

2018-03-28 12页 doc 37KB 18阅读




上海股权托管交易中心非上市股份有限公司股份转让登记结算业务规则上海股权托管交易中心非上市股份有限公司股份转让登记结算业务规则 上海股权托管交易中心非上市股份有限公司 股份转让登记结算业务规则 第一章 总则 第一条 为规范上海股权托管交易中心,以下简称“上海股交中心”,非上市股份有限公司,以下简称“非上市公司”,股份转让的登记结算业务~明确参与各方的权利义务~防范登记结算业务风险~根据《上海股权托管交易中心非上市股份有限公司股份转让业务暂行管理办法》等有关规定~制定本规则。 第二条 非上市公司应在取得上海股交中心同意挂牌的通知后~向上海股交中心申请办理全部股份的集中登记。 第三...
上海股权托管交易中心非上市股份有限公司股份转让登记结算业务规则 上海股权托管交易中心非上市股份有限公司 股份转让登记结算业务规则 第一章 总则 第一条 为规范上海股权托管交易中心,以下简称“上海股交中心”,非上市股份有限公司,以下简称“非上市公司”,股份转让的登记结算业务~明确参与各方的权利义务~防范登记结算业务风险~根据《上海股权托管交易中心非上市股份有限公司股份转让业务暂行管理办法》等有关规定~制定本规则。 第二条 非上市公司应在取得上海股交中心同意挂牌的通知后~向上海股交中心申请办理全部股份的集中登记。 第三条 上海股交中心设立电子化股份登记簿记系统~实行股份的无纸化管理~依据电子登记簿记系统的结果~确认股份持有人持有股份的事实。电子登记簿记系统记录采取整数位~记录股份数量的最小单位为壹股。 第四条 上海股交中心按照货银对付的原则~为挂牌公司的股份转让提供逐笔全额非担保交收服务。 第五条 登记结算各方应按上海股交中心相关规定交纳登记结算相关费用。 第二章 账户管理 第六条 投资者应持有有关股份转让账户和资金账户参与挂牌公to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number ... Structures in fair-faced concrete construction process must use the same manufacturer in the same variety of admixture and admixture of the same manufacturer in the same fineness. Concrete mixer control of concrete mixing time of fair-faced concrete mixing forced mixer should be used, and the extension of time than normal concrete mixing 20~30S. Into concrete, by testing the slump, Visual concrete surface color, no bleeding and segregation, and completes the record. Mixer should drain the barrel of water after each cleaning to avoid affecting the water cement ratio. Concrete mix pour from a stirring end to the construction site should be less than 1.5 hours, in the pouring process, adding unexpected water mix or additive is prohibited. Before the reinforcement reinforcement must first clean up the bar, keep clean, no obvious rust stains. Tie wire reinforcement should be using rust-proof zinc-coated steel wire, tie all steel wire head 司股份的转让。 第七条 股份转让账户的开立、挂失补办、资料查询、资料变更和账户注销等业务~按照上海股交中心相关规定办理。 第三章 登记托管 第八条 非上市公司在获得上海股交中心关于同意挂牌的通知及股份简称和代码后~与上海股交中心签订非上市股份有限公司进入上海股权托管交易中心挂牌书~办理股份初始登记。股份登记采取申报制~上海股交中心对非上市公司提交的申请材料进行形式审核。非上市公司应对申请材料的真实性、准确性与完整性负责。 第九条 非上市公司申请办理股份初始登记时~应提供以下申请材料: ,一,股份登记申请, ,二,上海股交中心同意挂牌的通知, ,三,股份公司设立的批文, ,四,签字盖章的公司进入上海股权托管交易中心挂牌协议书, ,五,公司股东名册, ,六,涉及司法冻结或质押登记的~还需提供司法协助执行、质押登记相关申请材料, ,七,公司董事、监事及高级管理人员持股名册和其他依法依约需限售的持股名册, ,八,公司有效的营业执照复印件、法定代人证明书、法定代表人授权委托书, or additive is prohibited. Before the reinforcement reinforcement must first clean up the bar, keep clean, no obvious rust str mix ur from a stirring end to the construction site should be less than 1.5 hours, in the pouring process, adding unexpected waterecord. Mixer should drain the barrel of water after each cleaning to avoid affecting the water cement ratio. Concrete mix poe, by testing the slump, Visual concrete surface color, no bleeding and segregation, and completes the faced concrete mixing forced mixer should be used, and the extension of time than normal concrete mixing 20~30S. Into concret-oncrete mixing time of fairmanufacturer in the same fineness. Concrete mixer control of c faced concrete construction process must use the same manufacturer in the same variety of admixture and admixture of the same-cording to the template install spell number ... Structures in fairnot, no templates with dirt on the wall. Ac to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean orcoated steel wire, tie all steel wire head-proof zinc-ains. Tie wire reinforcement should be using rust2 ,九,上海股交中心要求的其他材料。 