
什么是借壳上市 借壳上市的7大经典案例

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什么是借壳上市 借壳上市的7大经典案例什么是借壳上市 借壳上市的7大经典案例 企业上市是企业获取流动自己非常重要的渠道,对于企业的发展而言有百利而无一害,所以上市也就成为很多老板们时时思考谈论的话题,但实际上,上市显然是一个相当复杂的过程,又是由于股权结构复杂和一些政策的关系,让上市变得更加困哪。但是办法总比困难多,聪明人又相处了借壳上市的办法——投资人取得上市公司实际控制权,将原上市公司资产、业务进行必要处置或剥离后,将自己所属业务“装进”已上市公司并成为其主营业务,即为“借壳上市”。高端营销推广平台鹿豹座在此为您介绍如何取得已上市公司实际控制权的七大类基本手...
什么是借壳上市 借壳上市的7大经典案例
什么是借壳上市 借壳上市的7大经典案例 企业上市是企业获取流动自己非常重要的渠道,对于企业的发展而言有百利而无一害,所以上市也就成为很多老板们时时思考谈论的话,但实际上,上市显然是一个相当复杂的过程,又是由于股权结构复杂和一些政策的关系,让上市变得更加困哪。但是办法总比困难多,聪明人又相处了借壳上市的办法——投资人取得上市公司实际控制权,将原上市公司资产、业务进行必要处置或剥离后,将自己所属业务“装进”已上市公司并成为其主营业务,即为“借壳上市”。高端营销推广平台鹿豹座在此为您介绍如何取得已上市公司实际控制权的七大类基本手法。 一、协议收购:金融街集团 协议收购,指收购方与上市公司的股东以协议方式进行的股权转让行为。协议收购是我国股权分置条件下特有的上市公司国有股和法人股的收购方式。 北京金融街集团(以下简称“金融界集团”)是北京市西城区国资委全资的以资本运营和资产管理为主业的全民所有制企业。金融街主营业务为房地产开发,在当时政策环境下,房地产公司IPO有诸多困难。 重庆华亚现代纸业股份有限公司(000402,以下简称“重庆华亚”)成立于1996年6月18日,主页为纸包装制品、聚乙烯制品、包装材料等的生产和销售,其控股股东为重庆华亚的控股股东华西包装集团。 为利用上市公司资本运作平台,实现公司快速发展,1999年12月27日,华西包装集团与金融街集团签订了股权转让协议,华西集团将其持有的4869.15万股(占总股本的61.88%)国有法人股转让给金融街集团。 2000年5月24日,金融街集团在中国证券登记结算公司深圳分公司办理了股权过户手续。 of the work is not high, struggling to cope, a mere formality. Corrective measures: (lead leader: Luo Mingjun, Rectification time: September 25th, 1), long-term adherence to strictly abide by the party's political discipline. Strictly abide by the constitution, the principle of Party organization and party political life standards, do not spread against the party's theory and policy advice, not published against the central and provincial decision not to divulge the speech, party and state secrets, not not to participate in a variety of illegal manufacturing organizations and activities, dissemination of political rumors and false information, not to publish lossy unity remarks does not undermine the unity of things. 2, consciously accept the supervision of the organization. The Party firmly and consciously ideologically, politically, highly consistent with the Central Committee to keep the action, and resolutely safeguard the authority Kennedy. Must safeguard the centralism. Take the lead in compliance with the constitution, strict party life, strengthen the political party, the principle of life, fighting. To further strengthen the organization and procedure of ideas, adhere to the major issues and report according to the regulations. Party members take the lead to a common Party member to participate in branch organizational life, accept the supervision of the organization. (seven) safety supervision grassroots cadres is not enough. A few leading cadres style floating love when peace officer in the office, to the grassroots, not willing to mining enterprises to conduct field research in the specific work not burden, dare not touch, in the work of "Dragonfly" phenomenon, keen on Formalism, do not further, not specious writing, seek practical results, sense of responsibility is not strong. Such as production safety supervision and management work, the strict requirements, heavy task, individual leading cadres to everyday things busy as an excuse, "urged not do" or "knock on the ring"Lack 2000年7月31日,重庆华亚更名为“金融街控股股份有限公司”(以下简称“金融街控股”)。 