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安东尼戴维斯的合同安东尼戴维斯的合同 状元安东尼戴维斯的故事 状元安东尼.戴维斯的故事 他当选了最终四强赛的最杰出球员。他几乎被毫无异议地选入了全美第一阵容。他独揽了几乎所有的年度球员奖项。他那高得不可思议的35.71的PER效率值排在全国第一。在NCAA冠军赛中,他掠下了16个篮板,送出了6记大帽,成功威胁到了无数次对手的投篮,还锦上添花地送出了三次抢断。他还拿到了微不足道的六分,投篮命中率只有可怜的十投一中。各种对戴维斯的高度评估都对一个极其刺眼的事实争论不一:虽然他在大学水平中光芒四射,但我们所谈论的不 过是个有时憋足了劲才能把球...
安东尼戴维斯的 状元安东尼戴维斯的 状元安东尼.戴维斯的故事 他当选了最终四强赛的最杰出球员。他几乎被毫无异议地选入了全美第一阵容。他独揽了几乎所有的年度球员奖项。他那高得不可思议的35.71的PER效率值排在全国第一。在NCAA冠军赛中,他掠下了16个篮板,送出了6记大帽,成功威胁到了无数次对手的投篮,还锦上添花地送出了三次抢断。他还拿到了微不足道的六分,投篮命中率只有可怜的十投一中。各种对戴维斯的高度评估都对一个极其刺眼的事实争论不一:虽然他在大学水平中光芒四射,但我们所谈论的不 过是个有时憋足了劲才能把球放进篮筐的廋竹竿一样的孩子。 “我看到有些人拿他和马库斯-坎比(Marcus Camby)对比。好吧,对于安东尼来说的大问题是,?你对此感到高兴吗,?如果他对此感到挺高兴的,而你们作为一支球队则期待比坎比强得多,好吧,那你们真的有点情况了。他自己想变多好,才有可能变多好。” – 东部联盟球员人事总管 对于那些不喜欢漫画书和超级英雄的人来说,戴维斯的荒诞故事还有另一种读法。要是戴维斯没有长高,他的(极有可能非常短促的)篮球生涯就会在所谓的篮球畸形障碍症的折磨下度过了。他就是为了盖帽而生的;而的(急于盖帽的)思想需要一副好身板来打比赛。身高疯长并不是天注定的,它却是我们如今知道安 东尼-戴维斯这个名字的唯一原因。 然而,对于一个其全部故事都是基于一次意想不到的身高疯长的球员,人们很难不去臆想这种可能性来取乐。如果戴维斯的身体发生过一次突变,谁敢说它不会再来一次呢,戴维斯廋得皮包骨。他再得次肠胃病,就成了马努特-波尔(Manute Bol)了。但他能否像凯文-加内特(Kevin Garnett)一样在保持同样体型的条件下再加上一层肌肉,从而得以在内线翻江倒海吗,又或者,体格的膨胀会夺 走他身上那些最卓越的优点、他如羚羊一般的优雅步伐和那让人脉搏加速的逆天弹跳吗, 就现在来说,情况还是这样的:戴维斯首先也是最重要的身份是个盖帽者。暂时而言,各球队还需要考虑最坏的情况:这样一个一招鲜的小伙真的对一支球队,甚至是整个联盟都这么有价值吗, “你看得到他身上的潜力。但潜力和实际战力之间还有很大的区别。” – 约翰-汤普森,前乔治城大学主教练 时机是个很有趣的东西。如果说维斯是一个多年以来一直在期待一副更强壮的体的盖帽者,那么NBA则是一个多年以来一直在等待着戴维斯的联盟。事实上,早在九十年代联盟便已为戴维斯的驾临铺好了路。 1995年,加内特为身手敏捷、运动能力超强的大个子设下了新的标准;几年之后,德克-诺维斯基(Dirk Nowitzki)为联盟引 入了另一个球员模版:一位有着普通控卫两倍的手感与射程,身高七尺的超级巨星。2004年,为了一改已经危及了联盟收视率的烂泥式的比赛风格,联盟改变了比赛规则(至少是改变了规则的实施情况),给了外线更大的自由。没有了防守者手上的顶触和干扰,意味着后卫们如今有了更多的机会来制造空间;射手们可以肆无忌惮地往外拉开。很快,控球后卫取代中锋成为了比赛中最不可或缺的位置。外延型四号位(有良好射程的大前锋)成为了许多进攻战术的基本要素。 戴维斯降临了这个世界,他那见佛杀佛式的盖帽威胁到了后卫们和远射程前锋们的暴政*河蟹*。“除了加内特,联盟中还没有能防到外线去盖帽的防守型大前锋,”NBA写手伊桑-舍伍德-斯特劳斯(Ethan Sherwood Strauss)说道。“戴维斯有能力做到,这可能会改变篮球比赛。各队都非常想得到这个能消除对手外线优势的家伙,这个能成为解毒良药的家伙。”换句话说,本届选秀中的其他球员所能带来的贡献基本是一致的。而戴维斯,除非他彻底成了个失败品,他将会创造出一个新次元。这不是他有多好的问题,而更在于各队都深切感到他对于联盟来说是一次实验,而他们都付不起错过他所带来的巨大损失。 除非,他是个彻底的失败品„„ 在过去五年里,数据专家佩尔顿算出了进入联盟的每位新秀的预测差额胜利场次(译注:Wins Above Replacement Player,该数据用于衡量球员与同位置替补球员对球队贡献的差距)。这五年 来,只有四位新秀球员得到过5.0以上的预测差额胜利场次 – 德胡安-布莱尔(DeJuan Blair,5.7)、凯文-乐福(Kevin Love,5、2)、格雷格-奥登(Greg Oden,5.2)和安东尼-戴维斯(5.2)。第一位如今正徘徊在首发阵容的边缘。第二位已是全明星。第三位已经成了个警世故事。而第四位 – 就眼下而言 – 也不过只是个被吹股得撩人心弦的传说。 如今,各球队看安东尼-戴维斯的时候,他们看见了未来,也看见了过去 – 一个曾一度被认为绝种了的稀少物种。问题是:戴维斯真的能成为那个绝世球员,还是他只不过是第一个提高了这个绝世球员存在可能性的人呢, 篇二:安东尼.戴维斯 天生状元.doc 安东尼.戴维斯 天生状元 作者:易龙吟 来源:《体坛报?体育大周末》2012年第13期 2012年NCAA总决赛落下帷幕,肯塔基大学67?59力克堪萨斯大学,勇夺本年度NCAA锦标赛桂冠。在一阵阵的欢呼中,人们见识了“能够战胜15支NBA球队”的肯塔基大学的恐怖实力,见识了名帅卡利帕里卧薪尝胆之后的得偿所愿,更见识到了被球迷称为“浓眉哥”的安东尼?戴维斯惊为天人的表演。 这位轻松打破NCAA大一新生盖帽纪录,场均可以轻松得到14.4分、10.2个篮板和4.6次盖帽,被所有球探、评论员、经纪人、教练认定为“来自火星”的未来巨星,已然了结了有关2012年状 元秀的一切悬念(只要他决定参选)。这位“最近20年来最无悬念的状元”,在ESPN专家眼中比格里芬更出色,比大学时期的霍华德更加全面,甚至只有詹姆斯和邓肯能够与之相提并论。 长相怪异,天赋异禀的安东尼?戴维斯真的有这么厉害吗,进入NBA之后的道路会平坦吗,不要忘了,上一个如此被追捧的内线正是史上最悲催的状元奥登~ 无与伦比 “浓眉哥”威武 戴维斯的能力显而易见:本赛季在肯塔基,他场均出战31.9分钟,命中率高达63.9%,更为惊人的是,他场均可以送出4.6次封盖。2011年11月12日,戴维斯首战对阵马里斯特,就得到23分、10个篮板、3次助攻、5次盖帽。同年12月18日,他在对阵查塔努加的比赛中,抢下赛季最高的18个篮板。