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1921年过境自由公约与规范(附英文)1921年过境自由公约与规范(附英文) temporary electricity security construction organization design; large mechanical of loaded, and split construction programme; labour protection technology measures requirements, and plans; dangerous parts and way process, especially constructio...
1921年过境自由公约与(附英文) temporary electricity security construction organization design; large mechanical of loaded, and split construction programme; labour protection technology measures requirements, and plans; dangerous parts and way process, especially construction risk degree larger project should for technology argument, take corresponding of security technology measures; on special process and the new process, and equipment, and facilities, and material of using, should targeted of special security requirements and operation provides; Divide key positions in a construction site fire and flammability, fire equipment and facility configurations, welding approval, fire inspection, duty Fireman's activities, must devise appropriate systems and measures should also have safety signs at construction site layout master plan. These types of technical measures and requirements subject to the superior technical Department for approval, Chief supervision engineer to review implementation. In order to ensure the implementation of safety measures, should be organized to staff resources for implementation. Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site to create). ? foremen on construction jobs in the process of releasing production tasks at the same time, the need for security disclosure. ? production assurance system approval requirements in accordance with fire safety provisions of that document. Scaffolding safety technology to give the low-down on 4-2 construction organization name project name construction Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site 【法规名称】 ,,,,年过境自由公约与规范(附英文) 【颁布部门】 【颁布时间】 1921-04-20 【效力属性】 有效 【正 文】 ,,,,年过境自由公约与规范(附英文) 简介 本公约及所附规约于,,,,年,月,,日至,月,,日由国际联盟在巴塞罗那召开的通行与过境会议上通过,,,,,年,,月,,日生效。参加本公约的国家有:阿尔巴尼亚、奥地利、比利时、英国、新西兰、印度、保加利亚、智利、前捷克斯洛伐克、丹麦、爱沙尼亚、芬兰、法国、德国、希腊、匈牙利、伊朗、伊拉克、意大利、日本、拉脱维亚、卢森堡、荷兰、挪威、波兰、罗马尼亚、西班牙、瑞典、瑞士、泰国、土耳其、南斯拉夫等。 阿尔巴尼亚、奥地利、比利时、玻利维亚、巴西、保加利亚、智利、中国、哥伦比亚、哥斯达黎加、古巴、丹麦、英国(以及新西兰和印度)、西班牙、爱沙尼亚、芬兰、法国、希腊、危地马拉、海地、洪都拉斯、意大利、日本、拉脱维亚、立陶宛、卢森堡、挪威、巴拿马、巴拉圭、荷兰、波斯、波兰、葡萄牙、罗马尼亚、塞尔维亚,克罗地亚,斯洛文尼亚国、瑞典、瑞士、捷克斯洛伐克、乌拉圭和委内瑞拉: 期望为保证和维护通行和过境自由而作出规定, 认为在此问题上,签订一项其他国家日后均可加入的公约是实现《国际联盟盟约》第,,条第(,)项的宗旨的最好, 认识到在不损害各国对用于过境的路线行使主权和权力的情况下,宣告自由过境权利,并制定有关规章,作为发展各国间合作的最好办法之一,是可取的, 接受国际联盟邀请参加,,,,年,月,,日在巴塞罗那举行的会议,并注意到会议的最后决议, 渴望实施在此通过的有关铁路或水路运输规章的规定, 希望为此缔结一项公约,各缔约国已指派全权代表, 各全权代表经互通权限,认定授权适当,并协议如下: 第,条各缔约国声明,他们接受本公约所附的、于,,,,年,月,,日在巴塞罗那会议上通过的过境自由规约。 此规约应视为本公约的一个组成部分。从而,他们在此声明,依照本公约的规定,并根据本公约确立的条件,接受此规约的各项义务和保证。 temporary electricity security construction organization design; large mechanical of loaded, and split construction programme; labour protection technology measures requirements, and plans; dangerous parts and way process, especially construction risk degree larger project should for technology argument, take corresponding of security technology measures; on special process and the new process, and equipment, and facilities, and material of using, should targeted of special security requirements and operation provides; Divide key positions in a construction site fire and flammability, fire equipment and facility configurations, welding approval, fire inspection, duty Fireman's activities, must devise appropriate systems and measures should also have safety signs at construction site layout master plan. These types of technical measures and requirements subject to the superior technical Department for approval, Chief supervision engineer to review implementation. In order to ensure the implementation of safety measures, should be organized to staff resources for implementation. Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site to create). ? foremen on construction jobs in the process of releasing production tasks at the same time, the need for security disclosure. ? production assurance system approval requirements in accordance with fire safety provisions of that document. Scaffolding safety technology to give the low-down on 4-2 construction organization name project name construction Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site temporary electricity security construction organization design; large mechanical of loaded, and split construction programme; labour protection technology measures requirements, and plans; dangerous parts and way process, especially construction risk degree larger project should for technology argument, take corresponding of security technology measures; on special process and the new process, and equipment, and facilities, and material of using, should targeted of special security requirements and operation provides; Divide key positions in a construction site fire and flammability, fire equipment and facility configurations, welding approval, fire inspection, duty Fireman's activities, must devise appropriate systems and measures should also have safety signs at construction site layout master plan. These types of technical measures and requirements subject to the superior technical Department for approval, Chief supervision engineer to review implementation. In order to ensure the implementation of safety measures, should be organized to staff resources for implementation. Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site to create). ? foremen on construction jobs in the process of releasing production tasks at the same time, the need for security disclosure. ? production assurance system approval requirements in accordance with fire safety provisions of that document. Scaffolding safety technology to give the low-down on 4-2 construction organization name project name construction Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site 第,条本公约在任何情况下都不影响,,,,年,月,,日在凡尔赛签订的和平条约或其他相应条约的规定所产生的权利和义务,而只要此种权利和义务涉及已签署此种条约或从中受益的国家。 第,条本公约的法文本和英文本具有同等效力,应载有今天的日期,并应开放到,,,,年,,月,日止,以供签署。 第,条本公约须经批准。批准书应交存国际联盟秘书长。该秘书长应将收到批准书事宜国际联盟其他成员和准许签署本公约的国家。批准书存于秘书处档案库。 为了遵守《国际联盟盟约》第,,条的规定,秘书长应在接到第一份批准书后立即对本公约进行登记。 第,条在,,,,年,,月,日之前未签署本公约的国际联盟成员,可以加入本公约。 上述规定亦适用于非国际联盟成员的国家,国际联盟理事会可正式决定向它们通告本公约。 加入本公约应通知国际联盟秘书长。该秘书长应将加入事宜及加入日期告知有关国家。 第,条本公约由五个国家批准后方可生效。生效日期为国际联盟秘书长收到第五份批准书后第九十天。此后,本公约应在该秘书长收到各国批准书或加入通知起九十天后对其生效。 本公约生效之时,秘书长应向根据和平条约必须加入本公约的非国际联盟成员的国家寄送经核证无误的本公约副本。 第,条国际联盟秘书长应保留一份特别记录,载明已签署、批准、加入或退出本公约的国家。此记录应随时对联盟各成员公开,并应根据理事会的指示,尽可能经常公布。 第,条除本公约第,条另有规定外,任何缔约国可以在本公约对其生效五年期满后退出本公约。退出本公约应向国际联盟秘书长递交书面通知。该秘书长应将此种通知的副本分送所有其他缔约国,并告知他们收到上述通知的日期。 退出本公约应自秘书长收到该通知之日起一年后生效,且仅对递交通知的国家有效。 第,条修正本公约的要求,可由三分之一的缔约国在任何时候提出。 上述全权代表,特签署本公约,以昭信守。 ,,,,年,月,,日订于巴塞罗那,共一份,应存放于国际联盟档案库。 过境自由规约 第,条人员、行李和货物、船舶、车辆和货盘,以及其他运输工具,如果在处于某一缔约国主权或权力之下的领土内的通过只是整个行程的一部分,且始发地和目的地均位于过境所穿越的国家境外,则不论有无转运、存仓、开舱或改换运输方式,都将视为在该领土过境。 service for toxic gasbe in ccessories, materials and personal protective equipment must be checked before use, ensure the safety of use; Every day must s; Digging holes, hoisting, Dado, residue used in transportation of all equipment, facilities, safety equipment, gas masks, athe table in accordance with the construction plan operation1 construction organization name project name the construction site construction requirements of security technical cards on -2-down (reference tables) 4-hole pile project technology gives the low-l Digds deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Artificiand, up and down ramps or stairs, are not allowed to climb the scaffolding up and down. Disclosure signatures to accept carl around paint for reuse should scrap cannot be repaired. 11. auxiliary facilities: feeder channel should be set 1M high guard rai deformation of steel elements should be straightened, damage repair a?ponents using clean diesel box, store room for reuse. er comell drained. Steel is best placed indoor, stacked in the outdoors should be covered. Sporadic small fasteners, bolts and oth scaffold dismantling after the material shall be classified and piled up stacked flat, under pads w?efore the intermission. rity bessary to interrupt the dismantled parts should be clearly come to an end, and check whether it will collapse, check the secu best not to interrupt the process of demolition, if absolutely nec?such as the need for person, should be removed clearly. ddle, removal process is best not to change horses in the Mi?ll not be voted down, so