

2017-09-01 24页 doc 54KB 19阅读




我叫MT第三季第4集我叫MT第三季第4集 ACT04 Mt-奶茶 Sm-yoyo Lr-cbi Dz-cbi Xd-熊貓 暗夜男-軒 大小姐-zeta 方磚-熊貓 男臉-沃金 花花-谁的爸爸来着 地精:CBI Ms:沐雪若菲 1. mt左右看看:走哪,谁“谁谁” Which way? 2. sm谁“谁:走左~” To the left 3. sm谁“谁谁”:。 Open the gate 4. mt:芝麻“谁谁~” Open sesame 5. mt:冬瓜“谁谁~” Open waxgourd 6. mt:美女“谁谁~” Open pretty...
我叫MT第三季第4集 ACT04 Mt-奶茶 Sm-yoyo Lr-cbi Dz-cbi Xd-熊貓 暗夜男-軒 大小姐-zeta 方磚-熊貓 男臉-沃金 花花-谁的爸爸来着 地精:CBI Ms:沐雪若菲 1. mt左右看看:走哪,谁“谁谁” Which way? 2. sm谁“谁:走左~” To the left 3. sm谁“谁谁”:。 Open the gate 4. mt:芝麻“谁谁~” Open sesame 5. mt:冬瓜“谁谁~” Open waxgourd 6. mt:美女“谁谁~” Open pretty 7. mt大怒:靠:我是送外的:“谁谁谁” Open! This is deliverer!8. mt谁“谁谁谁”:走哪啊, Which way again? 9. sm:走:“谁谁谁” This way 10. mt:我是送外的:“谁谁谁” Ok,I am deliverer! 11. mt:今天一定要打通:“” We will finish this today!12. 大小姐生气的:回你意了吧:谁“谁谁谁谁谁谁” Now you happy? 13. 姚明:,退得好,退得妙,退得呱呱叫谁“谁~”Well done! Well quitted!14. 姚明:不大小姐什突然决定退会了,之前你不都是死皮的不走谁“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁~” But, can I ask why you change your mind and quit guild? 15. 大小姐:我自有我的打算,你就不要管那多了:谁“谁谁谁谁” I have my plan, and I'm not gonna tell you more than this. 16. 姚明:噢谁“谁~既然大小姐洒,那我也告你一件事情好了谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁~” Well, you have done a wise move.then I'm gonna tell you a secret. 17. 大小姐:什事,“谁谁谁” What? 18. 姚明:您得我不久前要离谁“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁2天,就是在藏宝海湾你部落的。。。谁谁”谁谁谁谁未完被大小姐打断。 Do you remember I said I would leave for 2 days?when we were in Booty Bay and ganked by..... 19. 大小姐:得:不要的那:你不是你要回老家学技能“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁 谁”。 Enough! Yeah, I do! You said you would leave for learning some new skills, didn't you? 20. 姚明:您啊,用屁股都能想到,技能哪不能学,用得着谁“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁2天,您都信啊谁谁谁谁谁谁谁~”You too naive,actually, you know, we don't need that long time to learn skills. 21. 大小姐生气:什:,你居然敢晃点我:,“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁” WTH?you lied to me! 22. 姚明:不敢不敢,因事出有因,所以我故意了大小姐。谁“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁” Sorry,my lady,but, I have a reason.23. 大小姐生气:因什:,“谁谁谁谁谁” What? 24. 姚明:那个,您的老相好邀我去打了谁谁“谁谁谁谁谁2天熔火之心。。。”Well,your boyfriend asked me to help.. run MC for 2 days actually. 25. 大小姐大吃一惊:什:,你怎在才告我:“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁” Hmmm, Why you tell me this now?26. 姚明:呃。。。我忘了。。。谁“谁谁谁谁谁谁” I just..forgot to tell you. 27. 大小姐生气:忘了,:吃你怎忘不了:,“谁谁”谁“谁谁谁谁大小姐沉默片刻又:他什叫 你去,” You forgot!Do you ever remember to eat?.......and why he asked you? 28. 姚明:个来了。。。您得上次您在砂港等我谁“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁 的候,谁谁谁谁” Long story.Do you remember last time you were waiting at steamwheedle? 29. 大小姐一不耐:谁谁“谁谁谁谁谁”得,怎了,: Yeah? 30. 大小姐生气的:老不死的:怎半天:,暗夜男:去找找:谁“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁” Old fool, taking too long! NE! go find him.31. 大小姐生气的:暗夜男:听到没有:,谁“” NE, you there? 32. 暗夜男:您坐着俺不了呀谁“谁谁谁谁~” I can't move... 33. 大小姐:算了:那再等等吧:谁“” Ok, let's just wait. 34. 大小姐生气:又是那个没教的牛:“谁谁谁谁” That fxcking bull,again! 35. 大小姐生气:暗夜男,牛在什,:“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁” NE! what is he saying? 36. 暗夜男:不知道哎“~” Don't know. 37. 大小姐生气:暗夜男:我干掉他:“谁谁谁谁谁谁” Kill him for me! 38. 暗夜男:太好咧:谁“” Aye! 39. 大小姐暴怒:气死我了:有此理:暗夜男:他在什,:“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁” What the hell are they talking about, NE?40. 暗夜男:小的不知道:“” I really don't know! 41. 暗夜男:大小姐,上不上,“谁谁谁谁谁” Lady, do you want to kill or not?42. 