
雪纳瑞训练(Schnauzer training)(雪纳瑞训练 (schnauzer training))

2018-04-04 6页 doc 26KB 24阅读




雪纳瑞训练(Schnauzer training)(雪纳瑞训练 (schnauzer training))雪纳瑞训练(Schnauzer training)(雪纳瑞训练 (schnauzer training)) 雪纳瑞训练(Schnauzer training)(雪纳瑞训练 (schnauzer training)) Schnauzer daily training (1): how to correctly use the dog rope The proper use of the dog's rope is very important. In the Schnauzer daily training, dogs ...
雪纳瑞训练(Schnauzer training)(雪纳瑞训练 (schnauzer training))
雪纳瑞训练(Schnauzer training)(雪纳瑞训练 (schnauzer training)) 雪纳瑞训练(Schnauzer training)(雪纳瑞训练 (schnauzer training)) Schnauzer daily training (1): how to correctly use the dog rope The proper use of the dog's rope is very important. In the Schnauzer daily training, dogs use rope reasonable, will let you and your beloved Schnauzer travel more harmonious. Here is to introduce the use of dog rope. I. correct dog rope pull method. First of all, we should hold the leash in the right hand and keep it loose properly. The left hand rope is on the left. The condition of the rope should be slightly sagged from the collar of the dog and must remain loose. The owner should always pay attention to whether the dog's position is correct and whether the rope is pulled or not. Otherwise, it will not achieve the purpose of training. Two, dog rope training method The first thing to remember is that the correct way to hold ropes is to keep the dog at all times. If you have a larger force schnauzer, can be used with inner nail collar. This is more intense and painful than regular collars, but it's best to avoid using them. Usually, at home to make free schnauzer. When taking a walk, be careful to keep the rope relaxed. Secondly, in the training or go out for a walk when the dog in the master left, and the same direction (not used to the left, you can change to the right), but can not ignore the existence of any master pulls the rope straight ahead, so the owner for dogs without appeal, not worth trust. In this case, training becomes very necessary. The method is as follows: first, when the dog pulls the rope in a certain direction to go, immediately forced to lead it in the opposite direction, the way can turn, can also go back and forth in the same way anyway, is holding the dog walk. Secondly, when the dog ready to move the rope -- watch dog ready to pull the rope like, when this sign, the fierce look back the rope, around the dog's neck. The intensity and timing of the moment were very important, and a sudden effort exerted pressure on the dog's neck and relaxed the rope. Three, the use of dog rope in several places prone to errors 1, we must pay attention to, if the Schnauzer rope around his neck has been in tension state, training methods above have no effect. 2, one of the most common mistakes in the training process is that, to keep the dog in the right place, the rope is often too tight to relax. In this way, often to the dog's neck pressure to correct the behavior of a dog, pulling the rope has no meaning, because the Schnauzer does not distinguish the difference between the two is. For example, such as more than a Schnauzer Dog walk or master in other directions when we at this moment to send a signal to stop the transfer affects the rope, the rope and then immediately relax. This series of actions is done in a very short time, so the correct pull of the rope is extremely important. Schnauzer early training is very important, especially before 6 months. Most dog experts believe that five to six month old puppy is the optimal time to begin rigorous training. Because the puppies of this age group are the stage to begin to live independently and to accept new things from the outside world, it is easier to train the pups at this stage. Schnauzer puppy training should pay attention to the four points: First, full of love and patience for dogs. These two are very important factors. Because the dog training is a very boring work, many action should be repeated a hundred times or even thousands of times, if you don't love your Schnauzer Dog, or do not have the patience, the training, you will feel very upset, this is not a good training your dog. Second, familiar with the name teach Schnauzer puppy. This is the first step of training Schnauzer puppy, because if the dog doesn't know where you call it, what about the train? Therefore, we must do this step by step: you can always call it "snow light", and don't say too much and too complicated in the early stage, Is called the dog's name, then take it to eat or go to Liu Wan, can continue to strengthen the awareness of the dog. Slowly the "Snow", "Tigress" and their own together. Third, let the Schnauzer puppy habit collar and leash. Collar and leash is a restriction on the puppy, must let the puppy understand collar and leash is a part of their lives. Usually in addition to a bath can keep the puppy out often with collar, pull rope connected to walk along with your puppy induction, the best to keep it on your left. If it has an attempt to run around, it can be gently stretched to limit it. When you stop moving, you can use the rope to limit it to you, gently press it back to sit down, and gradually form a habit. Fourth, puppy training should not be rude and maltreatment. We must remember that "you reap". Experience has shown that the character of rough men trained dogs, its character is often vicious domineering. The dog training must be patient and careful, means more rewards, less punishment, which is conducive to the cultivation of Schnauzer puppy docile character. How to train the dog Schnauzer upright (standing) and walk? To train a dog walking upright Schnauzer (standing), dog leg strength is the key. If the Schnauzer puppy if hind leg weakness, is in any case do not erect or walk these movements. But to do this is not difficult, is to let small Schnauzer Dog leg exercise. Here are some tips on how to train your puppy's leg muscles: Supplementary note: it is recommended that must be more than three months can Schnauzer puppy walking training. Because the bones of the puppy aren't very soft at this time, and it's easy to take on new subjects (which are more important for dog's daily life training). A temptation, Schnauzer standing training (or vertical) Schnauzer puppy love master very much, also want to go to the master play, so sometimes you sit, the snow is very easy to find you. At this point, you need to use something that dogs are interested in: food, toys, etc., and entice it to sit on your lap. By this method can exercise the leg muscles schnauzer. But pay attention to the beginning of the training time is not too long, because the dog's bones are still in development, a long time, easy to cause skeletal deformation, repeated 5 to 6 per day can be. At the same time, we must pay attention to each time to give appropriate reward, while the snow front legs as far as possible on the high side, so that the training effect will be better. Two, after half a month to encourage Schnauzer try to stand After a period of training, the snow hind has a certain strength, and this is what we will try to slowly try to stand up schnauzer. The same thing: entice the dog to stand up with something of interest. But at this point, dogs can't rely entirely on their own hind legs, and we need to find support, such as human legs or desks and chairs. If you have the conditions, take it out every day, running, the effect will be better. Repeat about 10 times a day. Three, training Schnauzer completely independent stand About a month later, we can train for training on the full Schnauzer puppy. You can stand up with food and toys to tease Konari, but the mouth of a command, such as: the station slowly back at the same time. When the dog began to be used to go out front want to rely on your legs, but don't retreat, try a little bit of withdrawal. Usually, dogs can walk about two steps, then give rewards (stroking, compliments, food rewards, etc.). At the same time, you can also use the chair, bedside and so on, let the snow before the claws as a support point, standing will be better. Here basically completed the Schnauzer standing training. But the need to adhere to the early Schnauzer puppy training, through training every day to produce reflex Schnauzer dog. After such a long period of time, Light snow will stand up and walk freely.
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