

2018-04-28 20页 doc 180KB 33阅读




增加肾动力的日常小办法增加肾动力的日常小办法 中医理论认为:“肾气足,百病除”。 人体内的左肾为阳,右肾为阴。左肾司六腑之功能,右肾辖五脏之运行。肾对五脏六腑起着至关重要的温煦(xu)、滋润、濡(ru)养、激发等作用。 肾中之元气,又叫元精,是生命的原动力。肾虚则生命力减弱,各种疾病会接 踵而来。肾生精,精生髓,髓壮骨,髓通脑,脑为髓海。肾亏则髓空,髓空则骨软,骨软则腰膝酸麻,牙齿脱落,骨质增生,椎间盘突出,关节炎、颈椎神经痛,甚至出现头晕目眩,耳鸣健忘,反应迟钝,精力下降,脱发皮皱等现象。肾阳虚衰,男人表现为阳痿、早泄、遗精;女人则带下不止,月...
增加肾动力的日常小办法 中医理论认为:“肾气足,百病除”。 人体内的左肾为阳,右肾为阴。左肾司六腑之功能,右肾辖五脏之运行。肾对五脏六腑起着至关重要的温煦(xu)、滋润、濡(ru)养、激发等作用。 肾中之元气,又叫元精,是生命的原动力。肾虚则生命力减弱,各种疾病会接 踵而来。肾生精,精生髓,髓壮骨,髓通脑,脑为髓海。肾亏则髓空,髓空则骨软,骨软则腰膝酸麻,牙齿脱落,骨质增生,椎间盘突出,关节炎、颈椎神经痛,甚至出现头晕目眩,耳鸣健忘,反应迟钝,精力下降,脱发皮皱等现象。肾阳虚衰,男人表现为阳痿、早泄、遗精;女人则带下不止,月经不调,痛经、宫寒不孕等。 中医认为,肾亏是人体疾病的根源,许多内脏疾患的治疗,应从补肾入手。中医还有个歌诀:“肝病先调肾,肾病先调肺,肺病先调脾,脾病先调心,心病先调肝”。可见个脏腑之间有着密不可分的关系。 人体自身补肾法,就是外劳宫补肾法。具体是:每晚临睡前将两手背紧靠腰部,仰卧于床上,5,10分钟后,其热感会逐渐传遍全身。开始时,双掌被腰压住会出现麻胀现象,3,5天后即可适应消除,双腿会感到轻松灵活。常酗酒的人,脑门还会渗出汗珠,有的腰部会出汗。这是因为人的两手外劳宫紧贴二肾后,双掌的热量直接温煦了二肾,将肾内虚寒之气逼出,通过运行,变成汗水排出体外。尤其是晚上10点半至11点,是亥时尾、子时头,此刻地气最旺,地气通过内劳宫吸入,穿过外劳宫直接注入二肾,伴随二掌的热量和五行之气,温煦了二肾。不论是晚上,还是白天,只要你躺在床上,坚持两手背紧贴两肾半小时,便可收到奇效。 若你腿脚冰凉、麻痛,可将左腿架于右脚脖子上,20分钟后,腿脚便会变热。倘若每晚再用热水泡脚,然后按摩两腿根部的“气冲”穴,并反复揉擦两脚心的“涌泉”穴,反复拍打、叩击、推揉、按摩两腰出的“肾俞”穴,则效果更佳。 坚持运用外劳宫补肾法,再加上小指头提水法的锻炼(手指头有许多神经末梢,联结五脏六腑,例如右小指头通肾,主宰生长、发育、生殖、强壮,开窍于二耳与二阴;左小指头通膀胱,是人体主持水液的代谢,它通肺、通胃、通肾)。常练小指头提水法可以强肾。日本有些人长期用此法强肾后,70多岁还能生育。倘若再添加以膝盖逆时针走路法(走圆圈路)的锻炼,靠人体自身练出的功能,就能治好上述的肾亏、肾衰之疾患。 D. non-destructive inspection report; E. static grounding test records; F. design changes and material substitution file. (2) the piping system according to the design files have been installed; A. pipe, hangers, material, in the form of the installation location is correct, complete number, strength, welding quality; B. completed welding work, weld quality inspection; C. weld parts should be checked and it should not be hidden. (3) pressure test of temporary reinforcement measures for safe and reliable, such as: temporary support should be strong, can withstand the pressure of water. Temporary blind flange plus reset correctly, and should identify clear, while mark on the single line diagram, records should be complete, high and low discharge point set is complete and correct; (4) cannot participate in the testing of control valves, filters, flow orifice and flow meters should be removed, connected with the temporary spool; (5) approval of pressure test system and construction scheme and the pressure group is disclosure. 1.5.2 pressure test press design offers you the test pressure of the pressure test, pressure test media selected according to design specifications. (1) tests should be used when high point within the exhaust system of air, boosting ratings slowly, reach the test pressure after 10min, then down to pressure regulator 30 min, no pressure drop, no leakage, Visual deformation is qualified. When pressure testing in case of spill shall not be under pressure to repair defect elimination and try again until the qualified. (2) after the piping system passes the test, should slow buck, the test medium emission should be at the right place, try to pressure test water discharged into the nearby sewer pipes or rain. Pressure test after the purge the piping system if not to temporarily blind and short pipe, support should be removed, reset in a timely manner and fill pipe system pressure test records. 1.6 pipe blowing and wash 我的老师胡海牙先生今年已经95岁高龄了。前一段时间陪他去体检,身体各项指标基本都正常。他单位的老同事跟他见面后,开玩笑地说:“您的身体棒得跟三十岁小伙子似的,有什么养生秘诀吗,您是研究道家仙学的,也给我们传授一些灵丹妙药啊~”老先生微微一笑,说:“哪有什么灵丹妙药,妙药就在自己体内,只是你们不知道怎么用罢了。” 老师的一句话引起大家的好奇心,纷纷请教。