第十条 上海股交中心对上述材料审核无误后~办理股份预登记~向非上市公司出具预登记持有人名册清单。 非上市公司核对确认预登记持有人名册清单、签字盖章后~上海股交中心完成股份登记~并出具股份登记确认书。 第十一条 上海股交中心依据股份转让系统股份转让的交收结果~办理挂牌公司股份的变更登记。 挂牌公司股份涉及的司法裁决、继承、特殊情况下的协议转让等非转让变更登记业务~参照上海股交中心相关业务规则办理。 第十二条 投资者应将其持有的挂牌公司股份托管于上海股交中心~法律法规另有规定的除外。 第十三条 挂牌公司进行送股、转增或派息等权益分派~应向上海股交中心提出申请~并与上海股交中心商定权益登记日,R 日,。 送股、转增或派息等权益于R+1日到账。 第十四条 挂牌公司委托上海股交中心派息~必须在R,1 日将派息款及相关税费足额划至上海股交中心指定账户。上海股交中心于R,1日将派息款划至交易结算资金管理总账户~并逐笔簿记相关投资者资金账户。 挂牌公司不能在规定期限内划入相关款项的~应及时通知上海股交中心~并刊登延期实施公告。 第十五条 挂牌公司股份依法依约需进行限售或解除限售的~由挂牌公司向上海股交中心提出书面申请~上海股交中心确认后办理相 to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or n 3 / 8 ot, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number ... Structures in fair-faced concrete construction process must use the same manufacturer in the same variety of admixture and admixture of the same manufacturer in the same fineness. Concrete mixer control of concrete mixing time of fair-faced concrete mixing forced mixer should be used, and the extension of time than normal concrete mixing 20~30S. Into concrete, by testing the slump, Visual concrete surface color, no bleeding and segregation, and completes the record. Mixer should drain the barrel of water after each cleaning to avoid affecting the water cement ratio. Concrete mix pour from a stirring end to the construction site should be less than 1.5 hours, in the pouring process, adding unexpected water mix or additive is prohibited. Before the reinforcement reinforcement must first clean up the bar, keep clean, no obvious rust stains. Tie wire reinforcement should be using rust-proof zinc-coated steel wire, tie all steel wire head 关登记手续。 第十六条 挂牌公司因召开股东大会、自行派息或上海股交中心认可的其他原因~可以向上海股交中心申请领取挂牌公司股东名册。 第十七条 挂牌公司可通过电子或书面的方式申领其公司股东名册~可通过当面或邮寄等方式接收挂牌公司股东名册。 第十八条 挂牌公司股份终止挂牌后~挂牌公司应及时到上海股交中心办理股份的退出登记手续。 第十九条 挂牌公司未按规定办理股份退出登记手续的~上海股交中心可将其股份登记数据和资料送达该挂牌公司~并由公证机关进行公证~视同该挂牌公司股份退出登记手续办理完毕。 第二十条 挂牌公司股份退出登记办理完毕后~上海股交中心在指定网站发布关于终止为挂牌公司提供股份登记服务的公告。 第四章 清算交收 第二十一条 上海股交中心依据客户的委托~负责办理客户的股份和资金的清算交收。 第二十二条 上海股交中心使用交易结算资金管理账户、股份转让账户和资金结算账户~对股份和资金进行逐笔全额、非担保交收。 第二十三条 股份转让系统股份转让的交收日为每个转让T日,以下简称“T日”,,~T日最终交收时点为15:00。 在T日最终交收时点~上海股交中心验证投资者是否拥有足额的可转让股份或资金用于交收~股份或资金余额不足的~交收失败。 第二十四条 T日终~上海股交中心根据股份转让系统的挂牌公司 coated steel wire, tie all steel wire head-proof zinc-ains. Tie wire reinforcement should be using rustor additive is prohibited. Before the reinforcement reinforcement must first clean up the bar, keep clean, no obvious rust str mix ur from a stirring end to the construction site should be less than 1.5 hours, in the pouring process, adding unexpected waterecord. Mixer should drain the barrel of water after each cleaning to avoid affecting the water cement ratio. Concrete mix poe, by testing the slump, Visual concrete surface color, no bleeding and segregation, and completes the faced concrete mixing forced mixer should be used, and the extension of