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TED演讲-脆弱的力量演讲稿中文翻译TED演讲-脆弱的力量演讲稿中文翻译 TED演讲:脆弱的力量演讲稿中文翻译 篇一: 脆弱的力量演讲稿 脆弱的力量演讲稿 今天我要讲一份研究,这份研究从本质上拓宽了我个人的认知,也确确实实改变了我的生活、爱、工作还有教育孩子的方式。 我是个社会学的学士、硕士和博士,我被人所包围,大家都认同:“生活是一团乱麻,接受它。”而我的观点倾向于:“生活是一团乱麻,解开它,把它整理好,再归类放入便当盒里。”我对乱成一团、难以处理的问题感兴趣,我想要把它们弄清楚,我想要理解它们,我想侵入那些我认为重要的东西,把它们摸透,然后用浅显易懂的...
TED演讲-脆弱的力量演讲稿中文 TED演讲:脆弱的力量演讲稿中文翻译 篇一: 脆弱的力量演讲稿 脆弱的力量演讲稿 今天我要讲一份研究,这份研究从本质上拓宽了我个人的认知,也确确实实改变了我的生活、爱、工作还有教育孩子的方式。 我是个社会学的学士、硕士和博士,我被人所包围,大家都认同:“生活是一团乱麻,接受它。”而我的观点倾向于:“生活是一团乱麻,解开它,把它整理好,再归类放入便当盒里。”我对乱成一团、难以处理的问题感兴趣,我想要把它们弄清楚,我想要理解它们,我想侵入那些我认为重要的东西,把它们摸透,然后用浅显易懂的方式呈献给每一个人。所以我的起点是“关系”。 当你从事了10年的社会工作,你必然会发现,关系是我们活着的原因。它赋予了我们生命的意义。无论你跟谁交流,我们发现,关系是一种感应的能力——生物神经上,我们是这么被设定的。所以我从关系开始。 下面这个场景我们再熟悉不过了,你的上司给你做工作评估,她告诉了你37点你做得相当棒的地方,还有一点——成长的空间,然后你满脑子都想着那一点成长的空间,不是吗,当你跟人们谈论爱情,他们告诉你的是一件让他们心碎的事;当你跟人们谈论归属感,他们告诉你的是最让他们痛心的被排斥的经历;当你和他们谈论关系,他们跟你讲的是如何被断绝关系的故事。终于,在开始研究六周以后,我遇到了这个闻所未闻的东西,它揭示了关系——以一种我不理解也从没见过的方 式。所以我停止了研究,对自己说,我得弄清楚这到底是什么。它最终被鉴定为耻辱感。 耻辱感很容易理解,即害怕被断绝关系。有没有一些关于我的事,如果别人知道了或看到了,会认为我不值得交往。我想告诉你们的是: 没有体验过耻辱的人,不具有人类的同情或关系。没人想谈论自己的糗事,你谈论得越少,表明你越感到可耻。滋生耻辱感的,是一种“我不够好”的心态。我们都知道这是个什么滋味: 我不够苗条、不够有钱、不够漂亮、不够聪明、职位不够高。而支撑这种心态的,是一种刻骨铭心的脆 弱。关键在于,要想产生关 系,我们必须让自己被看见,真真切切地被看见。你知道我怎么看待脆弱,我恨它。所以这次我思考着,这次该是我用我的标尺击溃它的时候了。我要闯进去,我要花一年的时间,彻底瓦解耻辱。我要搞清楚脆弱是怎么运作的,然后我要智取胜过它。所以我准备好了,我要胜过它——但事与愿违。在这里我要告诉你,这也许是我十年的研究中学到的最重要的东西。我粗略地把我采访过的人分成——具有自我价值感的人,说到底就是,他们勇于去爱并且拥有强烈的归属感;另一部分则是为之苦苦挣扎的人,总是怀疑自己是否足够好的人。区分二者之间的变量只有一个,就是前者相信他们值得被爱,值得享有归属感,他们相信自己的价值,就是这么简单。 而对于我,那个阻碍人与人之间关系的最困难的部分,是我们对于自己不值得享有这种关系的恐惧,无论是从个人还是职业上,我都觉得我有必要去深入地了解它。于是我找出所有前一种人的采访,想知道 这群人有什么共同之处。第一个蹦出我脑子的,是全心全意这个词。这是一群全心全意、靠着一种强烈的自我价值感在生活的人们。这群人的共同之处是,首先他们有勇气。我想在这里先花一分钟跟大家区分一下勇气和胆量。勇气,最初的定义是真心地叙述一个故事,告诉大家你是谁。所以这些人,就具有勇气,承认自己不完美。第二,他们具有同情心,先是对自己的,再是对他人的。因为事实是,我们如果不能善待自己,我们也无法善待他人。然后,他们都能和他人建立关系。这是很难做到的,前提是他们必须坦诚,他们愿意放开自己设定的那个理想的自我,以换取真正的自我。这是赢得关系的必要条件。他们还有另外一个共同之处,就是他们全然接受脆弱。他们相信,让他们变得脆弱的东西,也让他们变得美丽。他们不认为脆弱是寻求舒适,也不认为脆弱是钻心的疼痛——他们只是简单地认为脆弱是必须的。他们会谈到愿意说出“我爱你”;愿意做一些没有担保抵押的事情;愿意在做完乳房X光检查后安心等待医生的电话;他们愿意为情感投资,无论有没有结果——他们觉得这些都是最根本的。有些人,他们发现脆弱和温柔很重要的时候,他们放下所有戒备,欣然接受。有一年的时间,脆弱打我一拳我还它一拳,最后我输了,但我或许赢回了我的生活。我又回到我的研究中,真正试图去理解那些全身心投入生活的人,他 们做了怎样的决定,他们是怎样应对脆弱的。为什么我们为之痛苦挣扎,我是独自在与脆弱做斗争吗,不是。 我们生活在一个脆弱的世界里,我们应对的方式之一,就是麻痹脆弱。但是你无法选择性地麻痹感情。你不能说,这是不好的——这是脆弱、 悲哀、耻辱、恐惧、失望,我不想要这些情感,我要去喝几瓶啤酒,吃个香蕉坚果松饼。你无法只麻痹那些不好的情感,而不麻痹所有的感官、所有的情感。当我们麻痹那些消极的情感,我们也麻痹了欢乐、感恩、幸福。然后我们会变得痛不欲生,我们继而寻找生命的意义,然后我们感到脆弱,然后我们喝几瓶啤酒,吃个香蕉坚果松饼。危险的循环就这样形成了。 我们麻痹自己的另一个方式是,把不确定的事变得确定。只要确定的就是好的。我们越是害怕,就越脆弱,然后我们变得更加害怕。这就是当今政治的现状。探讨和对话荡然无存,有的只是指责,指责是一种发泄痛苦与不快的方式。我们追求完美,但这行不通。我们想要我们的孩子变得完美——这是最危险的。让我告诉你我们是如何看待孩子的。从他们出生的那刻起,他们就注定要挣扎,我们的任务是告诉他: “你知道吗,你并不完美,你注定要奋斗,但你值得被爱,值得享有归属感。”给我看用这种方式培养出来的一代孩子,我保证我们今天所有的问题会得到解决。 我们假装我们的行为不会影响他人,我们在工作和生活中都这样做,无论是原油泄漏还是产品召回,我们假装我们的行为对他人不会造成什么大影响。我想对这些公司说,这不是第一次牛仔竞技,我们只要你坦诚地、真心地说一句: 对不起,我们会处理这个问题。 还有一个我要告诉你们,这是我的心得: 卸下我们的面具,让我们被看见。深入地被看见,即便是脆弱的一面;全心全意地去爱,尽 管没有任何担保。哪怕是在最恐惧的时候,哪怕我们怀疑: “我能不能爱得这么深,我能不能如此热情地相信这份感情,我能不能如此矢志不渝,”;带着感恩的心,保持快乐。消极的时候打住,而不是一味地幻想事情会如何变得更糟,对自己说: “我已经很感恩了,因为能感受到这种脆弱,这意味着我还活着。” 最后,还有最重要的一点,那就是相信我们已经做得够好了。因为我 相信当我们在一个让人觉得“我已经够好了”的环境中打拼的时候, 我们会停止抱怨、开始倾听,我们会对周围的人更友善、更温和,对 自己也会更友善、更温和。 篇二: 杨澜TED演讲稿中英文 Yang Lan: The generatin that s remaking China The night befre I as heading fr Sctland, I as invited t hst the final f China s Gt Talent sh in Shanghai ith the 80,000 live audience in the stadium. Guess h as the perfrming guest?Susan Byle. And I tld her, I m ging t Sctland the next day. She sang beautifully, and she even managed t say a fe rds in Chinese. [Chinese]S it s nt like hell r thank yu, that rdinary stuff. It means green nin fr free. hy did she say that? Because it as a line frm ur Chinese parallel Susan Byle -- a 50-sme year-ld man, a vegetable vendr in Shanghai, h lves singing estern pera, but she didn t understand any English r French r Italian, s she managed t fill in the lyrics ith vegetable names in Chinese. (Laughter) And the last sentence f Nessun Drma that she as singing in the stadium as green nin fr free. S [as] Susan Byle as saying that, 80,000 live audience sang tgether. That as hilarius. S I guess bth Susan Byle and this vegetable vendr in Shanghai belnged t therness. They ere the least expected t be successful in the business called entertainment, yet