只见老师双手握拳,贴在身后,随着身体的上下轻微抖动,一边笑呵呵地说,“看明白了吗,就是这个。” 大家看得一头雾水:“就这么简单,~” 老师颇有深意地说:“千万别小看这个动作,在过去你花多少钱都不一定能学得到,这可是千金不换的秘诀啊。” 这样一来,大家更好奇了,赶紧追问是怎么回事。 老师说:“其实古里面都讲了,‘流水不腐,户枢不蠹’,要活就得动啊,关键是如何去动。这个方法最大的功效是鼓动肾气,短时间内使人体阳气生发起来。肾乃先天之本,主人体水液,喜暖怕寒。长期从事脑力劳动的人好静不好动,导致人体阴气过盛,阳气相对不足,会产生乏力、疲劳、健忘等症状,用这个方法三到五分钟,就可以缓解一个小时连续劳动的疲劳,很适合现在从事脑力劳动的人。这个方法还适合中老年人养生,人老腿先衰,腰腿通相联,其实是肾气衰了,按摩肾腧有直接补肾的功效。中老年人平时动一动,肾气足了,自然腰背也就不弯了。” 听了老师这么一解释,大家纷纷学着刚才老师的样子比划起来。我也习练这个方法多年,觉得特别好,亲身实践下来更是深有感触,获益匪浅。 曾经有一次应约到北京一所著名高校讲养生,有学生问我:“您既搞临床诊疗,还要做学术研究,您怎么还有那么好的精力呢,”D. non-destructive inspection report; E. static grounding test records; F. design changes and material substitution file. (2) the piping system according to the design files have been installed; A. pipe, hangers, material, in the form of the installation location is correct, complete number, strength, welding quality; B. completed welding work, weld quality inspection; C. weld parts should be checked and it should not be hidden. (3) pressure test of temporary reinforcement measures for safe and reliable, such as: temporary support should be strong, can withstand the pressure of water. Temporary blind flange plus reset correctly, and should identify clear, while mark on the single line diagram, records should be complete, high and low discharge point set is complete and correct; (4) cannot participate in the testing of control valves, filters, flow orifice and flow meters should be removed, connected with the temporary spool; (5) approval of pressure test system and construction scheme and the pressure group is disclosure. 1.5.2 pressure test press design offers you the test pressure of the pressure test, pressure test media selected according to design specifications. (1) tests should be used when high point within the exhaust system of air, boosting ratings slowly, reach the test pressure after 10min, then down to pressure regulator 30 min, no pressure drop, no leakage, Visual deformation is qualified. When pressure testing in case of spill shall not be under pressure to repair defect elimination and try again until the qualified. (2) after the piping system passes the test, should slow buck, the test medium emission should be at the right place, try to pressure test water discharged into the nearby sewer pipes or rain. Pressure test after the purge the piping system if not to temporarily blind and short pipe, support should be removed, reset in a timely manner and fill pipe system pressure test records. 1.6 pipe blowing and wash 我没有直接回答他的问题,而是从座位上找了一位看起来精神不太好的学生,让他到台前做胡老传给我的这个瞬间强肾法的动作。 我让他双手握拳,拳心虚空(如题图),贴在肾腧位置(如下图),利用膝关节的上下抖动进行反复摩擦,双拳不动,双脚随着身体抖动轻微起踮,感觉到腰部轻微发热为止。三五分钟后,这位学生高兴地说,“从来没感觉这么轻松过,这个方法真有效~”一时间,课堂上沸腾起来。 - D. non-destructive inspection report; E. static grounding test records; F. design changes and material substitution file. (2) the piping system according to the design files have been installed; A. pipe, hangers, material, in the form of the installation location is correct, complete number, strength, welding quality; B. completed welding work, weld quality inspection; C. weld parts should be checked and it should not be hidden. (3) pressure test of temporary reinforcement measures for safe and reliable, such as: temporary support should be strong, can withstand the pressure of water. Temporary blind flange plus reset correctly, and should identify clear, while mark on the single line diagram, records should be complete, high and low discharge point set is complete and correct; (4) cannot participate in the testing of control valves, filters, flow orifice and flow meters should be removed, connected with the temporary spool; (5) approval of pressure test system and construction scheme and the pressure group is disclosure. 