

2017-11-26 10页 doc 32KB 34阅读




王荣洲:贪污、受贿罪辩护词王荣洲:贪污、受贿罪辩护词 张××涉嫌贪污、受贿案一审辩护词 王荣洲律师 涉及当事人隐私,人名等均采用化名 尊敬的审判长、审判员、人民陪审员: 江苏汇君律师事务所依法接受本案被告人张××妻子李××的委托,并经被告人张××同意,特指派我们担任其涉嫌贪污、受贿一案的一审辩护人。在具体发表辩护意见之前,我们首先对审判长给予控、辩双方充分的发言机会表示由衷的敬佩和感谢~ 我们介入此案后,本着对法律和当事人高度负责的态度,为彻底弄清案情,先后5次会见了被告人,听取了其陈述和意见,有针对性地询问了本案相关问题,作了适当的调查,并...
王荣洲:贪污、受贿罪辩护词 张××涉嫌贪污、受贿案一审辩护词 王荣洲律师 涉及当事人隐私,人名等均采用化名 尊敬的审判长、审判员、人民陪审员: 江苏汇君律师事务所依法接受本案被告人张××妻子李××的委托,并经被告人张××同意,特指派我们担任其涉嫌贪污、受贿一案的一审辩护人。在具体发辩护意见之前,我们首先对审判长给予控、辩双方充分的发言机会表示由衷的敬佩和感谢~ 我们介入此案后,本着对法律和当事人高度负责的态度,为彻底弄清案情,先后5次会见了被告人,听取了其陈述和意见,有针对性地询问了本案相关问,作了适当的调查,并到贵院详尽阅卷现又经过今天的法庭调查,对本案已十分清楚。辩护人对公诉机关指控的犯罪事实基本不持异,现根据事实和法律,发表如下辩护意见,供合议庭参考: 一、法定的量刑情节 庭审中公诉人认为就涉嫌贪污、受贿罪而言,被告人张××主动交代其贪污、受贿的行为构成自首。辩护人完全同意公诉人对被告人自首的认定,公诉人是客观公正的。 (一)就涉嫌贪污罪而言,被告人张××的行为构成自首,可以从轻或减轻处罚。 phthalate 0.44g, accurate to O.0001g. Placed in an Erlenmeyer flask, add water, 75mL to make it dissolve. Join the 2~3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, place the Erlenmeyer flask on a magnetic stirrer for mixing. Titration of the calibration standard solution of sodium hydroxide, until just pink in the Erlenmeyer flask is not fading, read the consumption number of ml of standard solution of sodium hydroxide. Secondary calibration the same benchmark sample. Concentration expressed as molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, as in the formula: M-sodium hydroxide standard solution concentration, mol/l; MO-weigh the weight of potassium hydrogen phthalate, g; V-consumption volume of standard solution of sodium hydroxide, mL. Secondary determination to get the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, the absolute value of the difference of no more than 0.0002, then taking the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: weighing samples you have mixed 10G, accurate to 0.1g, pour into the Erlenmeyer flask add 100mL distilled water, oscillating mix. Erlenmeyer flask drops 2~3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, placed on a magnetic stirrer stir. By titration with sodium hydroxide standard solution calibrated until just pink in the Erlenmeyer flask is not fading, read the consumption number of ml of standard solution of sodium hydroxide. Determination of the number of measured on the same sample twice [(2)---(4)] 5, said of the results of calculation methods: pH 10G 0.1mol/L standard sodium hydroxide solution consumed by the sample size represents the number of ml, type: X--sample 被告人张××在检察机关调查谈话时,就如实供述检察机关还未掌握的本人贪污罪行的行为,应认定为自首并按照《刑法》第六十七条的规定对被告人予以从轻或者减轻处罚。 从侦查机关提供的案发经过和卷宗材料来看,侦查机关当时传讯被告人是因为徐州监狱犯人孙晋元交代被告人张××在处理中煤五公司第三工程处废旧钢材过程中涉嫌受贿,被告人在被询问时主动交代了自己贪污的犯罪事实。这也就是说,一开始侦查机关并未掌握被告人贪污的犯罪事实,而被告人在侦查机关并不掌握其贪污犯罪事实的情况下,如实交侍了自己所犯的贪污犯罪事实,对被告人的行为应当认定为自首。 (二)就涉嫌受贿罪而言,被告人张××的行为构成自首,可以从轻或减轻处罚。 2010年5月28日早6:30到9:50,被告人张××在侦查机关向其取证询问时就主动如实交代其受贿的犯罪事实,应认定为自首并按照《刑法》第六十七条的规定对被告人予以从轻或者减轻处罚。尽管公诉机关的“案发经过”说到通过对证人孙××的调查,其交待了向被告人张××行贿的事实,但通过其提交的证据来看,其对证人孙××的提审是在被告人主动交待了受贿的犯罪事实后进行的,即2010年5月28日9:50到10:30,辩护人认为张××的证言不影响被告人受贿罪自首的成立(见证据卷第2页、第34页)。 二、酌定的量刑情节 phthalate 0.44g, accurate to O.0001g. Placed in an Erlenmeyer flask, add water, 75mL to make it dissolve. Join the 2~3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, place the Erlenmeyer flask on a magnetic stirrer for mixing. Titration of the calibration standard solution of sodium hydroxide, until just pink in the Erlenmeyer flask is not fading, read the consumption number of ml of standard solution of sodium hydroxide. Secondary calibration the same benchmark sample. Concentration expressed as molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, as in the formula: M-sodium hydroxide standard solution concentration, mol/l; MO-weigh the weight of potassium hydrogen phthalate, g; V-consumption