

2017-09-19 10页 doc 33KB 38阅读




刑事附带民事诉讼刑事附带民事诉讼 首先~我们来看一案例:高二学生杨某,案发时17岁,在2004年被社会上的流氓以取乐为名实施殴打~致使头部、眼睛遭受严重伤害~在做了开颅手术后~引起脑瘫和癫痫~视力急剧下降~精神恍惚~记忆丧失~生活不能自理~成为痴呆儿。经法医鉴定为重伤~伤害杨某的凶手虽然被依法进行刑事审判~但在被害人杨某父母提出精神损害赔偿要求时~却被法院认为没有依据而予以拒绝。 那么~由于刑事被告人的行为~造成了杨某从此人生的毁灭~不仅无法继续上学和工作~而且连生活都无法自理~漫长的人生如何度过~而作为杨某的父母~十七年含辛茹苦抚养独生...
刑事附带民事诉讼 首先~我们来看一案例:高二学生杨某,案发时17岁,在2004年被社会上的流氓以取乐为名实施殴打~致使头部、眼睛遭受严重伤害~在做了开颅手术后~引起脑瘫和癫痫~视力急剧下降~精神恍惚~记忆丧失~生活不能自理~成为痴呆儿。经法医鉴定为重伤~伤害杨某的凶手虽然被依法进行刑事审判~但在被害人杨某父母提出精神损害赔偿要求时~却被法院认为没有依据而予以拒绝。 那么~由于刑事被告人的行为~造成了杨某从此人生的毁灭~不仅无法继续上学和工作~而且连生活都无法自理~漫长的人生如何度过~而作为杨某的父母~十七年含辛茹苦抚养独生儿子~在即将成人之际~却因重伤成了痴呆废物~杨某今后的生活都无法自理~又何以报答父母颐养天年, 还有这么一起案子:王女士新婚之夜因突发阑尾炎被送至医院诊治~而医院医生在为王女士复查病情时~将其猥亵~致使王女士阴道大出血~险些送命。这个大夫被判了刑~但王女士受到了巨大的精神创伤~而王女士在法院提起精神损害赔偿时~却被法院拒绝~仅仅赔偿了医药费。 上述这两起案件~受害人遭受的巨大的精神损害是不言而喻的~那么~为什么法院不给与赔偿呢, 近年来~在民事案件中精神损害赔偿的适用范围逐步扩大~但对于刑事附带民事诉讼的赔偿~现行法律有两条原则性的规定~一是刑法第36条:“由于犯罪行为而使被害人遭受经济损失的~对犯罪分子除依法给予刑事处罚外~并应根据情况判处赔偿经济损失。”二是刑诉法第77条:purpose is help construction personnel learning fire, and fire, and refuge, and dangerous goods transfer, various security evacuation knowledge and should method, improve construction personnel on fire, and explosion occurred Shi of psychological bear capacity and strain force, once occurred burst event, construction personnel not only can steady to self-help, also can calm to tie fire Member do fire work, put fire accident loss down to minimum level; event occurred Shi, in security zone of construction personnel can through phone, and Radio information passed to the builders upstairs. Infectious disease emergency measures because of the large project construction workers gathered, on-site infectious disease prevention of avian flu, dengue fever epidemic and strong strong, deadly diseases. (1) construction management work, daily temperature measuring system, measuring, cutting off cross infection and spread of the epidemic; The labour team in conditions of strict management: the service must be living in a well-ventilated environment, keep the room well ventilated, and make the fire, and security work plan; Enhance site measures: improving construction workers toilet facilities, and configure the appropriate hygiene, wash hands before meals and after; more publicity, strengthen staff awareness of self protection. (2) avian influenza prevention measures for management of infection: the 中南财经政法大学本科毕业论文 “被害人由于被告人的犯罪行为而遭受物质损失的~在刑事诉讼过程中~有权提起附带民事诉讼。”从而使附带民事诉讼的赔偿范围限定在物质损失内~精神损害赔偿成为一块禁地。 那么~刑事附带民诉是否应适用精神损害赔偿呢, 一、从法律的公平原则来说~刑事附带民事诉讼的受害人应给与精神损害赔偿 公民在其人身权遭受不法侵害时~对其非财产损失及精神损失有权要求经济赔偿~这是民法通则明文规定的权利。当这种不法侵害上升到刑事犯罪的程度时~被害人在附带民事诉讼中的权利却被限制在物质损失之内~这在法理上是说不通的~刑事案件被害人因犯罪行为遭受的精神损害一般都比民事侵权行为造成的损害程度深~如毁人容貌的故意伤害、强奸、侮辱、诽谤等~物质损失却往往是微不足道的~只赔偿物质损失~对被害人遭受的巨大精神损失视而不见~违反了法律的公平原则和人文精神。有人认为:对被告人定罪量刑~就是抚慰了被害人的精神上的损失~不需要再次经济制裁被告人。而我们认为~追究被告人的刑事责任是国家法律对犯罪行为作出的评价~不能由此抵消被害人所遭受的精神上的伤害~这种抵消也是没有任何法律根据的。 