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动词模式在牛津与朗文字典里的对比分析动词模式在牛津与朗文字典里的对比分析 牛津高阶英汉双解词典第4版,朗文当代高级英语辞典第3版 在牛津字典里,对于每一个动词来说,在它下面的解释义项里,每一项后面都标注该义项所适用的动词模式。 以make为例: 一(Constructing or creating 1 (a),Tn, Tn?Pr, Dn? n, Dn? Pr, (b),Tn? Pr, esp Passive 尤用于被动语态, (c),Tn, (a) construct, create or prepare sty by combining mate...
动词模式在牛津与朗文字典里的对比 牛津高阶英汉双解词典第4版,朗文当代高级辞典第3版 在牛津字典里,对于每一个动词来说,在它下面的解释义项里,每一项后面都标注该义项所适用的动词模式。 以make为例: 一(Constructing or creating 1 (a),Tn, Tn?Pr, Dn? n, Dn? Pr, (b),Tn? Pr, esp Passive 尤用于被动语态, (c),Tn, (a) construct, create or prepare sty by combining materials or putting parts together (b) put materials or parts together to produce sth (c) arrange (a bed) so that it is ready for use 2 ,Tn? Tn? Pr,cause sth to appear by breaking, removing materials or striking 3 ,Tn,create sth, establish 4 ,Tn,write, compose or prepare 在牛津字典里,编者了几乎所有的动词模式,给每一个模式以特定的字母标红固定下来,并以例句为示例,然后再分几点具体详细说明解释动词该如何标记一些特殊情况。对于动词模式中主动语态转变为被动语态作了详细的分析以例句说明如何转变。如果该动词模式没有被动语态则会清晰地写出。对于每一动词模式中有些动词的例外情形在本词典的词条里这样表示:,DPr? W no passive,即该模,DPr? W,有些动词没有被动语态。在下面的说明中用0 表示。 在该字典里如果是动词短语,惯用语,谚语会专门标注出来以区别混淆动词模式。 例:make do with sth. Make (sth) do Make: (idm习语) 对于朗文字典,则没有给出动词模式一个专门的概括总结,所以为了分析每种动词的模式,必须参照动词的义项解释里是如何表示动词模式的。 ? 它没有牛津字典那样在动词每一条解释中都清晰地标注所有适用的动词模式。但 它用黑体标出相当模式的动词词组。 ? 如果是惯用的动词短语宜会另列词条专门标注出来以区别动词词组却没有标注 惯用语,谚语,习语等或固定搭配。 ? 为了对比与牛津字典里的动词模式不得不以许多动词为例,查阅在朗文字典中, 动词解释中如何显示动词模式的。虽然所查阅的动词不能每个都具有代表性,但 至少可以做到以个别到总体的一个概括性推断,总结显示在该字典里动词模式的 特点。 ? 在朗文中动义项中查到即可以套用的动模,相当于动词词组搭配,也会有相应的 例句给予具体说明。但也有一些动词模式(即以所给的动词为例)在朗文中无法 找到相应的动模,缺乏足够的例句去表示动词词组或短语。 ? 对于被动语态也有一些标注。例如dear 第3条义项中,…of crime/ blame etc[ T usually passive] 但很多情况下没有给出该动模所转变的被动语态,而牛津却注重 给出相应的被动语态。 ? 也用一些标号标注动词短语动词词组搭配需要注意的要点: cope sth (with) sb 用( )标注(with)不影响句义 refer to sb/sth to 则没有用( )表示 to 必须有否则影响句义 inform that 从句 motion (for)sb to do sth 也是一个道理. 牛津字典一共总结了32种动词模式,在下面会逐一或挑一些典型例子作为与朗文字典 中动词模式的对比。 1. [La] 系动词+形容词 以clean 为例 在朗文中,clean义项的第3条标有,of a crime/blame, etc. [usually possive] ? Maya was cleared of manslaughter 在牛津中,clear 第3条解释中标注[Tn,Tn?Pr],sb of sth 例: She has cleaned all charges. 2. [IPr] 不及物动词+介词短语 以complain为例,在朗文中标注[I,T not in passive 不用被动语态] She often complains about not feeling appreciated at work 在牛津标注在某些动词之后,介词短语不可去掉否则语句不通用 (*)标注或动词的意 思改变 The minister referred to the importance of exports. *The minister referred. 对于介词可以去掉不影响句义的,则要用()标注,不可去掉的用黑体标示对于以上的 标注在朗文字典也有类似的显示。 Refer… to sb/sth Cope… (with sb/sth) 3. [In/Pr ] 不及物动词+名(短)或介词短语 以extend为例,在牛津中总结时强调(for)这个搭配。extend (for) 数量词 在朗文里, extend 可以搭配[for/into/over] 同样last在朗文里 last [for/until/through] 在牛津里 也只强调(for)的搭配 last for three miles 4. [ It] 不及物动词+带to 不定式 在牛津里标注这以模式的动词不可用于被动结构,而朗文里设标注。 5. [Tn?Pr] 及物+直宾+介短 在朗文字典里,Thank sb for sth He thanks his aunt for the present. Thank sb for doing sth. I must write and thank him for sending the cheque. 