首页 > 武汉到张家界自助旅游攻略-武汉到张家界自驾游攻略


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武汉到张家界自助旅游攻略-武汉到张家界自驾游攻略武汉到张家界自助旅游攻略-武汉到张家界自驾游攻略 武汉坐火车如何到达张家界: 武汉有两个火车站(汉口,武昌),两个站到达张家界没有直达火车,转车最捷径是从湖南长沙转。 T266/T263次列车,武昌发车07:28到达长沙11:05坐票54一张 T179次列车 武昌发车06:25到达长沙09:50坐票54一张 T301次列车 武昌发车08:40到达长沙12:22坐票54一张 K801次列车 武昌发车09:00到达长沙12:53坐票54一张 K1471/K1474次列车 武昌发车11:21到达长沙15:14坐票54...
武汉到张家界自助旅游攻略-武汉到张家界自驾游攻略 武汉坐火车如何到达张家界: 武汉有两个火车站(汉口,武昌),两个站到达张家界没有直达火车,转车最捷径是从湖南长沙转。 T266/T263次列车,武昌发车07:28到达长沙11:05坐票54一张 T179次列车 武昌发车06:25到达长沙09:50坐票54一张 T301次列车 武昌发车08:40到达长沙12:22坐票54一张 K801次列车 武昌发车09:00到达长沙12:53坐票54一张 K1471/K1474次列车 武昌发车11:21到达长沙15:14坐票54一张 button. Select [login rule] button above the [rule number] menu under ... Then open the barcode generator for the barcode002 part of the Properties dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination edit box,Open the barcode generator for the barcode003 part of the Properties window, click the [factor/control] button, and then at the destination use the Ctrl + v, to enter into the well on the 2nd floor you just copied right 2nd truck name (example PART_STORE_00099), then click on [OK] button. Open 2 right up 3rd truck Properties window, use the ' Ctrl ' + ' c ' will [summary] property names are copied. Open the barcode generator for the barcode004 part of the pop-up menu in the property dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination using the Ctrl + v, to enter copy 2 3rd truck name right (case of PART_STORE_00100), then click the [OK] button. Then use "Lesson3-2.emu" as the file name to save the other. Click on menu bar | simulation | start | or time column in the [start] button, you see the goods are put on the conveyor belt, and robotic loading pallets for through the pulley tracks were moved to the automatic tridimensional warehouse storage. If Tray 1 out of the library, select the tray popup menu [IOSection Library instructionmenu (1 layer). If the tray 2 out of the library, right-click with the mouse on the tray in the pop-up menu, select [IOSection Library instructionenu (2). From 2 out of the tray after it has been transferred to the transit point discharge, workers unloaded the goods. Empty tray again by rail back to automatic stereoscopic warehouse. Remove the cargo by conveyor belts was transferred to corresponding cage inside the vehicle. Note 1: simulation before the start, please set the environment for the 1th floor sections to be seen. Click the menu bar | Environment | Environment 到达长沙后坐汽车到张家界比较好,车次比较多,车站大约30分钟就有一班,旅游大巴更多,在车站外很多旅游大巴来张家界,价格也实惠一般是70. 要坐火车的话: 1373/1376次上海南到怀化的车,长沙发车时间是08:15到达张家界的时间是14:30,坐票价格28一张 K9031/k9034长沙到张家界的车,发车时间是20:20:到达张家界的时间是07:35,坐票价格99一张 K9064/K9065深圳西到铜仁的车,长沙发车时间是22:10到达张家界的时间是03:00,坐票价格是32一张 K9024/k9025长沙到吉首的车,长沙发车时间是23:40到张家界的时间是04:50,坐票价格是41一张 自驾车的话: 可以从武汉——仙桃市——潜江市——荆州市——公安县——澧县——石门县——慈利县——张家界 张家界旅游注意事项: 旅游注意事项就注意事项很多人写了一大堆,也不说实际的。我就写简单,写真是,实用。 到张家界后的安全: 1》到火车上,火车站注意不要轻信别人是什么什么旅行社的导游,要是您跟团了,那就提前联系好旅行社,要是您是自助游,建议您找个自助游导游吧,张家界景区线路太复杂了,想看好点的景又不走冤枉路,就是要找个导游的,但是尽量在来张家界之前就在网上找个口碑比较好的导游,您也可以上张家界携程旅行俱乐部官网(张家界携程旅行网)www.hnlyb.com查看导游线路攻略等信息~ button. Select [login rule] button above the [rule number] menu under ... Then open the barcode generator for the barcode002 part of the Properties dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination edit box,Open the barcode generator for the barcode003 part of the Properties window, click the [factor/control] button, and then at the destination use the Ctrl + v, to enter into the well on the 2nd floor you just copied right 2nd truck name (example PART_STORE_00099), then click on [OK] button. Open 2 right up 3rd truck Properties window, use the ' Ctrl ' + ' c ' will [summary] property names are copied. Open