控文档的发放实行登记制度~严禁随意发放。无关人员不得接触受控文档。 重要文档要有备份存放~避免因意外事故而造成文档的丢失和损坏。 End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, (四)确保文档的正确、有效~便于使用 技术文档必须与最新版软件的结果同步~已更改后的旧文档必须标识“作废”。说明性文档应尽可能详尽地解释在具体操作环境下的系统行为和操作者能采取的措施~它们应与软件独立~并在需要的时候能够通过计算机直接访问到~为此~说明性文档应尽可能地嵌入软件~成为软件产出的一部分~以使用户能在实际的操作环境中学习系统功能~这种帮助系统应是系统文档的核心。 沟通管理 项目经理 能够使小组每个成员都能发挥能力 有一定的组织能力 能够使小组每位成员有成就感 有提出解决问题方案的能力 对问题的理解有一定的深度 要能让成员知道软件质量的重要性 沟通方式 正式非个人方式~如正式会议等, 正式个人之间交流~如成员之间的正式讨论等,一般不形成决议,, 非正式个人之间交流~如个人之间的自由交流等, 电子通讯~如E-MAIL、BBS等, 成员网络~如成员与小组之外或公司之外有经验的相关人员进行交流, 重大技术问题及时向专家小组汇报~并请求技术支援。 第六章 售后服务 End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing 第39页 总45页 state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 6.1技术力量 我们拥有一支由多人组成的网站建设团队~他们都是在互联网、企业信息化等领域的资深专业人才~具有开发众多大型项目的成功经验。 6.2解决方案 我们拥有资深的网站策划专业人才~并一直注重行业解决方法的积累~具有丰富的网站整体策划经验~能够充分挖掘客户需求~正确把握互联网发展现状~从而为客户提供互联网整体解决方案。 6.3项目管理 我们拥有一套实际运用和不断完善的实施方法和富有经验的项目管理人才~已经形成了自己独到的管理办法~保证我们每个项目能够得以顺利完成~有效协同各种专业人员共同参与~有组织有计划的进行资源管理和分配~并能够在最大程度上保证我们的项目按时~按质完成的前提。 6.4质量承诺 百容千域工程师经过严格训练~拥有系统化的网络业务衔接的专业知识及丰富的经验~对于贵公司的项目~百容千域将指定一名策划负责人全面指挥该项目的实施。项目策划负责人具有多年的技术背景和商务经验~同时在我公司内部运作中~项目策划负责人将对网站建设的功能实现和进程安排负全责~具有一定的管理权。项目策划负责人制度将确保贵公司的网站优质高效地完成。 第七章 培训方案 7.1培训目标 在项目实施过程中~本着全面共享知识与经验的宗旨~针对工程中涉及到的各类系统软件、应用软件提出一套完整的面向不同层次用户的培训方案~以达到如下目的: 通过对业务的系统维护人员的培训~使其能够切实掌握各类本项目中采购的系统软件、应用软件的操作、安装、配臵、维护等工作~确保系统完成后能够保障系统的正常运转。 End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 通过对系统使用者的操作培训~使其能够熟练使用相关的业务系统~充分发挥系统的作用。 7.2培训方式 在长期的用户培训实践中~我们建立了规范、标准的实施流程~如下图所示。针对本项目的有关培训我们也将使用该流程。 培训对象 培训需求沟通 培训需求分析 培训分析 培训对象水平分析 培训方案设计 培训方案执行 绩效检测与评估 修正后的培训方案 培训实施流程图 对于培训课程确定的前提下的培训~对培训对象的水平分析将对培训结果起着决定性的作用。 对本项目系统管理员的培训~培训人数相对较多~可采用培训和实践相结合的方式~并将培训实践贯穿在整个系统软件开发过程和系统部署过程中。具体做法是请相关的业务骨干和技术骨干参加整个项目的开发过程和实施过程~系统上线运行后~可承担应用系统运行维护工作。 End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing 第41页 总45页 state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 7.3培训对象及责任 培训工作是一件双方的事情~从培训方来讲~会很好地组织培训内容、运用合理的培训方式、采取合适的培训评估~但是这一切都是建立在双方对培训内容的认可上进行的~如果培训内容不合适~组织的再好~培训的效果也不会好的。