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量子信息论 2724 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY, VOL. 44, NO. 6, OCTOBER 1998 Quantum Information Theory Charles H. Bennett and Peter W. Shor (Invited Paper) Abstract—We survey the field of quantum information theory. In particular, we discuss the fundamentals of t...
2724 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY, VOL. 44, NO. 6, OCTOBER 1998 Quantum Information Theory Charles H. Bennett and Peter W. Shor (Invited Paper) Abstract—We survey the field of quantum information theory. In particular, we discuss the fundamentals of the field, source coding, quantum error-correcting codes, capacities of quantum channels, measures of entanglement, and quantum cryptography. Index Terms— Entanglement, quantum cryptography, quan- tum error-correcting codes, quantum information, quantum source coding. I. INTRODUCTION RECENTLY, the historic connection between informationand physics has been revitalized, as the methods of information and computation theory have been extended to treat the transmission and processing of intact quantum states, and the interaction of such “quantum information” with tradi- tional “classical” information. Although many of the quantum results are similar to their classical analogs, there are notable differences. This new research has the potential to shed light both on quantum physics and on classical information theory. In retrospect, this development seems somewhat belated, since quantum mechanics has long been thought to underlie all classical processes. But until recently, information itself had largely been thought of in classical terms, with quantum mechanics playing a supporting role of helping design the equipment used to process it, setting limits on the rate at which it could be sent through certain quantum channels. Now we know that a fully quantum theory of information and information processing offers, among other benefits, a brand of cryptography whose security rests on fundamental physics, and a reasonable hope of constructing quantum computers that could dramatically speed up the solution of certain mathemat- ical problems. These feats depend on distinctively quantum properties such as uncertainty, interference, and entanglement. At a more fundamental level, it has become clear that an information theory based on quantum principles extends and completes classical information theory, somewhat as complex numbers extend and complete the reals. The new theory includes quantum generalizations of classical notions such as sources, channels, and codes, as well as two complementary, quantifiable kinds of information—classical information and quantum entanglement. Classical information can be copied freely, but can only be transmitted forward in time, to a Manuscript received January 4, 1998; revised June 2, 1998. C. H. Bennett is with the IBM Research Division, T. J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 USA (e-mail: ben- netc@watson.ibm.com). P. W. Shor is with the AT&T Labs–Research, Florham Park, NJ 07932 USA (e-mail: shor@research.att.com). Publisher Item Identifier S 0018-9448(98)06316-0. receiver in the sender’s forward light cone. Entanglement, by contrast, cannot be copied, but can connect any two points in space–time. Conventional data-processing operations destroy entanglement, but quantum operations can create it, preserve it, and use it for various purposes, notably speeding up certain computations and assisting in the transmission of classical data (“quantum superdense coding”) or intact quantum states (“quantum teleportation”) from a sender to a receiver. Any means, such as an optical fiber, for delivering quantum systems more or less intact from one place to another, may be viewed as a quantum channel. Unlike classical channels, such channels have three distinct capacities: a capacity for transmitting classical data, a typically lower capacity for transmitting intact quantum states, and a third capacity , often between and , for transmitting intact quantum states with the assistance of a two-way classical side-channel between sender and receiver. How, then, does quantum information, and the operations that can be performed on it, differ from conventional digital data and data-processing operations? A classical bit (e.g., a memory element or wire carrying a binary signal) is generally a system containing many atoms, and is described by one or more continuous parameters such as voltages. Within this parameter space two well-separated regions are chosen by the designer to represent and , and signals are periodically restored toward these standard regions to prevent them from drifting away due to environmental perturbations, manufac- turing defects, etc. An -bit memory can exist in any of logical states, labeled to . Besides storing binary data, classical computers manipulate it, a sequence of Boolean operations (for example, NOT and AND) acting on the bits one or two at a time being sufficient to realize any deterministic transformation. A quantum bit, or “qubit,” by