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手工会计做帐流程手工会计做帐流程 2010-4-7 09:07 提问者:浏览次数:次 lijian566 | 4103 请问手工会计做帐流程,月未要做哪些工作。纳税申报表怎 么写, 我来帮他解答 2010-4-7 09:30 满意回答 作为企业做账财务人员都应该对此(手工帐)操作流程有所了解,才能更好的利用相关的财务软件进行处理操作,目前,属于中小型私营企业还是利用手工帐来完成帐务处理,规模较大或管理水平高一点的企业均采用财务软件来完成帐务处理工作,但是两者的帐务处理程序以及需要达到的目的是一样的,利用计算机软件操作要比手工帐...
手工会计做帐流程 2010-4-7 09:07 提问者:浏览次数:次 lijian566 | 4103 请问手工会计做帐流程,月未要做哪些工作。纳税申报表怎 么写, 我来帮他解答 2010-4-7 09:30 满意回答 作为企业做账财务人员都应该对此(手工帐)操作流程有所了解,才能更好的利用相关的财务软件进行处理操作,目前,属于中小型私营企业还是利用手工帐来完成帐务处理,规模较大或管理水平高一点的企业均采用财务软件来完成帐务处理工作,但是两者的帐务处理程序以及需要达到的目的是一样的,利用计算机软件操作要比手工帐减少了工作量、节省了时间,从目前中小型私营企业情况来看,企业财务会计核算,多数企业还是采用手工帐务处理方式完成工作,但是,随着社会的发展,进步,财务软件操作是必须的,你应该知道如何使用软件及如何操作,只要凭证制作正确,其余一切由计算机完成:凭证-汇总-明细账-总账-各种报表等,相对说使用财务软件做帐更规范、快捷。但是,不管使用财务软件或者手工帐来处理。首先必须了解、掌握生产企业财务核算结账流程: 一、生产企业大致会计结帐操作流程 第一步:根据企业实际发生的业务单据进行编制记帐凭证,平常发生的经济业务单据要及时准确的填制记帐凭证,规模大一点的企业为了反映现金、银行存款、往来账款、销售收入等情况,凭证填制必须及时,以便给老板提供数字,一旦等老板需要数字在填制,可能就要被整,规模小一点的企业,由于企业业务较少,老板都心中有数,这时一般会计人员就月底一次性处理,然后在登记有关帐薄,具体结账情况要根据企业性质结合老板的思路进行操作。确保我们财务人员在企业能够起到相关的作用,让老板更加重视财务人员,多汇报、多交流是我们做企业财务的关键。 (1)编制凭证 一般小型企业都在月底结算时才编制凭证,因为企业业务很少,老板自己心中有数,不用及时反映各财务状况,月底处理好在反映企业状况,企业规模较大的企业,账务处理要及时一些,以防拖延会给企业造成不必要的损失,企业日常业务内容比较固定,所以凭证编制内容变化不大,会计只要按照固定模式逐一编制凭证即可。企业通常业务凭证类别有以下几类: 1.完税凭证 每月月初企业成功申报后,可去银行打印完税凭证,不能在银行打印完税凭证的应去税务机关打印。取得凭证后及时入账,冲减上月计提税金或直接记入当月费用(如印花税等不需要预先计提的税金,在取得时直接记入费用)。 2.业务发票处理 将当月填开和取得发票分类入账,按照发票的性质分别通过存货、现金、银行存款、往来账户、应交税费以及费用科目进行核算。将全部专用发票入账后,查看times participation 131I treatment hyperthyroidism calculation dose participate in body outside analysis experiment (best put from) in Guide Xia participate in SPECT operation thyroid explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 times 5 times 10 times 5 cases bone explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 cases static myocardial explicit like prepared , Collection, reporting 2 cancer FDG Imaging preparation, acquisition, reported 5 cases of pulmonary perfusion Imaging prepare, collect and report 2 cases of cerebral blood flow perfusion image preparation, acquisition, reported 2 cases of note: the number of prescribed diseases and can be adjusted depending on location and the hospital, but the total number and number of disease should not be reduced. (B) the 13th to 24th month (second phase) according to trainees and training base for clinical circumstances, arrangements to continue in our rotation or to the relevant clinical Department rotation. 1. training objective: (1) expand the scope of medical imaging society of knowledge, familiar with knowledge related to the field of medical imaging and clinical clear medical imaging in the clinical diagnosis value and limit. Understand the routine procedures and contents of these professional groups; (2) in the master on the basis of expertise, familiarity with medical imaging in the diagnosis of common clinical manifestations (symptoms, signs, and laboratory tests), they clearly value in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of these lesions. (3) suitable for imaging interventional therapy and nuclear medicine in the treatment of a variety of clinical manifestations of the disease, which covered a variety of treatment methods and applications. 