volume of standard solution of sodium hydroxide, mL. Secondary determination to get the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, the absolute value of the difference of no more than 0.0002, then taking the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: weighing samples you have mixed 10G, accurate to 0.1g, pour into the Erlenmeyer flask add 100mL distilled water, oscillating mix. Erlenmeyer flask drops 2~3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, placed on a magnetic stirrer stir. By titration with sodium hydroxide standard solution calibrated until just pink in the Erlenmeyer flask is not fading, read the consumption number of ml of standard solution of sodium hydroxide. Determination of the number of measured on the same sample twice [(2)---(4)] 5, said of the results of calculation methods: pH 10G 0.1mol/L standard sodium hydroxide solution consumed by the sample size represents the number of ml, type: X--sample 江苏汇君律师事务所 (一)被告人系自愿认罪,可以从轻处罚 本案中,被告人张××在接受检察机关的调查询问时,如实供述其全部犯罪事实,其一次询问笔录、五次讯问笔录都做了有罪供述,前后完全一致。从侦查阶段、审查起诉阶段到法院审判阶段,被告人张××对其罪行供认不讳,从未出现过拒不认罪、翻供等情形。根据我国一贯的“坦白从宽、抗拒从严”的刑事政策,恳请法院在量刑时予以从轻处罚。 《最高人民法院、最高人民检察院、司法部关于适用普通程序审理“被告人认罪案件”的若干意见(试行)》第九条的规定以及《最高人民法院人民法院量刑指导意见(试行)》第二十五条的规定。人民法院对自愿认罪的被告人,酌情予以从轻处罚。 (二)被告人系初犯,系偶发性犯罪,并非惯犯,建议从轻处罚 被告人张××系初犯,之前无任何刑事犯罪或行政处罚,从中煤五公司三处人力资源科向九里区人民检察院出具的证明材料可知,被告人张××在犯罪前表现一贯良好,是一名勤勤恳恳、任劳任怨的共产党员干部。这次是一失足成千古恨。从其悔过书及其表现可知犯罪后被告人张××是后悔不已,辜负了党的培养,辜负了组织的信任。 (三)被告人系主动接受财产刑处罚,可以从轻处罚 在庭审中,通过辩护人对被告人的询问,其愿意主动接受财产刑的处罚,根据《最高人民法院人民法院量刑指导意见(试行)》第二十六条的规定,主动接受财产刑处罚的属于酌定的量刑要素,可以从phthalate 0.44g, accurate to O.0001g. Placed in an Erlenmeyer flask, add water, 75mL to make it dissolve. Join the 2~3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, place the Erlenmeyer flask on a magnetic stirrer for mixing. Titration of the calibration standard solution of sodium hydroxide, until just pink in the Erlenmeyer flask is not fading, read the consumption number of ml of standard solution of sodium hydroxide. Secondary calibration the same benchmark sample. Concentration expressed as molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, as in the formula: M-sodium hydroxide standard solution concentration, mol/l; MO-weigh the weight of potassium hydrogen phthalate, g; V-consumption volume of standard solution of sodium hydroxide, mL. Secondary determination to get the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, the absolute value of the difference of no more than 0.0002, then taking the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: weighing samples you have mixed 10G, accurate to 0.1g, pour into the Erlenmeyer flask add 100mL distilled water, oscillating mix. Erlenmeyer flask drops 2~3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, placed on a magnetic stirrer stir. By titration with sodium hydroxide standard solution calibrated until just pink in the Erlenmeyer flask is not fading, read the consumption number of ml of standard solution of sodium hydroxide. Determination of the number of measured on the same sample twice [(2)---(4)] 5, said of the results of calculation methods: pH 10G 0.1mol/L standard sodium hydroxide solution consumed by the sample size represents the number of ml, type: X--sample 第 3 页 共 5 页 轻处罚。 三、关于本案的量刑 (一)通过上述的法定及酌定的量刑情节来看,辩护人认为可以对被告人张××减轻处罚。 (二)从主观恶性来看,根据被告人张××的供述及证人孙××的证人证言可知,被告人系被动受贿而非积极主动的索贿,犯罪情节轻微,主观恶性较小,建议从轻处罚。 (三)从社会危害性来看,被告人贪污和受贿的赃款已经被侦查机关全部予以追回,没有给国家、集体和社会造成任何经济损失,社会危害性较小,应当从轻处罚。 贪污罪既侵犯了国家工作人员职务行为的廉洁性,又侵犯了公共财产所有权,而对于侵占公共财产犯罪,是否弥补了损失,是量刑的重要参考因素。被告人的亲属在检察机关侦查过程中,积极配合侦查机关,已退回贪污的全部6.3万元赃款,没有给公共财产造成任何损失。就涉嫌受贿罪而言,被告人张××在检察机关侦查过程中,积极配合侦查机关,已经主动退回全部2万元赃款。 《最高人民法院、最高人民检察院关于办理职务犯罪案件认定自首、立功等量刑情节若干问题的意见》第四条关于赃款、赃物追缴等情形的处理的规定: 贪污案件中赃款、赃物全部或者大部分追缴的,一般应当考虑从轻处罚。 