大小姐:不用了,看来地精是帮着我的,我可以随教那个没教的牛:谁“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁”谁暗 夜男:大小姐英明:“” No, the goblins are helping us,we could kill him anytime............Wise decision! 43. 大小姐生气的:个方干嘛去了:,谁“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁” What is Brick doing right now?44. 大小姐生气:暗夜男:,怎回事:,“谁谁谁谁谁” NE? what's going on? 45. 大小姐生气的:哼:太放肆了:暗夜男,地精什你:,谁“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁” Hell!Why are they killing you?46. 暗夜男:那个物牛俺,俺就抽他,果地精就抽俺谁“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁~”That bull made a rude gesture at me, so I fought back, then I got beaten up. 47. 大小姐生气:有此理:地精不是帮我的:,“谁谁谁谁谁谁” Why, they just now were friendly48. 暗夜男:可能叛了:“谁谁谁” Treachery is everywhere.. 49. 大小姐生气的:去群地精:我要听一个解:谁“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁”You go question them! I want their explanation! 50. 大小姐正面:他怎,:“谁谁谁谁谁谁” What did they say? 51. 暗夜男:他要在他的地混,就要遵守他的要求,你不得擅自攻立的人“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁 也不得擅自攻地精守,在砂港。。。谁谁谁”谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁暗夜男没完就被大小姐打断。 They said this is their territory, we must respect their laws, we must not bring the fight... 52. 大小姐不耐的:谁谁“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁”停:点:挑重点: That's too much, make it short!53. 暗夜男:点。。。。。。就是。。的用,我是你谁“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁爹:” Briefly, they are the gods here.54. 大小姐生气:放肆:我是你娘:“” Humph!I am the goddess here!55. 暗夜男:受孩儿一拜:“谁” Sure, you are mine! 56. 大小姐怒:没你:我地精:“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁” Not you, I say to them. 57. 姚明:噢,大小姐您是暗夜男的奶奶了,谁谁“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁” So, you become..NE's goddess?58. 大小姐生气:你才是奶奶:你全家都是奶奶:“” I've being this for a long time.59. 姚明:明明你自己是地精他娘的。。。谁“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁” But you said you were goblins' goddess60. 大小姐特写:我那是生气:不行:我要上:我要去地精会告他“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁 意人:谁谁谁” Never! Those green rats are too unfaithful! I'm gonna sue them for mayhem! 61. 姚明:算了谁“~你就当吃次吧谁谁~” Peace,Lady, It's ok 62. 大小姐:不行:从小到大我哪次吃,:“谁谁谁谁” No! I have never been insulted like this! 63. 姚明:您哪次没吃,谁“谁谁” Haven't you? you sure? 64. 大小姐:我。。。。。“” I...err 65. 姚明:哎,您也知道,我盟又不是法治社会,您非要按谁“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁 法律事,那明您上没人谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁~” You know it, Here is not the society under rule of law, it's under the privilege and might. 66. 姚明:好了谁谁“~谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁了你出出气,咱去把那个物牛收拾了~”Ok fine. for making you feel better, let's kill that stupid bull for fun. 67. 大小姐:等等:你去哪鬼混了:,怎久,“谁谁谁谁谁” Hang on, where have you been?what's taking so long? 68. 姚明:我去哪您屁事谁谁“谁谁谁谁~” None of your business 大小姐大怒:老不死的:在学会嘴了:,“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁” Old fool! None of your lip! Add3. 大小姐生气:太放肆了:个物牛居然敢守我盟的“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁 尸:,” The crappy bull is way too far! he's camping one of ours Add4. 大小姐:暗夜男:上:“” NE kill him! Add6. 姚明:看来阿男不是个啊谁谁“~” Look NE got a hard work Add7. 大小姐生气:那你着干嘛:,帮忙啊:“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁” So what are you looking at? go help him!Add8. 姚明点:谁谁“”遵命: Aye! Add9. 大小姐生气的:你去哪:,谁“” Where are you going? Add10.姚明:去叫人啊谁谁“~” Call for help Add11.大小姐生气的:什,:等你叫来人他都跑了:谁“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁” What? That would be too late, fool!Add12.