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新郑港区城中村改造报告新郑港区城中村改造报告 中国郑州(新郑)航空港区城中村改造项目报告 中国郑州(新郑)航空港区城中村改造项目报告 北京贯辰企业 2011-9-21 protection measures or programmes. To prevent surface water from entering Excavation and trench to avoid slope collapse or destruction of soil. Section III, soft landscape construction schem...
新郑港区城中村改造 中国郑州(新郑)航空港区城中村改造项目报告 中国郑州(新郑)航空港区城中村改造项目报告 北京贯辰企业 2011-9-21 protection measures or programmes. To prevent surface water from entering Excavation and trench to avoid slope collapse or destruction of soil. Section III, soft landscape construction schemes and technical measures soft landscape projects, delivery standards construction and acceptance should meet the current code for construction and acceptance of City Green (CJJ/T82-99), and urban landscaping and landscape plant materials (wood of Materia Medica) (CJ/T34-91), the relevant provisions. 1, site preparation and construction technical measures and leveling site preparation: planting soil 50cm all debris should be cleared, litter and not conducive to plant growth in the soil, timely removal of weeds in clean soil, large stones and so on. 20cm 30cm which cannot be more than diameter of surface soil stone; design requires terrain of the site, should be dealt with in strict accordance with the design requirements into the terrain. Site levelling: 30cm soil should be according to the requirements of soil, fertilization, added nutrition, leveling height differences less than 5cm per square metre, and should comply with the design requirements of the slope, keep the soil loose, ventilation and good permeability. Soil: the soil should be well drained soil is neutral and organic-rich soil, should not contain gravel or other toxic or inhibit growth of debris. Poor soils including strong acids, strong alkali soils and heavy clay, sandy and saline soils. Before planting the soil conditions should be checked, and in some key growing areas to ensure that environments must be to improve the soil. For planting soil and backfill, efficiency of fertilizer should be added, joining at least 5cm of humus in the soil. Containing construction waste and other harmful substances, Ph standard, saline soils and heavy clay, soil or soil improvement technology measures should be used. Planting soil: cultivation prior to planting in the region of 一、北京贯辰企业介绍及关于中国郑州,新郑,航空港区城中村改造项目的意愿 北京贯辰企业最早创立于1995年。经过十余年的发展~贯辰已成为一家跨媒体、跨领域的大型综合性品牌企业~包括北京贯辰传媒有限公司和北京贯辰万基投资有限公司~涵盖演出院线、文化营销、影视制作等文化产业主体业务~并积极整合、拓展通用航空等科技产业项目和旅游、地产项目~形成了以“贯辰”品牌为核心~多位一体、相辅相成的多元产业化格局。贯辰总部位于北京CBD核心区的世贸天阶~业务遍及全国~创始人为现任董事长刘冰先生。 面临郑州,新郑,航空港区发展前所未有的新机遇~贯辰真诚地希望在港区政府及社会各界的指导和支持下~结合强有力的资金和技术全力打造郑州,新郑,航空港区城中村改造项目~为郑州,新郑,航空港区的繁荣与发展作出应有的贡献。 二、中国郑州,新郑,航空港区城中村改造项目形象勾勒 1、以高尚人居为主题~以高端、闲逸、人文为基调~打造集居住、商务、休闲、娱乐、文化等功能于一体~具有国际水准的综合性人居社区。 2、拥有全球性前瞻规划~奢华与完善配套~营造一个使人心灵回归的综合性地产项目~现代化的设计、悉心周到的居住设施和令人彻底放松的氛围~通体舒泰的全方位感官享受~空气中弥漫的淡淡馨香~缓缓流淌的优雅乐曲~活力运动后的畅快感觉——无protection measures or programmes. To prevent surface water from entering Excavation and trench to avoid slope collapse or destruction of soil. Section III, soft landscape construction schemes and technical measures soft landscape projects, delivery standards construction and acceptance should meet the current code for construction and acceptance of City Green (CJJ/T82-99), and urban landscaping and landscape plant materials (wood of Materia Medica) (CJ/T34-91), the relevant provisions. 1, site preparation and construction technical measures and leveling site preparation: planting soil 50cm all debris should be cleared, litter and not conducive to plant growth in the soil, timely removal of weeds in clean soil, large stones and so on. 20cm 30cm which cannot be more than diameter of surface soil stone; design requires terrain of the site, should be dealt with in strict accordance with the design requirements into the terrain. Site levelling: 30cm soil should be according to the requirements of soil, fertilization, added nutrition, leveling height differences less than 5cm per square metre, and should