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优先队列nullChapter 6Chapter 6Priority Queues6.1 Introduction6.1 IntroductionA priority queue is a collection of zero or more elements. Each element has a priority or value. Operations: 1)find an element 2)insert a new element 3)delete an element6.1 Introduction6.1...
nullChapter 6Chapter 6Priority Queues6.1 Introduction6.1 IntroductionA priority queue is a collection of zero or more elements. Each element has a priority or value. Operations: 1)find an element 2)insert a new element 3)delete an element6.1 Introduction6.1 IntroductionIn a min priority queue the find operation finds the element with minimum priority, while the delete operation delete this element. In a max priority queue, the find operation finds the element with maximum priority, while the delete operation delete this element.6.1 Introduction6.1 Introduction ADT of a max priority queue AbstractDataType MaxPriorityQueue { instances finite collection of elements,each has a priority operations Create(): create an empty priority queue Size(): return number of element in the queue Max(): return element with maximum priority Insert(x): insert x into queue DeleteMax(x):delete the element with largest priority from the queue; return it in x; }6.2 Linear List Representation6.2 Linear List Representation Use an unordered linear list Insertions are performed at the right end of the list, θ(1) A deletion requires a search for the element with largest priority, θ(n) 6.3 Heaps6.3 Heaps1.definition: A max heap(min Heap) is A complete binary tree The value in each node is greater(less) than or equal to those in its children(if any).6.3 Heaps6.3 Heaps Example of a max heap k={87,78,53,45,65,09,31,17,23} 6.3 Heaps6.3 Heaps Example of a min heap k={09,17,65,23,45,78,87,53,31}6.3 Heaps6.3 Heaps2. class MaxHeap Data member of heap: T * heap, int MaxSize, CurrentSize templateclass MaxHeap { public: MaxHeap(int MaxHeapSize=10); ~MaxHeap(){delete[]heap;} int size()const{return CurrentSize;} T Max(){ if (CurrentSize= =0)throw OutOfBounds(); return heap[1];} MaxHeap&insert(const T&x); MaxHeap& DeleteMax(T& x); void initialize(T a[], int size, int ArraySize); private: int CurrentSize, MaxSize; T * heap; } 6.3 Heaps6.3 Heaps3.member function of MaxHeap 1)Constructor for MaxHeap template MaxHeap::MaxHeap(int MaxHeapSize) { MaxSize=MaxHeapSize; Heap=new T[MaxSize+1]; CurrentSize=0; }6.3 Heaps6.3 Heaps2)Insertion Example:6.3 Heaps6.3 Heaps Insertion templateMaxHeap& MaxHeap:: Insert(const T& x) { if(CurrentSize= =MaxSize)throw NoMem(); int i=++CurrentSize; while(i!