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光明畅优酸奶品牌广告文案光明畅优酸奶品牌广告文案 目录 前言 正文 市场分析 1. 营销环境分析 2. 消费者分析 3. 商品分析 4. 竞争对手分析 广告策略 1. 目标策略 2. 市场策略 3. 定位策略 4. 媒体策略 5. 诉求策略 分析广告 广告语 广告文案 anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality ...
光明畅优酸奶品牌广告文案 目录 前言 正文 市场 1. 营销环境分析 2. 消费者分析 3. 商品分析 4. 竞争对手分析 广告策略 1. 目标策略 2. 市场策略 3. 定位策略 4. 媒体策略 5. 诉求策略 分析广告 广告语 广告文案 anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, women's service and young pioneers, countryside-Japanese performance, posting anti-Japanese slogans, operate private schools, literacy classes, founder of the iron, and the tongue and the sound, sparks and other anti-Japanese mimeographed tabloid, actively promote anti-Japanese. Hanchang recovery after the party, that is, "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people save," Shen Yingjie, Xu Azhen to participate in development of the Chinese Communist Party, in October and set up a water party group in Hong Kong, Han chang long party group. Meanwhile, Xu on cleaning two wannan, demanding new army deployed cadres, and have sent many new progressive youth to receive training. On November 9, sheng, Wu Xing, Nanxun, jiaxing, Tongxiang, Zonta, Hangzhou, wukang strongholds such as Elves, nearly all men, together with the aircraft, boats, Zhu Xi Lu, pouncing on troop locations. 10th, the enemies have invaded yan Tomb, Xin Cheng, Wuzhen. 11th, Zhu Xi army pier at Bell House was surrounded by the enemy, break, casualties will be great, CPC party member Xu, Xu Quansheng, really so magnificent and head of three Wang Yulin, also died in the battle. Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Jie Xu with the new cadres, Communist party Mr CHOW (Zhou kangyu) came from southern Anhui. Zhu Xi Wei CHOY for staff officers. The end of unified leadership 前言 2008年三聚氰胺事件出现后,许多奶企业倒下去,人们对奶制品几乎是谈奶事变,乳制品的消费量锐减。2009年,乳制品行业的信任危机稍有缓和,但是竞争格局却在发生着深刻的变化。光明乳业股份有限公司作为国家级农业产业化重点龙头企业,光明乳业长期以来秉承“创新生活、共享健康”的企业使命,始终以领先变革的首创精神,不断创新,在打造中国新鲜品第一品牌的事业中取得了一定的成绩。 这次广告主打光明畅优,提到光明畅优,大家都会很自然地想到畅优带来的一股绿色创意风暴,更能深切地感受到绿色风暴下所赋予的健康美丽气息。光明畅优一直所坚持的“通畅”概念以及“天天畅优,自然美丽”的传播口号更是逐渐被更多的都市女性所认知与接受。“令身体保持通畅”——光明畅优一贯倡导的品牌主张恰如其分地道出了所有追求高品质健康生活的现代都市女性的心声。 anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, women's service and young pioneers, countryside-Japanese performance, posting anti-Japanese slogans, operate private schools, literacy classes, founder of the iron, and the tongue and the sound, sparks and other anti-Japanese mimeographed tabloid, actively promote anti-Japanese. Hanchang recovery after the party, that is, "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people save," Shen Yingjie, Xu Azhen to participate in development of the Chinese Communist Party, in October and set up a water party group in Hong Kong, Han chang long party group. Meanwhile, Xu on cleaning two wannan, demanding new army deployed cadres, and have sent many new progressive youth to receive training. On November 9, sheng, Wu Xing, Nanxun, jiaxing, Tongxiang, Zonta, Hangzhou, wukang strongholds such as Elves, nearly all men, together with the aircraft, boats, Zhu Xi Lu, pouncing on troop locations. 