

2017-08-31 34页 doc 202KB 21阅读




保山市人民医院迁建项目隔震支座施工方案保山市人民医院迁建项目隔震支座施工方案 保山市人民医院迁建一期项目 门急诊综合办公楼 隔震橡胶支座专项施工方案 审定: 审批: 审核: 编制: 云南建工第五建设有限公司第四直管部 保山市人民医院迁建项目部 二?一三年 四月 十四日 Conference is by Council party research decided held of once important Conference, main task is in-depth learning implement XI General Sec...
保山市人民医院迁建项目隔震支座施工 保山市人民医院迁建一期项目 门急诊综合办公楼 隔震橡胶支座专项施工方案 审定: 审批: 审核: 编制: 云南建工第五建设有限公司第四直管部 保山市人民医院迁建项目部 二?一三年 四月 十四日 Conference is by Council party research decided held of once important Conference, main task is in-depth learning implement XI General Secretary series important speech especially on "two learn a do" learning education of important indicates spirit, according to Central, and provincial and municipal on in all members in the carried out "learn Constitution Party rules, and Speech series, be qualified party members "learn the deployment requirements of education, for me" two "education work arrangements, education and guidance directly under the works of party members and further strengthening the conviction in ideal, keeping faithful to the party and set up breeze upright, play, dare, to speed up water conservancy reform and development efforts to provide a strong organizational guarantee. Just now, the XX gay announced municipal water systems "two" is Fertilization system, units of the party organization in accordance with the implementation plan, paying careful attention to implementation. The following, according to the spirit of the Central, provincial and municipal party Committee, and conducted my municipal water system "two" study and education, I wish to make three points. A, and deep awareness carried out "two learn a do" learning education of important meaning party of 18 big yilai, to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central, around full strictly rule party made has series major deployment, played has a strictly rule party of combination fist, has carried out has party of mass line education practice activities, "three strict three real" topic education, for solution members cadres especially County at level above leaders exists of highlight problem, advance full strictly rule party up to has very important of role, tube party rule party lost of Yu wide, and Lost in the loose, soft-lost problem has been greatly improved, ranks the overall quality has been greatly improved. But also to 目 录 一、概况 ................................................................................................... 2 二、编制依据 ................................................................................................... 2 三、施工准备 ................................................................................................... 2 四、施工工艺流程 ............................................................................................ 5 五、隔震支座安装偏差处理措施 ..................................................................... 9 六、隔震支座及其预埋件保护 ....................................................................... 10 七、项目组织机构及质量保证体系................................................................ 11 八、质量验收 .......................................................................................... 12 九、安全文明施工 .......................................................................................... 12 lost problem has been greatly improved, ranks the overall quality has been greatly improved. But also to-up to has very important of role, tube party rule party lost of Yu wide, and Lost in the loose, soft partyfor solution members cadres especially County at level above leaders exists of highlight problem, advance full strictly rule nation fist, has carried out has party of mass line education practice activities, "three strict three real" topic education,combiion p l Secretary of Central, around full strictly rule party made has series major deployment, played has a strictly rule party ofwareness carried out "two learn a do" learning education of important meaning party of 18 big yilai, to XI comrade for Generadeep aipal party Committee, and conducted my municipal water system "two" study and education, I wish to make three points. A, and lan, paying careful attention to implementation. The following, according to the spirit of the Central, provincial and municced municipal water systems "two" is Fertilization system, units of the party organization in accordance with the implementatup water conservancy reform and development efforts to provide a strong organizational guarantee. Just now, the XX gay announ speed rs and further strengthening the conviction in ideal, keeping faithful to the party and set up breeze upright, play, dare, toements of education, for me" two "education work arrangements, education and guidance directly under the works of party memberequirbers in the carried out "learn Constitution Party rules, and Speech series, be qualified party members "learn the deployment earn a do" learning education of important indicates spirit, according to Central, and provincial and municipal on in all memdepth learning implement XI General Secretary series important speech especially on "two l-Conference is by Council party research decided held of once important Conference, main task is in1 一、工程概况 保山市人民医院迁建,一期,项目,新建五层框架结构门急诊综合楼,总建筑面积22789.47平方米,其中,门急诊综合楼第四、第五层为全科医生临床培养基地,建筑面积7068.18平方米,,结构形式为钢筋混凝土框架结构,?0.00=1694.50m,地下设有一层隔震层,标高范围为?0.00~ -2.00m,基坑开挖深度约为3.5m,建筑基底面积6045.95平方米。 