time than normal concrete mixing 20~30S. Into concret-oncrete mixing time of fairmanufacturer in the same fineness. Concrete mixer control of c faced concrete construction process must use the same manufacturer in the same variety of admixture and admixture of the same-cording to the template install spell number ... Structures in fairnot, no templates with dirt on the wall. Ac to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or4 股份转让成交数据~逐笔清算应收、应付的股份及资金~同一转让日内每笔股份转让业务不进行轧差计算。 第二十五条 对T日股份转让系统清算的应收、应付股份及资金~上海股交中心于T日清算时办理资金记账及股份过户登记。在清算交收后~上海股交中心将投资者资金结算账户发生明细和余额发送到投资者的资金存管银行~用于簿记投资者的交易结算资金管理账户和余额核对。 投资者T日委托卖出的未成交的挂牌公司股份~相应委托在T日清算时失效~有关股份在T,1日可继续申报卖出。 投资者T日买入的挂牌公司股份在交收成功后~于T+5日可用。 投资者T日的未成交买入委托~在T日清算时失效。 第二十六条 上海股交中心为股份转让系统股份转让提供逐笔全额非担保交收服务。由于股份或资金余额不足导致的交收失败~上海股交中心不承担法律责任。 第二十七条 交收失败的违约方承担交收失败的责任~同时上海股交中心将其交收违约纪录记入相关诚信档案。 第五章 附则 第二十八条 本规则由上海股交中心负责解释。 第二十九条 本规则经上海市金融服务办公室批准后实施。 四、上海融贷通为中小企业提供挂牌上市一条龙服务 上海融贷通本着为全国广大中小企业服务的宗旨,组成强大的 to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or n 5 / 8 ot, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number ... Structures in fair-faced concrete construction process must use the same manufacturer in the same variety of admixture and admixture of the same manufacturer in the same fineness. Concrete mixer control of concrete mixing time of fair-faced concrete mixing forced mixer should be used, and the extension of time than normal concrete mixing 20~30S. Into concrete, by testing the slump, Visual concrete surface color, no bleeding and segregation, and completes the record. Mixer should drain the barrel of water after each cleaning to avoid affecting the water cement ratio. Concrete mix pour from a stirring end to the construction site should be less than 1.5 hours, in the pouring process, adding unexpected water mix or additive is prohibited. Before the reinforcement reinforcement must first clean up the bar, keep clean, no obvious rust stains. Tie wire reinforcement should be using rust-proof zinc-coated steel wire, tie all steel wire head 专家团队用专业的知识与资源,为中小企业提供上海股权交易中心及其他省市股权交易中心快速挂牌上市一条龙服务: 1、定位挂牌上市的目的:(a)提升企业品牌形象,(b)吸引风投融资,(c)发行债券融资,(d)股权质押贷款(e)加快股票上市进程,(f)用股权激励骨干员工,(g)用股权促进招商,(h)用股权促进销售促进回款?(i)挂牌上市合法募集资金, 2、初步评估企业情况,确定到哪个股权交易中心挂牌上市。 3、根据确定的股权交易中心的挂牌要求,指导企业准备申报材料,包括管理团队介绍材料、符合挂牌要求的又有企业自身特色的挂牌文案。 4、对条件还不具备的企业,通过组织科研力量帮助企业快速研究开发软件著作权、商业模式版权、国家专利权等核心技术知识产权,快速变成创新型企业,快速达到挂牌上市标准。 5、对于注册资本比较小的企业,组织科研力量指导企业快速研发、评估软件著作权、商业模式版权、国家专利权等知识产权,用知识产权增加注册资本、快速放大企业资产、进行资本运作,更有效招商引资融资、增资扩股、并确保控股权。 6、向确定的股权交易中心申报、保荐挂牌上市。 7、企业在十五个至三十个工作日内挂牌上市。 proof zinc-ains. Tie wire reinforcement should be using rustor additive is prohibited. Before the reinforcement reinforcement must first clean up the bar, keep clean, no obvious rust str mix ur from a stirring end to the construction site should be less than 1.5 hours, in the pouring process, adding unexpected waterecord. Mixer should drain the barrel of water after each cleaning to avoid affecting the water cement ratio. Concrete mix poe, by testing the slump, Visual concrete surface color, no bleeding and segregation, and completes the faced concrete mixing