今年2月26日主场对阵范德比尔特,他出战37分钟,11投10中,罚球9投8中,得到赛季最高的28分„„疯狂的大一赛季让他拿奖拿到手软,一口气加冕了美联社NCAA年度最佳球员、奥斯卡?罗伯特森奖、约翰?伍登奖、奈?史密斯年度最佳球员奖以及NCAA四强战MVP,成为杜兰特之后第一位能够拿下如此多殊荣的球员。 进攻端,他手感柔和,有着不错的中远投射程,在肯塔基出手数仅排在第五位的他依靠出色的切入、冲抢进攻篮板、攻防转换以及作为挡拆后的顺下,成为了最具效率的内线得分手。他的两分球命中率高达67%(在过去10年也可排名第15位),失误率仅有9%。尽管由于体重较轻,无法施展背身单打,但他在篮下的命 中率依然高达80%。当然,戴维斯最为骇人的武器还是他在防守端给对手施加的巨大压力。 从“胖子”到“蜘蛛侠” 安东尼?戴维斯这个名字很普通,重名多也不太容易辨识,也许他应该像很多成名的NBA球员那样,有个属于自己的绰号。“大部分人叫我AD(Anthony Davis首拼),我还没有在比赛中有过绰号。”戴维斯说。 加入肯塔基大学不久,主教练约翰?卡利帕里就给戴维斯取了一个绰号——蜘蛛侠。“你看,他正在用手吐丝,他的手臂吊在半空中。”看着戴维斯在球场上各个位置舒展长臂练跳投的场面,卡利帕里情不自禁地说,“他跳起来的时候,牙齿几乎能碰到篮筐,他的手甚至能高过篮板上沿。” 在芝加哥出生的时候,戴维斯就显得比一般新生儿魁梧,所以家人都昵称他为“胖子(Fat Man)”。这个名字伴随戴维斯走过童年,走到青春期的门口。初中高年级,短短几个月的时间,戴维斯就疯长了约18厘米,上大学时已经长到2.08米——相比身高,戴维斯的身材反而显得有些单薄(他的体重有100公斤),再也没人叫他胖子了。 “戴维斯拥有毁灭性的防守能力,即使格里芬现在参加选秀,我也会选择戴维斯。他的潜力可以让他成为NBA史上前20的球员。”ESPN专家布雷特毫不掩饰自己对“浓眉哥”的喜爱。 此外,戴维斯还有特别宝贵的一点,那就是不管压力多大,都不会被情 绪左右。他对比赛形势的解读也很到位,能送出精妙的传球,攻防两端都能很好掌控。他会是队友和教练都喜爱的类型。 天生状元 加强版“坎比” 2011年夏天,安东尼?戴维斯被肯塔基大学录取,加入约翰?卡利帕里麾下,成为肯塔基野猫队的一员。之前《芝加哥太阳时报》曾爆出猛料,肯塔基为了搞定戴维斯而向其支付20万美元,以及戴维斯的父亲曾要求其他三所学校向其支付12.5万或15万美元的“入学保证金“。不过,戴维斯的家庭以及肯塔基校方皆对此事予以否认。在大学期间,戴维斯成为了肯塔基的绝对主力,贡献出场均两双并有接近5次盖帽的恐怖数据,并打破了由沙奎尔?奥尼尔保持的东南区大一新生盖帽纪录。 新赛季开始时间不长,身为大一新生,戴维斯已经可以用自己的方式帮助球队赢球了。2011年12月4日,肯塔基遭遇北卡,比分一直胶着到最后时刻,73比72,肯塔基还领先1分。北卡的约翰?汉森出手,妄图绝杀对手。这时戴维斯从斜侧杀出,扇飞了那记投篮,就像吹灭生日蜡烛那样简单。 如今,在NBA,夸奖戴维斯,将他视作状元不二人选已经成为了一种新风向,无论是球探、教练,还是看过没看过NCAA比赛的球星都毫不吝惜对他的夸奖。以至于,戴维斯的到底是谁,人们一时都没有个定论,有人说他像加内特,有人说他像霍华德,有人则说他是第二个杜兰特。不过,在他的恩师卡利帕里看来,戴维斯更像是加强版的坎比,“坦白地讲,安东尼除了身高之外其 他各方面都稍稍领先一点,身体的强壮程度,戴维斯好一点,投 篮的技巧,戴维斯也好一点,我知道我讲这些,马库斯可能会笑。 不过说起来,他们都是我最喜欢的内线。”事实上,自从戴维斯决 定前往肯塔基后,卡利帕里就和坎比联系,向他描述自己的新弟 子。“你想想看,他们像后卫一样灵活,有着后卫的技巧,而且有 着内线的身材,独一无二的。” 篇三:安东尼 戴维斯 Antony Davis 安东尼?戴维斯 (born March 11, 1993) is an American professional basketball player for the New Orleans Hornets of the National Basketball Association (NBA). He played as a power forward for the 肯塔基大学 as a freshman before being selected first overall in the 2012 NBA Draft by New Orleans. He plays power forward and center. He was a 2012 NCAA Unanimous First team All-American and was the 2011–12 NCAA Division I men's basketball season blocks leader. He established Southeastern Conference single-season blocked shots and NCAA Division I freshman blocked shots records. He has also earned the national Freshman, Defensive Player and Big Man awards. In addition, he has been named the 2012 National Player of the Year by various organizations, earning the Oscar Robertson Tr(来自:www.XIelw.Com 写 论文网:安东尼戴维斯的合 同)ophy, the Adolph Rupp Trophy, the Associated Press Player of the Year, Naismith Award, Sporting News Player of the Year and John R. Wooden Award. He was the Southeastern Conference's player, freshman and defensive player of the year. He helped lead Kentucky to a undefeated 2011–12 Southeastern Conference men's basketball season and was the NCAA Tournament Most Outstanding Player when Kentucky won the 2012 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament. As