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多联机安装规范多联机安装规范 多联空调安装验收规范 南京宏彩空调 1、总则: 为规范安装程序、确保安装质量、提高工作效率,特制订本规范。 本规范适用于南京宏彩空调。 2、KMR多联空调安装规范: 2.1、安装流程图 工艺名称 技术要点 工艺名称 技术要点 工程前 工程中 明确选配机型、安装位置整套管路系统均应做好一、制作施工图 八、保温工程 配管尺寸、敷设方向 保温处理 材料准备,设备准备,人 要选择合适的电缆、电线二、施工准备 九、电气工程 员培训 保温处理 明确各工序责任人 保证管内清洁 三、工程分工 十、吹污...
多联机安装规范 多联空调安装验收规范 南京宏彩空调 1、总则: 为规范安装程序、确保安装质量、提高工作效率,特制订本规范。 本规范适用于南京宏彩空调。 2、KMR多联空调安装规范: 2.1、安装流程图 工艺名称 技术要点 工艺名称 技术要点 前 工程中 明确选配机型、安装位置整套管路系统均应做好一、制作图 八、保温工程 配管尺寸、敷设方向 保温处理 准备,设备准备,人 要选择合适的电缆、电线二、施工准备 九、电气工程 员培训 保温处理 明确各工序责任人 保证管内清洁 三、工程分工 十、吹污处理 工程中 确认机器型号,避免装错 加压至28Kgf/cm保证24小时四、室内机安装 十一、气密实验 不降压为准 防止通风短路,便于维修 真空度达到-755mmHg以下为准不五、室外机安装 十二、真空干燥 降压为准 注意干燥,清洁,密封 十三、冷媒追加 按照实际管长、管径追加 六、冷媒配管工程 注意其倾斜度 必须使每台机器均能正常运转 工程结束 七、冷凝排水工程 十四、调试试运转 给业主培训,施工质量见证性资料交十五、向业主交机 付,签收 2.2.、设备就位 2.2.1、设备运至施工地点后,开箱和检查应有相关人员参加。 box before commissioning, check distribution box there is no debris, installation in accordance with the criteria of quality assessment, chromatography, plates are complete. 2 boxes inside the doors and frames, and grounded or neutral examination. 3 with electric opening doors, door and frame ground terminal applying bare braided copper wire connections and grounding identifies. 4 connection of the protective conductor should be exposed in the external protective conductor Terminal. 5 lighting should be setting the zero line box (n) and protective ground (PE) bus, zero line and protect the ground bus distribution. 6 laid ground lines along the length of every 15-100mm respectively, coated with yellow and green stripes. 7 testing grounding resistance of grounding devices must comply with the design requirements. 8 boxes of checks: based on changes of design drawings and construction documents, check box in the component specification, model, installation location should be correct; boxes on both sides of the Terminal cannot lack; the conductor cross section should meet the requirements of drawings; line-by-line check box in the device's connection and the connection of the equipment to the terminal block inside the box. 9 box tie cable check: liaison between the box and the box cables required by proofing; check lines on the circuit at the same time should check the wires, cables, relays, switches, buttons, terminal blocks marked with line drawings. 10 operator checks: the main check 2.2.2、设备开箱应注意以下几点:、查明设备的名称、型号、规格和箱数等。、设备开箱前应将设备吊运到安装地点或较近处,不得开箱后吊运以免损坏机器。、开箱时应查明开箱准确位置后动手开箱,不得野蛮操作,以免损坏机器。、开箱后根据开箱单检查所有附件是否齐全,有问题及时和售后相关人员联系。 2.3、室外机安装 2.3.1、机组应安装在远离易燃易爆场所,尽量避免油烟较多的场所。 2.3.2、机组噪音和出风不影响邻居。 2.3.3、机组周围应有满足进风、出风和维修的空间,通风顺畅,散热良好。如外机上方有障碍物,必须距离出风口2米以上,否则应外加出风风道。 2.3.4、安装机组的地坪和钢架应有足够的强度,承重应大于机组运行重量的1.5倍,以支撑机组,地坪和钢架应水平。 2.3.5、机组钢架底座采用6#槽钢制作。 2.3.6、机组地坪应高出地面100mm以上,周围应有排水沟,确保机组不会浸在水中。 2.3.7、机组无论安装在地坪或钢架上均应安装减振垫并固定牢固。 2.3.8、室外机应尽量靠近室内机缩短管长,保持高效,并尽可能减少制冷管路上的 弯头数,管长不得超出规定管长。 2.3.9、应避免季风,台风,地震危险的位置,应尽量避免空中安装。 2.4、室内机安装 box before commissioning, check distribution box there is no debris, installation in accordance with the criteria of quality assessment, chromatography, plates are complete. 