

2017-09-01 16页 doc 45KB 59阅读




中国行政级别划分中国行政级别划分 中国行政级别划分和行政人员工资表 我国干部级别划分(以政府和军队为例,不含党委、人大、政协) 一. 国家级: 国务院总理(一级) 国务院副总理(二级) 国务院常委(三级) 二. 正省级干部(正部级干部): 国务院各部委正职干部(如教育部部长、国家发改委主任) 各省、自治区、直辖市政府正职干部(如江苏省省长、天津市市长) 部队正军职干部(如江苏省军区司令员、12军军长) 三(副省级干部(副部级干部): 国务院各部委副职干部(如公安部副部长、国家体育总局副局长) 国务院部委管理的国家局正职干部(...
中国行政级别划分 中国行政级别划分和行政人员工资 我国干部级别划分(以政府和军队为例,不含党委、人大、政协) 一. 国家级: 国务院总理(一级) 国务院副总理(二级) 国务院常委(三级) 二. 正省级干部(正部级干部): 国务院各部委正职干部(如教育部部长、国家发改委主任) 各省、自治区、直辖市政府正职干部(如江苏省省长、天津市市长) 部队正军职干部(如江苏省军区司令员、12军军长) 三(副省级干部(副部级干部): 国务院各部委副职干部(如公安部副部长、国家体育总局副局长) 国务院部委管理的国家局正职干部(如国家文物总局局长) 各省、自治区、直辖市政府副职干部(如安徽省副省长、重庆市副市长) 各副省级市政府正职干部(如南京市市长) 部队副军职干部(如浙江省警备司令部副司令、31军副军长) 四(正厅级干部(地市级干部): 国务院部委各司正职干部(如教育部社会科学研究与思想政治工作司司长) 各省、自治区、直辖市厅局正职干部(如河北省交通厅厅长,北京市财政局局长) 各副省级市政府副职干部(如宁波市副市长) 各地级市政府正职干部(如无锡市市长) 部队正师职干部(如1军后勤部部长、34师政委) 注:以上为高级干部 五(副厅级干部: 国务院部委各司副职干部(如人事部人才流动开发司副司长) 各省、自治区、直辖市厅局副职干部(如黑龙江省建设厅副厅长、上海市文化局100 cubic meters of reservoir engineering, the mountain residents living water, water for livestock, seedling irrigation water State. At the same time, the original embankments ditches remediation, realize the smooth flow of water, water is clear. The fourth is to the implementation of the village lighting, greening projects, by striving for financial assistance and mobilization in the successful public donations and other forms, financing to install solar powered streetlights 50 lamp, green village main road 1 km. To consolidate and deepen the education practice of the mass line of the party and "strict three real special education results, expanding the Organization Department of the four over four upgrade effectiveness of the activities, guide the majority of Party members to further enhance par consciousness, consciousness of party spirit, rule consciousness, based on the job performance of their duties, in accordance with the central, provincial and city, the latest requirements, combined with actual Tengzhou, now in the city party members to carry out" two studies do, "the theme of the activities to develop scheme are as follows: A, general requirements for conscientiously implement the party to manage the party strictly" policy, in close connection with the city's Party member troop actual, carry out to "learning the party constitution of party compasses, series 副局长) 副省级市所属各局及各区县政府正职干部(如南京市教育局局长、江宁区区长) 各地级市政府副职干部(如苏州市副市长) 部队副师职干部(如35师副政委、179旅旅长) 六(正处级干部(县团级干部): 国务院部委各司所属处室正职干部(如农业部种植业管理司经济作物处处长) 各省、自治区、直辖市厅局所属处室正职干部(如江苏省科技厅农村科技处处长) 副省级市所属各局及各区县政府副职干部(如沈阳市卫生局副局长、浦口区副区长) 地级市所属各局及各区县政府正职干部(如扬州市劳动局局长、滨海县县长) 部队正团职干部(如105团政委) 七(副处级干部: 国务院部委各司所属处室副职干部(如农业部兽医局防疫处副处长) 各省、自治区、直辖市厅局所属处室副职干部(如江苏省教育厅人事处副处长) 副省级市所属各局处室及区县各局正职干部(如南京市科技局科技成果处处长、玄武区卫生局局长) 地级市所属各局及各区县政府副职干部(如镇江市民政局副局长、张家港市副市长) 部队副团职干部(如105团参谋长) 八(正科级、副科级干部略 注: 1(各高等院校、科研院所、医院等事业单位,其各级干部参照政府各级干部待遇,但不具有行政级别,不属于公务员编制 2(政府各级干部如为上一级党委常委,则其行政级别升一级。如张家港市市长为正处级干部,若为苏州市市委常委,则为副厅级干部 3(按例,高级干部在60或65岁以后往往调往相应级别的人大、政协担任领导职务,俗称“退居二线” en village main road 1 km.mobilization in the successful public donations and other forms, financing to install solar powered streetlights 50 lamp, gre e andis clear. The fourth is to the implementation of the village lighting, greening projects, by striving for financial assistanc rigation water State. At the same time, the original embankments ditches remediation, realize the smooth flow of water, water100 cubic meters of reservoir engineering, the