a high school basketball player for Chicago's Perspectives Charter School, he was unknown nationally and locally after three seasons of play in the lightly regarded Blue Division of the Chicago Public High School League. A late bloomer, he emerged into prominence in April 2010 (the spring of his junior year) after a growth spurt and exposure on an Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) traveling team made him a blue chip prospect. Within months, he was the top-rated player in the national class of 2011 by Scout.com and ESPN.com and the number two player by Rivals.com. He was a high school All-American by every major selector (ESPN, Jordan, McDonald's, Parade, USA Today) and earned Co-MVP honors at the 2011 Jordan Brand Classic. 高中生涯 Davis is from the South Side of Chicago and played high school basketball [1]for Perspectives Charter School, where he had attended school since sixth grade.[2] The team plays in a division of the Chicago Public High School League, known as the Blue Division, that is ignored by the media because of its lower level of competition.[3][4] Perspectives is a charter school that operates as a math and science academy with high academic pedigree, but minimal athletic success.[5][6] The school had no gymnasium and Davis' middle school basketball teams practiced at a nearby church.[4] In junior high school, he was known as the little guy who would shoot threes from the corner.[3] He ended his freshman year at a height of 6 英尺0英寸(1.83米).[3] By the beginning of his sophomore year, he had grown another 1英寸(2.5厘米), and he finished the year at 6英尺4英寸(1.93米).[3][7] The Chicago Sun-Times covered nearly 700 boys high school basketball games last season. Anthony Davis, who just might be the best high school player in the country, didn't play in any of them. —Michael O'Brien, Chicago Sun-Times (August 5, 2010). [3]As an unheralded guard after his sophomore season, he worked out with his cousins on guard drills that their father (Davis' uncle) had developed.[8] Davis did not play in the spring/summer AAU circuit between 8th grade and his junior year.[5] He began his junior year at a height of 6英尺7英寸(2.01米) and his junior basketball season at 6英尺8英寸(2.03米),[3][7] saying he felt fortunate to have had such a rapid growth spurt without any knee pains.[9] During his junior year, his family considered having him transfer to one of Chicago's basketball powerhouses, but Hyde Park Career Academy head coach Donnie Kirksey, who knew Davis, Sr. well, advised against it saying If you're good enough, they'll find you wherever you are.[3] Perspectives finished the season 8–15.[3] Although he remained unnoticed nationally and locally after three seasons of Chicago Public League play,[2][10] he was soon thereafter rated as the #1 player in the class of 2011 by Scout.com[11] and in the ESPNU 100.[12] Rivals.com rated him the #2 player behind Austin Rivers.