二、从法律之间的统一来说~刑事附带民事诉讼的受害人也应给与精神损害赔偿 (2) avian influenza prevention measures for management of infection: thee the appropriate hygiene, wash hands before meals and after; more publicity, strengthen staff awareness of self protection. oving construction workers toilet facilities, and configurventilated environment, keep the room well ventilated, and make the fire, and security work plan; Enhance site measures: impr-in conditions of strict management: the service must be living in a wellteam ment work, daily temperature measuring system, measuring, cutting off cross infection and spread of the epidemic; The labour infectious disease prevention of avian flu, dengue fever epidemic and strong strong, deadly diseases. (1) construction manage site-nto the builders upstairs. Infectious disease emergency measures because of the large project construction workers gathered, oinimum level; event occurred Shi, in security zone of construction personnel can through phone, and Radio information passed help, also can calm to tie fire Member do fire work, put fire accident loss down to m-ruction personnel not only can steady to selfrsonnel on fire, and explosion occurred Shi of psychological bear capacity and strain force, once occurred burst event, constacuation knowledge and should method, improve construction pepurpose is help construction personnel learning fire, and fire, and refuge, and dangerous goods transfer, various security ev1 各种法律尽管有不同的适用范围~但在交叉汇合的领域~应是和谐一致的。民通确立的精神损害赔偿是经过实践检验取得良好效果的一项~刑法、刑事诉讼法却把被害人提起刑事附带民诉的范围限制在“物质损失”内~否定精神损害赔偿~这就破坏了法律的统一。不管任何一个案件~适用那一部法律~最后得出的结论应该是一致的。附带民诉在本质上仍是民事诉讼~只不过它和刑事诉讼是有被告人的同一行为引起~为了审理的方便~在刑诉过程中一并加以解决~最高法院《关于执行〈中华人民共和国民事诉讼法〉若干问题的解释》第100条也规定:“人民法院审判附带民事诉讼案件~除适用刑法、刑事诉讼法外~还应适用民法通则、民事诉讼法的有关规定。”然而~当民法通则与刑诉法发生冲突时~该如何适用呢,我们认为~刑事附带民诉得赔偿范围也应包括姓名权、肖像权、名誉权、荣誉权受到侵害时的精神损失~与民通保持一致~避免法律的尴尬。事实上~由于这种不一致~使有的被害人为维护其合法权益放弃附带民诉~而等刑事案件审结后在另行提起民事诉讼以求得法律的全面保护~这不仅增加了诉讼成本和当事人诉累~还会因为附带民诉与民事诉讼结果的不同而影响国家司法的统一性和严肃性。 三、附带民诉适用精神损害赔偿是切实可行的 有人认为刑事附带民诉是以刑事诉讼为主~精神损害赔偿的范围十分广泛~其程度也难以准确测量~操作中不好把握~刑事诉讼审理期限要求相对严格~过分强调精神损害赔偿~不利于刑事案件正常及时的审判。我们认为~相对公平总胜于显示公平~况且民通实施以来~全国已审理 uenza prevention measures for management of infection: then inflpropriate hygiene, wash hands before meals and after; more publicity, strengthen staff awareness of self protection. (2) aviae fire, and security work plan; Enhance site measures: improving construction workers toilet facilities, and configure the apventilated environment, keep the room well ventilated, and make th-tions of strict management: the service must be living in a wellily temperature measuring system, measuring, cutting off cross infection and spread of the epidemic; The labour team in condianagement work, dasite infectious disease prevention of avian flu, dengue fever epidemic and strong strong, deadly diseases. (1) construction m-s upstairs. Infectious disease emergency measures because of the large project construction workers gathered, onurity zone of construction personnel can through phone, and Radio information passed to the builderhelp, also can calm to tie fire Member do fire work, put fire accident loss down to minimum