2 boxes inside the doors and frames, and grounded or neutral examination. 3 with electric opening doors, door and frame ground terminal applying bare braided copper wire connections and grounding identifies. 4 connection of the protective conductor should be exposed in the external protective conductor Terminal. 5 lighting should be setting the zero line box (n) and protective ground (PE) bus, zero line and protect the ground bus distribution. 6 laid ground lines along the length of every 15-100mm respectively, coated with yellow and green stripes. 7 testing grounding resistance of grounding devices must comply with the design requirements. 8 boxes of checks: based on changes of design drawings and construction documents, check box in the component specification, model, installation location should be correct; boxes on both sides of the Terminal cannot lack; the conductor cross section should meet the requirements of drawings; line-by-line check box in the device's connection and the connection of the equipment to the terminal block inside the box. 9 box tie cable check: liaison between the box and the box cables required by proofing; check lines on the circuit at the same time should check the wires, cables, relays, switches, buttons, terminal blocks marked with line drawings. 10 operator checks: the main check A、冷媒配管长度最短,并方便与配管及水管的连接,至少能使排水管保持1%的坡度; B、内机安装的场所必须足以承受的重量及运行时的震动; C、内机附近必须预留检修口,安装位置应留有维修空间,能够方便的进行电机、电脑板的 拆卸维修; D、回风及排风顺畅,不易形成气流短路,必须做回风、出风管道; E、安装前应开箱检查机器外观有无损伤或其他异常,随机附件是否齐全,随机资料应交 专人妥善保管; F、机组应固定牢固,以防止坠落及震动。另外,内机安装完毕,应使用框式水平仪检查, 确保内机水平。 2.4.1、壁挂机安装、挂墙板固定,穿墙孔的定位:在横梁或竖柱边的平整墙面上安装,首先用一个钢钉将挂墙板固定在墙面上;用一根系有螺丝的线,从板中心的上部垂下,(或用水平仪)找出水平地,并固定。在墙面上按挂墙板的位置钻孔,然后将塑料脚套放入孔中,再将挂墙板贴在墙上用4*25的螺钉固定。、打穿墙孔:打一墙孔,在安装完毕后,请用石膏粉或油灰封住。、把室内机挂在挂墙板上面的止扣上,左右移动一下机体,检查其固定是否牢靠; 2.4.2、嵌入机安装、安装高度不要高于3m,以保证空调效果。、吊装完毕一定要检查机组是否水平,采用框式水平仪检查。、机组旁边必须留有400*400mm以上的检修口,便于检查维修。 2.4.3、高静压风管机安装注意事项、为了减小空调房间内的噪音,室内机最好不要安装在空调间内,特别是对噪音值要求严格的场所。室内机可安装在专用机房,楼梯间等场所,通过送、回风 box before commissioning, check distribution box there is no debris, installation in accordance with the criteria of quality as第sessment, chromatography, plates are complete. 2 boxes inside the doors and frames, and grounded or neutral examination. 3 wi 3 页 共 8 页 th electric opening doors, door and frame ground terminal applying bare braided copper wire connections and grounding identifies. 4 connection of the protective conductor should be exposed in the external protective conductor Terminal. 5 lighting should be setting the zero line box (n) and protective ground (PE) bus, zero line and protect the ground bus distribution. 6 laid ground lines along the length of every 15-100mm respectively, coated with yellow and green stripes. 7 testing grounding resistance of grounding devices must comply with the design requirements. 