=1&&x>heap[i/2]) { heap[i]=heap[i/2]; i/=2; } heap[i]=x; return *this; } time complexity is O(log2n)6.3 Heaps6.3 Heaps3)deletion6.3 Heaps6.3 Heapsdeletion from a max heap templateMaxHeap& MaxHeap:: DeleteMax(T& x) { if (CurrentSize= =0)throw OutOfBounds(); x=heap[1]; T y=heap[CurrentSize--]; int i=1; ci=2; while(ci<=CurrentSize) { if(ci=heap[ci]) break; heap[i]=heap[ci]; i=ci; ci*=2; } heap[i]=y; return *this; } Time complexity is O(log2n)6.3 Heaps6.3 Heaps java program(MinHeap) public class BinaryHeap { public BinaryHeap( ) public BinaryHeap( int capacity ) public void insert( Comparable x ) throws Overflow public Comparable findMin( ) public Comparable deleteMin( ) public boolean isEmpty( ) public boolean isFull( ) public void makeEmpty( ) private static final int DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 100; private int currentSize; private Comparable [ ] array; private void percolateDown( int hole ) private void buildHeap( ) }6.3 Heaps6.3 Heaps public BinaryHeap( ) { this( DEFAULT_CAPACITY ); } public BinaryHeap( int capacity ) { currentSize = 0; array = new Comparable[ capacity + 1 ]; } public void makeEmpty( ) { currentSize = 0; }6.3 Heaps6.3 Heaps public void insert( Comparable x ) throws Overflow { if( isFull( ) ) throw new Overflow( ); int hole = ++currentSize; for( ; hole > 1 && x.comparebleTo( array[ hole / 2 ] ) < 0; hole /= 2 ) array[ hole ] = array[ hole / 2 ]; array[ hole ] = x; }6.3 Heaps6.3 Heaps public Comparable deleteMin( ) { if( isEmpty( ) ) return null; Comparable minItem = findMin( ); array[ 1 ] = array[ currentSize-- ]; percolateDown( 1 ); return minItem; }6.3 Heaps6.3 Heaps private void percolateDown( int hole ) { int child; Comparable tmp = array[ hole ]; for( ; hole *2 <= currentSize; hole = child ) { child = hole * 2; if ( child != currentSize && array[ child + 1 ].compareTo( array[ child ] ) < 0 ) child++; if( array[child ].compareTo( tmp ) < 0 ) array[ hole ] = array[ child ]; else break; } array[ hole ] = tmp; }6.3 Heaps6.3 Heaps 4)Initialize a nonempty max heap Example: {20,12,35,15,10,80,30,17,2,1} 书中称为由底向上:6.3 Heaps6.3 Heaps initialize ( C++ program) Template void MaxHeap:: Initialize (T a[],int size,int ArraySize) { delete[] heap; heap=a; CurrentSize=Size; MaxSize=ArraySize; for( int i=CurrentSize/2; i>=1; i--) { T y=heap[i]; int c=2*i; while(c<=CurrentSize) { if(c=heap[c]) break; heap[c/2] = heap[c]; c*=2; } heap[c/2]=y; } }6.3 Heaps6.3 Heaps java initialize private void buildHeap( ) { for( int i = currentSize / 2; i > 0 ; i-- ) percolateDown( i ); }6.3 Heaps6.3 Heaps Complexity of Initialize: Create Heap time complexity: null =2k   j 2-j2k 22 log n 2=2n=O(n) 6.3 Heaps6.3 Heaps 4)Initialize a nonempty max heap Example: {20,12,35,15,10,80,30,17,2,1} 还可以这样做: 依次插入一个元素到堆中.书中称为由顶向下(也可见本书中例子). 20 20 12 Complexity of Initialize: ∑ ∟lgk ˩ <= ∑ lgk = lg1 + …… + lgn = lg( 1·2…. n ) = lg( n! ) = O(nlgn ) ( 提示: 因 n! = n*(n-1) * (n-2) * ….. *2 * 1 显然 该n 项都小于n, 所以lg( n! ) <= lg( n*n*n*….