首页 > 你想拥有一个充实的假期吗


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你想拥有一个充实的假期吗你想拥有一个充实的假期吗 你想拥有一个充实的假期吗, 你想把握一个难得的实习机会来锻炼自己吗, 你想得到一个全英文环境来提升自己的英语能力吗, 你想感受尼泊尔的风光,了解当地的风土人情吗, 尼泊尔志愿者理事会(Nepal Volunteers Council)将为大家提供赴尼泊尔的暑期实习机会。项目包括:新闻记者的实地报道,社会学和人类学的研究学习,学校支教等。体会异国的生活学习,寄宿家庭的英语氛围,工作学习的证书证明,为暑期增添一份精彩~ 作为由尼泊尔政府授权的社会福利理事会的一个下属机构,尼泊尔志愿者理事会是一个...
你想拥有一个充实的假期吗 你想拥有一个充实的假期吗, 你想把握一个难得的实习机会来锻炼自己吗, 你想得到一个全英文环境来提升自己的英语能力吗, 你想感受尼泊尔的风光,了解当地的风土人情吗, 尼泊尔志愿者理事会(Nepal Volunteers Council)将为大家提供赴尼泊尔的暑期实习机会。项目包括:新闻记者的实地报道,社会学和人类学的研究学习,学校支教等。体会异国的生活学习,寄宿家庭的英语氛围,工作学习的证书证明,为暑期增添一份精彩~ 作为由尼泊尔政府授权的社会福利理事会的一个下属机构,尼泊尔志愿者理事会是一个提供义工、实习、教育和文化交流和旅游机会的非盈利组织。我们通过提供机会给国际学生和专业人士来体会尼泊尔的生活从而促进对全球的了解、友谊和学习。 项目简介: 社会学和人类学研究实习Sociology/ Anthropology Studies Internship 国际新闻实习International Journalism Internship 医疗实习Medical Internship(医学专业学生) 孤儿院支教Teaching in Orphanage 学校支教Teaching in Schools 僧侣院支教Teaching in Monetary 申请: 步骤一:提交申请(选其一) 方法一:在线申请 () 方法二:邮件申请:下载申请,填写完成后,回复至unncnepal@gmail.com 步骤二:电话面试 在收到申请的1个工作日内,工作人员会与申请者取得联系,提供咨询服务,并进行电话面试 步骤三:缴纳申请费 面试合格的申请者需要在原国家缴纳USD $ 100申请费。 步骤四:申请成功 申请成功的志愿者将会收到NVC 手册,发票等资料。 Program Fees:项目费用 志愿者和实习项目费用如下: 1. Application fees: (To be paid from home country for Placement Confirmation). 申请费:100美元 2. First Week program fees: USD $195. (第一周项目的费用:195美元) 3. From Second Week, USD $ 75 additional per week. (以后的每周均为75美元) 项目费用包括: a) Welcome (Arrival) and Departure Escorts to Airport 机场接 送 b) Welcome and Farewell Party (if you are in group) 欢迎/告别 派对 c) Arrival Orientation and Training 到达地点后的适应和培训 d) Full Accommodations and Meals in a hotel during Arrival Orientation for 2 days in the NVC office in Kathmandu. (Bar Bill like Wine, Whisky, and Beer etc. Not included) 在加德满都NVC 的办公室里2天适应日的食宿费 e) Placement in the volunteer or internship Work place (Schools, Orphanages, Monastery, Community, hospital, health post, TV channels etc.) 实习、志愿者活动的工作地点安排 f) Placement in the fully screened host family or in the residence hall (hotel/Guest House) for the entire program period. 在整个项目过程中寄宿家庭或者是当地酒店的安排 g) Full Accommodations and Meals (2 Meals a day) provided in the host family, or residence hall.在整个项目参与过程中的食宿 费 i) 24 Hours 7 days Emergency Service 24/7紧急服务 j) Weekly Gathering in the NVC office and exchanging experiences.每周在NVC的聚会和交换经历 k) Classes on Nepalese and Indian culture (some are very similar), Nepali language, Yoga, Meditation and Eastern Philosophy 关于尼泊尔和印度文化、尼泊尔语、瑜伽、冥想以及东 方哲学的课程培训 l) Regular Support and visit to the Work Place and the host family or residence hall 定期的支持和参观寄宿家庭和住宅区 m) All the Administrative cost of NVC. 在NVC的所有行政后勤 费用 p.s: The Program Fees does not include: Visa Application Fees, Airfare, Airport Taxes, Insurance, and Transport to and from the work place and the host family or residence hall, and other personal expenses not covered by the program fees 另外:以上项目费用不包括:签证申请费用、飞机票和机场税、保险 和从工作地点到住宿区的路费,以及其他个人的费用。 More details please visit: or contact: 1637086046@qq.com Testimonials(志愿者心得): , 2011-03-24 16:40:30 nepal 一.Sociology/ Anthropology Studies Internship: 社会学 和人类学研究实习 Internship Type(实习类型): Sociology/ Anthropology Studies Internship 社会学和人类学研究实习 Placement Location(实习地点): Kathmandu, Lalitpur, Bhaktapur and other various locations in Nepal 加德满 都、勒利德布尔以及其他的一些尼泊尔城市 Food & Accommodation(住宿条件): Nepali standard provided at the host family in the placement area or hostel/ Guest House 尼泊尔规定安置区、旅馆或者寄宿 家庭 Activities(活动):Learning on social structure, economic improvement, culture and tradition on different caste groups or one group 学习社会架构、经济发展、不同等级 群体的文化传统 Working Hours(工作时间): 3 to 4 Hours a day/ 6 days a week 每天3-4小时/每周6天 Program Start Date (项目开始时间):1st & 15th of each Month 每月的1号或者15号Program Duration(项目持续 时间): 1 week to 16 weeks 一周到十六周 When to Apply(申请时间)At least 15 days before the planned start date 至少为项目开始前15天 Eligibility. Who can Apply?