姚明:大小姐,有件事要告您。。。谁谁“谁谁谁谁谁” Lady, I will tell you something..Add13.大小姐:什事快:“谁谁谁谁谁” What? Add14.姚明:阿男死了。。。谁谁“” NE couldn't make it.. Add15.姚明:哎,个物娘:往城里跑啊,你跑外面不是谁“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁 嘬死。。。谁谁谁谁” Sigh, what a newbie, run into the city...Add16.姚明朝大喊:谁谁谁“谁谁大小姐:无啊~~” Lady, bubble! 69. mt大怒:“nnd:敢我:谁谁谁” Fxck!You step on my feet! 70. mt正面:哼:个物石被我的气魄吓死了:“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁” This fxcking rock, is killed by my eye daggers! 71. xd特写:你要不要“谁谁谁谁~” What a shame 72. xd:噢,你干嘛去,“” Hey,what are you doing? 73. sm谁“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁”:他能干嘛,搜尸去: Whatelse could he be doing, looting.74. mt猥情,拿出袋:谁谁“谁谁嘿嘿~谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁个好久没出了~”For too long I haven't done this.75. mt谁“”:一个片儿鞋,俺可以要不, Can I have this boot? 76. sm:你要布鞋干嘛:,“” It is cloth. 77. mt特写:有了片儿鞋,俺就可以“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁蹲在奥格瑞口装小流氓泡妹子了~”With these shoes, I will stand at Org gate and attract girls~ 78. sm生气:“”泡你妹: Stop talking shit 79. 劣人:谁谁“谁~就泡他妹~” Yeah, he can attract shit. 80. mt生气:你居然不“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁”支持我干一番事: You are no not helpful,so not friendly!81. xd特写:噢“~就你那残谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁能干出什事,也就泡泡小的命~” They're right, you can only attract girl like..Softie,lol 82. mt生气:什:,“谁”谁谁“”然后看看一又:花花,上: What did you say?...........Flory~ come!83. 花花:谁“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁”哇哈哈:的:我情似火吧: Oh, my love, let's dance! 84. Xd:我靠:“mt你太缺德了:救命啊::” Shxt! MT you dumpass! help! 85. lr谁谁“:哇哈哈~看我多有谁谁谁谁~如果美屡谁谁谁谁谁谁谁我多好~ This is full of joy and love, I hope Beauty could do this to me. 86. sm谁“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁”:你得是有, Is this love? 87. lr谁“:是啊是啊~再看盟那个小娘,没谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁几个人天天内斗~” Yeah, see alliance, always divide themselves even they are few in number,lack of love. 88. mt谁谁“走没有宝唱:箱~没有武器~我是一只没有教的小牛谁谁谁谁~” (singing)With no chest,with no epic,I'm the bull With no patient 89. ms谁“:哀木涕哥哥~塔利斯谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁”的怪物害, Brother MT, are the mobs in Tanaris going to hurt? 90. mt猥表情:谁“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁我又没去,怎会知道~” I've never been there, who knows.91. ms谁“:噢~我以谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁哀木涕哥哥什都知道呢~” I thought you knew everything. 92. mt猥:我当然知道了谁“~谁才逗你呢~有我在怕什~”谁 I do~~ Priestie, I was joking, I'm always your best adviser~ 93. ms谁“:奥~那遇到盟怎,谁谁谁谁谁谁” So, what we do if see some alliance?94. mt猥的:谁谁“小意思~怪物都不怕谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁盟更不在下了~” Kill them like mobs 95. ms谁“:那哀木涕哥哥你看~” So, look out 96. mt谁“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁”:你我看什咧, What? 97. ms谁“谁:盟啊~” Alliance over there. 98. mt谁“”:哪里咧,我咋没看到咧, Where? I see nothing 99. lr谁“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁”:哀木涕你真笨,盟不就在前面: MT you are so blind, just in front of you.100. mt怒:管你屁事:我怎没看到:,“谁谁谁谁谁谁” Not your business, I just don't see!101. lr怒:你个物,看“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁”清楚: Dumpass, look! 102. lr:啊:,“”高手: Shxt! a geared one? 103. lr大怒:不好:他要来了:怎:,“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁” So not good, they are coming for us!104. ms着急的:谁“哀木涕哥哥~” Brother MT 105. ms不高谁谁“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁哀木涕哥哥的::你不是怪物都不怕盟更不在下了:谁谁” Brother MT, you said you would kill them like mobs! 106. mt生气的:谁“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁”只是不在下,又不是刀下: Mobs also kill us! 107. lr大怒:不好:他来了:怎:,谁“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁” Really not good, they're coming, what now?108. mt谁“谁谁谁谁谁谁”:我撤退: We eer...tactical retreat! 