

2018-04-26 28页 doc 362KB 4阅读




驾照还没考的朋友有福了驾照还没考的朋友有福了 驾照还没考的朋友有福了~应该是最全的了„„ 驾校考试秘笈 不用看书就能通过~~ 暂时不考也先留着 别等着急的时候没处找去~~~速记方法~ 1、题目里有“口”的选50米,有“站”的选30米,叫“口五站三" 剩下的全选150米,没有150的选最大。判断题全对。 2、有关公里的题目:城市街道选50公里,其余有30的全选30。 高速最高70,高速最低60。判断题全对。 3、吊销机动车证的为二年,撤消机动车证的为三年,以醉酒吊销五年,因逃跑而吊销是终身,叫“吊二撤三醉五逃终身”。 4、伤员急救知识:选...
驾照还没考的朋友有福了 驾照还没考的朋友有福了~应该是最全的了„„ 驾校考试秘笈 不用看就能通过~~ 暂时不考也先留着 别等着急的时候没处找去~~~速记~ 1、题目里有“口”的选50米,有“站”的选30米,叫“口五站三" 剩下的全选150米,没有150的选最大。判断题全对。 2、有关公里的题目:城市街道选50公里,其余有30的全选30。 高速最高70,高速最低60。判断题全对。 3、吊销机动车证的为二年,撤消机动车证的为三年,以醉酒吊销五年,因逃跑而吊销是终身,叫“吊二撤三醉五逃终身”。 4、伤员急救知识:选择题:A、B、C、“选字最多的”。 判断题:只有“远心端”和“软质担架”是错的,其余都是对的。 5、危险知识:题目里找“不需要” “不受” “可以” “三层” “坚固无损” 是错的,其余都是对的。 6、扣分题:扣1分: “未带证件”判断题:有 “灯光” 和 ”倒车“ 是对的,其余全错。扣2分: 匝道超车(高速),未达20%,打手机,违反标志,超4小时,没有划中心线,实习期,交叉路口 。判断题: ”未与前保持安全距离“ 是对的。其余全错。扣3分: 灯光、信号灯、号牌、高速、挂车,判断题全错。扣6分: 饮酒、超过50%、超过30%,学习驾车(高速),不按规定停车(高速)。判断题全对。扣12分:醉酒、扣证驾车、逃逸、借证驾车,超过三个月未缴罚款,驾不符合车型的,强行通过。判断题全对。 7、罚款题:有 ”2000“ 选 ”2000“ ,没 ”2000“ 选 ”500“ ,没有 ”2000以上” 的和没有 ”1000“的罚款。其它全选最大题。考罚款金额的判断题全选正确。 8、有关天数的题目:只要记住一个调解的选10天,其余有15天选15天,没有15 天的选3或90。 9、有关高度的:出现 ”集装箱“ 选最大,其余选小。 10、关于作用的 ”变、离、柴、行“ 4个字后有作用全错,其余有作用全对。 学车顺口溜只要牢记考试准能过 今日早报 朋友刚学车时,也和其他学员一样分不清动作要领和先后顺序,一上车不是忘了这动作就是忘了那动作,有时一紧张,脑子还会暂时“空白”。一次看书,看到一篇顺口溜觉得挺不错的,就根据动作要领,写下了这首学车顺口溜。 上车喊报告~ 拉门出左脚,坐好叫考官,面带梨涡笑。 关门深呼吸,坐姿要摆好。 查看空挡位,点火要轻柔。 方向别忘了,挂挡要干脆,手刹要放掉。 起步问考官,多看后视镜,喇叭来欢叫。 离合器放松,做好半连动,出发要稳当,别让考官晃~ 换挡要及时,加挡要迅速,遇人要刹车,可别过了头。 转弯要减速,立即减下挡,多看多停顿,安全放心中。 肩膀要放松,双手放到位,神态要自然,莫因考官慌。 自己有信心,艰辛都不怕,胆大又心细,礼貌别忘了。 只要牢记着,考试准能过~ 驾照考试秘笈小路考:驾校大路,小路考试(9九选六)考试技巧,注意事项和秘笈 步程序 1,调整座位 2,检视左右反光镜和倒车镜,检视手制动拉杆和排档杆位置 3,挂上保险带 samples if possible first enters the processing ... Sterilization containers: from plastic bags to sterilized gallon paint bucket, can be used to have a sharp edge products such as crab, shrimp, and so on. Sampling tools: sampling tool including: a teaspoon, spoon, needle-nosed pliers, angle fovceps tongs beakers and beaker, tool type is generally decided by the sample products. All sampling and date of sterilization of the container should be checked and sterilization time should be indicated on the label and packaging of equipment facilities, some facilities can be purchased at a local laboratory sterilization or disinfection equipment, laboratory and sterilization of instruments and facilities can be kept on the ground for at least two months, expired facilities must be sterilized again. Sterile gloves: sterile gloves must not be enabled in a sample, if a product is in the process of sample collection must be contacted to do it's best to let the factory production line workers (workers processed products), in the sample into a collection container, since the workers in the production process to reach the product, so we cannot think of their products and have the additional pollution. When the gloves must be a way to avoid contamination, wear, gloves must be fit to work needs. No bacteria cotton swab child: General for swab take instrument facilities and factory