

2012-02-15 50页 doc 345KB 50阅读




阿凡达看电影学英语 Avatar 《阿凡达》 在线听 主题曲:I See You -Jack: When I was lying there in the VA hospital...with a big hole blown through the middle of my life... VA: (Veterans’ Administration)的缩写退伍军人管理局 blow: 打击 当我躺在退伍军人医院里…遭逢巨变,人生无望之际… I started having these dreams of flying. I ...
看电影学英语 Avatar 《阿凡达》 在线听 主题曲:I See You -Jack: When I was lying there in the VA hospital...with a big hole blown through the middle of my life... VA: (Veterans’ Administration)的缩写退伍军人管理局 blow: 打击 当我躺在退伍军人医院里…遭逢巨变,人生无望之际… I started having these dreams of flying. I was free. Sooner or later though, you always have to wake up. sooner or later: 迟早 wake up: 醒来 我开始梦想着在天际中翱翔…在梦里我是自由的。但迟早,我还是得醒过来… -Jack: In cryo you don't dream at all. It doesn't feel like 6 years. More like a fifth of tequila and ass kicking. cryo: 低温冷冻 feel like: 有…的感觉 tequila: 龙舌兰酒 ass kicking: 【失去意识,喝醉】[being senseless—from Urban Dictionary] 在冷冻仓舱里面,是不会做梦的。难以相信六年一转眼就过去了。就像是喝了一堆龙舌酒后的宿醉。 Tommy was the scientist, not me. He was the one who wanted to get shot light years out in space to find the answers. scientist: 科学家 shot: (用六分仪等仪器的)距离(高度)的估计 light year: 光年 space: 太空 Tommy才是科学家,我可不是干这行的。他是那种可以在数光年远的外太空里为了理想而去寻找答案的书呆子。 Are we there yet? 我们到了吗? -Med Tech A: Yeah, we're there, sunshine. We're there. sunshine: 阳光【亲爱的】[a cute call showing endearment—from Urban Dictionary] 是啊,小伙子。我们到了! -Agent A: It's about your brother. 这件事跟你的双胞胎兄弟有关。 -Jack: So, a week before Tommy was gonna ship out... A guy with a gun ends his journey... for the paper in his wallet. gonna: <美俚>=going to,将要 ship out: (用船)运出 guy: <美俚>家伙 journey: 旅程 wallet: 钱包 Tommy出任务的一周前…一个持枪劫匪结束了他的旅程…只不过是想抢他皮夹里的纸钞。 -Med Tech A: Being in cryo for 5 years, 9 months and 22 days, you will be hungry, you will be weak. cryo: 低温冷冻 hungry: 饥饿的 低温冷冻五年九个月二十二天,你会很饿,也会感到很虚弱。 If you feel nauseous, please use the sacks... nauseous: 恶心的 sack: 袋 想吐就用呕吐袋… -Jack: Yeah, Tommy was the scientist. Me, I'm just another dumb grunt going some place he's gonna regret. dumb: 愚蠢的 grunt: 咕哝着说 gonna: <美俚>=going to,将要 regret: 后悔 Tommy才是科学家。而我,只是傻傻的去做连自己都会后悔的事。 Up ahead was Pandora. You grew up hearing about it, but I never figured I'd be going there. grow up: 成长 hear about: 听说 figure: 料想 前面就是“潘朵拉”星。以前就听说过这地方,但我从没想过会到这来。 -Agent A: Your brother represented a significant investment. We'd like to talk to you about taking over his contract. represent: 代表 significant: 重要的 investment: 投资 take over: 接替 contract: 你的兄弟,对我们来说是很优秀的资产。我们想要跟你谈谈,关于接替他的合约一事。 -Agent B: And since your genome is identical to his, you could step into his shoes, so to speak. genome: 基因组 identical: 相同的 step into one’s shoes: 接替某人的位置 step into: 涉足,进入 而且因为你的基因,跟他一模一样,所以,你可以接替他所要完成之事。这就是我们来找你的原因。 -Agent A: It'd be a fresh start, on a new world. fresh start: 新的开始 在新世界里,全新的开始。 -Agent B: And the pay is good. pay: 工资 而且有不错的待遇. -Agent A: Very good. 非常好的待遇。 -Crew Chief: Exo-Packs on! Let's go, Exo-Packs on! pack: 面罩 戴上面罩,快!出发,戴上面罩! Remember people, you lose that mask you're unconscious in 20 seconds. remember: 记住 mask: 面罩 unconscious: 失去知觉的 各位,记住,如果脱掉面罩的话,你将会在20秒内丧失意识, You're dead in 4 minutes. Let nobody be dead today. It looks very bad on my report. report: 报告 4分钟内死亡。今天可不要死人,否则在我的任务报告上可不好看。 -Pilot A: This is TAD 16 on approach. Crossing outer marker. Monument in sight approach: 接近 outer marker: (航空)外指点标 monument: 纪念碑 in sight: 看得见,在视线内 TAD 16即将降落。我们刚刚通过外围警戒线,已经看到纪念碑了。 -Jack: One life ends... Another begins. 一个生命结束…另一个生命开始。 -Crew Chief: Harnesses off. Get your packs. Put it together. Let's go. One minute, let's go. harness: 安全带 pack: 行李 put together: 把…放在一起 松开安全带,带上你们的装备。出发。一分钟,准备. When the ramp comes down, go directly into the base. Do not stop. Go straight inside. Wait for my mark! ramp: 斜坡 come down: 下来 directly: 径直地 go straight: 笔直走 inside: 内部 wait for: 等候 mark: 标志,标记【指令】 踏出机舱后,直接跑向中心,千万不要停。直接往前冲。等我的命令。 Go! Go! Go! Go! Get out of there! Keep moving. Let's go! get out of: 离开 快,跑,跑!到机舱外去!快点。跑!跑! -Jack: There's no such thing as an ex Marine. You may be out... but you never lose the attitude. ex: 以前的 marine: 海军陆战队士兵 attitude: 态度 其实是没有前陆战队士兵这名词的。你也许退役了…但态度可不能改变。 I told myself I could pass any test a man can pass. They can fix the spine, if you got the money. fix: 修理【治好】 spine: 脊柱 我告诉自己别人能通过的考验,我也能。其实只要有钱,我的脊椎还是有救的。 But not on vet benefits, not in this economy. vet: 退伍军人 benefit: 救济金 economy: 经济状况 但只靠我那点退役金,在这经济败世里想都别想。 -Crew Chief: Let's go, Special K. Do not make me wait for you! special: 特殊的,特别的。 快来,别让我等你! -Soldier A: Well, well, ladies. lady: 女士 嗯,噢,一群娘们。 -Soldier B: Look at all this fresh meat! fresh meat: 【新手,菜鸟】[a freshman—from Urban Dictionary] 看看这帮菜鸟! -Jack: Back on Earth, these guys were army dogs. Marines. Fighting for freedom. earth: 地球 guy: 家伙 army: 军队 fight for: 为…而战 freedom: 自由 在地球上,这些人可是士兵。海军陆战队员。为自由而奋战。 -Soldier C: Look out, hot rod. look out: 小心 hot rod: 改装的高速汽车【也是一部电影(《飞车手罗德》)的名字】 小心点,赛车手。 -Jack: But out here they're just hired guns, taking the money, working for the company. hire: 雇佣 gun: 枪炮 company: 公司 在这里,大家都只是佣兵,拿钱为公司办事。 -Soldier A: Check this out, man. Meals on wheels. check out: 查看 meals on wheels: 上门送餐服务【这里讽刺Jack是坐轮椅的新手】 老兄,看。还有人坐轮椅! -Soldier B: Aww, man, that is just wrong. wrong: 不合适的 哦,老兄,这也太扯啦。 -Quaritch: You are not in Kansas any more. You are on Pandora, ladies and gentlemen. Respect that fact every second of every day. lady: 女士 gentleman: 先生 respect: 重视 你们已经不是在堪萨斯州了。你们是在“潘朵拉”行星上,女士们,先生们。你们必须时时刻刻认清这个事实。 If there is a hell, you might wanna go there for some R and R after a tour on Pandora. hell: 地狱 wanna: <美俚>=want to,想要 R and R: (军事)=rest and recuperation,休整假期,休假 tour: 游历 如果真有地狱,在“潘朵拉”一游后,你可能会想去地狱休假。 