109. mt:“tnnd:吓死你了:” Damn! That was scary 110. lr谁“”:就是就是,吓死我。。。 Yeah, that scared the shxt out of me.111. mt怒:靠:太“谁谁谁谁”缺德了:吐他口水:: They are too bad, spit on them!112. lr怒:就是:我“谁谁谁谁谁”强烈他: Yeah, we strongly condemn him! 113. mt怒状:啊:盟的小娘“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁”子:不会也追来了吧:, That alliance human girl again!114. lr怒状谁“谁谁谁谁谁”:没有:就一个暗夜男:是人: No, just NE, that fxcking hunter!115. mt怒状:你个物:都是“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁”劣人,你怎就蠢:, You're also a hunter idiot, a worse one!116. lr大怒:靠:我就你:“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁” You will soon see which one is better!117. lr怒状:“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁”哀木涕:看好了:你下什真正的劣人: MT! behold ! the powerful hunter is here!118. mt特写:好:我你“谁谁谁谁谁”加油: Great! go Huntard. 119. mt大喊,“谁”人小心: Watch out! 120. lr怒喝:“”喝呀:: Ahya~~~ 121. lr谁“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁:哇哈哈:我是人当然最清楚人的弱点:只要站到8谁谁谁谁谁谁内人就射不了:” Haha, I am also a hunter, I know hunters' weakness, just stand closer than the minimum range! 122. mt谁“谁谁”:那你不是也射不了, But you couldn't shoot either 123. lr怒状:靠:我忘了我是人了:不没“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁系:我不但是一个人:是一个谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁”秀的站人: Shxt, I nearly forgot it. But no pain! I am a hunter, a great grand melee hunter! 124. lr特写:“谁谁谁”哇哈哈:白痴:果然上当了:看我的必技: Haha idiot! take my shot! 125. lr大喊:“谁谁谁谁”瞄准射::: Aimed shot! 126. mt着急的大喊:“”劣人快射啊: Shoot shoot! 127. lr谁“”:急毛:瞄准呢: Shut up, I'm aiming! 128. mt大惊:“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁喝,:【个感用素材】劣人你太物了:瞄了5秒居然未谁谁谁”中: Sigh! you crappy huntard! you missed! you aimed for 5 secs and you missed! 129. lr大怒:什::,怎可能:,怎会有“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁王八蛋的 定:,” WTF!How?This was no fair!130. mt:我去叫“”援兵:告辞: I'm calling for help, see ya131. mt打:是啊谁谁“~你快点谁谁谁~劣人眼睛生病了:” Yes, you guys faster, Huntard got eye sickness. 132. sm谁谁谁“里:知道了~我上就到了谁谁谁谁谁谁~” On our way 133. mt:,我在里等你“谁谁谁谁谁谁~” I'm waiting for you here.134. Mt:了:有盟的小娘“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁”子也在守我: And, that alliance human girl is also here. 135. sm谁谁谁“”里:知道了:就快到了: Roger that, we're coming soon.136. mt谁“:NND:你人多了不谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁”起了:, Fxcking alliance, you're just in numbers ! 137. mt猥:嘿嘿谁“~我有法了谁谁谁~” Heihei, I have an idea! 138. mt谁“谁谁谁”:劣人:里: Huntard, come! 139. lr:“”哦,干嘛, Yeah? 140. mt:那个暗夜男“”呢, Where is NE? 141. lr:把我打死了:“” He killed me 142. mt大惊:啊,他要来了:“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁”劣人快箭法: Woot, they are coming again, Huntard it's time to shoot! 143. lr怒状:小意“”思: Piece of cakes 144. lr谁“”:看:太神奇了:我不瞄准都能中,瞄准居然中不了:Wow!lucky with unaimed shots, missed with the aimed shot. 145. mt点点:谁谁“谁~就是哎~” Indeed 146. lr疼的:哎呀哎呀:“” Ouch ouch! 147. mt一着谁谁“”劣急的:人:挺住啊: Hold it! Huntard! 148. Lr怒状:“谁谁谁谁谁谁”哀木涕:你怎不救我:, Why didn't you help me? 149. mt:我不会奶啊“~” I can't heal 150. mt:嘿嘿:小“兔崽子~你很谁谁谁谁意思~” Hey,dwarf, you were so good 151. 地精:你才是“谁谁”兔崽子:找死, You axxhole, I'm not a dwarf. 