首页 > 解决桌面ie图标或者我的电脑无法删除(To solve the IE icon or my computer cannot be deleted)

解决桌面ie图标或者我的电脑无法删除(To solve the IE icon or my computer cannot be deleted)

2017-09-29 6页 doc 22KB 9阅读




解决桌面ie图标或者我的电脑无法删除(To solve the IE icon or my computer cannot be deleted)解决桌面ie图标或者我的电脑无法删除(To solve the IE icon or my computer cannot be deleted) 解决桌面ie图标或者我的电脑无法删除(To solve the IE icon or my computer cannot be deleted) This is a malicious software changes to your registry! You need to delete the registry in something! Click "start"...
解决桌面ie图标或者我的电脑无法删除(To solve the IE icon or my computer cannot be deleted)
解决桌面ie图标或者我的电脑无法删除(To solve the IE icon or my computer cannot be deleted) 解决桌面ie图标或者我的电脑无法删除(To solve the IE icon or my computer cannot be deleted) This is a malicious software changes to your registry! You need to delete the registry in something! Click "start" to "run" command in the "run" dialog box "open" bar type "regedit", then click "OK" to find a "1," HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Desktop\NameSpace" There is something inside! You can put them all out! Then all delete ~ then one by one into a import! Refresh the desktop! What is You'll see. just imported! If not you want to delete. Put your normal IE icon name, right-click the desktop - Desktop - Desktop - custom attributes, now clean up the desktop - after the next selected IEXPLORE (before the normal IE has changed its name) - next - complete. After the malicious IE desktop icon was transferred to a "folder Unused Desktop Shortcuts", delete the folder, cleared This problem is due to "rogue made, solutions are: 1, change the registry, specific methods: start - run - input - regedit - [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Desktop\NameSpace\ data under the registry to find keys for deletion of InternetExplorer (such as {45157B64-213D-415D-5511-54451B3DD1DD} and some are just this, for example), you can refresh the desktop after completion. 2. use the desktop cleanup wizard try: right click the desktop space --- --- property arrangement completed, check that the choice does not want the icon icon - run desktop cleanup Wizard - next. So you can put the icon in a folder, then can try to delete it. 3. with the help of software, such as the super rabbit, 360superkiller, repair, the concrete will not say, look at their own. Because I love to download, so often appear the landlord, with one or more of the above methods tested. A lot of people use the 360 first-aid box to solve the problem, followed by the registry, and a person with windows clean-up assistant solution, and I run the desktop cleanup wizard, delete the Unused Desktop Shortcuts folder, and empty the recycle bin that is to solve the problem but for you, these methods are of no use use the following two suggestions, first, if not or have you tried, look at the following powerful, do not delete, green free installation (direct decompression can) tool Frostsaber (recommended to the sky, Hua Jun, extraordinary, Dortmund and other well-known software download station), in the left tab the "find file" option, find the file to delete (left click local disk C: on the left side of the "+" sign, also launched "documentsandsettings", and then expand the under - " ----HOME--- ", then the" desktop "left click, you can see all the icons on the desktop on the right), then right click on the icon to delete, delete, restart point force, if not can be successful, Try unlock Unlocker is a very good use of the special software to delete stubborn file: Unlocker is a small but very good use. Unlocker is a free right expansion tool, users after installation, it can be integrated into the right operation, when the user find a file or directory can not be deleted, just press the right mouse button in the "Unlocker", then the program will immediately show what program the file or directory, then just press the pop-up window in the "Unlocker" will be able to find the Unlocker installation files for you up, right click on the file you want to delete, select Unlocker, and then click delete, determine the file against stubborn good use (You Hua Jun software park, extraordinary large software Download Security) some icons, cleaning with the kind of method shows you the registry, but it is still not clean, suggestions are entered into the registry, will All the expansions together and edit, search, enter CLSID, find the next one, under normal circumstances, on the right you should only see this data: clsid\{9e56be61......... If you see other}, containing "iexplore.exe" key data, deleting it, if you do not worry, this data is desklink on the left side of the corresponding item, the first one is, make a backup To solve the IE icon or my computer cannot be deleted -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Recently a lot of fake IE love promotion software modify desktop icon or desktop IE icon, but also can not be deleted, actually is not toxic, but they through the trick, promotion advertising, solution, The following is quoted FAyFg fragment: As long as the right on the desktop - run desktop cleanup Wizard - the IE icon checked it to a folder, the folder can kill. If they keep watching over the top: Into the registry (start menu run enter regedit) Followed by: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Desktop\NameSpace This will have some things, in addition to the trash don't delete, others are deleted (small desktop icons, love clean) disappear naturally If the system is Vista "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Desktop\NameSpace" There should be the following Are {0...... }{1...... {2}...... {4}...... {5}...... {6}...... {8}...... }{9...... }{b...... {e}...... {f}...... In addition to these} to delete the entire outside, then refresh Appendix: in order to clean the sake, please do the following 1, to delete the recently established file C:\WINDOWS\system32; 2, if I can't use the desktop, please delete it, then set up a file in Notepad, the content is: [Shell] Command=2 IconFile=explorer.exe, 3 [任务栏] 命令= toggledesktop 然后把这个文件保存为:“显示桌面。SCF”,必须确认文件名和双引号中的一样。然后把保持的显示桌面。SCF文件复制到:“C:\文件和设置\用户名\应用数据\微软\ Internet Explorer“快速启动” 目录下。 二:清理桌面图标功能也可以搞定 问:我的IE浏览器主页被篡改,而且桌面多了一个IE图标,无法删除。怎么办, 答:请进行如下操作: 1。右键单击桌面选择【属性】,打开后选择【桌面】-【自定义桌面】,在【桌面图标】中先把“Internet Explorer”勾选掉,然后单击【确 定】。(这么做的目的是让桌面只存在那个假IE图标,方便一会的清理) 2。同样右键单击桌面选择【属性】,打开后选择【桌面】-【自定义桌面】,然后在选择【现在清理桌面】-【下一步】,再然后只勾选名称为“Internet Explorer”的快捷方式,然后单击【下一步】-【完 成】(这样假IE图标就被清除掉了)。 3。用IE一键还原恢复一下注册表,然后右键单击桌面选择【属性】,打开后选择【桌面】-【自定义桌面】,在【桌面图标】中把“Internet Explorer”选中,按【确定】即可~
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