二、编制依据 1、《叠层橡胶支座隔震技术规程》,CECS126,2001,, 2、《橡胶支座第3部分,建筑隔震橡胶支座》,GB20688.3-2006,, 3、《建筑结构隔震构造详图》,03SG610-1,, 4、《工程测量》,GB50026-2007,。 5、保山市人民医院迁建,一期,项目【门急诊综合楼,含全科医生临床培养基地,建设工程】设计施工图 6、《建筑抗震加固技术规范》JGJT116-98 三、施工准备 1、技术要求 1. 隔震支墩(支座)施工图务必同主体结构施工图与基础部分结构施工图和到场橡胶支座及其技术资料核对无误后方可施工。 2. 橡胶隔震支座及连接件由厂家配套提供,橡胶支座设置于上支墩底,下支墩顶。 3. 焊接构件应避免钢板翘扭变形并对焊缝进行清检,表面磨平。 4. 预埋件安装时必须保持表面水平,用水平尺校平,妥善固定,平面位 lost problem has been greatly improved, ranks the-rtant of role, tube party rule party lost of Yu wide, and Lost in the loose, softes especially County at level above leaders exists of highlight problem, advance full strictly rule party up to has very impos cadrried out has party of mass line education practice activities, "three strict three real" topic education, for solution memberound full strictly rule party made has series major deployment, played has a strictly rule party of combination fist, has carl, ar"two learn a do" learning education of important meaning party of 18 big yilai, to XI comrade for General Secretary of Centra conducted my municipal water system "two" study and education, I wish to make three points. A, and deep awareness carried out, and attention to implementation. The following, according to the spirit of the Central, provincial and municipal party Committeems "two" is Fertilization system, units of the party organization in accordance with the implementation plan, paying careful syste y reform and development efforts to provide a strong organizational guarantee. Just now, the XX gay announced municipal waterng the conviction in ideal, keeping faithful to the party and set up breeze upright, play, dare, to speed up water conservancthenifor me" two "education work arrangements, education and guidance directly under the works of party members and further streng earn Constitution Party rules, and Speech series, be qualified party members "learn the deployment requirements of education,portant indicates spirit, according to Central, and provincial and municipal on in all members in the carried out "ldepth learning implement XI General Secretary series important speech especially on "two learn a do" learning education of im-ain task is inConference is by Council party research decided held of once important Conference, moverall quality has been greatly improved. But also to 2 置对中误差不大于?5mm下埋件中间孔混凝土浇完后应压平,保证下埋件钢板下的混凝土密实。隔震支座下预埋件标高详门急诊综合楼结构图。 5. 材料, 1,、隔震支座上下混凝土等级为C40,支墩纵筋采用HRB400;标准螺栓 M2为8.8级普通螺栓。 2,、普通钢筋的抗拉强度实测值与屈服强度的实测值的比值不应小于1.25,且钢筋的屈服强度实测值与强度标准值的比值不应大于1.3。且钢筋在最大拉力下的总伸长率实测值不应小于9%。 6. 隔震支座的安装,?0.00m标高层的楼梯踏步,房屋周边的室外地坪等的施工可按照《建筑结构隔震构造详图》(03SG610-1)图集和《叠层橡胶支座隔震技术规程》设计施工。务必保证地震时上部建筑可自由水平移动。 7. 橡胶隔震支座性能及检验的应符合国家产品标准《橡胶支座 第3部分,建筑隔震支座》GB20688.3-2006要求,及《建筑结构抗震设计规范》(GB50011-2010)12.1.5条相关要求。出厂需经检验,并出具有效检验报告,物理力学性能指标应符合《橡胶隔震垫参数表》要求。安装前应对工程中所用的各种类型和规格的原型部件进行抽样检测,具体要求详《建筑结构抗震设计规范》(GB50011-2010)12.1.5注释及《橡胶支座 第3部分,建筑隔震支座》。(对一般建筑,每种规格的产品抽样数量应不少于总数的20%,若有不合格,应重新抽取总数的50%,若仍有不合格,则应100%检测)支座套筒承载力要求达到连接螺栓等强度连接强度, 并满足机械连接的相关要求和检验。法兰板内螺栓连接处净厚度要求达到连接螺栓等强度。 8. 填充墙做法中,隔震填充材料详《建筑结构隔震构造详图》(03SG610-1) lost problem has been greatly improved, ranks the overall quality has been greatly improved. But also toparty-up to has very important of role, tube party rule party lost of Yu wide, and Lost in the loose, softfor solution members cadres especially County at level above leaders exists of highlight problem, advance full strictly rule nation fist, has carried out has party of mass line education practice activities, "three strict three real" topic education,combi l Secretary of Central, around full strictly rule party made has series major deployment, played has a strictly rule party ofwareness carried out "two learn a do" learning education of important meaning party of 18 big yilai, to XI comrade for Generadeep aipal party Committee, and conducted my municipal water system "two" study and education, I wish to make three points. A, and lan, paying careful attention to implementation. The following, according to the spirit of the Central, provincial and municion pced municipal water systems "two" is Fertilization system, units of