
中医跌打药酒配方(Prescription of Chinese medicinal wine)

2017-10-08 14页 doc 49KB 18阅读




中医跌打药酒配方(Prescription of Chinese medicinal wine)中医跌打药酒配方(Prescription of Chinese medicinal wine) 中医跌打药酒配方(Prescription of Chinese medicinal wine) ? Analgesic solution [Formula]: 600 grams, leather dial, black pepper, Radix Aconiti, Radix Aconiti, pinellia tuber, Arisaema, arenobufagin each 300 grams, Zhang Pu,...
中医跌打药酒配方(Prescription of Chinese medicinal wine)
中医跌打药酒配方(Prescription of Chinese medicinal wine) 中医跌打药酒配方(Prescription of Chinese medicinal wine) ? Analgesic solution [Formula]: 600 grams, leather dial, black pepper, Radix Aconiti, Radix Aconiti, pinellia tuber, Arisaema, arenobufagin each 300 grams, Zhang Pu, menthol 100 grams each, 95% ethanol (alcohol) 10 kg. [method] the first 7 ingredients are chopped or smashed into coarse ends. Arenobufagin with appropriate amount of boiling water for 5 minutes (mainly to reduce the toxicity, does not affect the effect of the Chinese medicinal materials), and in the same container, adding 95% ethanol seal, after 1 months of immersion, leaching supernatant, adding camphor, menthol stir to dissolve, when necessary, filtration, storage bottle. [function] detumescence analgesia. [attending] traumatic injury, pain unceasingly. [usage] external use. With a cotton ball dipped in liquid inunction affected part, daily inunction 1 ~ 3 times. [note] from "diseases of TCM fumigation therapy" of clean laundry. Treatment of more than 4000 cases, generally achieved good results. General medication 3~5 times that effective. ? The wind embrocation [Formula], Radix Aconiti kusnezoffii, Arisaema tuber, pinellia tuber, Sichuan safflower, chuanxiong, angelica tail 15 grams, peach kernel, angelica, papaya, frankincense, myrrh, Clematis 20 grams, Fructus 12 grams, 1 grams of cinnamon, Adenophora 15 grams, 20 grams of camphor powder, wintergreen oil amount, 75% alcohol 1500 ml. [method] the first 16 flavors are studied into coarse ends. The container is filled with 75% alcohol, sealed and soaked for 1 months. Then, the camphor powder is added, and the oil is melted and dissolved, and the bottle is kept in reserve. [function] promoting blood circulation to Dissipate Stasis, detumescence and relieving pain. [indications] injuries from bruises. Muscle pain. [usage] external use. The amount of wine per day by inunction rubbed 3 ~ 4 times. [note] from "China Zhi" of contemporary Chinese celebrities. Clinical multiple effect test. ? Activating blood wine [Formula] angelica, Chuanxiong 15 grams each, angelica, walnuts, safflower, Cortex Moutan, frankincense and myrrh 9 grams, 12 grams of Alisma, 12 grams of wood, 1500~2000 milliliters of white wine. [method] the first 10 flavors will be beaten to the end of the rough, placed in the container, adding white wine, sealed, soaked for 7 days, filtered to slag, that is. [function] invigorate the circulation of blood and relieve pain, eliminate stasis and reduce swelling. [indications] injuries from injuries. [usage] oral. Take 10~15 milliliters at a time, 3 times a day. [note] from "China Zhi" of contemporary Chinese celebrities. The wine is suitable for pain, redness and bruises in less; the addition and subtraction: head cohosh, Ligusticum, Gastrodia; upper limb plus twig, cassia twig; the lower limbs with hyssop, papaya; abdomen with cumin. Dafupi; the back of angelica, ephedra Guizhi, and root; membrane costusroot; right pleural and seedcases. Application of Rhizoma Cyperi; add ginger. The amount of onion. Can also use the medicine residue with ginger and scallion Daolan topical. The medication during the diet and cold (cold, cold water). Avoid taking pregnant women. It can also be decocted in water, 1 times a day. ? Traumatic wine (two) [Formula] of Radix Aconiti kusnezoffii, each 10 grams, 1 white, four tile, Radix 20 grams, see blood fly, Lycopodii, octopus dragon, lopseed, Sargentgloryvine, xuchangqing each 30 grams, 40 grams of water melon root bark, 42 rattan, bamboo 37 15 grams, 55 degrees "2500 ml of liquor. [method] the first 14 flavors are smashed into coarse ends, and the container J is added to the liquor, sealed, soaked for 7~10 days, filtered to slag, namely. [function] relaxing tendons and activating blood, removing stasis and relieving pain. [indications] traumatic injuries, aching muscles and bones, aching limbs and aching legs and legs. [usage] oral. Take 15_20 milliliter each time, take 3 times daily. [note] from "China Zhi" of contemporary Chinese celebrities. ? Snake rheumatism wine [Formula] snake (head) pay 100 grams, mulberry, prepared