1.5.2 pressure test press design offers you the test pressure of the pressure test, pressure test media selected according to design specifications. (1) tests should be used when high point within the exhaust system of air, boosting ratings slowly, reach the test pressure after 10min, then down to pressure regulator 30 min, no pressure drop, no leakage, Visual deformation is qualified. When pressure testing in case of spill shall not be under pressure to repair defect elimination and try again until the qualified. (2) after the piping system passes the test, should slow buck, the test medium emission should be at the right place, try to pressure test water discharged into the nearby sewer pipes or rain. Pressure test after the purge the piping system if not to temporarily blind and short pipe, support should be removed, reset in a timely manner and fill pipe system pressure test records. 1.6 pipe blowing and wash 由此可见,这个方法对谁最管用,恰恰是过度疲劳、精神不好,睡眠不足的人。 现在大多数人连休息的时间都没有,更不用说保持充沛的精力了。前苏联有一位生理学家,经过多年的研究,发现人的疲劳并不能单纯靠休息来缓解,也就是说休息不是恢复疲劳的最好方法,只能缓解疲劳,并不能补充精力,最好的方法是通过运动来恢复,而我们这个方法,不仅能缓解疲劳,还能在短时间内补足肾气。另外比如说散步、走楼梯、慢跑、打球、瑜伽等运动也有一定的效果。 在过去,这种运动被誉为中医里的金匮肾气丸,有温补肾阳的功效,是最有效的补肾方法。对肾虚,慢性腰脊劳损,腰间盘突出的病人非常实用。我之所以能够在忙碌的生活工作当中保持旺盛的精力,就是掌握了这个奥秘。从道家医学的观点来看,这正是启动了人体自身的大药的结果 太溪穴:无副作用的伟哥或伟嫂 适宜症状:绝大多数肾脏疾病,如肾虚、慢性肾功能不全、慢性肾炎、糖尿病肾病等。特别是对患有慢性肾病,同时表现为浮肿、腰酸腿冷、浑身乏力的患者效果最为明显。 可祛痘、祛斑、祛眼袋浮肿、祛黑眼圈、美白肌肤、增强记忆力、改善听力及视力、增强身体抵抗力、减少感冒的发生。 太溪穴是足少阴肾经之“输”穴,古代又称其为“回阳九穴之一”,重在补肾,具有明显提高肾功能的作用。 太溪穴位于足内侧,内踝后方,内踝尖与跟腱之间的凹陷处。 用对侧手的拇指按揉,也可以使用按摩棒或光滑的木棒按揉,注意力量柔和,以感觉酸胀为D. non-destructive inspection report; E. static grounding test records; F. design changes and material substitution file. (2) the piping system according to the design files have been installed; A. pipe, hangers, material, in the form of the installation location is correct, complete number, strength, welding quality; B. completed welding work, weld quality inspection; C. weld parts should be checked and it should not be hidden. (3) pressure test of temporary reinforcement measures for safe and reliable, such as: temporary support should be strong, can withstand the pressure of water. Temporary blind flange plus reset correctly, and should identify clear, while mark on the single line diagram, records should be complete, high and low discharge point set is complete and correct; (4) cannot participate in the testing of control valves, filters, flow orifice and flow meters should be removed, connected with the temporary spool; (5) approval of pressure test system and construction scheme and the pressure group is disclosure. 1.5.2 pressure test press design offers you the test pressure of the pressure test, pressure test media selected according to design specifications. (1) tests should be used when high point within the exhaust system of air, boosting ratings slowly, reach the test pressure after 10min, then down to pressure regulator 30 min, no pressure drop, no leakage, Visual deformation is qualified. When pressure testing in case of spill shall not be under pressure to repair defect elimination and try again until the qualified. (2) after the piping system passes the test, should slow buck, the test medium emission should be at the right place, try to pressure test water discharged into the nearby sewer pipes or rain. Pressure test after the purge the piping system if not to temporarily blind and short pipe, support should be removed, reset in a timely manner and fill pipe system pressure test records. 