2. basic requirements (1) intervention (3 months) be familiar with the 进项税额和销项税额明细账的金额合计,是否与当月防伪税控开票系统统计的金额以及网上认证返回的认证金额是否一致,然后计算当月缴纳税金金额。 3.费用类发票处理 做好内部单据报销制度,规定报销时间,及时收集公司员工手中的费用单据,将其归类入账。认真查看费用单据是否合法,未取得合法凭据的费用是无法得到税务机关的认可的。平时还应做好费用入账金额控制,对类似招待费、广告费等存在抵扣限额规定的费用科目,应及时核对发生金额,对超过抵扣标准的费用应减少其入账金额。 4.成本计算及入账处理 对生产性企业,应做好内部单据传递规定,将公司发生的所有与生产有关的内部单据及时有效的传递到财务手中,进行成本核算,确保成本计算的准确。及时编制制造费用归集、分配凭证;生产成本归集、分配凭证;产品入库凭证以及销售成本结转凭证。 5.做好费用计提及摊销 做好每月固定发生的计提业务,如固定资产计提折旧、无形资产摊销、水电费计提、工资计提以及以工资为基数计提的福利费、教育经费、工会经费等,做到不漏提也不多提;对存在需要摊销的费用如开办费、材料成本差异等每月摊销的费用,及时做好摊销分配凭证。 6.归集损益类科目,结转本年利润 将所有单据入账后应认真归集当月损益类科目发生金额,将其分类转入“本年利润”科目,查看当月利润实现情况。 (具体填制凭证的处理方法见第二章 企业凭证的填制及要求)。 第二步:首先要组织生产统计报数,根据统计人员申报的有关数字进行各类数据核算,确保有关科目核算。其次就是根据企业购进的原材料(增值税发票)作记帐凭证处理并登记有关增值税明细帐薄,并及时反映增值税进项情况,对于进项税增值税发票使用情况,要严格按照《增值税管理暂行条理》进行使用与操作,确定进项税认证情况。进项税认定时间按税务部门的要求自发票之日起90天内必须认证,否则作为放弃认定,月底(30日)前一定要确认发票认证情况,并确定好本月实际需要缴纳的增值税,月底前处理不够完整,次月出无法修改数据,目前,认证发票有两种方式,一种是网上认证、一种是到当地税务机关认证。但是,都必须保证需要认证的抵扣联发票版面整洁、属于认定期内,否则认证无法通过,造成不必要的损失。 第三步:企业根据定货开具销售增值税发票进行销售,(具体开具操作严格按照防伪税控开票系统进行操作)仅跟发货出库单(与发票业务一致),开具后计算销售收入以及销项情况,(防伪开票系统自动生产数据)及时作记帐凭证,登记销售收入明细帐以及往来账款明细帐,为老板提供及时、准确的销售数据以及往来帐款回收情况。 第四步:月底结账前(30日前)切切进入防伪税控开票系统核对本月实际开票数量、发票销售、发票使用情况、其次一定要核对已开发票作废份数、核对作废发票相应的发票,是否出现漏作废或者作废错,并预算准该月增值税实现的情况,做好汇报工作,以免夸月造成不必要的麻烦。 times participation 131I treatment hyperthyroidism calculation dose participate in body outside analysis experiment (best put from) in Guide Xia participate in SPECT operation thyroid explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 times 5 times 10 times 5 cases bone explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 cases static myocardial explicit like prepared , Collection, reporting 2 cancer FDG Imaging preparation, acquisition, reported 5 cases of pulmonary perfusion Imaging prepare, collect and report 2 cases of cerebral blood flow perfusion image preparation, acquisition, reported 2 cases of note: the number of prescribed diseases and can be adjusted depending on location and the hospital, but the total number and number of disease should not be reduced. (B) the 13th to 24th month (second phase) according to trainees and training base for clinical circumstances, arrangements to continue in our rotation or to the relevant clinical Department rotation. 1. training objective: (1) expand the scope of medical imaging society of knowledge, familiar with knowledge related to the field of medical imaging and clinical clear medical imaging in the clinical diagnosis value and limit. Understand the routine procedures and contents of these professional groups; (2) in the master on the basis of expertise, familiarity with medical imaging in the diagnosis of common clinical manifestations (symptoms, signs, and laboratory tests), they clearly value in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of these lesions. (3) suitable for imaging interventional therapy and nuclear medicine in the treatment of a variety of clinical manifestations of the disease, which covered a variety of treatment methods and applications. 