*n ) ) 6.4.Applications of Priority Queues 6.4.Applications of Priority Queues 1.heap sort Method: 1)initialize a max heap with the n elements to be sorted O(n) 2)each time we delete one element, then adjust the heap O(log2n) Time complexity is O(n)+O(n*log2n)=O(n*log2n)6.4.Applications of Priority Queues6.4.Applications of Priority Queuesheap sort Example :{21,25,49,25*,16,08} null调整最大堆null从以上例子可以看出堆排序是不稳定的nullheap sort 算法: c++Templatevoid HeapSort(datalist&list) {for(int i=(list.currentsize-1)/2;i>=0;i--) FilterDown(i,list.currentsize-1); for(i=list.currentsize-1;i>=1;i--) {Swap(list.Vector[0],list.vector[i]); FilterDown(0,i-1); } } heap sortheap sortjava program public static void heapsort( Comparable [ ] a ) { for( int i = a.length / 2; i >= 0; i-- ) percDown( a, i, a.length ); for( int i = a.length – 1; i > 0; i-- ) { swapReferences( a, 0, i ); percDown( a, 0, i); } } heap sortheap sort private static void percDown( Comparable [ ] a, int i, int n ) { int child; Comparable tmp; for( tmp = a[ i ]; leftChild( i ) < n; i = child ) { child = leftChild( i ); if( child != n – 1 && a[child ].compareTo( a[ child + 1 ]) < 0 ) child++; if( tmp.compareTo( a[ child ] ) < 0 ) a[ i ] = a[ child ]; else break; } a[ i ] = tmp; } private static int leftChild( int i ) { return 2 * i + 1; } 6.4.Applications of Priority Queues6.4.Applications of Priority Queues2. The Selection Problem 3. Event Simulation 6.4.Applications of Priority Queues6.4.Applications of Priority Queues 2. The Selection Problem 在N个元素中找出第K个最大元素。 第一章给出了两个算法: 1A算法:读入N个元素, 并将其排序,返回适当的元素。 运行时间:O( N2 ) 1B算法: 1) 将K个元素读入数组, 并对其排序(按递减次序)。 最小者在第K个位置上。 2) 一个一个地处理其余元素: 每读入一个元素与数组中第K个元素(在K个元素中为最小)比较, 如果 > , 则删除第K个元素,再将该元素放在合适的位置上。 如果 < , 则舍弃。 最后在数组K位置上的就是第K个最大元素。 例如:3, 5, 8, 9, 1, 10 找第3个最大元素。 6.4.Applications of Priority Queues6.4.Applications of Priority Queues 运行时间(1B 算法): O( K2 + ( N - K)*K ) = O( N*K ) 当 K =  N / 2  , O( N2 ) 试验: 在 N = 100 万个元素中, 找第 500,000 个最大元素。 以上两个算法在合理时间内均不能结束, 都要处理若干天才算完. 用堆来实现: 6A算法:假设求第K个最小元素 1)将N个元素建堆(最小) O( N ) 2) 执行K次delete O( K*logN ) 如果 K = N / 2 , ( N * log N ) 如果 K = N , O( N * log N ) 堆排序 6.4.Applications of Priority Queues6.4.Applications of Priority Queues 6B算法:假设求第K个最大元素 1)读入前K个元素, 建立最小堆 O( K ) 2) 其余元素一一读入: 每读入一个元素与堆中第K个最大元素比(实际上是堆中最 小元素) O( 1 ) 大于,则将小元素去掉(堆顶),该元素进入,进行一次调整。 O(log K ) 小于,则舍弃。 O( K + ( N-K) * log K ) = O( N*log K) 当 K = N / 2 , ( N * log N ) 对6A, 6B,用同样的数据进行测试, 只需1秒钟左右给出问解。 3. Event Simulation Chapter 6 Chapter 62009年统考题: 8. 已知关键字序列 5,8,12,19,28,20,15,22 是最小根堆(最小堆), 插入关键字3,调整后得到的小根堆是 A. 3, 5, 12, 8, 28, 20, 15, 22, 19 B. 3, 5, 12, 19, 20, 15, 22, 8, 28 C. 3, 8, 12, 5, 20, 15, 22, 28, 19 D. 3, 12, 5, 8, 28, 20, 15, 22, 19 exercises: 1. a. Show the result of inserting 10, 12, 1, 14, 6, 5, 8, 15, 3, 9, 7, 4, 11, 13, and 2,one at a time, into an initially empty binary heap. b. Show the result of using the linear-time algorithm to build a binary heap using the same input. 2. Show the result of performing three deleteMin operations in the heap of the previous exercise. Chapter 6 Chapter 63.判别以下序列是否是堆?如果不是,将它调整为堆。 1) { 100, 86, 48, 73, 35, 39, 42, 57, 66, 21 } 2) { 12, 70, 33, 65, 24, 56, 48, 92, 86, 33 } 3) { 103, 97, 56, 38, 66, 23, 42, 12, 30, 52, 06, 20 } 4) { 05, 56, 20, 23, 40, 38, 29, 61, 35, 76, 28, 100 } 4.设待排序的关键码序列为{ 12, 2, 16, 30, 28, 10, 16*, 20, 6, 18 }, 使用堆排序方法进行排序。写出建立的初始堆,以及调整的每一步。
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