environment regional, using cotton swab child General has a right of program, open cotton swab child stripping off epidermal, then must carefully of put in tube head Shang, note don't contaminated cotton swab child 4,左手握把,右手放电门开关位置 5,左脚踩下离合器踏板--分离离合器 6,右脚轻踏脚制动踏板 7,将排挡放入空挡位置 8,打开启动电门,检视仪盘 9,确认无异常后,右手持排档放入起步挡位 10,左手打开向左方向灯 11,眼睛观察车四周状况,左右反光镜状况 12,三联动起步 注明:三联动--指油门,离合器,手刹车的配合动作 具体操作为:离合器放接触点,油门略微轻加,同时轻放手制动拉杆 附:交通标志大全 图解警告标志 图解禁令标志 samples if possible first enters the processing ... Sterilization containers: from plastic bags to sterilized gallon paint bucket, can be used to have a sharp edge products such as crab, shrimp, and so on. Sampling tools: sampling tool including: a teaspoon, spoon, needle-nosed pliers, angle fovceps tongs beakers and beaker, tool type is generally decided by the sample products. All sampling and date of sterilization of the container should be checked and sterilization time should be indicated on the label and packaging of equipment facilities, some facilities can be purchased at a local laboratory sterilization or disinfection equipment, laboratory and sterilization of instruments and facilities can be kept on the ground for at least two months, expired facilities must be sterilized again. Sterile gloves: sterile gloves must not be enabled in a sample, if a product is in the process of sample collection must be contacted to do it's best to let the factory production line workers (workers processed products), in the sample into a collection container, since the workers in the production process to reach the product, so we cannot think of their products and have the additional pollution. When the gloves must be a way to avoid contamination, wear, gloves must be fit to work needs. No bacteria cotton swab child: General for swab take instrument facilities and factory environment regional, using cotton swab child General has a right of program, open cotton swab child stripping off epidermal, then must carefully of put in tube head Shang, note don't contaminated cotton swab child 图解指示标志 图解道路交通标线 samples if possible first enters the processing ... Sterilization containers: from plastic bags to sterilized gallon paint bucket, can be used to have a sharp edge products such as crab, shrimp, and so on. Sampling tools: sampling tool including: a teaspoon, spoon, needle-nosed pliers, angle fovceps tongs beakers and beaker, tool type is generally decided by the sample products. All sampling and date of sterilization of the container should be checked and sterilization time should be indicated on the label and packaging of equipment facilities, some facilities can be purchased at a local laboratory sterilization or disinfection equipment, laboratory and sterilization of instruments and facilities can be kept on the ground for at least two months, expired facilities must be sterilized again. Sterile gloves: sterile gloves must not be enabled in a sample, if a product is in the process of