之后,金融街控股将所有的全部资产及负债(连同人员)整体置出给金融街集团,再由华西包装集团购回;金融街集团将房地产类资产及所对应的负债置入公司,置入净资产大于置出净资产的部分作为金融街控股对金融街集团的负债,由金融街控股无偿使用3年。 2001年4月,金融街控股注册地由重庆迁至北京。至此,金融街集团实现借净壳上市。 二、举牌收购:北大方正 二级市场竞价收购,指收购方通过证券二级市场(证券交易所集中竞价系统)购买上市公司流通股股份的方式,典型者如北大方正收购延中实业流通股股份。 延中实业(600601)是二级市场上典型的三无概念股——无国家股、无法人股、无外资股,其公司股份全部为流通股,股权结构非常分散,没有具备特别优势的大股东,在收购行动中最容易成为被逐猎的目标。1993年9月,宝安集团就曾在二级市场上收购延中实业,拉开了中国上市公司收购的序幕。 1998年2月5日,北大方正及相关企业在二级市场举牌收购延中实业(600601),随后将计算机、彩色显示器等优质资产注入了延中实业,并改名为方正科技,成为第一家完全通过二级市场收购实现借壳上市的公司。 同样的并购,还包括天津大港油田收购爱使股份(600652)。 爱使股份最前身是上海设备有限公司,1985年面向社会公开发起设立,并于1990年底成为我国首批在交易所公开上市的企业之一。在1990年上市时总股本只有40万,到1995年5月,经过两次配送后,总股本才只有6739.2万股,是典型的小盘股,且都是流通股。由于爱使股份盘子非常小,又是全流通股,上市后的10年内以控制权五易其手的纪录创下之最。自然人胡兴平、辽宁国发集团、延中实业、天津大港集团、明天等相关联企业先后入主爱使股份。 1998年7月1日,天津大港油田发布举牌公告,大港油田两家关联企业合并持有爱使of the work is not high, struggling to cope, a mere formality. Corrective measures: (lead leader: Luo Mingjun, Rectification time: September 25th, 1), long-term adherence to strictly abide by the party's political discipline. Strictly abide by the constitution, the principle of Party organization and party political life standards, do not spread against the party's theory and policy advice, not published against the central and provincial decision not to divulge the speech, party and state secrets, not not to participate in a variety of illegal manufacturing organizations and activities, dissemination of political rumors and false information, not to publish lossy unity remarks does not undermine the unity of things. 2, consciously accept the supervision of the organization. The Party firmly and consciously ideologically, politically, highly consistent with the Central Committee to keep the action, and resolutely safeguard the authority Kennedy. Must safeguard the centralism. Take the lead in compliance with the constitution, strict party life, strengthen the political party, the principle of life, fighting. To further strengthen the organization and procedure of ideas, adhere to the major issues and report according to the regulations. Party members take the lead to a common Party member to participate in branch organizational life, accept the supervision of the organization. (seven) safety supervision grassroots cadres is not enough. A few leading cadres style floating love when peace officer in the office, to the grassroots, not willing to mining enterprises to conduct field research in the specific work not burden, dare not touch, in the work of "Dragonfly" phenomenon, keen on Formalism, do not further, not specious writing, seek practical results, sense of responsibility is not strong. Such as production safety supervision and management work, the strict requirements, heavy task, individual leading cadres to everyday things busy as an excuse, "urged not do" or "knock on the ring"Lack 高端网络营销推广平台 鹿豹座 www.lbzuo.com 股份的比例达到5.0001%,截至1998年7月31日,大港油田通过旗下3家公司4次举牌,共持有爱使股份10.0116%的股份。大港的进入引起爱使管理层的强烈反对,爱使董事长秦国梁将大港的收购斥为敌意收购,双方为公司章程是否违背《公司法》大打口水战。