their curage and talent brught them thrugh. And a sh and a platfrm gave them the stage t realize their dreams. ell, being different is nt that difficult. e are all different frm different perspectives. But I think being different is gd, because yu present a different pint f vie. Yu may have the chance t make a difference. My generatin has been very frtunate t itness and participate in the histric transfrmatin f China that has made s many changes in the past 20, 30 years. I remember that in the year f 1990,hen I as graduating frm cllege, I as applying fr a jb in the sales department f the first five-star htel in Beijing, Great all Sheratn -- it s still there. S after being interrgated by this Japanese manager fr a half an hur, he finally said, S, Miss Yang, d yu have any questins t ask me? I summned my curage and pise and said, Yes, but culd yu let me kn, hat actually d yu sell? I didn t have a clue hat a sales department as abut in a five-star htel. That as the first day I set my ft in a five-star htel. Arund the same time, I as ging thrugh an auditin -- the first ever pen auditin by natinal televisin in China -- ith anther thusand cllege girls. The prducer tld us they ere lking fr sme seet, inncent and beautiful fresh face. S hen it as my turn, I std up and said, hy [d] men s persnalities n televisin alays have t be beautiful, seet, inncent and, yu kn, supprtive? hy can t they have their n ideas and their n vice? I thught I kind f ffended them. But actually, they ere impressed by my rds. And s I as in the secnd rund f petitin, and then the third and the furth. After seven runds f petitin, I as the last ne t survive it. S I as n a natinal televisin prime-time sh. And believe it r nt, that as the first sh n Chinese televisin that alled its hsts t speak ut f their n minds ithut reading an apprved script. (Applause) And my eekly audience at that time as beteen 200 t 300 millin peple. ell after a fe years, I decided t g t the U.S. and Clumbia University t pursue my pstgraduate studies, and then started my n media pany, hich as unthught f during the years that I started my career. S e d a lt f things. I ve intervieed mre than a thusand peple in the past. And smetimes I have yung peple appraching me say, Lan, yu changed my life, and I feel prud f that. But then e are als s frtunate t itness the transfrmatin f the hle cuntry. I as in Beijing s bidding fr the lympic Games. I as representing the Shanghai Exp. I sa China embracing the rld and vice versa. But then smetimes I m thinking, hat are tday s yung generatin up t? H are they different, and hat are the differences they are ging t make t shape the future f China, r at large, the rld? S tday I ant t talk abut yung peple thrugh the platfrm f scial media. First f all, h are they? [hat] d they lk like? ell this is a girl called Gu Meimei -- 20 years ld, beautiful. She shed ff her expensive bags, clthes and car n her micrblg, hich is the Chinese versin f Titter. And she claimed t be the general manager f Red Crss at the Chamber f Cmmerce. She didn t realize that she stepped n a sensitive nerve and arused natinal questining, almst a turmil, against the credibility f Red Crss. The cntrversy as s heated that the Red Crss had t pen a press cnference t clarify it, and the investigatin is ging n. S far, as f tday, e kn that she herself made up that title -- prbably because she feels prud t be assciated ith charity. All thse expensive items ere given t her as gifts by her byfriend,h used t be a bard member in a subdivisin f Red Crss at Chamber f Cmmerce. It s very plicated t explain. But anyay, the public still desn t buy it. It is still biling. It shs us a general mistrust f gvernment r gvernment-backed institutins, hich lacked transparency in the past. And als it shed us the per and the impact f scial media as micrblg. Micrblg bmed in the year f 201X, ith visitrs dubled and time spent n it tripled. Sina., a majr nes prtal, alne has mre than 140 millin micrblggers. n Tencent, 200 millin.The mst ppular blgger -- it s nt me -- it s a mvie star, and she has mre than 9.5 millin fllers, r fans. Abut 80 percent f thse micrblggers are yung peple, under 