

2017-10-24 8页 doc 29KB 13阅读




油漆对人体的危害和防冶油漆对人体的危害和防冶 在日常生活或生产中油漆对人体的危害是不可避免的。最大的危害就是杀伤红细胞引起笨中毒~和吸入粉尘引起尘肺,一般的危害直接对皮肤~常引起皮肤干燥、痒、起红痘。对于油漆的危害以前没有效的防治方法~最好的办法是加强补充营养~注意防护。 一、油漆涂料中常见的有毒化合物 在油漆涂料中经常会使用到一些有毒有害的,对人体最有害的物质主要甲醛、苯、TVOC等,化合物~这些化合物会对环境和人体健康造成一定的毒害作用。 1、甲苯、二甲苯:在溶剂分类中属中等毒性溶剂~对人体具有麻醉、刺激作用~高浓度时对神经系统有毒害作...
油漆对人体的危害和防冶 在日常生活或生产中油漆对人体的危害是不可避免的。最大的危害就是杀伤红细胞引起笨中毒~和吸入粉尘引起尘肺,一般的危害直接对皮肤~常引起皮肤干燥、痒、起红痘。对于油漆的危害以前没有效的防治方法~最好的办法是加强补充营养~注意防护。 一、油漆涂料中常见的有毒化合物 在油漆涂料中经常会使用到一些有毒有害的,对人体最有害的物质主要甲醛、苯、TVOC等,化合物~这些化合物会对环境和人体健康造成一定的毒害作用。 1、甲苯、二甲苯:在溶剂分类中属中等毒性溶剂~对人体具有麻醉、刺激作用~高浓度时对神经系统有毒害作用~但在人体内残留性低~一般可经代谢排除。空气中最高容许浓度为100mg/m ?。长期接触甲苯、二甲苯的人不宜饮白酒~更不宜过量饮用高度白酒~因为酒精会延长其在体内的滞留时间~对健康极为不利。工作场所应保持空气流通以降低其在空气中的浓度根据最新的研究资料表明~甲苯、二甲苯进入大气层后会产生一定的光化学反应~对臭氧层有一定的破坏作用。 2、苯:属于剧毒溶剂~是一种无色、具有特殊芳香气味的气体。胶水、油漆、涂料和黏合剂是空气中苯的主要来源。少量的吸入也会对人体造成长期的损害。苯能在神经系统和骨髓内蓄积~使神经系统achieved. To strengthen the protection of the organization. City has established a special by I served as the commander of the create a national civilized city outstanding problems in the comprehensive improvement of the command, under the command of office, set comprehensive coordination, and small market, technical standards, publicity, security funds, supervisory effectiveness, assessment and other seven working groups, the division responsible for the comprehensive improvement of the work of the organization, coordination, guidance, supervision and examination. All districts and counties to set up corresponding organization and leadership, unified and coordinated command within the jurisdiction of the comprehensive improvement of the work of the organization and implementation. Second, we must strengthen the investment protection. City, district finance to increase investment, full and timely appropriated funds. At the same time, the spirit of "who invests, benefits" principle, to guide social capital, private capital participation in urban construction and management, broaden sources of funding. Practical. Third, we must strengthen the propaganda protection propaganda department through newspapers, radio, television, network, blog, micro channel and so on the many kinds of forms of the comprehensive rectification activities a full range, multi angle, 和造血组织受到损害~引起血液中白血球、血小板数减少~长期接触可引起白血病。还可导致女性月经异常~胎儿的先天性缺陷等。 3、乙二醇醚类溶剂~乙二醇醚类溶剂:在体内经代谢后会形成剧毒的化合物~对人体的血液循环系统和神经系统造成永久性的损害~长期接触高浓度的乙二醇醚类溶剂会致癌。另外~乙二醇醚类溶剂会对女性的生殖系统造成永久性的损害~造成女性不育。 4、TDI(甲苯二异氰酸酯):TDI具有低的蒸汽压~对人体眼角膜有强烈的刺激作用~造成眼部红肿。TDI蒸汽经人体吸入后~会损害人体肝、肾功能~长期接触高浓度的TDI蒸汽会致癌。在聚氨酯,PU,类油漆中~只有游离TDI低于0.5‰~才对人体不会造成毒害作用。因为在低浓度下~游离TDI不易从体系中逸出~形不成对人体产生毒害的TDI蒸气。在现行国家标准中~对游离TDI规定为油漆调配之后低于0.7%~那么单就固化剂组份来讲实际上仍属于剧毒级~因为国内TDI聚合工业的水准问题~目前与发达国家差距甚大~所以从保护民族工业的角度出发~国家制定的标准范围较宽。 5、重金属:人体摄入重金属过多~会造成慢性中毒。重金属影响儿童的生长发育~特别对儿童智力发育造成不良影响~部分重金属可在脑部及内脏器官中残留~对肝、肾等造成永久性伤害。 6、邻苯二甲酸酯类增塑剂:此类增塑剂是挥发性油漆中用量最大、用途最为广泛的增塑剂~过去相当一段时间内人们认为其对人体没有毒害~但根据欧美最新的研究表明~此类增塑剂对成人健康没有明显的不良作用~主要造成儿童性早熟~所以最近欧美标准中~已明achieved. To strengthen the protection of the organization. City has established a special by I served as the commander of the create a national civilized city outstanding problems in the comprehensive improvement of the command, under the command of office, set comprehensive coordination, and small market, technical standards, publicity, security funds, supervisory effectiveness, assessment and other seven