1.6 pipe blowing and wash 度,不可力量过大以免伤及皮肤。对于肾炎病人,按揉后可使高血压有一定程度的降低,尿蛋白明显减少。按摩虽然有很好的效果,但是仍然需要配合药物治疗。 关元穴(丹田):千年野山参 位于脐下四横指处。该穴是任脉上全身性强壮要穴。经常用手指点压、按摩刺激,具有培补元气、调气和血、益肾健腹,增强脏腑功能,提高机体免疫力。可防治高血压、高血脂、肥胖、腹痛、腹泻、便秘、阳痿、遗尿、头晕、失眠、痛经等症。 关元顾名思义,把元气关住,使其不外泻。关元是足三阴、任脉交汇穴,小肠募穴,足阳明胃经下合穴,人体十大保健大补要穴之一。 能让人恢复青春活力,可治疗各种生殖系统疾病。尤其擅长治疗不孕不育、阳痿、遗精早泄、性欲减退、痛经、月经不调等症。 治失眠有奇穴失眠,奇穴 穴位:在手背中指掌指关节最高点(即拳尖处) 针法:直刺或向上斜刺2-3分深 针感:有痛胀感即可,留针法15分钟左右,临睡前针效果更佳. 疗效:本人治疗长期失眠的患者均有奇效. 按摩自己 身体是**的本钱,学会了自己给自己按摩一下吧。 拉拉耳朵养护全身器官 肾是人体重要脏器之一,乃先天之本。肾脏功能是否正常,对健康长寿有着举足轻重的作用。 中医五行学说认为,肾主藏精,开窍于耳,医治肾脏疾病的穴位有很多在耳部。所以经常进行双耳锻炼法,可起到健肾壮腰、养身延年的作用。 一、提拉耳垂法 双手食指放耳屏内侧后,用食指、拇指提拉耳屏、耳垂,自内向外提拉,手法由轻到重,牵拉的力量以不感疼痛为限,每次3~5分钟。此法可治头痛、头昏、神经衰弱、耳鸣等疾病。 二、手摩耳轮法 双手握空拳,以拇、食二指沿耳轮上下来回推摩,直至耳轮充血发热。此法有健脑、强肾、聪耳、明目之功,可防治阳痿、尿频、便秘、腰腿痛、颈椎病、心慌、胸D. non-destructive inspection report; E. static grounding test records; F. design changes and material substitution file. (2) the piping system according to the design files have been installed; A. pipe, hangers, material, in the form of the installation location is correct, complete number, strength, welding quality; B. completed welding work, weld quality inspection; C. weld parts should be checked and it should not be hidden. (3) pressure test of temporary reinforcement measures for safe and reliable, such as: temporary support should be strong, can withstand the pressure of water. Temporary blind flange plus reset correctly, and should identify clear, while mark on the single line diagram, records should be complete, high and low discharge point set is complete and correct; (4) cannot participate in the testing of control valves, filters, flow orifice and flow meters should be removed, connected with the temporary spool; (5) approval of pressure test system and construction scheme and the pressure group is disclosure. 1.5.2 pressure test press design offers you the test pressure of the pressure test, pressure test media selected according to design specifications. (1) tests should be used when high point within the exhaust system of air, boosting ratings slowly, reach the test pressure after 10min, then down to pressure regulator 30 min, no pressure drop, no leakage, Visual deformation is qualified. When pressure testing in case of spill shall not be under pressure to repair defect elimination and try again until the qualified. (2) after the piping system passes the test, should slow buck, the test medium emission should be at the right place, try to pressure test water discharged into the nearby sewer pipes or rain. Pressure test after the purge the piping system if not to temporarily blind and short pipe, support should be removed, reset in a timely manner and fill pipe system pressure test records. 1.6 pipe blowing and wash 闷、头痛、头昏等病症。 三、提拉耳尖法 用双手拇、食指夹捏耳廓尖端,向上提揪、揉、捏、摩擦15~20次,使局部发热发红。此法有镇静、止痛、清脑明目、退热、抗过敏、养肾等功效,可防治高血压、失眠、咽喉炎和皮肤病。 四、搓弹双耳法 两手分别轻捏双耳的耳垂,再搓摩至发红发热。然后揪住耳垂往下拉,再放手让耳垂弹回。每天两三次,每次20下。此法可促进耳朵的血液循环,有健肾壮腰之功效。 五、双手拉耳法 左手过头顶向上牵拉右侧耳朵数十次,然后右手牵拉左耳数十次。这一锻炼还可促进颌下腺、舌下腺的分泌,减轻喉咙疼痛,治慢性咽炎。 六、双手掩耳法 两手掌掩两耳廓,手指托后脑壳,用食指压中指弹击24下,可听到“隆隆”之声,曰击“天鼓”。此刺激可活跃肾脏,有健脑、明目、强肾之功效。 