the party organization in accordance with the implementatup water conservancy reform and development efforts to provide a strong organizational guarantee. Just now, the XX gay announ speed rs and further strengthening the conviction in ideal, keeping faithful to the party and set up breeze upright, play, dare, toements of education, for me" two "education work arrangements, education and guidance directly under the works of party memberequirbers in the carried out "learn Constitution Party rules, and Speech series, be qualified party members "learn the deployment earn a do" learning education of important indicates spirit, according to Central, and provincial and municipal on in all memdepth learning implement XI General Secretary series important speech especially on "two l-Conference is by Council party research decided held of once important Conference, main task is in3 图集47页,有防火要求时缝隙处填充适量防火棉。 9. 隔震建筑与相邻非隔震建筑物或构筑物之间应留有不小于400mm间距的隔震缝,隔震建筑之间隔震缝宽600mm。 10. 隔震层标高范围: ?0.00~-2.00m lost problem has been greatly improved, ranks the-rtant of role, tube party rule party lost of Yu wide, and Lost in the loose, softes especially County at level above leaders exists of highlight problem, advance full strictly rule party up to has very impos cadrried out has party of mass line education practice activities, "three strict three real" topic education, for solution memberound full strictly rule party made has series major deployment, played has a strictly rule party of combination fist, has carl, ar"two learn a do" learning education of important meaning party of 18 big yilai, to XI comrade for General Secretary of Centra conducted my municipal water system "two" study and education, I wish to make three points. A, and deep awareness carried out, and attention to implementation. The following, according to the spirit of the Central, provincial and municipal party Committeems "two" is Fertilization system, units of the party organization in accordance with the implementation plan, paying careful syste y reform and development efforts to provide a strong organizational guarantee. Just now, the XX gay announced municipal waterng the conviction in ideal, keeping faithful to the party and set up breeze upright, play, dare, to speed up water conservancthenifor me" two "education work arrangements, education and guidance directly under the works of party members and further streng earn Constitution Party rules, and Speech series, be qualified party members "learn the deployment requirements of education,portant indicates spirit, according to Central, and provincial and municipal on in all members in the carried out "ldepth learning implement XI General Secretary series important speech especially on "two learn a do" learning education of im-ain task is inConference is by Council party research decided held of once important Conference, moverall quality has been greatly improved. But also to 4 备注, 1 .B 、H 为砼上下支墩尺寸。R表示铅芯橡胶支座N表示天然橡胶支座。 2.套筒承载力需要承担剪力及拉力,要求达到连接螺栓等强度连接强度。 3.上支墩外部螺栓M1,在套筒中连接长度需要考虑钢柱底部端板厚度影响.若下支墩预埋定位板不拆除,外螺栓M1,在套筒中连接长度需要考虑定位板厚度影响. 2、施工现场准备 1、安装前后采用水准仪做好标高的控制测量, 2、隔震橡胶支座安装工期控制目标为15天, 3、隔震橡胶支座安装人力配置5人, 4、机械设备需用量,电焊机3台。 四、施工工艺流程 详见下图4-1。 l Secretary of Central, around full strictly rule party made has series major deployment, played has a strictly rule party oflost problem has been greatly improved, ranks the overall quality has been greatly improved. But also to-up to has very important of role, tube party rule party lost of Yu wide, and Lost in the loose, soft partyfor solution members cadres especially County at level above leaders exists of highlight problem, advance full strictly rule nation fist, has carried out has party of mass line education practice activities, "three strict three real" topic education,combiwareness carried out "two learn a do" learning education of important meaning party of 18 big yilai, to XI comrade for Genera deep aipal party Committee, and conducted my municipal water system "two" study and education, I wish to make three points. A, and lan, paying careful attention to implementation. The following, according to the spirit of the Central, provincial and municion pced municipal water systems "two" is Fertilization system, units of the party organization in accordance with the implementatup water conservancy reform and development efforts to provide a strong organizational guarantee. Just now, the XX gay announ speed rs and further strengthening the conviction in ideal, keeping faithful to the party and set up breeze upright, play, dare, toements of education, for me" two "education work arrangements, education and guidance directly under the works of party memberequirbers in the carried out "learn Constitution Party rules, and Speech series, be qualified party members "learn the deployment earn a do" learning education of important indicates spirit, according to Central, and provincial and municipal on in all memdepth learning implement XI General Secretary series important speech especially on "two l-Conference is by Council party research decided held of once important Conference, main task is in5 承台、底板施工 定位放线 绑扎下支墩钢筋 材料进场检验高强螺栓预拧紧锚筋、套筒及钢模板套筒及锚固钢筋固定各方联合验收定位、固定 下支墩模板安装、砼浇筑 关过程测量 键 去掉钢模板,混凝土找平, 安装隔震垫,调平,灌浆 上部套筒定位、固定 支设上支墩模板 绑扎上支墩钢筋 各方联合验收 上支墩混凝土浇筑 拆模、养护 图4-1 隔震支座安装施工流程 1、隔震支座下支墩钢筋笼绑扎 在隔震支座下支墩施工前,测量隔震支座中心的竖向投影的位置,使用隔震支座安装钢模板在底板混凝土面上预先标定隔震支座四个预埋件的竖向投影的位置,以避免预埋件被下支墩的主筋阻挡。 , and attention to implementation. The following, according to the spirit of the Central, provincial and municipal party Committeems "two" is Fertilization system, units of the party organization in accordance with the implementation plan, paying careful syste y reform and development efforts to provide a strong organizational guarantee. Just now, the XX gay announced municipal waterng the conviction in ideal, keeping faithful to the party and set up breeze upright, play, dare, to speed up water conservancthenifor me" two "education work arrangements, education and guidance directly under the works of party members and further streng earn Constitution Party rules, and Speech series, be qualified party members "learn the deployment requirements of education,portant indicates spirit, according to Central, and provincial and municipal on in all members in the carried out "ldepth learning implement XI General Secretary series important speech especially on "two learn a do" learning education of im-ain task is inConference is by Council party research decided held of once important Conference, moverall quality has been greatly improved. But also to lost problem has been greatly improved, ranks the-rtant of role, tube party rule party lost of Yu wide, and Lost in the loose, softes especially County at level above leaders exists of highlight problem, advance full strictly rule party up to has very impos cadrried out has party of mass line education practice activities, "three strict three real" topic education, for solution memberound full strictly rule party made has series major deployment, played has a strictly rule party of combination fist, has carl, ar"two learn a do" learning education of important meaning party of 18 big yilai, to XI comrade for General Secretary of Centra conducted my municipal water system "two" study and education, I wish to make three points. A, and deep awareness carried out6 预埋件,指预埋于隔震支座上下支墩中,使隔震支座与基础和上部结构相互连接的构件,由套筒、钢筋组成。钢筋拧入套筒。 2、预埋件定位、固定 1,预埋件定位, 下支墩钢筋笼绑扎完毕,使用预埋定位钢模板将4根预埋件固定,固定时将螺栓,并将安装用模板夹紧,然后放置于钢筋笼上,测量模板标高、平面位置及平整度,调准后对预埋件进行固定,见图5-1。 钢板1120×1120×4 图5-1 套筒定位示意图 2,预埋件固定, 调准在预埋件底部点焊定位箍筋,图5-2。预埋件上部使用短钢筋与下支墩钢筋笼做适当固定,保证定位精度在规定范围内。 lost problem has been greatly improved, ranks the overall quality has been greatly improved. But also to-up to has very important of role, tube party rule party lost of Yu wide, and Lost in the loose, soft partyfor solution members cadres especially County at level above leaders exists of highlight problem, advance full strictly rule nation fist, has carried out has party of mass line education practice activities, "three strict three real" topic education,combiion p l Secretary of Central, around full strictly rule party made has series major deployment, played has a strictly rule party ofwareness carried out "two learn a do" learning education of important meaning party of 18 big yilai, to XI comrade for Generadeep aipal party Committee, and conducted my municipal water system "two" study and education, I wish to make three points. A, and lan, paying careful attention to implementation. The following, according to the spirit of the Central, provincial and municced municipal water systems "two" is Fertilization system, units of the party organization in accordance with the implementatup water conservancy reform and development efforts to provide a strong organizational guarantee. Just now, the XX gay announ speed rs and further strengthening the conviction in ideal, keeping faithful to the party and set up breeze upright, play, dare, toements of education, for me" two "education work arrangements, education and guidance directly under the works of party memberequirbers in the carried out "learn Constitution Party rules, and Speech series, be qualified party members "learn the deployment earn a do" learning education of important indicates spirit, according to Central, and provincial and municipal on in all memdepth learning implement XI General Secretary series important speech especially on "two l-Conference is by Council party research decided held of once important Conference, main task is in7 图5-2 定位箍筋示意图 3、下支墩浇筑 下支墩浇筑混凝土前必须进行定位复测,复测内容包括预埋件标高及中心位置。