
英文美文欣赏 阳光下的时光

2017-09-18 3页 doc 15KB 18阅读




英文美文欣赏 阳光下的时光英文美文欣赏 阳光下的时光 考研屋 www.kaoyanwu.com 提供各大机构考研、公务员、四六级辅导视频课程 岁月是一把无情的刻刀,改变了我们的模样,然而记忆中的那片湖水却依然清澈如初,不 曾改变。我们不能活在回忆里,却不能忘记回忆,因为它是属于我们每个人的财富。就让回 忆变成一本书,偶尔翻阅,还能感受到那份酸涩和纯真。 Hour in the Sun John H.Bradley "…I was rich, if not in money, in sunny hours and summer days."——...
英文美文欣赏 阳光下的时光
英文美文欣赏 阳光下的时光 考研屋 www.kaoyanwu.com 提供各大机构考研、公务员、四六级辅导视频课程 岁月是一把无情的刻刀,改变了我们的模样,然而记忆中的那片湖水却依然清澈如初,不 曾改变。我们不能活在回忆里,却不能忘记回忆,因为它是属于我们每个人的财富。就让回 忆变成一本书,偶尔翻阅,还能感受到那份酸涩和纯真。 Hour in the Sun John H.Bradley "…I was rich, if not in money, in sunny hours and summer days."—— Henry David Thoreau 阳光下的时光 约翰,布莱德利 “……我虽然不富甲天下,却拥有无数个艳阳天和夏日。”——亨利,大卫,梭罗 When Thoreau wrote that line, he was thinking of the Walden Pond he knew as a boy. 考研路上必备的网站----考研屋 www.kaoyanwu.com 考研屋 www.kaoyanwu.com 提供各大机构考研、公务员、四六级辅导视频课程 写这句话时,梭罗想起孩提时代的瓦尔登湖。 Woodchoppers and the Iron Horse had not yet greatly damaged the beauty of its setting. A boy could go to the pond and lie on his back against the seat of a boat, lazily drifting from shore to shore while the loons dived and the swallows dipped around him. Thoreau loved to recall such sunny hours and summer days "when idleness was the most attractive and productive business." 当时伐木者和火车尚未严重破坏湖畔的美丽景致。小男孩可以走向湖中,仰卧小舟。自一 岸缓缓漂向另一岸,周遭有鸟儿戏水,燕子翻飞。梭罗喜欢回忆这样的艳阳天和夏日,“慵 懒是最迷人也是最具生产力的事情~” I too was a boy in love with a pond, rich in sunny hours and summer days. Sun and summer are still what they always were, but the boy and the pond changed. The boy, who is now a man, no longer find much time for idle drifting. The pond has been annexed by a great city. 我也曾经是热爱湖塘的小男孩,拥有无数个艳阳天与夏日。如今阳光、夏日依旧,男孩和 湖塘却已改变。那男孩已长大成人,不再有那么多时间泛舟湖上。而湖塘也为大城市所并。 The swamps where herons once hunted are now drained and filled with houses. The bay where water lilies quietly floated is now a harbor for motor boats. In short, everything that the boy loved no longer exists——except in the man's memory of it. 曾有苍鹭觅食的沼泽,如今已枯竭殆尽,上面盖满了房舍。睡莲静静漂浮的湖湾,现在成 了汽艇的避风港。总之,男孩所爱的一切已不复存在——只留在人们的回忆中。 Some people insist that only today and tomorrow matter. But how much poorer we would be if we really lived by that rule~ So much of what we do today is frivolous and futile and soon 考研路上必备的网站----考研屋 www.kaoyanwu.com 考研屋 www.kaoyanwu.com 提供各大机构考研、公务员、四六级辅导视频课程 forgotten. So much of what we hope to do tomorrow never happens. 有些人坚持认为只有今日和明日才是重要的,可是如果真的照此生活,我们将是何其可怜~ 许多今日我们做的事徒劳不足取的,很快就会被忘记。许多我们期待明 下一页