sample collection must be contacted to do it's best to let the factory production line workers (workers processed products), in the sample into a collection container, since the workers in the production process to reach the product, so we cannot think of their products and have the additional pollution. When the gloves must be a way to avoid contamination, wear, gloves must be fit to work needs. No bacteria cotton swab child: General for swab take instrument facilities and factory environment regional, using cotton swab child General has a right of program, open cotton swab child stripping off epidermal, then must carefully of put in tube head Shang, note don't contaminated cotton swab child 高速公路指示标志 新增 samples if possible first enters the processing ... Sterilization containers: from plastic bags to sterilized gallon paint bucket, can be used to have a sharp edge products such as crab, shrimp, and so on. Sampling tools: sampling tool including: a teaspoon, spoon, needle-nosed pliers, angle fovceps tongs beakers and beaker, tool type is generally decided by the sample products. All sampling and date of sterilization of the container should be checked and sterilization time should be indicated on the label and packaging of equipment facilities, some facilities can be purchased at a local laboratory sterilization or disinfection equipment, laboratory and sterilization of instruments and facilities can be kept on the ground for at least two months, expired facilities must be sterilized again. Sterile gloves: sterile gloves must not be enabled in a sample, if a product is in the process of sample collection must be contacted to do it's best to let the factory production line workers (workers processed products), in the sample into a collection container, since the workers in the production process to reach the product, so we cannot think of their products and have the additional pollution. When the gloves must be a way to avoid contamination, wear, gloves must be fit to work needs. No bacteria cotton swab child: General for swab take instrument facilities and factory environment regional, using cotton swab child General has a right of program, open cotton swab child stripping off epidermal, then must carefully of put in tube head Shang, note don't contaminated cotton swab child 真的很有用啊~以后留着随时看看,快快转载吧~~ 总结版: 理论知识就背书上的 在路上就关注这些知识 自己印象会很深 容易记住 对自己以后开车 也有好处 考试前背一下书上的答案 练车时,多和教练交流 他有最可行的方法 让你只要按照他的方法去做 一定会过 但你要练熟此套方法 比如倒装 你只要看好几个点 就可以顺利的倒进去 在考实践时 千万不要紧张 就把他 当练车 只要车没熄火就继续走 ... 