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尤尼克斯羽毛球线选择尤尼克斯羽毛球线选择 extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and ...
尤尼克斯羽毛球线选择 extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets , 最详细的羽毛球线选购~(转载) , 打死我我也不说 发帖于:体育天地 发布时间:2010-4-20 17:37:49 查看原帖 收藏 复制链接 【共0条评论】【浏览0IP】 YONEX羽毛球线性能参数(转载) BG-65:0.70毫米的线径,线芯材料为多层树脂,外层材料为化学合成树脂编束纤维,弹性较好,耐磨性及经济性极佳,历来销量最大,深受羽球高手好评。 颜色有:白(White)、蓝(Royal Blue)、黑(Black)、紫(Violet)、浅紫(Lavender)、青绿(Turquoise)。 BG-65(盒装/大盘专业线):0.70毫米的线径,弹性较好,耐磨性及经济性极佳,是国家队专业选手、业余高手用得最多的羽线。 颜色有:白(White),最适合涂YY标志。 BG-66:线芯材料为多层树脂,外层材料为化学合成树脂编束纤维,0.66mm的超细线径使其具有极佳的弹性和吸震性能,击球音清脆响亮。 颜色有:珍珠白(Pearl White)、白金(Platinum Gold)、浅紫(Lavender)、青绿(Turquoise)、黑(Black)、深蓝(Royal Blue)。 BG-70PRO:0.70毫米的线径,线芯材料为多层树脂,外层材料为卵形化学合成树脂编束纤维,使其长期保持稳定的羽线张力,最适合大力击球者。 颜色有:黑(Black)、蓝(Royal Blue)、黄(Yellow)。 extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets BG-80:0.68毫米的线径,线芯材料为新型高系数“VECTRAN”纤维,外层材料为卵形树脂编束纤维,击球时具有极佳的弹性及爆发力,大力杀球效果极佳。 颜色有:白(White)、蓝(Royal Blue)、黄(Yellow)。 BG-85:0.67毫米的线径,线芯材料为新型高系数“VECTRAN”纤维,外层材料为多层树脂编束纤维,弹性好,高速击球感硬而有力,大力抽击效果极佳。 颜色有:白(White)、浅紫(Lavender)。 BG-65Ti:0.70毫米线径的钛线,线芯材料为化学合成多层树脂,外层材料为树脂编束纤维,纤维面采用新型氢钛合金涂覆技术,弹性持久、耐磨性极佳、击球感硬而有力,适合较高的羽线拉力。 颜色有:白(White)、蓝(Royal Blue)、黑(Black)。 BG-68Ti:0.68毫米线径的钛线,线芯材料为化学合成多层树脂,外层材料为树脂编束纤维,纤维表面采用新型高密度氢钛合金涂覆技术,高质量、高弹性、击球感坚硬有力,最适宜用于钛拍。 颜色有:白(White)。 65:超级耐打,保磅比较厉害,但弹性很差 65TI:耐打弹性一般,但击球感超硬,杀球爱好者喜爱 68TI:弹性好,不耐打,掉磅快,但球感柔和,击球音清脆悦耳,控球者爱好 70:弹性耐打一般,保磅厉害(这个只是听说,没用过) 80:弹性好,不耐打,掉磅快,球感清晰,击球音清脆悦耳,追求高弹性,高球速者爱好。 special welcome of is, XX Group also get has 2015 years Mayor quality award, showed that has has is strong of innovation capacity; Shandong Mo Shang source forest "cloud green Huai new varieties industrialization development" was as Shandong province 2015 years West economic uplift with focus development plans; nine Xin day of development of Chinese God SOAP, and Chinese God water, high-end day of products, became County development new highlights, in domestic also caused sensation. Five five years perseverance, talent highlight scene. Build XX, Shanghai, Guangdong, introducing only three workstations, widely implement "Golden Bridge project", a total of 32,000 people importing all kinds of talent, intelligence, and in particular the introduction of the Chinese Academy of engineering, XX University of chemical Tan tianwei, the "thousand person plan" expert-Guo Xin, domestic and foreign medical experts-Dr Wang Chuanhua and high-end talent in America. Among them, Dr Wang chuan-Hua was awarded the provincial government "province's Taishan industry leading talent" honor, Is the city's only overseas science and