rehmannia root, epimedium, fresh thearborvitae leaves and hook said the wind, fresh pine root (to rough skin) 80 grams, white, angelica, cortex zanthoxyli each 50 grams, Buteng, Guangxi University, Shi cuneata each 32 grams, Eucommia (salt fry), papaya, Achyranthes root, licorice, Gou Ji (hair) 16 grams, 32 grams of teasel, liquor 8000 ml, 425 grams of sugar. [method] the new Snake above, add white wine 1000 ml for 6 months filtration, extracting the volatile oil from Guangxi technology, more than 17 kinds of mulberry mash container, 2 times and first times of liquor soaked, sealed, soak 30 days, second times for 15 days, with extracts, filtering, adding the filtrate and volatile oil, mix, and take the cane sugar syrup, stir until the temperature, adding the mixture, static, filtration, storage bottle. [function] Qufengchushi, activate collaterals. [indications] rheumatic pain, joint pain, numbness of limbs, flexion and extension, Yaoxisuanruan, rheumatoid arthritis, lumbar muscle strain, post traumatic injury disease. [usage] oral. Take 15~30 milliliters at a time, 2 times a day. [note] from the "wine" compilation. The medicinal wine has a wide range of application and remarkable curative effect. Insist on taking, the disease that is. Avoid taking pregnant women. ? The active wine [Formula] Monascus, Lithospermum, angelica, safflower, gastrodin, psoralen (salt), blood, chuanxiong, frankincense, myrrh, Gentiana 20 grams, angelica, ledebouriella root each 30 grams, papaya, Eucommia (salt), Achyranthes, North Liu Jinu, prepared aconite, wood louse insects, white 10 grams, ephedra 30 grams, 800 grams of sugar, 1500 ml of liquor. [method] the former 21 kinds, in addition to Monascus, Lithospermum, frankincense, myrrh, dragon's blood research into Ximo, sieving, mixing, more than 16 kinds of period is broken. The drug of the drug and liquor, sugar in the pot, after boiling in water bath heating, sealing cylinder reentry, and after 30 days soaking, leaching liquor, liquor recycling residue after crushing, the residual liquid in the combined filtration, storage bottle. [function] wind and cold, shujin. [indications] the wind chill, limb numbness, pain, rheumatism, paralysis, injured in the sinews or bones and other symptoms. [usage] oral. Take 10~15 milliliters at a time, 2 times a day. [note] from the "wine" compilation. Avoid taking pregnant women. ? Medicinal liquor for rheumatism and rheumatism (two) [Formula] acanthopanax bark 50 grams, safflower, angelica, rehmannia root, Achyranthes root, gardenia, trumpetweed, each 40 grams, Rhizoma Drynariae, Tinospora, waras, maple lotus Guangxi, Inula cappa, haifengteng 80 grams, asarum, cassia twig, tangerine peel, Atractylodes rhizome, Radix 30 grams, Fuling, 50 grams of licorice, jiulixiang, Guojianglong each 160 grams, 20 grams of ephedra, liquor 16000 ml.. [method] the first 23 flavors will be beaten to the end of the rough, placed in the container, adding white wine, sealed, soaked for 30 days, filtered to slag, that is. [function] expelling wind and removing dampness, promoting blood circulation to dissipate blood stasis. [indications] injuries, rheumatism, bone pain, wind cold dampness, accumulation of blood stasis, swelling and pain, etc.. [usage] oral. Take 15 milliliters at a time, 2 times a day. Can also be topical, embrocation. [note] from the "wine" compilation. ? 37 wines [37] Haitongpi, formula, coix seed, rehmannia, radix, Rhizoma Chuanxiong, Rhizoma, Cortex Lycii, acanthopanax bark 15 grams, 2500 ml of liquor. [method] grind the first 9 flavours into thick ends, and fill the container with white wine. Sealed, soaked for 10~15 days, filtered to slag, that is. [function] invigorate the circulation of blood and relieve pain. Removing stasis and dredging collaterals. [indications] traumatic injuries, blood stasis, swelling and pain. [usage] oral. Take 15 milliliters at a time, 2 times a day. [note] from the "wine" compilation. The clinical test showed good results. ? Shaolin eight immortals wine [Formula] clove, angelica 30 grams, Rhizoma Chuanxiong, safflower 90 grams, 37 grams of 15, Impatiens, hematoxylin each 45 grams, Zaocys L, 1700 ml of liquor. [method] the first 8 flavor washed, chopped, placed in the container, add white wine, sealed, soaked for more than 60 days, often shake. Remove slag by filtration. [function] promoting blood circulation and removing stasis, dredging collaterals and relieving pain. [indications] traumatic injuries, blood stasis, pain, redness and swelling, etc.. [usage] oral. Take 15 milliliters at a time, 2 times a day. [note] from the "wine" compilation. ? Compound Safflower phenol [Formula] frankincense, myrrh 27 grams, acanthopanax bark, Sichuan aconite root, safflower, the Aconitum and secondary calvatum, peach kernel, angelica, Radix Clematidis, Radix dipsaci each 63 grams, 4000 ml of 40% ethanol. [method] the first 12 flavors pounded, placed in the container, divided into 2 times to add 40% ethanol, sealed, soaked, first times with 2500 ml of ethanol soaked for 4 days, filtration; second times, the residue was 2000 ml with ethanol, soaked for 3 days, filtered. Combination of two filtrate, static, that is. The concentration is 20%. [function] dispersing stasis and detumescence. [indications] injuries from injuries. [usage] external use. Take this medicated wine to rub the affected area and wipe it 1~2 times daily. [note] from the "traditional Chinese medicine" compilation. Do not take orally. ? Continuous bone strengthening wine [Formula] Tougucao, rhubarb, angelica, red peony root, safflower 10 grams, paeonol 6 grams, 15 grams of raw, dog (hammer broken) 10, 30 Tushi, natural copper powder 3 grams, 350 ml of liquor. [method] the first 10 flavors, apart from the natural copper ends, are all coarsely broken, fried in half by white wine, removed into slag, and divided into 3 parts. [function] add bone and tendon, relieve pain. [indications] traumatic injuries and fractures. [usage] oral. Take 1 portions daily, and take 1 grams of natural copper. [note] from the "Chinese wine treatment". Avoid taking pregnant women. ? Compound antiphlogistic and analgesic liniment [Formula] (or Aconitum Aconitum), red (or South CALLA) 1000 grams, turmeric, spilanthes (or blood grass), soil (37 or seven leaf flower), mountain board, leather dial, phellodendron, leek root, frankincense, myrrh 500 grams each, aster, Alangium, hematoxylin, madder, flat bamboo orchid (or Belamcanda chinensis) 200 grams, Braun grass, fur, hook, four tile Qinggu rattan, each 300 grams, 100 grams of spiced rattan, Phytolacca, borneol 50 grams, 75% ethanol, 45 kg. [method] grind the first 24 flavours into thick ends, add the 75% ethanol in the container, soak in half for 10 days, then strain the residue, add 75% ethanol, and soak in half for 5 days. The two filtrate is combined, and the filter is placed aside for storage. [function] anti-inflammatory pain. [indications] traumatic injury, ulcer and early superficial tumor resection, extraction etc.. [usage] external use. Xu Ca local or gauze wet compress. 1~2 times a day. [note] Changchun College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Wang Zhong fang. Do not take orally. ? Wind dispelling wine (two) [Formula] angelica, notopterygium, Radix Paeoniae Alba, Herba taxilli, Gentiana each 60 grams, papaya, Achyranthes, teasel root, acanthopanax root, psoralea fruit 90 grams, dangshen 150 grams, sugar 500 grams, 5000 ml of sorghum wine. [method] the first 11 flavors will be crushed and placed in the container, adding sorghum wine, sealed, soaked for 2 weeks, filtered to slag, add rock sugar, until completely dissolved, you can use. [function] wet Qufeng, activate collaterals, nourishing qi and blood, strong bones and muscles. [indications] after damage joints pain, tendons spasm and traumatic arthritis. [usage] oral. Take 30 ml each time, 1 times a day, every morning and evening. [note] from "Lin Rugao and prescription" gejue calcite. ? 37 - Porter [seven] field, formula Draconis, pan 120 grams, rhubarb, peach kernel, safflower, Chinese angelica root, Herba Lycopi, frankincense, myrrh, Qin Qiu, teasel root, eucommia bark, Rhizoma Drynariae, wood louse insects, hematoxylin, pyrolusite, pyrite, strychnos (fried yellow hair) 150 grams, seven leaf flower 90 grams, 15 kg Huajiu three (liquor). [method] the former 20 kinds of sections in a container, add seal, soak two Huajiu three, more than a month, filtered to the residue, is. [function] oral. Take 115~30 milliliters at a time, 1~2 times a day. For external use: if the swelling hurts, rub the affected area and wipe it 2~3 times a day. The wound break is soaked with sterilized gauze or cotton pad, bandaged, and changed 1 times daily. [note] from the "Gala" setting experience. Pregnant women avoid oral. ? Traumatic wine [Formula] radix, angelica, chuanxiong rhizome 12 grams, teasel, strychnos (system), and Huang Fen (Osteopractic hair), red peony root, peach kernel, boninrousette, hematoxylin each 6 grams, 4 grams of safflower, trigonous, frankincense (vinegar) 3 grams, 1000 ml of 65 liquor. [method] grind the first 14 flavors into coarse ends, mix them evenly, put them into the cloth