一定过 详细版: samples if possible first enters the processing ... Sterilization containers: from plastic bags to sterilized gallon paint bucket, can be used to have a sharp edge products such as crab, shrimp, and so on. Sampling tools: sampling tool including: a teaspoon, spoon, needle-nosed pliers, angle fovceps tongs beakers and beaker, tool type is generally decided by the sample products. All sampling and date of sterilization of the container should be checked and sterilization time should be indicated on the label and packaging of equipment facilities, some facilities can be purchased at a local laboratory sterilization or disinfection equipment, laboratory and sterilization of instruments and facilities can be kept on the ground for at least two months, expired facilities must be sterilized again. Sterile gloves: sterile gloves must not be enabled in a sample, if a product is in the process of sample collection must be contacted to do it's best to let the factory production line workers (workers processed products), in the sample into a collection container, since the workers in the production process to reach the product, so we cannot think of their products and have the additional pollution. When the gloves must be a way to avoid contamination, wear, gloves must be fit to work needs. No bacteria cotton swab child: General for swab take instrument facilities and factory environment regional, using cotton swab child General has a right of program, open cotton swab child stripping off epidermal, then must carefully of put in tube head Shang, note don't contaminated cotton swab child 考驾驶证学车必读:考驾照理论技巧 因为考题多变此文仅供参考,希望大家顺利过关~ 以下整理: 技巧一:红色是禁令、黄色是警告、蓝色是指示,三种颜色都没有是辅助。 技巧二:禁令对禁止、警告对警告、指示对指示,相同就对,不相同就错。 技巧三:黄灯亮与黄灯闪烁只一字之差。“闪烁”确保安全;“亮”不准通行,但越线的可通行。 技巧四:远光灯、近光灯的考题只能使用近光灯,不准使用远光灯。遇到雾天选防雾灯 技巧五:只有冰雪道路是下坡先行,其余都是上坡先行。如果出现两个上坡先行,就选字多的。 技巧六:有省选省,无省选县。 技巧七:户籍地对户籍地,暂住地对暂住地 技巧八:学车年龄的:中型客车选中数不胜数,其余选大数;判断题是对的。 技巧九:车辆检验的判断题都是对的。 技巧十:关于载人:有不准栽人,选不准栽人;没有,选带5人的。 技巧十一:关于载人:不得栽人的判断题都是对的。 技巧十二:交通事故责任的判断题都是错的。 技巧十三:与伤员有关的选择题:一般选择字多的。一般选C,肢体固定选1/3处此选项不一定是C 技巧十四:与伤员有关的判断题:只有“不需要配合人工呼吸”、“远心端”和“软质担架”是错的,先固定后止血是错的其他都是对的。 技巧十五:违章记分的考题:违章记12分的判断题都是对的;违章记多少分的选择题选择6分;记3分选择违章行为全选B答案。 技巧十六:一个计分周期12分有关的考题:记分“满”12分有“考试”和记分未达到12分的判断题都是错的,其他是对的。 技巧十七:有关天数的考题:只要记住选3天、5天、7天、30天、90天的几个题目就可以了,其余的:有24小时选24小时;交通事故选10天;其他选15天。 补充: 遇到判断题或选择题一般选最慢的,快的大多都是错误的。(安装特殊装备的除外,如防爆ABS) 遇行人,超车车辆对面来车等均选慢行停车。(选最安全的) 档位部分,一般选P档,坡度L档,自动档缓坡用2档 车牌上,大A(黄底黑字)小B(蓝底白字)外U(黑底白字) 驾照吊2撤3(吊销2年撤销3年以上才能申请) 高速能见度小于200米车速不得超过60公里/时车距不小于50米 数字记忆法265,相应的145以及50米的不超过30公里/时,迅速离开高速路不得超过30公里:1.进出非机动车道,2.冰雪泥泞雨雾掉头,上下坡,转弯 50米内禁止停车:2口1弯4米宽(交叉?铁道口,急弯,宽度不足4米的窄桥,陡坡,隧道等 30米内禁止停车:三站一防(公共汽车?加油?急救站,消防栓?消防队门前) 罚款上与牌证有关200~2000,客运20%的500~2000 四招教你用最短的时间轻松过理论关 “四招”让你用最短的时间轻松过理论关 前几天考理论时,遇到一位“女神仙”,她考了七次理论,时间长达半年,此女子并不是不认真,而是非常刻苦学习,但为什么还是理论不过关呢,我分析了她考不过关的原因,就是死记更背,缺乏灵活性,我认为,理论考试要一次过关,并尽量用最少很少的时间,要记住四个要点。 一、剔除题目 所谓剔除题,即把绝大部分不需要背记的题目剔除掉,以C1考试为例,共1320题,要全部背熟难上加难,因为绝大部分题目不需要背记,是一些最基本的常识,一看就知道。如“向右指示红灯亮时表示可以右行”,很显然是错的,还有很多选择题也是一看就知道答案,这些题目不需背记,因此应该从背记名录中剔除。 剔除题目后,一般还有350-400题左右是需要背记的,这样背题的数目就减少三分之二,我们把需要背记的题目在理论书上打勾,以方便查找。家里有电脑或接了互联网的更方便,可以直接把需要背记的题目列出来,或者干脆打印出来。 二、归类题目 所谓归类题目,即把相同的题目归类到一起。