the barcode generator for the barcode004 part of the pop-up menu in the property dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination using the Ctrl + v, to enter copy 2 3rd truck name right (case of PART_STORE_00100), then click the [OK] button. Then use "Lesson3-2.emu" as the file name to save the other. Click on menu bar | simulation | start | or time column in the [start] button, you see the goods are put on the conveyor belt, and robotic loading pallets for through the pulley tracks were moved to the automatic tridimensional warehouse storage. If Tray 1 out of the library, select the tray popup menu [IOSection Library instructionmenu (1 layer). If the tray 2 out of the library, right-click with the mouse on the tray in the pop-up menu, select [IOSection Library instructionenu (2). From 2 out of the tray after it has been transferred to the transit point discharge, workers unloaded the goods. Empty tray again by rail back to automatic stereoscopic warehouse. Remove the cargo by conveyor belts was transferred to corresponding cage inside the vehicle. Note 1: simulation before the start, please set the environment for the 1th floor sections to be seen. Click the menu bar | Environment | Environment 2》乘车注意,很多的士说到哪里多少钱,贵是贵点,但是别相信10快就能送您40里路去景区的瞎话。乘公交要小心扒手,本人曾被扒过,对他们的功夫还是很认同的。 3》张家界这边空气比较湿润,冬天来的旅客要注意防寒,尤其是住山上白天还好,晚上会很冷,大概会在1?左右。很有可能结冰,最好是穿比较好的登山鞋,景区有草鞋买。还有就是张家界的天气预报很不准的,2009年我有一队人到张家界来玩看端午连续7天暴雨,后来那几天7天暴晒。。。。 4》张家界景区最大的忌讳就是穿高跟鞋,如果不希望自己在天波府这样的地方爬天梯的时候曝光,最好也不穿短裙。 5》旅途中最重要的就是看景、住宿、吃饭。看景基本是固定的,但是吃饭和住宿可别含糊了。到景区客栈的住宿,最好是导游推荐的,因为景区住宿价格基本一样,可是很多的旅客因为网上的名气而选择(很多条件好的,可是对网络不熟悉,推广方面做得又不是很好)所以名气不代表条件。上面提到过,价格基本一样,导游也希望旅客们在价格相同的情况下住得更开心,这样就有更多希望的回头客源了。 张家界时间看景色: 1》春天,春天其实对于张家界来说没有太多的吸引,张家界有几种景色特别好(云海,雪景,枫叶,空气好得让人昏迷的夏天),但是春天有那些好处呢,春天的旅客少,价格也实惠,山上客栈也能订到更好的。 button. Select [login rule] button above the [rule number] menu under ... Then open the barcode generator for the barcode002 part of the Properties dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination edit box,Open the barcode generator for the barcode003 part of the Properties window, click the [factor/control] button, and then at the destination use the Ctrl + v, to enter into the well on the 2nd floor you just copied right 2nd truck name (example PART_STORE_00099), then click on [OK] button. Open 2 right up 3rd truck Properties window, use the ' Ctrl ' + ' c ' will [summary] property names are copied. Open the barcode generator for the barcode004 part of the pop-up menu in the property dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination using the Ctrl + v, to enter copy 2 3rd truck name right (case of PART_STORE_00100), then click the [OK] button. Then use "Lesson3-2.emu" as the file name to save the other. Click on menu bar | simulation | start | or time column in the [start] button, you see the goods are put on the conveyor belt, and robotic loading pallets for through the pulley tracks were moved to the automatic tridimensional warehouse storage. If Tray 1 out of the library, select the tray popup menu [IOSection Library instructionmenu (1 layer). If the tray 2 out of the library, right-click with the mouse on the tray in the pop-up menu, select [IOSection Library instructionenu (2). From 2 out of the tray after it has been transferred to the transit point discharge, workers unloaded the goods. Empty tray again by rail back to automatic stereoscopic warehouse. Remove the cargo by conveyor belts was transferred to corresponding cage inside the vehicle. Note 1: simulation before the start, please set the environment for the 1th floor sections to be seen. Click the menu bar | Environment | Environment 2》夏天,夏天的张家界真的很美,说彩蝶飞舞鸟语花香可不是形容,是真是的。尤其是下小雨之后,甚至可以清晰的闻到草香味。