level; event occurred Shi, in sec-nel not only can steady to selfpersonon fire, and explosion occurred Shi of psychological bear capacity and strain force, once occurred burst event, construction efuge, and dangerous goods transfer, various security evacuation knowledge and should method, improve construction personnel purpose is help construction personnel learning fire, and fire, and r2 中南财经政法大学本科毕业论文 了大量涉及精神损害赔偿的民事案件~积累了丰富的经验~部分地方还针对精神损害赔偿的出台了相关规定。此外~最高法院《关于严格执行案件审理期限制度的若干规定》第1条规定“……附带民事诉讼案件的审理期限~经本院院长批准~可以延长两个月……”这也是为深入审理附带民诉案件提供了审判期限的保障。 四、适用精神损害赔偿符合设立附带民诉制度的初衷 有人认为没有必要在附带民诉中确认精神损害赔偿~被害人提出此项请求的~可单独提起民事诉讼。我们认为~设立刑事附带民诉制度的本意就在于两诉合一~提高诉讼效率和效益~减少当事人诉累~单独提起民事诉讼无疑与这一目的相悖。由于在刑事附带民诉中~被告人对待损害赔偿的态度~直接影响着对其定罪量刑~因此~允许被害人对精神损失提起附带民诉~将促使被告人以更积极的姿态赔偿~有利于最大限度地保护被害人的合法权益~这也是符合附带民诉立法目的的。 五、如何理解最高法院关于刑事附带民事诉讼范围问题的规定 司法审判中~刑事附带民诉案件不支持精神损害赔偿~是依据2000年12月19日法释,2000,47号《最高法院关于刑事附带民事诉讼范围问题的规定》第1条第2款规定:“对于被害人因犯罪行为遭受精神损失而提起附带民事诉讼的~人民法院不予受理。”如何看待这一规定呢, 最高法院《关于确定民事侵权精神损害赔偿责任若干问题的解释》[2001年3月10日起施行]的规定~侵害他人人身权益造成严重后果的~ in conditions of strict management: the service must be living in a well(2) avian influenza prevention measures for management of infection: thee the appropriate hygiene, wash hands before meals and after; more publicity, strengthen staff awareness of self protection. oving construction workers toilet facilities, and configurventilated environment, keep the room well ventilated, and make the fire, and security work plan; Enhance site measures: impr-team ment work, daily temperature measuring system, measuring, cutting off cross infection and spread of the epidemic; The labour infectious disease prevention of avian flu, dengue fever epidemic and strong strong, deadly diseases. (1) construction manage site-nto the builders upstairs. Infectious disease emergency measures because of the large project construction workers gathered, oinimum level; event occurred Shi, in security zone of construction personnel can through phone, and Radio information passed help, also can calm to tie fire Member do fire work, put fire accident loss down to m-ruction personnel not only can steady to selfrsonnel on fire, and explosion occurred Shi of psychological bear capacity and strain force, once occurred burst event, constacuation knowledge and should method, improve construction pepurpose is help construction personnel learning fire, and fire, and refuge, and dangerous goods transfer, various security ev3 应当承担精神损害赔偿责任。同时~该《解释》第6条规定:“当事人在侵权诉讼中没有提出精神损害的诉讼请求~诉讼终结后又基于同一侵权事实另行起诉请求赔偿精神损害的~人民法院不予受理。”这样~受害人既不能在刑事附带民诉中提出精神损害赔偿的诉讼请求~在附带民诉终结后~也不能另行起诉请求赔偿精神损害~这对受害当事人明显不公平。 因此~《解释》第12条规定:“在本解释公布实施之前已经生效施行的司法解释~其内容有与本解释不一致的~以本解释为准。”其理由在于:第一~法释,2000,47号的规定是依据刑法第36条和刑诉法第77条。第77条规定:“被害人由于被告人的犯罪行为而遭受物质损失的~在刑事诉讼过程中~有权提起附带民事诉讼。”该条规定属于授权性规范~其着重点在于刑事附带民诉的程序设臵~而非将精神损害的诉讼赔偿的诉讼请求赔出在该程序之外。第二~在因道路交通事故致人死亡提起的刑事附带民诉中~法院依据《道路交通事故处理办法》第37条第8项的规定判决赔偿受害人亲属的死亡补偿费~其性质属于精神损害抚慰金~法释,2000,47号的规定与审判实践不符~也与《道路交通事故处理办法》的规定相悖。第三~刑事附带民诉的程序设臵~是为了简化诉讼程序~提高诉讼效率。