[13] The attention came when he started playing on Tai Streets' Meanstreets (AAU team) traveling system in the spring of his junior year.[3] As late as Spring 2010 he was still unknown, but began to be noticed in mid April.[3] In late April, Syracuse offered him a scholarship.[2] That spring NBA Top 100 Camp Director Dave Telep, invited him to the camp based on his dominant first half performance of the first game of the Fort Wayne, Indiana Spiece Fieldhouse event.[14] That summer his talent was attention-grabbing.[8] In August 2010, Davis played in the Nike Global Challenge in Hillsboro, [15]Oregon. In the opening game, he had 23 points and 9 rebounds. Davis verbally committed to Kentucky on August 13, 2010 amid a pay for play scandal,[13][16] choosing it over his other finalists, which were DePaul, Ohio State, and Syracuse.[17] He had officially visited DePaul and Ohio State.[16] On August 24, 2010, he became the number one rated player in the national class of 2011 at Scout.com.[18] The pay-for-play scandal had played out very publicly in the press. Before Davis committed to Kentucky, the Chicago Sun-Times reported that his father, Anthony Davis, Sr. asked Kentucky for $200,000 for a commitment from his son.[19] The report was initially released on Wednesday August 4, 2010 by Sun-Times reporter Michael O'Brien.[20] Citing a reliable source, he posted the following text rumors/sources that have Davis choosing Kentucky are also alleging that the commitment cost $200,000. before it was edited to say rumors that Davis' commitment is for sale have surfaced since he cut his list of schools down about a month ago. and then removed later that day from the Sun-Times' high school sports website following a threat from a University of Kentucky lawyer.[20] A Lexington, Kentucky law firm sent a letter under the signature of attorney Stephen L. Barker that expressed a formal demand that you (O'Brien and the Sun-Times) withdraw the publication from any source from which it has been published, and issue an immediate statement that you know of no credible evidence indicating [20]that there is any truth to the 'rumors' referred to in your article. Baker's letter also threatened potential punitive damages for your malicious and willful actions.[20] Anthony Davis Sr., declined to speak to the Chicago Tribune on August 4 regarding the allegation, although he denied the allegations to the Sun-Times stating We haven't asked anyone for anything, and no one has offered us anything, on July 30 before the story broke.[20] The article was reposted on the Sun-Times' website and included in the print edition on Friday August 6 where O'Brien wrote sources from three separate universities told the Sun-Times that Davis Sr. asked for money in return for his son's commitment, with the amounts ranging from $125,000 to $150,000.