10th, the enemies have invaded yan Tomb, Xin Cheng, Wuzhen. 11th, Zhu Xi army pier at Bell House was surrounded by the enemy, break, casualties will be great, CPC party member Xu, Xu Quansheng, really so magnificent and head of three Wang Yulin, also died in the battle. Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Jie Xu with the new cadres, Communist party Mr CHOW (Zhou kangyu) came from southern Anhui. Zhu Xi Wei CHOY for staff officers. The end of unified leadership 正文 市场分析 1. 营销环境分析 作为中国乳业重要市场的华南市场竞争愈发激烈。乳业巨头伊利在佛山收购了澳纯乳品加工厂全力打造酸奶产品,试图抢占广州酸奶市场;曾经因与光明分手而黯然退出广州市场的达能碧优,又卷土重来,低调现身广州市场;与此同时,广东本地品牌燕塘、风行牛奶也有着20%左右的增长,而且相继推出自己的酸奶产品。华南乳饮料行业逐渐形成了“群雄逐鹿”的战局,各大品牌都绞尽脑汁想分得一份蛋糕。 作为目前广州酸奶市场的领导品牌光明畅优,面对竞争对手的冲击,坚持以策略为导向,以品质为保证,整合一切有利资源,树立畅优品牌的市场领导者地位。 2. 消费者分析 光明畅优的目标消费者是有着高收入,追求高品质生活的现代都市女性,其年龄大致在20至40岁之间。她们有着比一般女性更让人羡慕的资本,同时她们有着更高的追求:追求小资品味,追求高品质生活;更重要的是她们更关注自身的健康,追求自身的美丽。 但是现代都市女性工作生活压力大,饮食没有规律,常被肠道问题所困扰,容易出现排便不畅,甚至便秘,导致小腹膨胀,皮肤暗黄无光泽。她们希望拥有健康通畅的肠道、拥有平坦的小腹和迷人的身体曲线。 光明畅优针对女性对“健康”和“美丽”的关注,以“通畅”作为切入点进行广告诉求,从早期的“天天畅优,轻松美丽”到现在的“天天畅优,自然美丽”,清晰一致的策略,让产品与目标消费者在一起,相信她们的思考,达她们的心声,鼓励她们的美丽蜕变。 3. 商品分析 2007年开始,一种健康饮食潮流已经蔚然成风,酸奶市场逐渐兴起了一股绿色风暴,由内到外的美丽已经成为现代都市女性的时尚健康追求。酸奶作为一种时尚的饮品,它清理肠道、帮助消化、美容的功能已经成功赢得了女性消费者的亲睐。 畅优以一种时尚饮品的形式出现在消费者面前,与其它品牌的酸奶相比,它更加强调功anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, women's service and young pioneers, countryside-Japanese performance, posting anti-Japanese slogans, operate private schools, literacy classes, founder of the iron, and the tongue and the sound, sparks and other anti-Japanese mimeographed tabloid, actively promote anti-Japanese. Hanchang recovery after the party, that is, "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people save," Shen Yingjie, Xu Azhen to participate in development of the Chinese Communist Party, in October and set up a water party group in Hong Kong, Han chang long party group. Meanwhile, Xu on cleaning two wannan, demanding new army deployed cadres, and have sent many new progressive youth to receive training. On November 9, sheng, Wu Xing, Nanxun, jiaxing, Tongxiang, Zonta, Hangzhou, wukang strongholds such as Elves, nearly all men, together with the aircraft, boats, Zhu Xi Lu, pouncing on troop locations. 10th, the enemies have invaded yan Tomb, Xin Cheng, Wuzhen. 11th, Zhu Xi army pier at Bell House was surrounded by the enemy, break, casualties will be great, CPC party member Xu, Xu Quansheng, really so magnificent and head of three Wang Yulin, also died in the battle. Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Jie Xu with the new cadres, Communist party Mr CHOW (Zhou kangyu) came from southern Anhui. Zhu Xi Wei CHOY for staff officers. The end of unified leadership 能性,富含B+100TM双歧益生菌能够调理肠胃,通畅身体,排除体内垃圾,保持皮肤光滑透亮。