30 years ld. And because, as yu kn, the traditinal media is still heavily cntrlled by the gvernment,scial media ffers an pening t let the steam ut a little bit. But because yu dn t have many ther penings, the heat ing ut f this pening is smetimes very strng, active and even vilent. S thrugh micrblgging, e are able t understand Chinese yuth even better. S h are they different? First f all, mst f them ere brnin the 80s and 90s, under the ne-child plicy. And because f selected abrtin by families h favred bys t girls, n e have ended up ith 30 millin mre yung men than men. That culd pse a ptential danger t the sciety, but h kns; e re in a glbalized rld, s they can lk fr girlfriends frm ther cuntries. Mst f them have fairly gd educatin. The illiteracy rate in China amng this generatin is under ne percent. In cities, 80 percent f kids g t cllege.But they are facing an aging China ith a ppulatin abve 65 years ld ing up ith seven-pint-sme percent this year, and abut t be 15 percent by the year f 2030. And yu kn e have the traditin that yunger generatins supprt the elders financially, and taking care f them hen they re sick. S it means yung cuplesill have t supprt fur parents h have a life expectancy f 73 years ld. S making a living is nt that easy fr yung peple. Cllege graduates are nt in shrt supply.In urban areas, cllege graduates find the starting salary is abut 400 U.S. dllars a mnth, hile the average rent is abve $500(来自:.smhaida.Cm 海 达 范文 网:TED演讲:脆弱的力量演讲稿中文翻译). S hat d they d? They have t share space -- squeezed in very limited space t save mney -- and they call themselves tribe f ants. And fr thse h are ready t get married and buy their apartment, they figured ut they have t rk fr 30 t 40 years t affrd their first apartment. That rati in Americauld nly cst a cuple five years t earn, but in China it s 30 t 40 years ith the skyrcketing real estate price. Amng the 200 millin migrant rkers, 60 percent f them are yung peple. They find themselves srt f sandiched beteen the urban areas and the rural areas. Mst f them dn t ant t g back t the cuntryside, but they dn t have the sense f belnging. They rk fr lnger hurs ith less ine, less scial elfare. And they re mre vulnerable t jb lsses, subject t inflatin,tightening lans frm banks, appreciatin f the renminbi, r decline f demand frm Eurpe r America fr the prducts they prduce. Last year, thugh, an appalling incident in a suthern EM manufacturing pund in China: 13 yung rkers in their late teens and early 20s mitted suicide, just ne by ne like causing a cntagius disease. But they died because f all different persnal reasns. But this hle incident arused a huge utcry frm sciety abut the islatin, bth physical and mental, f these migrant rkers. Fr thse h d return back t the cuntryside,they find themselves very ele lcally,because ith the knledge, skills and netrksthey have learned in the cities, ith the assistance f the Internet, they re able t create mre jbs,upgrade lcal agriculture and create ne businessin the less develped market. S fr the past fe years, the castal areas, they fund themselves in a shrtage f labr. These diagrams sh a mre general scial backgrund. The first ne is the Engels cefficient,hich explains that the cst f daily necessitieshas drpped its percentage all thrugh the past decade, in terms f family ine, t abut 37-sme percent. But then in the last t years, it ges up again t 39 percent, indicating a rising living cst. The Gini cefficient has already passed the dangerus line f 0. 4. N it s 0.5 -- even rse than that in America -- shing us the ine inequality. And s yu see this hle sciety getting frustrated abut lsing sme f its mbility. And als, the bitterness and even resentment tards the rich and the perful is quite idespread. S any accusatins f crruptinr backdr dealings beteen authrities r business uld aruse a scial utcry r even unrest. S thrugh sme f the httest tpics n micrblgging, e can see hat yung peple care mst abut. Scial justice and gvernment accuntability runs the first in hat they demand.Fr the past decade r s, a massive urbanizatin and develpment have let us itness a lt f reprts n the frced demlitin f private prperty.And it has