2. basic requirements (1) intervention (3 months) be familiar with the 第五步:月末总结帐时一定要核准帐薄以及报表各科目余额数据,预防造成业务处理错误以便及时修改或数据调整。 第六步:该月业务凭证全部处理完毕后,汇总科目,根据汇总科目表填制总账和明细分类账编制和利润表、等需要的各类申报表。一般规模的大的,可以根据企业实际情况与老板的需要一周或一季度随时编制有关财务报表,为企业老板反映当时的企业的财务状况,汇报的报表除了(资产负债表、损益表、现金流量表、增值税申报表)以外,可根据企业老板平常需要的数字,我们财务人员根据需要自行有关财务报表。企业规模小的,月底结账一次性汇总,做有关企业需要申报的财务报表,注明:每月总结账时,一定要预计报表大体情况,汇报老板,尤其是向税务机关申报的各类报表,一旦我们财务人员月底已经出报表,数字已经确定,月底,向老板汇报工作,老板对申报的数字不够完整不符合老板的心意,比如:企业反映利润情况、纳税情况等等,那是老板让我们需要修改,老板的一句话,我们可就要忙一阵子,之前做了无用工,报表做完申报之前一定要求老板签字报表编制审核无误后,经法人签章审核后,输入各申报系统进行纳税申报,并向老板分析最近的企业财务状况,签字的目的是减少我们财务人员不必要的责任。(财务报表具体编制方法见第三章: 生产企业财务报表快速编制方法(实战篇)。 第七步:纳税申报 目前随着高科技的发展,纳税申报方式采用电子申报,由于各地申报软件不一样,在这里不在作一一说明,前面的工作做好了,申报就很简单了。 前面所做的工作基本是为纳税申报准备的,因为企业只有进行了纳税申报,税务机关才能对企业进行税款征收,而传统意义上的会计报表只是记录企业经营状况的报表,不是税务机关征收税款的依据,企业应根据申报的不同税种填制和申报对应的纳税申报表。 企业应根据自身的经营性质确定纳税税种,并根据当地税务机关要求的申报方式按时进行申报。纳税申报成功后应及时打印完税凭证,取得完税凭证后,一个月的会计工作才算结束。 二、月末结账的几点注意事项 (一)现金、银行存款明细核对 货币资金是企业流动性最大的资产也是最容易出现问题的资产,因此企业每月都应认真核对每笔款项的支出、收入记录。月底拿齐或打出银行对账单同企业银行明细账认真核对往来,对存在错误的地方及时处理,确保企业货币资金的准确,避免不必要的情况。 在平常账务工作处理中,银行存款基本上能核对准确,多数企业(尤其是私营独资企业)的现金日记帐的金额与库存现金不一致,不能与实际业务相吻合,在这种情况下,我们做帐人员要与企业法人汇报好工作,有时因为处理不当导致月底现金账面余额出现负数,所以每月结账前的货币资金核对是很必要的,发现问题及时处理。归集当月所有单据和费用项目,提前预算准确,确宝账面有足够现金能够支付,防止账面现金余额出现负数。 (二)业务往来核对 业务往来做账之前必须核对无误,一季度或半年与实际发生客户进行核对,并且银行进账回单拿回要及时,否则挂的往来科目不准确,造成往来科目结算方式混times participation 131I treatment hyperthyroidism calculation dose participate in body outside analysis experiment (best put from) in Guide Xia participate in SPECT operation thyroid explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 times 5 times 10 times 5 cases bone explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 cases static myocardial explicit like prepared , Collection, reporting 2 cancer FDG Imaging preparation, acquisition, reported 5 cases of pulmonary perfusion Imaging prepare, collect and report 2 cases of cerebral blood flow perfusion image preparation, acquisition, reported 2 cases of note: the number of prescribed diseases and can be adjusted depending on location and the hospital, but the total number and number of disease should not be reduced. (B) the 13th to 24th month (second phase) according to trainees and training base for clinical circumstances, arrangements to continue in our rotation or to the relevant clinical Department rotation. 