在我们背记理论的时候,最难samples if possible first enters the processing ... Sterilization containers: from plastic bags to sterilized gallon paint bucket, can be used to have a sharp edge products such as crab, shrimp, and so on. Sampling tools: sampling tool including: a teaspoon, spoon, needle-nosed pliers, angle fovceps tongs beakers and beaker, tool type is generally decided by the sample products. All sampling and date of sterilization of the container should be checked and sterilization time should be indicated on the label and packaging of equipment facilities, some facilities can be purchased at a local laboratory sterilization or disinfection equipment, laboratory and sterilization of instruments and facilities can be kept on the ground for at least two months, expired facilities must be sterilized again. Sterile gloves: sterile gloves must not be enabled in a sample, if a product is in the process of sample collection must be contacted to do it's best to let the factory production line workers (workers processed products), in the sample into a collection container, since the workers in the production process to reach the product, so we cannot think of their products and have the additional pollution. When the gloves must be a way to avoid contamination, wear, gloves must be fit to work needs. No bacteria cotton swab child: General for swab take instrument facilities and factory environment regional, using cotton swab child General has a right of program, open cotton swab child stripping off epidermal, then must carefully of put in tube head Shang, note don't contaminated cotton swab child 记的是罚款数目和处罚种类,但只要归好类就好办了,在进行了基本的学习后,就开始归类,以罚款为例,基本上是三个档次类:20-200元、200-1000元或2000元三个档次,处罚也基本上是3年以下、3-7年或7-15年三个档次,;高速公路的行车速度也基本是60公里以上、90公里以上、110公里以上三个速度;一般违章也基本上是扣车、扣驾照、拘留三个档次。 归好类以后,就背记归类中最少的一种,以违章为例,扣车、扣驾照、拘留三种处罚中扣车是最多的,要背记的题目也多很难背,但扣驾照是最少的,因此就背记扣驾照的违规题目,高速公路上也一样,要背记最左边的超车道速度,这样可以事半功背。 三、对比题目 所谓对比题目,主要是一些比较相像的图形。如交警手式中减速慢行和示意违章车辆靠边停放很相像,路边允许临时停放和不许停放的标线很相像,遂道图标和限制截面图标很相象,减速让行和停车让行的标线很相像等等。 这些题目是很窝混淆的,把这些题目进行对比背记,有条件的话,可以打印出来,进行区别,在考试的时候不容易出错。 四、理解题目 所谓理解题目,主要是针对判断题,我们往往只知道是对或错,但不知道为什么对为什么错,这时要理解,如:“伤员上肢出血,且没有骨折和关节损伤时,可采用加压包扎止血法止血”。这题的正确答案是错,但为什么错呢,因为没骨折,就不需要加压包扎止力法,直接用最基本的包扎防止出血就行了,还有很多判断题,我们是只知其然不其所以然,这时就须要理解。 只有理解了这些题目后,除了增加记忆外,还可以起到背一题记二题的效果,如上题,因为理解了题目的正确意思,如果此题换成选择题,也很快能从四个答案中找到正确的。网上一般都有为什么对或错的解读,如果家里没有上网,可以熟悉情况的人,这样就大大增加了记忆的效果。 一.吊销驾驶证(罚款200~2000): 1.驾驶拼装报废车 2.违法逾期不接受处理 3.超速50% 4.把车交由 未取得驾照(无照)/驾照暂扣期间/驾照被吊销期间的人驾驶 二.扣留机动车(200~2000):1.伪变造或使用伪变造机动车 (驾驶证行驶证登记证保险标志检验合格标志) 2.使用其它车辆的(行驶证登记证保险标志检验合格标志号牌) 3.车上道行驶(未放置保险标志未放置检验合格标志未挂车号牌未随车带行驶证) 三.15日以下拘留:1.未取得驾照的人驾车 2.驾照暂扣期间驾车 3.被吊销期间驾车 4.肇事逃逸,尚不构成犯罪 5.醉酒后驾车 四.警告(20~200):1故意遮挡污损车号牌 2.不按规定安装车牌 五.酒后驾车:1饮酒后驾车,处暂扣驾照(1~3个月),罚款200~500 2.醉酒后驾车,由公安交管约束至酒醒,处(15日以下拘留)和暂扣3~6个月驾照,罚500~2000 六.以下全为自动挡车: 1.D2挡在(坡路行驶) 2. 2挡在(缓坡行驶) 3.P挡驻车使用 4.在陡坡行驶,使用L挡(正确) 5.起步时,(踏下制动踏板),从P挡换入其他挡 6.停放时,变速器操纵杆在(P挡)拔下钥匙 7.起动发动机时,变速器操纵杆放在(P挡)位置 七.高速同方向车道: 1. 二 条车道 左:100~120 右:60~100 2. 三条车道 左:110~120 中:90~110 右:60~80 3. 三条以上/四车道 最左:110~120 中间二条:90~110 最右:60~80 4.进入高速加速车道,尽快提到(60公里)以上 八.肇事判刑: 1.交通肇事(逃逸致人死亡的),7~~15年有期 2.肇事逃逸或有其它恶劣情节,(3~~7年)有期 3.发生重大事故,致人重伤,死亡,使公私财产有重大损失构成交通肇事罪的,(3年以下)有期 <注意:是3年以下!!!!!! 有道判断题写的是以上一定要看清题目 九.