arused huge anger and frustratinamng ur yung generatin. Smetimes peple get killed, and smetimes peple set themselves n fire t prtest. S hen these incidents are reprted mre and mre frequently n the Internet,peple cry fr the gvernment t take actins t stp this. S the gd nes is that earlier this year, the state cuncil passed a ne regulatin n huse requisitin and demlitin and passed the right t rder frced demlitin frm lcal gvernments t the curt. Similarly, many ther issues cncerning public safety is a ht tpic n the Internet. e heard abut plluted air, plluted ater, pisned fd. And guess hat, e have faked beef. They have srts f ingredients that yu brush n a piece f chicken r fish, and it turns it t lk like beef.And then lately, peple are very cncerned abut cking il, because thusands f peple have been fund [refining] cking il frm restaurant slp. S all these things have arused a huge utcry frm the Internet. And frtunately, e have seen the gvernment respnding mre timely and als mre frequently t the public cncerns. hile yung peple seem t be very sure abut their participatin in public plicy-making, but smetimes they re a little bit lst in terms f hat they ant fr their persnal life. China is sn t pass the U.S. as the number ne market fr luxury brands -- that s nt including the Chinese expenditures in Eurpe and elsehere. But yu kn hat, half f thse cnsumers are earning a salary bel 2,000 U.S. dllars. They re nt rich at all. They re taking thse bags and clthes as a sense f identity and scial status. And this is a girl explicitly saying n a TV dating sh that she uld rather cry in a BM than smile n a bicycle.But f curse, e d have yung peple h uld still prefer t smile, hether in a BM r [n] a bicycle. S in the next picture, yu see a very ppular phenmenn called naked edding, r naked marriage. It des nt mean they ill ear nthing in the edding, but it shs that these yung cuples are ready t get married ithut a huse, ithut a car, ithut a diamnd ring and ithut a edding banquet, t sh their mitment t true lve. And als, peple are ding gd thrugh scial media. And the first picture shed us that a truck caging 500 hmeless and kidnapped dgsfr fd prcessing as sptted and stpped n the highay ith the hle cuntry atchingthrugh micrblgging. Peple ere dnating mney, dg fd and ffering vlunteer rk t stp that truck. And after hurs f negtiatin, 500 dgs ere rescued. And here als peple are helping t find missing children. A father psted his sn s picture nt the Internet. After thusands f [unclear], the child as fund, and e itnessed the reunin f the family thrugh micrblgging. S happiness is the mst ppular rd e have heard thrugh the past t years. Happiness is nt nly related t persnal experiences and persnal values, but als, it s abut the envirnment. Peple are thinking abut the flling questins: Are e ging t sacrifice ur envirnment further t prduce higher GDP? H are e ging t perfrm ur scial and plitical refrm t keep pace ith ecnmic grth, t keep sustainability and stability? And als, h capable is the systemf self-crrectness t keep mre peple cntentith all srts f frictin ging n at the same time?I guess these are the questins peple are ging t anser. And ur yunger generatin are ging t transfrm this cuntry hile at the same time being transfrmed themselves. Thank yu very much. 杨澜TED演 讲: 重塑中国的一代 中文演讲稿 在来爱尔兰的前一晚,我应邀主持 了中国达人秀在上海的体育场和八万现场观众。 猜猜谁是表演嘉宾, ——苏珊大妈。我告诉她,“我明天要去爱尔兰了。” 她歌声犹如天 籁。而且她还可以说点中文。 “送你葱。” 这不是“你好、谢谢” 之类的日常用语。这组词翻译过来是免费给你青葱,为什么她要说这个呢,因为这是我们中国版的苏珊大妈很有名的一句歌词。 这位五十几岁的大妈在上海以贩卖蔬菜为生。她喜欢西方的歌剧,但是她不懂任何外语,所以她就把中文蔬菜名填做歌词。当她在体育场里 唱到今夜无人入眠的最后一句时,她唱的是“送你葱”。苏珊大妈和全场八万观众一起唱“送你葱”,多有意思的场面。 我想苏珊大妈和这位在上海做蔬菜买卖的都属于不同寻常的人。在业界所谓的娱乐圈,他们最不可能取得成功,但是他们的勇气和才华让他们成功了。一场秀,一个平台给了他们实现梦想的舞台。 与众不同不难,从不同的角度看我们都是不一样的。我认为与众不同是好的,因为你有不同的看法,这给你机会去产生不同的影响。 我们这代人有幸见证和参与了过去二三十年中国的历史性的转型。 我记得在九十年代,刚从大学毕业的我申请了一份在北京五星级酒店销售部的工作。在日本经理一个半小时的面试后,他最后说: “杨小姐,你有什么问题要问我吗,”我鼓起勇气,定定神然后问道: “您能告诉我销售部到底销售什么,”我对于五星级酒店的销售部的职责一点都摸不着头脑。那是我在五星级酒店的第一天。 同时,我和上千名大学女生参加了一场由中国中央电视台举办的史无前例的公开选拔。制作人告诉我们他们想找一位可爱,天真,美丽的新面孔。当轮到我时,我站起来说道,“为什么女孩在电视上必须是漂亮,甜美,无邪的,像个花瓶,为什么她们不能有她们的想法,她们自己的声音,” 我想我一定得罪了评委。但是事实上,我的发言给他们留下了深刻的印象。接下来我进入了第二轮的选拔,然后是第三轮,第四轮。在经过七轮的选拔后,我胜出了。成为了一个国家电视台黄金时段节目的主持人。 不管你们相不相信,那是中国电视上第一个节目可以允许主持人自由发挥而不是去读审查后的稿子。