

2017-03-24 2页 doc 6KB 23阅读




论《看不见的人》的文化身份认同论《看不见的人》的文化身份认同 毕业 On Cultural Identity Pursuit in Invisible Man Abstract With the rapid development of the globalization,more and more people lost their identities. Scholars at home and abroad express their views about how people in literature get their true ident...
论《看不见的人》的文化身份认同 毕业 On Cultural Identity Pursuit in Invisible Man Abstract With the rapid development of the globalization,more and more people lost their identities. Scholars at home and abroad express their views about how people in literature get their true identities. Based on the relationship between culture and true identity, this thesis explores the process of the protagonist’s cultural identity pursuit in the famous Afro-American writer Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man. The protagonist’s journey of pursuit can be divided into three phases: bewilderment, awakening and epiphany periods. The protagonist’s bewilderment and his exclusion of his black culture lead to his bewilderment of his true identity. After realizing the charm of the black culture, the protagonist starts to seek for the true identity soon. At last he accepts his black culture and gradually accepts his true identity by embracing the traditional culture. The protagonist’s pursuit proves that only with the correct attitude towards their culture and rooting in the culture and tradition, can the minorities get confidence, freedom, courage and love and then get their true identities in the main stream society or in the multicultural environment. Key Words: Invisible Man; cultural identity; bewilderment; awakening; acceptance 摘  要 在全球化的影响下,越来越多的人在多元文化环境中失去了自己的真实身份。本文试图从文化与身份的关系入手,探讨美国著名黑人作家拉尔夫•艾里森的小说《看不见的人》中无名主人公文化身份认同的困惑、醒悟和顿悟3个阶段。最初无名主人公对黑人文化传统的困惑和排斥导致了他对自己的身份的困惑。当他逐渐意识到黑人文化的魅力后,他开始走向文化身份认同之路。最后他接受并融入到黑人文化中并获得他是1个看不见的黑人的真实身份。无名主人公的文化身份认同过程明:只有接受并融入到自己的民族文化中,弱势文化群体才能在强势文化主导的社会或多元文化环境中获取民族自信、自由、勇气和爱从而获得自己的真实身份。 关键词:《看不见的人》、文化身份、迷茫、醒悟、接受 .............. 收费毕业【包括:毕业、、任务书、中期检查表】
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