contrast is typically a micro- scopic system, such as an atom or nuclear spin or polarized photon. The Boolean states and are represented by a fixed pair of reliably distinguishable states of the qubit (for exam- ple, horizontal and vertical polarizations: , ). A qubit can also exist in a continuum of intermediate states, or “superpositions,” represented mathematically as unit vectors in a two-dimensional complex vector space (the “Hilbert space” ) spanned by the basis vectors and . For photons, these intermediate states correspond to other polarizations, for example, 0018–9448/98$10.00  1998 IEEE BENNETT AND SHOR: QUANTUM INFORMATION THEORY 2725 and (right circular polarization). Unlike the intermediate states of a classical bit (e.g., voltages between the standard and values), these intermediate states cannot be reliably distinguished, even in principle, from the basis states. With regard to any measurement which distinguishes the states and , the superposition behaves like with probability and like with probability . More generally, two quantum states are reliably distinguishable if and only if their vector representations are orthogonal; thus and are reliably distinguishable by one type of measurement, and and by another, but no measurement can reliably distinguish from . Multiplying a state vector by an arbitrary phase factor does not change its physical significance: thus although they are usually represented by unit vectors, quantum states are more properly identified with rays, a ray being the equivalence class of a vector under multiplication by a complex constant. It is convenient to use the so-called bracket or bra-ket no- tation, in which the inner product between two -dimensional vectors and is denoted where the asterisk denotes complex conjugation. This may be thought of as matrix product of the row vector , by a column vector . . . where for any standard column (or “ket”) vector , its row (or “bra”) representation is obtained by transposing and taking the complex conjugate. A pair of qubits (for example, two photons in different locations) is capable of existing in four basis states, , , , and , as well as all possible superpositions of them. States of a pair of qubits thus lie in a four-dimensional Hilbert space. This space contains states like which can be interpreted in terms of individual polarizations for the two photons, as well as “entangled” states, i.e., states like in which neither photon by itself has a definite state, even though the pair together does. More generally, where a string of classical bits could exist in any of Boolean states through , a string of qubits can exist in any state of the form (1) where the are complex numbers such that . In other words, a quantum state of qubits is represented by a complex unit vector (more properly a ray, since multiplying by a phase factor does not change its physical meaning) in the -dimensional Hilbert space , defined as the tensor product of copies of the two-dimensional Hilbert space representing quantum states of a single qubit. The exponentially large dimensionality of this space distinguishes quantum computers from classical analog computers, whose state is described by a number of parameters that grows only linearly with the size of the system. This is because classical systems, whether digital or analog, can be completely described by separately describing the state of each part. The vast majority of quantum states, by contrast, are entangled, and admit no such description. The ability to preserve and manipulate entangled states is the distinguishing feature of quantum computers, responsible both for their power and for the difficulty of building them. An isolated quantum system evolves in such a way as to preserve superpositions and distinguishability; mathematically, such evolution is a unitary (i.e., linear and inner-product- conserving) transformation, the Hilbert-space analog of rigid rotation in Euclidean space. Unitary evolution and superposi- tion are the central principles of quantum mechanics. Just as any classical computation can be expressed as a sequence of one- and two-bit operations (e.g., NOT and AND gates), any quantum computation can be expressed as a sequence of one- and two-qubit quantum gates, i.e., unitary operations acting on one or two qubits at a time [1] (cf. Fig. 1). The most general one-qubit gate is described by a unitary matrix1 mapping to and to . One-qubit gates are easily implementable physically, e.g., by quarter- and half-wave plates acting on polarized photons, or by radio-frequency tipping pulses acting on nuclear spins in a magnetic field. The standard two-qubit gate is the controlled-NOT or XOR gate, which flips its second (or “target”) input if its first (“control”) input is and does nothing if the first input is . In other words, it interchanges and while leaving and unchanged. The XOR gate is represented by the unitary matrix Unlike one-qubit gates, two-qubit gates are difficult to realize in the laboratory, because they require two separate quantum information carriers to be brought into strong and controlled interaction. The XOR gate, together with the set of one-bit gates, form a universal set of primitives for quantum com- putation; that is, any quantum computation can be performed using just this set of gates without an undue increase in the number of gates used [1]. 