为阻止天津大港油田收购,爱使股份甚至采取了“焦土战术”,1998年8月21日公布的1998年中报中显示,当年上半年公司净资产收益率仅为0.5383%,意欲打消大港收购积极性。后在上海市政府的协调下,秦国梁作出妥协,大港油田进入爱使董事会,大港方李遵义当选为董事长,总经理由天津大港方面的人担任。天津大港油田收购爱使股份后,置入天津大港油田港润石油高科技公司70%的股权,实现借壳上市,并实施配股,募集资金3.52亿元。 三、收购上市公司母公司:凯雷 收购上市公司母公司,也就间接控股了上市公司,还可以避免很多法律、政策上的障碍。如样板戏中所唱:山前强攻不是办法,可以探寻一条攻占威武山的“后山小道”。凯雷投资收购徐工科技(000425)母公司——徐州工程机械集团,就是一例。 徐工机械于2002年7月28日成立,徐工集团以净资产6.34亿元作为出资,持股51.32%,余下的股权由四大资产管理公司分别持有。次年1月,徐工机械无偿受让了徐工集团持有的徐工科技(000425)35.53%的股权,成为上市公司第一大股东。 凯雷投资是注册美国从事股权投资的公司,其在亚洲从事股权投资的公司称为凯雷亚洲投资公司。为完成收购徐工集团,凯雷亚洲投资公司专门成立了全资子公司凯雷徐工。 在徐工机械并购案例中,并购对赌体现在并购标的的定价上。协议中,在徐工股权转让获批后,将支付2.55亿元的收购价款,购买82.11%徐工机械股权。同时,凯雷徐工将对徐工科技分两次进行总额为1.2亿美元的增资。第一部分的6000万美元与2.55亿元同时支付。另外的6000万美元则要求徐工机械2006年的经常性EBITDA达到约定目标方可支付。 由于徐工机械直接及间接持有徐工科技43.06的股权,为其第一大股东,因此凯雷徐工实际上也取得了徐工科技的相对控股权。 四、行政划拨:北京住总集团 琼民源全称为海南民源现代农业发展股份有限公司,其前身为1988年7月在海南注册成立的北京市科委所属的民源海南公司,1993年4月30日在深交所上市交易。截至1996年底,琼民源总股本55956.42万股,占总股本的38.92,。 1996年下半年,民源海南公司与深圳有色金属财务公司(琼民源股东,财务顾问)联手炒作琼民源股票;加之某些传媒对琼民源业绩大加渲染,致使众多投资者在不明真相的情况下盲目跟进,琼民源股份在短短的5个月时间里上涨了4倍。1997年初,琼民源颂财务,谎称1996年度“实现利润5.7亿元,资本公积金增加6.57亿元”,比1995年增加一千倍。而当证券监管部门和广大投资者对琼民源业绩提出质疑并要求公司董事对其真实性负责时,全体董事竟集体辞职,并申请股票停牌,完全置投资者利益不顾。 证监会于1997年2月28日宣布琼民源停牌,当时的收盘价为23.49元。随后,证监会对琼民源进行了调查,发现公司虚增公积金6.57亿元,虚构利润5.4亿,报告是假的。证监会对造假、操纵股价的琼民源及有关的会计师事务所和注册会计师进行了处罚。1998年11 of the work is not high, struggling to cope, a mere formality. Corrective measures: (lead leader: Luo Mingjun, Rectification time: September 25th, 1), long-term adherence to strictly abide by the party's political discipline. Strictly abide by the constitution, the principle of Party organization and party political life standards, do not spread against the party's theory and policy advice, not published against the central and provincial decision not to divulge the speech, party and state secrets, not not to participate in a variety of illegal manufacturing organizations and activities, dissemination of political rumors and false information, not to publish lossy unity remarks does not undermine the unity of things. 2, consciously accept the supervision of the organization. The Party firmly and consciously ideologically, politically, highly consistent with the Central Committee to keep the action, and resolutely safeguard the authority Kennedy. Must safeguard the centralism. Take the lead in compliance with the constitution, strict party life, strengthen the political party, the principle of life, fighting. To further strengthen the organization and procedure of ideas, adhere to the major issues and report according to the regulations. Party members take the lead to a common Party member to participate in branch organizational life, accept the supervision of the organization. (seven) safety supervision grassroots cadres is not enough. A few leading cadres style floating love when peace officer in the office, to the grassroots, not willing to mining enterprises to conduct field research in the specific work not burden, dare not touch, in the work of "Dragonfly" phenomenon, keen on Formalism, do not further, not specious writing, seek practical results, sense of responsibility is not strong. Such as production safety supervision and management work, the strict requirements, heavy task, individual leading cadres to everyday things busy as an excuse, "urged not do" or "knock on the ring"Lack 月12日,北京市第一中级人民法院对琼民源一案作出一审判决,琼民源董事长马玉和及公司聘用的会计师文昭被判刑。