这个节目的观众人数高达两到三千万。 几年后,我决定去美国哥伦比亚大学进修。之后我有了自己的传媒公司,这是在我刚毕业的时候想都不敢想的。 我和我的团队做了很多事情。在过去的这些年,我采访了上千人。有时候有年轻人走过来对我说: “杨澜,你改变了我的生活。”我也为此而自豪。 接下来我们一 起见证了中国更多的变化。我参与了北京申奥,出席了上海世博会。 我看到中国拥抱世界,世界接纳中国??但是有时候我在想,当今的年 轻人追求什么,他们有什么不同,他们如何去创造中国的未来,往大 了说,世界的未来, 今天我想讲讲在社交媒体这个大舞台上的年轻 人 他们是谁,他们是怎样的,这个二十岁左右的漂亮女孩叫郭美美。 她在中国版的推特--微博上炫耀她拥有的昂贵的手包,衣服,车子。 她自称是红十字商会的经理。她没有意识到她踩到了一根敏感的神经, 引起了全民对于红十字公信力的质疑。如此激烈的质问使得红 篇三: The per f intrverts 内向性格的力量 Ted演讲中英文 The per f intrverts Susan Cain hen I as nine years ld, I ent ff t summer camp fr the first time. And my mther packed me a suitcase full f bks, hich t me seemed like a perfectly natural thing t d. Because in my family, reading as the primary grup activity. And this might sund antiscial t yu, but fr us it as really just a different ay f being scial. Yu have the animal armth f yur family sitting right next t yu, but yu are als free t g raming arund the adventureland inside yur n mind. And I had this idea that camp as ging t be just like this, but better. (Laughter) I had a visin f 10 girls sitting in a cabin czily reading bks in their matching nightgns. 0:51 (Laughter) 0:53 Camp as mre like a keg party ithut any alchl. And n the very first day, ur cunselr gathered us all tgether and she taught us a cheer that she said e uld be ding every day fr the rest f the summer t instill camp spirit. And it ent like this: R---D-I-E, that s the ay e spell rdie. Rdie, rdie, let s get rdie. (Laughter) Yeah. S I culdn t figure ut fr the life f me hy e ere suppsed t be s rdy, r hy e had t spell this rd incrrectly. (Laughter) But I recited a cheer. I recited a cheer alng ith everybdy else. I did my best. And I just aited fr the time that I culd g ff and read my bks. 1:43 But the first time that I tk my bk ut f my suitcase, the clest girl in the bunk came up t me and she asked me, hy are yu being s mell? -- mell, f curse, being the exact ppsite f R---D-I-E. And then the secnd time I tried it, the cunselr came up t me ith a cncerned expressin n her face and she repeated the pint abut camp spirit and said e shuld all rk very hard t be utging. 2:05 And s I put my bks aay, back in their suitcase, and I put them under my bed, and there they stayed fr the rest f the summer. And I felt kind f guilty abut this. I felt as if the bks needed me smeh, and they ere calling ut t me and I as frsaking them. But I did frsake them and I didn t pen that suitcase again until I as back hme ith my family at the end f the summer. 2:30 N, I tell yu this stry abut summer camp. I culd have tld yu 50 thers just like it -- all the times that I gt the message that smeh my quiet and intrverted style f being as nt necessarily the right ay t g, that I shuld be trying t pass as mre f an extrvert. And I alays sensed deep dn that this as rng and that intrverts ere pretty excellent just as they ere. But fr years I denied this intuitin, and s I became a all Street layer, f all things, instead f the riter that I had alays lnged t be -- partly because I needed t prve t myself that I culd be bld and assertive t. And I as alays ging ff t crded bars hen I really uld have preferred t just have a nice dinner ith friends. And I made these self-negating chices s reflexively, that I asn t even aare that I as making them. 3:18 N this is hat many intrverts d, and it s ur lss fr sure, but it is als ur clleagues lss and ur munities lss. And at the risk f sunding grandise, it is the rld s lss. Because hen it es t creativity and t leadership, e need intrverts ding hat they d best. A third t a half f the ppulatin are intrverts -- a third t a half. S that s ne ut f every t r three peple yu kn. S even if yu re an extrvert yurself, I m talking abut yur crkers and yur spuses and yur children and the persn sitting next t yu right n -- all f them subject t this bias that is pretty deep and real in ur sciety. e all internalize it frm a very early age ithut even having a language fr hat e re ding. 4:02 N, t see the bias clearly, yu need t understand hat intrversin is. It s different frm being shy. Shyness is abut fear f scial judgment. Intrversin is mre abut, h d yu respnd t stimulatin, including scial stimulatin. S extrverts really crave