

2017-10-17 9页 doc 31KB 79阅读




报销单据填写说明报销单据填写说明 **有限公司 报销单据填写说明 一、《差旅费报销单》 报销部门、日期、姓名、职别:根据负责填写的人员资料如实填写。 出差事由:必须简要说明本次出差事由或任务。 出差起止日期、天数:如实填写。 附单据张数:要填准确。单据张数的计算~以自然张数为准~凡是与经济业务有关的每一张单据~都应作为附件张数计算在内。 日期:填写从出发地出发的日期。 起讫地点:填写出发地与目的地的地理位置~中间可用箭头表示。 天数、机票费、车船费、市内交通费、住宿费:均要分项目准确填列。 出差补助、住宿节约补助:根据公司实际...
报销单据填写说明 **有限公司 报销单据填写说明 一、《差旅费报销单》 报销部门、日期、姓名、职别:根据负责填写的人员如实填写。 出差事由:必须简要说明本次出差事由或任务。 出差起止日期、天数:如实填写。 附单据张数:要填准确。单据张数的计算~以自然张数为准~凡是与经济业务有关的每一张单据~都应作为附件张数计算在内。 日期:填写从出发地出发的日期。 起讫地点:填写出发地与目的地的地理位置~中间可用箭头表示。 天数、机票费、车船费、市内交通费、住宿费:均要分项目准确填列。 出差补助、住宿节约补助:根据公司实际情况填写。 其他:如出差途中餐饮费~以及特殊情况未含在其中的~请到财务部咨询。 小计、合计:每一行要小计出金额~每一列要合计出金额~且合计金额大小写必须一致。 预支、补助:根据本次出差实际填写。 相关人员签字:报销单依次由出差人、部门主管、会计、单位负责人签字方可报销。如多人共填一张报销单的~出差人员均应在“出差人”处签字。 附: ,1,单据粘贴要求:出差人必须将收集到的费用单据加以整理归类~采用 “报销单据粘贴单”粘贴。粘贴时~应将相近,指日期、业务内容等,set a data (intranet), and each ward set up a TV outlet. 2 doctor's Office: each doctor-station set up a net two-hole data socket + an audio socket. A TV Socket 3 nursing officer, Office of the Director: each station sets two-hole data socket (1 internal and 1 external) + a speech empty seats. Set up a TV outlet. 4 duty: each station sets a two-hole data socket (1 internal and 1 external) + a voice, setting up a TV outlet. 5 nursing station: every nurse station set up two double-hole data (intranet) + a voice double socket. 6 treatment and disposal areas: two data sets in each room (internal) + phonetic double-socket. 7 shows the classroom: each room set with two double-hole data (intranet and Internet + voice double socket and two television outlets. Outpatient area: 8 Office: each doctor workstation sets a two-hole data socket (internal) + a speech empty seats. 9 related equipment or its control room: sets a two-hole data socket (internal) + a speech empty seats. A television outlet. 10 hemodialysis: each bed set a double hole data socket (intranet). A television outlet. Surgery Center: 11 four two-hole data Sockets in each operating room. A television outlet. ICU area: 12 ICU beds set up an intranet data two-hole outlet. A room of a television outlet. Information points of distribution statistics following table: network, voice information points distribution statistics (medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor) serial number F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 B1 B2 intranet outside network voice intranet outside network intranet outside network voice intranet outside network voice intranet outside network intranet outside network intranet 的票据贴在一起~应分散、平铺粘贴~不应过分累叠~被粘贴的发票不应超出粘贴单的边缘。 ,2,适用范围:既包括出差外地不能即日来回的差旅费报销~也包括即日来回的出差地的误餐补贴。 二、《费用报销单》 报销部门、日期:如实填写。 单据及附件页数:参照“差旅费报销单”单据张数填法。附件包括 建筑装修、维修复印件等~如有购进实物,固定资产、低值易耗品,的~必须有负责管理的部门验收人签字~购入原必须附进仓单。 用途:表达清晰~简要说明。可以确定所属期的费用必须写明所属时期~如:公司10月份电话费,报销时凡涉及加班、误餐而发生费用~须写明加班、误餐时间。 金额、合计:如实填写~合计栏金额前面须有人民币“,”符号~合计金额大小写须一致。 原借款,:原预借款金额。 应补/退差额,:为“0”则不用填。应退差额为“原借款,”大于“合计”时~两者之差额,应补差额为“合计”大于“原借款,”时~两者之差额。 部门主管:部门主管签字。 领导审批:总经理签字。 相关人员签字:报销单依次由经手人、证明人、部门主管、会计主管、领 kstation sets a twohole data (intranet and Internet + voice double socket and two television outlets. Outpatient area: 8 Office: each doctor wor-hows the classroom: each room set with two doublesocket. 7 s-c doublehole data (intranet) + a voice double socket. 6 treatment and disposal areas: two data sets in each room (internal) + phoneti-al and 1 external) + a voice, setting up a TV outlet. 5 nursing station: every nurse station set up two doublehole data socket (1 intern-hole data socket (1 internal and 1 external) + a speech empty seats. Set up a TV outlet. 