混凝土浇筑完毕后,混凝土初凝前,将钢模板拆除进行找平,然后对隔震支座预埋件进行定位复测并记录,复测内容包括预埋件标高、中心位置及平整度。为避免砂浆、混凝土等杂物进入套筒孔内,螺栓应拧入套筒内。 4、隔震支座安装 混凝土强度达到强度的80%后可进行隔震支座安装,安装前必须进行定位复测并记录,复测内容包括预埋件标高、中心位置及平整度。复测满足要求后可进行隔震支座安装。 安装时应将下支墩面清理干净,吊装隔震支座,并拧紧高强螺栓。隔震支座安装完后,复测隔震支座标高及平面位置并记录。 5、上支墩浇筑 1,上支墩预埋件固定 将上部预埋件用高强螺栓连接到隔震支座上。 , and attention to implementation. The following, according to the spirit of the Central, provincial and municipal party Committeems "two" is Fertilization system, units of the party organization in accordance with the implementation plan, paying careful syste y reform and development efforts to provide a strong organizational guarantee. Just now, the XX gay announced municipal waterng the conviction in ideal, keeping faithful to the party and set up breeze upright, play, dare, to speed up water conservancthenifor me" two "education work arrangements, education and guidance directly under the works of party members and further streng earn Constitution Party rules, and Speech series, be qualified party members "learn the deployment requirements of education,portant indicates spirit, according to Central, and provincial and municipal on in all members in the carried out "ldepth learning implement XI General Secretary series important speech especially on "two learn a do" learning education of im-ain task is inConference is by Council party research decided held of once important Conference, moverall quality has been greatly improved. But also to lost problem has been greatly improved, ranks the-rtant of role, tube party rule party lost of Yu wide, and Lost in the loose, softes especially County at level above leaders exists of highlight problem, advance full strictly rule party up to has very impos cadrried out has party of mass line education practice activities, "three strict three real" topic education, for solution memberound full strictly rule party made has series major deployment, played has a strictly rule party of combination fist, has carl, ar"two learn a do" learning education of important meaning party of 18 big yilai, to XI comrade for General Secretary of Centra conducted my municipal water system "two" study and education, I wish to make three points. A, and deep awareness carried out8 2,上支墩底模安装钢筋绑扎 依次安装上支墩底模,绑扎上支墩钢筋、支侧模、浇筑混凝土。此部分施工方法与常规做法相同。 3,由于隔震支座安装过程和模板支撑、拆除过程中不可避免对隔震支座油漆造成损坏及污染,待上支墩混凝土施工完毕,模板拆除后,对隔震支座油漆进行修补并清洁除污。 五、隔震支座安装偏差处理措施 隔震支座安装前,下支墩安装位置标高如不能满足规定要求,则应进行处理。 1、如下支墩安装位置标高高于规定要求,则应凿除多余混凝土,重新找平,满足要求后方可安装隔震支座安装。 2、如下支墩安装位置标高低于规定要求 1,已安装支座的下支墩,先要拆卸下隔震支座, -lost problem has been greatly improved, ranks the overall quality has been greatly improved. But also toup to has very important of role, tube party rule party lost of Yu wide, and Lost in the loose, soft partyfor solution members cadres especially County at level above leaders exists of highlight problem, advance full strictly rule nation fist, has carried out has party of mass line education practice activities, "three strict three real" topic education,combi l Secretary of Central, around full strictly rule party made has series major deployment, played has a strictly rule party ofwareness carried out "two learn a do" learning education of important meaning party of 18 big yilai, to XI comrade for Generadeep aipal party Committee, and conducted my municipal water system "two" study and education, I wish to make three points. A, and lan, paying careful attention to implementation. The following, according to the spirit of the Central, provincial and municion pced municipal water systems "two" is Fertilization system, units of the party organization in accordance with the implementatup water conservancy reform and development efforts to provide a strong organizational guarantee. Just now, the XX gay announ speed rs and further strengthening the conviction in ideal, keeping faithful to the party and set up breeze upright, play, dare, toements of education, for me" two "education work arrangements, education and guidance directly under the works of party memberequirbers in the carried out "learn Constitution Party rules, and Speech series, be qualified party members "learn the deployment earn a do" learning education of important indicates spirit, according to Central, and provincial and municipal on in all memdepth learning implement XI General Secretary series important speech especially on "two l-Conference is by Council party research decided held of once important Conference, main task is in9 2,混凝土表面下凿不少于20mm,支好模板,模板至套筒外边缘的距离不小于50mm, 3,使用垫块并调整至设计标高, 4,用水充分润湿界面,但在灌浆前不得留有明水, 5,配料搅拌,可采用机械搅拌或人工搅拌,推荐采用机械搅拌方式。搅拌时应将灌浆料中按要求比例加入水,每 100 ?灌浆料用水量为 13 ?,具体加水量请参照出厂报告,,边加入边搅拌,直至搅拌均匀。