受贿案件中赃款、赃物全部或者大部分追缴的,视具体情况可以phthalate 0.44g, accurate to O.0001g. Placed in an Erlenmeyer flask, add water, 75mL to make it dissolve. Join the 2~3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, place the Erlenmeyer flask on a magnetic stirrer for mixing. Titration of the calibration standard solution of sodium hydroxide, until just pink in the Erlenmeyer flask is not fading, read the consumption number of ml of standard solution of sodium hydroxide. Secondary calibration the same benchmark sample. Concentration expressed as molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, as in the formula: M-sodium hydroxide standard solution concentration, mol/l; MO-weigh the weight of potassium hydrogen phthalate, g; V-consumption volume of standard solution of sodium hydroxide, mL. Secondary determination to get the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, the absolute value of the difference of no more than 0.0002, then taking the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: weighing samples you have mixed 10G, accurate to 0.1g, pour into the Erlenmeyer flask add 100mL distilled water, oscillating mix. Erlenmeyer flask drops 2~3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, placed on a magnetic stirrer stir. By titration with sodium hydroxide standard solution calibrated until just pink in the Erlenmeyer flask is not fading, read the consumption number of ml of standard solution of sodium hydroxide. Determination of the number of measured on the same sample twice [(2)---(4)] 5, said of the results of calculation methods: pH 10G 0.1mol/L standard sodium hydroxide solution consumed by the sample size represents the number of ml, type: X--sample 江苏汇君律师事务所酌定从轻处罚。 犯罪分子及其亲友主动退赃或者在办案机关追缴赃款、赃物过程中积极配合的,在量刑时应当与办案机关查办案件过程中依职权追缴赃款、赃物的有所区别。 通过本意见的规定,再结合本案的事实和证据,辩护人恳请法院应当考虑对被告人张××从轻处罚。 综上所述,被告人有自首情节,自愿认罪,积极退赃、主动接受财产刑处罚而且系初犯,有多种法定和酌定的从轻或减轻处罚情节,其主观恶性和社会危害性较小,辩护人恳请法院依法减轻处罚~ 以上意见,敬请采纳。 江苏汇君律师事务所 律师:李义旭 王荣洲 二?一?年八月十一日 phthalate 0.44g, accurate to O.0001g. Placed in an Erlenmeyer flask, add water, 75mL to make it dissolve. Join the 2~3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, place the Erlenmeyer flask on a magnetic stirrer for mixing. Titration of the calibration standard solution of sodium hydroxide, until just pink in the Erlenmeyer flask is not fading, read the consumption number of ml of standard solution of sodium hydroxide. Secondary calibration the same benchmark sample. Concentration expressed as molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, as in the formula: M-sodium hydroxide standard solution concentration, mol/l; MO-weigh the weight of potassium hydrogen phthalate, g; V-consumption volume of standard solution of sodium hydroxide, mL. Secondary determination to get the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, the absolute value of the difference of no more than 0.0002, then taking the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: weighing samples you have mixed 10G, accurate to 0.1g, pour into the Erlenmeyer flask add 100mL distilled water, oscillating mix. Erlenmeyer flask drops 2~3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, placed on a magnetic stirrer stir. By titration with sodium hydroxide standard solution calibrated until just pink in the Erlenmeyer flask is not fading, read the consumption number of ml of standard solution of sodium hydroxide. Determination of the number of measured on the same sample twice [(2)---(4)] 5, said of the results of calculation methods: pH 10G 0.1mol/L standard sodium hydroxide solution consumed by the sample size represents the number of ml, type: X--sample 第 5 页 共 5 页
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