152. lr谁“:哎呀哎呀~多你出谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁手,不然哀木涕就死了~” Thank you so much anyway, otherwise MT would die153. mt怒:你怎知道我就得死,:“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁” Why me? 154. lr怒:你自己,从你到在你打,谁“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁” You say, have you won anybody in your entire life? 155. mt怒状:我打了小:“谁谁谁谁谁” I won...Softie 156. lr怒状:有“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁”本事你把盟的小娘干了啊:, Nonsence, now you go kill the human girl to prove your power! 157. mt特写:哼:你以我是你啊,我才不上当“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁呢~” I'm not silly like you, I don't buy your trick158. lr:“哀木涕~怎了,谁谁谁” What's happening,MT? 159. mt怒:怎在才来:,快帮忙:谁“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁” You're to slow, come for help! 160. mt特写:“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁”哦,不小心劣人一起打死了。。。 Ouch! killed Huntard with friendly fire.161. mt:看:暗夜男来送死了:我人多:抽他:“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁” Look! NE is coming to die, let's nuke him!162. mt生气的:看:那小娘谁“”子想跑: Don't let the girl escape! 163. mt怒状谁“谁谁谁谁”:上:送他一程: Send them some sweet goodbyes 164. mt猥:小娘谁“子~江湖谁谁~哥哥送你一程吧~” This world is dangerous, goodbye my Lady.165. 姚明谁谁谁“谁哎感慨的:~那谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁子大小姐真是倒霉大了啊~” That was the hard time for Lady. 166. 大小姐生气:我再你什我学“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁2天技能:你又再什:,谁谁谁谁谁” I was asking you why you lied to me. what are you talking about? 167. 姚明:噢噢谁“~太激谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁”了,想多了。。。 Oh,Oh, sorry, was thinking too much..hehe168. 大小姐生气:哼:想“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁”些没用的: Concentrate your mind plz 169. 大小姐:哼:你当什不告我:,谁“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁” Why didn't you tell me the truth?170. 姚明:当。。。您也知道,您那谁谁“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁流氓脾气敢惹您。。。” You know, at that moment, you would not listen.171. 大小姐生气的:老不死的:怎不去谁“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁”救我:, Old fool, and why didn't you save me?172. 姚明:我哪知道您死哪了啊谁谁“~” I couldn't find your corpse 173. 大小姐生气:你不会找:,“谁谁谁” Were you blind? 174. 姚明:哎,我老了。。。心不好,不得谁谁“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁”血。。。 Yeah sort of, you know,I'm so old, got weak heart... 175. 暗夜男低下谁“谁谁谁:俺。。。俺也心不好~” Yeah, I also got one 176. 姚明:那个。。。大小姐。谁谁“” And, Lady 177. 大小姐生气的:干嘛:,谁“” What? 178. 姚明特写:谁“谁谁谁谁谁谁我明天始要离您2天~” I will leave you for about 2 days tomorrow179. 大小姐怒:什:,你“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁”丫又想干什:, What is this for this time? 180. 姚明谁谁“呃。。没。。我就是去学害怕的:2天技能,好在以后遇到危谁谁谁谁的候保谁谁你~” Nothing important, but, just for learning some skills, so I would be able to protect you after it. 181. 大小姐:你在不行了:,谁“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁” You mean you're not capable to protect me now?182. 姚明:不是啊,我在可是老当谁谁“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁”益壮,不信咱, No,no, I'm old, but still tough 183. 大小姐:哼:我一定“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁”仇:我走:去找那个物牛: I must take revenge on that fxcking bull!Let's go184. 大小姐特写:的听到了吧,:那个被那个物牛“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁欺了,在去谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁”仇了,我也去: Have you heard him? Baldie was seeking his revenge, we will do the same! 185. 姚明:没听谁“”懂啊。。。 I couldn't understand 186. 大小姐生气:我听“”懂就行了: I did 187. 