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教练证考试理论教练证考试理论 驾驶员理论 一、 三条从业理念——责任如山、以身作则和诚实守信。 二、 驾驶员是保障道路交通安全非常重要的一道防线。推 进驾驶员素质教育史驾驶道路交通安全管理的基础性工 作,是预防道路交通事故、保障道路交通安全的有效途径。 (1) 三、 在驾驶培训的各个环节中,教练员是培训工作的具体 实施者,是安全驾驶知识的直接传播者,是推动驾驶素质 教育的重要实践者,是构筑道路交通安全重要防线的主力 军。(3) 四、 教练员是教育工作者,但从事的专业性较强的教学共 工作。(4) 五、 教练员的职业特点(4) 1、...
教练证考试理论 驾驶员理论 一、 三条从业理念——责任如山、以身作则和诚实守信。 二、 驾驶员是保障道路交通安全非常重要的一道防线。推 进驾驶员素质教育史驾驶道路交通安全管理的基础性工 作,是预防道路交通事故、保障道路交通安全的有效途径。 (1) 三、 在驾驶培训的各个环节中,教练员是培训工作的具体 实施者,是安全驾驶知识的直接传播者,是推动驾驶素质 教育的重要实践者,是构筑道路交通安全重要防线的主力 军。(3) 四、 教练员是教育工作者,但从事的专业性较强的教学共 工作。(4) 五、 教练员的职业特点(4) 1、 教学对象层次多样性。2、教学内容专业性。3、教学 要求严格性。4、教学组织特殊性。5、教学过程风险性。 六、 教练员的基本素质。(5) 1、 高度的社会责任感。2、良好的安全意识和驾驶习惯。 3、扎实的专业知识。4、丰富的驾驶经验。5、良好的教 学能力。 七、 教练员的责任。(8) 1、 重点培养安全意识。2、普及安全行车知识。3、全面 传播驾驶技能。 power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and building an indoor room three-level lightning, lightning protection requirements of to reach the engine room. (Note: the computer room and fresh air ventilation of interior decoration are not included in the contents of the system) for information room effect chart below: cabling system is the important content of project infrastructure, is a weak system of data and voice transmission channel. Integrated wiring system requires the use of standardized products, suitable for mainstream network topology, and can meet the needs of evolving network technology to support data communication, speech communication, multimedia communication as well as control signal communications. Integrated wiring systems are required to adapt to a complex space environment, protection against high-frequency electrical equipment, space and electromagnetic wave, and guarantee comprehensive wiring system in the various kinds of interference between transmitted. Integrated wiring systems should ensure that the information transmitted safely and securely. Integrated wiring systems should provide strong systems management capabilities, can effectively manage, system maintenance 八、 安全第一,珍爱生命,是驾驶员培训工作的宗旨。(10) 九、 道路交通安全法律法规突出了以人为本、公平与便民 的基本原则;体现了维护道路交通秩序,预防和减少交通 事故,保护人身安全,保护公民、法人和其他组织的财产 安全iqi他合法权益,提高通行效率的目的。(12) 十、 变革登记适用条件,已注册登记的机动车有下列情况 之一: 1、 改版机动车车身颜色;2、变换发动机;3、更换车身 或者车架;4、因质量有问题,制造厂变换整车;5、营运 机动车改为非营运机动车或者非营运机动车改为营运机 动车;6、机动车所有人的住所迁出或者迁入公安机关效 能管理部门管辖区域(13) 十一、机动车喷涂、黏贴标识或者车身广告是,不得应先安全驾驶。(13) 十二、事故当事人自行解决基本条件: 1、 交通事故未造成人员伤亡;2、当事人对事实及成因没 有争议;3、当事人自愿自行协商处理损害赔偿事宜;4、 当事人必须记录江铜事故的相关信息,并共同签名后才可 撤离现场(24) 十三、行政处罚的种类:警告、罚款、暂扣或者吊销机动车驾驶证、拘留以及民事责任和刑事责任等(25) 十四《道路运输》的立法目的和意义: power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and building an indoor room three-level lightning, lightning protection requirements of to reach the engine room. (Note: the computer room and fresh air ventilation of interior decoration are not included in the contents of the system) for information room effect chart below: cabling system is the important content of project infrastructure, is a weak system of data and voice transmission channel. Integrated wiring system requires the use of standardized products, suitable for mainstream network topology, and can meet the needs of evolving network technology to support data communication, speech communication, multimedia communication as well as control signal communications. Integrated wiring systems are required to adapt to a complex space environment, protection against high-frequency electrical equipment, space and electromagnetic wave, and guarantee comprehensive wiring system in the various kinds of interference between transmitted. Integrated wiring systems should ensure that the information transmitted safely and securely. Integrated wiring systems should provide strong systems management capabilities, can effectively manage, system maintenance 《道路运输条例》体现了维护道路运输市场秩序,保障道路运输的安全,保护道路运输有关各方当事人的合法权益,促进道路运输业的健康发展的目的。(27) 十五、申请旅客运输经营应具备的条件: 驾驶人员:1、取得相应的机动车驾驶证。2、年龄不超过60周岁。