机械搅拌 1 , 2min ,手工搅拌时间不少于 3min ,否则达不到所需流动度。 6,坐浆法施工,将搅拌好的灌浆料灌入已支设好的模板中,灌入料应稍高于设计标高。立即吊装隔震支座,挤出多余灌浆料。注意此时,不要拧紧高强螺栓。灌浆完毕后30min 内应立即加盖湿草袋或岩棉被,并保持湿润,灌浆料强度达到80%后可拧紧高强螺栓。 六、隔震支座及其预埋件保护 隔震支座及其预埋件运至施工现场后,施工单位应妥善保管,以避免被污染和损坏,具体要求如下。 1、隔震支座及其预埋件存放时,应采取必要的措施防止其直接曝晒或淋雨。 2、隔震支座存放及安装现场吊装时,应保持清洁,避免污染。存放现场,避免施工人员及保安人员将剩饭、剩汤倒在隔震支座上,造成使用前的污染,安装施工现场,避免在吊装过程中钢丝绳撕破橡胶的外保护纸或塑料薄膜,在安装过程中避免用尖利器具对隔震支座法兰板划图,造成法兰板油漆脱落。 3、在现场支模板及搭脚手架时避免与隔震支座接触。 4、施工现场在隔震支座安装之前,用备用临时小螺栓代替高强螺栓。 s cadrried out has party of mass line education practice activities, "three strict three real" topic education, for solution memberound full strictly rule party made has series major deployment, played has a strictly rule party of combination fist, has carl, ar"two learn a do" learning education of important meaning party of 18 big yilai, to XI comrade for General Secretary of Centra conducted my municipal water system "two" study and education, I wish to make three points. A, and deep awareness carried out, and attention to implementation. The following, according to the spirit of the Central, provincial and municipal party Committeems "two" is Fertilization system, units of the party organization in accordance with the implementation plan, paying careful syste y reform and development efforts to provide a strong organizational guarantee. Just now, the XX gay announced municipal waterng the conviction in ideal, keeping faithful to the party and set up breeze upright, play, dare, to speed up water conservancthenifor me" two "education work arrangements, education and guidance directly under the works of party members and further streng earn Constitution Party rules, and Speech series, be qualified party members "learn the deployment requirements of education,portant indicates spirit, according to Central, and provincial and municipal on in all members in the carried out "ldepth learning implement XI General Secretary series important speech especially on "two learn a do" learning education of im-ain task is inConference is by Council party research decided held of once important Conference, moverall quality has been greatly improved. But also to lost problem has been greatly improved, ranks the-rtant of role, tube party rule party lost of Yu wide, and Lost in the loose, softes especially County at level above leaders exists of highlight problem, advance full strictly rule party up to has very impo10 5、在安装隔震支座时,现场高强螺栓要按使用数量领出,当前剩余的必须妥善保管,不得乱扔、乱放。在安装过程中,不得碰伤螺纹及沾染脏物。 6、在安装过程中,要对套筒进行清理,使套筒里无混凝土及水泥浆杂物,避免高强螺栓螺纹的污染和损伤。 7、在同一支墩上应使用同一产地生产的隔震橡胶支座。 七、项目组织机构及质量保证体系 1、项目组织机构 项 目 经 理 项目副经理 项目技术负责人 项目经济核算组 项目资料组 项目实验组 项目施工生产组 项目物资保障组 劳务班组 2、质量保证体系 1,在施工过程中,根据工程进度,由项目经理和技术负责人组织项目部管理人员学习相关部分施工质量和安全强制性条文。 2,工程开工前,本工程技术负责人组织各分项工长认真审阅施工图 ,对施工图中存在的疑问和标注不详的做好记录,项目技术负责人必须将图纸存在的问题请设计人员给以解答,尽量将施工图中的问题在施工前解决,避免边施工边修改施工图。 3,在施工过程中,施工人员必须严格按图施工,对施工图所示内容需变 combilost problem has been greatly improved, ranks the overall quality has been greatly improved. But also to-up to has very important of role, tube party rule party lost of Yu wide, and Lost in the loose, soft partyfor solution members cadres especially County at level above leaders exists of highlight problem, advance full strictly rule nation fist, has carried out has party of mass line education practice activities, "three strict three real" topic education, l Secretary of Central, around full strictly rule party made has series major deployment, played has a strictly rule party ofwareness carried out "two learn a do" learning education of important meaning party of 18 big yilai, to XI comrade for Generadeep aipal party Committee, and conducted my municipal water system "two" study and education, I wish to make three points. A, and lan, paying careful attention to implementation. The following, according to the spirit of the Central, provincial and municion pced municipal water systems "two" is Fertilization system, units of the party organization in accordance with the implementatup water conservancy reform and development efforts to provide a strong organizational guarantee. Just now, the XX gay announ speed rs and further strengthening the conviction in ideal, keeping faithful to the party and set up breeze upright, play, dare, toements of education, for me" two "education work arrangements, education and guidance directly under the works of party memberequirbers in the carried out "learn Constitution Party rules, and Speech series, be qualified party members "learn the deployment earn a do" learning education of important indicates spirit, according to Central, and provincial and municipal on in all memdepth learning implement XI General Secretary series important speech especially on "two l-Conference is by Council party research decided held of once important Conference, main task is in11 更修改的,严禁擅自变更施工图内容,必须接到设计人员的修改通知后方可施工。 