

2018-05-02 13页 doc 217KB 15阅读




通金魔方集合竞价选股法通金魔方集合竞价选股法 集合竞价选股法 9:15----9:20 这五分钟开放式集合竞价可以委托买进和卖出的单子,你看到的匹配成交量可能是虚假的,因这5分钟是可以撤单,很多主力在9:19:30左右撤单,当你买进时,你不撤单,他可撤出,然后他卖给你,因此你一定要把撤单键放在手上。 9:20---9:25 这五分钟开放式集合竞价可以输委托买进和卖出的单子,但不能撤单,有的投资者认为他己撤单就完事了,事实上这五分钟撤单无效,白白输入的。这五分钟你看到的委托是真实的,因此要抢涨停板的,一定要看准这五分钟,但你不知道这五分钟哪...
通金魔方集合竞价选股法 集合竞价选股法 9:15----9:20 这五分钟开放式集合竞价可以委托买进和卖出的单子,你看到的匹配成交量可能是虚假的,因这5分钟是可以撤单,很多主力在9:19:30左右撤单,当你买进时,你不撤单,他可撤出,然后他卖给你,因此你一定要把撤单键放在手上。 9:20---9:25 这五分钟开放式集合竞价可以输委托买进和卖出的单子,但不能撤单,有的投资者认为他己撤单就完事了,事实上这五分钟撤单无效,白白输入的。这五分钟你看到的委托是真实的,因此要抢涨停板的,一定要看准这五分钟,但你不知道这五分钟哪些股票要涨停板,利用按81和83能看到,哪些股票排序在前20名内,就可以放入考虑范围之内。 9:25---9:30 这五分钟不叫集合竞价时间,电脑这五分钟可接收买和卖委托,也可接收撤单,这五分钟电脑不处理,如果你进的委托价格估计能成交,那么你的撤单是排在后面来不及的,对于高手而言,这五分钟换股票一定要利用,比如你集合竞价卖出股票后,资金在9:25就可利用,你可在9:26买进另一只股票。还有你要得到新股开盘价,你高价格得开盘价,你高出开盘价的部份在9:25返回,你又可利and other bad habits. Implementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry forward the meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is no small matter. Business services a small mistake, it is possible to order at its meetings disrupted the entire, feedback on the content and timing a bit negligent, it could work in a passive position, slightly poor reception, may affect the image of a place and unit. Therefore, the Office staff with a high degree of professionalism and responsibility, serious and responsible, meticulous, careful to do everything to ensure that globalSmoothly. To carry forward the hard work, honest style. Adhere to the "Ning public and poverty, is not private and rich" old adage, bearing in mind the purpose of serving, consciously resist the erosion of various corruption and self-discipline, integrity, do not take leadership on behalf of the Office for personal affairs, not banner of leading organs of self-serving, and always maintain and carry forward the fine style of hard work, thrift and career, be honest and upright. Comrades, Government Office work task is glorious, a great responsibility. Hope the city's system of Government Office around the overall situation, pay attention to implementation of work in the purpose, give full play to staff aides, integrated and coordinated implementation, supervision, service functions, close contact, strengthen coordination, collaboration, efforts for grass-roots leadership services, service, quality and level of services for the masses to push to a new level. 2003 annual summary meeting of the Office of the municipal government reports on innovation 用这返回的资金。 9:25产生的开盘价都是按成交量最大化原则定出的,深圳股票在收盘14:57---15:00是收盘集合竞价时间,这3分钟不能撤单,只能输买进和卖出单子,因此深圳收盘价也是集合竞价得来的,而你看到的上海最后一笔只有价格,股数为0,这是因为上海收盘价格是按最后一笔倒推1分钟的加权平均价算出的,不是集合竞价得来的,在防止操纵收盘价方面不如深交所 深圳停牌一小时的股票可以提前委托,上海停牌一小时的股票不能提前委托,上交易在10:30准时开门,早一秒就弹回来了返回“废单”,对于连续涨停的股票,如果你要追进,应该在10:29:53----10:29:56输入确认键,因网络速度不同,时间上留出一点富裕,相反出现重大利空时,你也可跑得快。 大家可能不太了解集合竞价,9:15----9:20这五分钟开放式集合竞价可以委托买进和卖出的单子,你看到的匹配成交量可能是虚假的,因这5分钟是可以撤单,9:20---9:25这五分钟开放式集合竞价可以输委托买进和卖出的单子,但不能撤单,以9.25分时最大的一比成交价格为开盘价。早上涨停价7000手的卖单是众多散户挂号的,机构以大比买单试验出涨停价位有多大压力来决定今天的操盘。9.25分钟前,操盘手在计划中要拉升的价位上事先挂上自己的卖单,然后另一个操盘手用其它帐号对敲拉升。正常的操盘手是跳开价格拉升,就是直接往卖2---卖5上打,然后封涨停,,时间快,成本低,。,时间慢,成本高,如果拉到涨停,涨停价挂单不只and other bad habits. Implementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry forward the meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is no small matter. Business services a small mistake, it is possible to order at its meetings disrupted the entire, feedback on the content and timing a bit negligent, it could work in a passive position, slightly poor reception, may affect the image of a place and unit. Therefore, the Office staff with a high degree of professionalism and responsibility, serious and responsible, meticulous, careful to do everything to ensure that globalSmoothly. To carry forward the hard work, honest style. Adhere to the "Ning public and poverty, is not private and rich" old adage, bearing in mind the purpose of serving, consciously resist the erosion of various corruption and self-discipline, integrity, do not take leadership on behalf of the Office for personal affairs, not banner of leading organs of self-serving, and always maintain and carry forward the fine style of hard work, thrift and career, be honest and upright. Comrades, Government Office work task is glorious, a great responsibility. Hope the city's system of Government Office around the overall situation, pay attention to implementation of work in the purpose, give full play to staff aides, integrated and coordinated implementation, supervision, service functions, close contact, strengthen coordination, collaboration, efforts for grass-roots leadership services, service, quality and level of services for the masses to push to a new level. 