[21][22][23] The University of Kentucky and the Davis family both threatened to sue the Sun-Times over the article,[21][24] however, no lawsuits were filed by Kentucky or the Davis family. The Davises and Kentucky claim [25]the restated publication was false. Illinois' one-year statute of limitations on libel cases expired before any lawsuits were filed.[4] Davis signed his National Letter of Intent on November 10, 2010.[12][26] He began his senior season on the Chicago Sun-Times area 2010 Top 50 list.[27] He was a pre-season first team all-state selection by the Sun-Times along with Ryan Boatright (East Aurora/Connecticut), Wayne Blackshear (Morgan Park/Louisville), Mycheal Hey (Orr/Illinois), and Jabari Parker [28](Simeon/underclassman). By that time, he stood at 6英尺10 英寸(2.08 米).[3][7] According to Rodger Bohn of SLAM Magazine who saw him play more than 10 times, Davis retained his guard instincts after his growth spurt.[29] Despite Davis' individual prowess, Perspectives began the season with a 0–6 record.[30] He sat out one of those games with minor forearm and leg injuries.[31] It took a near quadruple double on December 15, 2010 against Benito Juarez Community Academy, when he posted 32 points, 21 rebounds, 11 assists and 9 blocked shots for the team to earn its first victory in its seventh game.[7][32] The team's subsequent game against Whitney M. Young Magnet High School played at Chicago State University was nationally televised on ESPNU.[33] Later in the season, he missed some games due to a sprained right thumb.[34] Despite losing approximately three-quarters of its regular season games, Perspective earned a Class 3A regional play-in game victory against Noble Street Charter High School in the Illinois High School Association state playoffs when Davis totaled 33 points, 9 rebounds, 7 assists, 5 blocked shots and 4 steals.[35] However, after losing the subsequent regional semifinal game to King College Prep High School the team finished with a 6–19 record.[36] Despite his growth, he continued to perform much of the role of a guard by bringing the ball up the court and shooting outside shots.[37] For the season, he averaged 32 points, 22 rebounds and 7 blocks.[17] Davis at Jordan Brand Classic (2011-04-19) In high school, Davis earned numerous honors for his basketball abilities including being named to the 2011 McDonald's All-American Game and the 10th annual Jordan Brand Classic.[38][39] Although he had not been rated in the Mr. Basketball USA poll to end the 2009–10 season, he began the 2010 –11 season ranked fifth, which was the highest of previously uanked players and finished the season fourth behind Rivers, Mike Gilchrist (now known as Michael Kidd-Gilchrist) and Bradley Beal.[40][41] He joined those three and James Michael McAdoo as first team USA Today All-USA high school basketball team selections.[42][43] He was a first team Parade All-American.