对于现代都市女性,光明畅优的独特功能具有无可比拟的吸引力,而健康、美丽两大核心利益点更是切中要害。 4( 竞争对手分析 随着国内消费者对酸奶的逐步认可,乳业巨头们也逐步将竞争的重点转向了酸奶市场,伊利与蒙牛两只大鳄从液态奶市场打到酸奶市场后,国内酸奶市场的竞争愈加激烈。作为中国乳品行业的老大与老二,伊利与蒙牛从来都不缺乏竞争,酸奶市场的观测结果看,伊利和蒙牛产品品种的重合比较明显,两品牌在原味酸牛奶、无糖酸奶、双果料酸牛奶几个品类都存在非常明显的竞争。比如在原味酸奶这个小品类,不同规格的蒙牛原味酸牛奶与特品原味酸奶占据了货架的很大比例,伊利更是拥有多个系列的原味酸奶,除伊利原味酸牛奶外,还有原味优品酪乳、原味妙酸乳和味浓酸牛奶等原味酸奶品种。而在双果料酸牛奶这一品类中,蒙牛与伊利也并不满足于使用单一系列的产品打市场,蒙牛拥有复合果粒酸牛奶和纤维新意大果粒酸牛奶两种产品,伊利则拥有全脂果料酸牛奶和大果酸牛奶两种产品。丰富且同质的产品使得伊利和蒙牛之间的直接竞争非常明显,但两个品牌却在当前比较畅销的品类中占据了优势地位。光明作为酸奶市场的一个老品牌自然有自己的定位,在蒙牛伊利纷纷进军双果料市场的情况下,光明没有盲目跟进,因此光明推出时尚酸饮畅优,更加注重功能性,针对都市女性。 广告策略 1. 目标策略 提高光明畅优知名度,让广大消费者认识光明畅优,了解光明畅优。进而扩大市场占有率,提高产品竞争力。 2(市场策略 光明畅优的品牌策略以“通畅”为主诉求点,每年通过不同的主题延展,与消费者近距离沟通。 畅优一开始进入市场,广告策略就清晰明确地直指功能性诉求,其产品个性也随之越来越色彩鲜明。清新自然的广告风格,绿色的包装很快提升了消费者对酸奶品牌的心理认知。 2008年光明畅优推出“7天大挑战”等活动,通过体验式营销,使消费者关注并获得产品的健康和功效,同时此活动在三聚氰胺事件爆发时,起到了积极有效的缓冲作用,从而使光明品牌在华南地区并没有受到太大的影响。 anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, women's service and young pioneers, countryside-Japanese performance, posting anti-Japanese slogans, operate private schools, literacy classes, founder of the iron, and the tongue and the sound, sparks and other anti-Japanese mimeographed tabloid, actively promote anti-Japanese. Hanchang recovery after the party, that is, "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people save," Shen Yingjie, Xu Azhen to participate in development of the Chinese Communist Party, in October and set up a water party group in Hong Kong, Han chang long party group. Meanwhile, Xu on cleaning two wannan, demanding new army deployed cadres, and have sent many new progressive youth to receive training. On November 9, sheng, Wu Xing, Nanxun, jiaxing, Tongxiang, Zonta, Hangzhou, wukang strongholds such as Elves, nearly all men, together with the aircraft, boats, Zhu Xi Lu, pouncing on troop locations. 10th, the enemies have invaded yan Tomb, Xin Cheng, Wuzhen. 11th, Zhu Xi army pier at Bell House was surrounded by the enemy, break, casualties will be great, CPC party member Xu, Xu Quansheng, really so magnificent and head of three Wang Yulin, also died in the battle. Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Jie Xu with the new cadres, Communist party Mr CHOW (Zhou kangyu) came from southern Anhui. Zhu Xi Wei CHOY for staff officers. The end of unified leadership 2009年光明畅优的品牌策略更具前瞻性,在面对达能的回归,本地乳业品牌的崛起,品牌策略在2008年的基础上进一步深化,提出了“7天美丽”的概念,通过消费者食用畅优优酪乳后,,天的身体变化进一步强调了其功能性。同时畅优同步推出新口味产品,并进行产品包装改造升级,全面出击,巩固华南地区领导品牌的地位。 3. 定位策略 光明畅优一直所坚持的“通畅”概念以及“天天畅优,自然美丽”的传播口号更是逐渐被更多的都市女性所认知与接受。从消费者来看,20,40岁女性是畅优主要目标消费人群。 她们生活在城市,工作生活压力大,饮食没有规律,常被肠道问题所困扰。针对消费者,我们从品牌的角度考虑,塑造畅优品牌形象,使活动带有公益色彩。让消费者感受到光明畅优关注女性肠道健康。作为他们的亲人、朋友或同事,我们应该把对她们的关爱变成一种行动。让她们享受到肠道健康,身体舒畅,天天美丽轻松的关爱。 4. 媒体策略 首先安排广告的播出位置和播出时间,在全国一线和部分发达的二线城市加大宣传力度,因此将广告在各省卫视黄金时间播出,持续时间暂时为半年,视收视效果和宣传效果再做调整。 其次,在知名健康网和女性网上发布广告 还有,进驻各目标城市,实行实地宣传。 5. 诉求策略 根据广告语的核心概念,畅优的创意紧紧抓住“保持身体通畅”这一主诉求点,通过绿色健康、轻松优雅的画面感,强调连续7天喝畅优后身体肠道的明显变化,感性中不乏理性说服,因此,更具说服力、影响力和销售力。 