八、质量验收标准 1、橡胶隔震支座的标识齐全、清晰、丝扣无裂纹损毁。 2、橡胶隔震支座表面清洁、无油污、泥沙、破损等,防腐涂层均匀、光洁无漏刷现象。 3、支承隔震支座的下支墩,其顶面水平度误差不宜大于5‰,在隔震支座安装后,隔震支座顶面的水平度误差不宜大于8‰。 4、隔震支座中心的平面位置与设计位置的偏差不应大于5.0mm。 5、隔震支座中心的标高与设计标高的偏差不应大于5.0mm。 6、同一支墩上多个隔震支座之间的顶面高差不宜大于5.0mm。 7、隔震支座连接板和外露连接螺栓应采取防锈保护措施。 8、在隔震支座安装阶段,应对支墩,或柱,顶面、隔震支座顶面的水平度、隔震支座中心的平面位置和标高进行测量并记录。 9、在工程施工阶段,应对隔震支座的竖向变形做观测并记录。 10、在工程施工阶段,应对上部结构、隔震层部件与周围固定物的脱开距离进行检查。 九、安全文明施工 ,一,文明施工要求 工地区域分布合理有序,场容场貌整洁文明。根据施工区域实际情况,做到施工区域与生活区域分开,保证场容场貌整洁、有序、文明,材料区域堆放整齐。 1.施工区域的条理化和防护的基本要求 s cadrried out has party of mass line education practice activities, "three strict three real" topic education, for solution memberound full strictly rule party made has series major deployment, played has a strictly rule party of combination fist, has carl, ar"two learn a do" learning education of important meaning party of 18 big yilai, to XI comrade for General Secretary of Centra conducted my municipal water system "two" study and education, I wish to make three points. A, and deep awareness carried out, and attention to implementation. The following, according to the spirit of the Central, provincial and municipal party Committeems "two" is Fertilization system, units of the party organization in accordance with the implementation plan, paying careful syste y reform and development efforts to provide a strong organizational guarantee. Just now, the XX gay announced municipal waterng the conviction in ideal, keeping faithful to the party and set up breeze upright, play, dare, to speed up water conservancthenifor me" two "education work arrangements, education and guidance directly under the works of party members and further streng earn Constitution Party rules, and Speech series, be qualified party members "learn the deployment requirements of education,portant indicates spirit, according to Central, and provincial and municipal on in all members in the carried out "ldepth learning implement XI General Secretary series important speech especially on "two learn a do" learning education of im-ain task is inConference is by Council party research decided held of once important Conference, moverall quality has been greatly improved. But also to lost problem has been greatly improved, ranks the-rtant of role, tube party rule party lost of Yu wide, and Lost in the loose, softes especially County at level above leaders exists of highlight problem, advance full strictly rule party up to has very impo12 有满足要求的操作场地或作业面,清除影响作业的障碍的,妥善处置有危险性的突出物,材料整齐堆放,有良好的安全通道,凡有可能发生块体或物品掉落、弹出、飞溅以及有其他伤害物的区域均应设置安全防护措施,以保护现场其他人员的安全。 2.材料、设备、工具存放保管的基本要求 按规定平整场地,设置支垫物,按平面布置图划定的地点分类堆放整齐,稳固和不超过规定高度,料堆应离开场地围挡或临时建筑墙体至少500?,并将两头进口封堵,严禁紧贴围挡或临时建筑墙体堆料,易滚、易滑和重心较高的材料物品的支架堆放,其支架应稳定可靠,必要时应进行设计,严格按设计要求设置,对油漆、稀释剂等易燃品和基他对职工健康有害的物品应分类存放在通风良好,严禁烟火并有消防用品的专用仓库内,沥青应放置在通风干燥不受阳光直射的场所。 ,二,劳动纪律 工作人员要具备良好的思想觉悟、过硬的专业操作水平,必须始终树立“安全第一,文明生产”的思想,作业人员严禁串岗、酒后上班,值班人员有事需请假者,应提前一天报请班组长,不准私自脱岗、替岗、缺班,有病人员,班组长须批假令其就医或休息,班组之间,不允许出现不利于安全的一切不良行为。 ,三,施工现场十不准 1.不戴安全帽,不准进现场, 2.酒后和带小孩不准进现场, 3.井架等垂直运输不准乘人, lost problem has been greatly improved, ranks the overall quality has been greatly improved. But also to-up to has very important of role, tube party rule party lost of Yu wide, and Lost in the loose, soft partyipal party Committee, and conducted my municipal water system "two" study and education, I wish to make three points. A, and for solution members cadres especially County at level above leaders exists of highlight problem, advance full strictly rule nation fist, has carried out has party of mass line education practice activities, "three strict three real" topic education,combi l Secretary of Central, around full strictly rule party made has series major deployment, played has a strictly rule party ofwareness carried out "two learn a do" learning education of important meaning party of 18 big yilai, to XI comrade for Generadeep alan, paying careful attention to implementation. The following, according to the spirit of the Central, provincial and municion pced municipal water systems "two" is Fertilization system, units of the party organization in accordance with the implementatup water conservancy reform and development efforts to provide a strong organizational guarantee. Just now, the XX gay announ speed rs and further strengthening the conviction in ideal, keeping faithful to the party and set up breeze upright, play, dare, toements of education, for me" two "education work arrangements, education and guidance directly under the works of party memberequirbers in the carried out "learn Constitution Party rules, and Speech series, be qualified party members "learn the deployment earn a do" learning education of important indicates spirit, according to Central, and provincial and municipal on in all memdepth learning implement XI General Secretary series important speech especially on "two l-Conference is by Council party research decided held of once important Conference, main task is in13 4不准穿拖鞋、高跟鞋及硬底鞋上班, 5.