8 boxes of checks: based on changes of design drawings and construction documents, check box in the component specification, model, installation location should be correct; boxes on both sides of the Terminal cannot lack; the conductor cross section should meet the requirements of drawings; line-by-line check box in the device's connection and the connection of the equipment to the terminal block inside the box. 9 box tie cable check: liaison between the box and the box cables required by proofing; check lines on the circuit at the same time should check the wires, cables, relays, switches, buttons, terminal blocks marked with line drawings. 10 operator checks: the main check 管道,将室内机与空调房间连接起来。、高静压风管机是为管道送风而,必须连接送、回风管道使用,不得直接将风吹在室内,否则由于其出风口风速很高,将产生很大的风噪。、内机与风道的连接应采用软连接,并外接静压箱,以防振动和噪声传递到风道上。、送、回风管道,静压箱,送、回风口的设计应请具有相关资质的设计院设计,以保证内机的送风特性与风道相匹配。 2.5、冷媒配管工程: 冷媒配管使用去氢磷铜无逢管,用磷铜焊条或银焊条焊接。冷媒配管施工中,应严格遵守三原则:干燥、清洁、气密。为此,施工中应注意以下要点: 2.5.1、将配管按尺寸切割完毕后,用氮气吹净。对于直径较大(φ25以上)的,要用棉布将铜管内壁上的灰尘、铜屑擦拭干净; 2.5.2、管两端端口包扎,以防灰尘、水汽、杂物等进入管内; 2.5.3、不要在雨天进行配管施工,潮湿的空气及水分可能会使机组产生堵塞; 2.5.4、管焊接时应冲氮气防氧化,冲氮压力约0.02Mpa.否则管内产生的氧化层会堵塞管道或损坏压缩机~ 2.5.5、管焊接时,必须以杯型口连接,铜管插入深度:φ19以下10mm;φ22以上15mm。 2.5.6、使用金属锯切割铜管 或用锉加工铜管端口时,铜屑不能进入管道; 2.5.7、用扩口工具加工出来的喇叭口必须符合标准,否则重新制作; 2.5.8、喇叭口连接时应内外侧涂少量冷冻油,以免产生管道扭曲; 2.5.9、冷媒管的铺设应横平竖直,要求尽量短;裸露的管道应以扣板保护;为防止配管接错,应每隔一端加以标记;管路与机组连接处要单独设支架支撑不得使机组承重。 2.5.10、分歧管的安装要注意分歧管两分支平面要与地面保持水平或垂直,否则会影响空调效果。 2.6、冷凝排水工程 box before commissioning, check distribution box there is no debris, installation in accordance with the criteria of quality assessment, chromatography, plates are complete. 2 boxes inside the doors and frames, and grounded or neutral examination. 3 with electric opening doors, door and frame ground terminal applying bare braided copper wire connections and grounding identifies. 4 connection of the protective conductor should be exposed in the external protective conductor Terminal. 5 lighting should be setting the zero line box (n) and protective ground (PE) bus, zero line and protect the ground bus distribution. 6 laid ground lines along the length of every 15-100mm respectively, coated with yellow and green stripes. 7 testing grounding resistance of grounding devices must comply with the design requirements. 8 boxes of checks: based on changes of design drawings and construction documents, check box in the component specification, model, installation location should be correct; boxes on both sides of the Terminal cannot lack; the conductor cross section should meet the requirements of drawings; line-by-line check box in the device's connection and the connection of the equipment to the terminal block inside the box. 9 box tie cable check: liaison between the box and the box cables required by proofing; check lines on the circuit at the same time should check the wires, cables, relays, switches, buttons, terminal blocks marked with line drawings. 10 operator checks: the main check 2.6.1、冷凝水管应向出水方向至少保持1%的倾斜度。水管的布置应可能短,以保持排水顺畅;如使用硬质PVC管则每隔2米设一吊杆,以防水管弯曲; 2.6.2、排水管的尺寸应大于或等于室内机排水口的尺寸;自然排水和强制排水不能汇入同一系统中; 2.6.3、排水管安装完毕后,应做排水实验;当横拉排水管过长时要每5米处设一排气管。 2.6.4、为避免使接水盘变形,排水管与机组的连接应使用软管。 2.6.5、冷凝水排水配管的连接部分为负压的室内机(嵌入、卡式机)应安装排水回 水弯管。 2.6.6、水管安装完毕,必须做排水试验,把排水口堵死接水盘加2/3水,待2小时 后观察无渗漏,打开排水口,确认排水是否顺畅,排水管连接是否严密。 