forced mixer should be used, and the extension of time than normal concrete mixing 20~30S. Into concret-oncrete mixing time of fairmanufacturer in the same fineness. Concrete mixer control of c faced concrete construction process must use the same manufacturer in the same variety of admixture and admixture of the same-cording to the template install spell number ... Structures in fairnot, no templates with dirt on the wall. Ac to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean orcoated steel wire, tie all steel wire head-6 8、指导企业用股权融资、发行债券融资、用股权质押贷款、增资扩股。 9、指导企业用知识产权放大注册资本后的股权对骨干、员工进行股权激励。 10、指导招代理加盟经销商的企业用知识产权放大注册资本后股权对代理商经销商进行激励约束管理。 五、服务流程 1、各县市区金融办、经信局、中小企业局、总商会、行业协会推荐。 2、企业也可自主向上海融贷通申请、委托。 3、企业到上海融贷通总部详细咨询了解。 4、签订服务协议。 5、企业提供:营业执照复印件、税务登记复印件、企业组织代码复印件、12个月复印件、年度报表复印件、企业章程、法定代表人身份证复印件、股东会决 议、全体股东签名的委托书、公司简介、管理团队简介、公司商标、专利证书、荣誉证书等照片。 to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or n 7 / 8 ot, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number ... Structures in fair-faced concrete construction process must use the same manufacturer in the same variety of admixture and admixture of the same manufacturer in the same fineness. Concrete mixer control of concrete mixing time of fair-faced concrete mixing forced mixer should be used, and the extension of time than normal concrete mixing 20~30S. Into concrete, by testing the slump, Visual concrete surface color, no bleeding and segregation, and completes the record. Mixer should drain the barrel of water after each cleaning to avoid affecting the water cement ratio. Concrete mix pour from a stirring end to the construction site should be less than 1.5 hours, in the pouring process, adding unexpected water mix or additive is prohibited. Before the reinforcement reinforcement must first clean up the bar, keep clean, no obvious rust stains. Tie wire reinforcement should be using rust-proof zinc-coated steel wire, tie all steel wire head 6、开始服务。 coated steel wire, tie all steel wire head-proof zinc-ains. Tie wire reinforcement should be using rustor additive is prohibited. Before the reinforcement reinforcement must first clean up the bar, keep clean, no obvious rust str mix ur from a stirring end to the construction site should be less than 1.5 hours, in the pouring process, adding unexpected waterecord. Mixer should drain the barrel of water after each cleaning to avoid affecting the water cement ratio. Concrete mix poe, by testing the slump, Visual concrete surface color, no bleeding and segregation, and completes the faced concrete mixing forced mixer should be used, and the extension of time than normal concrete mixing 20~30S. Into concret-oncrete mixing time of fairmanufacturer in the same fineness. Concrete mixer control of c faced concrete construction process must use the same manufacturer in the same variety of admixture and admixture of the same-cording to the template install spell number ... Structures in fairnot, no templates with dirt on the wall. Ac to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or8
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