机动车<驶入 驶出 非机动车道/通过铁路道口 急转弯 转弯 窄路 窄桥 掉头 下陡坡 牵引故障机动车 > 最高时速不准超过 (30公里) 十.<不是高速>车遇<雨 雾 沙尘 冰雹>天气,能见度在50米以内,最高时速不超过(30公里) 十一.1.小型.微型非营运客车,从注册日起,(6年)以内每2年检1次 2.小型.微型非营运客车,从注册日起,超过6年不满15年,每(1年)检1次 十二.<高速公路遇到 雨 雾 沙尘 冰雹!!! (一)能见度小于200米时,开启雾灯、近光灯、示廓灯和前后位灯,车速不得超过每小时60公里,与同车道前车保持100米以上的距离; (二)能见度小于100米时,开启雾灯、近光灯、示廓灯、前后位灯和危险报警闪光灯,车速不得超过每小时40公里,与同车道前车保持50米以上的距离; (三)能见度小于50米时,开启雾灯、近光灯、示廓灯、前后位灯和危险报警闪光灯,车速不得超过每小时20公里,并从最近的出口尽快驶离高速公路。对于samples if possible first enters the processing ... Sterilization containers: from plastic bags to sterilized gallon paint bucket, can be used to have a sharp edge products such as crab, shrimp, and so on. Sampling tools: sampling tool including: a teaspoon, spoon, needle-nosed pliers, angle fovceps tongs beakers and beaker, tool type is generally decided by the sample products. All sampling and date of sterilization of the container should be checked and sterilization time should be indicated on the label and packaging of equipment facilities, some facilities can be purchased at a local laboratory sterilization or disinfection equipment, laboratory and sterilization of instruments and facilities can be kept on the ground for at least two months, expired facilities must be sterilized again. Sterile gloves: sterile gloves must not be enabled in a sample, if a product is in the process of sample collection must be contacted to do it's best to let the factory production line workers (workers processed products), in the sample into a collection container, since the workers in the production process to reach the product, so we cannot think of their products and have the additional pollution. When the gloves must be a way to avoid contamination, wear, gloves must be fit to work needs. No bacteria cotton swab child: General for swab take instrument facilities and factory environment regional, using cotton swab child General has a right of program, open cotton swab child stripping off epidermal, then must carefully of put in tube head Shang, note don't contaminated cotton swab child 这三种情况,自己记忆为:261,145,520(首尾相连式)。 十三.吊二撤三醉五逃终身。也说是说:吊销是两年,撤销是三年,因为醉酒而吊销的是五年,因为逃跑而吊销的是终身。 十四.一:机动车在没有限速标志.标线的情况下.没有道路中心线的城市道路规定最高时速为30公里 二:机动车在没有限速标志.标线的情况下.没有道路中心线的公路规定最高时速为40公里. 三:机动车在没有限速标志.标线的情况下.如果同方向只有一条机动车道的城市道路规定.最高时速为50公里. 四:机动车在没有限速标志.标线的情况下.如果同方向只有一条机动车道的公路规定.最高时速为70公里. 十五.罚款选择项中有20--200 或200--2000的 选这两个 十六.关于日子的题,只有一个学习交法的是7天,其他警察办事的是10天,还有24小时,三个月啥题的不容易混。 nOal7BNN 十七.1 车在<公交站/急救站/加油站/消防队 站栓> (30米)以内,不得停车. 2.车在<距交叉路口/隧道/陡坡/弯路/窄路>(50米)以内不得停车 十八.1.<不是高速> 车在 白天/夜间 在路上发生故障,难以移动,开危险报警闪光灯,在车后(50~100米)处设警告标志 2.<高速>上在车后150米处设警告标志 <高速大雾天就不要设了 有道判断题> 十九.1.正常道路坡路会车,(下坡让上坡) . 2.冰雪路面坡路会车(上坡让下坡) (备:1.有三道过立交桥转弯题我也不太明白 2.发生交通事故都是民事责任,出现行事的都不对 3.公安交管部门都是吊销,撤销.交警是扣留 4.有三道交叉路口没灯 没人的题,不太明白 例:右转弯让左转 转弯让直行 让右车道 自己死记吧 5.有横/侧风的就紧握方向盘吧 6.不是马上要正面相撞的 就不要紧急制动了) 题目,答案.以书为准 应广大朋友的要求,总结一下交警手势题:(左右手为 视图者方向) 二十:(一)直行:1.直行:人正面,手掌正面,左/右 单侧直臂抬起. 2.直行辅助:人正面,手掌正面.<一者为同时左/右直臂二者为右手直 左手胸前曲臂 (二)左转:1.左大转弯:手掌正面 左手胸前直臂 (分为正身图和侧身图) 2.左小转弯:手掌正面 左手胸前直臂+右手抬起45度(分为正身图和侧身图) 3.