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看化验结果和孕妇禁用药看化验结果和孕妇禁用药 教你看产检结果 孕妇的产前检查是非常必要的,是对准妈妈和小胎儿的保护。准妈妈拿着许多化验单,常是"一头雾水",这里我们就对一些常用的检查项目加以解释。 停经40天左右,你做的妊娠尿样呈阳性,医生会告诉你:"你怀孕了",还会向准妈妈交代警惕宫外孕,如有腹痛、阴道出血应立即看急诊。如一切正常,孕,2周时来医院做详细检查。到了第12周,检查的项目就应该更全面了。 血常规检查 检查项目:血红蛋白、血小板、白细胞等。 主要是判断准妈妈是否贫血,正常值是100g/L,160g/L。轻度贫血对孕妇及分娩的...
看化验结果和孕妇禁用药 教你看产检结果 孕妇的产前检查是非常必要的,是对准妈妈和小胎儿的保护。准妈妈拿着许多化验单,常是"一头雾水",这里我们就对一些常用的检查项目加以解释。 停经40天左右,你做的妊娠尿样呈阳性,医生会告诉你:"你怀孕了",还会向准妈妈交代警惕宫外孕,如有腹痛、阴道出血应立即看急诊。如一切正常,孕,2周时来医院做详细检查。到了第12周,检查的项目就应该更全面了。 血常规检查 检查项目:血红蛋白、血小板、白细胞等。 主要是判断准妈妈是否贫血,正常值是100g/L,160g/L。轻度贫血对孕妇及分娩的影响不大,重度贫血可引起早产、低体重儿等不良后果。 ?白细胞在机体内起着消灭病原体,保卫健康的作用,正常值是4,10*109/L,超过这个范围说明有感染的可能,但孕期可以轻度升高。 ?血小板在止血过程中起重要作用,正常值为100,300*1012/L,如果血小板低于100*1012/L,则会影响准妈妈的的凝血功能。 尿常规检查 检查项目:尿液中蛋白、糖及酮体,镜检红细胞和白细胞等。 正常情况下,上述指标均为阴性。 ? 如果蛋白阳性,提示有妊娠高血压、肾脏疾病的可能。 ? 如果糖或酮体阳性,说明有糖尿病的可能,需进一步检查。 ? 如果发现有红细胞和白细胞,则提示有尿路感染的可能,需引起重视,如伴有尿频、尿急等症状,需及时治疗。 coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrigation, to cylinder connections to flood the condenser pipes and so on. Well boring, hinge bolt hole flange with coupling of vertical, not oblique. Mounting bolts should be added lubricants, typing gently with a small hammer, not too loose or too tight, packed the bolts with the corresponding seal screw hole should be marked. coupling reamed and pairings is close to the diameter of bolt bearing good hinge holes, dressed with a good two coupling bolts before you can move the rotor, boring-reaming hole in turn. Coupling bolts must be tight coupling is symmetrical diameter, in boring, reaming, two bolts out. Well boring, hinge bolt hole flange with coupling of vertical, not oblique. Due to the coupling bolts in accordance with hinge holes corresponding to the diameter of the screw holes one by one after processing, processing back bolt installation location cannot be changed, so according to bolt after the actual weight difference of nut and lock washer to match. General requirements for coupling two symmetrical diameter bolt, nut and lock washer's total weight difference should not be greater than 10 g and knocks stamped mark. (See Figure 18) The coupling bolts apply lubricant, and then gently with copper home, not too loose or too tight. Bolt Assembly is finished, symmetrical tightening all bolts to 30%, 50%, 70%, 100% force, and check the coupling flutter and before connecting the circle gradually changes its value should be less than 0.02mm. Tightening torque of the coupling bolts shall comply with the technical requirements manufacturers drawings, with a dynamometric wrench or log tension tools. Three wheel rotor swing test coupling connections should be checked: taking leave, 肝、肾功能检查 检查项目:谷丙转氨酶(GPT)、谷草转氨酶(GOT)、尿素氮(BUN)、肌酐(Cr)等。 这些主要是为了检查准妈妈有无肝炎、肾炎等疾病,怀孕时肝脏、肾脏的负担加重,如果上述指标超过正常范围,提示肝、肾功能不正常,怀孕会使原来的疾病"雪上加霜"。 ? 肝功能正常值:谷丙转氨酶0,55U/L;谷草转氨酶0,55U/L。 ? 肾功能正常值:尿素氮9,20mg/dl;肌酐0.5,1.1mg/dl。 血型检查 检查项目:1.ABO血型 2.Rh血型。 检查血型,以备生产时输血,准妈妈了解自己的血型很重要。 ? 如果丈夫为A型、B型或AB型血,孕妇为O型血,生出的小宝宝有ABO溶血的可能。 ? 在亚洲人中Rh血型阴性的较少,大多数为Rh血型阳性。如果男女Rh血型不合,也有可能发生小宝宝溶血。 ? 如果准妈妈为Rh阴性,在生产前医院还要预先备好Rh阴性的血液,一旦分娩时发生意外,就能够及时输血。 梅毒血清学试验 检查项目:1.螺旋体抗体血凝试验(TPHA)2.快速血浆反应素试验(RPR)。 梅毒是由梅毒螺旋体引起的一种性传播性疾病。如果孕妇患梅毒可通过胎盘直接传给胎儿,有导致新生儿先天梅毒的可能。 ?正常孕妇这两项试验结果均为阴性反应。当机体受到梅毒螺旋体感染后,会产生两种抗体,现为RPR阳性和TPHA阳性。RPR阳性的特异性不高,会受到其它疾病的影响而出现假阳性,TPHA阳性可作为梅毒的确诊试验。 艾滋病的血清学检查 人类免疫缺陷病毒HIV试验检查项目:艾滋病(HIV)抗体。 coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrigation, to cylinder connections to flood the condenser pipes and so on. Well boring, hinge bolt hole flange with coupling of vertical, not oblique. Mounting bolts should be added lubricants, typing gently with a small hammer, not too loose or too tight, packed the bolts with the corresponding seal screw hole should be marked. coupling reamed and pairings is close to the diameter of bolt bearing good hinge holes, dressed with a good two coupling bolts before you can move the rotor, boring-reaming hole in turn. Coupling bolts must be tight coupling is symmetrical diameter, in boring, reaming, two bolts out. Well boring, hinge bolt hole flange with coupling of vertical, not oblique. Due to the coupling bolts in accordance with hinge holes corresponding to the diameter of the screw holes one by one after processing, processing back bolt installation location cannot be changed, so according to bolt after the actual weight difference of nut and lock washer to match. General requirements for coupling two symmetrical diameter bolt, nut and lock washer's total weight difference should not be greater than 10 g and knocks stamped mark. (See Figure 18) The coupling bolts apply lubricant, and then gently with copper home, not too loose or too tight. Bolt Assembly is finished, symmetrical tightening all bolts to 30%, 50%, 70%, 100% force, and check the coupling flutter and before connecting the circle gradually changes its value should be less than 0.02mm. Tightening torque of the coupling bolts shall comply with the technical requirements manufacturers drawings, with a dynamometric wrench or log tension tools. Three wheel rotor swing test coupling connections should be checked: taking leave, 艾滋病是获得性免疫缺陷综合征的直译名称,是一种严重的免疫缺陷疾患,其病原体是HIV病毒。正常孕妇HIV抗体为阴性。 ?如果感染了HIV病毒,则结果为阳性。HIV病毒会通过胎盘传播给胎儿,会造成新生儿HIV病毒感染。 乙型肝炎(HBV)病毒学检查 检查项目:乙肝病毒抗原。 在病毒性肝炎中,以乙型肝炎发病率最高,在妊娠早期可使早孕反应加重,且易发展为急性重症肝炎,危及生命。乙肝病毒可通过胎盘感染胎儿,母婴传播的概率达到90,以上。 ?正常孕妇各项指标均为阴性。 ? 如果单纯乙型肝炎表面抗体(HBsAb)阳性,说明以前感染过乙肝病毒,现已经痊愈,并且对乙肝病毒具有免疫力。 丙型肝炎(HCV)病毒检查 检查项目:丙型肝炎(HCV)抗体。 丙型肝炎病毒是丙肝的病原体,75,患者并无症状,仅25,患者有发热、呕吐、腹泻等。丙型肝炎病毒也可通过胎盘传给胎儿。 ?正常孕妇检查结果为阴性,如果为阳性,说明有丙型肝炎病毒感染,需引起医生和孕妇的重视。 唐氏综合症产前筛查 检查项目:唐氏综合症血清学筛查。 唐氏综合症产前筛查是用一种比较经济、简便、对胎儿无损伤性的检测方法在孕妇中查找出怀有先天愚型胎儿的高危个体。先天愚型的发病率为1/1000(新生儿),是严重先天智力障碍的主要原因之一,正常夫妇亦有生育先天愚型患儿的可能,并且随着母亲年龄的增高其发病率亦增高。 ?