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金庸群侠传3华山攻略金庸群侠传3华山攻略 华山派的话,建议初始属性可以偏想灵敏和富源双加,悟性加满70,其他的点数加灵敏和富源,说实话,很多人都说初始属性加悟性和富源,但感觉富源能用到的地方只有在醋哥领(东郭狼子心)这个任务里面能得到九阳真经和加入古墓派有具体作用,其他地方还没发现,所以我的建议是不要太注重富源,而灵敏属性是最难提升,也是一个很重要的属性,增加回气时间和闪躲,而且灵敏35以上就可以在神秘商人那买到夜行衣就可以去藏经阁偷东西了。 华山派的话,当然是要学独孤九剑的,进门派后可以先研究儒风技能到7级,不要加高了,因为7级以上的儒风,岳...
金庸群侠传3华山攻略 华山派的话,建议初始属性可以偏想灵敏和富源双加,悟性加满70,其他的点数加灵敏和富源,说实话,很多人都说初始属性加悟性和富源,但感觉富源能用到的地方只有在醋哥领(东郭狼子心)这个任务里面能得到九阳真经和加入古墓派有具体作用,其他地方还没发现,所以我的建议是不要太注重富源,而灵敏属性是最难提升,也是一个很重要的属性,增加回气时间和闪躲,而且灵敏35以上就可以在神秘商人那买到夜行衣就可以去藏经阁偷东西了。 华山派的话,当然是要学独孤九剑的,进门派后可以先研究儒风技能到7级,不要加高了,因为7级以上的儒风,岳不群有机会教紫霞功,学到的话就拿不到独孤九剑了。 研究完儒风就直接去后山的木屋找穆人清拜他为师,他教狂风剑,然后去比武场练到10级,再去找他学到夺命三仙剑,同样练到10级,再去找他,他会传你漫天花雨 秘籍 ,学习的条件是40的暗器能力,如果不够可以去打猎提升。 漫天花雨9级去找穆人清可以学到神行百变轻功,可以说是增加回气时间最快的轻功了。 然后漫天花雨练到10级去找穆人清,他会说他没有教你的了,然后他就消失了,回去休息一下,隔一天的时间去木屋碰到风清扬,他会问独孤九剑传给令狐冲还是传给自己,当然选自己了,这样金3最强的群攻武功到手。 华山派里面,3 6 9月份的时候,令狐哥哥会去思过崖,这段时间里去厨房找师娘换烧刀子,师娘需要的东西可以打猎,伐木,钓鱼得到,换到6瓶烧刀子的话就去思过崖找令狐哥哥喝酒,喝6次,然后让令狐哥哥带自己去有意思的地方,就会去神秘山洞,山洞里有3条路,进第一条学到5种剑法。5种剑法都练满10级的话,找令狐哥哥切磋他会把5种剑法融合,学到五岳剑法。 第二条可以得到5种武器(感觉很废才没必要选) 第三条可以拿到金蛇剑和金蛇密集,金蛇锥(前期没有倚天剑的情况下,金蛇剑加金蛇剑法是最强的单体伤害了) 如华山只想学独孤九剑的话,根本【聚贤庄任务篇】 《日常任务》:可反复出现,用来刷经验和侠义 【神秘商人】:每次随机出售一件商品,可选择付费或武力购买。商品内容如下: 【巨阙剑】一件 【虎头金刀】一口 【杀狮杖】一条 【霹雳雷火弹】二十颗 【金丝背心】一件 n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 【九转熊蛇丸】五枚 【生生造化丹】五粒 【黑玉断续膏】五瓶 【夜行衣】一件 【女装】一件 【棉衣】一件 【玄铁令】一件 【全真服饰】一件 【少林僧侣服】一件 【夜行衣】一件 【武当道袍】一件 【鸳鸯五珍烩】一份 【玉笛谁家听落梅】一份 【铁矿】十颗 【铜矿】十颗 【红晶矿】十颗 【蓝晶矿】十颗 【白晶矿】十颗 【玄铁矿】十颗 【蓝宝石】十颗 【红宝石】十颗 【断肠草】一份 【神龙心法】 秘籍 一本 【玉女十九剑】 秘籍 一本 【密宗内功】 秘籍 一本 【段氏心法】 秘籍 一本 【峨嵋九阳功】 秘籍 一本 【官逼民受苦】:选择打官,赢后加侠义值,选择打民,赢后得一点钱。 【阮姓无辜做冤魂】:与李莫愁战斗,胜之获得侠义值。李莫愁能力随机。 【丐帮和星宿的恶斗】:纯属送经验。 【少林与武当的恶斗】:纯属送经验。 【丐帮和星宿的恶斗】:纯属送经验。 【爪下白骨】:与梅超风战斗,胜之获得侠义值。梅超风能力随机。 【镖车被劫】:保护镖银加侠义,帮土匪得少量银两,两不相帮得大量银两。 