在牛津字典里,thank… [Tn,Tn?pr]…sb ( for sth) The visiting speaker thanked the chairman for his kind remarks. [Tn?P] 及物+直+副词小词 Bill has a blue shirt on. Sally is tidying her room [up] tidy I [ I,IP,Tn,Tn?P]…(sth/sb/oneself) (up) (朗文) you are not allowed to go out until you tidy up your room. (牛津)惯用搭配blow sth up whip sb up 也符合这一模式但在本词典里另做处理。 [Tf] 及动+直宾+that从句 (that)可省略时放在括号中 被动注意带to的结构Officials believe that a settlement is possible It is believed by officials that a settlement is possible. (朗文) believe (that) I can hardly believe that he’s only 25. [Tw] 及动+直宾 限从或短/非限定从或短 由wh引导的从句,why,if 仅用限定从句或短语 (朗文)decide who/what/how ? I can’t decide what to do. Decide whether/if ?Women now have greater freedom to decide whether or not to get married. 注意带it结构被动句 It hadn’t been decided by us what we ought to do next. (朗文)中没有提到。 [Tt] 及动+直宾 是带to 的不定式构成的非限定短语 ? 区别remember to do sth ? 这一模式的动词不可用于被动结构 (朗文) remember doing sth I remember meeting her at a party once. remember to do sth Do you remember to get the mend? 没有强调被动 [Tg] 及动+直宾ing形式(enjoy, prefer, hate, start, finish, cease, remember, need) 在need, require, want 后ing 可变为to be The children will still need looking after. The children will still need to be looked after. 这一模式无相应的被动语态,朗文中也没有介绍。 [Tnt] 及+非限定短语 由名、名短或代词后接带to 的不定式构成 有时可用于被动结构 The parcel is expected to arrive tomorrow (朗文) prefer, like, hate, want, expect sb to do sth I’d hate you to go 我不希望你走。 [Tsg]及物动+直宾(人称代词,名词短语或所有格形式+动词ing形式的非限定短语 ? (b)见1882 ? ,不用于被动结构 (朗文)resent 没有这以结构 hate sb. doing sth. Anticipate Jenny’s mother hates her staying out late. [Tng] 及动+直宾(名,名词短语,代)+ -ing形式 不可用属格形式 P1883 (b)全动 watch, hear, see, feel, notice (c)变被动 (朗文)hear, notice sb/sth doing sth. [Tni] 及动+直宾(名,名短或代词)+不带to的不定式 ? 全为感动 ? 列出来 ? 除 watch,notice外均可用被语 ? 变被语带“to” someone was heard to slam the door. Feel sb/sth do sth Teny felt the snake touch his feet watch 没有这一模式 [cn?n] 复合及物动词+直宾+宾补(adj, adj短语) 这一模式的许多动词可用于被动结构 (朗文)以短形式现出这一模式 Confess yourself puzzled/puffled declare sth open [cn?n] 复合及物动词+直宾+宾补(名词短语) (朗文)consider sth an honor/a duty Consider sb. (to be) a fool hero He was considered an excellent teacher. [cn?n/a] 复合及物动词+直宾+as+名词短语或as + adj短语 (b)见P1886 regard …[cn?n/a]…sb/sth as sth (朗文)regard 不用进行式 He wore strange clothes and was widely regarded as eccentric. 这一模式的动词模式除have以外均可用于被动结构 [cn?t] 复合及物动词+直宾+宾补(带to不定式) (a) P1887 (朗文)declare sth (to be) sth Declare yourself (to be) sth The government declared 8000 hectares of forest to be a national park. She had publicly declared herself a lesbian. [cn?g] 复合及物动词+直宾+动词ing形式(宾补) 见P1887(a) (b) set, have, start, leave, keep (c) 除了have, start 外均可用于被动 (朗文)start 没有提及不能用于被动语态 Start sb doing sth: The conversation he overheard had started him thinking. [cn?i] 复合及物动词+直宾+宾补(不带to不定式) 见P1888 (a) (b) 只有make, have, let, help有这种结构 只有动词make和help可以用于被动语态,后接带to 的不定式 (朗文)在make的第四条义项中force sb to do sth 第三条义项中cause a situstion I was made to wait two hours for an appointment They made us write it out again ten times. I like him because he makes me laugh. (朗文)help sb (to) do sth (牛津) help [I, Im, It, Tn?Pr,Tn?P,Cn?t, Cn?i] 总结出来所有适合的动词模 式 [Dn?n] 双及物动词+间宾+直宾(均为名词,名词短语) 见1889(b)转换模式 间宾表示某人接受某物 Teach…[…Dn?n, D?Pr….] sth (to do) (c) make….