2.7、保温工程: 2.7.1、冷凝排水管保温层厚度,如采用橡塑发泡材料,厚度应在10mm以上。 2.7.2、冷媒配管如采用橡塑保温套管做保温,厚度应在15mm以上,如采用玻璃棉做保温层,厚度应在20mm以上。 2.7.3、做冷媒管保温应先将直管部分保温做好,将焊口,丝接口部分留出,待检漏工作完成,再将保温层全部敷设完成。 2.7.4、冷媒管的气管和液管应分别进行保温处理。 2.7.5、保温材料的接头处应进行粘接,以确保没有间隙,保温外部用包扎带缠绕,包扎不要太紧,以无松弛感为准。 2.7.6、吊顶里的管道,如无专门要求,可以不用包扎。用单面胶带将控制导线间断 附着在管道保温层外即可。 2.8、电气工程: 空调配电施工应符合国标GB5024-96《电气装置安装工程低压电器施工及验收规范》中的有关条款。 2.8.1、电气施工应由有专业资格的施工人员进行。 2.8.2、室内、外机都必须可靠接地,接地电阻小于4Ω 2.8.3、所有电源线、信号线都必须分别穿入线管或线槽中使用,电源线、信号线不得穿入同一线管中使用。 2.8.4、电线必须全部使用铜芯线,电源线和信号线应保持适当距离(200mm)或布置在冷媒管两侧,不得相互缠绕,以免对通讯信号造成干扰。 2.8.5、室内、外机可采用不同电源,分开供电,但同一系室机必须必须用同一电源。 box before commissioning, check distribution box there is no debris, installation in accordance with the criteria of quality as第sessment, chromatography, plates are complete. 2 boxes inside the doors and frames, and grounded or neutral examination. 3 wi 5 页 共 8 页 th electric opening doors, door and frame ground terminal applying bare braided copper wire connections and grounding identifies. 4 connection of the protective conductor should be exposed in the external protective conductor Terminal. 5 lighting should be setting the zero line box (n) and protective ground (PE) bus, zero line and protect the ground bus distribution. 6 laid ground lines along the length of every 15-100mm respectively, coated with yellow and green stripes. 7 testing grounding resistance of grounding devices must comply with the design requirements. 8 boxes of checks: based on changes of design drawings and construction documents, check box in the component specification, model, installation location should be correct; boxes on both sides of the Terminal cannot lack; the conductor cross section should meet the requirements of drawings; line-by-line check box in the device's connection and the connection of the equipment to the terminal block inside the box. 9 box tie cable check: liaison between the box and the box cables required by proofing; check lines on the circuit at the same time should check the wires, cables, relays, switches, buttons, terminal blocks marked with line drawings. 10 operator checks: the main check 2.8.6、每台室外机分别安装一个空气开关,开关容量可按外机最大运转电流的1.5倍选定。 2.8.7、连接在同一外机系统上的内机,应采用同一电源。 2.8.8、电源线建议使用BV线、BVR线或VV电缆,不可使用橡套线(YZW线) 2.8.9、信号线必须使用二芯屏蔽线(1.5mm2),屏蔽层在内机连续连接,用胶布绝缘,在外机单点接地。信号线禁止环状配线。 2.8.10、10 mm2以上的电源线在与接线端子连接时,必须使用线鼻子。 2.8.11、电气配线不得与冷媒管路直接接触,以免电线绝缘层因受热老化,而导致漏电伤人。 2.8.12、10匹外机的电源线,原则上不低于6mm2 2.8.13、室内机电源线原则上截面积不小于2.5 mm2 22.8.14、线控器与内机间的配线使用0.5 mmRVV线,有极性连接,成组控制的组内从机,只连接B、C两个端子。 22.8.15、集中控制线采用1.5 mm二芯屏蔽线,连接在内外机的通信总线端子P、Q上,无极性要求。 2.9、管道吹污工作:用氮气冲刷管道内壁是一种将管道内杂物清除出去的。 注:如果管道焊接时,不采取充氮保护,此方法不足以清理干净管道内壁的氧化物。 将氮气通过减压阀与系统连接起来,将减压阀调致5Kg/cm2,并向系统内注 入氮气,用手或其他材料抵住管口,当系统内压力大到无法抵住时,快速放开。 重复四至五次。基本可将杂物清理干净。 2.9.1、MRV系统由于系统较大,管道较粗,吹污工作应分段进行。 2.9.2、吹污时应保持足够的压力并重复多次,如管道内的污物清理不干净,会造成机组内过滤网或电子膨胀阀堵塞。 2.9.3、速放开管口时,应注意操作安全,防止吹出的污物伤人。 2.10、气密试验: 将氮气瓶、减压表、双头压力表,冷媒系统依次连接,从高、低压两侧同 时向系统内加入氮气。操作中注意事项: 2.10.1、气密性试验必须使用氮气,严禁使用其他种类气体代替。 2.10.2、气密性试验宜在不连接外机的情况下进行。因为外机的汽、液截止阀受焊接、外力的影响,可能会发生泄漏,使氮气进入外机循环系统内。 2.10.3、加压应从汽、液管两侧同时进行。加压可分为二至三个阶段。