

2017-11-01 3页 doc 16KB 17阅读




小儿退烧药的正确选用小儿退烧药的正确选用 小儿感冒和肺炎的区分方法。孩子一咳嗽,很多妈妈就认为是出现了感冒症状,可是到医院一检查,就能检查出是肺炎,那您知道小儿感冒和肺炎的区分方法到底是什么吗,一测、二看、三听,如果出现其中大部分情况,那就很可能是肺炎了。 孩子是不是得了肺炎,有这样几种症状是可以辨别的,小儿感冒时,一般精神状态较好,能玩。小儿患肺炎时,精神状态不佳,常烦躁、哭闹不安,或昏睡,抽风等。小儿感冒,饮食尚正常,或吃东西、吃奶减少。但患肺炎时,饮食显著下降,不吃东西,不吃奶,常 爱哭闹,夜里有呼吸困难加因憋气而哭闹不安。小儿感冒时,...
小儿退烧药的正确选用 小儿感冒和肺炎的区分方法。孩子一咳嗽,很多妈妈就认为是出现了感冒症状,可是到医院一检查,就能检查出是肺炎,那您知道小儿感冒和肺炎的区分方法到底是什么吗,一测、二看、三听,如果出现其中大部分情况,那就很可能是肺炎了。 孩子是不是得了肺炎,有这样几种症状是可以辨别的,小儿感冒时,一般精神状态较好,能玩。小儿患肺炎时,精神状态不佳,常烦躁、哭闹不安,或昏睡,抽风等。小儿感冒,饮食尚正常,或吃东西、吃奶减少。但患肺炎时,饮食显著下降,不吃东西,不吃奶,常 爱哭闹,夜里有呼吸困难加因憋气而哭闹不安。小儿感冒时,睡眠尚正常,但患肺炎后, 重的趋势。 小儿肺炎大多有咳嗽或喘,且程度较重,常引起呼吸困难。感冒和支气管炎引起的咳嗽或喘一般较轻,不会引起呼吸困难。呼吸困难表现为憋气,两侧鼻翼一张一张的,口唇发紫,提示病情严重,切不可拖延。 看到孩子出现了这些情况,您先不要着急,咱们再测测孩子的体温。小儿肺炎大多发热,而且多在38?以上,如用退热药只能暂时退一会儿。小儿感冒也发热,但以38?以下为多,持续时间较短,用退热药效果也较明显。 最后,我们贴近孩子的身体听听他们的胸部。由于小儿的胸壁薄,有时不用听诊器用耳朵听也能听到水泡音,所以家长可以在孩子安静或睡着时在孩子的脊柱两侧胸壁,仔细倾听。肺炎患儿在吸气末期会听到“咕噜”、“咕噜”般的声音,称之为细小水泡音,这是肺部发炎的重要体征。小儿感冒一般不会有此种声音。 有了大概的认识吧,小儿感冒和肺炎的区分度过上面的文章,您也对一测、二看、三听, 方法不是很容易掌握,如果您已经有些怀疑孩子可能是肺炎的症状,还是抓紧带着孩子去医院就医,排查病情最为安全 淘宝网聚划算jumeituan.uz.taobao.com/Method to distinguish between flu and pneumonia in children. The child coughs, many mothers think that is the emergence of symptoms of a cold, but to the hospital for a check, you can check out is pneumonia, you know exactly what method to distinguish children with colds and pneumonia? A measured, two see, three listen, if appear most of them, it is likely to be pneumonia. The child Is it right? Contracted pneumonia, there are several symptoms are recognizable, cold in children, generally better state of mind, can play. Pediatric pneumonia, poor mental state, often irritability, crying, or drowsiness, convulsions and other. Children cold, eating Shang Zhengchang, or eat, suck the breast reduction. But the risk of pneumonia, diet decreased significantly, not eating, not eating, often due to suffocation and crying. Children cold, sleep Shang Zhengchang, but suffering from pneumonia, love crying, night dyspnea aggravated. Pediatric pneumonia were cough or shortness of breath, and is heavy, often cause breathing difficulties. Cause colds and bronchitis, coughing or wheezing general lighter, does not cause breathing difficulties. Dyspnea is choking on both sides of the nose, face, lips purple, prompting severe, must not be delayed. See the children appeared in these situations, you first do not worry, we will measure the child's temperature. Most of fever and pneumonia in children, in more than 38 DEG C, such as the use of antipyretic drugs can only be a temporary retreat for a while. Children cold fever, but at 38 DEG C for many, short duration, with antipyretic effect is obvious. Finally, we close to the child's body to listen to their chest. Because the chest wall in children thin, sometimes without a stethoscope to hear with ears can hear the blisters, so parents can in the children to be quiet or sleep in the dorsal thoracic wall children, listen carefully. Pneumonia in the end inspiratory will hear "guru", "guru" - like sound, known as the small blisters, which are important signs of inflammation of the lungs. Common cold in children generally do not have such a sound. Through the above article, you are on a test, two see, three listen, have the general understanding, method to distinguish children with the flu and pneumonia is not easy to master, if you have some doubt that children may be the symptoms of pneumonia, or to take their children to hospital for medical treatment, the safety condition for investigation
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