technology industry leaders, and provincial and municipal entrepreneurship support fund of 3 million Yuan. Rising part-time research scientists Zhu Qing of the Group increased, leading new materials research and development team, to focus on the more high-tech projects research, 2015 was awarded the XX city "Tarzan and leaders of excellence" honors. Two top talent is the embodiment of achievement in my talents over the years. Personnel training has intensified. Strong integration of various training resources, vigorously implement the "advanced training Enterprise talents" "resettlement and practical training", "travel professionals in action" e-commerce "Yu CAI" four personnel training project. Only in 2015, training immigrants with practical skills, tourism professionals and other professionals at all levels to 64,000 people extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets 85没用过,不评论。 95:所谓的弹性好又耐打的纳米线,其实 觉得只是耐打些,至于弹性,只能说一般,而且击球音和击球手感都比较怪异,用起来十分不爽,至少 不推荐使用。 耐打和弹性鱼和熊掌不可兼得,线都是好线,选那样就看你自己个人喜好了 YONEX系列:大陆市场上常见的有:BG65,BG66,BG70pro,BG80,BG85,BG65Ti,BG68Ti,当然还有些贵的比如BG75Ti,BG88Ti,CBG100花上100大洋也可以买到。没用过的不说,俺评论不是*吹的哦: BG65:0.70mm,不愧是球线中的销量老大,价廉物美经济实惠,俺用过无数65,感觉最显著的两点就是经久耐用、性能中庸。刚穿好的65线在22磅左右感觉颇爽,但是几天之后会略有跑磅,弹性有所下降,打球不如新线清脆,但是这样的中庸性能可以保持很久。俺曾摧毁球线无数,但是从来没打断过65,建议穿65线可以略高几磅。 BG80:0.68mm,最有力度的一根线之一,穿紧之后(23磅以上)的vectran纤维会给击球带来清爽的声音和意想不到的弹力,一般mm轻轻的挥拍就可以让球弹出好远哦,配合雄性般的抽杀更可谓珠联璧合。80线不怎么跑磅,优秀性能能维持在高水平,不过这种线表面的vectran纤维磨损严重,用着用着就发现0.68的线表皮统统裂开了~露出了白花花的芯子,再用用芯子也越磨越细,最后叭~~~~ BG85:0.67mm,与80一样拥有vectran纤维,不过感觉弹性略逊与80,但是球线表面似乎更加粗糙,直径也略细(0.67mm),据说控制性更精准,不过像俺这么粗糙的手法似乎体会不出来,只觉得在俺暴虐的抽击下这种线很快就叭~~~40块大洋没了 extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets BG65Ti:0.70mm,按照官方说法是在65的基础上增加了一层钛涂层,因此弹性增加了但是表面更光滑不易控制,使用的时候的确觉得有点滑,而且在跑磅之后的弹性似乎也没让人觉得爽,觉得这种线更需要力量来驱使。总之俺不太喜欢。 BG68Ti:0.68mm,YONEX认为是一根优秀的线,但是我曾在十字花和饭儿的拍子上试用过,可能是线有点穿紧了,我当时觉得弹性很一般,几乎打不太动,当时一怒之下居然把饭儿的球拍杀成了两瓣。YONEX还说这线耐久性很差,我想应该不会假吧~连用了这线的拍子都短命了。 GOSEN系列:号称第一大羽毛球线厂商,YONEX的线也是委托GOSEN定制的。GOSEN网站上面的线可谓琳琅满目,不过在大陆市场常见的似乎就两种:GOSEN80(0.70mm)和GOSEN88(0.66mm),感觉GOSEN80有点像BG65,但是弹性略好,也略不耐用,GOSEN88则更细,更脆弱~曾被俺一个下午就打断,不过性能好点,有点接近BG85。 66线一直是我比较偏爱的线,弹性极佳,声音清脆,但是因为线本身只有0.66mm,相对容易断,不耐打,因此不建议有足够爆发力的球友使用。爆发力比较小,或者初学者,以及女生和想偷懒的人建议使用。缺点,控球差。 70线我个人觉得是个鸡肋,是YY公司出的一款四不象产品,又想出弹性,又想有控制,又要耐打,结果做成了这个没什么特点的线。(我一直认为,线和拍子都要有自己强烈的个性,如果没有,那就是一款平庸之作) 80线直径0.68,线身比较硬,线衣纹路清晰,弹性很好,是款进攻性很强的线,搭配YY的纳米9000,MP100,Ti10,AT700等进攻型球拍有意想不到的球感和威力。强烈建议进攻型球友使用。 85线比较柔软,线衣编织精致,纹理肉眼清晰可见,有极强的操控性,弹性尽次于66线,控制性能66线更是不能和85线相提并论。建议防守型球友和双打时的网前站位这使用。 由于线本身的特点,因此在穿线磅数上也有所不同,用65线就应该拉的比较高磅,因为65线的延伸性比较强,使用几次后就会大幅度的降低磅数,而且走线的问题65线也最为突出,但是又有个比较矛盾的问题,65线本身就粗,弹性欠佳,拉比较高的磅数更是大大降低了弹性。 