七、全耳按摩法 双手掌心摩擦发热后,向后按摩腹面(即耳正面),再向前反折按摩背面,反复按摩5~6次。此法可疏通经络,对肾脏及全身脏器均有保健作用。 八、双手扫耳法 以双手把耳朵由后面向前扫,这时会听到“嚓嚓”的声音。每次20下,每日数次,只要长期坚持,必能强肾健身。 以上八法,可根据各人所需选择,或单项或几项配合进行,只要能持之以恒,一 祖国传统医学认为,肾为先定能收到理想的效果。 简单易学的强肾健体保健法 天之本,生命之源,肾气充盈,则精力充沛,筋骨强健,步履轻快,神思敏捷,肾气亏损则阳气虚弱,腰膝酸软,易感风寒,生疾病等。 肾虚病症有阴虚、阳虚之分。 肾阴虚者,有肺热、咽燥、腰膝酸软、头晕耳鸣、舌苔偏红等症状。 肾阳虚者,常见有肢体畏寒、精神萎靡、腰酸耳鸣、舌淡、体胖等症状。 中医认为,肢体的功能活动,包括关节、筋骨等组织的运动,皆由肝肾所支配,故有“肾主骨,骨为肾之余”的说法,因此坚持体育锻炼,以取得养筋健肾、舒筋活络、畅通气脉、增强自身抵抗力之功效,从而达到强肾健体目的。散步、慢跑、打球、做操、练拳舞剑等,都是不错的锻炼项目。下面介绍几个简单的保健方法,您可以试试。 搓擦腰眼:两手搓热后紧按腰部,用力搓30次。“腰为肾之府”,搓擦腰眼可疏通筋脉,增强肾脏功能。 揉按丹田:两手搓热,在腹部丹田处按摩30~50次。丹田乃人之真气、真精凝聚之所,为人体生命之本。此法常用之,可增强人体的免疫功能,提高人体的抵抗力,从而达到强肾固本的目的,有利于延年益寿。 发“吹”音 “吹”与肾相应,肾属水,故有滋养肾水的功效。反复做6~9遍。 另外,心脏对应的是“呵”音,肝脏对应的是“嘘”的音,脾对应的是“呼”的音,肺对应的是“斯”的音,三焦对应的是“唏”的音。发音的时间长一些,次数多一些。 健脾通胃肠气的保健方法: 双手重叠,顺时针绕肚脐揉腹,以通为主,可促进胃肠气通畅,逆时针绕肚脐揉腹,则以补为主,可起到健脾作用,便秘患者,多顺时针揉,脾虚者,则加逆时针揉,每次300~500下,每天1~2次。祝福朋友们都有一个健康的好身体~ D. non-destructive inspection report; E. static grounding test records; F. design changes and material substitution file. (2) the piping system according to the design files have been installed; A. pipe, hangers, material, in the form of the installation location is correct, complete number, strength, welding quality; B. completed welding work, weld quality inspection; C. weld parts should be checked and it should not be hidden. (3) pressure test of temporary reinforcement measures for safe and reliable, such as: temporary support should be strong, can withstand the pressure of water. Temporary blind flange plus reset correctly, and should identify clear, while mark on the single line diagram, records should be complete, high and low discharge point set is complete and correct; (4) cannot participate in the testing of control valves, filters, flow orifice and flow meters should be removed, connected with the temporary spool; (5) approval of pressure test system and construction scheme and the pressure group is disclosure. 1.5.2 pressure test press design offers you the test pressure of the pressure test, pressure test media selected according to design specifications. (1) tests should be used when high point within the exhaust system of air, boosting ratings slowly, reach the test pressure after 10min, then down to pressure regulator 30 min, no pressure drop, no leakage, Visual deformation is qualified. When pressure testing in case of spill shall not be under pressure to repair defect elimination and try again until the qualified. (2) after the piping system passes the test, should slow buck, the test medium emission should be at the right place, try to pressure test water discharged into the nearby sewer pipes or rain. Pressure test after the purge the piping system if not to temporarily blind and short pipe, support should be removed, reset in a timely manner and fill pipe system pressure test records. 1.6 pipe blowing and wash D. non-destructive inspection report; E. static grounding test records; F. design changes and material substitution file. (2) the piping system according to the design files have been installed; A. pipe, hangers, material, in the form of the installation location is correct, complete number, strength, welding quality; B. completed welding work, weld quality inspection; C. weld parts should be checked and it should not be hidden. (3) pressure test of temporary reinforcement measures for safe and reliable, such as: temporary support should be strong, can withstand the pressure of water. Temporary blind flange plus reset correctly, and should identify clear, while mark on the single line diagram, records should be complete, high and low discharge point set is complete and correct; (4) cannot participate in the testing of control valves, filters, flow orifice and flow meters should be removed, connected with the temporary spool; (5) approval of pressure test system and construction scheme and the pressure group is disclosure. 