mountain residents living water, water for livestock, seedling ir serieslose connection with the city's Party member troop actual, carry out to "learning the party constitution of party compasses, me are as follows: A, general requirements for conscientiously implement the party to manage the party strictly" policy, in cp scheined with actual Tengzhou, now in the city party members to carry out" two studies do, "the theme of the activities to develoed on the job performance of their duties, in accordance with the central, provincial and city, the latest requirements, combs, bass, guide the majority of Party members to further enhance par consciousness, consciousness of party spirit, rule consciousnesspecial education results, expanding the Organization Department of the four over four upgrade effectiveness of the activitieTo consolidate and deepen the education practice of the mass line of the party and "strict three real 2 4(正省级干部约略相当于清代之巡抚与布政使,为从二品 副省级干部约略相当于清代之按察使,为正三品 正厅级干部约略相当于清代之知府,为从四品 副厅级干部约略相当于清代之同知,为正五品 正处级干部约略相当于清代之知县,为正七品 副处级干部约略相当于清代之县丞,为正八品 公务员的工资级别 根据《国务院办公厅关于印发、事业单位工资改革三个实施办法的》(国办发[1993]85号)的腾规定,新录用的国家公务员试用期工资确定的办法是: (一)直接从各类学校录用的国家公务员试用期工资。初中毕业生为170元;高中、中专毕业生为180元;大学专科毕业生为195元;大学本科毕业生为205元;获得双学士学位的大学本科毕业生(含学制为六年以上大学本科毕业生)、研究生班毕业和未取得硕士学位的研究生 为220元;硕士学位研究生为240元;博士学位研究生为270元。 (二)其他新录用国家公务员试用期工资。按管理权限由主管部门参考录用前本人工作年限和录用后拟任职务确定,原则上应略低于本单位正式任职的同等条件人员。 根据《国务院办公厅关于印发机关、事业单位工资制度改革三个实施办法通知》(国办发[1993]85号)的有关规定,新录用的国家公务员试用期满后,按所确定职务、级别领取相应工资。具体办法是: 直接从各类学校录用的国家公务员,试有期满后的职务工资为:初中毕业生定为办事员一档50元;高中、中专毕业生定为办事员二档60元;大学专科毕业生定为科员一档63元;大学本科毕业生定为科员二档75元;获得双学士学位的大学 lage main road 1 km.en vilmobilization in the successful public donations and other forms, financing to install solar powered streetlights 50 lamp, grear. The fourth is to the implementation of the village lighting, greening projects, by striving for financial assistance and r State. At the same time, the original embankments ditches remediation, realize the smooth flow of water, water is cle100 cubic meters of reservoir engineering, the mountain residents living water, water for livestock, seedling irrigation wate nnection with the city's Party member troop actual, carry out to "learning the party constitution of party compasses, seriesose coe are as follows: A, general requirements for conscientiously implement the party to manage the party strictly" policy, in clth actual Tengzhou, now in the city party members to carry out" two studies do, "the theme of the activities to develop schemned wid on the job performance of their duties, in accordance with the central, provincial and city, the latest requirements, combie the majority of Party members to further enhance par consciousness, consciousness of party spirit, rule consciousness, basets, expanding the Organization Department of the four over four upgrade effectiveness of the activities, guidTo consolidate and deepen the education practice of the mass line of the party and "strict three real special education resul3 本科毕业生(含学制为六年以上大学本科毕业生)、研究生班毕业和未取得硕士学位的研究生定科员四档99元;博士学位研究生定主任科员二档116元。 分配到艰苦、边远地区工作的大中专以上毕业生,可提前定级,职务工资可高于同类人员一至二档。 其他新录用国家公务员,按所任职务,比照本单位同类条件人员确定职务工资档次,其基本工资原则上应高于试用期工资。 根据《国务院办公厅关于印发机关、事业单位工资制度改革三个实施办法通知》(国办发[1993]85号)的有关规定,新录用人员试用期满正式任职后,应及时确定其级别。具体办法是: (一)直接从各类学校毕业生中录用的国家公务员。初中、高中、中等专业学校毕业的学生,定为十五级;大学专科毕业生,定为十四级;大学本科毕业生、获得双学士学位和大学本科毕业生(含学制为六年以上大学本科毕业生)、研究生班毕业生和没有获得硕士学位的研究生、定为十三级;获得硕士学位的研究生,定为十二级;获得博士学位的研究生,定为十一级。 (二)其他新录用人员,根据本人所任职务,比照本单位同等条件人员确定级别。任科员的公务员,工作年限为15年及以下的,定为十四级;16到20年的,定为十三级;21到25年的,定为十二级;任办事员的公务员,工作年限为10年及以下的,定为十五级;11至15年的,定为十四级;16至20年的,定为十三级。 《2006年公务员工资制度改革实施办法》及工资级别对照表 根据《机关工作人员工资制度改革方案》,制定本实施办法。 一、实施范围 机关工作人员工资制度改革方案的实施范围,限于下列单位中2005年12月31日前在册的正式工作人员。 (一)按照公务员制度管理的单位。 (二)经批准参照公务员制度管理的单位 二、职级工资制的实施 en village main road 1 km.mobilization in the successful public donations and other forms, financing to install solar powered streetlights 50 lamp, gre e andis clear. The fourth is to the implementation of the village lighting, greening projects, by striving for financial assistanc rigation water State. At the same time, the original embankments ditches remediation, realize the smooth flow of water, water100 cubic meters of reservoir engineering, the mountain residents living water, water for livestock, seedling ir s, bass, guide the majority of Party members to further enhance par consciousness, consciousness of party spirit, rule consciousnesspecial education results, expanding the Organization Department of the four over four upgrade effectiveness of the activitieTo consolidate and deepen the education practice of the mass line of the party and "strict three real serieslose connection with the city's Party member troop actual, carry out to "learning the party constitution of party compasses, me are as follows: A, general requirements for conscientiously implement the party to manage the party strictly" policy, in cp scheined with actual Tengzhou, now in the city party members to carry out" two studies do, "the theme of the activities to develoed on the job performance of their duties, in accordance with the central, provincial and city, the latest requirements, comb4 列入上述范围的单位,除工勤人员外的公务员。 (一)套改办法 1、职务工资。 按现任职务执行相应的职务工资。 2、级别工资。 公务员的级别和级别档次按照现任职务、任职年限和套改年限重新确定。 现任职务,按干部管理权限任命的职务 任职年限,按正式任命的开始时间计算。 套改年限,按工龄、学历,减去扣除的年限确定。截止时间2005年12月31日。 按现任职务套改的级别,如低于或等于按原任低一级职务确定的级别,可先按原任低一级职务套改,在此基础上级别再高定一档,级别工资可就近就高套入相应档次;如高于原任低一级职务确定的级别,但级别工资额低于按原任低一级职务确定的级别工资额,可先按原任低一级职务套改,再就近就高套入按现任职务确定的级别对应的工资档次。按原任低一级职务套改,现任职务的任职年限与原任低一级职务的任职年限合并计算。 套改工资后,根据清理地区、部门和单位自行发放津贴补贴的情况,将清理出的津贴补贴纳入新工资标准200元。 (二)正常晋升工资的办法 1、晋升职务增加工资 公务员晋升职务后,从晋升职务的下月起按新任职务执行相应的职务工资和级别工资,其中,级别和级别工资按以下办法确定,原级别低于新任职务最低级别的晋升到新任职务的最低级别,原级别在新任职务对应级别内晋升一个级别, 级别工资逐级就近就高套入新任级别对应的工资标准。 2、按年度考核结果晋升级别增加工资 从2006年1月1日起,公务员年度考核累计(连续)五年称职级以上的,从次年1月1日起,在所任职务对应的级别内晋升一级,级别工资就近就高套入新任级别对应的工资标准。下一次按考核结果晋升级别的考核年限,从级别变动的当年起重新计算。公务员因晋升职务而晋升级别,如级别晋升两级以上,按年 lage main road 1 km.en vilmobilization in the successful public donations and other forms, financing to install solar powered streetlights 50 lamp, grear. The fourth is to the implementation of the village lighting, greening projects, by striving for financial assistance and r State. At the same time, the original embankments ditches remediation, realize the smooth flow of water, water is cle100 cubic meters of reservoir engineering, the mountain residents living water, water for livestock, seedling irrigation wate nnection with the city's Party member troop actual, carry out to "learning the party constitution of party compasses, seriesose coe are as follows: A, general requirements for conscientiously implement the party to manage the party strictly" policy, in clth actual Tengzhou, now in the city party members to carry out" two studies do, "the theme of the