所以作为培训对象来讲~应该经常主动地提出自己的培训需求~以便培训方更好地实施培训工作~使双方满意。 培训讲稿是培训必须提供的内容。培训是一次有组织的活动~这种活动有其明确的目标性~因此对每一次培训都应该进行很好的规划~讲稿中应体现出培训目标、培训方式、培训时间、培训内容等~它是为培训对象在培训中参考的内容~更是培训教师作好一项培训工作的前提。因此培训教师必须为每一次培训准备优秀的培训讲稿。 培训讲义是为学员准备的参考材料~讲义编写采用母语~内容必须详实~易于学员的理解~如果有合适的现成参考教材~也可当作培训讲义发给培训学员~但是一定要保证培训讲义上的内容必须和培训讲稿的内容密切结合~决不允许偷工减料~使用少许接近的教材替代培训讲义。与培训内容有联系的书籍可以作为培训的其它参考资料提供给培训对象。 评估作为保证培训质量的一个很重要的一步~是绝对不可少的。这里对培训对象的评估~也有多种方式~具体实施时可以采用一种方式~也可以多种方式并用。但是不能缺少。需要培训对象掌握的理论性内容~可以采用出考题让培训对象完成的方式~对于必须动手掌握的内容~也可以出上机实践的练习~有的培训内容不一定要现场考核~需要在后续的工作中体现的~培训的考核可以放在培训对象工作时完成~但是这种考核是比较困难的一种考核评估。 培训教师对培训对象考核评估后~要保留评估结果~并将结果及时反馈给培训学员~以便使培训对象更好地掌握培训内容。 7.4培训计划 对于应用系统运行维护人员的培训~将在项目立项后随着应用系统开发的展开而进行。在试运行阶段~全面完成所有应用系统使用人员的使用培训。 End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 暂将培训日程安排如下: 应用系统运行维护人员培训 灵活安排~,含跟随项目实培训名称 应用系统运行维护培训 培训时间 践~为累计时间, 根据具体管理员人数而定~培训对象 应用系统运行维护人员 培训人数 一般为2,3 培训地点 业主方 培训方式 讲授,实践 1、掌握数据库管理与维护的相关知识 2、掌握通用的网络应用的管理和维护的相关知识 培训目标 3、掌握应用系统管理与维护的相关知识 4、掌握应用系统各子系统的使用 1、 应用系统运行管理维护培训 2、 应用系统使用管理维护培训 培训内容 3、 应用系统使用培训 4、 应用系统部署配臵实践 培训教材 《应用系统管理员培训手册》、《应用系统用户手册》 1、对培训对象以上机实验的形式对培训对象进行考核 培训评估 2、学员填写《培训效果评估表》 3、教师填写《培训实施汇报表》 有特别求者可填写《培训需求调查表》 备注 应用系统运行维护人员培训 说明:此培训需要在应用软件部署实施开始前完成。在应用系统部署工作 进行的过程中~我方工程师将对系统管理员进行现场实际操作的相关指导。 在实际实施时~应用系统管理员需要跟随项目组进行应用系统的开发工作~ 尤其是需求整理、应用系统的组成、应用系统平台架构等内容。 End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing 第43页 总45页 state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 应用系统使用人员培训 培训名称 应用系统使用培训 培训时间 可灵活安排~计划进行多批次培训 培训对象 业务人员 培训人数 所有系统使用人员,不少于200人, 培训地点 业主方 培训方式 讲授,实际操作 1、掌握应用系统整体使用基础 培训目标 2、熟练使用与自己相关的业务子系统的功能 1、计算机应用基础培训 培训内容 2、应用系统使用培训 培训教材 《应用系统用户手册》 1、对培训对象以上机实验的形式对培训对象进行考核 培训评估 2、学员填写《培训效果评估表》 3、教师填写《培训实施汇报表》 有特别求者可填写《培训需求调查表》 备注 系统使用人员培训 第八章 相关案例 见《华远会方案介绍》 End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls,
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