comply with the design requirements of the slope, keep the soil loose, ventilation and good permeability. Soil: the soil should be well drained soil is neutral and organic-rich soil, should not contain gravel or other toxic or inhibit growth of debris. Poor soils including strong acids, strong alkali soils and heavy clay, sandy and saline soils. Before planting the soil conditions should be checked, and in some key growing areas to ensure that environments must be to improve the soil. For planting soil and backfill, efficiency of fertilizer should be added, joining at least 5cm of humus in the soil. Containing construction waste and other harmful substances, Ph standard, saline soils and heavy clay, soil or soil improvement technology measures should be used. Planting soil: cultivation prior to planting in the region of 一不为您带来无以伦比的舒适体验。 3、以“建筑与自然”交融的设计理念~汲取了国际领先居住体验精髓~并将中国传统文化渗透于建筑之中~超大面积绿化覆盖~优越的景观环境~现代主义国际级人居群落~形成了郑州地区风格最为独特的居住群落。 四、中国郑州,新郑,航空港区城中村改造项目实现政府、百姓、开发商三方共赢 , 对于政府而言:符合新郑港区发展~促进地区经济发展~改善地区城市形象~有利民生~提升当地居住品质。 , 对于老百姓而言:增加就业机会~改善生活环境~提升生活质量。 , 对于开发投资商而言:赢得利润回报~建立荣誉使命感。 对于以上三方面要求~我项目均以具备。 五、中国郑州,新郑,航空港区城中村改造项目的投资估算 protection measures or programmes. To prevent surface water from entering Excavation and trench to avoid slope collapse or destruction of soil. Section III, soft landscape construction schemes and technical measures soft landscape projects, delivery standards construction and acceptance should meet the current code for construction and acceptance of City Green (CJJ/T82-99), and urban landscaping and landscape plant materials (wood of Materia Medica) (CJ/T34-91), the relevant provisions. 1, site preparation and construction technical measures and leveling site preparation: planting soil 50cm all debris should be cleared, litter and not conducive to plant growth in the soil, timely removal of weeds in clean soil, large stones and so on. 20cm 30cm which cannot be more than diameter of surface soil stone; design requires terrain of the site, should be dealt with in strict accordance with the design requirements into the terrain. Site levelling: 30cm soil should be according to the requirements of soil, fertilization, added nutrition, leveling height differences less than 5cm per square metre, and should comply with the design requirements of the slope, keep the soil loose, ventilation and good permeability. Soil: the soil should be well drained soil is neutral and organic-rich soil, should not contain gravel or other toxic or inhibit growth of debris. Poor soils including strong acids, strong alkali soils and heavy clay, sandy and saline soils. Before planting the soil conditions should be checked, and in some key growing areas to ensure that environments must be to improve the soil. For planting soil and backfill, efficiency of fertilizer should be added, joining at least 5cm of humus in the soil. Containing construction waste and other harmful substances, Ph standard, saline soils and heavy clay, soil or soil improvement technology measures should be used. Planting soil: cultivation prior to planting in the region of 本项目土地位于新郑空港区域~预计一期土地总面积1000亩左右~按照拆迁安置比例~其中400亩用于安置房建设~实际用于开发的面积为600亩。 预计该项目总投资约35亿人民币~其中建设施工投资部分超过20个亿~可为港区实现直接利税5亿以上~项目建成后可满足5万人居住需求~可提供5000个就业岗位。 以下为建设施工投资估算: 第一部分:安置房建设投资: 1、前期费用:8740万元 2、建安费:73370万元 3、配套费:4400万 4、管 理 费:1200万元 5、不可预见费用:1500万元 安置房建设各项成本合计为:89210万元 第二部分:商品房开发投资 1、前期费用:7000万元 2、建安费:52800万元 protection measures or programmes. To prevent surface water from entering Excavation and trench to avoid slope collapse or destruction of soil. Section III, soft landscape construction schemes and technical measures soft landscape projects, delivery standards construction and acceptance should meet the current code for construction and acceptance of City Green (CJJ/T82-99), and urban landscaping and landscape plant materials (wood of Materia Medica) (CJ/T34-91), the relevant provisions. 