
个税起征点或管理调至3000元 最快下半年实施(Tax threshold or management to 3000 yuan, the fastest implementation of the second half)

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个税起征点或管理调至3000元 最快下半年实施(Tax threshold or management to 3000 yuan, the fastest implementation of the second half)个税起征点或管理调至3000元 最快下半年实施(Tax threshold or management to 3000 yuan, the fastest implementation of the second half) 个税起征点或管理调至3000元 最快下半年实施(Tax threshold or management to 3000 yuan, the fastest implementation of the second half) In March 21st, the media reported th...
个税起征点或管理调至3000元 最快下半年实施(Tax threshold or management to 3000 yuan, the fastest implementation of the second half)
个税起征点或管理调至3000元 最快下半年实施(Tax threshold or management to 3000 yuan, the fastest implementation of the second half) 个税起征点或管理调至3000元 最快下半年实施(Tax threshold or management to 3000 yuan, the fastest implementation of the second half) In March 21st, the media reported that the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation on personal income tax law amendment (Draft) to make further changes, is expected by the end of March will be submitted to the State Council again. The report quoted the IRS relevant sources disclosed that the tax threshold will be raised to 2500 yuan or 3000 yuan. In China, the current 9 grade progressive tax rate will be reduced to 6. After the adoption of the revised personal income tax plan, it will be submitted to the NPC Standing Committee for discussion. The fastest or will be submitted in April, June for second instance, the second half of the implementation. China's personal income tax levy since 1981, after the tax threshold has been maintained at the level of 800 yuan for over 20 years, 2005 and 2007 respectively, the two countries to increase the tax threshold, and ultimately to 2000 yuan. But with the social and economic development and rising prices, the long-term tax standards, not only did not play a role in regulating income distribution, but also makes many working-class become the main undertaker of the tax category. Data show that in 2010, the rapid growth of personal income tax, income of 483 billion 717 million yuan, an increase of 22.5%, 16.4 percentage points higher than the same period last year. Personal income tax revenue accounted for the proportion of total tax revenue of 6.6%., of which wages, salaries, income tax revenue grew by 26.8%, higher than the overall tax revenue growth. During the NPC and CPPCC sessions, members of the deputies expressed their views on the tax adjustment. CPPCC member and former vice president of the National Development Bank Liu Kegu suggested that the individual income tax threshold should be the index, and linked to inflation; the National People's Congress, Limited by Share Ltd TCL Group Chairman Li Dongsheng said, the tax threshold should be raised to 5000 yuan, the bill has been accepted. The statement further strengthened the public's expectations. But the official position has been more cautious. In March 20th, finance minister Xie Xuren said in the Chinese Development Forum, 2011 will further optimize the tax system reform, to further improve the personal income tax system, improve the personal income tax income tax deduction standard, reasonable adjustment of structure and level, to further reduce the tax burden of low-income persons, strengthen the high income tax system. How much of the cutoff point, look at the Central University of Finance and Economics Tax Institute Vice President Liu Huan, the key is to consider the average wage of Chinese people how high, after the reform, the beneficiary population and substantial benefit. Liu Huan said, “ we have done a survey, from the 19 national industry data analysis, if 2000 yuan, more than half of the people are not taxable, that is the average wage of these industries are less than 2000 yuan, if the threshold increased from 2000 yuan to 2500 yuan. The taxpayer probably reduced by 10%, if increased to 3000 yuan, but also reduce the 10%. so we draw a conclusion that the threshold for each increase of 500 yuan, the taxpayer will reduce 10%.” Time management (Time, Management) Catalog 1 what is time management? 2 time management method 3 the latest concept of time management --GTD 4, the eleven golden rule of time management, [1] 5 time management case study 5.1 case 1: talking about the time management of university administrators [2] 5.2 case two: a little story about time management [3] 5.3 case three: time management - HUAWEI's treasure of success [4] 6 several online time management tools 7 references What is time management? Time management is the effective use of time to reduce variability. The purpose of time management: decide what to do; decide what should not be done. The most important function of time management is to act as a reminder and guideline through prior planning. First, can not manage external requirements? Too busy to attend to all The biggest problem with the supervisor is that too much interference from the outside world has to put aside the work at hand to do something else. One of the responsibilities of being a supervisor is to assemble the efforts of many people and complete a job together. Let me put it another way, A large part of a supervisor's job involves interacting with others, and outside interference is part of the job. You can do some work for the scheduled time off you, when someone find temporary you need to discuss something, tell him you busy at the moment, don't worry you, in your time will go into space. Time management develops very quickly. The first generation is the establishment of memos; the second generation requires prior planning and preparation; the third generation will prioritize in accordance with your understanding of the task. By the fourth generation, it is the authorized management of division of labor and cooperation. Two, there is no way to do things? experience We often do things the way we know or think intuitively, but in fact, this is not the most efficient way. There are many ways to accomplish a task. The key is whether you can find the fastest way. Don't do it without thinking about it. Take a few minutes to measure. What is the best way to get things done more efficiently? Three, the surrounding interference factors? automatic control Around many interference factors, is the time