

2017-09-02 7页 doc 22KB 31阅读




朵拉朵拉 火车比赛赢汽笛 Map:如果你想去什么地方,只要快快 来找我,I’m the map, I’m the map因为只有找到我,我就可以带你 去I’m the map, I’m the map! mountain tunnel 大山 遂道 big yellow station 大黄车站 Do you see the mountain? There’s the mountain over there. I need you help. Thanks for helping! 来吧,朋友们,大家一起来,我们现在...
朵拉 火车比赛赢汽笛 Map:如果你想去什么地方,只要快快 来找我,I’m the map, I’m the map因为只有找到我,我就可以带你 去I’m the map, I’m the map! mountain tunnel 大山 遂道 big yellow station 大黄车站 Do you see the mountain? There’s the mountain over there. I need you help. Thanks for helping! 来吧,朋友们,大家一起来,我们现在 就出发,我们一定可以做到。 我们要去哪里,去赢汽笛。 Where are we going? Win the whistle! Backpack:我是背包,背包是我,里 面什么都有,装满本,装满玩具,全 都可以给你。 Where is the big yellow station? Is this a blue square? It’s a square, but not blue. Wee did it~成功了~ 海盗宝藏 Good luck! That’s it. You found it! tree lake treasure island寻宝树 鳄鱼湖 金银岛 Where are we going? Treasure island. Do you see a lake? Where? Is this the blue key? It’s blue, but it’s not the key. Is this the blue key? Yeah,You found it. 大鳄鱼,大鳄鱼,跳舞吧。 one two three four five six 三只小猪 Do you see the piggies? Where? Yeah, there’s the piggies. Boots:Hi,piggies. Dora给小猪发绶带 Are these the blue ribbons? 捣蛋鬼把门打开,小猪跑出,Dora and Boots边追边喊:“Stop,piggies,stop.” Hay barn apple tree 草堆 谷仓 苹果树 Do you see the hay field? Yeah, there it is. Do you see the apple tree 草堆晃动,里面藏着牛、羊、猪 接下来我们要去the barn. Do you see the barn? Yeah, I see it. Let’s go. I can do it. I can do it. 用小托车运小猪,Great idea~ 小车从坡上快速滑下,Dora and Boots边 追边喊:“Open.” Tico小松鼠帮忙开门。 Dora: Thanks,Tico. Tico: Not at all ! Dora: Are you okay, piggie? Boots: She’s okay. 屋内物品晃动,听声音辨小猪。 We are coming! 遇泥路,车过不去,pull Great pulling! 第三只小猪在树上吃苹果 Right, there he is. Boots: Come down. 用网子接下来,Good idea. Hold on! one two three 三只小猪 蓝莓小猎人 Dora吃了五颗blueberry: one two three four five . ( blueberries) Boots也想吃,他们决定去蓝莓山采蓝莓。 首先要从背包(backpack)里挑出蓝色小桶。 I need your help. Is this a blue pail? You found the little blue pail river forest blueberry hill 河 森林 蓝莓山 第一站:the river Do you see the river? Where? Yeah, there it is. 过又冰又冷的河,划船row row row row Good rowing! 去森林的路上,唱: 蓝莓小猎人要出发,把好吃的蓝莓带回家, 我们什么都不怕,现在,一起走吧~ 第二站:the forest 过荆棘丛林时,抓住藤条,荡 荡 swing swing swing Good swinging~ row 划船 swing荡过 第三站:the blueberry hill 朵拉说:“Open.” 门打就开了。 朵拉又说:“thank you!” 门说: “Anytime!” 捣蛋鬼狐狸住在山上的洞穴里,所以Dora and Boots一边静悄悄地采蓝莓,一边小声 地数:one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen 看着满满一桶蓝莓,Dora and Boots高兴 地说:blueberries~一只狗熊站在他们 身后也说: blueberries!并要抢 blueberries,吓得Dora and Boots转身 就跑,他们按原路返回,出山门时说: open;过荆棘丛林时,抓住藤条说: swing;最后划船过河row row row. garden forest wishing well 花园 森林 许愿井 Do you see the flowery garden, Where? Yeah,there it is! Stand up! Up~ Up! Watch out! Are you ok? sticky tape 胶带 river rock crocodile lake 河 大石头 鳄鱼湖 What do we need? Do you see a lake? We are coming. Is this the sticky tape? climb爬 Good climbing! Are these the coins? grden web spider web 花园 网 蜘蛛网 big blue bush 蓝蓝大灌木丛 Let’s go. Come on=C’mon Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you ,too. Thanks for helping. Is this the cook???/ Shake shake 甩 Do you see a big blue bush? We found you. Good luck! I’m home. We're hungry mum. 数饼干one two three four five six seven eight nine ten Thank you. And thank you. 蓝鸟宝宝baby bird鸟宝宝 I don’t know. Careful~ Can we use this? Thank you for helping? The little blue tree. bananas cornfield To the little blue tree. There they are. Three bananas.Is this enoug Where are you? I need you help. Here she is . It’s ok! Stand up~ 拯救王子 My ball. Help me! gate大门 crocodile lake high tower高塔 过大门时说:“push” 过鳄鱼湖时说:“ open” Close your mouth! Great jumping! Twelve steps.Good counting Thank you. you’re welcome. 小青蛙Coqui Don’t worry,Coqui. the echo bush回声丛林 , Ocean大海 Coqui’s island who’s talking? Watch out~ 巧克力树 Well done jungle 丛林 cave 黑熊山洞 chocolate tree巧克力树 there is the jungle. Watch out! Thank you. you’re welcome. You found the cookies. 海龟 蟒蛇 鳄鱼吃饼干 The bear’s cave. No bear. 搅拌搅拌巧克力,搅拌好吃的巧克力 国王王后变成石头 bridge rocks mountains 桥 岩石 山 thank you. Anytime. Little? Big? 魔法师把驴子耳朵、尾巴、脚给换了, 又用石头迷宫把Dora和Boots分开。 Thank’s -------.You’re welcome. Here we come. We’re coming. 他在睡觉,他在睡觉,你要说“嘘’’,你 要说“嘘”,不要把他吵醒,不要把他吵醒,悄悄地,走过去。 有趣的树屋派对 虫虫妈咪丢了个宝宝 lake wall墙 treehouse Isa的滑板车丢了个车轮,Benny牛卡在墙上。pull Hi,everybody. there’s the treehouse. 猜谜比赛 Dora说: “有个东西毛茸茸,钻树丛。”(猴子) Boots说:“黄黄外衣,白白内里。”(香蕉) bridge door tall mountain 小矮人:“叫声是‘嘿哈”,两条尾巴,八条腿。”(小毛驴、Boots、 Dora ) 什么东西一下雨就出现在头上,(云 伞 过笃笃门,对暗号:芝麻开门 谁跳起来比山高,首先得知道山跳起来 有多高。Stand up, please.
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