large amunts f stimulatin, hereas intrverts feel at their mst alive and their mst sitched-n and their mst capable hen they re in quieter, mre l-key envirnments. Nt all the time -- these things aren t abslute -- but a lt f the time. S the key then t maximizing ur talents is fr us all t put urselves in the zne f stimulatin that is right fr us. 4:40 But n here s here the bias es in. ur mst imprtant institutins, ur schls and ur rkplaces, they are designed mstly fr extrverts and fr extrverts need fr lts f stimulatin. And als e have this belief system right n that I call the ne grupthink, hich hlds that all creativity and all prductivity es frm a very ddly gregarius place. 5:05 S if yu picture the typical classrm nadays: hen I as ging t schl, e sat in rs. e sat in rs f desks like this, and e did mst f ur rk pretty autnmusly. But nadays, yur typical classrm has pds f desks -- fur r five r six r seven kids all facing each ther. And kids are rking in cuntless grup assignments. Even in subjects like math and creative riting, hich yu think uld depend n sl flights f thught, kids are n expected t act as mittee members. And fr the kids h prefer t g ff by themselves r just t rk alne, thse kids are seen as utliers ften r, rse, as prblem cases. And the vast majrity f teachers reprts believing that the ideal student is an extrvert as ppsed t an intrvert, even thugh intrverts actually get better grades and are mre knledgeable, accrding t research. (Laughter) 5:59 kay, same thing is true in ur rkplaces. N, mst f us rk in pen plan ffices, ithut alls, here e are subject t the cnstant nise and gaze f ur crkers. And hen it es t leadership, intrverts are rutinely passed ver fr leadership psitins, even thugh intrverts tend t be very careful, much less likely t take utsize risks -- hich is smething e might all favr nadays. And interesting research by Adam Grant at the hartn Schl has fund that intrverted leaders ften deliver better utes than extrverts d, because hen they are managing practive emplyees, they re much mre likely t let thse emplyees run ith their ideas, hereas an extrvert can, quite unittingly, get s excited abut things that they re putting their n stamp n things, and ther peple s ideas might nt as easily then bubble up t the surface. 6:47 N in fact, sme f ur transfrmative leaders in histry have been intrverts. I ll give yu sme examples. Eleanr Rsevelt, Rsa Parks, Gandhi -- all these pepled described themselves as quiet and sft-spken and even shy. And they all tk the sptlight, even thugh every bne in their bdies as telling them nt t. And this turns ut t have a special per all its n, because peple culd feel that these leaders ere at the helm nt because they enjyed directing thers and nt ut f the pleasure f being lked at; they ere there because they had n chice, because they ere driven t d hat they thught as right. 7:22 N I think at this pint it s imprtant fr me t say that I actually lve extrverts. I alays like t say sme f my best friends are extrverts, including my belved husband. And e all fall at different pints, f curse, alng the intrvert/extrvert spectrum. Even Carl Jung, the psychlgist h first ppularized these terms, said that there s n such thing as a pure intrvert r a pure extrvert. He said that such a man uld be in a lunatic asylum, if he existed at all. And sme peple fall smack in the middle f the intrvert/extrvert spectrum, and e call these peple ambiverts. And I ften think that they have the best f all rlds. But many f us d recgnize urselves as ne type r the ther. 8:05 And hat I m saying is that culturally, e need a much better balance. e need mre f a yin and yang beteen these t types. This is especially imprtant hen it es t creativity and t prductivity, because hen psychlgists lk at the lives f the mst creative peple, hat they find are peple h are very gd at exchanging ideas and advancing ideas, but h als have a serius streak f intrversin in them. 8:29 And this is because slitude is a crucial ingredient ften t creativity. S Darin, he tk lng alks alne in the ds and emphatically turned dn dinner-party invitatins. Thedr Geisel, better knn as Dr. Seuss, he dreamed up many f his amazing creatins