每位准妈妈在孕中期14,20周之间进行检查,阴性只表明胎儿发生该种先天异常的机会很 coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrigation, to cylinder connections to flood the condenser pipes and so on. Well boring, hinge bolt hole flange with coupling of vertical, not oblique. Mounting bolts should be added lubricants, typing gently with a small hammer, not too loose or too tight, packed the bolts with the corresponding seal screw hole should be marked. coupling reamed and pairings is close to the diameter of bolt bearing good hinge holes, dressed with a good two coupling bolts before you can move the rotor, boring-reaming hole in turn. Coupling bolts must be tight coupling is symmetrical diameter, in boring, reaming, two bolts out. Well boring, hinge bolt hole flange with coupling of vertical, not oblique. Due to the coupling bolts in accordance with hinge holes corresponding to the diameter of the screw holes one by one after processing, processing back bolt installation location cannot be changed, so according to bolt after the actual weight difference of nut and lock washer to match. General requirements for coupling two symmetrical diameter bolt, nut and lock washer's total weight difference should not be greater than 10 g and knocks stamped mark. (See Figure 18) The coupling bolts apply lubricant, and then gently with copper home, not too loose or too tight. Bolt Assembly is finished, symmetrical tightening all bolts to 30%, 50%, 70%, 100% force, and check the coupling flutter and before connecting the circle gradually changes its value should be less than 0.02mm. Tightening torque of the coupling bolts shall comply with the technical requirements manufacturers drawings, with a dynamometric wrench or log tension tools. Three wheel rotor swing test coupling connections should be checked: taking leave, 低,并不能完全排除这种异常。产前筛查结果以风险率表示,医生会建议风险高的孕妇进一步作羊水检查。 TORCH综合症产前筛查 检查项目:风疹病毒(RV)、弓形虫(TOX)、巨细胞病毒(CMV)、单纯疱疹病毒(HSV)抗体、人体微细病毒(,,,)。 准妈妈在妊娠4个月以前如果感染了以上这些病毒,都可能使胎儿发生严重的先天性畸形,甚至流产。 ?最好是在准备怀孕前进行此项检查,正常为阴性,如果检查呈阳性,应经治疗后再怀孕。对于家中养宠物的准妈妈更要进行检查。 心电图检查 检查项目:心电图。 这项检查是为了排除心脏疾病,以确认准妈妈是否能承受分娩。 ?正常情况下结果为:正常心电图。如心电图异常,需及时向医生咨询,并作进一步检查。 超声检查 检查项目:B超。 B超检查一般在孕期至少做,次,它可以看到胎儿的躯体,头部、胎心跳动,胎盘、羊水和脐带等。可检测胎儿是否存活,是否为多胎、甚至还能鉴定胎儿是否畸形(如无脑儿、脑积水、肾积水、多囊肾短肢畸形、联体畸形、先天性心脏病等)。 ? 羊水深度在,,,厘米之间为正常,超过,厘米为羊水增多,少于,厘米则为羊水减少,都对胎儿生长不利。 ? 胎心存在,说明胎儿存活。正常胎心率为120,160次/分,低于或超出这个范围则提示胎儿在宫内有缺氧的可能。 TCT检查 coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrigation, to cylinder connections to flood the condenser pipes and so on. Well boring, hinge bolt hole flange with coupling of vertical, not oblique. Mounting bolts should be added lubricants, typing gently with a small hammer, not too loose or too tight, packed the bolts with the corresponding seal screw hole should be marked. coupling reamed and pairings is close to the diameter of bolt bearing good hinge holes, dressed with a