2003 annual summary meeting of the Office of the municipal government reports on innovation 7000手,会达到几万手,主力决不会以这样大的成本去拉涨停。,除非竟价时,散户涨停价挂单小于2000手,开盘价高开2.5%以上戒机构先下单直接封涨停,,各为朋友看盘时,如果跳价拉升,当天拉涨停的机会大些。,大家不要看日k线,都是机构做的图形,要多研究60分钟k线。60分钟k线可以帮助你在比较好的时间买入和卖出,做好波段,。 但是最简单的早盘选股法是根据早盘9:20-9:25这段时间的量比排名来定的,则我们需要一个完整的选股思路: 1、在集合竞价时间段我们调出 量比排名“.207” 2、马上会出来一系列量比排名的个股。 and other bad habits. Implementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry forward the meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is no small matter. Business services a small mistake, it is possible to order at its meetings disrupted the entire, feedback on the content and timing a bit negligent, it could work in a passive position, slightly poor reception, may affect the image of a place and unit. Therefore, the Office staff with a high degree of professionalism and responsibility, serious and responsible, meticulous, careful to do everything to ensure that globalSmoothly. To carry forward the hard work, honest style. Adhere to the "Ning public and poverty, is not private and rich" old adage, bearing in mind the purpose of serving, consciously resist the erosion of various corruption and self-discipline, integrity, do not take leadership on behalf of the Office for personal affairs, not banner of leading organs of self-serving, and always maintain and carry forward the fine style of hard work, thrift and career, be honest and upright. Comrades, Government Office work task is glorious, a great responsibility. Hope the city's system of Government Office around the overall situation, pay attention to implementation of work in the purpose, give full play to staff aides, integrated and coordinated implementation, supervision, service functions, close contact, strengthen coordination, collaboration, efforts for grass-roots leadership services, service, quality and level of services for the masses to push to a new level. 2003 annual summary meeting of the Office of the municipal government reports on innovation 3、这些都是今日量比排名较前的个股,这个时候我们需要把这些股 票都保存起来,否则一开盘量比发生变化,这些个股就不好找了。 选中第一个个股+按住Shift+再点中最后一个就全部选中。 and other bad habits. Implementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry forward the meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is no small matter. Business services a small mistake, it is possible to order at its meetings disrupted the entire, feedback on the content and timing a bit negligent, it could work in a passive position, slightly poor reception, may affect the image of a place and unit. Therefore, the Office staff with a high degree of professionalism and responsibility, serious and responsible, meticulous, careful to do everything to ensure that globalSmoothly. To carry forward the hard work, honest style. Adhere to the "Ning public and poverty, is not private and rich" old adage, bearing in mind the purpose of serving, consciously resist the erosion of various corruption and self-discipline, integrity, do not take leadership on behalf of the Office for personal affairs, not banner of leading organs of self-serving, and always maintain and carry forward the fine style of hard work, thrift and career, be honest and upright. Comrades, Government Office work task is glorious, a great responsibility. Hope the city's system of Government Office around the overall situation, pay attention to implementation of work in the purpose, give full play to staff aides, integrated and coordinated implementation, supervision, service functions, close contact, strengthen coordination, collaboration, efforts for grass-roots leadership services, service, quality and level of services for the masses to push to a new level. 2003 annual summary meeting of the Office of the municipal government reports on innovation 然后全部选中之后加入到板块股 4、将这些特定时间集合竞价选出来的股票保存到一个板块 and other bad habits. Implementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry forward the meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is no small matter. Business services a small mistake, it is possible to order at its meetings disrupted the entire, feedback on the content and timing a bit negligent, it could work in a passive position, slightly poor reception, may affect the image of a place and unit. Therefore, the Office staff with a high degree of professionalism and responsibility, serious and responsible, meticulous, careful to do everything to ensure that globalSmoothly. To carry forward the hard work, honest style. Adhere to the "Ning