至此,国内证券史上最严重的一起诈案水落石出。但是,琼民源股票停盘了,持有18742.347万股琼民源流通股的散户被套,成本价多在15-20元的高价。琼民源问题由此而生。 由于琼民源的利润几乎全部是虚构的,如果证监会允许公司复牌交易,股价一定会大幅急跌,严重损害投资者利益,尤其是散户的利益。因此,证监会积极支持外部力量对琼民源进行重组。 1998年,北京市政府提出新中关村规划,目标是将中关村培育成为创新能力为基础的“具有中国特色的科技园”。新规划拟投资100多亿,将中关村西区10平方公里建商贸区,将中关村东区2平方公里的中科院建成以研究为重点的科学城。改建后的中关村将包括研究中心、商贸区、跨国公司总部,以及由创业投资基金、银行、投资银行组成的高级金融区,使之真正成为中国未来的“硅谷”。国务院批复了这一规划,中关村即将兴起大规模的建设。 北京住宅建设总公司(简称“北京住总”)是一家大型的以建筑为主业的集团公司,拥有五个全资土建公司和三个全资设备安装、装饰和市政建设的专业公司。由于建筑市场竞争激烈,虽然市场需求很旺盛,但整个行业的效益并不高。如果住总以建筑为主业上市,难度较大,上市后市场的表现亦不乐观。 在此背景下,急切盼望上市的北京住总看到了琼民源重组这一题材与机会,经过积极努力,在北京市政府的全力支持下,北京住总抓住了这个机会,联合六家有浓烈科技色彩的企业,将新组建的公司定名为中关村科技发展股份有限公司(以下简称“中关村”),准备以全新的高科技形象出现在市场。其具体步伐为: 1、行政划拨壳公司股权,借壳方获得壳公司控制权 1998年11月20日,北京市政府批准将民源海南公司持有的琼民源38.92,的国有法人股无偿划拨给北京住总集团。这一安排使北京住总集团代替民源海南公司成为琼民源的第一大股东,既保证了住总集团有权对琼民源的资产进行重组,又使中关村与琼民源的资产、债务并不发生直接的关系。 2、组建具有股份公司性质的借壳公司 1999年6月8日,以北京住总为主发起人,联合北京市国资经营公司、北京市新技术产业发展服务中心、实创高科、联想集团、北大方正、四通集团等六家发起人,发起设立“中关村”公司。经北京德威资产评估有限公司评估,并由财政部确认,北京住总注入中关村建筑安装类净资产为2.7亿元,按1:1的比例折为2.7亿股国有法人股,由北京主总持有;其他六家发起人共使出现金3000万元按1:1的折股比例折为3000万股发起人股。 3、定向增发实现增资 1999年6月,中关村向北京住总定向增发18742万股,北京住总以经评估确认后的18742万元净资产(建安类)按1:1的比例认购股份。通过定向增发,中关村的总股本增至48742万股。 4、收购方其定向增发获得的借壳公司的股份与壳公司流通股份互换,实现“借尸还魂”。 1999年6月,经中国证监会同意,北京住总将自己拥有的中关村定向增发的18742万of the work is not high, struggling to cope, a mere formality. Corrective measures: (lead leader: Luo Mingjun, Rectification time: September 25th, 1), long-term adherence to strictly abide by the party's political discipline. Strictly abide by the constitution, the principle of Party organization and party political life standards, do not spread against the party's theory and policy advice, not published against the central and provincial decision not to divulge the speech, party and state secrets, not not to participate in a variety of illegal manufacturing organizations and activities, dissemination of political rumors and false information, not to publish lossy unity remarks does not undermine the unity of things. 2, consciously accept the supervision of the organization. The Party firmly and consciously ideologically, politically, highly consistent with the Central Committee to keep the action, and resolutely safeguard the authority Kennedy. Must safeguard the centralism. Take the lead in compliance with the constitution, strict party life, strengthen the political party, the principle of life, fighting. To further strengthen the organization and procedure of ideas, adhere to the major issues and report according to the regulations. Party members take the lead to a common Party member to participate in branch organizational life, accept the supervision of the organization. (seven) safety supervision grassroots cadres is not enough. A few leading cadres style floating love when peace officer in the office, to the grassroots, not