[…Dn?n, Dn?Pr…] sth (for sb) (e) 此处的直宾转成主语的被动句很罕见 A gallantry medal was awarded the pilot by the Queen. [Dn?Pr] 双及物动词+直宾+间宾(to/for+名词短语) 由for 开头的间宾从动词行动收益的人 ? award „[„Dn?n, Dn?Pr]„sth (to sb) buy„ [„Dn?n, Dn?Pr]„sth(for sb) ? 间宾新信息 “to”, “for” [Dn?Pr] he taught French to the children. ? 直宾新信息 [Dn?n] he taught the children French. ? 大多数动词 (朗文)award 两条释义?给予,授予?判定,裁定 award sb sth /be awarded sth (被动) The university awarded her a scholarship. After seven years of litigation, he was awarded $ 750000 compensation. 没有指出句型转换,但是我们知道 award sb sth ? award sth sb [Dn?n] ? [Dn?Pr (朗文)buy 在第一条义项中以动词短语形式出现 buy sb sth buy sth for sb 没有 [Dn?f] 双及物动词+间宾+that 引导的直宾 (朗文)inform sb (that) we regret to inform you that your application has been rejected. 强调that 均可有可无 用括号表示牛津中没有 Inform sb who/why/ how etc. Could you please inform us what books you have in stock, (朗文)persuade sb (that) Carla failed to persuade us that she was innocent Tell sb who/why/what etc. There’s a sign telling you where the emergency exists are [DPr?f] 双及物动词+带to的各短语+由that 引导的直宾 注意被动语态的转变,注意带it的结构 The garage explained to customers that the spare pants had not been. It was explained to customers that… [Dn?w] 双及物动词+直宾 名(短)人+限定或非限定从句或短语 以wh-引导的从句或是以of whether 引导的从句 (朗文)inform 见第5页 (朗文)remind: remind sb what/how/when,etc. Remind me what to to, I haven’t used this machine for ages remind sb to do sth. Remind sb(that) I’ll just call Anny to remind her that we are meeting at 8 [DPr?w] 双及物动词+带to的间宾+由限定或非限定wh-从句构成的直宾 We explain to the staff how they… It was explained to the staff how they should handle complaints 变被动注意带it 的结构 (朗文)见第5页 explain (to sb) why/how/ where, etc. Indicate 没有这个句型 [Dn?t] 双及物动词+间宾(名词短语)人+带to的不定式 We told Peter to see a doctor. (朗文)encourage sb to do sth he encouraged me to apply for the job advise sb to do sth passengers are advised not to leave their bags unattended. forbid sb to do sth He was forbidden to leave the base as a punishment. 如果这个句型常用被动句,日常生活中常见被动句则用被动句为例句,否 则见不上被动句。 [DPr?t] 双及物动词+带to的间接宾语+带to的不定式构成的直宾 (牛津)she gestured to the children to stand up. He showed to the chairman to let someone else speek. 这一模式的动词通常不可用于被动语态 (朗文)gesture 没有这一句型 Motion sb to do He motioned to her to bequiet Signal to sb to do sth She was signaling to the children to stay outside. Gesture for sb to do sth The lieutenant gestured for cook to enter his office. Motion (for) sb to do sth The police officer motioned for me to pull over. 通过以上分析可以看出对于动词模式在牛津字典里做了很好的解释与总结,而且进 行了归类与列举,以大量的例句阐述说明,使使用者看了对各种动词模式一目了然。而在朗 文字典里没有进行系统的归纳,只能在动词的所有解释中让使用者自己从中找与动词模式相 对应的动词词组组合以及动词短语,但是也有一些标注是牛津字典所没有的,在上面已经举 例说明过,两种字典在动词模式方面各有自己的优点,以使用者的喜好为偏向即可。
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