下雨之后云海更让你感觉自己是在比仙界还美的地方。(旅游旺季,人较多) 3》秋天,秋天是个浪漫的季节,黄色的枫叶,一眼望不到边的却又许久不会来车的公路,静得让人能听到自己的呼吸和心跳声,而且游人也越来越少,深秋就更少旅客了,喜欢安静的度蜜月的家伙们就最高兴了。。。 4》冬天,冬天的张家界依然别想看到山是光秃秃的,这边的树80%以上都是常绿树种,这边的空气是湿润,冬天下点下雨,冷空气一来,那个景。。。。现在还让我回味。好像全世界都被净化了一样,只剩下了和平,圣洁。这是真正的童话世界。 :有时间的最好不黄金周来张家界玩,2010年10.1黄金周房价由平时的80的房间后来涨到了500没房卖,打地铺120,洗个澡50.而且看景也不方便,坐车排队2小时,索道排队3小时,看景进景区平时只要1.5小时的也要花4小时才走得通。来张家界也最好带感冒药,皮肤过敏的药,六月怕从树上掉虫子也可以带帽子。 button. Select [login rule] button above the [rule number] menu under ... Then open the barcode generator for the barcode002 part of the Properties dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination edit box,Open the barcode generator for the barcode003 part of the Properties window, click the [factor/control] button, and then at the destination use the Ctrl + v, to enter into the well on the 2nd floor you just copied right 2nd truck name (example PART_STORE_00099), then click on [OK] button. Open 2 right up 3rd truck Properties window, use the ' Ctrl ' + ' c ' will [summary] property names are copied. Open the barcode generator for the barcode004 part of the pop-up menu in the property dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination using the Ctrl + v, to enter copy 2 3rd truck name right (case of PART_STORE_00100), then click the [OK] button. Then use "Lesson3-2.emu" as the file name to save the other. Click on menu bar | simulation | start | or time column in the [start] button, you see the goods are put on the conveyor belt, and robotic loading pallets for through the pulley tracks were moved to the automatic tridimensional warehouse storage. If Tray 1 out of the library, select the tray popup menu [IOSection Library instructionmenu (1 layer). If the tray 2 out of the library, right-click with the mouse on the tray in the pop-up menu, select [IOSection Library instructionenu (2). From 2 out of the tray after it has been transferred to the transit point discharge, workers unloaded the goods. Empty tray again by rail back to automatic stereoscopic warehouse. Remove the cargo by conveyor belts was transferred to corresponding cage inside the vehicle. Note 1: simulation before the start, please set the environment for the 1th floor sections to be seen. Click the menu bar | Environment | Environment 张家界的吃住行: 张家界的吃比较突出的就几样特色,酸,腊,辣。这边的野味很多,什么野猪,麂子,兔子,山鸡,桂鱼等等,山上的野菜也很多,野葱,香椿,蕨菜,葛根粉等等、、、这边很远古时代就对食物的加工成熟了,肉类的就会加工成为腊品,素菜就加工成咸菜,酸菜等。这边的特色小吃有,三下锅,草帽面,马打滚,懒人土豆等。 张家界的市区住宿比武陵源要贵一点,而且条件要差一点,要是行程是从武陵源的标志们进站或者出站,住武陵源最好,这边的环境优雅,地理位置又好,黄龙洞,宝峰湖都在武陵源,从酒店去车程不超过20分钟。三星价格也就180——280之间(旅游旺季会高很多)。景区内的住宿比较简单,但是比较有农家色彩,在山上的住宿很便宜一般60一间双标,房间有电视,独立卫浴,干净卫生,旺季最好提前找好导游,要导游提前预定房间,因为房价什么的都一样,先预定自然条件更好。 张家界自助游线路有以下三种最受推荐: button. Select [login rule] button above the [rule number] menu under ... Then open the barcode generator for the barcode002 part of the Properties dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination edit box,Open the barcode generator for the barcode003 part of the Properties window, click the [factor/control] button, and then at the destination use the Ctrl + v, to enter into the well on the 2nd floor you just copied right 2nd truck name (example PART_STORE_00099), then click on [OK] button. Open 2 right up 3rd truck Properties window, use the ' Ctrl ' + ' c ' will [summary] property names are copied. Open the barcode generator for the barcode004 part of the pop-up menu in the property dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination using the Ctrl + v, to enter copy 2 3rd truck name right (case of PART_STORE_00100), then click the [OK] button. Then use "Lesson3-2.emu" as the file name to save the other. Click on menu bar | simulation | start | or time column in the [start] button, you see the goods are put on the conveyor