(参加资格): All Applicants must be over 18 years with interest in learning social or anthropological conditions 年满18周岁并在社会学和人类 学有深厚兴趣的参与者均可 Visa Required (签证要求):Tourist Visa 旅游签证 Language Required (语言要求):English 英语 Nepal is a country where about 30 million people are living with over 70 spoken languages and 40 ethnic groups. It is one of the best places to study social and anthropological development and current status of various tribes of people. Students of Sociology/ Anthropology/ International Economics are invited to Nepal to study the real structure of Nepalese society. 尼泊尔是个约有3000万人口,包含超过70种语言和40个种 族的国家,它是个研究人类学社会学发展和近期不同部落人们 地位的一个很好的实践地。社会学、人类学、国际商务学生都 欢迎到尼泊尔来研究尼泊尔社会的真正架构。 二.International Journalism Internship 国际新闻实习 Internship Type(实习类型): Unpaid International Journalism Internship 无偿国际新闻实习Placement Location(实习地点): Kathmandu, Lalitpur, Bhaktapur and other various locations in Nepal 加德满都、勒利德布 尔以及其他的一些尼泊尔城市 Food & Accommodation(住宿条件): Nepali standard provided at the host family in the placement area or hostel/ Guest House 尼泊尔标准规定安置区、旅馆或者寄宿 家庭 Activities(活动):Field visit, reporting, photography and editing. 实地考察、报道和编辑 Working Hours(工作时间): 3 to 4 Hours a day/ 6 days a week 每天3-4小时/每周6天 Program Start Date (项目开始时间):1st & 15th of each Month 每月的1号或者15号Program Duration(项目持续 时间): 1 week to 16 weeks 一周到十六周 When to Apply(申请时间):At least 15 days before the planned start date 至少为项目开始前15天 Eligibility. Who can Apply?(参加资格): All Applicants must be over 18 years with journalism background or interested in journalism. 年满18周岁并对新闻业有一定基 础知识或者对新闻业感兴趣的申请者均可。 Visa Required(签证要求): Tourist Visa 旅游签证 Language Required(语言要求):English 英语 Media Types(媒体类型): Newspapers, FM Radios or TV Channels 报纸、无线广播电台和电视频道 International Journalism students from all over the world are invited to intern in Nepal. They will be placed in the Newspapers, FM Radios or TV Channels and will be working with the Nepalese counterparts. They have to bring necessary equipments with them such as camera etc. 各国国际新闻业学生都欢迎到尼泊尔进行实习。项目参与者将 被派遣到报社、无线广播电台或者电视频道和尼泊尔当地的工 作者一起工作,同时项目参与者需自带相关的设备,例如相机 等。 三.Medical Internship 医疗实习 Internship Type(实习类型): Unpaid Medical Internship 无偿医疗实习 Placement Location(实习地点): Kathmandu, Lalitpur, Bhaktapur and other various locations in Nepal 加德满 都、勒利德布尔以及其他的一些尼泊尔城市 Food & Accommodation(住宿条件): Nepali standard provided at the host family in the placement area or hostel/ Guest House 尼泊尔标准规定安置区、旅馆或者寄宿 家庭 Activities(活动): Checking Patients, distributing medicines, creating public awareness 检查病患、分发药 物、推广宣传公众意识 Working Hours(工作时间):7 to9 Hours a day/ 6 days a week 每天7-9小时/每周6天 Program Start Date (项目开始时间):1st & 15th of each Month 每月的1号或者15号Program Duration(项目持续 时间): 1 week to 16 weeks 一周到十六周 When to Apply(申请时间)At least 15 days before the planned start date 至少为项目开始前15天 Eligibility. Who can Apply?(参加资格): All Applicants must be over 18 years with Medical studies background. Current Medical or Nursing students are preferred. 年满 18周岁并有基本的医疗知识。应届医学和护理专业学生优先。 