as to avoid injury and unnecessary losses. antling scaffolding, scaffold, steel pipe, fasteners, materials should go to the pass or use the rope hanging down, throw sha• Dismuld split the middle button, then remove both ends buckle, Shun down by operators in the Middle Poles shall not throw down. dismantle large Rails scaffolding, bridging, you sho?der, from the top down, step, and no upper level jobs simultaneously. arning signs, set up special care in transport routes and ban people entering. • Strict compliance with the removal orsoled shoes. Remove pick rack and other dangerous parts hanging belts. • Before dismantling scaffolding, around fences or w-t wear softy, foogies to concentrated, may not look around and joking, when not in the tool bag. • Wear personal protective equipment correctlthe scaffolding of content security technology, team members have a clear division of labour, unified command, operation ener2 construction construction construction organization name project name cards on the table before the one down -down on 4-s the lownce system approval requirements in accordance with fire safety provisions of that document. Scaffold safety technology give production assura?urity disclosure. foremen on construction jobs in the process of releasing production tasks at the same time, the need for sec?to create). 2 temporary electricity security construction organization design; large mechanical of loaded, and split construction programme; labour protection technology measures requirements, and plans; dangerous parts and way process, especially construction risk degree larger project should for technology argument, take corresponding of security technology measures; on special process and the new process, and equipment, and facilities, and material of using, should targeted of special security requirements and operation provides; Divide key positions in a construction site fire and flammability, fire equipment and facility configurations, welding approval, fire inspection, duty Fireman's activities, must devise appropriate systems and measures should also have safety signs at construction site layout master plan. These types of technical measures and requirements subject to the superior technical Department for approval, Chief supervision engineer to review implementation. In order to ensure the implementation of safety measures, should be organized to staff resources for implementation. Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site to create). ? foremen on construction jobs in the process of releasing production tasks at the same time, the need for security disclosure. ? production assurance system approval requirements in accordance with fire safety provisions of that document. Scaffolding safety technology to give the low-down on 4-2 construction organization name project name construction Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site 此种性质的运输在本规约中称为“过境运输”。 第,条除本规约另有规定外,缔约国为调整和促进穿越处于其主权或权力之下的领土的运输所采取的措施,应当为在便于国际过境所用的路线上经铁路或水路自由过境提供便利。不得以人员的国籍、船旗、产地、出发地、进口地、出口地或目的地,或者以有关货物或船舶、车辆或货盘或其他运输工具的所有权的任何情况为依据,区别对待。 为了确保本条规定的实施,缔约国应允许遵循习惯的条件和保留而在其领水过境。 第,条对过境运输不应征收有关过境(包括进口和出口)的任何特殊税款。然而,在此类过境运输中,可以征收仅仅为了过境需要而支付的监管费用的税款。任何此种税款的费率应尽可能与预期支付的费用一致,并且须在前条所确定的平等条件下征收,除非在某些路线上,由于监管费不同而可减免此税。 第,条缔约国保证,适用于由国家经营或管理的或经特许的路线上的过境运输的关税,不论运输的出发地或目的地是什么,在考虑运输的条件和路线之间商业竞争因素后,其税率和适用方法都是合理的。这些关税的确定应尽可能便利于国际运输。任何费用、便利或限制,不应直接或间接地取决于已完成或将完成的整个行程的任何部分的船舶或其他运输工具的国籍或所有权。 第,条缔约国无须依据本规约为由于公共卫生或安全,或为预防动植物疾病而被禁止入境的旅客,或者被禁止进口的货物,提供过境。 各缔约国有权采取合理的预防措施,以保证人员、行李和货物,特别是属于垄断对象的货物,以及船舶、车辆和货盘及其他运输工具确实处在过境状态,并且保证过境旅客完成其旅程,并防止路线和交通工具的安全遭受危险。 本规约中的任何规定,都不影响一缔约国根据其已参加或将参加的国际公约,特别是在国际联盟主持下签订的有关特殊货物如鸦片或其他危险药品、武器或水产品的过境、出口和进口的公约,或根据有关旨在防止侵犯工业、文学或艺术产权,或有关假冒商标、假冒产地或其他不公平竞争方式的公约,采取其认为应该采取的措施。 在用于过境的水道上设立的任何垄断性拖航服务,其组织不得妨碍船舶的过境。 第,条本规约本身不加给任何缔约国给予非缔约国国民及其行李或船舶过境自由,以及给予进出非缔约国、或者自非缔约国驶离或驶抵非缔约国的货物、车辆和货盘以及其他运输工具过境自由的新义务,除非有关的另一缔约国为此种过境表明正当的理由。因而,就本条而言,在某一缔约国国旗下的过境货物,如不发生转船,应从给予该国旗的利益中受益。 第,条缔约国在遇有影响国家安全或其重大利益的紧急情况,被迫采取一般或特殊性质的措施时,可以在特殊情况下,并在尽可能短的时间内,背离上述各条的规定,但必须在最大可能的限度内遵守过境自由原则。 