belt, and robotic loading pallets for through the pulley tracks were moved to the automatic tridimensional warehouse storage. If Tray 1 out of the library, select the tray popup menu [IOSection Library instructionmenu (1 layer). If the tray 2 out of the library, right-click with the mouse on the tray in the pop-up menu, select [IOSection Library instructionenu (2). From 2 out of the tray after it has been transferred to the transit point discharge, workers unloaded the goods. Empty tray again by rail back to automatic stereoscopic warehouse. Remove the cargo by conveyor belts was transferred to corresponding cage inside the vehicle. Note 1: simulation before the start, please set the environment for the 1th floor sections to be seen. Click the menu bar | Environment | Environment 1:张家界森林公园(杨家界,袁家界,金鞭溪,)天子山自然保护区(贺龙公园,大观台,老屋场)三日游。这条线路比较经济,看景比较多,但是地址特征差不多,容易视觉疲劳的不推荐,喜欢休闲的,自然的推荐此线路(此线路推荐住山上农家) 2:张家界森林公园(袁家界,金鞭溪)天子山自然保护区(贺龙公园),天门山三日游。此线路是看张家界精华部分的线路,比较推荐的精品游览线,比第一种费用高一些。但是景色很好,比较适合喜欢刺激,喜欢视觉震撼的旅客。 3:张家界森林公园(袁家界,金鞭溪)天子山自然保护区(贺龙公园),黄龙洞,宝峰湖三日游。次线路是比较休闲,看张家界比较有代表性的线路。 各景区包含主要景点: 袁家界(迷魂台,乾坤柱/哈利路亚原型,连心桥,天下第一桥) 杨家界(金鸡报晓,三道关卡,乌龙寨,天波府,一步登天,空中走廊) 大观台(一步难行,神鸡啄食,仙人桥,天子座) 老屋场(空中田园,神兵聚会,百龙天梯) 贺龙公园(御笔峰,仙女散花,西海,云青岩,天子观景台) 武汉到张家界自助游线路攻略 线路设计:武汉—张家界(汽车)->直接上山,住山上,袁家界地区的农家客栈均在群山环绕之中,风景十分优美。而且每个客栈的双标间都有热水,彩电,独卫和空调。尽管那里的住宿的条件要比市区差些,但可以省却来回奔波之累,免走回头路,还节省了时间。在景区推荐住在张家界乡野客栈。一是此处在景区的核心地带,游玩周围景区很方便;二是 上山后可以把行李放在客栈,便于轻松游玩。农家客栈周围相邻袁家界,杨家界,大观台,天子山,老屋场等景点;网友很推崇的农家居都在此地,两天半王村(芙蓉镇,汽车),住王村最高档button. Select [login rule] button above the [rule number] menu under ... Then open the barcode generator for the barcode002 part of the Properties dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination edit box,Open the barcode generator for the barcode003 part of the Properties window, click the [factor/control] button, and then at the destination use the Ctrl + v, to enter into the well on the 2nd floor you just copied right 2nd truck name (example PART_STORE_00099), then click on [OK] button. Open 2 right up 3rd truck Properties window, use the ' Ctrl ' + ' c ' will [summary] property names are copied. Open the barcode generator for the barcode004 part of the pop-up menu in the property dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination using the Ctrl + v, to enter copy 2 3rd truck name right (case of PART_STORE_00100), then click the [OK] button. Then use "Lesson3-2.emu" as the file name to save the other. Click on menu bar | simulation | start | or time column in the [start] button, you see the goods are put on the conveyor belt, and robotic loading pallets for through the pulley tracks were moved to the automatic tridimensional warehouse storage. If Tray 1 out of the library, select the tray popup menu [IOSection Library instructionmenu (1 layer). If the tray 2 out of the library, right-click with the mouse on the tray in the pop-up menu, select [IOSection Library instructionenu (2). From 2 out of the tray after it has been transferred to the transit point discharge, workers unloaded the goods. Empty tray again by rail back to automatic stereoscopic warehouse. Remove the cargo by conveyor belts was transferred to corresponding cage inside the vehicle. Note 1: simulation before the start, please set the environment for the 1th floor sections to be seen. Click the menu bar | Environment | Environment 酒店,据说宋祖英拍MTV就住这里(讲价100元双人间,带空调)第二天中午坐汽车到吉首,马上换车至凤凰,住吊脚楼(120元一天标准间)(两天半去了南长城、黄丝桥、书家堂),晚上坐车到吉首(住湘运宾馆,100元一天标准间带空调),买火车票回京。人均预计:2000元 1、张家界很大,千万不可以跟团走,那样你根本无法欣赏到最美的风景,杨家界和袁家界一定要去。门票只管两天(是自然天,不是48小时,要录指纹,两天内可以多次进出,但是两天后就失效了,因此最好住山里,没有宾馆但是有农家旅馆)。山上露营比较危险,有野兽,但是人多也可以尝试。山内交通全部免费,有车在不同景区间穿梭。张家界几乎所有景区全在门票范围内,其他比较远的景点要有时间可以考虑。 2、张家界最好找当地导游,我们这次去请的是网上享有盛名的导游——田小米。