《特殊任务》: n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 【爱文库】 核心用户上传 【四十二章经的秘密】:收集齐全四十二章经后,进入,得银100万。四十二章经6本在京城,一本在藏经阁,一本在神龙教。 【闯王宝藏的秘密】:身上必须有【闯王宝藏图】。闯王宝藏图得到方法】 1.去苗人凤家选择帮苗人凤,然后去找胡斐,带着他去药王庄找程灵素,然后带着程灵素去就苗人凤。 2.去苗人凤家选择帮何红药,打赢苗人凤后再打完何红药并且侠义够高就可以得到闯王宝藏图。 3、如果你得到闯王宝藏图后,完成任务,得到倚天剑,屠龙刀,打狗棒,霹雳雷火弹10颗。 【唐诗选辑的秘密】:得到唐诗选辑,做完任务就得到5000两。 【落花流水斗血刀僧】: 1、选杀血刀老祖和狄云,得到血刀和唐诗选辑,增加75点声望和3点侠义值。 2、选不杀狄云,队伍有位,狄云加入,并得到《神照经》和《唐诗选辑》,。如果队伍没位置,则只得到《唐诗选辑》。 3、选择帮血刀老祖,则得到血刀和血刀 秘籍 ,增加60声望和减6点侠义值。 【华山论剑】:四场单挑,战斗对象随机。胜出得声望999。 【救治青翼蝠王】:买棉衣,装备上,战莽牯朱蛤,胜后韦一笑教【寒冰绵掌】 【归云庄英雄大会】:选第一个分别战霍都、达尔巴、金轮法王。胜出声望增加150 【王语嫣的悲哀】:选第一个,打慕容复,胜利后队伍如有空位,王语嫣加入。 【放荡形骸的浪子】:做任务之前,攒2000两去牛家村祖千秋处买酒:葡萄酒,梨花酒,百草美酒,高粱酒。买好后去接任务,跟令狐冲聊天后,如果队伍有空位,令狐冲加入队伍。 【绝情谷婚宴】:选择任务后,周伯通走时,选择二,得断魂草。选择一,先得到3个生生造化丸,接着打一架,赢后得到公孙绿萼(队友,队伍必须有空位,无空位送君子剑和淑女剑)。 【悲情杨过】:需要断肠草。断肠草获取方法:1.绝情谷婚宴任务进行选择时选第二个留下继续观看,可得断肠草 2.神秘商人处购得。 【独孤求败的宠物】:第一局战巨雕,胜出得紫薇软剑和木剑,第二局与战强化版巨雕,胜出得玄铁剑以及玄铁剑法。 【昔日的皇妃】:战周伯通,悟性>50且侠义>70得九阴真经,否则习得空明拳;悟性<50学到【左右互搏】 【韦小宝性命危矣】:战一堆三流角色,如队伍有空位韦小宝加入,否则得到500两。 【庄家的复仇】:在【京城】曾经杀掉过鳌拜,此时队伍有空位可有双儿加入,否则得到【十八泥偶】 【魔教圣姑】:必须完成【天王老子傲四方】和【梅庄任务】,队伍未满任盈盈 Jay_h1218 n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electr奉上 ical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 加入 【死守襄阳城】:与金轮法王对决,胜后队伍有空位则郭靖加入。 【神雕侠的三件礼物】:选择任务后,完成前面两个任务,第三个任务选择归还,加10点侠义值和一点声望。选择贪下扣50点侠义值,得一根打狗棒。如有空位,郭襄加入。【四个淫棍】: 1、如果选择帮田伯光,并且队员全部满时,赢后习得狂风刀法。否则,田伯光加入队伍,学不到刀法。侠义-5 2、如果选择帮欧阳克,并且队员全满时,赢后习得蛤蟆功。否则,欧阳克加入队伍,学不到蛤蟆功。侠义-15 3、如果选择帮霍都,并且队员全满时,赢后习得龙象般若功。否则,霍都加入队伍,学不到龙象般若功。侠义-35 最后打公孙止。 【田归农的挑战】:队伍里须有胡斐,赢后可得冷月宝刀。 【回族部落的圣物】:选择任务后打4场战斗,得到《可兰经》还有加10点侠义值。 【群寇争镖银】:选择帮阿九姑娘,胜出队伍有空位阿九加入,否则得3000两。选 择帮田归农,得随机银两。两个一起打,得到一大笔随机银两。 【老尼姑的险境】:选择任务后,打四大恶人,赢后习得【天山掌法】,若侠义>80,成为【恒山掌门】。 【峨嵋派替天行道】:胜负都无所谓。 【西夏招亲】条件: 1、完成【擂鼓山棋局】任务 2、踢掉所有队友,一个人去上面树林,触发剧情。 3、天山六阳掌、折梅手6级以上,获胜后洞喾遇到梦姑,不久打败李秋水;否则得生死符200枚。战胜后获得大量属性。 4、侠义正,福缘高,去西夏招亲打败鸠魔智,学到火焰刀。 