此主题既能把产品畅通的概念表达出来,又能涵盖关爱的主题,目标人群非常明确。 广告分析 广告创意为一个女主持人在户外试镜,但是工作繁忙的她非常自信地拒绝在现场补妆,因为她有自己的美丽秘密,那就是光明畅优,天天喝畅优,令身体通畅,气色更佳。通过主持人的工作状态来表现出光明畅优给人带来的自信和美丽。 “畅优自然更美丽,时刻成为镜头的焦点,光靠补妆是不够的,要自然美丽,我喝畅优。畅优优酪乳,每杯特含125亿个B+100双歧益生菌,能清理肠道,,天令身体更通畅。体内没垃圾,感觉好轻松,气色好,自然焕发光彩。一起来喝畅优吧~” 根据广告语的核心概念,畅优的TVC创意紧紧抓住“保持身体通畅”这一主诉求点,通过绿色健康、轻松优雅的画面感,强调连续7天喝畅优后身体肠道的明显变化,感性中不乏anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, women's service and young pioneers, countryside-Japanese performance, posting anti-Japanese slogans, operate private schools, literacy classes, founder of the iron, and the tongue and the sound, sparks and other anti-Japanese mimeographed tabloid, actively promote anti-Japanese. Hanchang recovery after the party, that is, "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people save," Shen Yingjie, Xu Azhen to participate in development of the Chinese Communist Party, in October and set up a water party group in Hong Kong, Han chang long party group. Meanwhile, Xu on cleaning two wannan, demanding new army deployed cadres, and have sent many new progressive youth to receive training. On November 9, sheng, Wu Xing, Nanxun, jiaxing, Tongxiang, Zonta, Hangzhou, wukang strongholds such as Elves, nearly all men, together with the aircraft, boats, Zhu Xi Lu, pouncing on troop locations. 10th, the enemies have invaded yan Tomb, Xin Cheng, Wuzhen. 11th, Zhu Xi army pier at Bell House was surrounded by the enemy, break, casualties will be great, CPC party member Xu, Xu Quansheng, really so magnificent and head of three Wang Yulin, also died in the battle. Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Jie Xu with the new cadres, Communist party Mr CHOW (Zhou kangyu) came from southern Anhui. Zhu Xi Wei CHOY for staff officers. The end of unified leadership 理性说服,因此,更具说服力、影响力和销售力。 地铁广告 通过分析比较,地铁作为一种更现代更快捷的交通工具,在白领上班一族的生活中发挥着越来越重要的作用。作为现代都市女性,她们上下班不愿挤公交车,更中意于乘坐地铁,享受地铁所带来的便捷生活。选择地铁作为传播表现工具,从而将信息更好的传达给了最大数量的目标消费群体。 另一方面,地铁有着公交巴士等交通工具所没有的通畅感。从不堵塞、晚点的通畅特性,使得其与畅优“令身体保持通畅”的品牌主张以及“天天畅优,自然美丽”的传播口号有着一个共通点,那就是“畅通”。 在此基础上光明畅优提出了“出行无阻乘地铁,身体通畅选畅优”和“天天美味畅优,站站美丽畅游”的宣传口号。 表现方式与传播载体的确定,同时宣传物料的及时到位,使得广州各大地铁路线和站台一夜间变成了绿色的海洋,在羊城的春季掀起了一股绿色创意风暴。消费者也在亲身感受通畅交通的同时,逐渐开始更多地接受光明畅优所提倡的健康理念与品牌主张,从而最终接受光明畅优的产品。 anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, women's service and young pioneers, countryside-Japanese performance, posting anti-Japanese slogans, operate private schools, literacy classes, founder of the iron, and the tongue and the sound, sparks and other anti-Japanese mimeographed tabloid, actively promote anti-Japanese. Hanchang recovery after the party, that is, "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people save," Shen Yingjie, Xu Azhen to participate in development of the Chinese Communist Party, in October and set up a water party group in Hong Kong, Han chang long party group. Meanwhile, Xu on cleaning two wannan, demanding new army deployed cadres, and have sent many new progressive youth to receive training. On November 9, sheng, Wu Xing, Nanxun, jiaxing, Tongxiang, Zonta, Hangzhou, wukang strongholds such as Elves, nearly all men, together with the aircraft, boats, Zhu Xi Lu, pouncing on troop locations. 