要知道,网上那么多网友大力推荐田小米可不是随便说的,果然是闻名不如见面。人热情有朴实,也很敬业。临走时还热情邀请我们到他家去玩,要我们体验一下湘西的农家乐。不过我们因为时间原因没有去成,所以深感遗憾。以后有机会一定还要去张家界。田小米:QQ:(柒陆捌陆捌肆陆伍贰)强烈建议所有去张家界玩的人都要去找一下她们的张家界携程旅行俱乐部。游玩下来感觉如下(只是一家之言,只供参考):人实在,能做到的就承诺,做不到的和不合适的会告诉你;她熟悉张家界所有景点,知道路程的远近和时间,开始我还想按照自己选择的线路去走,但第一天下午跟她走下来就放弃了自己选择的线路,因为她的经验和思路很清晰。双方一定要好好交流,让她知道你想欣赏什么样的线路,她会给你设计线路。有她做导游可以避免迷路,如果行李比较重她还帮你免费背行李,尤其是女生。出行前事先和她联系,她会告诉你天气和一些当地的情况,可以让你调整,这样更有效去游玩。 button. Select [login rule] button above the [rule number] menu under ... Then open the barcode generator for the barcode002 part of the Properties dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination edit box,Open the barcode generator for the barcode003 part of the Properties window, click the [factor/control] button, and then at the destination use the Ctrl + v, to enter into the well on the 2nd floor you just copied right 2nd truck name (example PART_STORE_00099), then click on [OK] button. Open 2 right up 3rd truck Properties window, use the ' Ctrl ' + ' c ' will [summary] property names are copied. Open the barcode generator for the barcode004 part of the pop-up menu in the property dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination using the Ctrl + v, to enter copy 2 3rd truck name right (case of PART_STORE_00100), then click the [OK] button. Then use "Lesson3-2.emu" as the file name to save the other. Click on menu bar | simulation | start | or time column in the [start] button, you see the goods are put on the conveyor belt, and robotic loading pallets for through the pulley tracks were moved to the automatic tridimensional warehouse storage. If Tray 1 out of the library, select the tray popup menu [IOSection Library instructionmenu (1 layer). If the tray 2 out of the library, right-click with the mouse on the tray in the pop-up menu, select [IOSection Library instructionenu (2). From 2 out of the tray after it has been transferred to the transit point discharge, workers unloaded the goods. Empty tray again by rail back to automatic stereoscopic warehouse. Remove the cargo by conveyor belts was transferred to corresponding cage inside the vehicle. Note 1: simulation before the start, please set the environment for the 1th floor sections to be seen. Click the menu bar | Environment | Environment 找当地导游可以选择包干(门票、5顿正餐、两顿早餐和两晚住宿),他们报价550元。也可以只做导游,100元一天。我们选择包干,省心。但是注意吃饭是一荤一素一汤,注意菜谱标的价格都是吓人的,可不能按照那个去看。 3、一定要先去王村再去凤凰,否则你会被凤凰的影子罩住,感觉王村索然无味,其实王村特点也很鲜明。王村要花一点时间从渡口摆渡到对岸,可以看到王村全景,往返只需要2块钱。 4、凤凰一定要“走读”,真的,走是最重要的,看凤凰的每个街道,看凤凰的每处风景,清晨和傍晚、晚上都要走,我两天看遍了凤凰的所有地方,真是淳朴。可以沿着沱江走去沈从文墓地,在从江对岸走回。新城也一定要去看看。凤凰最大的享受是小吃,一定要吃遍,不停地吃,我离开凤凰时都弯不下腰了,可是嘴里还想吃,太好吃了。 5、凤凰一定要住吊脚楼,而且是临江的那种,最好南岸住一夜,北岸住一夜,你会看到不同风景,要选择在虹桥附近和北门附近的客栈。我住的是永红客栈,正对北门,老板娘非常淳朴,而且她会根据自己的经验和游览告诉你很多线路和想法参考。 6、在凤凰最重要的就是看民风民俗,希望大家不要去破坏他们的朴实(包括张家界),不要用外来的气息去影响他们的淳朴,可以用一句话概括:凤凰失去了淳朴就失去了凤凰,多花些精力考虑如何保护人类的一些净土吧。别忘了我们旅游的宗旨:除了脚印什么也不要留下,包括对民俗的破坏。 7、去凤凰周边的一些寨子可以包车,速度快,4月份时的价格一天60-80元不等,看你砍价了,不过很多路不好走,司机无怨无悔地开车,我都替他们心疼车子。自己去看吧,书家堂可去可不去,保护得不好,这些老宅子全被当地村民用来养猪了,遍地猪屎,不过确实是原汁原味。 button. Select [login rule] button above the [rule number] menu under ... Then open the barcode generator for the barcode002 part of the Properties dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination edit box,Open the barcode generator for the barcode003 part of the Properties window, click the [factor/control] button, and then at the destination use the Ctrl + v, to enter into the well on the 2nd floor you just copied right 2nd truck name (example PART_STORE_00099), then click on [OK] button. Open 2 right up 3rd truck Properties window, use the ' Ctrl ' + ' c ' will [summary] property names are copied. Open the barcode generator for the barcode004 part of the pop-up menu in the property dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination using the Ctrl + v, to enter copy 2 3rd truck name right (case of PART_STORE_00100), then click the [OK] button. Then use "Lesson3-2.emu" as the file name to save the other. Click on menu bar | simulation | start | or time column in the [start] button, you see the goods are put on the conveyor belt, and robotic loading pallets for through the pulley tracks were moved to the automatic tridimensional warehouse storage. If Tray 1 out of the library, select the tray popup menu [IOSection Library instructionmenu (1 layer). If the tray 2 out of the library, right-click with the mouse on the tray in the pop-up menu, select [IOSection Library instructionenu (2). From 2 out of the tray after it has been transferred to the transit point discharge, workers unloaded the goods. Empty tray again by rail back to automatic stereoscopic warehouse. Remove the cargo by conveyor belts was transferred to corresponding cage inside the vehicle. Note 1: simulation before the start, please set the environment for the 1th floor sections to be seen. Click the menu bar | Environment | Environment 8、张家界自助游标准路线参考: 第一天:田小米导游带您游森林公园,金鞭溪,观音送子、金鞭岩、师徒取经、长寿泉、双龟探溪、紫草潭、千里相会、从千里相会的乱窜坡爬山上或坐百龙天梯到袁家界。 下午游览袁家界的后花园、迷魂台、天下第一桥。住袁家界的“乡野客栈”。 第二天 : 上午游览天子山的大观台、一步难行、神鸡啄食(可观十里画廊的全景)、仙人桥、天子座。 下午游览杨家界的一步登天、空中走廊、乌龙寨、三道关、天波府、金鸡报晓 。这是团队不去的地方,住袁家界的“乡野客栈”。 第三天:游览神堂湾、点将台、贺龙公园、云青岩、画中游、御笔峰、仙女献花。可乘坐天子山索道下山。 也可以从天子阁走卧龙岭下山到十里画廊。 1、张家界的自助游最常用的线路是哪条呀, 答复:张家界最流行的自助游是三天两晚的线路安排,一般是:第一天行程安排:从张家界森林公园门票进山,游金鞭溪:母子峰、猪八戒背媳妇、金鞭岩、劈山救母、长寿泉、文星岩、紫草潭、千里相会。然后可从乱窜坡爬山到袁家界,天下第一桥、五女出征、神龟问天、连心桥、九天弦梯、迷魂台、后花园。 第二天行程安排: 杨家界:乌龙寨、三道鬼门关、土匪窝、天波府;下午乘车到大观台、神鸡捉食、一步难行、仙人桥。 第三天行程安排:天子山:神堂湾.点将台.贺龙公园.西海石林.画仙陶醉图.天女散花.御笔峰.天子阁,步行下山到十里画廊; 下山后再游览十里画廊:寿星迎宾.食指峰.向王观书.海螺峰.夫妻抱子.采药老人.黄昏恋.三姐妹峰.游完后乘车出公园,再乘车返回市区。 2、张家界主要有几个门票站,有几条相关旅游线路呢, 答复:张家界现在主要有五个门票站:分别是张家界森林公园,天子山门票站及武陵源门票站。其他还有两个,一个是杨家界门票站,另一个是水绕四门门票站。但这两个进的非常少,不常用。 button. Select [login rule] button above the [rule number] menu under ... Then open the barcode generator for the barcode002 part of the Properties dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination edit box,Open the barcode generator for the barcode003 part of the Properties window, click the [factor/control] button, and then at the destination use the Ctrl + v, to enter into the well on the 2nd floor you just copied right 2nd truck name (example PART_STORE_00099), then click on [OK] button. Open 2 right up 3rd truck Properties window, use the ' Ctrl ' + ' c ' will [summary] property names are copied. Open the barcode generator for the barcode004 part of the pop-up menu in the property dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination using the Ctrl + v, to enter copy 2 3rd truck name right (case of PART_STORE_00100), then click the [OK] button. Then use "Lesson3-2.emu" as the file name to save the other. Click on menu bar | simulation | start | or time column in the [start] button, you see the goods are put on the conveyor belt, and robotic loading pallets for through the pulley tracks were moved to the automatic tridimensional warehouse storage. If Tray 1 out of the library, select the tray popup menu [IOSection Library instructionmenu (1 layer). If the tray 2 out of the library, right-click with the mouse on the tray in the pop-up menu, select [IOSection Library instructionenu (2). From 2 out of the tray after it has been transferred to the transit point discharge, workers unloaded the goods. Empty tray again by rail back to automatic stereoscopic warehouse. Remove the cargo by conveyor belts was transferred to corresponding cage inside the vehicle. Note 1: simulation before the start, please set the environment for the 1th floor sections to be seen. Click the menu bar | Environment | Environment 有三条相关线路分别是: 1、从张家界门票站进山---金鞭溪---袁家界---杨家界------十里画廊---武陵源门票站出山; 2、从武陵源门票站山---十里画廊---天子山---杨家界---袁家界---金鞭溪---张家界门票站出山; 3、天子山门票站进山---杨家界---袁家界---十里画廊---金鞭溪---张家界门票站出山。 