[44] He was also a first team All-American selection by SLAM Magazine (along with Gilchrist, Rivers, Beal, Quincy Miller and Marquis Teague) and Dime Magazine (along with Gilchrist, Rivers, Beal and Myles Mack).[45][46] He was a first team selection to the ESPN Rise boys' high school basketball All-American team.[47] However, in the statewide voting for the Illinois Mr. Basketball by coaches and media, he only placed fourth behind co-winners Boatright and Chasson Randle (Rock Island/Stanford) and third-place finisher Blackshear.[48] Those four and Abdel Nader (Niles North/underclassman) formed the Chicago Tribune All-State first team.[49] The Chicago Sun-Times selected him as a Class 3A first team All-State selection along with Blackshear.[50] The Chicago Sun-Times selected him as an all-Public League selection along with Blackshear, Parker, Hey and D. J. Tolliver.[51] The Illinois Basketball Coaches Association included him in the Class 3A/4A boys all-state first team.[52] In the March 30, 2011 McDonald's All-American Game, in front of a hometown crowd at the United Center, he made his first five field goals on his way to a 14-point, 6-rebound, 2-steal and 4-block performance.[53][54] In the April 9 Nike Hoops Summit, Davis led the USA Basketball team to a 92–80 victory over the world team with a team-high 10 rebounds to go along with 16 points and 2 blocks.[55][56] He was named co-MVP of the April 16 Jordan Brand Classic game (along with McAdoo) after posting 29 points (on 13-for-15 shooting), 11 rebounds and 4 blocks in a losing effort.[57][58] Davis' 29 points was the second-highest point total in the first 10 years of the Jordan Brand Classic, following only LeBron James' 34-point performance.[58] Template:College Athlete Recruit Start Template:College Athlete Recruit Entry Template:College Athlete Recruit End Kentucky Wildcats Davis played at Kentucky for head coach John Calipari. Davis committed to the Kentucky Wildcats, coached by John Calipari. Before his college career began, he was being mentioned as the NBA draft first overall selection in the 2012 NBA Draft.[59][60][61] In late February Dick Vitale mentioned the possibility that Davis might complete the men's college basketball awards Grand Slam of National Player of the Year, Defensive Player of the Year, Freshman of the Year and the No. 1 overall pick in the upcoming draft.[37] During the exhibition portion of the season for the 2011–12 Wildcats, Calipari described Davis as follows: He’s 6–10 with a 7–3 wingspan and he can shoot the 3 and dribble the ball and lead the break. . .[62] Less than a month into the season, ESPN's Andy Katz described him similarly: Davis offers a multitude of skills for the Wildcats with his ability to block shots, run the floor, score in the low post and face up to the basket.[63] Since Calipari had coached Marcus Camby, who was also a tall shot-blocker, Davis draws comparisons to Camby.[63] ESPN
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