结果:得到西夏驸马称号、成为灵鹫宫掌门 【救治盲女】:先到南方【树林】加入游坦之,给阿紫治眼会牺牲游坦之,换到【神木王鼎】【腐尸毒】【解毒术】。 【青城派的仇怨】:选择任务后,打四个青城派弟子,赢后得4点侠义值。 【东郭狼子心】打败何太冲,福缘>80,获得《九阳真经》和蟠桃。 【全真派与桃花岛的恩怨】:打欧阳锋,胜利后,黄药师传你【落英神剑掌】和【兰花拂穴手】和给5个九花玉露丸。 【桃花岛主,贻笑江湖】:选择帮李莫愁胜利后获得《五毒秘传》( 秘籍 ),选择帮助黄药师胜利后习得【玉箫剑法】和【弹指神通】 【昆仑冰蚕】:与和尚打一架,赢后得到冰蚕。 【毒王之争】:选1打金蛇,得到100枚金蛇锥。选2打蛤蟆,施毒能力上升。n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 【爱文库】 核心用户上传 选3一起打,前面两个好处兼得。 【天王老子傲四方】:选择任务后,看到两个选项,选帮助向问天(若有空位,则向问天加入队伍,打完就走),得到80声望,减20侠义值。若选择与向问天为敌,胜利后加80声望和10点侠义值。 【御厨的无奈】:进去打一架,得到玉笛听落梅,佛跳墙,虾仁芝麻卷,咕噜肉各两个 【腊八粥】:若侠义值为正的,则进去直接习得太玄经神功,若为负,打架胜出悟性<50习得太玄经神功。出来后得到一个腊八粥。 【迷途小和尚】:非少林派人士在队伍未满状态下可将其加入。 【擂鼓山棋局】:选阻止段延庆自杀,则打丁春秋,胜利后,拜无涯子为师,以前学得内功统统消失,习得小无相功,出来后习得一阳指。成为【逍遥派掌门】。 【良辰吉日】:选择一位女性队员做老婆。该名队员属性会暴涨没必要去浪【江湖武功】 —奇门三才刀*刀法(30级以下输给半瓶) —太祖棍*棍法(同上) —松风剑法*剑法(同上) —五罗轻烟掌*拳掌(同上) —锁喉擒拿手*指法(同上) —飞檐走壁*轻功(同上) —叫花内功*内功(同上) —五虎断门刀*刀法(30级以上输给半瓶) —伏魔杖法*棍法(同上) —越女剑法*剑法(同上) —化骨绵掌*拳掌(同上) —凝血神爪*指法(同上) —北斗仙踪*轻功(同上) —紫薇心法*内功(同上) —自创武功*其他(拳掌、御剑等某一属性达到100,角色等级>80,闭关后可自创) —易筋经*内功(征服少林寺获得) —太极劲*内功(征服武当派获得) —太玄神功*内功(接腊八粥任务获得。和金2差不多) —葵花宝典*内功(征服日月教获得) —峨眉九阳功*内功(黄真处买到) —密宗心法*内功(黄真处买到) —狮子吼*内功(梅庄剧情获得) —先天功*内功(征服全真派获得) —北冥神功*内功(在无量山洞,侠义大于30可得) Jay_h1218 n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electr奉上 ical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of —吸星大法*内功(梅庄剧情获得) —化功大法*内功(征服星宿派获得神木王鼎) —紫霞神功*内功(征服华山派获得) —段式心法*内功(黄真处买到) —八荒六合*内功(征服灵鹫宫得) —胡家刀*刀法(胡斐入队后杀阎基获得) —修罗刀法*刀法(牛家村放走强盗2次后获得) —柴刀十八路*刀法(给柴夫5个木材获得) —凌波微步*轻功(在无量山洞,侠义大于30可得。) —降龙十八掌*掌法(侠义值超过60打赢乔峰获得) —落英神剑掌*拳掌(黄药师和欧阳锋争斗剧情帮黄药师获得) —南山掌法*掌法(南树林帮助游坦之脱救后获得) —玉箫剑法*剑法(李莫愁黄药师争斗剧情打李莫愁获得) —苗家剑*剑法(药王庄收程灵素入队后救苗人凤获得) —辟邪剑法*剑法(离开华山带着林平之去林家老宅,打败黑衣人后得) —六脉神剑*指法(征服天龙寺获得) —兰花拂穴手*指法(黄药师和欧阳锋争斗剧情帮黄药师获得) —弹指神通*指法(李莫愁黄药师争斗剧情打李莫愁获得) —青字九打*暗器(给猎人15个蛇胆获得。