5、自助游和旅行社的线路有什么不同,为什么自助游线路一般不含黄石寨, 回复:一般旅行社的两天线路是 第一天,黄石寨,金鞭溪,从武陵源门票站出山;第二天,上天子山,下山再玩十里画廊。有的还要加一个点袁家界。 而自助游的线路是:第一天:金鞭溪,袁家界;第二天,杨家界,乌龙寨和天子山的大观台;第三天,天子山的神堂湾和天子山的西海等主要景点,下山再看十里画廊,从武陵源出山。 从中不难看出两条线路有很大差别,这主要是旅行社的线路受大门票两天内有效的限制,第二是相对自助游来说,少了很多精华景点,这主要是他们要把有限的时间来进购物点和再加点来产生更大的利润。想来这很容易理解了。 来过张家界的朋友,去看过杨家界的天波府,袁家界的天下第一桥,天子山的神堂湾、大观台,无不被那种磅礴的气势所折服。而千里迢迢来到张家界却没有看到以上景点而只是听他人花言巧语,把早以落后的黄石寨景点塞给你,你不感到遗憾吗,黄石寨是张家界开发的最早的一批景点,也是名气非常大的,那是在杨家界和袁家界等景点还未开发前的主推景点。它是一个高1100米的独立观景台,景点和袁家界杨家界比起来要差一个等级。上下山如果是仅凭体力,那是比较困难的。而上下索道则要92元,相对天子山索道和百龙电梯而言则性价比低很多。如果把时间花在上面明显不值。而旅行团的线路因为第一天只玩金鞭溪的确太少,所以必含此景点。 相信明智的朋友们会有一个最佳选择。 (红太阳线路)张家界-袁家界-杨家界-天子山(3天2晚)舒适游玩全包价是550元/人. 此线路可节省上山时间,体力和少坐一次电梯,适合行礼较多的朋友及老年游的朋友) 第一天:接站后在市汽车站坐天子山的线路车到天子山<15元/人>游览大观台、一步难行、神鸡啄食(可观十里画廊的全景)、仙人桥、天子座等景点,下午游览有华山之险、button. Select [login rule] button above the [rule number] menu under ... Then open the barcode generator for the barcode002 part of the Properties dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination edit box,Open the barcode generator for the barcode003 part of the Properties window, click the [factor/control] button, and then at the destination use the Ctrl + v, to enter into the well on the 2nd floor you just copied right 2nd truck name (example PART_STORE_00099), then click on [OK] button. Open 2 right up 3rd truck Properties window, use the ' Ctrl ' + ' c ' will [summary] property names are copied. Open the barcode generator for the barcode004 part of the pop-up menu in the property dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination using the Ctrl + v, to enter copy 2 3rd truck name right (case of PART_STORE_00100), then click the [OK] button. Then use "Lesson3-2.emu" as the file name to save the other. Click on menu bar | simulation | start | or time column in the [start] button, you see the goods are put on the conveyor belt, and robotic loading pallets for through the pulley tracks were moved to the automatic tridimensional warehouse storage. If Tray 1 out of the library, select the tray popup menu [IOSection Library instructionmenu (1 layer). If the tray 2 out of the library, right-click with the mouse on the tray in the pop-up menu, select [IOSection Library instructionenu (2). From 2 out of the tray after it has been transferred to the transit point discharge, workers unloaded the goods. Empty tray again by rail back to automatic stereoscopic warehouse. Remove the cargo by conveyor belts was transferred to corresponding cage inside the vehicle. Note 1: simulation before the start, please set the environment for the 1th floor sections to be seen. Click the menu bar | Environment | Environment 泰山之雄、黄山之美、庐山之秀的峰林之王---天子山景区,游览神堂湾、点将台、贺龙公园、云青岩、画中游、御笔峰、仙女献花,西海石林等景点组成的玄幻谜境~感受美国科幻大片《阿凡达》的神奇壮观世界~晚住景区 第二天:上午游玩2010年张家界核心景区撤迁后无法游玩的绝景--杨家界、大湘西最著名的土匪窝——乌龙寨(《乌龙山剿匪记》外景拍摄地)、三道鬼门关、四道城墙,天波府、金鸡报晓等景点,体力好的可以去一步登天、空中走廊看看,下午游玩武陵源核心景区-袁家界,可游览建在悬崖峭壁之上、隐在原始森林深处的美景, 体会远古时代土家先民在深山老林生活、征战、谈情说爱的场景。在袁家界游览线欣赏直插云天的哈利路亚山“悬浮山”的原型“乾坤柱”景点以及、迷魂台、天下第一桥、中韩友谊亭、五女出征、连心桥、九天玄梯、拜仙台、后花园、神龟问天等神秘风景(晚住景区乡野客栈 第三天:坐索道或电梯(或走乱窜坡)下山去金鞭溪游览观音送子、金鞭岩、师徒取经、长寿泉、双龟探溪、紫草潭、千里相会、重欢树等景点后去十里画廊看采药老人,三姐妹峰,全家福,顶天楼,寿星迎宾等景点后结束行程( 张家界三日游之全包费用所包范围:森林公园两天制门票248/人 《产生周票自理》2晚住宿,5个正餐,2个早餐,导游费,不含景区的索道,电梯和观光小火车 。 