in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate ?down. -n gives the lowdown; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the forema-iled low, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman deta2 construction organization name project name construction Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering-down on 4-caffolding safety technology to give the lowent. S production assurance system approval requirements in accordance with fire safety provisions of that docum?sclosure. foremen on construction jobs in the process of releasing production tasks at the same time, the need for security di?e). ruction site to creatdown, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city const-item project technology gives the low- the type operators for safe operation of the sub?ture of the project. igned. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction fea safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides s?down. -the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for-o ensure responsible foreman detailed lowimplementation. Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures t es forlementation. In order to ensure the implementation of safety measures, should be organized to staff resourcmeasures and requirements subject to the superior technical Department for approval, Chief supervision engineer to review impnical e appropriate systems and measures should also have safety signs at construction site layout master plan. These types of techability, fire equipment and facility configurations, welding approval, fire inspection, duty Fireman's activities, must devisflammhould targeted of special security requirements and operation provides; Divide key positions in a construction site fire and security technology measures; on special process and the new process, and equipment, and facilities, and material of using, s ing ofous parts and way process, especially construction risk degree larger project should for technology argument, take correspondmechanical of loaded, and split construction programme; labour protection technology measures requirements, and plans; dangertemporary electricity security construction organization design; large safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site down, branches, can refer to industry standard of-item project technology gives the low-ype operators for safe operation of the sub the t? 3 temporary electricity security construction organization design; large mechanical of loaded, and split construction programme; labour protection technology measures requirements, and plans; dangerous parts and way process, especially construction risk degree larger project should for technology argument, take corresponding of security technology measures; on special process and the new process, and equipment, and facilities, and material of using, should targeted of special security requirements and operation provides; Divide key positions in a construction site fire and flammability, fire equipment and facility configurations, welding approval, fire inspection, duty Fireman's activities, must devise appropriate systems and measures should also have safety signs at construction site layout master plan. These types of technical measures and requirements subject to the superior technical Department for approval, Chief supervision engineer to review implementation. In order to ensure the implementation of safety measures, should be organized to staff resources for implementation. Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site to create). ? foremen on construction jobs in the process of releasing production tasks at the same time, the need for security disclosure. ? production assurance system approval requirements in accordance with fire safety provisions of that document. Scaffolding safety technology to give the low-down on 4-2 construction organization name project name construction Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site 第,条本规约不规范战时交战国和中立国的权利和义务。但是,在此种权利和义务许可的范围内,本规约在战时应继续有效。 第,条本规约不加给缔约国与其作为国际联盟成员的权利和责任相违背的任何义务。 第,,条本规约的生效并不废除在,,,,年,月,日之前各缔约国就过境问题缔结的条约、公约和协定。 考虑到这些协定继续有效,缔约国应在协定期满或情况允许时,只要该国或地区的地理、经济或技术条件许可,保证对仍有效但与本规约相抵触的协定进行修改,使之符合本规约的规定。 缔约国亦应保证今后不缔结与本规约规定不相符的条约、公约或协定,除非从地理、经济或技术上的考虑,证明这种例外的背离属于正当。 此外,就过境而言,缔约国可以达成符合本规约原则的地区性谅解。 第,,条本规约在任何情况下,都不导致撤销在符合本规约原则的条件下,在处于某一缔约国主权或权力之下的领土过境方面,已经给予的超过本规约的便利。本规约亦不导致禁止在将来给予此种更大的便利。 