首页 > 关于张国荣


2011-05-10 50页 ppt 42MB 221阅读




关于张国荣nullnull ------张国荣null"Leslie" was his English name.The nickname “GORGOR" was the name of Wang Zuxian to take when they played "Qian Nv You Hun" ,and then has been down so called. null【原来姓名】:张发宗 【日文姓名】:レスリーチャン 【英文姓名】:Leslie Cheung 【原英文名】:Kwo...
nullnull ------张国荣null"Leslie" was his English name.The nickname “GORGOR" was the name of Wang Zuxian to take when they played "Qian Nv You Hun" ,and then has been down so called. null【原来姓名】:张发宗 【日文姓名】:レスリーチャン 【英文姓名】:Leslie Cheung 【原英文名】:Kwok-Wing,Bobby ,Frankie 【昵称爱称】:十仔 哥哥 荣少 【出生时间】:1956年9月12日 【出生地点】:香港九龙 【逝世时间】:2003年4月1日19时06分 【逝世地点】:香港东方文华酒店 null【所属生肖】:猴 【所属星座】:处女座 【所属籍贯】:广东江门新会 【所属民族】:汉 【个人身高】:175cm 【所属血型】:O 型 【家庭成员】:父母,哥哥、姐姐九人(排行第十) 【求学经历】:中学:玫瑰岗学校中学部;Eccles Hall School (英国);大学:英国里兹大学纺织系 null【特别喜好】:大自然的事物,古董 【穿衣风格】:随心 【音乐类型】:流行音乐 【休闲活动】:绘画、看电影、听音乐、看书、扬帆出海 【择偶】:有内在美 【最爱的运动】:健身 【最爱的演员】:丹尼尔.戴路易斯 【最爱的歌手】:芭芭拉.史翠珊 【最爱的食物】:水果 海鲜(特别喜欢龙虾) 【喜欢的动物】:狗(宠物:德国牧羊犬) 【最爱的甜品】:布甸。 null【最爱的颜色】:白 【最爱的国家】:中国 【最讨厌的事】:脏 【最难忘的事】:第一次拿到白金唱片,《霸王别姬》参加法国康城戛纳影展 【喜爱的花朵】:兰花 【最喜欢的作家】:巴金 【圈中的好友】:周润发、梅艳芳、林夕、林青霞、张学友、梁朝伟、梁家辉、张曼玉、钟楚红、刘嘉玲、陈百强、钟保罗、黄沾、许冠杰、毛舜筠、王菲等 。nullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullHe also gived many concerts,like 1989 Farewell Concert,Across 1997 Hong Kan Concert,that concert's lots of parts have become his peerless classic on the stage,in particular a section of dance wear red high heels.Then 2000 Passion Concert .those were held very high,he had his plan,a more than a exciting. nullHis the good,the ture,the beauty is what I really want to say .Like 1999 years of film "The Kid" the time coincided with Asian Financial Crisis ,may actors refused to Zhang Zhiliang's low-paid movie,but he to come to the full fee of 1 yuan's performance. nullA few days before leaving the world,he kept telling friends want to live on. He had many friends,and many superstars love him.nullSince his death,many fans through a variety of spontaneous activities to mourn him every year,especially by the Hong Kong Avenue Of Stars as the center,also held in other cities,like Beijing,Shanghai,Nanjing,Chongqing and so on.nullIt's his wax figure.Stars in 2008 to commemorate him ,and held three Mucial Concerts,2 times in Hong Kong,1 time in Chongqing,very successful. nullFinally, let's end with a picture of today's lecture. Let us remember him forever. nullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnull
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