先加至一个box before commissioning, check distribution box there is no debris, installation in accordance with the criteria of quality assessment, chromatography, plates are complete. 2 boxes inside the doors and frames, and grounded or neutral examination. 3 with electric opening doors, door and frame ground terminal applying bare braided copper wire connections and grounding identifies. 4 connection of the protective conductor should be exposed in the external protective conductor Terminal. 5 lighting should be setting the zero line box (n) and protective ground (PE) bus, zero line and protect the ground bus distribution. 6 laid ground lines along the length of every 15-100mm respectively, coated with yellow and green stripes. 7 testing grounding resistance of grounding devices must comply with the design requirements. 8 boxes of checks: based on changes of design drawings and construction documents, check box in the component specification, model, installation location should be correct; boxes on both sides of the Terminal cannot lack; the conductor cross section should meet the requirements of drawings; line-by-line check box in the device's connection and the connection of the equipment to the terminal block inside the box. 9 box tie cable check: liaison between the box and the box cables required by proofing; check lines on the circuit at the same time should check the wires, cables, relays, switches, buttons, terminal blocks marked with line drawings. 10 operator checks: the main check 较低的压力,如果没发现大的泄漏,再加至28 Kg/cm2。 2.10.4、用肥皂水对焊口和丝口逐个检查,如有泄漏,会有气泡冒出。 2.10.5、检漏完毕,放置24小时,压力无下降为准。(环境温度会影响系统内的压力,一般环温每变化1?,便会有0.1 Kg/cm2的压力变化) 2.10.6、如压力24小时降低0.3 Kg/cm2以上,又查不出明显的漏点,则应分段检查,逐步缩小漏点的范围。 2.10.7、 漏点找到并处理完毕后,应重新加压至28 Kg/cm2,并定置24小时观察。 2.11、真空干燥: 将真空泵通过双头压力表与冷媒系统连接在一起,真空泵将管路中的空 气和水分抽出,从而达到管道内真空和干燥的目的。 施工要点: 2.11.1、真空必须用真空泵,禁止用制冷剂来冲出系统内空气。 2.11.2、抽真空建议采用40L/min的真空泵,真空度应达到-755mmHg以下。 2.11.3、抽真空操作建议采用重复抽真空法,即抽二小时后,往系统内加入一定量制冷剂气体,然后再抽二小时,重复二至三次,这样能保证系统内达到较高的真空度。 2.11.4、真空泵应经常维护,以确保其能达到较高的真空度。 2.11.5、因为室内机的电子膨胀阀可能处于关闭状态,所以抽真空应从高、低压两侧同时进行。 2.12、追加冷媒: 设备出厂时,对现场安装的冷媒管未充填制冷剂,因此,管道安装完成后,需现场追加制冷剂。 2.12.1、将冷媒钢瓶,双头压力表通过软管依次连接在室外机的高、低压阀上,打开钢瓶阀,将管内的空气赶出。 2.12.2、追加的冷媒量应根据液管的直径和长度来确定,并将最后追加的冷媒量记录在外机的铭牌上。 2.12.3、追加冷媒时一定要称量进行。严禁按电流或压力估计加注。 2.12.4、追加冷媒,应在真空干燥完成后或制冷运转时进行。 2.12.5、冷媒应从液体状态充注到液管中,如在制冷运转时加注,应以气体状态加注,以防压缩机液击。 2.13、试运转:气密试验,真空干燥,追加冷媒完成后,给空调送电前,应对以下项目进行检查: box before commissioning, check distribution box there is no debris, installation in accordance with the criteria of quality as第sessment, chromatography, plates are complete. 2 boxes inside the doors and frames, and grounded or neutral examination. 3 wi 7 页 共 8 页 th electric opening doors, door and frame ground terminal applying bare braided copper wire connections and grounding identifies. 4 connection of the protective conductor should be exposed in the external protective conductor Terminal. 5 lighting should be setting the zero line box (n) and protective ground (PE) bus, zero line and protect the ground bus distribution. 6 laid ground lines along the length of every 15-100mm respectively, coated with yellow and green stripes. 