good two coupling bolts before you can move the rotor, boring-reaming hole in turn. Coupling bolts must be tight coupling is symmetrical diameter, in boring, reaming, two bolts out. Well boring, hinge bolt hole flange with coupling of vertical, not oblique. Due to the coupling bolts in accordance with hinge holes corresponding to the diameter of the screw holes one by one after processing, processing back bolt installation location cannot be changed, so according to bolt after the actual weight difference of nut and lock washer to match. General requirements for coupling two symmetrical diameter bolt, nut and lock washer's total weight difference should not be greater than 10 g and knocks stamped mark. (See Figure 18) The coupling bolts apply lubricant, and then gently with copper home, not too loose or too tight. Bolt Assembly is finished, symmetrical tightening all bolts to 30%, 50%, 70%, 100% force, and check the coupling flutter and before connecting the circle gradually changes its value should be less than 0.02mm. Tightening torque of the coupling bolts shall comply with the technical requirements manufacturers drawings, with a dynamometric wrench or log tension tools. Three wheel rotor swing test coupling connections should be checked: taking leave, TCT是液基薄层细胞检测的简称,TCT检查是采用液基薄层细胞检测系统检测宫颈细胞并进行TBS细胞学分类诊断,它是目前国际上最先进的一种宫颈癌细胞学检查技术,与传统的宫颈刮片巴氏涂片检查相比明显提高了标本的满意度及宫颈异常细胞检出率。TCT宫颈防癌细胞学检查对宫颈癌细胞的检出率为100%,同时还能发现癌前病变,微生物感染如霉菌、滴虫、衣原体等。 阴道分泌物检查 检查项目:白带清洁度、念珠菌和滴虫、线索细胞。 白带是阴道粘膜渗出物、宫颈管及子宫内膜腺体分泌物等混合组成。 ? 正常情况下清洁度为?,?度, ?,?度为异常白带,表示阴道炎症。 ? 念珠菌或滴虫阳性说明有感染,需进行相应的治疗,正常值为阴性。 妊娠糖尿病筛查 检查项目:50克葡萄糖负荷试验。 这是一种妊娠糖尿病筛查试验。在妊娠,,,,,周进行,口服含50克葡萄糖的水,一小时后抽血检测血浆血糖值。 ?如果?7.8mmol/L(或140mg/dL),则说明筛查阳性,需进一步进行75克葡萄糖耐量试验,以明确有无妊娠糖尿病。 通过这些介绍,准妈妈们对手上的这些化验单有了清楚的认识了吧,如果有异常,要引起警惕,应及时向医生咨询啊。 孕期禁用药和准用药(转自中国母亲网) 下面资料参考: 孕期上呼吸道或下呼吸道细菌感染时,可选用青霉素、先锋、西力欣、希克劳、菌必治。 青霉素:美国研究资料发现,在妊娠首三个月内使用过青霉素的3546名孕妇中,未发现对胎儿有不良影响,其新生儿畸形率亦未见增高。但妊娠后期大剂量使用可破坏胎儿细胞和引起黄疸。 青霉素V口服剂:据美国密执安药物使用监测研究资料显示,本品对胎儿无致畸影响。 给准妈妈的爱心提示 coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrigation, to cylinder connections to flood the condenser pipes and so on. Well boring, hinge bolt hole flange with coupling of vertical, not oblique. Mounting bolts should be added lubricants, typing gently with a small hammer, not too loose or too tight, packed the bolts with the corresponding seal screw hole should be marked. coupling reamed and pairings is close to the diameter of bolt bearing good hinge holes, dressed with a good two coupling bolts before you can move the rotor, boring-reaming hole in turn. Coupling bolts must be tight coupling is symmetrical diameter, in boring, reaming, two bolts out. Well boring, hinge bolt hole flange with coupling of vertical, not oblique. Due to the coupling bolts in accordance with hinge holes corresponding to the diameter of the screw holes one by one