willing to mining enterprises to conduct field research in the specific work not burden, dare not touch, in the work of "Dragonfly" phenomenon, keen on Formalism, do not further, not specious writing, seek practical results, sense of responsibility is not strong. Such as production safety supervision and management work, the strict requirements, heavy task, individual leading cadres to everyday things busy as an excuse, "urged not do" or "knock on the ring"Lack 高端网络营销推广平台 鹿豹座 www.lbzuo.com 股股票与琼民源的18742万股社会公众股按1:1的比例实施换股,即琼民源的社会公众股股东可以将自己持有的琼民源股票换成中关村公司的股票。此换股交易相当于中关村向社会公开募集股份,从而成为公开募集设立的股份公司,经批准可在交易所挂牌交易。 此交易结果导致:一方面,琼民源原18472万股流通股份变为北京住总集团一家持有,琼民源股权分布不符合上市公司社会公众股最低比例要求,面临退市困境;另一方面,中关村公司的4.87亿总股本中的1.87亿变为社会公众股流通股,只等证监管部门批准中关村上市,同时琼民源退市,持有琼民源流通股的投资人便有机会在股市中并解套,此谓“借尸(壳公司)还魂(流通股东)”。 5、壳公司退市,借壳公司上市交易 1999年7月7日,琼民源公司董事会与深交所同时发布公告,宣布根据《公司法》第158条和《深圳证券交易所股票上市》的有关规定,经中国证监批准,自1999年7月12日起,琼民源股票终止上市。同日,中关村股票在深交所上市流通(股票代码为000931)。由于高科技题材及其他原因,上市当日,中关村股价维持在30.10,38元,散户解套。 五、司法拍卖:顺义大龙城建 司法拍卖,即投资人通过竞买人民法院所依法拍卖之上市公司股权成为上市公司控股股东。2004年底,宁城县法院委托拍卖国资局所持的全部ST宁窖(600159)国家股,北京顺义大龙城乡建设开发总公司以3000万元竞得53%的股份,取得控股权。 之后,ST宁窖以全部账面资产与北京顺义大龙城乡建设开发总公司所持有的北京市大龙房地产开发有限公司93.30%的股权、北京市大龙顺达建筑工程有限公司98.26%的股权、北京京洋房地产开发有限公司90%的股权进行置换,北京顺义大龙城乡建设开发总公司实现借壳上市。 六、先破产再置换:苏宁环球 法院对资不抵债的上市公司ST吉纸(000718)先行宣告破产,投资人苏宁环球再将其优质资产置入上市公司空壳之中,上市公司控股股东再以象征性价格出让上市公司控股权。这便是苏宁环球低成本的上市之路。 ST吉纸总股本为399,739,080元,其中吉林市国资公司持有国家股200,0980.080股,占总股本的50.06,;募集法人股11,037,000股;社会公众股188,604,000股。 ST吉纸自2002年6月21日开始停产,2003年1月5日至2003年2月27日短暂恢复生产后,自2003年2月28日至2005年6月30日一直处于停产状态,连续亏损,ST吉纸财务状况不断恶化。截至2004年底,ST吉纸资产总额213213.09万元,负债总额233531.72万元,大量到期债务无力偿还。2005年5月9日,ST吉纸接到深圳证券交易所通知,公司股票暂停上市。 苏宁集团始创于1987年,荣列2004年度中国企业500强第420名,2002年在全国工商联上规模民营企业第49位。苏宁集团成立后已累计开发房地产项目近40个,开发面积超过300平方米。 苏宁环球并购ST吉纸并成功借壳上市的步骤为: of the work is not high, struggling to cope, a mere formality. Corrective measures: (lead leader: Luo Mingjun, Rectification time: September 25th, 1), long-term adherence to strictly abide by the party's political discipline. Strictly abide by the constitution, the principle of Party organization and party political life standards, do not spread against the party's theory and policy advice, not published against the central and provincial decision not to divulge the speech, party and state secrets, not not to participate in a variety of illegal manufacturing organizations and activities, dissemination of political rumors and false information, not to publish lossy unity remarks does not undermine the unity of things. 2, consciously accept the supervision of the organization. The Party firmly and consciously ideologically, politically, highly consistent with the Central Committee to keep the action, and resolutely safeguard the authority Kennedy. Must safeguard the centralism. Take the lead in compliance with the constitution, strict party life, strengthen the political party, the principle of life, fighting. To further strengthen the organization and procedure of ideas, adhere to the major issues and report according to the regulations. Party members take the lead to a common