Out there beyond that fence, every living thing that crawls, flies or squats in the mud wants to kill you beyond: 在…另一边 fence: 围墙 crawl: 爬行 squat: 蜷伏 mud: 泥,烂泥 在那堵墙的后面,任何爬行的,飞行的和烂泥里蛰伏的,都想杀死你, and eat your eyes for jujubees. We have an indigenous population of humanoids called the Na'vi. jujubee: 【糖】[a kind of candy—from Wikipedia] indigenous population: 土著居民indigenous: 土生土长的 population: 人口 humanoid: 似人的 拿你的眼睛来当糖吃。这里的外星人种,我们称为 Na'vi (纳美)。 They're fond of arrows dipped in a neurotoxin that will stop your heart in one minute. be fond of: 喜欢 arrow: 箭 dip: 浸 neurotoxin: 神经毒素 他们喜欢用神经毒素,中毒后1分钟,心脏就会停跳。 And they have bones reinforced with naturally occurring carbon fiber. They are very hard to kill. bone: 骨头 reinforce: 加固 naturally: 天生地 occur: 存在 carbon: (化学)碳 fiber: 纤维 他们的骨头天生就是碳纤维加固的。非常难以杀死。 As head of security, it is my job to keep you alive. I will not succeed. Not with all of you. security: 安全 keep alive: 使继续活着 succeed: 成功 身为你们的安全官,让你们活着是我的。我知道这是不可能的任务。我不可能保住你们每一个人。 If you wish to survive you need to cultivate a strong mental attitude. survive: 幸存 cultivate: 培养 mental: 精神的 attitude: 态度 想要幸存,必须要有坚忍的毅力。 You've got to obey the rules. Pandora rules. obey: 遵守, 必须服从规则。“潘朵拉”的规则。 Rule number one... 第一条规则… -Jack: It's nothing like an old school safety brief to put your mind at ease. old school: 守旧派 safety: 安全 brief: 简要声明 at ease: 安逸 这些陈词滥调还真让人放心。 -Norm: Jake, you're Jake, right? Tom's brother. You look just like him. Sorry, I'm Norm Spellman. I went through Avatar training with him. go through: 经历 training: 训练 Jake,你是Jake,对么?Tom的双胞胎兄弟。你们俩长的一模一样。对不起,我是Norman Spellman。我在“阿凡达(化身)”里和他一起训练。 The Bio Lab. We're gonna spend a lot of time here. How you doing, Norm, Avatar driver. Here's the link room right here. bio: (口语)=biology,生物学 lab: 实验室 gonna: <美俚>=going to,将要 link: 连接 这是生物实验室。我们会在这里待很久的。嗨,你好,我是Norm,阿凡达(化身)的控制人员。这里是连接控制室。 This is where we're connecting to the Avatar. connect to: 与…连接 我们会在这里连接阿凡达(化身)。 -Jack: Me and Norm are here to drive these remotely controlled bodies called Avatars. drive: 驾驭 remotely: 遥远的 control: 控制 body: 身体 我和Norm会在这里远程遥控“阿凡达”(化身)。 And they're grown from human DNA mixed with the DNA of the natives. grow: 产生 mix with: (使)与…结合 native: 当地人 他们使用人的DNA,混合当地种族的DNA培育出“阿凡达”。 -Max: Hey, welcome. Welcome to Pandora, good to have you. welcome: 欢迎 嗨,欢迎。欢迎到“潘朵拉”来,我们很高兴你能来。 -Jack: Damn, they got big. damn: 【(吃惊)天啊】 天啊,他们真是高大。 -Norm: Yeah. They fully mature on the flight out. So the proprioceptive sims work really well. mature: 成熟 flight: 飞行 proprioceptive: 本体感受的 sim: 模拟器 是的。在我外出期间又长大了不少。看样子本体感觉模拟器十分有效。 -Max: Yeah, they got great muscle tone. muscle: 肌肉 tone: 正常的弹性 没错,肌肉长的满匀称的。 It'll take us a few hours to get them prepared, but you can take them out tomorrow. prepare: 事先准备好 还得花上几个小时准备,但明天你们就能做连接了… There's yours. 那是你的。 -Norm: Doctor, Norm Spellman. Pleasure to meet you. doctor: 博士 pleasure: 乐事 博士,我是Norm。很高兴见到你。 -Jack: Looks like him. look like: 看起来与某人长相相似 长的还真像他。 -Norm: Looks like you. This is your Avatar now, Jake. 