左转弯待转:右手侧面 抬起45度和30度两种(目测大约为 45和30) (三)右转:手掌正面右手胸前直臂 <只有正身位一种手势,没有其它的, 不分大/小/辅助/待转,出现其它的都为错 (四)停:1.停止:右手正面 抬过头顶<只有一种手势> 2.靠边停车:右手正面 抬过头顶+左手抬至胸前 手侧面手指指向视图者<只有一种手势,与停止的区分为+左手指向前方 侧面抬起> 3.示意违章车靠边停车:一者为左手正面抬至45度 二者为左手正面抬至 身前/脚下<两者分别记好 判断题最后一题为侧面图,请特殊记 (五)前车避让后车:右手 手指指向前方 略微抬起<注:不是手掌正面全抬起>,左手手背抬至面部 (六)减速慢行:左手侧面抬起一者为抬平 二者为抬至45度 (备:1.直行两种,就它有辅助其它手势没有 2.左转三种,大/小/待转,没有辅助,出现 左转辅助 者都是错的 3.右转只有正身位一种手势,没有其它的, 不分大/小/辅助/待转,出现其它的都为错 4.停三种,停止与靠边停车单独区分 !!!违章靠边停车的左手抬起请与减速慢行区分,这个非常容易混,我也是特殊记的,主要看手是侧面还是正面!!! 前车让后车与靠边停车区分记,前让后抬左手背,靠边停车抬右手正面 左转弯待转请与右转区分,虽然都是抬右手,只要看过我前面写的朋友应该都能分开了吧?看手是侧面还是手掌正面 靠边停车分两种,图很好分别,不过还是请看清题目,是靠边停车还是示意违章的靠边停) 学车训练口决集锦大全 学员换人程序,学员换人要作到车尾下车右则绕,绕到左门喊报告。 上车程序,打开车门要问好,右手扶手,左手门,左腿踏板右腿到,注意要把门关牢,调整座位来报到,左腿离合右腿油,轰声空油报仪表(考官同意起步samples if possible first enters the processing ... Sterilization containers: from plastic bags to sterilized gallon paint bucket, can be used to have a sharp edge products such as crab, shrimp, and so on. Sampling tools: sampling tool including: a teaspoon, spoon, needle-nosed pliers, angle fovceps tongs beakers and beaker, tool type is generally decided by the sample products. All sampling and date of sterilization of the container should be checked and sterilization time should be indicated on the label and packaging of equipment facilities, some facilities can be purchased at a local laboratory sterilization or disinfection equipment, laboratory and sterilization of instruments and facilities can be kept on the ground for at least two months, expired facilities must be sterilized again. Sterile gloves: sterile gloves must not be enabled in a sample, if a product is in the process of sample collection must be contacted to do it's best to let the factory production line workers (workers processed products), in the sample into a collection container, since the workers in the production process to reach the product, so we cannot think of their products and have the additional pollution. When the gloves must be a way to avoid contamination, wear, gloves must be fit to work needs. No bacteria cotton swab child: General for swab take instrument facilities and factory environment regional, using cotton swab child General has a right of program, open cotton swab child stripping off epidermal, then must carefully of put in tube head Shang, note don't contaminated cotton swab child 走)。转向灯,后视镜,踏离合挂(一挡,二挡)。 上坡起步,油离配合放手刹,手刹跟着油门下。下坡起步,转向灯,后视镜,踏离合挂(一挡,二挡)注意要把手刹先放下,油离配合跟油走,达到平稳起步的目的。 上坡行驶,要想加挡先加速,加速在先,加挡在后。要想减挡先减速,减速在先,减挡在后。 下坡行驶,起步后,要跟油走,连续加挡不加油。要想减挡先减速,减速在先,减挡在后。 路面行驶总结一句:根据不同的路面情况,选择不同的车速,根据不同的车速,选择不同的挡位,拉开前后车的安全距离,达到安全平稳行驶的目的。 路口行驶,进入路口之前三十米,减速选挡,观察路口情况,听从教练口令,抓住时机,随车尾通过,不能迎车头走,随车尾通过体现让行,顺利通过。迎车头体现抢行,两车相遇,违章在先。 通过障碍,单边双边和井盖要注意自己的左膝盖。 苜蓿叶桥,教练发出右转弯直接右转上引桥,教练发出左转以两个右转达到调头目的,交叉路不准转弯。环岛桥看做是环岛逆时针方向绕环岛。不同的是环岛中间有条直行道,环岛四周有引桥,环岛桥分成四等份90度右转180度,直行270度,左转360度调头。 环岛,以逆时针方向绕环岛进左,出右调头左转走里,直右走边,找路号。 弯道行驶,上坡转弯,弯前减速选择挡位,打方向弯中加油回方向,回正方向根据情况变换挡位,跟油走。下坡转弯,弯前减速带着刹车打方向回正方向, 根据情况变换挡位直行走。 