姚明特写:谁“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁噢,道大小姐的爹以前也是个地中海谁”。。。 Oh? was your father a baldhead too? 188. mt谁“:哎~【升】谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁才那七个物也没掉什好西~” Those seven crappy bosses dropped nothing but craps189. sm谁“:是啊~谁谁谁谁谁谁物能打死你~” Even craps will beat you down. 190. mt谁“谁谁”:切:我那是故意的:向花花学: I take it very well, I learn this from Flory~191. 花花:“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁哇哈哈:的:哀木涕哥哥都向我学了,你也 赶谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁”从了我吧:我包你富: My love! Brother MT learns from me, I'm not that bad, love me my fat mouse~ 192. xd怒:我靠:我才不“”稀罕: I don't like! 193. mt正面猥:嘿嘿谁“~我稀罕啊,花花我从你~” Flory~I always like you~ Know that. 194. 花花不好意思:“谁”谁谁谁哀木涕哥哥,你是好人,但是我已【句有心上人了。。。 的肉麻点】 Brother MT,It would have never worked between us~ my heart is for my lovely mouse~ 195. sm谁“谁谁谁:哈哈,哀木涕被卡了~” Lol, MT, you are rejected 196. mt怒状:靠:“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁”像我的牛哪找去:, Oh no, you will not find another handsome bull like me.197. lr谁谁谁“:哎呀哎呀~我快走吧谁谁谁谁~美屡谁谁谁谁谁谁谁等着我呢~” Let's go, my Beauty is waiting for me to kiss.198. mt:是哪啊,“谁谁” Where is this way to? 199. sm:“哦~谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁好像就是中的熔火之心了~” MC, the Molten Core. 200. lr:熔火之心,就是盟那个小娘的老相好的“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁公会去的地方,” MC? The instance what the hunman girl's boyfriend is doing? 201. mt:他“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁”咩去那咧, Why people are doing it? 202. sm:里面会掉“谁谁谁谁极品的装呢~” They said there are tons of epic drops in there, purple gears! 203. mt怒:靠:“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁”早:我也去: Holy! I want to go too! 204. mt特写,生气:“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁”她怎不活:,都了半小了: Why she is not rez? it's already half an hour! 205. sm谁“”:看: Look 206. mt谁“”:喝,那小娘子跑了: She flees! 207. mt怒状:怎:我去“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁”追:, Let's go after her? 208. sm特写:不用“”追了,他死定了。。。 No, She will die anyway. 209. xd谁“:噢~他谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁肯定会集人来咱的~” I think they will seek revenge and come for us. 210. mt大惊:啊,:那怎啊,我“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁”年,不想死啊: Oh no, I'm still young, I don't want to die!211. sm谁“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁:那我回棘谷做任吧~反正那没谁谁谁谁谁做完~” Well, let's go back to vale and do quests, we haven't done yet. 212. lr谁“:哦~好,好,我走谁谁~” Good, let's go 213. sm特写:那我“谁谁谁谁谁炉石回去~你谁谁谁谁谁谁”炉石在哪, Let's hearth back..where are your hearth at?214. xd谁“:噢~我的就在谁谁谁棘谷~” Stranglethorn Vale 215. lr谁“:噢~我的炉石在包里~” In my bag 216. sm特写:我你“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁”炉石存在哪:, I mean your home 217. lr谁谁谁谁“:噢~我谁谁~” Oh, I will do it. 218. sm谁“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁:那我也炉石回去吧~” Let's hearth 219. sm谁“”:哀木涕呢, MT? 220. 谁谁里sm谁“谁谁谁谁谁谁”:哀木涕:你怎不来: Hey what the hell are you doing there!221. mt怒:正在来:“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁”急毛啊: Coming! Be patient! 222. mt特写:“nnd:那牛去哪了:,谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁” Damn, can't find them! 223. 男走:谁谁谁谁“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁哼:又遇到一个不知死活的牛子:姐妹,羊了 他::” Woot, here is a silly looking bull! sisters, sheep him for fun! 224. 男特写:谁“谁谁谁谁谁谁谁谁”今天我要一雪前耻啊: We will do the revenge today 225. 男:,谁“谁谁” What?
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