是很像你。Jake,这是你的阿凡达(化身)了。 -Jack: The concept is that every driver is matched to his own Avatar. concept: 观念 match: 相配 基本概念是每个控制人员都有专属的阿凡达(化身)。 So that their nervous system are in tune nervous system: 神经系统 nervous: 神经系统的 system: 系统 in tune: 协调 所以神经系统要能够互相匹配。 or something... Which is why they offered me the gig, because I can link with Tommy's Avatar, or something: 诸如此类的事物 offer: 提供 gig: <美俚>任务 link with: 与…连接 或是类似的概念…这就是为何他们要给我这份工作,原因在于我可以操纵Tommy 的阿凡达。 which is insanely expensive. Is this right? I just say whatever to the video log? insanely: 疯狂地【非常地】 expensive: 昂贵的 video log: 视频日志 video: 录像带 log: 日志 说什么费用太昂贵。这样做对么?所有的事都用这录影存档吗? -Norm: Yeah, we gotta get the habit of documenting everything. gotta: <美俚>=got to,have to,必须 habit: 习惯 document: 记录 是啊,你要习惯记录所有的事情。 What we see, what we feel, it's all part of the science. science: 科学研究 看见的,感受到的,这是科学研究的一部分。 -Max: And good science is good observation. observation: 观察 而且好的科学研究就在于仔细的观察。 -Norm: Plus it'll help keep you sane for the next 6 years. plus: 外加 sane: 神志正常的 还有,在今后6年里这样做可以避免你精神错乱。 -Jack: All right. Whatever. So uh... Here I am. Doing science. 好吧。不管怎么说,因此…现在我在这里。搞“科研”了。 -Max: They're coming out. come out: 出来 他们正要出舱了。 -Machine Voice: Attention, drivers coming out of the lane. attention: 注意 lane: 通道 注意,控制人员出舱中… -Grace: Oh God... 天啊… -Woman A: Where's the lab coat? Where's her lab coat? lab coat: 实验工作服 她的工作服呢?她的工作服呢? -Grace: Who's got my goddamn cigarette? Guys, what's wrong with this picture? Thank you! goddamn: 该死的 cigarette: 香烟 guy: 家伙 我的香烟呢?各位,图像有什么问题么?谢谢! -Norm: Grace Augustine is a legend. She's the head of the Avatar program. She wrote the book. legend: 传奇人物 program: 计划 Grace Augustine 是一位传奇人物。她是阿凡达(化身)计划的带头人。她写了一本书… I mean literally wrote the book on Pandoran botany. literally: 逐字地 botany: 植物学 就是那本“潘朵拉的植物学”。 -Max: That's because she likes plants better than people. Here she is, Cinderella back from the ball. plant: 植物 ball: 舞会 那是因为她对植物的兴趣要比对人多。她在这,灰姑娘参加舞会回来了。 Grace, I'd like you to meet Norm Spellman and Jake Sully. Grace,给你介绍Norm和Jake Sully… -Grace: Norm, I hear good things about you. How's your Na'vi? Norm,听说你很不错。你的Na'vi (纳美)语练的如何了? -Norm: (in Na’vi)May the Great Mother rejoice our meeting. rejoice: (使)高兴,欣喜 希望圣母祝福我们的见面。 -Grace: (in Na’vi)Not bad. You still sound a bit too formal though. formal: 正式的 还不错。虽然还是太正式了点。 -Norm: (in Na’vi)I've studied for 5 years, but I still have much to learn. 我练了5年了,但还有很多要学习的。 -Max: Grace, this is Jake Sully. Grace,这是 Jake Sully。 -Jack: Madam. madam: 夫人,女士 女士。 -Grace: Yeah, yeah, I know who you are and I don't need you. I need your brother. 对,对。我知道你是谁,但我不需要你。我需要的是你哥哥。 You know, the PHD who trained for three years for this mission... PHD: (Philosophiae Doctor的缩写)哲学博士生 train: 接受 mission: 任务 也就是那个博士生,为了这次任务受训了三年的… -Jack: He's dead. I know it's a big inconvenience for everyone. inconvenience: 麻烦事 他已经死了。