Visa Required (签证要求):Tourist Visa 旅游签证 Language Required (语言要求):English 英语 Health Institutions(医疗机构): Health Posts, Hospitals, Nursing Homes etc. 保健站、医院、疗养院等 International Medical students are placed in the Nepalese health posts, hospitals or Nursing Homes for the Internship their course required. They will work with the Nepalese doctors and nurses. They will check patients and refer medicines. 国际的医科学生将被安置到尼泊尔当地的保健站、医院、疗养 院或者他们课程需要的地方。参与者将于尼泊尔当地的医生和 护士一起工作,并且参与治疗病患和分发药物。 四.Teaching in Orphanage 孤儿院支教 Volunteer Type(实习类型): Teaching in Orphanage 孤 儿院支教 Placement Location(实习地点): Kathmandu, Lalitpur, Bhaktapur and other various locations in Nepal 加德满 都、勒利德布尔以及其他的一些尼泊尔城市 Food & Accommodation(住宿条件): Nepali standard provided at the Orphanage or the host family in the placement area or hostel/ Guest House 尼泊尔规定标准 安置区、寄宿家庭、旅店、孤儿院 Activities(活动): Teaching, Playing, organizing creative Activities, organizing educational tours for the orphans etc. 教学、组织并进行有创造性的活动,针对孤儿组织教育 游历 Working Hours(工作时间): 3 to 4 Hours a day/ 6 days a week 每天3-4小时/每周6天 Program Start Date (项目开始时间):1st & 15th of each Month 每月的1号或者15号Program Duration(项目持续 时间): 1 week to 16 weeks 一周到十六周 When to Apply(申请时间)At least 15 days before the planned start date 至少为项目开始前15天 Eligibility. Who can Apply? (参加资格):All Applicants must be over 18 years, at least High School Graduate and interested in teaching, playing, staying with helpless orphans 年满18周岁、至少拥有高中毕业文凭, 并有着公益之心的参与者均可 Visa Required (签证要求):Tourist Visa 旅游签证 Language Required (语言要求):English 英语 Each year hundreds of children are being helpless in Nepal. Some of them have already lost their parents/guardians. Some others are losing due to lack of healthcare, medicines, food, natural disasters etc. Some children leave their village in search of jobs in the cities like Kathmandu, Lalitpur, Pokhara etc. It is a distressing fact that most of these children are in the street, they have made street their home, they work in the street, eat in the street and sleep in the street. Some of the children under 14 years are working as child labors in hotels, restaurants and houses. They are little paid and exploited a lot. They feel themselves alone, abandoned and unfortunate. Some other children are being taken by orphanages and cared for. But they are not well furnished. Children there do not have proper care, meal, clothing and education. Still, in comparison to their other counterparts, they feel that they have got something more. We place you in one of these orphanages to teach them. You can teach them English language or other subjects of your interest that are useful to them. At present, Nepal Volunteers Council (NVC) does not have its own orphanage, we are assisting other orphanages. NVC aims to fight against Child labor and rehabilitate them making them free from labor, and educate all the street children & bring them back to the society and the main stream of development. For this purpose, NVC plans to establish an orphanage in the near future. We expect your kind assistance in the mission and cordially invite you to assist as much as you can. 在尼泊尔,每年都会有一大批孩子正在变得孤苦伶仃,他们其 中一些孩子已经失去了父母或者监护人,另一些孩子因为缺乏 医疗条件、药物、食物、自然灾害而正在失去。一些孩子离开 自己的家乡来到像加德满都、勒利德布尔这样的城市来寻找工 作。令人心痛的是大部分的这些孩子露宿街头,一些不满14 周岁的孩子作为童工在酒店、餐馆和住房内打工,每天做着大 量的工作,却所获甚少。他们觉得自己孤单、被遗弃和不幸, 虽然其中一些孩子被带到了孤儿院,但是他们却并没有得到很 好的环境。他们在那里没有足够的照顾,衣服、食物还有教育, 因此,他们希望能够获得更多。我们讲把参与者安置在其中一 个当地孤儿院并进行教学,志愿者可以教授他们英文或者是其 他的志愿者感兴趣或者是认为有用的科目。 当前,NVC没有自己的孤儿院,我们帮助其他的孤儿院。