4 duty: each station sets a two-data socket + an audio socket. A TV Socket 3 nursing officer, Office of the Director: each station sets two hole-station set up a net two-set a data (intranet), and each ward set up a TV outlet. 2 doctor's Office: each doctor2side network intranett outvoice intranet outside network intranet outside network voice intranet outside network voice intranet outside network intrane ics (medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor) serial number F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 B1 B2 intranet outside networkformation points distribution statisthole outlet. A room of a television outlet. Information points of distribution statistics following table: network, voice in-n each operating room. A television outlet. ICU area: 12 ICU beds set up an intranet data twohole data Sockets i-socket (intranet). A television outlet. Surgery Center: 11 four two hole data socket (internal) + a speech empty seats. A television outlet. 10 hemodialysis: each bed set a double hole data-equipment or its control room: sets a two hole data socket (internal) + a speech empty seats. 9 related- 导审批签字方可报销。 附: ,1,一次报销多项费用且报销单据较小的的可统一粘贴在一张粘贴单上~然后汇总填写。 ,2,如有预借款报销的单据~须与其他费用分开报销单填写。 三、《付款#申请书#》 年月日:如实填写。 收款单位:收款单位全称。 帐号、开户行、金额:须准确填写~否则责任由经办人负责。 付款原因:简要说明付款的用途~如分期预付款的需说明本次付款的比例。对于赊销采购的付款原则规定如下:有采购合同的~按照合同规定的付款时间付款,没有采购合同的~在采购物资入库后~并经领导同意可付款~付款时由采购经办人在供货商的收据上签字确认。 附件张数:如实填写。如有签定合同的需附上复印件。 相关人员签字:依次由制单、复核,必须部门主管签字,、会计主管、总经理审批签字方可付款。 签收:如要支取现金或发票的~签收人在此签字。 附: ,1, 适用范围:主要用于各预付款项。 ,2, 经办人应尽快向对方单位索取发票交还财务部~以便财务做帐。 -nd two television outlets. Outpatient area: 8 Office: each doctor workstation sets a twohole data (intranet and Internet + voice double socket a-socket. 7 shows the classroom: each room set with two double-c doublehole data (intranet) + a voice double socket. 6 treatment and disposal areas: two data sets in each room (internal) + phoneti-ubletwo do hole data socket (1 internal and 1 external) + a voice, setting up a TV outlet. 5 nursing station: every nurse station set up-hole data socket (1 internal and 1 external) + a speech empty seats. Set up a TV outlet. 4 duty: each station sets a two-wohole data socket + an audio socket. A TV Socket 3 nursing officer, Office of the Director: each station sets t-station set up a net two-set a data (intranet), and each ward set up a TV outlet. 2 doctor's Office: each doctor3side network intranet outside network intranetnet outside network voice intranet outside network intranet outside network voice intranet outside network voice intranet outntrats distribution statistics (medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor) serial number F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 B1 B2 iA room of a television outlet. Information points of distribution statistics following table: network, voice information poin hole outlet.-hole data Sockets in each operating room. A television outlet. ICU area: 12 ICU beds set up an intranet data two-r twoision outlet. 10 hemodialysis: each bed set a double hole data socket (intranet). A television outlet. Surgery Center: 11 fouhole data socket (internal) + a speech empty seats. A telev-hole data socket (internal) + a speech empty seats. 9 related equipment or its control room: sets a two 四、《借款审批单》 日期、部门、借款人:如实填写。 借款事由:详细说明原因。借款仅应用于公司业务活动~不得挪用于私人事务。 借款金额:应根据实际业务需要和公司有关规定借款~不得随意多借。 预计还款报销日期:借款必须在借款后7天内结清,出差人员则在回公司后7天内结清,。结算方式:以现金归还或报销单抵扣~出纳应及时归还借款人员的借款单。 预计还款报销日期:填表日期后7天内。 相关人员签字:由会计主管复核~总经理审批签字方可支取。 借款人签收:向出纳支取现金后~借款人签收并填上日期。 附: 适用范围:员工暂借款用于公司业务活动。 五、《支付证明单》 报销部门、年月日:如实填写。 事由:简要说明费用开支的用途。 数量、单位、单价、金额:根据实际情况填写。金额下面如有空白要划斜线。 合计金额:以上几项金额合计~大小写必须一致。 未能取得单据原因:说明未能取得单据的原因。