我知道这事给大伙惹来不少麻烦。 -Grace: How much lab training have you had? lab: 实验室 training: 训练 你做过多少次实验? -Jack: I dissected a frog once. dissect: 解剖 frog: 青蛙 我曾经解剖过青蛙。 -Grace: You see? They're just pissing on us with out even a courtesy of calling it rain. I'm going to Selfridge. piss on: <美俚>故意怠慢 courtesy: 客气 rain: <美俚>抱怨 听到了吧?这帮人现在想要整我们都不饰掩了。我要去找Selfridge。 -Max: No, Grace! 不要,Grace! -Grace: No man, this is such bullshit! I'm gonna kick his corporate butt. bullshit: 胡说 gonna: <美俚>=going to,将要 kick: 踢 corporate: 法人的 butt: (俚语)屁股 这帮人在捣乱!我要好好教训他们一下。 He has no business sticking his nose in my department. 在我的部门里没他插手的余地。 -Max: Here tomorrow, 08:00. Try and use big words. big words: 大话,夸张之词 明天早上8点,在这集合。请学习使用“大人”的语言 . -Woman B: Scorpion 2 Hotel, Hell's Gate Tower. You are cleared for South departure... scorpion: 天蝎座 hotel: (军事)“饭店”核潜艇 clear: 畅通无阻的 departure: 离开 天蝎座2号,这是塔台。你可以在南侧起飞了… -Selfridge: Did you see that? 看到没有? -Man A: Yes sir. 是的,长官。 -Selfridge: No, you didn't, you were looking at the monitor. I love this putter, Ronnie. monitor: 监测器 putter: (高尔夫球)轻击棒 你才没看,你都只看着监测器。我真喜欢推球入洞,Ronnie。 -Grace: Parker... I used to think it was benign neglect, but now I see that you're intentionally screwing me. used to: 过去常常 benign: 不严重的 neglect: 忽略 intentionally: 故意地 screw: <美俚>迫害 Parker…我本以为你是故意忽视我,我现在明白了,你根本是故意针对我。 -Selfridge: Grace, I enjoy our little talks... talk: 谈话 Grace,我很喜欢跟你聊天… -Grace: Oops. I need a researcher, not some jarhead drop out. researcher: 研究员 jarhead: <美俚>锅盖头(指美国海军陆战队战士) drop out: 退出 哦。我需要一位科学家,而不是一个退役的白痴海军陆战队士兵。 -Selfridge: Well, actually, I thought we got lucky with him. actually: 实际上 lucky: 幸运的 实际上,我认为我们能找到他很幸运。 -Grace: Lucky? 幸运? -Selfridge: Yeah. 是啊。 -Grace: How is this in any way 'lucky'? in any way: 从任何角度 哪里“幸运”了? -Selfridge: Lucky your guy had a twin brother. And lucky that brother wasn't some oral hygienist or something. guy: 家伙 twin brother: 双胞胎 oral: 口腔的 hygienist: 卫生学者 or something: 诸如此类的事物 还好他们是双胞胎兄弟。还好他不是个牙科保健员之类的。 A Marine we could use. I'm assigning him to your team as security escort. marine: 海军陆战队士兵 assign: 指派 security: 安全 escort: 护卫 一名海军陆战队士兵,我已经派他当你们这组的安全护卫了。 -Grace: The last thing I need is another trigger happy moron out there. trigger: (枪)扳机 moron: (口语)傻子 我现在最不需要的就是个喜欢扣扳机的白痴在我部门里。 -Selfridge: Look, you're supposed to be winning the hearts and the minds of the natives, be supposed to: 应该 native: 当地人 你本来的任务就是要赢得“潘朵拉”土著们的心。 isn't that the whole point of your little puppet show? point: 要点 puppet show: 布偶剧 这不就是你木偶剧的要点么? You look like them, you talk like them and they'll start trusting us. trust: 相信 你看起来像他们,说话也像他们,土著们就会开始相信我们。 We build them a school, we teach them English... build: 建造 你建造了一所学校,教他们英语… But after how many years relations with the indigenous are only getting worse. relation: 关系 indigenous: 土生土长的 结果,这么多年过去了,俩边关系却越搞越糟。 -Grace: That tends to happen when you use machine guns on them. tend to: 导致 happen: 发生 machine gun: 机关枪 那还不是因为你对他们用机枪。 -Selfridge: Right, come here. This is why we're here, Unobtanium. Because this little gray rock sells for 20 million a kilo. gray: 灰色的 million: 百万 kilo: 千克 对,你过来。我们为什么要来这里,是因为Unobtanium。这颗灰色小石头每公克值2千万美金。 That's the only reason. It's what pays for the whole party. It's what pays for your science. comprendo? reason: 原因 party: 团体 science: 科学研究 comprendo: (西班牙语)=okay,明白了 那就是唯一的原因。是它支付了所有的研究费用。我们就是靠这个支撑着你的科学研究。明白了么? Now, those savages are threatening our whole operation. We're on the brink of war savage: 野蛮人 threaten: 威胁 operation: 行动 on the brink of: 濒于 brink: (危险的)边沿 现在,那群野蛮人正在威胁我们的采矿计划。我们在战争边缘 and you're supposed to be finding a diplomatic solution. So use what you've got and get me some results. be supposed to: 应该 diplomatic: 外交上的 solution: 解决 result: 结果 本来你应该找到外交解决途径。所以我希望你能用你的带给我一些好消息。 -Grace: How much link time have you logged? link: 连接 log: (计算机)运行记录 你已经登入过多少时数了? -Norm: About 520 hours. 大约520个小时。 -Grace: That's good. You're in there. You're here. How much have you logged? 太好了。你到那里。你在这里。你登入过多长时间? -Jack: Zip. But I red the manual. zip: (俚语)零 manual: 手册 零。但我读过说明书。 -Grace: Tell me you're joking. joke: 开玩笑 你在开玩笑吧。 -Jack: This is cool. cool: (俚语)极好的 这很棒。 -Norm: Let's go. 我们开始吧。 -Jack: Don't. I got this. 不。我自己来。 -Grace: So you just figured you'd come out here to the most hostile environment known to man... figure: 认为 hostile: 敌对的 environment: 环境 你以为就这样到人类有史以来最严苛的环境里… with no training of any kind and see how it went? What was going through your head? training: 训练 go through: 穿过 不经过任何训练就是来体验一下?你到底在想什么啊? Maybe I was sick of doctors telling me what I couldn't do. be sick of: 厌倦 大概我早已厌倦了医生一直告诉我不能做的事情。 -Tech A: Biometrics are good. biometric: 生物计量的 连接基体良好。 -Max: 1 3 is ready. 13号没问题。 -Grace: Keep your arms in, hands in. Head down. Down. Just relax and let your mind go blank. relax: 放松 blank: 空白的 把手放进去,放下。躺下。躺下。放松身体,什么都不要想。 That shouldn't be hard for you. 这对你来说应该不难。 -Jack: Kiss the darkest part of my lily white... dark: 黑暗的 lily white: (口语)纯白种人 我思考人性的黑暗面… -Grace: Initiate link. initiate: 开始 连结启动。 -Max: Run sequence, Unit 3. sequence: 顺序 启动顺序,3号装置。 -Tech A: Launching. I have the first congruency. launch: 启动 congruency: 一致 启动中。双方第一个同步。 -Max: That's a gorgeous brain. Nice activity. gorgeous: 极好的 brain: 大脑 activity: 活力 真是活跃的大脑。很有活力。 -Grace: Go figure. figure: 料想 想不到吧。 -Tech A: Phase lock 40%. phase lock: (电子学)锁相,相位同步 流动率40%。 -Grace: I'm going in. I'm going in in 4. 我也要去连接了。我会进入4号。 -Tech A: Phase lock 99%. Link is stable. stable: 稳定的 达到99%流动率。连结稳定。 -Med Tech B: Jake, can you hear me? Can you hear me, Jake? Jake,你能听见么?你能听见么?Jake? -Med Tech C: Pupillary reflex is good. papillary reflect: 瞳孔反射 瞳孔反射很好。 -Med Tech B: Hearing response normal. How are you feeling, Jake? hearing: 听力 response: 反应 听力正常。Jack,你感觉怎么样? -Jack: Hey, guys. 