Party member to participate in branch organizational life, accept the supervision of the organization. (seven) safety supervision grassroots cadres is not enough. A few leading cadres style floating love when peace officer in the office, to the grassroots, not willing to mining enterprises to conduct field research in the specific work not burden, dare not touch, in the work of "Dragonfly" phenomenon, keen on Formalism, do not further, not specious writing, seek practical results, sense of responsibility is not strong. Such as production safety supervision and management work, the strict requirements, heavy task, individual leading cadres to everyday things busy as an excuse, "urged not do" or "knock on the ring"Lack 1、进入破产程序,解决债务纠纷 2005年4月30日,吉林市中级人民法院受理关于债权人申请公司破产的事项。2005年8月15日,在吉林市中级人民法院的主持下,ST吉纸与债权人达成和解协议,债权人同意公司以全部资产抵偿全部债务,抵偿后公司净资产为0。 吉林市中级人民法院下发(2005)吉中民破字第3-7号民事裁定书,裁定认可和解协议并发布公告,中止破产程序的审理。和解协议自2005年8月24日法院公告之日起生效,在和解协议生效之日起90日内,ST吉纸应将按债权人要求,将全部资产变现,所获资产在法院监管下,按和解协议依法清偿债务。如果和解协议未能按期履行,债权人权申请法院强制招待或者申请法院恢复破产程序,届时*ST吉纸将法院宣告破产。 2、一次性清偿债务,实现净壳 为按期履行和解协议,ST吉纸与林晨鸣纸业有限责任公司(以下简称“吉林晨鸣”)签署了《资产收购协议》,并与吉林造纸(集团)有限公司(以下简称“纸业集团”)签署《承债式收购资产协议》,将其全部资产分别转让给吉林晨鸣和纸业集团。 资产转让和债务重组完成后。ST吉纸成为无资产、无负债、无业务的“净壳”公司。 3、苏宁集团将资产置入 苏宁集团将持有的南京天华百润投资发展有限公司95,的股权和南京华浦高科建材有限公司95,的股权,按经评估确定的价值40277.90万元转让给ST吉纸,并豁免ST吉纸由于受让上述资产而产生的全部债务,即ST吉纸将无偿获得价值40277.90万元的经营性资产。 4、苏宁集团收购股权,实现对上市公司控制 以收购人挽救ST吉纸的行为为前提条件,ST吉纸控股股东吉林市国资公司按收取苏宁集团1元象征性转让款的方式,向苏宁集团转让其持有的ST吉纸全部50.06,的股份。资产置入完成后,ST吉纸净资产从0恢复至40277.90万元,每股净资产从0元上升为1.01元。 资产重组和股权重组后,上市公司由造纸及纸制品生产经营企业变为房地产经营开发企业,其名称为由吉林纸业股分公司变更为苏宁环球股份公司,相应地,股票简称也由“ST吉纸”更名为“苏宁环球”。 七、与母公司“联姻”:复星集团 复星集团收购南钢股份(000787)采取的是与上市公司母公司合资成立新公司,投资人复星集团成为新公司控股股东;上市公司母公司,则以其所持有的上市公司股权出资。 2003年3月,南钢股份的控股股东南京钢铁集团有限公司与上海复星高科技(集团)有限公司、上海复兴产业投资有限公司和上海广鑫科技发展有限公司共同签订合同,合资成立了南京钢铁联合有限公司,四方出资比例为40%、30%、20%、10%,后三者均为民一股脑性质,南钢联合的经济性质为民营性质。 在取得财政部的批准后,南钢集团将再以其所持有的南钢股份35760万股国有股股权及其他部分资产和负债与另外三家股东共同安源持股比例对南钢联合增资。最终的结果,来自of the work is not high, struggling to cope, a mere formality. Corrective measures: (lead leader: Luo Mingjun, Rectification time: September 25th, 1), long-term adherence to strictly abide by the party's political discipline. Strictly abide by the constitution, the principle of Party organization and party political life standards, do not spread against the party's theory and policy advice, not published against the central and provincial decision not to divulge the speech, party and state secrets, not not to participate in a variety of illegal manufacturing organizations and activities, dissemination of political rumors and false information, not to publish lossy unity remarks does not undermine the unity of things. 