1.5.2 pressure test press design offers you the test pressure of the pressure test, pressure test media selected according to design specifications. (1) tests should be used when high point within the exhaust system of air, boosting ratings slowly, reach the test pressure after 10min, then down to pressure regulator 30 min, no pressure drop, no leakage, Visual deformation is qualified. When pressure testing in case of spill shall not be under pressure to repair defect elimination and try again until the qualified. (2) after the piping system passes the test, should slow buck, the test medium emission should be at the right place, try to pressure test water discharged into the nearby sewer pipes or rain. Pressure test after the purge the piping system if not to temporarily blind and short pipe, support should be removed, reset in a timely manner and fill pipe system pressure test records. 1.6 pipe blowing and wash D. non-destructive inspection report; E. static grounding test records; F. design changes and material substitution file. (2) the piping system according to the design files have been installed; A. pipe, hangers, material, in the form of the installation location is correct, complete number, strength, welding quality; B. completed welding work, weld quality inspection; C. weld parts should be checked and it should not be hidden. (3) pressure test of temporary reinforcement measures for safe and reliable, such as: temporary support should be strong, can withstand the pressure of water. Temporary blind flange plus reset correctly, and should identify clear, while mark on the single line diagram, records should be complete, high and low discharge point set is complete and correct; (4) cannot participate in the testing of control valves, filters, flow orifice and flow meters should be removed, connected with the temporary spool; (5) approval of pressure test system and construction scheme and the pressure group is disclosure. 1.5.2 pressure test press design offers you the test pressure of the pressure test, pressure test media selected according to design specifications. (1) tests should be used when high point within the exhaust system of air, boosting ratings slowly, reach the test pressure after 10min, then down to pressure regulator 30 min, no pressure drop, no leakage, Visual deformation is qualified. When pressure testing in case of spill shall not be under pressure to repair defect elimination and try again until the qualified. (2) after the piping system passes the test, should slow buck, the test medium emission should be at the right place, try to pressure test water discharged into the nearby sewer pipes or rain. Pressure test after the purge the piping system if not to temporarily blind and short pipe, support should be removed, reset in a timely manner and fill pipe system pressure test records. 1.6 pipe blowing and wash
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