1A complex matrix is called unitary and represents a unitary transformation, iff its rows are orthogonal unit vectors. The inverse of any unitary matrix U is given by its adjoint, or conjugate transpose Uy. 2726 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY, VOL. 44, NO. 6, OCTOBER 1998 (a) (b) (c) (d) Fig. 1. (a) Any unitary operation U on quantum data can be synthesized from the two-qubit XOR gate and one-qubit unitary operations (U). (b) The XOR can clone Boolean-valued inputs, but if one attempts to clone intermediate superposition, an entangled state (shading) results instead. (c) A classical wire (thick line) conducts 0 and 1 faithfully but not superpositions or entangled states. It may be defined as a quantum wire that interacts (via an XOR) with an ancillary 0 qubit which is then discarded. (d) The most general treatment, or superoperator, that can be applied to quantum data is a unitary interaction with one or more 0 qubits, followed by discarding some of the qubits. Superoperators are typically irreversible. The XOR gate is a prototype interaction between two quan- tum systems, and illustrates several key features of quantum information, in particular the impossibility of “cloning” an unknown quantum state, and the way interaction produces entanglement. If the XOR is applied to Boolean data in which the second qubit is and the first is or (cf. Fig. 1(b)) the effect is to leave the first qubit unchanged while the second becomes a copy of it: for or . One might suppose that the XOR operation could also be used to copy superpositions, such as , so that would yield , but this is not so. The unitarity of quantum evolution requires that a superposition of input states evolve to a corresponding superposition of outputs. Thus the result of applying to must be , an entangled state in which neither output qubit alone has definite state. If one of the entangled output qubits is lost (e.g., discarded, or allowed to escape into the environment), the other thenceforth behaves as if it had acquired a random classical value (with probability ) or (with probability ). Unless the lost output is brought back into play, all record of the original superposition will have been lost. This behavior is characteristic not only of the XOR gate but of unitary interactions generally: their typical effect is to map most unentangled initial states of the interacting systems into entangled final states, which from the viewpoint of either system alone causes an unpredictable disturbance. Since quantum physics underlies classical, there should be a way to represent classical data and operations within the quantum formalism. If a classical bit is a qubit having the value or , a classical wire should be a wire that conducts and reliably, but not superpositions. This can be implemented using the XOR gate as described above, with an initial in the target position which is later discarded (Fig. 1(c)). In other words, from the viewpoint of quantum information, classical communication is an irreversible process in which the signal interacts enroute with an environment or eavesdropper in such a way that Boolean signals pass through undisturbed, but other states become entangled with the environment. If the environment is lost or discarded, the surviving signal behaves as if it had irreversibly collapsed onto one of the Boolean states. Having defined a classical wire, we can then go on to define a classical gate as a quantum gate with classical wires on its inputs and outputs. The classical wire of Fig. 1(c) is an example of quantum information processing in an open system. Any processing that can be applied to quantum data, including unitary processing as a special case, can be described (Fig. 1(d)) as a unitary interaction of the quantum data with some ancillary qubits, initially in a standard state, followed by discarding some of the qubits. Such a general quantum data processing operation (also called a trace- preserving completely positive map or superoperator [47], [64]) can therefore have an output Hilbert space larger or smaller than its input space (for unitary operations, the input and output Hilbert spaces are, of course, equidimensional). Paradoxically, entangling interactions with the environment are thought to be the main reason why the macroscopic world seems to behave classically and not quantum-mechanically [74]. Macroscopically different states, e.g., the different charge states representing and in a VLSI memory cell, interact so strongly with their environment that information rapidly leaks out as to which state the cell is in. Therefore, even if it were possible to prepare the cell in superposition of and , the superposition would rapidly evolve into a complex entangled state involving the