附加200个飞膘) —寒冰绵掌*拳掌(完成【救治青翼蝠王】任务) —空明拳*拳掌(完成【昔日皇妃】任务) —九阴白骨爪*指法(完成【昔日皇妃】任务且侠义>80获得《九阴真经》) —九阳神功*内功(完成【东郭狼子心】任务且福缘>80获得《九阳真经》) —太玄经*内功(完成【腊八粥】任务且悟性<50获得《九阳真经》) —狂风刀法*刀法(【四个淫棍】任务,队满且选择帮助田伯光) —蛤蟆功*内功(【四个淫棍】任务,队满且选择帮助欧阳克) —龙象般若功*内功(【四个淫棍】任务,队满且选择帮助霍都) —神照经*内功(任务不杀狄云获得) —斗转星移*内功(慕容复加入获得) —南山掌法*拳掌(游坦之加入学得) 武功太多,一时想不尽全,其余的请各位朋友在 游戏 中慢慢寻找。【队友篇】 1、 王语嫣:慕容复的野心任务里打败慕容复,并且队伍里有空位她就会加入 2、 苏荃:灭了神龙岛并在队伍里有个空位她就会加入 3、 周芷若:灭了峨眉派并且队伍里有个空位,老尼姑会把她和倚天剑一并送出 4、 韦小宝:完成韦小宝任务,打败敌人并且队伍里有空位 n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 【爱文库】 核心用户上传 5、 仪琳:灭恒山派并且队伍里有空位 6、 张无忌:在蝴蝶谷消费1000银以上 7、 杨过:在悲情杨过任务中救了杨过并且队伍里有个空位 8、 小龙女:入古墓后带小龙女平安出来 9、 段誉:去无量玉洞,带他出来 10、 慕容复:声望大于500去还施水阁,队伍有空位。 11、 虚竹:接到迷途的小和尚任务,前提是你不是少林的,队伍有空位。 12、 令狐冲:接到迷途的浪子任务,带梨花酒,百草酒,葡萄酒等给他,队伍有空位。 13、 胡斐:去胡斐居打败胡斐 14、 欧阳克:在四个淫棍任务中帮助欧阳克,队伍有空位。 15、 程灵素:胡斐加入队伍中后去药王庄 ,队伍有空位。 16、 霍都:在四个淫棍任务中帮霍都,队伍有空位。 17、 田伯光:在四个淫棍任务中帮田伯光,队伍有空位。 18、 香香公主:接到回族的圣物任务,夺回可兰经,并且队伍里有个空位 19、 游坦之:在一月份去树林,打败山贼,有空位 20、 乔峰:去塞外,打败乔峰,并且侠义大于100 21、 郭靖:在死守襄阳城任务中打败金轮,有空位 23、 黄蓉:在破庙里给小乞丐10次食物,出牛家村后再回牛家村,河边加黄蓉。(前提你的梦中情人得是黄蓉类型) 24、 林平之:华山派,最后毕业时好感高他会主动要求跟你出来 25、 岳灵姗:华山派,最后毕业时好感高她会主动要求跟你出来 26、 阿紫:救治盲女任务完成 27、 阿九:贼寇劫镖选帮助她 28、 狄云:帮落花流水打败血刀老祖,只杀血刀老祖。狄云加入,得神照经。 30、 半瓶神仙醋:好感大于80,并且完成过至少35个剧情任务。 31、 郭襄:完成神雕侠的三件礼物任务,还丐帮打狗棒,队伍有空位。 32、 穆念慈:在牛家村比武招亲胜出,并且队伍有空位。 33、 公孙绿萼:在绝情谷拜堂成亲的任务中,第一个选项选择跟公孙绿萼一起去找老顽童,队伍并且有空位。 34、 任盈盈:完成挑战梅庄四友事件,接【魔教圣姑】任务。 35、 袁承志:第三次去京城遇到蒙面人,胜之,队伍有空位,袁承志加入。 【称号篇】 无名小卒:初始称号 天下第一:华山论剑获胜可得 武林盟主:归云庄英雄大会获胜可得 Jay_h1218 n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electr奉上 ical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 武林霸主:征服任意10个门派可得 五岳盟主:征服恒山派、嵩山派、华山派、衡山派、泰山派可得 武林皇帝:统一所有门派 太上掌门:征服一个门派可得 西夏驸马:完成西夏招亲任务 武当八侠:替宋远桥打败一定敌人数量 南少林第一武僧:打败南少林住持 全真弃徒:比武大会叛出全真教 人妖:去京城自宫(习得辟邪剑法和葵花宝典的条件) 费时间学令狐哥哥教的拳法,剑法,因为浪费时间,又垃圾。 n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of
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