第,,条按照《国际联盟盟约》第,,条第(,)款,由于受到,,,,,,,,,年战争在其土地上遭受的破坏所造成严重经济状况而有充分理由在其全部或部分领土上不适用本规约中任何规定的任何缔约国,应视为暂时免除适用此种规定的义务。但是,必须在最大可能的限度内遵守过境自由原则。 第,,条有关本规约的解释或适用方面可能产生的、且当事方之间不能直接解决的争议,应提交常设国际法庭解决,除非根据特别协议或一般仲裁规定,采取步骤通过仲裁或其他方式解决争议。 有关的程序应以常设《国际法院规约》第,,条确定的方式公开进行。 但是,为尽可能友好地解决争议,缔约国保证在求助于任何司法程序之前,在不妨碍理事会和大会的权力和行动权的情况下,将该争议提交国际联盟为解决通行与过境问题所设立的、作为联盟成员咨询和技术组织的机构,征求咨询。在紧急情况下,可以提出初步意见,建议采取临时性措施,以着重恢复在引起争议的行动或事件发生之前存在的过境自由便利。 第,,条鉴于在某些缔约国的领土内或紧邻于缔约国的领土,存在与其领土相比,面积小、人口少的地区或飞地,且这些地区或飞地已形成独立的部分或其他国家的拓居地,采用行政命令在这些地区或飞地适用本规约并不可行,为此同意这些规定不适用于这些地区或飞地。 上述规定亦适用于与其面积相比,有很长边界,因而实际上不可能提供必要的海关和治安监督的殖民地或附属国。 但是,在上述情况下,有关国家应在可行的范围内,适用一种尊重本规约的原则,且便于过境和通行的。 第,,条本规约不得解释为调整一个主权国家所属的或处于其保护之下的领地之间的权利和service for toxic gasbe in ccessories, materials and personal protective equipment must be checked before use, ensure the safety of use; Every day must s; Digging holes, hoisting, Dado, residue used in transportation of all equipment, facilities, safety equipment, gas masks, athe table in accordance with the construction plan operation1 construction organization name project name the construction site construction requirements of security technical cards on -2-down (reference tables) 4-hole pile project technology gives the low-l Digds deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams from the deposit of an instrument, and filed a report. Artificiand, up and down ramps or stairs, are not allowed to climb the scaffolding up and down. Disclosure signatures to accept carl around paint for reuse should scrap cannot be repaired. 11. auxiliary facilities: feeder channel should be set 1M high guard rai deformation of steel elements should be straightened, damage repair a?ponents using clean diesel box, store room for reuse. er comell drained. Steel is best placed indoor, stacked in the outdoors should be covered. Sporadic small fasteners, bolts and oth scaffold dismantling after the material shall be classified and piled up stacked flat, under pads w?efore the intermission. rity bessary to interrupt the dismantled parts should be clearly come to an end, and check whether it will collapse, check the secu best not to interrupt the process of demolition, if absolutely nec?such as the need for person, should be removed clearly. ddle, removal process is best not to change horses in the Mi?ll not be voted down, so as to avoid injury and unnecessary losses. antling scaffolding, scaffold, steel pipe, fasteners, materials should go to the pass or use the rope hanging down, throw sha• Dismuld split the middle button, then remove both ends buckle, Shun down by operators in the Middle Poles shall not throw down. dismantle large Rails scaffolding, bridging, you sho?der, from the top down, step, and no upper level jobs simultaneously. arning signs, set up special care in transport routes and ban people entering. • Strict compliance with the removal orsoled shoes. Remove pick rack and other dangerous parts hanging belts. • Before dismantling scaffolding, around fences or w-t wear softy, foogies to concentrated, may not look around and joking, when not in the tool bag. • Wear personal protective equipment correctlthe scaffolding of content security technology, team members have a clear division of labour, unified command, operation ener2 construction construction construction organization name project name cards on the table before the one down -down on 4-s the lownce system approval requirements in accordance with fire safety provisions of that document. Scaffold safety technology give production assura?urity disclosure. foremen on construction jobs in the process of releasing production tasks at the same time, the need for sec?to create). 4 temporary electricity security construction organization design; large mechanical of loaded, and split construction programme; labour protection technology measures requirements, and plans; dangerous parts and way process, especially construction risk degree larger project should for technology argument, take corresponding of security technology measures; on special process and the new process, and equipment, and facilities, and material of using, should targeted of special security requirements and operation provides; Divide key positions in a construction site fire and flammability, fire equipment and facility configurations, welding approval, fire inspection, duty Fireman's activities, must devise appropriate systems and measures should also have safety signs at construction site layout master plan. These types of technical measures and requirements subject to the superior technical Department for approval, Chief supervision engineer to review implementation. In order to ensure the implementation of safety measures, should be organized to staff resources for implementation. Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site to create). ? foremen on construction jobs in the process of releasing production tasks at the same time, the need for security disclosure. ? production assurance system approval requirements in accordance with fire safety provisions of that document. Scaffolding safety technology to give the low-down on 4-2 construction organization name project name construction Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman detailed low-down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low-down. ? safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. ? the type operators for safe operation of the sub-item project technology gives the low-down, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site 义务,而不论这些领地是否单独为国际联盟的成员。 in, the two sides signed. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction feature of the project. safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate ?down. -n gives the lowdown; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for the Division in charge of the forema-iled low, construction, safety technical measures to ensure responsible foreman deta2 construction organization name project name construction Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering-down on 4-caffolding safety technology to give the lowent. S production assurance system approval requirements in accordance with fire safety provisions of that docum?sclosure. foremen on construction jobs in the process of releasing production tasks at the same time, the need for security di?e). ruction site to creatdown, branches, can refer to industry standard of safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city const-item project technology gives the low- the type operators for safe operation of the sub?ture of the project. igned. Total disclosure must be in for supplementary cards on construction fea safe disclosure by the General, heads of sub and security responsibility of people to participate in, the two sides s?down. -the Division in charge of the foreman gives the low down; foreman responsibility according to the technical manager's cards on the table for-o ensure responsible foreman detailed lowimplementation. Note: before the project began, head of engineering to engineering, construction, safety technical measures t es forlementation. In order to ensure the implementation of safety measures, should be organized to staff resourcmeasures and requirements subject to the superior technical Department for approval, Chief supervision engineer to review impnical e appropriate systems and measures should also have safety signs at construction site layout master plan. These types of techability, fire equipment and facility configurations, welding approval, fire inspection, duty Fireman's activities, must devisflammhould targeted of special security requirements and operation provides; Divide key positions in a construction site fire and security technology measures; on special process and the new process, and equipment, and facilities, and material of using, s ing ofous parts and way process, especially construction risk degree larger project should for technology argument, take correspondmechanical of loaded, and split construction programme; labour protection technology measures requirements, and plans; dangertemporary electricity security construction organization design; large safety management model (the Guide to standardization in Chengdu city construction site down, branches, can refer to industry standard of-item project technology gives the low-ype operators for safe operation of the sub the t? 5
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