bag, put in the jar, add white wine, seal, soak for 30 days, press, filter, remove the dregs, settle the precipitate, take the supernatant liquid and bottle it. [function] Shu tendons, blood circulation, swelling and pain relief. [indications] traumatic injury, blood stasis, swelling and pain, very uncomfortable veins. [usage] oral. Take 30~60 milliliters at a time, 2 times a day. Can also be topical, embrocation. [note] from the "traditional Chinese medicine" compilation. ? The wine was lost [Formula] claoxylon skin, Herba Centipedae 60 grams, Alexander Yan, Ma bone disease, eighteen wind, Tinospora, Shui Zelan, Hu Shan, Liquidambar parasitism, Caulis Spatholobi, uncaria, short hair, pink petals tiger 30 grams, liquor (50 or 60) amount. [method] the chopped before 13 flavor, a container, add white wine (wine soaked powder prevail), seal, soaking for more than 7 days (hot dipping for 2 days) can be taken out. [function] Shu tendons, blood circulation, loose wind, slow pain. [indications] all kinds of traumatic injuries, fractures, sprains, joint stiffness, acute and chronic rheumatic arthritis, rheumatic heart disease, sciatica, etc.. Also has certain curative effect on rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatism, muscle, bone tuberculosis, bone hyperplasia, crane, lumbocrural pain, infantile paralysis sequelae, paralysis disease. [usage] oral. Take 15~30 milliliters at a time, 2~3 times a day. Severe can be added to 50 ml each time. For external use. Local external rubbing or warm compress, such as heating and wet compress, has a quicker and better effect. [note] from the "traditional Chinese medicine" compilation. Avoid taking pregnant women. ? Safflower wine [Formula] Liaoning safflower, Impatiens each 50 grams, a little alum, 60 liquor 1000 ml. [method] put the first 3 flavors in the container, add white wine, seal. Soak for 24~48 hours, then remove the slag. [function] detumescence analgesia. [indications] injuries from injuries. [usage] external use. Dip the gauze in the medicated wine for 20 minutes. Remove and apply to the swelling area. If the gauze infusion is dry, you can always sprinkle red wine on the gauze dressing to keep it moist. Change the dressing 1 times a day or every day. [note] from the "Liaoning Journal of traditional Chinese medicine" (Trial Edition). ? Liu nu (two) [Formula] ragwort, Rhizoma Drynariae, Rhizoma Corydalis each 60 grams, 500 ml of liquor. [method] chop the first 3 ingredients into the container, add white wine, seal and soak for more than 10 days, then remove the dregs. [function] reduce swelling and pain and stop bleeding. [indications] traumatic injuries, blood stasis, swelling and pain. [usage] oral. Take 10~15 milliliters at a time, 2 times a day. [note] from the "wine" compilation. ? Three skin medicated wine [Formula] zijinpi, paeonol, acanthopanax bark, radix curcumae, Rhizoma Corydalis, Radix Linderae, Chuanxiong 30 grams, cinnamon, woody, frankincense (oil). Sheep, with plantar (deoiled). Preparation of notopterygium 15 grams, 500 ml of liquor. [method] the first 12 flavor washed, chopped, placed in the container, adding white wine, sealed, separated by boiling for about 1 hours, waiting for cold, filtered slag, that is. [function] regulate qi and blood, relieve pain. [attending] traumatic injury, pain unceasingly. [usage] oral. No matter what, do not drink when you take it. [note] from the "wine" compilation. ? Rheumatism wine [Formula] Tongteng stone 2812 grams, 94 grams of ephedra, cassia twig, Poncirus trifoliate each 75 grams, 24 grams of silkworm excrement, polygonatum 30 grams, 50 grams of dried tangerine peel, magnolia bark, bitter almond, Alisma, yam, Atractylodes rhizome, Cortex Moutan, chuanxiong rhizome, Atractylodes, white, wood, stone ear, notopterygium, dodder, Cyperus rotundus frankincense and myrrh, angelica, each 11 grams, 2250 grams of brown sugar, 22.5 kg of liquor. [method] the first Ishi To water decocting 2 times, each fry hours, decoction, filtering, concentrating into paste; Yu Mahuang and other 23 kinds of research for the thick end liquor by wet method, according to the Seepage seepage source, collecting source fluid, combined with stone Puteng concentrated liquid, add brown sugar ("proper) stir to dissolve, static, filtration, namely. [function] dispelling wind and dampness and activating collaterals to relieve pain. [indications] traumatic injury, bone rheumatism and numbness of limbs, waist and leg pain. [usage] oral. Take 10~15 milliliters at a time, 2 times a day.
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