after processing, processing back bolt installation location cannot be changed, so according to bolt after the actual weight difference of nut and lock washer to match. General requirements for coupling two symmetrical diameter bolt, nut and lock washer's total weight difference should not be greater than 10 g and knocks stamped mark. (See Figure 18) The coupling bolts apply lubricant, and then gently with copper home, not too loose or too tight. Bolt Assembly is finished, symmetrical tightening all bolts to 30%, 50%, 70%, 100% force, and check the coupling flutter and before connecting the circle gradually changes its value should be less than 0.02mm. Tightening torque of the coupling bolts shall comply with the technical requirements manufacturers drawings, with a dynamometric wrench or log tension tools. Three wheel rotor swing test coupling connections should be checked: taking leave, 孕期患病怎么用药,时常让人举棋不定,左右为难。 药物对胎儿的影响与孕周的大小有关,由药物引起的胎儿损害或畸形,一般都发生在妊娠期的头3个月内,特别是前8个星期内最为突出。孕妇如果用药不当,往往会引起流产或使胎儿患有功能性疾病,甚至造成先天性畸形。另外,孕妇分娩前2个星期内的用药,也应特别慎重,因为有的药物会影响新生儿的造血功能,或引起严重的黄疸与溶血性贫血,有时甚至会导致胎儿死亡。 呼吸科的疾病多为常见病、多发病,生活中经常会遇到,因此怀孕后患此类疾病的机会较多,用药时需特别注意,但也不要因噎废食,因为害怕药物的副作用而绝对不用药,以致耽误病情,造成更大的损害。 普通感冒是病毒感染引起的,有自限性,病程一周左右,对胎儿影响不会很大,注意休息,多饮水,口服一些中成药即可,如感冒冲剂、板蓝根、柴胡等。不宜使用感冒通、新速效感冒片等抗感冒西药;不宜使用扑热息痛、阿司匹林(乙酰水杨酸)、复方阿司匹林(APC)、去痛片(索密痛)等解热止痛药。如果出现咽痛症状,注意多饮水,少食辛辣食物,不宜服用华素片,因为其中含有碘元素,对胎儿的发育有影响;不宜使用金果含片,因为其中含有对胎儿可能有影响的蟾酥。如出现咳嗽、咯痰,可服用秋梨膏或冰糖梨水。 感冒后如果伴有发热,血白细胞升高,提示可能有上呼吸道细菌感染,此时需要使用抗生素消炎。一般来讲,如果不存在药物过敏的情况,上呼吸道或下呼吸道细菌感染时,可选用青霉素、先锋、西力欣、希克劳、菌必治。其他类抗生素药物须视具体情况酌情选用,用药原则是短期、适量,以将药物的副作用降至最低点,如病情需要可慎用红霉素类,不宜选用奥复星、四环素、氯霉素、增效联磺、庆大霉素等药物。 哮喘病人如怀孕,应根据身体情况选择是否受孕及受孕时间,避开发作期及冬季,可以保证胎儿在前3个月中是安全的。如果怀孕期间哮喘发作或怀孕后新发哮喘,必要时还需用药,如氨茶碱、喘乐宁气雾剂、美喘清、必可酮气雾剂等平喘药。 结核病人应等到结核治愈后再怀孕。如果怀孕期间不幸患上结核,就应使用抗结核药。抗结核药物虽然没有发现肯定的致畸作用,但不是绝对安全的,而结核病本身对胎儿又有较大的危害,因此异烟肼、利福平、乙胺丁醇等药物需要慎重使用。 有些孕妇患病时,对西药怀有恐惧心理,但却随意选用中药,认为它们药性缓和、安全可靠。然而,某些中药含有生物碱等成分,有一定的毒性。若几种中药合用,毒性更为复杂,往往会影响胎儿的生长发育,尤其是在怀孕初期的3个月内,几乎与西药一样,易引起胎儿畸形,coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrigation, to cylinder connections to flood the condenser pipes and so on. Well boring, hinge bolt hole flange with coupling of vertical, not oblique. Mounting bolts should be added lubricants, typing gently with a small hammer, not too loose or too tight, packed the bolts with the corresponding seal screw hole should be marked. coupling reamed and pairings is close to the diameter of bolt bearing good hinge holes, dressed with a good two coupling bolts before you can move the rotor, boring-reaming hole in turn. Coupling bolts must be tight coupling is symmetrical diameter, in boring, reaming, two bolts out. Well boring, hinge bolt hole flange with coupling of vertical, not oblique. Due to the coupling bolts in accordance with hinge holes corresponding to the diameter of the screw holes one by one after processing, processing