1. training objective: (1) expand the scope of medical imaging society of knowledge, familiar with knowledge related to the field of medical imaging and clinical clear medical imaging in the clinical diagnosis value and limit. Understand the routine procedures and contents of these professional groups; (2) in the master on the basis of expertise, familiarity with medical imaging in the diagnosis of common clinical manifestations (symptoms, signs, and laboratory tests), they clearly value in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of these lesions. (3) suitable for imaging interventional therapy and nuclear medicine in the treatment of a variety of clinical manifestations of the disease, which covered a variety of treatment methods and applications. 2. basic requirements (1) intervention (3 months) be familiar with the 乱,所以往来帐款明细帐要做到跟踪登记、及时登记、及时核对的原则,以防老板随时让你汇报客户的余额情况。 (三)月末,必须做好各科目统计工作,确保本月实际开具发票销售、实现税金、实际销售产品名称、数量等数字,做到大体事先预算本月总体情况。 (四)存货成本核算 每月做账前最好将上月存货明细帐登记、核对完毕,确保账面库存商品的名称、单价、金额数字准确无误,并计算入账后账面存货成本变动对利润的影响,导致账面库存出现负数或成本变动浮动太大,影响当期利润。根据当月实际销售情况,及时收集存货出入库单据,计算产品成本或销售成本,估算当月利润。 (五)月末最重要的账务处理凭证 1.每月平常业务处理完毕(具体处理情况详见 第四节 企业会计每月需做的常规处理) 2、月末总结帐时要根据有关帐薄余额结合企业实际情况进行调整或结转,比如:需要提取折旧,待摊费用、预提费用、制造费用、等相关科目(具体大体需要调整或结转的科目是根据企业实际情况与结帐需要进行的,(大体处理情况参照以下有模拟处理),若是新成立的企业开办费在第一个月全部转入费用 。具体计提折旧的会计分录(详见第二章 :生产企业凭证的编制(实战篇)),提取税金及附加,实际是地税这一块。就是提取税金及附加,有城建税,教育费附加等,有税务决定(详见第二章 :生产企业凭证的编制(实战篇)。 3.根据企业实际情况,会计首先结合账面数字做好所有凭证,登记完毕后并核对准确无误,汇总平,最后根据实际业务发生日期编排顺序,填写凭证编号,以防账务确定后凭证丢失或抽回。 ?首先,根据已经做好的凭证需要结转的制造费用,以及确定(统计)生产过程的制造费用。 结转制造费用凭证: 借:制造费用 贷:生产成本 1.需要预先计提的生产车间职工工资。 计提职工工资: 借:管理费用(后勤人员、技术顾问等工资属于管理费用) 制造费用(车间一线职工人员工资,做外帐一般不超过本月开票的10%计提) 贷:应付工资 按生产企业的核算工资的程序,先对本月工资按比例计提出,一般情况是拖后一月发放,所以计提的时候要做好预算,不能超过实际发放的10%左右,(注明:工资牵扯劳动部门、工会、地税部门等要求,避缴一些部门费用。)以工资为基数100%,福利费为14%,工会经费2%,职工教育费0.15%,(税法规定:建立工会组织的企业、、社会团体,按每月全部职工工资总额的2%向工会缴拨的经费,凭工会组织开具的《工会经费拨缴款专用收据》在税前扣除。凡不能出具《工会经费拨缴款专用收据》的,其提取的职工工会经费不得在企业所得税前扣除)。三险一金:住房公积金,养老保险金,医疗保险金,失业保险金 实际发放的会计分录:借:应付工资 times participation 131I treatment hyperthyroidism calculation dose participate in body outside analysis experiment (best put from) in Guide Xia participate in SPECT operation thyroid explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 times 5 times 10 times 5 cases bone explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 cases static myocardial explicit like prepared , Collection, reporting 2 cancer FDG Imaging preparation, acquisition, reported 5 cases of pulmonary perfusion Imaging prepare, collect and report 2 cases of cerebral blood flow perfusion image preparation, acquisition, reported 2 cases of note: the number of prescribed diseases and can be adjusted depending on location and the hospital, but the total number and number of disease should not be reduced. (B) the 13th to 24th month (second phase) according to trainees and training base for clinical circumstances, arrangements to continue in our rotation or to the relevant clinical Department rotation. 