working groups, the division responsible for the comprehensive improvement of the work of the organization, coordination, guidance, supervision and examination. All districts and counties to set up corresponding organization and leadership, unified and coordinated command within the jurisdiction of the comprehensive improvement of the work of the organization and implementation. Second, we must strengthen the investment protection. City, district finance to increase investment, full and timely appropriated funds. At the same time, the spirit of "who invests, benefits" principle, to guide social capital, private capital participation in urban construction and management, broaden sources of funding. Practical. Third, we must strengthen the propaganda protection propaganda department through newspapers, radio, television, network, blog, micro channel and so on the many kinds of forms of the comprehensive rectification activities a full range, multi angle, 确规定在儿童玩具中禁用此类增塑剂。 7、VOC:VOC即挥发性有机化合物:据不完全统计在我国油漆行业每年向大气排放约300万吨有机挥发物~直接对大气环境造成污染~破坏人类生存环境~损害人体健康~造成巨大的资源浪费~与当今再生可持续发展的经济模式格格不入。 TVOC 总挥发性有机化合物~VOC ~Votatile Organic Compound 的缩写~VOC在室内空气中作为异类污染物~由于它们单独的浓度低~但种类多~一般不予逐个分别表示~以TVOC表示其总量。 TVOC包括苯、甲苯、乙酸丁酯、乙苯、对,间,二甲苯、苯乙烯、邻二甲苯、十一烷等。室内建筑和装饰材料是空气中TVOC的主要来源。研究表明~即使室内空气中单个VOC含量都低于其限含量~但多种VOC的混合存在及其相互作用~就使危害强度增大。 TVOC表现出毒性、刺激性~能引起机体免疫水平失调~影响中枢神经系统功能~出现头晕、头痛、嗜睡、无力、胸闷等症状~还可能影响消化系统~出现食欲不振、恶心等~严重时可损伤肝脏和造血系统~甚至引起死亡。 8、甲醛:甲醛是一种无色易溶的刺激性气体~会损害呼吸道及内脏~对眼角膜有强烈的刺激作用~主要存在于粘合剂、胶粘板材和低品质涂料中~劣质墙体腻子也是一大主要来源。释放期长达3,15年。 二、油漆对环境污染认识的识区 1、室内污染 achieved. To strengthen the protection of the organization. City has established a special by I served as the commander of the create a national civilized city outstanding problems in the comprehensive improvement of the command, under the command of office, set comprehensive coordination, and small market, technical standards, publicity, security funds, supervisory effectiveness, assessment and other seven working groups, the division responsible for the comprehensive improvement of the work of the organization, coordination, guidance, supervision and examination. All districts and counties to set up corresponding organization and leadership, unified and coordinated command within the jurisdiction of the comprehensive improvement of the work of the organization and implementation. Second, we must strengthen the investment protection. City, district finance to increase investment, full and timely appropriated funds. At the same time, the spirit of "who invests, benefits" principle, to guide social capital, private capital participation in urban construction and management, broaden sources of funding. Practical. Third, we must strengthen the propaganda protection propaganda department through newspapers, radio, television, network, blog, micro channel and so on the many kinds of forms of the comprehensive rectification activities a full range, multi angle, 由于室内空气污染直接危害健康和生命~我们应当认识到室内空气污染问题的严重性~并寻求检测和治理办法。但仍有不少人对装饰装修后是否需要进行室内空气监测认识不足。他们有的嫌麻烦,自认为不会对身体造成多大的危害,只要开开门窗~房间里放些绿色植物就行了,有的觉得房间里气味不大~不需要检测,也有的认为装修材料都是自己精心挑选的~不会有污染等等。其实,装饰材料中的很多有害物质凭肉眼和嗅觉是无法分辨的。如苯系物刺激性气味并不大~但对人体的危害非常大。再如放射性气体氡无气味~但可引发肺癌~是仅次于吸烟的第二大危险因素。因此~每个家庭和个人一定要对室内装修污染有一个清醒的认识和防范意识。应当明白一旦因空气污染对自身健康造成危害~不仅影响工作学习~还会给家庭带来沉重的经济负担。更何况如果因污染引发白血病、肺癌等~则治疗起来很困难,甚至于危及生命。 