7 testing grounding resistance of grounding devices must comply with the design requirements. 8 boxes of checks: based on changes of design drawings and construction documents, check box in the component specification, model, installation location should be correct; boxes on both sides of the Terminal cannot lack; the conductor cross section should meet the requirements of drawings; line-by-line check box in the device's connection and the connection of the equipment to the terminal block inside the box. 9 box tie cable check: liaison between the box and the box cables required by proofing; check lines on the circuit at the same time should check the wires, cables, relays, switches, buttons, terminal blocks marked with line drawings. 10 operator checks: the main check 2.13.1、内外机空开或漏电保护的容量,电源线径是否符合规定。 2.13.2、电源线连接是否牢固可靠,接地线电阻不应大于4Ω 2.13.3、用500V兆欧表检查对地绝缘电阻应在1MΩ以上。 2.13.4、用万用表测量电源电压,应在额定电压?10%以内。 2.13.5、对照图纸检查信号线系统,连接是否正确,屏蔽层是否接地,线径及线色是否与图纸相对应。 2.13.6、对照图纸检查冷媒配管系统连接是否正确,管径及分歧管型号是否与图纸相对应。 2.13.7、冷凝排水管是否做过排水试验。 2.13.8、高压截止阀,低压截止阀,均油阀是否已经打开。 以上项目检查完毕,即可为空调上电,待压缩机预热12小时后,才能开机 运转:、应分别进行制冷试运转和制热试运转。、分别记录试运转30分钟后的电流,压力,温度,频率等参数。、如出现故障代码,则依据有关技术资料对故障进行分析和维修并将维修措施及机器编号记录下来。、内机可自动或手动设定地址,推荐手动设定地址。 2.14、交付使用 2.14.1、用户移交有关资料,包括:设备清单,合格证,操作指南,图纸列表等等。 2.14.2、将冷媒配管长度及制冷剂追加量记录在外机检修板内侧,以供将来维修时使用。 2.14.3、将试运行时的测量记录,一式二份双方签字后各保管一份。 2.14.4、将系统的所有图表(包括每个房间的机号及电路图,系统图)装订成册,移交给用户妥善保管,并交中心一份统一存档。 2.14.5、服务联系地址、电话写清楚交给用户。 box before commissioning, check distribution box there is no debris, installation in accordance with the criteria of quality assessment, chromatography, plates are complete. 2 boxes inside the doors and frames, and grounded or neutral examination. 3 with electric opening doors, door and frame ground terminal applying bare braided copper wire connections and grounding identifies. 4 connection of the protective conductor should be exposed in the external protective conductor Terminal. 5 lighting should be setting the zero line box (n) and protective ground (PE) bus, zero line and protect the ground bus distribution. 6 laid ground lines along the length of every 15-100mm respectively, coated with yellow and green stripes. 7 testing grounding resistance of grounding devices must comply with the design requirements. 8 boxes of checks: based on changes of design drawings and construction documents, check box in the component specification, model, installation location should be correct; boxes on both sides of the Terminal cannot lack; the conductor cross section should meet the requirements of drawings; line-by-line check box in the device's connection and the connection of the equipment to the terminal block inside the box. 9 box tie cable check: liaison between the box and the box cables required by proofing; check lines on the circuit at the same time should check the wires, cables, relays, switches, buttons, terminal blocks marked with line drawings. 10 operator checks: the main check
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