killer, noise, snacks, magazines, newspapers, cosmetics, temperature, security, a sense of direction, pressure, atmosphere, sex, smoking, Lenovo, health status, are many factors. Edit time management method (1) plan management; As for the plan, there are daily plan, weekly plan, monthly plan, quarterly plan and annual plan. Time management focuses on to-do lists, day plan, week plan, month plan. To-do list: make a list of your daily tasks, prioritize, confirm completion times, and highlight the priorities. If you want to avoid forgetting, you should avoid giving up halfway. Try your best to do everything today. What the to-do list includes: non routine work, special matters, work in action plans, yesterday's unfinished business, etc.. Use the single to-do note: every day at a fixed time to develop single (a work done), just make a to-do list, to complete a work crossed one, only to do for an emergency time, the most important one, every day. At the end of each year, the next year's work plan will be made; the work plan for the end of next season will be made at the end of each quarter; the work plan for next month will be made at the end of each month; and the work plan for next week will be made on the weekend (two) the "four quadrant" method of time Famous management scholar Covey proposed a theory of time management, the work carried out in accordance with the division of important and urgent two different levels, basically can be divided into four quadrants: both urgent and important (such as personnel crisis, customer complaints, expiring task, financial crisis), but important no emergency (such as the establishment of interpersonal relationship, new opportunities, staff training, formulate prevention measures and so on), urgent but not important (such as telephone, administrative inspection, administrative department, casual visitor meeting), are not important and not urgent (such as polite gossip, boring letters, personal hobbies etc.). An important concept of time management theory is that we should concentrate on the important and non urgent work, so that we can make a plan for the future. In people's daily work, many times they often have the opportunity to plan and accomplish one thing well. But often, but not in time to do, and with the passage of time, resulting in a decline in quality of work. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on the important, but not urgent, quadrant business. It takes good time to focus on important, but not urgent, transactions. A good way is to set up an appointment. Set up an appointment, their own time will not be occupied by others, so as to effectively carry out work. The important thing about time management How do you distinguish between important and unimportant things? 1, the things that affect the interests of the community are important things; 2, the higher authorities concerned about the important things; 3, things that affect performance appraisal are important things. 4. Important things are important to organizations and individuals. (important, including the amount and nature of the two aspects) The time management method is often expressed in the following diagram: 1, of course, important and urgent things are done immediately 2 and do nothing unimportant or urgent 3, usually do more important but not urgent things (because this is the second quadrant, often referred to as the second quadrant work method) 4. Choose what is urgent but not important. (three) effective time management; The American management scholar Peter Drucker (P F Drucker) that effective time management is mainly to record their time to recognize the time spent in what place; to manage their own time, to reduce non productive work time; on their own time, from sporadic and concentrated, has become a continuous period of time. (four) time ABC classification Their work according to the order of priority is divided into: a (urgent and important), B (secondary), C (general) three; arrangements for the work priorities, a rough estimate of each work time and percentage; in the work record of actual time; daily schedule time arrangement and consumption time comparison, analysis of time use efficiency; re adjust your schedule, work more effectively. (five) consider uncertainty In the process of time management, you also need to deal with unexpected uncertainty events, because the plan does not change quickly, you need to leave time for accidents. There are three ways to prevent such an event: the first is to leave extra spare time for each plan. The second is to make it in the troubled and leave no room, the case is expected to complete the work. It's not impossible. In fact, people who work fast usually do things more accurately than slow people. The third is to prepare a contingency plan. Force yourself to finish the work within the stipulated time, have confidence in your own ability, you have carefully analyzed will be done, and then put them into several artistic units, this is the right quickly through the steps necessary to them. Taking into account uncertainty, when not busy, the general necessary work to be done as soon as possible. In order to do a good job in a job, one must be good at using his or her time. Work is infinite, time is limited. Time is the most precious wealth. No time, no plan, no aim, no power, no strength. Time is so precious, but it is the most flexible, it can be fleeting, but also can play the most effective, time is potential capital. Make full use of every available time and compress the flow of time to maximize the value of time. [Edit] the latest concept of time management, --GTD GTD is the abbreviation of Getting Things Done (complete everything). A best-selling book "Getting Things Done" from David Allen, the domestic Chinese translation, "do it: the art of working without pressure.". The basic method of GTD: GTD specific practices can be divided into collection, collation, organization, review and action five steps: Collection: you can think of is all the matters (GTD called stuff) were listed in the inbox, the inbox can be used to place all the actual folder or basket, also need to record various items of paper or PDA. The key to collecting is to throw everything out of your brain and record all the work. Collation: after putting stuff into inbox, you need