in a lnely bell ter ffice that he had in the back f his huse in La Jlla, Califrnia. And he as actually afraid t meet the yung children h read his bks fr fear that they ere expecting him this kind f jlly Santa Claus-like figure and uld be disappinted ith his mre reserved persna. Steve zniak invented the first Apple puter sitting alne in his cubicle in Helett-Packard here he as rking at the time. And he says that he never uld have bee such an expert in the first place had he nt been t intrverted t leave the huse hen he as gring up. 9:16篇四: 李世默TED演讲稿(中英文) 李世默TED: 中国崛起与“元叙事”的终结 Gd mrning. My name is Eric Li, and I as brn here. But n, I asn’t brn there. This as here I as brn: Shanghai, at the height f the Cultural Revlutin. My grandmther tells me that she heard the sund f gunfire alng ith my first cries. hen I as gring up, I as tld a stry that explained all I ever needed t kn that humanity. It ent like this. All human scieties develp in linear prgressin, beginning ith primitive sciety, then slave sciety, feudalism, capitalism, scialism, and finally, guess here e end up? Cmmunism! Sner r later, all f humanity, regardless f culture, language, natinality, ill arrive at this final stage f plitical and scial develpment. The entire rld’s peples ill be unified in this paradise n earth and live happily ever after. But befre e get there, e’re engaged in a struggle beteen gd and evil, the gd f scialism against the evil f capitalism, and the gd shall triumph. That, f curse, as the meta-narrative distilled frm the theries f Karl Marx. And the Chinese bught it. e ere taught that grand stry day in and day ut. It became part f us, and e believed in it. The stry as a bestseller. Abut n third f the entire rld’s ppulatin lived under that meta narrative. Then, the rld changed vernight. As fr me, disillusined by the failed religin f my yuth, I ent t America and became a Berkeley hippie. N, as I as ing f age, smething else happened. As if ne big stry asn’t enugh, I as tld anther ne. This ne as just as grand. It als claims that all human scieties develp in a linear prgressin tards a singular end. This ne ent as flls. All scieties, regardless f culture, be it Christian, Muslim, Cnfucian, must prgress frm traditinal scieties in hich grups are the basic units t mdern scieties in hich atmized individuals are the svereign units, and all these individuals are, by definitin, ratinal, and they all ant ne thing: the vte. Because they all ratinal, nce given the vte, they prduce gd gvernment and live happily ever after. Paradise n earth, again. Sner r later, electral demcracy ill be the nly plitical system fr all cuntries and all peples, ith a free market t make them all rich. But befre e get there, e’re engaged in a struggle beteen gd and evil. The gd belngs t thse h are demcracies and are charged ith a missin f spreading it arund the glbe, smetimes by frce, against the evil f thse h d nt hld electins. N. This stry als became a bestseller. Accrding t the Freedm Huse, the number f demcracies ent frm 45 in 1970 t 115 in 201X. In the last 20years, estern elites tirelessly trtted arund the glbe selling this prspectus: multiple parties fight fr plitical per and everyne vting n them is the nly path t salvatin t the lng-suffering develping rld. Thse h buy the prspectus are destined fr success. Thse h d nt are dmed t fail. But this time, the Chinese didn’t buy it. Fl me nce„ The rest is histry. In just 3p years, China ent frm ne f the prest agricultural cuntries in the rld t its secnd-largest ecnmy. Six hundred fifty millin peple ere lifted ut f pverty. Eighty percent f the entire rld’s pverty alleviatin during that perid happened in China. In ther rds, all the ne and ld demcracies put tgether amunted t a mere fractin f hat a single, ne-party state did ithut vting. See, I gre up n this stuff: fd stamps. Meat as ratined t a fe hundred grams per persn per mnth at ne pint. Needless t say, I ate my grandmther’s prtins. S I asked myself, hat’s rng ith this picture? Here I am in my hmetn, my business gring leaps and bunds. Entrepreneurs are starting panies every day. Middle class is expanding in speed and scale unprecedented in human