3、3年内无重大以上交通责任事故记录。4、经设区的市级道路运输管理机构对有关客运法律法规、机动车维修和旅客急救基本知识考试合格,并取得相应从业资格证。(28)车辆:与其经营业务相适应并经检测合格的车辆。 十六、不安规定维护和检测客运车辆的责令改正,处1000元以上5000元以下的罚款。(33) 十七、危险货物定义: 危险货物是指具有爆炸、易燃、毒害、腐蚀、放射性等特性,在运输、装卸和储存保管过程中,容易造成人身伤亡、财产毁损和环境污染而需要特别防护的货物。(40) 十八、危险货物的分类 1、爆炸品、气体、易燃液体、易燃固体、氧化性物质和有机过氧化物、毒性物质和感染性物质、放射性物质、腐蚀性物质、杂项危险物质和物品(40) 十九、为规范机动车驾驶员培训经营活动,维护机动车驾驶员培训市场秩序,保护各方当事人的合法权益交通部颁布了《机动车驾驶员培训管理规定》(交通部2006年2号令),power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and building an indoor room three-level lightning, lightning protection requirements of to reach the engine room. (Note: the computer room and fresh air ventilation of interior decoration are not included in the contents of the system) for information room effect chart below: cabling system is the important content of project infrastructure, is a weak system of data and voice transmission channel. Integrated wiring system requires the use of standardized products, suitable for mainstream network topology, and can meet the needs of evolving network technology to support data communication, speech communication, multimedia communication as well as control signal communications. Integrated wiring systems are required to adapt to a complex space environment, protection against high-frequency electrical equipment, space and electromagnetic wave, and guarantee comprehensive wiring system in the various kinds of interference between transmitted. Integrated wiring systems should ensure that the information transmitted safely and securely. Integrated wiring systems should provide strong systems management capabilities, can effectively manage, system maintenance 并于200年4月1日正式实施(47) 二十、机动车驾驶员培训依据经营项目、培训能力和培训内容实行分类许可。(47) 二十一、交通安全意识主要包括社会责任意识和遵章守法意识。交通安全意识应始终贯穿在驾驶实践活动中,它包含人得心理因素、伦理道德观念以及人的认知方式和行为习惯等。(57) 二十二、培养学员交通安全意识的途径:1、增强学员的社会责任感2、进行安全知识教育3、培养良好的驾驶习惯。(58) 二十三、行人的交通特性与风险因素:(59) 1、?儿童具有爱玩耍、好动的天性,容易产生突然、自发行为。?身材矮小,容易落入驾驶员盲区。 2、青少年:注意力不集中、喜欢冒险。 3、老年人:反应迟钝行动缓慢;应变能力差。 二十四、人力车的交通特性主要包括: 1、制动困难、不能及时的避让车辆2、容易出现车辆横转和甩尾现象。3、有时出现曲线行驶现象。(63) 二十五、面对交通冲突和侵犯性的驾驶行为,教练员应教导学员以行车安全为最高原则,保持火大宽容的心态,互相礼让。(68) 二十六、疲劳对安全驾驶的影响主要现为:判断力下降、反应迟钝和操作失误增加,严重时驾驶员会失去对车辆的控power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and building an indoor room three-level lightning, lightning protection requirements of to reach the engine room. (Note: the computer room and fresh air ventilation of interior decoration are not included in the contents of the system) for information room effect chart below: cabling system is the important content of project infrastructure, is a weak system of data and voice transmission channel. Integrated wiring system requires the use of standardized products, suitable for mainstream network topology, and can meet the needs of evolving network technology to support data communication, speech communication, multimedia communication as well as control signal communications. Integrated wiring systems are required to adapt to a complex space environment, protection against high-frequency electrical equipment, space and electromagnetic wave, and guarantee comprehensive wiring system in the various kinds of interference between transmitted. Integrated wiring systems should ensure that the information transmitted safely and securely. Integrated wiring systems should provide strong systems management capabilities, can effectively manage, system maintenance 制能力。(69) 二十七、中度疲劳主要征兆:眼睛疼、口干舌燥、走神、全身发热。(70) 二十八、酒后驾车的主要原因是缺乏安全意识,许多机动车驾驶员盲目轻信自己的能力,没有意识到饮酒会影响判断和操作,对驾驶安全构成潜在的危险。(71) 二十九、驾驶的三条黄金原则:集中注意力、仔细观察和提前预防,对于创建安全、和谐、文明的交通环境具有重要的意义。(72) 三十、ABS主要由轮速传感器、电控单元和液压调节器三部分组成。(78) 三十一、安全带的使用注意事项:(82) 1、 经常检查:经常检查座椅安全带的技术状态,如发现 损坏应及时更换。 2、 正确使用:一条安全带只能供一个人使用,严禁双人 共用; 3、 注意保护:不能让安全带与锋利的刀刃摩擦,以免损 伤安全带; 4、 妥善放置:座椅上无人时,要将安全带送回卷收器中。 三十二、日常维护是以清洁、补给和安全检视为作业内容,由驾驶员负责执行车辆的维护作业。(87) 三十三、空气滤清器维护方法:取出滤芯,将尘土清除。