1. training objective: (1) expand the scope of medical imaging society of knowledge, familiar with knowledge related to the field of medical imaging and clinical clear medical imaging in the clinical diagnosis value and limit. Understand the routine procedures and contents of these professional groups; (2) in the master on the basis of expertise, familiarity with medical imaging in the diagnosis of common clinical manifestations (symptoms, signs, and laboratory tests), they clearly value in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of these lesions. (3) suitable for imaging interventional therapy and nuclear medicine in the treatment of a variety of clinical manifestations of the disease, which covered a variety of treatment methods and applications. 2. basic requirements (1) intervention (3 months) be familiar with the 贷:银行存款、现金 2.根据计提的工资计提职工福利费。 借:制造费用(按计提工一线职工工资的14%计提) 管理费用(按后勤管理人员计提工资14%计提) 贷:应付福利费 3.根据计提的工资计提职工职教费。 借:制造费用(按计提工一线职工工资的15%0计提) 管理费用(按后勤管理人员计提工资15%0计提) 贷:其他应付款(职教费) 4.根据计提的职工工资计提职工工会费。 借:制造费用(工会费) 贷:其他应付款(工会费) 5.根据实际用电量计提电费。 借:制造费用,,,,-电费(生产用电) 管理费用,,,,电费(照明用电) 贷:预提费用,,-电费 6.预提银行利息:(如果本月做帐未预算好,利润反映的多,可以先预提利息。) 借:财务费用,,,,利息 贷:预提费用,,,,利息 7.计提固定资产折旧额: 借:管理费用,,-折旧费(办公类、小车类固定资产计提的折旧费) 制造费用,,-折旧费 (生产用的固定资产类计提的折旧费) 营业费用,,-折旧费 (销售车辆的固定资产计提的折旧费) 贷:累计折旧,,-折旧费 8.累计折旧的核算方法: 企业固定资产应计提折旧: 1.房屋、建筑物、机器设备、仪表仪器、运输工具、工具不论使用或不使用都得计提折旧。 2(融资租入和以经营租用的方式租出的固定资产。 3.本月内开始使用的固定资产,当月不提折旧,从下月起计提折旧,本月内减少或停用的固定资产当月仍继续提折旧,从下月开始不提折旧。 4.企业一般用年限平均法计提折旧,他是根据固定资产的原值减去残值后的余额,(固定资产残值一般按固定资产的原值的3%预计,一般建筑类使用20年,设备类使用15年。)。 公式如下: 固定资产原值-净残值 固定资产年折旧额= 固定资产预计使用年限 年折旧额除以12=月折旧额 9.结转凭证中所有制造费用凭证: times participation 131I treatment hyperthyroidism calculation dose participate in body outside analysis experiment (best put from) in Guide Xia participate in SPECT operation thyroid explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 times 5 times 10 times 5 cases bone explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 cases static myocardial explicit like prepared , Collection, reporting 2 cancer FDG Imaging preparation, acquisition, reported 5 cases of pulmonary perfusion Imaging prepare, collect and report 2 cases of cerebral blood flow perfusion image preparation, acquisition, reported 2 cases of note: the number of prescribed diseases and can be adjusted depending on location and the hospital, but the total number and number of disease should not be reduced. (B) the 13th to 24th month (second phase) according to trainees and training base for clinical circumstances, arrangements to continue in our rotation or to the relevant clinical Department rotation. 1. training objective: (1) expand the scope of medical imaging society of knowledge, familiar with knowledge related to the field of medical imaging and clinical clear medical imaging in the clinical diagnosis value and limit. Understand the routine procedures and contents of these professional groups; (2) in the master on the basis of expertise, familiarity with medical imaging in the diagnosis of common clinical manifestations (symptoms, signs, and laboratory tests), they clearly value in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of these lesions. (3) suitable for imaging interventional therapy and nuclear medicine in the treatment of a variety of clinical manifestations of the disease, which covered a variety of treatment methods and applications. 