activities to develop schemned wid on the job performance of their duties, in accordance with the central, provincial and city, the latest requirements, combie the majority of Party members to further enhance par consciousness, consciousness of party spirit, rule consciousness, basets, expanding the Organization Department of the four over four upgrade effectiveness of the activities, guidTo consolidate and deepen the education practice of the mass line of the party and "strict three real special education resul5 度考核结果晋升级别的考核年限从级别变动的当年起重新计算,如级别只晋升一级,不影响按年度考核结果晋升级别。 公务员按本实施办法套改确定级别后,自2006年1月1日至2009年12月31日,级别未发生变动或因晋升职务只晋升一个级别的,如年度考核为称职及以上,并按2005年12月31日时的职务达到级别工资确定表中上一级别规定年限,可从达到规定年限次年的1月1起晋升一个级别,但最高不得突破本职务对应的最高级别,级别工资就近就高进入新任级别相对应的档次。公务员按此办法晋升级别后,按年度考核结果晋升级别工资的考核年限从级别变动的当年起重新计算。 公务员已经达到所任职务对应的最高级别的,不再晋升级别工资,只晋升级别工资档次。 3、按年度考核结果晋升级级别工资档次 连续两年为称职及以上的,从次年1月1日起,在所任级别对应的工资标准内晋升一个档次。 晋升级别工资档次的考核年限,与正常晋升级别的考核年限分别计算。公务员因晋升级别增加级别工资时,如增资额少于或等于原级别一个工资当差,晋升级别工资档次的考核年限可与级别变动前的考核年限累加计算。如增资额超过按级别一个工资档差,晋升级别工资档次的考核年限从级别变动的当年起重新计算。 同时晋升级别和档次的,先晋升级别,再晋升级别工资档次。 (三)新录用人员工资。 1、试用期工资。 新录用人员试用期工资分别为:初中585元、高中、中专605元、大专650元、大学本科700元、双学士740元、硕士学位研究生790元、博士学位研究生880元。 2、试用期满后级别和级别工资的确定。 初中定办事员27级1档295元、高中、中专定办事员27级2档313元、大专办事员26级2档345元、大学本科定科员25级2档381元、双学士定科员25级3档403元、硕士学位研究生定副主任科员24级3档446元、博士学位研究生定主任科员22级1档484元。 其他有工作经历的人员,可按低于单位同类人员的水平执行。 艰苦边远地区新录用人员,试用期可直接执行试用期满定级工资。 en village main road 1 km.mobilization in the successful public donations and other forms, financing to install solar powered streetlights 50 lamp, gre e andis clear. The fourth is to the implementation of the village lighting, greening projects, by striving for financial assistanc rigation water State. At the same time, the original embankments ditches remediation, realize the smooth flow of water, water100 cubic meters of reservoir engineering, the mountain residents living water, water for livestock, seedling ir lose connection with the city's Party member troop actual, carry out to "learning the party constitution of party compasses, me are as follows: A, general requirements for conscientiously implement the party to manage the party strictly" policy, in cp scheined with actual Tengzhou, now in the city party members to carry out" two studies do, "the theme of the activities to develoed on the job performance of their duties, in accordance with the central, provincial and city, the latest requirements, combs, bass, guide the majority of Party members to further enhance par consciousness, consciousness of party spirit, rule consciousnesspecial education results, expanding the Organization Department of the four over four upgrade effectiveness of the activitieTo consolidate and deepen the education practice of the mass line of the party and "strict three real series6 三、实行级别和待遇相互挂钩的办法 符合级别与生活待遇挂钩条件的公务员任职满5年,达到规定级别前连续考核5年称职以上,符合以下条件:厅级副职13级、处级正职15级、处级副职16级、科级正职18级、科级副职19级、科员20级、办事员21级的,可以执行现任职务上一层次非领导职务的职务工资、津贴补贴标准及住房、医疗等待遇,级别工资档次在现任职务对应的级别范围内晋升。退休后,享受上一职务层次非领导职务的退休费、住房、医疗等待遇。 撤职以上处分或受到刑事处罚的不得享受以上待遇。 四、实行县乡党政主要领导(乡镇公务员)工资倾斜的办法 从2006年1月1日起,担任县委书记、县长、乡党委书记、乡长的人员,任现职满5年并考核合格的,可从满5年的次年1月1起在现任级别的基础上高定一个级别,就近就高靠近新一级别的档次并不影响正常的职务变动或正常考核引起的级别变动。 五、机关工勤人员工资制度 (一)技术工人实行岗位技术等级工资制,基本工资有岗位工资和技术等级工资两项。构成取消原奖金,设置岗位工资、技术等级工资。 (二)岗位工资按技术等级、套改年限确定。 (三)正常增资办法: 1、每两年晋升一档岗位工资。晋升岗位工资档次。机关工勤人员年度考核累计两年为合格级以上的,从次年1月1日起晋升一档岗位工资。 2、晋升技术等级。