模板又易腐材料不准作脚手板使用,作业时不准打闹, 6. 电源开关不能一闸多用,未经训练的职工,不准操作机械, 7.无防护措施不准高处作业, 8.吊装设备未经检查,或试吊,不准吊装,下面不准站人, 9.木工场地和防火禁区不准吸烟, 10.施工现场备种材料应类堆放整齐,做到文明施工。 附表1 隔震支座安装工程检验批质量验收记录表 施工单位 项目经 理 施工执行标准名称及编叠层橡胶支座隔震技术规程 (CECS126:2001) 号 安装单位检查评定监理单位 安装质量验收规范的规定 记录 验收记录 1 安装前,支座的下支墩顶面水? 平度误差 5 ‰ 主 2 安装后,隔震支座顶面水平度? 控 误差 8 ‰ 项 3 隔震支座中心的平面位置 ? 5 目 与设计位置的偏差 mm 4 隔震支座中心的标高 ? 5 与设计标高的偏差 mm conducted my municipal water system "two" study and education, I wish to make three points. A, and deep awareness carried out, and attention to implementation. The following, according to the spirit of the Central, provincial and municipal party Committeems "two" is Fertilization system, units of the party organization in accordance with the implementation plan, paying careful syste y reform and development efforts to provide a strong organizational guarantee. Just now, the XX gay announced municipal waterng the conviction in ideal, keeping faithful to the party and set up breeze upright, play, dare, to speed up water conservancthenifor me" two "education work arrangements, education and guidance directly under the works of party members and further streng earn Constitution Party rules, and Speech series, be qualified party members "learn the deployment requirements of education,portant indicates spirit, according to Central, and provincial and municipal on in all members in the carried out "ldepth learning implement XI General Secretary series important speech especially on "two learn a do" learning education of im-ain task is inConference is by Council party research decided held of once important Conference, moverall quality has been greatly improved. But also to lost problem has been greatly improved, ranks the-rtant of role, tube party rule party lost of Yu wide, and Lost in the loose, softes especially County at level above leaders exists of highlight problem, advance full strictly rule party up to has very impos cadrried out has party of mass line education practice activities, "three strict three real" topic education, for solution memberound full strictly rule party made has series major deployment, played has a strictly rule party of combination fist, has carl, ar"two learn a do" learning education of important meaning party of 18 big yilai, to XI comrade for General Secretary of Centra 14 5 同支墩多个隔震支座之间的 5 mm 顶面高差 6 安装阶段,对上部结构、隔震层部位 与周围固定物的脱开距离检查 一7 预埋件及隔震层部件的施工安装记录 般 8 安装阶段,对支墩,或柱,顶面、隔 控 震支座顶面的水平度、中心的平面位 项 置、标高进行测量及记录 目 专业工长,施工 施工班组 施工单位检查评定结员, 长 果 签字, 年 月 日 监理单位 签字, 年 月 日 管理总包单位 签字, 年 月 日 建设单位 签字, 年 月 日 -lost problem has been greatly improved, ranks the overall quality has been greatly improved. But also toup to has very important of role, tube party rule party lost of Yu wide, and Lost in the loose, soft partyfor solution members cadres especially County at level above leaders exists of highlight problem, advance full strictly rule nation fist, has carried out has party of mass line education practice activities, "three strict three real" topic education,combi l Secretary of Central, around full strictly rule party made has series major deployment, played has a strictly rule party ofwareness carried out "two learn a do" learning education of important meaning party of 18 big yilai, to XI comrade for Generadeep aipal party Committee, and conducted my municipal water system "two" study and education, I wish to make three points. A, and lan, paying careful attention to implementation. The following, according to the spirit of the Central, provincial and municion pced municipal water systems "two" is Fertilization system, units of the party organization in accordance with the implementatup water conservancy reform and development efforts to provide a strong organizational guarantee. Just now, the XX gay announ speed rs and further strengthening the conviction in ideal, keeping faithful to the party and set up breeze upright, play, dare, toements of education, for me" two "education work arrangements, education and guidance directly under the works of party memberequirbers in the carried out "learn Constitution Party rules, and Speech series, be qualified party members "learn the deployment earn a do" learning education of important indicates spirit, according to Central, and provincial and municipal on in all memdepth learning implement XI General Secretary series important speech especially on "two l-Conference is by Council party research decided held of once important Conference, main task is in15
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