10th, the enemies have invaded yan Tomb, Xin Cheng, Wuzhen. 11th, Zhu Xi army pier at Bell House was surrounded by the enemy, break, casualties will be great, CPC party member Xu, Xu Quansheng, really so magnificent and head of three Wang Yulin, also died in the battle. Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Jie Xu with the new cadres, Communist party Mr CHOW (Zhou kangyu) came from southern Anhui. Zhu Xi Wei CHOY for staff officers. The end of unified leadership 广告语 畅通无阻,自然健康美丽,我喝畅优 健康轻松,自然畅优 绿色健康畅优,自然自信美丽 我有我自信,光明畅优 畅优生活 广告文案 广告语:健康轻松,自然畅优 标题:还在等什么 正文:工作生活压力大,饮食不规律,常被为肠道问题所困扰,还在等什么,有更 好的方式来帮助你健康无阻:光明畅优酸奶富含B+100TM双歧益生菌能够调理肠胃,通畅身 体,排除体内垃圾,保持皮肤光滑透亮。身体通畅,自然健康美丽,焕发光彩,由它开 始。健康轻松,自然畅优。 anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, women's service and young pioneers, countryside-Japanese performance, posting anti-Japanese slogans, operate private schools, literacy classes, founder of the iron, and the tongue and the sound, sparks and other anti-Japanese mimeographed tabloid, actively promote anti-Japanese. Hanchang recovery after the party, that is, "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people save," Shen Yingjie, Xu Azhen to participate in development of the Chinese Communist Party, in October and set up a water party group in Hong Kong, Han chang long party group. Meanwhile, Xu on cleaning two wannan, demanding new army deployed cadres, and have sent many new progressive youth to receive training. On November 9, sheng, Wu Xing, Nanxun, jiaxing, Tongxiang, Zonta, Hangzhou, wukang strongholds such as Elves, nearly all men, together with the aircraft, boats, Zhu Xi Lu, pouncing on troop locations. 10th, the enemies have invaded yan Tomb, Xin Cheng, Wuzhen. 11th, Zhu Xi army pier at Bell House was surrounded by the enemy, break, casualties will be great, CPC party member Xu, Xu Quansheng, really so magnificent and head of three Wang Yulin, also died in the battle. Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Jie Xu with the new cadres, Communist party Mr CHOW (Zhou kangyu) came from southern Anhui. Zhu Xi Wei CHOY for staff officers. The end of unified leadership 说明:酸奶普遍具有清理肠道、帮助消化、美容护肤的功能。但“光明畅优”却独创性的将“通畅”这一物理功能作为其品牌核心诉求,因此广告文案自然也有抓住这一点进行强调。通过绿色健康、轻松优雅的画面感,积极塑造“畅优”在消费者心中“通畅酸奶第一”的认知。广告创意没有惊世骇俗,有的只是平实亲切。但是它所诉求的“通畅”概念,却正好符合了现代都市女性的生活需求:希望身体时刻保持通畅,拥有平坦小腹的自然身体曲线。 广告语:我有我自信,光明畅优 标题:女人一定要爱自己 正文:小S说:不管年纪,漂亮是必须的,30岁的女性应该比20岁的女生更有智慧, 你应该知道这个社会对女性多挑剔。爱自己,爱生活,时刻保持通畅,拥有平坦小腹 的自然身体曲线。动人美丽,我有我自信,光明畅优。 说明:时刻成为镜头的焦点,光靠化妆是不够的,从里到外焕发的光彩,在小S身体充分的体现出来,爱自己,生活才会更美好。 anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, women's service and young pioneers, countryside-Japanese performance, posting anti-Japanese slogans, operate private schools, literacy classes, founder of the iron, and the tongue and the sound, sparks and other anti-Japanese mimeographed tabloid, actively promote anti-Japanese. Hanchang recovery after the party, that is, "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people save," Shen Yingjie, Xu Azhen to participate in development of the Chinese Communist Party, in October and set up a water party group in Hong Kong, Han chang long party group. Meanwhile, Xu on cleaning two wannan, demanding new army deployed cadres, and have sent many new progressive youth to receive training. On November 9, sheng, Wu Xing, Nanxun, jiaxing, Tongxiang, Zonta, Hangzhou, wukang strongholds such as Elves, nearly all men, together with the aircraft, boats, Zhu Xi Lu, pouncing on troop locations. 10th, the enemies have invaded yan Tomb, Xin Cheng, Wuzhen. 11th, Zhu Xi army pier at Bell House was surrounded by the enemy, break, casualties will be great, CPC party member Xu, Xu Quansheng, really so magnificent and head of three Wang Yulin, also died in the battle. Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Jie Xu with the new cadres, Communist party Mr CHOW (Zhou kangyu) came from southern Anhui. Zhu Xi Wei CHOY for staff officers. The end of unified leadership 光明畅优酸奶品牌广告文案 班级:08广告一班 姓名:蔡美云 学号:200830520701 指导老师:郑钊 anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, women's service and young pioneers, countryside-Japanese performance, posting anti-Japanese slogans, operate private schools, literacy classes, founder of the iron, and the tongue and the sound, sparks and other anti-Japanese mimeographed tabloid, actively promote anti-Japanese. Hanchang recovery after the party, that is, "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people save," Shen Yingjie, Xu Azhen to participate in development of the Chinese Communist Party, in October and set up a water party group in Hong Kong, Han chang long party group. Meanwhile, Xu on cleaning two wannan, demanding new army deployed cadres, and have sent many new progressive youth to receive training. On November 9, sheng, Wu Xing, Nanxun, jiaxing, Tongxiang, Zonta, Hangzhou, wukang strongholds such as Elves, nearly all men, together with the aircraft, boats, Zhu Xi Lu, pouncing on troop locations. 10th, the enemies have invaded yan Tomb, Xin Cheng, Wuzhen. 11th, Zhu Xi army pier at Bell House was surrounded by the enemy, break, casualties will be great, CPC party member Xu, Xu Quansheng, really so magnificent and head of three Wang Yulin, also died in the battle. Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Jie Xu with the new cadres, Communist party Mr CHOW (Zhou kangyu) came from southern Anhui. Zhu Xi Wei CHOY for staff officers. The end of unified leadership
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