NVC 致力于打击童工和使这些孩子从劳动力恢复到自由,并对那些 露宿街头的孩子进行教育,将他们带到社会和主流的发展上。 为了达到这个目的,NVC在不久的将来建造自己的孤儿 院,我们竭诚的希望你能尽你所能来帮助孤儿院的孩子们。 五.Volunteer Type(实习类型): Teaching in Orphanage 孤儿院支教 Placement Location(实习地点): Kathmandu, Lalitpur, Bhaktapur and other various locations in Nepal 加德满 都、勒利德布尔以及其他的一些尼泊尔城市 Food & Accommodation(住宿条件): Nepali standard provided at the Orphanage or the host family in the placement area or hostel/ Guest House 尼泊尔规定标准 安置区、寄宿家庭、旅店、孤儿院 Activities(活动): Teaching, Playing, organizing creative Activities, organizing educational tours for the orphans etc. 教学、组织并进行有创造性的活动,针对孤儿组织教育 游历 Working Hours(工作时间): 3 to 4 Hours a day/ 6 days a week 每天3-4小时/每周6天 Program Start Date (项目开始时间):1st & 15th of each Month 每月的1号或者15号Program Duration(项目持续 时间): 1 week to 16 weeks 一周到十六周 When to Apply(申请时间)At least 15 days before the planned start date 至少为项目开始前15天 Eligibility. Who can Apply? (参加资格):All Applicants must be over 18 years, at least High School Graduate and interested in teaching, playing, staying with helpless orphans 年满18周岁、至少拥有高中毕业文凭, 并有着公益之心的参与者均可 Visa Required (签证要求):Tourist Visa 旅游签证 Language Required (语言要求):English 英语 Each year hundreds of children are being helpless in Nepal. Some of them have already lost their parents/guardians. Some others are losing due to lack of healthcare, medicines, food, natural disasters etc. Some children leave their village in search of jobs in the cities like Kathmandu, Lalitpur, Pokhara etc. It is a distressing fact that most of these children are in the street, they have made street their home, they work in the street, eat in the street and sleep in the street. Some of the children under 14 years are working as child labors in hotels, restaurants and houses. They are little paid and exploited a lot. They feel themselves alone, abandoned and unfortunate. Some other children are being taken by orphanages and cared for. But they are not well furnished. Children there do not have proper care, meal, clothing and education. Still, in comparison to their other counterparts, they feel that they have got something more. We place you in one of these orphanages to teach them. You can teach them English language or other subjects of your interest that are useful to them. At present, Nepal Volunteers Council (NVC) does not have its own orphanage, we are assisting other orphanages. NVC aims to fight against Child labor and rehabilitate them making them free from labor, and educate all the street children & bring them back to the society and the main stream of development. For this purpose, NVC plans to establish an orphanage in the near future. We expect your kind assistance in the mission and cordially invite you to assist as much as you can. 在尼泊尔,每年都会有一大批孩子正在变得孤苦伶仃,他们其 中一些孩子已经失去了父母或者监护人,另一些孩子因为缺乏 医疗条件、药物、食物、自然灾害而正在失去。一些孩子离开 自己的家乡来到像加德满都、勒利德布尔这样的城市来寻找工 作。令人心痛的是大部分的这些孩子露宿街头,一些不满14 周岁的孩子作为童工在酒店、餐馆和住房内打工,每天做着大 量的工作,却所获甚少。他们觉得自己孤单、被遗弃和不幸, 虽然其中一些孩子被带到了孤儿院,但是他们却并没有得到很 好的环境。他们在那里没有足够的照顾,衣服、食物还有教育, 因此,他们希望能够获得更多。我们讲把参与者安置在其中一 个当地孤儿院并进行教学,志愿者可以教授他们英文或者是其 他的志愿者感兴趣或者是认为有用的科目。 当前,NVC没有自己的孤儿院,我们帮助其他的孤儿院。NVC 致力于打击童工和使这些孩子从劳动力恢复到自由,并对那些 露宿街头的孩子进行教育,将他们带到社会和主流的发展上。 为了达到这个目的,NVC计划在不久的将来建造自己的孤儿 院,我们竭诚的希望你能尽你所能来帮助孤儿院的孩子们。 