to sort it regularly or irregularly and empty inbox. These stuff according to whether it can be put into action to distinguish for finishing, can not be put into action the content can be further divided into reference, may be required after treatment and waste categories, while the contents of the action and then consider whether can be completed within two minutes, if you can immediately act to complete it, if not for the organization on the next step. Organization: personal sensory organization is the core step in GTD. The organization is divided into the organization of reference materials and the organization for the next step. The organization of reference materials is primarily a document management system, and the organization of the next action can be generally divided into: the next action list, waiting list and future / day list. The waiting list mainly records the tasks that delegate others to do. The future / day list is a future plan that records delays and has no specific date of completion, electronic, and so on. The next list is the next step in detail, and if a project involves multi-step work, it needs to be refined into specific work. Different GTD on the next list of the maximum and the general to-do list is that it makes a further refinement, such as in accordance with the location (computer, telephone, office, home and supermarket) were recorded before it can be executed only in these local actions, and when you go to these places also can do the work should know at a glance. Review: a review is an important step in GTD, generally require weekly review and examination, through the review and check all your list and update, to ensure the operation of the GTD system, but also in the review at the same time may also need to plan work next week. Execution: now you can start to act in accordance with each list, in specific action may according to the needs of the environment, how much time, energy and the importance to choose the list and list to action. [Edit] the eleven golden rule of time management [1] Rule 1: be consistent with your values You have to establish personal values. If values are not clear, it's hard to know what's important to you. When you're not clear about your values, the timing is not good. The focus of time management is not on managing time, but on how to allocate time. You never have time to do everything, but you always have time to do what is most important to you. Golden rule two: set clear goals Success is goals, time management is designed to give you the more you want to achieve the goal in the shortest time; you must write this year 4 to 10 goals, find a core goal, and prioritize your goals, then in accordance with the detailed plan, the key is to you plan. Rule three: change your mind Study on the father of American psychology William James on time behavior found that two kinds of attitude toward time: "this work must finish it really hate, so I can drag and try to drag" and "this is not a pleasant job, but it must be done, so I'll begin, let oneself early can get rid of it". When you have a motive, it is important to take the first step quickly. Don't try to reverse your entire habit immediately, but just force yourself to do something you are procrastinating on now. Then, starting tomorrow morning, pick the last thing you want from your list and do it first. Golden rule four: follow the 20 to 80 law There are bound to be sudden and unexpected problems in your life, and if you find yourself dealing with these things every day, it means your time management is not ideal. Successful people spend most of their time doing the most important things, not the most urgent ones. However, most people do what is urgent but unimportant. Golden rule five: arrange "not disturbed" time Every day has at least half an hour to an hour of "no interference" time. If you can have an hour without any interference, locked himself in his room or thinking about work, this one hour is worth your day's work efficiency, efficiency and even sometimes this one hour than you 3 days of work better. Golden rule six: the deadline is strictly stipulated Parkinson (c-NoarthcoteParkinson) wrote in his Parkinsons Parkinson Law: "how much time do you have to complete your work, and your work automatically becomes that much time?"." If you have a full day to do a job, you will spend a day doing it. And if you have only one hour to do the work, you will do it more quickly and efficiently within an hour. Golden rule seven: do a good time log How much time do you spend in doing things, it recorded the details, go out in the morning (including washing, dressing, breakfast, etc.) how much time a ride, how much time, how much time to go out to visit customers...... Keep track of the time you spend each day, and you will clearly see what time you have wasted. This is the same as accounting. When you find the source of your wasted time, you can change it. Golden rule eight: understanding time is greater than money Use your money in exchange for other people's successful experiences, and you must seize every opportunity to learn from the top people. Choose the person you are in contact with, because it will save you a lot of time. If you are with a successful man, he has spent 40 years successfully. You have 400 years of experience with such 10 people Kim nine: learn to make lists Write down everything you want to do. First of all, you can always make sure that you have the task at hand. Don't trust yourself. You can remember everything with your head, and when you see your long list, you also have a sense of urgency. Golden rule ten: it's better to finish the same kind of thing at once If you're doing your homework on paper, you do your homework on that time; if you're thinking and thinking for a while, call the phone, and you'd better put it up at a certain time and finish it at once. When you do one thing repeatedly, you will make perfect practice, and the efficiency will be improved. Golden rule Eleven: do the most efficient work every 1 minutes per second You have to think about what you need to do best to do a good job. Make a list of the things that are most efficient for you, and share the time to do it well. (always direct fire performance target (Si Jinsheng)
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