注power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and building an indoor room three-level lightning, lightning protection requirements of to reach the engine room. (Note: the computer room and fresh air ventilation of interior decoration are not included in the contents of the system) for information room effect chart below: cabling system is the important content of project infrastructure, is a weak system of data and voice transmission channel. Integrated wiring system requires the use of standardized products, suitable for mainstream network topology, and can meet the needs of evolving network technology to support data communication, speech communication, multimedia communication as well as control signal communications. Integrated wiring systems are required to adapt to a complex space environment, protection against high-frequency electrical equipment, space and electromagnetic wave, and guarantee comprehensive wiring system in the various kinds of interference between transmitted. Integrated wiring systems should ensure that the information transmitted safely and securely. Integrated wiring systems should provide strong systems management capabilities, can effectively manage, system maintenance 意不要用湿布擦拭滤芯,装复时要保持密封。(87) 三十四、冷却液维护方法:发动机的正常工作温度应保持在85-95?。因此,须检查冷却液的液面高度是否在补偿水箱的上限和下限之间,添加时注意使用符合要求的冷却液。(88) 三十五、风扇皮带维护方法:检查风扇皮带的饶度是否在10-15?之间,否则应进行调整。如果皮带有损伤,应及时更换。(88) 三十六、车辆定期维护包括一级维护和二级维护。(91) 三十七、夜间安全行车方法 1、 控制车速,保持安全间距。2、不要开启车内照明灯和 注视来车灯光。3、合理使用灯光。4、正确判断路况。5、 避免疲劳,祛除睡意。6、加强车辆日常维护。(100) 2、 三十八、在高速公路上行驶最低车速不能低于60?/h, 最高车速不超 过120k/h。(108) 三十九、漫水桥安全行车方法: 1、 查清水情,谨慎涉水2、选择正确的行车路线3、看远 顾近,平稳低速4、保持动力,一气呵成5、处理制动器 水衰退。(109) 四十、制动失效的应急驾驶方法: 1、 把稳方向,抢挂抵挡或使用驻车制动。2、利用坡道或 天然障碍物帮助停车。(116) power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and building an indoor room three-level lightning, lightning protection requirements of to reach the engine room. (Note: the computer room and fresh air ventilation of interior decoration are not included in the contents of the system) for information room effect chart below: cabling system is the important content of project infrastructure, is a weak system of data and voice transmission channel. Integrated wiring system requires the use of standardized products, suitable for mainstream network topology, and can meet the needs of evolving network technology to support data communication, speech communication, multimedia communication as well as control signal communications. Integrated wiring systems are required to adapt to a complex space environment, protection against high-frequency electrical equipment, space and electromagnetic wave, and guarantee comprehensive wiring system in the various kinds of interference between transmitted. Integrated wiring systems should ensure that the information transmitted safely and securely. Integrated wiring systems should provide strong systems management capabilities, can effectively manage, system maintenance 四十一、轮胎故障的预防措施: 1、 正确选用轮胎2、加强轮胎的日常维护与检查。3、合 理装载(118) 四十二、在高速公路上发生故障,必须提前开启右转向灯驶离行车道,停在应急车道内或者右侧路肩,同时在来车方向150m以外设置警告标志,并开启危险报警闪光灯,夜间还必须立即开启示廊灯和后位灯。(121) 四十三、事故现场的救护原则: 有序组织抢救。事故发生后,在专业医务人员没有到来之前,应积极有序地组织抢救,本着“先重后轻”、“先急后缓”和“先救命后救伤”的原则,即先抢救重伤员,尽快将重伤员转送至附近医院或者移交专业秋湖人员,后一般伤员,及时进行包扎、伤口处理等创伤急救。(130) 四十四、具体的搬运方法有:1、单人腋下平躺拖行。2、单人抱持。3、多人平台法。(130) 四十五、车辆给社会带来的污染是多方面的,包括排气、噪声、车辆废弃物、电磁波干扰、光化学烟雾以及温室效应等。其中最为突出的是排气污染、噪声污染以及车辆废弃物污染。