special welcome of is, XX Group also get has 2015 years Mayor quality award, showed that has has is strong of innovation capacity; Shandong Mo Shang source forest "cloud green Huai new varieties industrialization development" was as Shandong province 2015 years West economic uplift with focus development plans; nine Xin day of development of Chinese God SOAP, and Chinese God water, high-end day of products, became County development new highlights, in domestic also caused sensation. Five five years perseverance, talent highlight scene. Build XX, Shanghai, Guangdong, introducing only three workstations, widely implement "Golden Bridge project", a total of 32,000 people importing all kinds of talent, intelligence, and in particular the introduction of the Chinese Academy of engineering, XX University of chemical Tan tianwei, the "thousand person plan" expert-Guo Xin, domestic and foreign medical experts-Dr Wang Chuanhua and high-end talent in America. Among them, Dr Wang chuan-Hua was awarded the provincial government "province's Taishan industry leading talent" honor, Is the city's only overseas science and technology industry leaders, and provincial and municipal entrepreneurship support fund of 3 million Yuan. Rising part-time research scientists Zhu Qing of the Group increased, leading new materials research and development team, to focus on the more high-tech projects research, 2015 was awarded the XX city "Tarzan and leaders of excellence" honors. Two top talent is the embodiment of achievement in my talents over the years. Personnel training has intensified. Strong integration of various training resources, vigorously implement the "advanced training Enterprise talents" "resettlement and practical training", "travel professionals in action" e-commerce "Yu CAI" four personnel training project. Only in 2015, training immigrants with practical skills, tourism professionals and other professionals at all levels to 64,000 people extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets 80线拉稍微低些的磅数,就可以得到高磅的感觉,喜欢拉高磅,但是又怕损伤球拍的球友,可以选择80线试试,一定可以让你用低磅体验高磅的感觉。而且80线走线情况很少见,虽然走线影响球感的程度很小,但是却让很多人极为厌恶,如果你是完美主义者,也可以试试这款。 选择球线时,不可尽信产品本身的广告,因为广告中每款线都是很优秀的。希望大家可以自己把每款线都亲身体验一次,找到自己最喜爱和适合自己技术特点的球线 这个应该是体育中比较专业的帖子,再加上我的一些使用经验: 第一个:最耐打的65线,这个东东便宜又实惠,25磅打打掉到22左右,拉后场无敌了。 第二个:扣杀最犀利的线65TI,这个一定要拉到高磅,至少25以上,你能感觉到有点bt的刺耳的扣杀声音,刚换的线老对手只能接起来25,。但是郁闷的是打3场后掉磅明显。。 第三个:68TI,我认为是鸡肋,可能是用惯65ti 和65了。。用这个线,放网前居然没有65好,拉后场速度没有65ti高。这个对我来说是鸡肋了。 第三个:最值得一试的线,80和85.大概价格是40到50左右。。喜欢扣杀进攻的可以考虑 extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets
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