

2017-10-14 9页 doc 41KB 30阅读




合肥电信天翼飞young等套餐政策合肥电信天翼飞young等套餐政策 飞Young等套餐政策 一、飞Young套餐 根据校园内外用户消费特征不同~实行校园外资费与校园内资费两种标准。校园外资费以“基础包+可选包”形态出现~分19元、39元两档~套餐内包含本地主叫、短信、WIFI上网及手机上网流量赠送,校园内资费以“基础包+可选包”形态出现~分19元、39元两档~套餐内包含本地主叫、校内国内长市话、短信、WIFI上网及手机上网流量赠送,可叠加省内家庭包、限时漫游包、好友圈、宽带时长包、WIFI时长包等。 ,一, 基础包 套餐内 套餐外 国内套餐月基本...
合肥电信天翼飞young等套餐政策 飞Young等套餐政策 一、飞Young套餐 根据校园内外用户消费特征不同~实行校园外资费与校园内资费两种。校园外资费以“基础包+可选包”形态出现~分19元、39元两档~套餐内包含本地主叫、短信、WIFI上网及手机上网流量赠送,校园内资费以“基础包+可选包”形态出现~分19元、39元两档~套餐内包含本地主叫、校内国内长市话、短信、WIFI上网及手机上网流量赠送,可叠加省内家庭包、限时漫游包、好友圈、宽带时长包、WIFI时长包等。 ,一, 基础包 套餐内 套餐外 国内套餐月基本地被叫短/省手机亲情增值名称 本费 长市免费语音 其它资费 信 内上网 号码 业务 主叫 范围 WIFI 本地长 1个市0.151、手机上 飞全国元/分网超出部80分808小Young 19元 20MB 网内钟~国分:条 时 -19元 亲情内漫游0-200M~钟 标准资号来显、0.15元 码~ 七彩铃费 /MB,200M 本地本地 音、189以上~0.06本地长 拨打邮箱市0.15元/MB 亲情,2G, 元/分2、短信飞24024024小号码钟~国0.10元/条 Young 39元 20MB 免3、国内条 时 内漫游-39元 分钟 500WIFI 0.03主被叫 分钟 0.3元/元/分钟 分钟 注: 1.校外版赠送的wifi时长为国内时长,校内版赠送的为省内时长~超出资费省内0.01元/分钟~国内时长为0.03元/分钟, 2.本地长途资费为直拨资费~不含港澳台地区, 3.手机上网超出部分不足100KB按100KB收取~不足0.01元按0.01元收取, 4.其他按标准资费收取。 ,二,可选包 1.校外套餐 ,1,国内漫游包,仅对飞Young-19元开放,:月使用费2元~国内漫游0.36元/分钟, ,2,短信可选包:5元包80条、10元包200条、20元包400条点对点短信, ,3,0元固话包:固话月租0元~送来显~与手机本地互打免费, ,4,天翼加装包:月使用费1元~享受与加装手机本地互打免费, ,5,国际长话包:月使用费5元~本地拨打港澳台0.8元/分钟~本地拨打美国、加拿大2元/分钟。 2.校内套餐 ,1,天翼宽带时长包:分20/30/40/50等4档~并提供相关年付优惠, ,2,短信可选包:5元包80条、10元包200条、20元based on datum point will be provided in units, according to construction drawings with the main axis for establishing horizontal control network of controlled axis. For effective implementation of measurement and control during the construction process, the master axis extends beyond the limits of excavation, set a permanent control points. Set up benchmarks to require stability, reliability, visibility, and TIC investment survey has been completed, checking with each other, its relative error is less than 1/30000 on a side, angle-measuring error is less than 7. " Strengthening network protection. 2. the Foundation, basement axis control: cushion construction has been completed, the master axis measured by theodolite voted on the cushion and cushion down to throw measured on the surface of the master axis is checked, error controla Red flag, as a basis for binding reinforcement and formwork. Foundations, basement finished, the master axis projection measuring on the basement to the roof, gave off the axis of the wall or the line of control (outside the axis 200mm) basis for the formwork. 3. the main structural axis control: Foundation construction has been completed, check the master axis points after a collision-free motion and displacement, the master axis projection measuring on the basement to the roof, close checking correct-by-construction drawings released axis, let out wall lines and basic axis displacement and checking each axis dimension. Each template is complete, double-check on the axis of the wall. After the floor has been poured, using theodolite vertical method, each floor is subject to axis, first floor, using extension methods or lateral borrowed 包400条点对点短信, ,3,校区优惠包:月使用费0元~校内国内长市话,不含港澳台,0.1元/分钟, ,4,流量促销:新入网用户免费赠送12个月的100M手机上网流量, ,5,集团校园短信包:月功能费1元~100条国内短信~超出0.1元/条~仅限办理1个~可与其他短信包叠加, ,6,假期漫游包:功能费2元/月~1、2、7、8月~国内漫游,不含港澳台,主叫0.20元/分钟~省内被叫免费~省际被叫0.20元/分钟。 