对应取得而未提供发票的 kstation sets a twohole data (intranet and Internet + voice double socket and two television outlets. Outpatient area: 8 Office: each doctor wor-hows the classroom: each room set with two doublesocket. 7 s-c doublehole data (intranet) + a voice double socket. 6 treatment and disposal areas: two data sets in each room (internal) + phoneti-al and 1 external) + a voice, setting up a TV outlet. 5 nursing station: every nurse station set up two doublehole data socket (1 intern-hole data socket (1 internal and 1 external) + a speech empty seats. Set up a TV outlet. 4 duty: each station sets a two-data socket + an audio socket. A TV Socket 3 nursing officer, Office of the Director: each station sets two hole-station set up a net two-set a data (intranet), and each ward set up a TV outlet. 2 doctor's Office: each doctor4side network intranett outvoice intranet outside network intranet outside network voice intranet outside network voice intranet outside network intrane ics (medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor) serial number F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 B1 B2 intranet outside networkformation points distribution statisthole outlet. A room of a television outlet. Information points of distribution statistics following table: network, voice in-n each operating room. A television outlet. ICU area: 12 ICU beds set up an intranet data twohole data Sockets i-socket (intranet). A television outlet. Surgery Center: 11 four two hole data socket (internal) + a speech empty seats. A television outlet. 10 hemodialysis: each bed set a double hole data-equipment or its control room: sets a two hole data socket (internal) + a speech empty seats. 9 related- 报销~如发票丢失、未索取发票等情况~报销人应与对方联系~补回发票~否则不予报销。 相关人员签字:依次由经手人、证明人、部门主管、会计主管、领导审批签字方可报销。 受款人:到出纳处报销领款后~请受款人签收。 附: 适用范围:有客观原因~确实不能取得正式票据且金额较小的可用此单报销。如金额较大的~必须经领导批准才可报销。 r twoision outlet. 10 hemodialysis: each bed set a double hole data socket (intranet). A television outlet. Surgery Center: 11 fouhole data socket (internal) + a speech empty seats. A telev-hole data socket (internal) + a speech empty seats. 9 related equipment or its control room: sets a two-nd two television outlets. Outpatient area: 8 Office: each doctor workstation sets a twohole data (intranet and Internet + voice double socket a-socket. 7 shows the classroom: each room set with two double-c doublehole data (intranet) + a voice double socket. 6 treatment and disposal areas: two data sets in each room (internal) + phoneti-ubletwo do hole data socket (1 internal and 1 external) + a voice, setting up a TV outlet. 5 nursing station: every nurse station set up-hole data socket (1 internal and 1 external) + a speech empty seats. Set up a TV outlet. 4 duty: each station sets a two-wohole data socket + an audio socket. A TV Socket 3 nursing officer, Office of the Director: each station sets t-station set up a net two-set a data (intranet), and each ward set up a TV outlet. 2 doctor's Office: each doctor5side network intranet outside network intranetnet outside network voice intranet outside network intranet outside network voice intranet outside network voice intranet outntrats distribution statistics (medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor) serial number F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 B1 B2 iA room of a television outlet. Information points of distribution statistics following table: network, voice information poin hole outlet.-hole data Sockets in each operating room. A television outlet. ICU area: 12 ICU beds set up an intranet data two-
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