1, site preparation and construction technical measures and leveling site preparation: planting soil 50cm all debris should be cleared, litter and not conducive to plant growth in the soil, timely removal of weeds in clean soil, large stones and so on. 20cm 30cm which cannot be more than diameter of surface soil stone; design requires terrain of the site, should be dealt with in strict accordance with the design requirements into the terrain. Site levelling: 30cm soil should be according to the requirements of soil, fertilization, added nutrition, leveling height differences less than 5cm per square metre, and should comply with the design requirements of the slope, keep the soil loose, ventilation and good permeability. Soil: the soil should be well drained soil is neutral and organic-rich soil, should not contain gravel or other toxic or inhibit growth of debris. Poor soils including strong acids, strong alkali soils and heavy clay, sandy and saline soils. Before planting the soil conditions should be checked, and in some key growing areas to ensure that environments must be to improve the soil. For planting soil and backfill, efficiency of fertilizer should be added, joining at least 5cm of humus in the soil. Containing construction waste and other harmful substances, Ph standard, saline soils and heavy clay, soil or soil improvement technology measures should be used. Planting soil: cultivation prior to planting in the region of 3、配套费:15500万元 4、管 理 费: 1800万元 5、销售费用: 2000万元 6、税金: 46080万元 7、不可预见费用:2000万元 商品房开发成本合计为:127180万元 六、中国郑州,新郑,航空港区城中村改造项目的建设条件及实施 ,、建设条件 ,1,、三通一平~建设用地范围内要求达到通电、通水、通讯和土地平整,要有较为完善的基础设施及便利的区域交通~水电资源足以满足开发的需要~并要配备完善的通讯和网络设施,其余区域的建设会结合地型与周围环境进行~所以无须进行土地平整等对环境破坏的建设。 protection measures or programmes. To prevent surface water from entering Excavation and trench to avoid slope collapse or destruction of soil. Section III, soft landscape construction schemes and technical measures soft landscape projects, delivery standards construction and acceptance should meet the current code for construction and acceptance of City Green (CJJ/T82-99), and urban landscaping and landscape plant materials (wood of Materia Medica) (CJ/T34-91), the relevant provisions. 1, site preparation and construction technical measures and leveling site preparation: planting soil 50cm all debris should be cleared, litter and not conducive to plant growth in the soil, timely removal of weeds in clean soil, large stones and so on. 20cm 30cm which cannot be more than diameter of surface soil stone; design requires terrain of the site, should be dealt with in strict accordance with the design requirements into the terrain. Site levelling: 30cm soil should be according to the requirements of soil, fertilization, added nutrition, leveling height differences less than 5cm per square metre, and should comply with the design requirements of the slope, keep the soil loose, ventilation and good permeability. Soil: the soil should be well drained soil is neutral and organic-rich soil, should not contain gravel or other toxic or inhibit growth of debris. Poor soils including strong acids, strong alkali soils and heavy clay, sandy and saline soils. Before planting the soil conditions should be checked, and in some key growing areas to ensure that environments must be to improve the soil. For planting soil and backfill, efficiency of fertilizer should be added, joining at least 5cm of humus in the soil. Containing construction waste and other harmful substances, Ph standard, saline soils and heavy clay, soil or soil improvement technology measures should be used. Planting soil: cultivation prior to planting in the region of ,2,、领导重视~干群齐心~鼎力支持。一项的成功并不能单靠企业自身就能完成~所以此项目建设要集天时、地利、人和的优势于一体~希望在港区政府的高度重视下~干部群众齐心协力~共同尽早地把项目的各项工作更快、更顺利的完成。 ,、实施方案 分近期目标、远期目标进行规划实施。 近期:2011年 - 2012年。完成城中村改造项目的申报、立项审批、土地征用、地形测量~制定规划方案和设计图纸~完善基础设施。 远期:2012年 - 2016年~分步完成安置区及项目共5大分区的建设开发~完善项目内绿化、环境及有关一切配套设施的建设。 ?、工程进度 2011年下半年至2012年初~完成城中村改造项目前期工作及项目的申报、审批工作、以该项目成立开发公司、启动筹建工作。 2012年上半年~做好地形测绘~土地征用~拆迁安置、制定设计方案并送专家审定~平整土地~保证水电到位。 