有关环保人士和专家认为~科学认识室内空气污染并及时予以治理非常重要~严重超标的住房必须经过专业集中治理后~才能安全入住。专业人士建议~治理室内空气污染正确的办法是~首先应对居室空气进行检测~确定污染程度和主要的有害成分~然后根据有害气体超标的情况~选择适当的治理方法~清除有害气体。在集中治理的基础上~对以后缓慢释放的有害气体~还要利用长效空气杀菌剂进行吸附、氧化处理~最大限度地把有害气体消灭在刚释放状态~从而达到长期净化空气的目的。总之~居室装饰装修过后,千万别忘先检测~以免搬进“毒气室”~危及健康与生命! achieved. To strengthen the protection of the organization. City has established a special by I served as the commander of the create a national civilized city outstanding problems in the comprehensive improvement of the command, under the command of office, set comprehensive coordination, and small market, technical standards, publicity, security funds, supervisory effectiveness, assessment and other seven working groups, the division responsible for the comprehensive improvement of the work of the organization, coordination, guidance, supervision and examination. All districts and counties to set up corresponding organization and leadership, unified and coordinated command within the jurisdiction of the comprehensive improvement of the work of the organization and implementation. Second, we must strengthen the investment protection. City, district finance to increase investment, full and timely appropriated funds. At the same time, the spirit of "who invests, benefits" principle, to guide social capital, private capital participation in urban construction and management, broaden sources of funding. Practical. Third, we must strengthen the propaganda protection propaganda department through newspapers, radio, television, network, blog, micro channel and so on the many kinds of forms of the comprehensive rectification activities a full range, multi angle, 2、工厂生产中污染 在工厂生产主要以涂装作业中产生的漆雾和挥发性气体,VOC,对人体的伤害。涂装作业中涂料和溶剂雾化后形成的二相悬浮物逸散到周围空气中~污染了空气。这种被污染的空气不仅危害操作者的身体健康而且有引发火灾爆炸的危险,另外~喷漆环境恶化也会降低漆膜质量~同时无组织排放对周边环境和空气质量造成严重影响。 对被污染空气中的漆雾的收集与分离是提高喷漆质量、改善喷漆环境、达到环保排放要求的主要方法。 achieved. To strengthen the protection of the organization. City has established a special by I served as the commander of the create a national civilized city outstanding problems in the comprehensive improvement of the command, under the command of office, set comprehensive coordination, and small market, technical standards, publicity, security funds, supervisory effectiveness, assessment and other seven working groups, the division responsible for the comprehensive improvement of the work of the organization, coordination, guidance, supervision and examination. All districts and counties to set up corresponding organization and leadership, unified and coordinated command within the jurisdiction of the comprehensive improvement of the work of the organization and implementation. Second, we must strengthen the investment protection. City, district finance to increase investment, full and timely appropriated funds. At the same time, the spirit of "who invests, benefits" principle, to guide social capital, private capital participation in urban construction and management, broaden sources of funding. Practical. Third, we must strengthen the propaganda protection propaganda department through newspapers, radio, television, network, blog, micro channel and so on the many kinds of forms of the comprehensive rectification activities a full range, multi angle,
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