五.Teaching in Schools 学校支教 Volunteer Type(实习类型): Teaching English or other subjects (Math, Science, Population & Environment, Art, History, Music etc.) in schools 在学校教授英语或者其他 科目(数学、科学、人口学、环境学、艺术、历史、音乐等) Placement Location(实习地点): Kathmandu & other various locations in Nepal 加德满都以及其他尼泊尔城市 Food & Accommodation(住宿条件): Nepali standard provided at the host family in the placement area or hostel/ Guest House 尼泊尔标准规定安置区、旅馆或者寄宿 家庭 Activities(活动): Teaching, Playing, organizing creative Activities, cooperating in extra curricular activities教学、 组织并进行有创造性的活动,操作额外课程活动 Working Hours(工作时间): 3 to 4 Hours a day/ 6 days a week 每天3-4小时/每周6天 Program Start Date (项目开始时间):1st & 15th of each Month 每月的1号或者15号Program Duration(项目持续 时间): 1 week to 16 weeks 一周到十六周 When to Apply(申请时间):At least 15 days before the planned start date 至少为项目开始前15天 Eligibility. Who can Apply? All Applicants must be over 18 years, at least High School Graduate and interested in teaching, playing & staying with children 年满18周岁, 至少拥有高中文凭,并对教育事业有兴趣,愿意与小孩子相处 的参与者均可 Visa Required (签证要求):Tourist Visa 旅游签证 Language Required (语言要求):English 英语 Schools(学校): Public, Private schools 公立、私立学 校 Beneficiaries(受益者): School children & teachers 学 校学生和老师 International Volunteers are welcome to teach English or other subjects (Math, Science, Population & Environment, Art, History & Music etc) of your interest in public or private schools in Nepal. The Nepalese students are excited to learn from you. By joining this program, you can have opportunity to teach Nepalese kids in the original Nepalese setting and make a contribution to the education sector in Nepal. In public schools, the medium of teaching is Nepali language but in private schools it is English. So, it is better to choose public schools if you are interested to teach English language, and private schools if you are interested to teach other subjects in English medium. In addition to these teaching activities, you can arrange your own creative activities for the development of children and assist in those extra curricular activities arranged by the schools. You can impart your knowledge on Child Rights, Human Rights, Health and Hygiene, and environmental sanitation etc to the children and through them to the whole society. Generally, Nepalese schools operate from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM, Sunday to Friday. They have about eight lectures daily and students aged 3 to 16 years old. There are subject specialized teachers to teach each subject in the schools. You will have kind assistance from subject specific teachers during your teaching period at the school. You can share your knowledge, teaching methodology and methods of collecting resources with them and teach together. The Government Holidays are considered to be school holidays in Nepal. Further, the schools are closed during the summer vacation, winter vacation & exam preparation time. During the vacation, Nepal volunteers Council offers you alternative activities such as learning Nepali language, culture & tradition, and visiting places of interest. 国际志愿者都欢迎参加尼泊尔的公立或者私立学校进行英语 或者其他科目(数学、科学、人口学、环境学、艺术、历史、 音乐等)的教授活动,并且尼泊尔学生对你的到来感到高兴。 通过加入这个支教项目,你能够有机会接触到在尼泊尔教育体 制下的尼泊尔学生,并对尼泊尔的教育事业做出自己的一份贡 献。在公立学校,尼泊尔语为教学语言,但在私立学校,英语 则为教学语言,因此,如果你有兴趣教授英语,建议选择公立 学校;如果你有兴趣通过英语教授其他科目,建议选择私立学 校。除了这些教学活动中,你可以安排你的学生发展自己的创造性活动,并协助学校安排的课外活动的。你也可以传授你的关于儿童权利,人权,健康与卫生,环境卫生等方面的知识给孩子们并通过他们向整个社会。 一般而言,尼泊尔学校的工作时间是每周日到周五的上午10时至下午4时,他们每天约有8节课,学生年龄范围为3至16岁,每个学校的科目主题均有专门的老师教授,你将与当地教师一起协作进行教学工作。你可以分享你的知识,教学方法和收集资源的方法。 政府假期被认为是尼泊尔的学校假期。此外,学校在暑假期间关闭,寒假及考试准备时间。在寒假期间,尼泊尔的志愿者会为您提供学习尼泊尔语,如语言,文化和传统,参观名胜古迹的替代活动。
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