protection measures or programmes. To prevent surface water from entering Excavation and trench to avoid slope collapse or destruction of soil. Section III, soft landscape construction schemes and technical measures soft landscape projects, delivery standards construction and acceptance should meet the current code for construction and acceptance of City Green (CJJ/T82-99), and urban landscaping and landscape plant materials (wood of Materia Medica) (CJ/T34-91), the relevant provisions. 1, site preparation and construction technical measures and leveling site preparation: planting soil 50cm all debris should be cleared, litter and not conducive to plant growth in the soil, timely removal of weeds in clean soil, large stones and so on. 20cm 30cm which cannot be more than diameter of surface soil stone; design requires terrain of the site, should be dealt with in strict accordance with the design requirements into the terrain. Site levelling: 30cm soil should be according to the requirements of soil, fertilization, added nutrition, leveling height differences less than 5cm per square metre, and should comply with the design requirements of the slope, keep the soil loose, ventilation and good permeability. Soil: the soil should be well drained soil is neutral and organic-rich soil, should not contain gravel or other toxic or inhibit growth of debris. Poor soils including strong acids, strong alkali soils and heavy clay, sandy and saline soils. Before planting the soil conditions should be checked, and in some key growing areas to ensure that environments must be to improve the soil. For planting soil and backfill, efficiency of fertilizer should be added, joining at least 5cm of humus in the soil. Containing construction waste and other harmful substances, Ph standard, saline soils and heavy clay, soil or soil improvement technology measures should be used. Planting soil: cultivation prior to planting in the region of 2012年 - 2016年~全面启动各项目工程的招投标建设~依照规划进度进行~完成项目的各项建设。 结论 中国郑州,新郑,航空港区城中村改造项目背景好~前景乐观~有较高的可行性~符合现今港区政府发展政策和城市规划的要求~ 有利于实施城市发展战略~有利于和谐社会的建设~是一个理想的建设投资项目。 希望政府及相关的各界人士给予鼎力支持。 北京贯辰企业 protection measures or programmes. To prevent surface water from entering Excavation and trench to avoid slope collapse or destruction of soil. Section III, soft landscape construction schemes and technical measures soft landscape projects, delivery standards construction and acceptance should meet the current code for construction and acceptance of City Green (CJJ/T82-99), and urban landscaping and landscape plant materials (wood of Materia Medica) (CJ/T34-91), the relevant provisions. 1, site preparation and construction technical measures and leveling site preparation: planting soil 50cm all debris should be cleared, litter and not conducive to plant growth in the soil, timely removal of weeds in clean soil, large stones and so on. 20cm 30cm which cannot be more than diameter of surface soil stone; design requires terrain of the site, should be dealt with in strict accordance with the design requirements into the terrain. Site levelling: 30cm soil should be according to the requirements of soil, fertilization, added nutrition, leveling height differences less than 5cm per square metre, and should comply with the design requirements of the slope, keep the soil loose, ventilation and good permeability. Soil: the soil should be well drained soil is neutral and organic-rich soil, should not contain gravel or other toxic or inhibit growth of debris. Poor soils including strong acids, strong alkali soils and heavy clay, sandy and saline soils. Before planting the soil conditions should be checked, and in some key growing areas to ensure that environments must be to improve the soil. For planting soil and backfill, efficiency of fertilizer should be added, joining at least 5cm of humus in the soil. Containing construction waste and other harmful substances, Ph standard, saline soils and heavy clay, soil or soil improvement technology measures should be used. Planting soil: cultivation prior to planting in the region of
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