2. basic requirements (1) intervention (3 months) be familiar with the 借:生产成本 贷;制造费用(以上各计提的制造费用和汇总平的制造费用,以免漏转。) 10. 根据企业本月实际耗用原材料的数字结转,(原材料出库统计)。 借: 生产成本 贷:原材料(如果企业平常耗用原材料统计数字不够准确, 原材料出库数量据公司做帐的要求进行操作。) 注明:由于多数企业在购进原材料时,有的未有增值税发票、或者原材料已经使用发票未到位,这时要根据结转生产成本时,原材料出库为负数,应预先按《企业会计制度》的规定做预验处理,下月初取得发票冲销此笔业务,具体会计分录: 借:原材料 贷:应付账款 11.根据本月所有生产成本科目结转核算,(本月实际生产的库存商品数额)。 借: 库存商品(该科目数字来源于车间本月实际产品入库数量,如果车间平常生产统计数字不够准确,会计人员结合账面数额情况进行操作。) 贷: 生产成本 12.结转产品销售成本(数量一定要根据实际开票销售的数量,单价根据存货明细帐(必须登记完毕的,包括本月生产入库的库存商品单价为准。)一般采用加权平均法确定单价。) 借;主营业务成本 贷;库存商品 13.结转本月实际开票销售收入。 借:主营业务收入 贷:本年利润 14.结转本月实际实现的增值税款,(本科目比较复杂,可以根据税务部门的要求处理,如:有留抵、多缴、免抵退、免抵等,具体出口退税详见出口退税操作。) 借: 应交税金 (转出未交增值税) 贷: 应交税金 (未交增值税) 应交税金科目的设置:在应交税金科目下设置“应交增值税”和“未交增值税”两个明细科目进行核算。应交增值税明细帐设置:进项税额、已交税金、转出未交增值税、减免税款、销项税款、出口退税、进项税转出、出口抵减内销产品应纳税额、转出多交增值税等项目,月中,将本月应交未交或多交的增值税额自应交税金(应交增值,,-转出未交增值税或转出多交增值税)转入应交税金(未交增值税)结转后应交税金(应交增值税)明细科目的期末借方余额反映尚未抵扣的增值税 times participation 131I treatment hyperthyroidism calculation dose participate in body outside analysis experiment (best put from) in Guide Xia participate in SPECT operation thyroid explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 times 5 times 10 times 5 cases bone explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 cases static myocardial explicit like prepared , Collection, reporting 2 cancer FDG Imaging preparation, acquisition, reported 5 cases of pulmonary perfusion Imaging prepare, collect and report 2 cases of cerebral blood flow perfusion image preparation, acquisition, reported 2 cases of note: the number of prescribed diseases and can be adjusted depending on location and the hospital, but the total number and number of disease should not be reduced. (B) the 13th to 24th month (second phase) according to trainees and training base for clinical circumstances, arrangements to continue in our rotation or to the relevant clinical Department rotation. 1. training objective: (1) expand the scope of medical imaging society of knowledge, familiar with knowledge related to the field of medical imaging and clinical clear medical imaging in the clinical diagnosis value and limit. Understand the routine procedures and contents of these professional groups; (2) in the master on the basis of expertise, familiarity with medical imaging in the diagnosis of common clinical manifestations (symptoms, signs, and laboratory tests), they clearly value in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of these lesions. (3) suitable for imaging interventional therapy and nuclear medicine in the treatment of a variety of clinical manifestations of the disease, which covered a variety of treatment methods and applications. 2. basic requirements (1) intervention (3 months) be familiar with the
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