
Lucky Numbers 幸运数字

2017-11-28 3页 doc 33KB 20阅读




Lucky Numbers 幸运数字Lucky Numbers 幸运数字 o Lucky Numbers 幸运数字 What numbers in British and Chinese culture are lucky or unlucky? Learn how to talk about this in , Lucky Numbers 幸运数字 What numbers are considered lucky or unlucky? Lucky Numbers 幸运数字 Hello there, this is Wendy from Sh...
Lucky Numbers 幸运数字
Lucky Numbers 幸运数字 o Lucky Numbers 幸运数字 What numbers in British and Chinese culture are lucky or unlucky? Learn how to talk about this in , Lucky Numbers 幸运数字 What numbers are considered lucky or unlucky? Lucky Numbers 幸运数字 Hello there, this is Wendy from Shantou, Guangdong Province. Today my question is about superstition based on numbers. It seems that certain numbers are far more (than) counting tools, but also bearing mystical power. Like the number four in China. Many people avoid using this number as it sounds like death in Chinese. So it is widely considered as an inauspicious number. I wonder whether English people also have number superstition, and what numbers are regarded as lucky or unlucky in Britain and why. Thank you. Wendy, Shantou 收听与下载 , 收听长度: 09:20 , , 下载音频 下载 , 下载文字稿 As our listener Wendy points out, some numbers are more than just counting tools. Some are lucky or unlucky, or to use the words she says: auspicious and inauspicious. In the programme Finn and Jean start by talking about the number 13, which is famously unlucky in Britain and the Western world. But they soon agree that there are more superstitions about numbers in Chinese than English. So this week Finn asks a question about Chinese culture: 我知道在中文里有一些数字是代表了一些吉利还有不吉利的含意,可是我本人对这方面其实 并不是特别的了解。所以请问一下你能不能帮我介绍这些吉利还有不吉利数字还有他们的根 源所在, Finn, London Why are some numbers lucky or unlucky? Listen to the programme to find out what Finn learns, and also learn how to talk about Chinese number superstitions. Do you have a question about Britain? 你有没有对英国的疑问, Then email us at chinaelt@bbc.co.uk 欢迎你把问题通过电子邮件发给我们:chinaelt@bbc.co.uk
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