back bolt installation location cannot be changed, so according to bolt after the actual weight difference of nut and lock washer to match. General requirements for coupling two symmetrical diameter bolt, nut and lock washer's total weight difference should not be greater than 10 g and knocks stamped mark. (See Figure 18) The coupling bolts apply lubricant, and then gently with copper home, not too loose or too tight. Bolt Assembly is finished, symmetrical tightening all bolts to 30%, 50%, 70%, 100% force, and check the coupling flutter and before connecting the circle gradually changes its value should be less than 0.02mm. Tightening torque of the coupling bolts shall comply with the technical requirements manufacturers drawings, with a dynamometric wrench or log tension tools. Three wheel rotor swing test coupling connections should be checked: taking leave, 早产、流产或死胎,所以不能忽视。 孕期特别提示 1.应禁用的中药:活血化瘀药:川芎、益母草等。 峻下理气药:大黄、皂角、元胡等。 芳香走窜药:麝香、冰片等。 2.需慎用的中药有:辛热药:如肉桂、厚朴、干姜等。 补益药:如五味子、棉根皮等。 3.孕妇禁用的中成药:六神丸、牛黄解毒片、活络丹等。 coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrigation, to cylinder connections to flood the condenser pipes and so on. Well boring, hinge bolt hole flange with coupling of vertical, not oblique. Mounting bolts should be added lubricants, typing gently with a small hammer, not too loose or too tight, packed the bolts with the corresponding seal screw hole should be marked. coupling reamed and pairings is close to the diameter of bolt bearing good hinge holes, dressed with a good two coupling bolts before you can move the rotor, boring-reaming hole in turn. Coupling bolts must be tight coupling is symmetrical diameter, in boring, reaming, two bolts out. Well boring, hinge bolt hole flange with coupling of vertical, not oblique. Due to the coupling bolts in accordance with hinge holes corresponding to the diameter of the screw holes one by one after processing, processing back bolt installation location cannot be changed, so according to bolt after the actual weight difference of nut and lock washer to match. General requirements for coupling two symmetrical diameter bolt, nut and lock washer's total weight difference should not be greater than 10 g and knocks stamped mark. (See Figure 18) The coupling bolts apply lubricant, and then gently with copper home, not too loose or too tight. Bolt Assembly is finished, symmetrical tightening all bolts to 30%, 50%, 70%, 100% force, and check the coupling flutter and before connecting the circle gradually changes its value should be less than 0.02mm. Tightening torque of the coupling bolts shall comply with the technical requirements manufacturers drawings, with a dynamometric wrench or log tension tools. Three wheel rotor swing test coupling connections should be checked: taking leave,
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