飞Young套餐不开放手机上网可选包和流量加餐包。 ,三,飞Young套餐订购、变更与有效期规则 1.订购生效规则:次月正式生效。入网当月过渡期资费为: ,1,月基本费=,套餐费或月基本费/当月自然月天数,×当月使用天数,包含新装、停机、复机当天,~向下取整精确到分,如使用满整月~则按整月费用收取, ,2,套餐赠送内容按全月赠送, ,3,超出部分按照所选套餐超出资费执行。 次月起按天计扣套餐费,标准为按天平均取整到分~月底补足套餐费,。 2.变更规则:次月生效。 3.续约 购机送费、优惠购机协议期满后~如客户未办理其他套 餐~将继续执行约定的套餐资费标准。 4.退订 补贴协议到期或未享受补贴政策的用户可申请套餐退订~原则上次月生效。补贴协议未到期用户申请套餐退订~按现行业务规则交纳违约金。 ,四,补贴政策 1(终端补贴:飞Young套餐匹配“购机送等值话费”合约销售。 2.带机入网存费送费政策:自带机入网用户可享受“存50送200元”,针对19元档,和“存80送320元”,针对39元档,政策。 3.协议到期用户维系政策:办理飞Young套餐可按用户需求~提供上述终端补贴或带机入网政策,对协议到期用户为“存费送费”政策,。 二、自主版体系 增加办飞Young-39元~宽带直降优惠,加装宽带增加2M速率包月。办理自主版20M宽带必须选择乐享3G-89元及以上套餐。 优化后的自主版体系如下: 4M744H 20M 744H 2M 744H 套餐套餐补贴补补补价价月价月名称 档次 后 月费 贴贴贴格 格 费 格 费 后 后 后 飞39 23 80 119 103 - - - 60 99 83 Young 49 28 80 129 108 - - - 60 109 88 乐享 59 34 80 139 114 - - - 60 119 94 based on datum point will be provided in units, according to construction drawings with the main axis for establishing horizontal control network of controlled axis. For effective implementation of measurement and control during the construction process, the master axis extends beyond the limits of excavation, set a permanent control points. Set up benchmarks to require stability, reliability, visibility, and TIC investment survey has been completed, checking with each other, its relative error is less than 1/30000 on a side, angle-measuring error is less than 7. " Strengthening network protection. 2. the Foundation, basement axis control: cushion construction has been completed, the master axis measured by theodolite voted on the cushion and cushion down to throw measured on the surface of the master axis is checked, error controla Red flag, as a basis for binding reinforcement and formwork. Foundations, basement finished, the master axis projection measuring on the basement to the roof, gave off the axis of the wall or the line of control (outside the axis 200mm) basis for the formwork. 3. the main structural axis control: Foundation construction has been completed, check the master axis points after a collision-free motion and displacement, the master axis projection measuring on the basement to the roof, close checking correct-by-construction drawings released axis, let out wall lines and basic axis displacement and checking each axis dimension. Each template is complete, double-check on the axis of the wall. After the floor has been poured, using theodolite vertical method, each floor is subject to axis, first floor, using extension methods or lateral borrowed 69 40 60 129 100 - - - - - - 89 52 60 149 112 100 189 152 - - - 129 75 40 169 115 80 209 155 - - - 159 92 40 199 132 80 239 172 - - - 189 110 20 209 130 60 249 170 - - - 289 168 0 289 168 40 329 208 - - - 389 226 0 389 226 0 389 226 - - - 489 284 0 489 284 0 489 284 - - - 589 342 0 589 342 0 589 342 - - - 注:1.