button. Select [login rule] button above the [rule number] menu under ... Then open the barcode generator for the barcode002 part of the Properties dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination edit box,Open the barcode generator for the barcode003 part of the Properties window, click the [factor/control] button, and then at the destination use the Ctrl + v, to enter into the well on the 2nd floor you just copied right 2nd truck name (example PART_STORE_00099), then click on [OK] button. Open 2 right up 3rd truck Properties window, use the ' Ctrl ' + ' c ' will [summary] property names are copied. Open the barcode generator for the barcode004 part of the pop-up menu in the property dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination using the Ctrl + v, to enter copy 2 3rd truck name right (case of PART_STORE_00100), then click the [OK] button. Then use "Lesson3-2.emu" as the file name to save the other. Click on menu bar | simulation | start | or time column in the [start] button, you see the goods are put on the conveyor belt, and robotic loading pallets for through the pulley tracks were moved to the automatic tridimensional warehouse storage. If Tray 1 out of the library, select the tray popup menu [IOSection Library instructionmenu (1 layer). If the tray 2 out of the library, right-click with the mouse on the tray in the pop-up menu, select [IOSection Library instructionenu (2). From 2 out of the tray after it has been transferred to the transit point discharge, workers unloaded the goods. Empty tray again by rail back to automatic stereoscopic warehouse. Remove the cargo by conveyor belts was transferred to corresponding cage inside the vehicle. Note 1: simulation before the start, please set the environment for the 1th floor sections to be seen. Click the menu bar | Environment | Environment 费用包含: 一、住宿:标准等提供景区农家旅馆2人间或三人间2晚(标准间,含独立卫生间、热水淋浴、彩电等); 报价不提供自然单间,产生单房差由客人自理。 二、导游:提供持有国证优秀导游全程贴心服务; 三、用餐:包含在行程中五正餐二早餐。 正餐:,人(一荤一素一烫) ,人(两荤一素一烫)人数增加依此类推( 四、保险:提供核心景区内意外伤害保险; 费用不包含: 5元/人自理。 一、市区至景区往返交通费2 二、报价不提供自然单间,产生单房差由客人自理。 三、景区内的索道67元/人(学生40元/人),百龙天梯72元/人(学生43元/人),十里画廊小火车52元/人。可根椐自己体力选择乘坐或步行。 button. Select [login rule] button above the [rule number] menu under ... Then open the barcode generator for the barcode002 part of the Properties dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination edit box,Open the barcode generator for the barcode003 part of the Properties window, click the [factor/control] button, and then at the destination use the Ctrl + v, to enter into the well on the 2nd floor you just copied right 2nd truck name (example PART_STORE_00099), then click on [OK] button. Open 2 right up 3rd truck Properties window, use the ' Ctrl ' + ' c ' will [summary] property names are copied. Open the barcode generator for the barcode004 part of the pop-up menu in the property dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination using the Ctrl + v, to enter copy 2 3rd truck name right (case of PART_STORE_00100), then click the [OK] button. Then use "Lesson3-2.emu" as the file name to save the other. Click on menu bar | simulation | start | or time column in the [start] button, you see the goods are put on the conveyor belt, and robotic loading pallets for through the pulley tracks were moved to the automatic tridimensional warehouse storage. If Tray 1 out of the library, select the tray popup menu [IOSection Library instructionmenu (1 layer). If the tray 2 out of the library, right-click with the mouse on the tray in the pop-up menu, select [IOSection Library instructionenu (2). From 2 out of the tray after it has been transferred to the transit point discharge, workers unloaded the goods. Empty tray again by rail back to automatic stereoscopic warehouse. Remove the cargo by conveyor belts was transferred to corresponding cage inside the vehicle. Note 1: simulation before the start, please set the environment for the 1th floor sections to be seen. Click the menu bar | Environment | Environment
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