2, consciously accept the supervision of the organization. The Party firmly and consciously ideologically, politically, highly consistent with the Central Committee to keep the action, and resolutely safeguard the authority Kennedy. Must safeguard the centralism. Take the lead in compliance with the constitution, strict party life, strengthen the political party, the principle of life, fighting. To further strengthen the organization and procedure of ideas, adhere to the major issues and report according to the regulations. Party members take the lead to a common Party member to participate in branch organizational life, accept the supervision of the organization. (seven) safety supervision grassroots cadres is not enough. A few leading cadres style floating love when peace officer in the office, to the grassroots, not willing to mining enterprises to conduct field research in the specific work not burden, dare not touch, in the work of "Dragonfly" phenomenon, keen on Formalism, do not further, not specious writing, seek practical results, sense of responsibility is not strong. Such as production safety supervision and management work, the strict requirements, heavy task, individual leading cadres to everyday things busy as an excuse, "urged not do" or "knock on the ring"Lack 高端网络营销推广平台 鹿豹座 www.lbzuo.com “复星系”的两家公司占南钢联合50%的股权,使“复星系”间接成为南钢股份的实际控 制人。 of the work is not high, struggling to cope, a mere formality. Corrective measures: (lead leader: Luo Mingjun, Rectification time: September 25th, 1), long-term adherence to strictly abide by the party's political discipline. Strictly abide by the constitution, the principle of Party organization and party political life standards, do not spread against the party's theory and policy advice, not published against the central and provincial decision not to divulge the speech, party and state secrets, not not to participate in a variety of illegal manufacturing organizations and activities, dissemination of political rumors and false information, not to publish lossy unity remarks does not undermine the unity of things. 2, consciously accept the supervision of the organization. The Party firmly and consciously ideologically, politically, highly consistent with the Central Committee to keep the action, and resolutely safeguard the authority Kennedy. Must safeguard the centralism. Take the lead in compliance with the constitution, strict party life, strengthen the political party, the principle of life, fighting. To further strengthen the organization and procedure of ideas, adhere to the major issues and report according to the regulations. Party members take the lead to a common Party member to participate in branch organizational life, accept the supervision of the organization. (seven) safety supervision grassroots cadres is not enough. A few leading cadres style floating love when peace officer in the office, to the grassroots, not willing to mining enterprises to conduct field research in the specific work not burden, dare not touch, in the work of "Dragonfly" phenomenon, keen on Formalism, do not further, not specious writing, seek practical results, sense of responsibility is not strong. Such as production safety supervision and management work, the strict requirements, heavy task, individual leading cadres to everyday things busy as an excuse, "urged not do" or "knock on the ring"Lack
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