业务规则同现有自主版。 2.加装iTV20元/月,办4M及以上宽带, 三、流量加餐包 ,一,目标用户 为年轻群体、高流量客户、超流量客户用户提供更为灵活的流量订购方式~鼓励用户多使用流量~引导用户办理更高档次的流量可选包。 ,二,用户开放范围 开放范围:乐享3G用户,不含129及以上档次,~一体化、光速、e9/畅游、e6/畅聊用户~其他已办理上网流量可选包的天翼用户 ,三, 开放渠道:短信、掌厅、网厅、10000号办理。 ,四, 产品政策:5元包30M~10元包60M~20元包150M~30元包300M~共四档。 ,五, 业务规则 1. “流量加餐包”可以与其他流量套餐叠加办理~每 月仅可办理一个流量加餐包。 2.用户订购当月生效,以收到生效短信为准,~当月底失效。 3.用户当月实际使用的流量超过月度流量套餐的流量标准后~订购的“流量加餐包”只能抵扣订购成功后的流量~不能抵扣订购前已超出流量套餐的流量部分。 4.示意图 ,六,短信提醒模板 1. 针对可以办理流量加餐包的用户,当月套内流量使用至80%阀值提醒,,功能上线后另行通知, based on datum point will be provided in units, according to construction drawings with the main axis for establishing horizontal control network of controlled axis. For effective implementation of measurement and control during the construction process, the master axis extends beyond the limits of excavation, set a permanent control points. Set up benchmarks to require stability, reliability, visibility, and TIC investment survey has been completed, checking with each other, its relative error is less than 1/30000 on a side, angle-measuring error is less than 7. " Strengthening network protection. 2. the Foundation, basement axis control: cushion construction has been completed, the master axis measured by theodolite voted on the cushion and cushion down to throw measured on the surface of the master axis is checked, error controla Red flag, as a basis for binding reinforcement and formwork. Foundations, basement finished, the master axis projection measuring on the basement to the roof, gave off the axis of the wall or the line of control (outside the axis 200mm) basis for the formwork. 3. the main structural axis control: Foundation construction has been completed, check the master axis points after a collision-free motion and displacement, the master axis projection measuring on the basement to the roof, close checking correct-by-construction drawings released axis, let out wall lines and basic axis displacement and checking each axis dimension. Each template is complete, double-check on the axis of the wall. After the floor has been poured, using theodolite vertical method, each floor is subject to axis, first floor, using extension methods or lateral borrowed 截至XX年X月X日~您当月套餐内上网流量已使用***MB~剩余***MB~流量使用超过80%~回复短信412查询订购手机上网包~上网更优惠。回复418订购流量加餐包~即时生效~月底自动取消。中国电信 2.针对不能办理流量加餐包的用户,功能上线后另行通知, 截至XX年X月X日~您当月套餐内上网流量已使用***MB~剩余***MB~流量使用超过80%~回复短信412查询订购手机上网包~上网更优惠。中国电信 3.流量加餐包到期提醒 您在XX年X月X日订购的**元**MB临时流量包即将在X月X号失效。总是担心流量不够用,回复短信412查询订购手机上网包~上网更优惠。中国电信 附:短信订购快捷方式 41805至 10001订购5元30M 41810至 10001订购10元60M 41820至10001订购20元 150M 41830至10001订购30元300M
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