但其附带民诉所审理的案件~本质上仍然是民事案件~与独立的民事诉讼程序审理的同类民事案件应遵循共同的实体法律规范~否则~因为追求效率的程序设计牺牲实体公正~与法院努力实现公正、效率的司法价值目标不符。 ventilated environment, keep the room well ventilated, and make th-tions of strict management: the service must be living in a wellily temperature measuring system, measuring, cutting off cross infection and spread of the epidemic; The labour team in condianagement work, dasite infectious disease prevention of avian flu, dengue fever epidemic and strong strong, deadly diseases. (1) construction m-s upstairs. Infectious disease emergency measures because of the large project construction workers gathered, onurity zone of construction personnel can through phone, and Radio information passed to the builderhelp, also can calm to tie fire Member do fire work, put fire accident loss down to minimum level; event occurred Shi, in sec-nel not only can steady to selfpersonon fire, and explosion occurred Shi of psychological bear capacity and strain force, once occurred burst event, construction efuge, and dangerous goods transfer, various security evacuation knowledge and should method, improve construction personnel purpose is help construction personnel learning fire, and fire, and ruenza prevention measures for management of infection: then inflpropriate hygiene, wash hands before meals and after; more publicity, strengthen staff awareness of self protection. (2) aviae fire, and security work plan; Enhance site measures: improving construction workers toilet facilities, and configure the ap4 中南财经政法大学本科毕业论文 (2) avian influenza prevention measures for management of infection: thee the appropriate hygiene, wash hands before meals and after; more publicity, strengthen staff awareness of self protection. oving construction workers toilet facilities, and configurventilated environment, keep the room well ventilated, and make the fire, and security work plan; Enhance site measures: impr-in conditions of strict management: the service must be living in a wellteam ment work, daily temperature measuring system, measuring, cutting off cross infection and spread of the epidemic; The labour infectious disease prevention of avian flu, dengue fever epidemic and strong strong, deadly diseases. (1) construction manage site-nto the builders upstairs. Infectious disease emergency measures because of the large project construction workers gathered, oinimum level; event occurred Shi, in security zone of construction personnel can through phone, and Radio information passed help, also can calm to tie fire Member do fire work, put fire accident loss down to m-ruction personnel not only can steady to selfrsonnel on fire, and explosion occurred Shi of psychological bear capacity and strain force, once occurred burst event, constacuation knowledge and should method, improve construction pepurpose is help construction personnel learning fire, and fire, and refuge, and dangerous goods transfer, various security ev5
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