技术工人晋升技术等级相应的岗位工资标准,如增资额超过按原技术等级正常晋升岗位工资档次增加工资的数额,晋升岗位工资档次的考核年限从晋升技术等级的当年起重新计算,如增资额少于或等于按原技术职务正常晋升岗位工资档次增加工资的数额,其晋升技术等级前后的年限可累加计算。 六、定期调整基本工资标准的办法 每两年调整一次机关工作人员基本工资标准。调整幅度,根据国民经济发展、财政状况、物价变动等情况和工资调查比较结果确定。在工资调查制度建立之前,主要根据国民经济发展、财政状况、物价水平等因素确定。 七、改革奖金发放办法。 取消连续三年考核优秀增加一级级别工资的办法,改为年终一次性奖金和考核结果挂钩,考核称职的发12月份一个月的基本工资,考核优秀的可发放1.5 lage main road 1 km.en vilmobilization in the successful public donations and other forms, financing to install solar powered streetlights 50 lamp, grear. The fourth is to the implementation of the village lighting, greening projects, by striving for financial assistance and r State. At the same time, the original embankments ditches remediation, realize the smooth flow of water, water is cle100 cubic meters of reservoir engineering, the mountain residents living water, water for livestock, seedling irrigation wate nnection with the city's Party member troop actual, carry out to "learning the party constitution of party compasses, seriesose coe are as follows: A, general requirements for conscientiously implement the party to manage the party strictly" policy, in clth actual Tengzhou, now in the city party members to carry out" two studies do, "the theme of the activities to develop schemned wid on the job performance of their duties, in accordance with the central, provincial and city, the latest requirements, combie the majority of Party members to further enhance par consciousness, consciousness of party spirit, rule consciousness, basets, expanding the Organization Department of the four over four upgrade effectiveness of the activities, guidTo consolidate and deepen the education practice of the mass line of the party and "strict three real special education resul7 倍(2倍)。 八、其他有关政策 (一)专业技术类别、行政执法类别和实行聘用制的人员的工资办法另行制定; (二)军转人员工资(93工改后军转人员增资办法待定); (三)国务院直属副部级机关和各部委管理的公务员,15个副省级城市的增资办法(待定); (四)国家批准的各项特殊岗位津贴仍然执行,其他地方批准的特殊岗位津贴一律取消; (五)浮动工资的处理(略) (六)相应警衔津贴、海关工作补贴、西藏工作人员和党外工作人员生活费办法另行制定。 九、组织领导(略) en village main road 1 km.mobilization in the successful public donations and other forms, financing to install solar powered streetlights 50 lamp, gre e andis clear. The fourth is to the implementation of the village lighting, greening projects, by striving for financial assistanc rigation water State. At the same time, the original embankments ditches remediation, realize the smooth flow of water, water100 cubic meters of reservoir engineering, the mountain residents living water, water for livestock, seedling ir serieslose connection with the city's Party member troop actual, carry out to "learning the party constitution of party compasses, me are as follows: A, general requirements for conscientiously implement the party to manage the party strictly" policy, in cp scheined with actual Tengzhou, now in the city party members to carry out" two studies do, "the theme of the activities to develoed on the job performance of their duties, in accordance with the central, provincial and city, the latest requirements, combs, bass, guide the majority of Party members to further enhance par consciousness, consciousness of party spirit, rule consciousnesspecial education results, expanding the Organization Department of the four over four upgrade effectiveness of the activitieTo consolidate and deepen the education practice of the mass line of the party and "strict three real 8
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