public and poverty, is not private and rich" old adage, bearing in mind the purpose of serving, consciously resist the erosion of various corruption and self-discipline, integrity, do not take leadership on behalf of the Office for personal affairs, not banner of leading organs of self-serving, and always maintain and carry forward the fine style of hard work, thrift and career, be honest and upright. Comrades, Government Office work task is glorious, a great responsibility. Hope the city's system of Government Office around the overall situation, pay attention to implementation of work in the purpose, give full play to staff aides, integrated and coordinated implementation, supervision, service functions, close contact, strengthen coordination, collaboration, efforts for grass-roots leadership services, service, quality and level of services for the masses to push to a new level. 2003 annual summary meeting of the Office of the municipal government reports on innovation 5、调出来,输入“集合424” 6、然后把那些今日收阴线下跌的和ST的个股全部删除 and other bad habits. Implementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry forward the meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is no small matter. Business services a small mistake, it is possible to order at its meetings disrupted the entire, feedback on the content and timing a bit negligent, it could work in a passive position, slightly poor reception, may affect the image of a place and unit. Therefore, the Office staff with a high degree of professionalism and responsibility, serious and responsible, meticulous, careful to do everything to ensure that globalSmoothly. To carry forward the hard work, honest style. Adhere to the "Ning public and poverty, is not private and rich" old adage, bearing in mind the purpose of serving, consciously resist the erosion of various corruption and self-discipline, integrity, do not take leadership on behalf of the Office for personal affairs, not banner of leading organs of self-serving, and always maintain and carry forward the fine style of hard work, thrift and career, be honest and upright. Comrades, Government Office work task is glorious, a great responsibility. Hope the city's system of Government Office around the overall situation, pay attention to implementation of work in the purpose, give full play to staff aides, integrated and coordinated implementation, supervision, service functions, close contact, strengthen coordination, collaboration, efforts for grass-roots leadership services, service, quality and level of services for the masses to push to a new level. 2003 annual summary meeting of the Office of the municipal government reports on innovation 然后把已经涨停板的个股也删除,得到的就是今日开盘我们要重点关 注的个股了,这些股票再结合各种技术形态去分析,消息面去分析, 最后得出涨幅在0%-7%以内的个股,重点关注,开盘第一时间介入, 获利一定丰厚。 更多股票理财信息关注【通金魔方】www.17mf.com and other bad habits. Implementation to grab at the front, the maximum possible for jobs initiative to achieve efficient service. To carry forward the meticulous, detailed style. In the Office is no small matter. Business services a small mistake, it is possible to order at its meetings disrupted the entire, feedback on the content and timing a bit negligent, it could work in a passive position, slightly poor reception, may affect the image of a place and unit. Therefore, the Office staff with a high degree of professionalism and responsibility, serious and responsible, meticulous, careful to do everything to ensure that globalSmoothly. To carry forward the hard work, honest style. Adhere to the "Ning public and poverty, is not private and rich" old adage, bearing in mind the purpose of serving, consciously resist the erosion of various corruption and self-discipline, integrity, do not take leadership on behalf of the Office for personal affairs, not banner of leading organs of self-serving, and always maintain and carry forward the fine style of hard work, thrift and career, be honest and upright. Comrades, Government Office work task is glorious, a great responsibility. Hope the city's system of Government Office around the overall situation, pay attention to implementation of work in the purpose, give full play to staff aides, integrated and coordinated implementation, supervision, service functions, close contact, strengthen coordination, collaboration, efforts for grass-roots leadership services, service, quality and level of services for the masses to push to a new level. 2003 annual summary meeting of the Office of the municipal government reports on innovation
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