environment, which from the viewpoint of the memory cell would appear as a statistical mixture, rather than a superposition, of the two classical values. This spontaneous decay of superpositions into mixtures is called decoherence. The quantum states we have been talking about so far, identified with rays in Hilbert space, are called pure states. They represent situations of minimal ignorance, in which, in principle, there is nothing more to be known about the system. Pure states are fundamental in that the quantum mechanics of a closed system can be completely described as a unitary evolution of pure states in an appropriately dimensioned Hilbert space, without need of further notions. However, a very useful notion, the mixed state has been introduced to deal with situations of greater ignorance, in particular • an ensemble in which the system in question may be in any of several pure states , , with specified probabilities ; • a situation in which the system in question (call it ) is part of larger system (call it ), which itself is in an entangled pure state . BENNETT AND SHOR: QUANTUM INFORMATION THEORY 2727 In open systems, a pure state may naturally evolve into a mixed state (which can also be described as a pure state of a larger system comprising the original system and its environment). Mathematically, a mixed state is represented by a positive- semidefinite, self-adjoint density matrix , having unit trace, and being defined in the first situation by (2) and in the second situation by (3) Here denotes a partial trace over the indices of the subsystem. A pure state is represented in the density-matrix formalism by the rank-one projection matrix . It is evident, in the first situation, that infinitely many different ensembles can give rise to the same density matrix. For example, the density matrix may be viewed as an equal mixture of the pure states and , or as an equal mixture of and , or indeed as any other equal mixture of two orthogonal single-qubit pure states. Similarly, in the second situation, it is evident that infinitely many different pure states of the system can give rise to the same density matrix for the subsystem. One may therefore wonder in what sense a density matrix is an adequate description of a statistical ensemble of pure states, or of part of a larger system in a pure entangled state. The answer is that the density matrix captures all and only that information that can be obtained by an observer allowed to examine infinitely many states sampled from the ensemble , or given infinitely many opportunities to examine part of an system prepared in entangled pure state . This follows from the elementary fact that for any test vector , if a specimen drawn from ensemble is tested for whether it is in state , the probability of a positive outcome is Similarly, for any test state of the subsystem, the probability that an entangled state of the system having as its partial trace will give a positive outcome is simply . Perhaps more remarkable than the indistinguishability of the different ensembles compatible with is the fact that any of them can be produced at will starting from any entangled state of the system having as its partial trace. More specifically, if two parties (call them Alice and Bob) are in possession of the and parts, respectively, of a system in state , then for each compatible ensemble that Bob might wish to create in Alice’s hands, there is a measurement he can perform on the subsystem alone, without Alice’s knowledge or cooperation, that will realize that ensemble in the sense that the measurement yields outcome with probability , and conditionally on that outcome having occurred, Bob will know that Alice holds pure state . Bob’s ability to decide Alice’s ensemble in this unilateral, post facto fashion, has an important bearing on quantum cryptography as will be discussed later. Since a mixed state represents incomplete information, it is natural to associate with any mixed state an entropy, given by the von Neumann formula (4) If the pure states comprising an ensemble are orthogonal, then they are mutually distinguishable, and can thus be treated as classical states. In this situation, the von Neumann entropy is equal to the Shannon entropy of the probabilities When the pure states are nonorthogonal, and thus not wholly distinguishable as physical states, the ensemble’s von Neumann entropy is less than the Shannon entropy. It is not hard to show that for any bipartite pure state , the density matrices and of its parts have equal rank and equal spectra of nonzero eigenvalues. Moreover, the original state has an especially simple expression in terms of these eigenvalues and eigenvectors (5) where and are eigenvectors of and , respec- tively, corresponding to the positive eigenvalues . This expression, known as the Schmidt decomposition, unfortu- nately has no simple counterpart for tripartite and higher systems. The recent rapid progress in the theory of quantum informa- tion processing can be d
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