上坡行驶中,教练发出停车令,转向灯后视镜,作到选择挡位,跟油走,调整方位右,左,右靠边要把车放正,收油门备刹车,代刹车的同时,切断离合,再利用刹车控制速度到停车,拉手刹挡摘下,转向灯回位,抬离合放刹车,停车完毕。 下坡行驶中,教练发出停车令,转向灯后视镜,带着刹车,调整方位右,左,右靠边要把车放正,切断离合再去刹车,达到平稳停车,拉手刹挡摘下,转向灯回位,抬离合放刹车,停车程序完毕。 新手学车小技巧 1、如何拐弯进窄门, 首先目测是否能够进得去,不要紧贴着门边的障碍物拐弯,尽量减小转弯的夹角。 2、上坡、上桥怎样防止旁车“插入”, 坚持“走自己的道”,不要理会别人。若在中间一根道,则保持车辆居中;若在里车道,则居中偏外,这样别的车辆就不容易插入。还要注意车距,一定要保持相当的车距,防止前车溜车。 总之,让速不让道,在任何情况下,都要在自己的固有位置上。 3、怎样把车“嵌入”一排车的中间, 采用倒车停车方法。通过反光镜,以车位前方车辆车头的中线为参照物,当后车轮的一半过了这条线时,开始打足方向盘倒车,待车辆进入2/3以后,再回方向盘。 4、要不要放空挡, 不建议经常放空挡。在速度不快、不影响安全的情况下,可以采用空档滑行,但省油效果不明显。下坡时切勿放空挡,不仅容易导致刹车失灵,而且一旦熄火,车辆可能失控。 5、如何超车和变道, 要坚决、果断,尽量贴近前车,尤其是双向车道,可以节省超车的时间。 samples if possible first enters the processing ... Sterilization containers: from plastic bags to sterilized gallon paint bucket, can be used to have a sharp edge products such as crab, shrimp, and so on. Sampling tools: sampling tool including: a teaspoon, spoon, needle-nosed pliers, angle fovceps tongs beakers and beaker, tool type is generally decided by the sample products. All sampling and date of sterilization of the container should be checked and sterilization time should be indicated on the label and packaging of equipment facilities, some facilities can be purchased at a local laboratory sterilization or disinfection equipment, laboratory and sterilization of instruments and facilities can be kept on the ground for at least two months, expired facilities must be sterilized again. Sterile gloves: sterile gloves must not be enabled in a sample, if a product is in the process of sample collection must be contacted to do it's best to let the factory production line workers (workers processed products), in the sample into a collection container, since the workers in the production process to reach the product, so we cannot think of their products and have the additional pollution. When the gloves must be a way to avoid contamination, wear, gloves must be fit to work needs. No bacteria cotton swab child: General for swab take instrument facilities and factory environment regional, using cotton swab child General has a right of program, open cotton swab child stripping off epidermal, then must carefully of put in tube head Shang, note don't contaminated cotton swab child 变道时一定要通过反光镜仔细观察隔壁车道的车流情况,不仅要判断距离,而且要判断后车的速度。在确保安全的情况下才可以变道,否则一旦发生碰撞,变道车要负全责。 若行驶过程中,前方有公共汽车靠站,看不清车头处是否有行人过马路时,可以看公共汽车车头前轮的空隙处,若地上有脚或阴影移动,则表示有人,超车时一定要注意。 6、绿灯闪烁,是否可以继续往前开, 按照新的交通法规,不建议绿灯闪烁的时候过,最好绿灯一闪就停车,避免闯黄灯。并且尽量避免停在斑马线上。 7、怎样换挡最有效率, 换挡的诀窍在于学会听发动机声音。车速快、挡位低、拖挡的时候,会发出嗡嗡的声音;反之,低速高挡的时候,声音也会异常,会很响,同时还会发生车身抖动的现象。 一般来说,起步后,车子开动之后放2挡,40码左右就可以换3挡了。 8、怎样把速度保持在60-80码, 很多路段超过80码会被电子警察揪住,但开得太慢又会影响交通顺畅,因此60-80码是最安全的行车速度。 首先,一定要养成不猛踩油门的习惯,至于踩油门的最佳力度,每一辆车都不一样,要尽快熟悉自己车子的油门轻重。 9、遇到红灯,如何把车停得稳一点, 提前从油门收脚,刹车不要猛踩,第一脚踩得略深一点,让速度迅速降下来,待车辆停之前,微放刹车,汽车就不会向前“冲”了。 10、如何把车开到上街沿, 一般不主张把车硬生生开到上街沿,容易损坏车辆。长时间“凝”离合器,车内会传来一股焦臭味,这是离合器磨损的味道。 有的地方停车紧张,实在需要把车开到上街沿,也要放慢车速,一个轮子一个轮子地上去,千万不要两个轮子一起冲上去,这样很容易造成避震系统的损坏。下来的时候,也最好从侧面下
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