嗨,你们好。 -Med Tech C: Welcome to your new body, Jake. welcome: 欢迎 欢迎进入你的新身体,Jake。 -Med Tech B: Good. 很好。 -Med Tech C: We're gonna take this nice and easy, Jake. gonna: <美俚>=going to,将要 easy: 从容地 我们慢慢来启动,Jake。 -Med Tech D: And touch your thumb to your fingers. Thumb to your fingers. thumb: 拇指 finger: 手指 用拇指依次接触你的其他手指指尖。拇指和其他手指指尖。 -Norm: No problem. problem: 问题 没问题。 -Med Tech D: Good. I can see you remember that one. remember: 记得 做得不错。看来你还记得怎么做。 -Norm: Got it. get it: 了解 没问题。 -Med Tech B: Well, if you want to sit up, that's fine. 你想要坐起来也可以。 -Med Tech C: Let's take it nice and slow, Jake. No tranquil attacks here, that's good. tranquil: 稳定的 attack: (疾病)发作 慢慢来,Jake。没有异常,不错。 -Med Tech B: Do you feel lightheaded or dizzy? Wiggling your toes. lightheaded: 头昏眼花的 dizzy: 眩晕的 wiggling: 摆动 toe: 脚趾,足尖部 有没有感到眩晕?移动你的脚趾。 -Med Tech C: Good, Jake. System motor control is good. system: 系统 motor: (解剖学)运动神经 control: 控制 Jake,太好了。系统运动控制功能正常。 -Med Tech B: Are you feeling any numbness or pain? numbness: 麻木 pain: 疼痛 有没有感到麻木或是疼痛? -Med Tech C: Take it easy, don't get ahead of yourself, okay? take it easy: 不紧张 get ahead of: 超过 放松点,别着急,好么? There are few more sensory and motor reflex tests we need to run, so take it easy. sensory: 感觉的 motor reflex: 运动反射 reflex: 发射作用 test: 试验 还有些感觉和运动反射试验要做,放松点。 -Med Tech B: Wait. Sit down. 等等。坐下。 -Med Tech C: Jake, listen to me. Jake, I need you to sit down. Jake,听好。Jake,你必须坐下。 -Jack: It's okay, I got this. 没关系,我能行。 -Med Tech B: Jake, you need to sit down. Jack,你必须坐下。 -Max: Guys, get him back on the gurney now. get back: 使…回来 gurney: (医院)轮床 伙计们,把他弄回床上。 -Med Tech C: You need to sit down. You need time to adjust to Ata… adjust to: 调整以适应 adjust: 适应 你必须坐下。慢慢适应阿凡… -Jack: Yeah! 太棒了! -Med Tech B: Sedate him! 1,000 mg of Seconal. sedate: 使入睡,使镇静 Seconal: 速克眠,西可巴比妥 麻醉他!1000 毫克速可眠。 -Norm: Stop!... Stop! Woah... Woah. 别动!…别动!哦…哦。 -Max: Jake! Jake, listen to me. You're not used to your Avatar body, this is dangerous. be used to: 习惯 dangerous: 危险的 Jake!Jake,听我说。你还不熟悉阿凡达(化身)的身体,这样做很危险。 -Jack: This is great. 这太棒了。 -Max: Jack! Jack! -Norm: Come on, they're gonna put you out. gonna: <美俚>=going to,将要 别这样,他们要麻醉你了。 -Max: Jack, listen to me. Jack,听我说。 -Med Tech D: Sit down! 坐下! -Norm: No, no, I got to get out of these leads. got to: 不得不 get out of: 从…拔掉 不,不。我先拿掉这些连接线。 -Med Tech C: Goddammit! Bring them! goddammit: (口语)该死 该死!把他追回来! -Avatar A: Come on, you ain't got no skills. I don't even have to play defense. ain’t: (口语)=are not skill: 技巧 defense: (球类运动)进行防守 来吧,你根本不得要领。我都不用防守。 -Jack: Hey guys. 你们好。 -Norm: It's Okay, I'll get him. 没事,我去追他。 -Med Tech B: Jake, you have to come inside. inside: 内部 Jake,你必须回去。 -Norm: Jack, Jack! Excuse me. excuse: 原谅 excuse me: 对不起 Jack,Jack!抱歉。 -Jack: Sorry. 抱歉。 -Soldier D: Watch it! watch it: (口语)小心 小心! -Jack: S
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