(134) 四十六:发动机压缩比 8.0以下 8.0-8.5 9.0-9.5 汽油牌号 90号 93号 97号(137) 四十七、启动发动机对车辆节油有重要的影响,其中的关键power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and building an indoor room three-level lightning, lightning protection requirements of to reach the engine room. (Note: the computer room and fresh air ventilation of interior decoration are not included in the contents of the system) for information room effect chart below: cabling system is the important content of project infrastructure, is a weak system of data and voice transmission channel. Integrated wiring system requires the use of standardized products, suitable for mainstream network topology, and can meet the needs of evolving network technology to support data communication, speech communication, multimedia communication as well as control signal communications. Integrated wiring systems are required to adapt to a complex space environment, protection against high-frequency electrical equipment, space and electromagnetic wave, and guarantee comprehensive wiring system in the various kinds of interference between transmitted. Integrated wiring systems should ensure that the information transmitted safely and securely. Integrated wiring systems should provide strong systems management capabilities, can effectively manage, system maintenance 因素是启动时的温度。发动机的起动根据温度不同,可以分为常温起动、冷起动和热起动三种。当大气温度或发动机温度高于5?时,起动发动机不需要采取任何措施,这种操作称为常温起动;大气温度或发动机温度低于5?时,起动发动机称为冷起动;发动机温度在40?以上,起动发动机称为热启动。(140) 四十八、学员心智技能的培养 1、 培养学员的情绪控制力2、培养学员坚强的意志3、培 养学员的注意力和观察力4、培养学员的感知能力(152) 四十九、如何选择教学方法 1、 根据驾驶培训教学项目的特点进行选择2、根据学员的 学习特点进行选择3、根据教练员自身的条件进行选择4、 根据教学项目的时间安排及教学设备等条件进行选择 (162) 五十、的编写步骤 1、 备课2、教学过程3、课后总结与分析(175) 五十一、规范化操作动作 1、 上车动作2、调整座椅和后视镜3、检查操纵机构4、 起动发动机5、系好安全带6、保持正确的驾驶姿势7、下 车动作(183) 五十二、教学磁板的特点 1、 交通元素全面、场景组建灵活2、教练员与学员的互动power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and building an indoor room three-level lightning, lightning protection requirements of to reach the engine room. (Note: the computer room and fresh air ventilation of interior decoration are not included in the contents of the system) for information room effect chart below: cabling system is the important content of project infrastructure, is a weak system of data and voice transmission channel. Integrated wiring system requires the use of standardized products, suitable for mainstream network topology, and can meet the needs of evolving network technology to support data communication, speech communication, multimedia communication as well as control signal communications. Integrated wiring systems are required to adapt to a complex space environment, protection against high-frequency electrical equipment, space and electromagnetic wave, and guarantee comprehensive wiring system in the various kinds of interference between transmitted. Integrated wiring systems should ensure that the information transmitted safely and securely. Integrated wiring systems should provide strong systems management capabilities, can effectively manage, system maintenance 性强3、教学内容直观、生动4、教学素材多样5、操作简 便(192) 五十三、驾驶模拟器按照视景系统呈现方式的不同,可分为 互动和非互动两种类型,分别具有不同的特点,(195) power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and building an indoor room three-level lightning, lightning protection requirements of to reach the engine room. (Note: the computer room and fresh air ventilation of interior decoration are not included in the contents of the system) for information room effect chart below: cabling system is the important content of project infrastructure, is a weak system of data and voice transmission channel. Integrated wiring system requires the use of standardized products, suitable for mainstream network topology, and can meet the needs of evolving network technology to support data communication, speech communication, multimedia communication as well as control signal communications. Integrated wiring systems are required to adapt to a complex space environment, protection against high-frequency electrical equipment, space and electromagnetic wave, and guarantee comprehensive wiring system in the various kinds of interference between transmitted. Integrated wiring systems should ensure that the information transmitted safely and securely. Integrated wiring systems should provide strong systems management capabilities, can effectively manage, system maintenance
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