histry. Yet, accrding t the grand stry, nne f this shuld be happening. S I ent and did the nly thing I culd. I studied it. Yes, China is a ne-party state run by the Chinese Cmmunist Party, the Party, and they dn’t hld electins. There assumptins are made by the dminant plitical theries f ur time. Such a system is peratinally rigid, plitically clsed, and mrally illegitimate. ell, the assumptins are rng. The ppsites are true. Adaptability, meritcracy, and legitimacy are the three defining characteristics f China’s ne-party system. N, mst plitical scientists ill tell us that a ne-party system is inherently incapable f self-crrectin. It n’t last lng because it cannt adapt. N here are the facts. In 64 years f running the largest cuntry in the rld, the range f the party’s plicies has been ider than any ther cuntry in recent memry, frm radical land cllectivizatin t the Great Leap Frard, then privatizatin f farmland, then the Cultural Revlutin, then Deng Xiaping’s market refrm, then successr Jiang Zemin tk the giant plitical step f pening up party membership t private businesspeple, smething unimaginable during Ma’s rule. S the party self-crrects in rather dramatic fashins. Institutinally, ne rules get enacted t crrect previus dysfunctins. Fr example, term limits. Plitical leaders used t retain their psitins fr life, and they used that t accumulate per and perpetuate their rules. Ma as the father f mdern China, yet his prlnged rule led t disastrus mistakes. S the party instituted term limits ith mandatry retirement age f 68 t 70. ne thing e ften hear is plitical refrms have lagged far behind ecnmic refrms and China is in dire need f plitical refrm. But this claim is a rhetrical trap hidden behind a plitical bias. See, sme have decided a priri hat kinds f changes they ant t see, and nly such changes can be called plitical refrm. The truth is, plitical refrms have never stpped. Cmpared ith 30 years ag, 20 years, even 10 years ag, every aspect f Chinese sciety, h the cuntry is gverned, frm the mst lcal level t the highest center, are unrecgnizable tday. N such changes are simply nt pssible ithut plitical refrms f the mst fundamental kind. N I uld venture t suggest the Party is the rld’s leading expert in plitical refrm. The secnd assumptin is that in a ne-party state, per gets cncentrated in the hands f the fe, and bad gvernance and crruptin fll. Indeed, crruptin is a big prblem, but let’s first lk at the larger cntext. N, this maybe be cunterintuitive t yu. The party happens t be ne f the mst meritcratic plitical institutins in the rld tday. China’s highest ruling bdy, the Plitbur, has 25 members. In the mst recent ne, nly five f them came frm a backgrund f privilege, s-called Princelings. The ther 20, including the President and the Premier, came frm entirely rdinary backgrunds. In the larger central mittee f 300 r mre, the percentage f thse h ere brn int per and ealth as even smaller. The vast majrity f senir Chinese leaders rked and peted their ay t the tp. Cmpare that ith the ruling elites in bth develped and develping cuntries, I think yu’ll find the Party being near the tp in upard mbility. The questin then is, h culd that be pssible in a system run by ne party? Ne e e t a perful plitical institutin, little-knn t esterners: the Party’s rganizatin Department. The Department functins like a giant human resurce engine that uld be the envy f even sme f the mst successful crpratins. It perates a rtatin pyramid made up f there pnents: civil service, state-ned enterprises, and scial rganizatins like a university r a munity prgram. The frm separate yet integrated career paths fr Chinese fficials. They recruit cllege grads int entry-level psitins in all three tracks, and they start frm the bttm, called Keyuan Then they culd get prmted thrugh fur increasingly elite ranks: fuke, ke, fuchu, and chu. N these are nt mves frm karate kids, kay? It’s serius business. The range f psitins is ide, frm running health care in a village t freign investment in a city district t manager in a pany. nce a year, the department revies their perfrmance. They intervie their superirs, their peers, their subrdinates. They vet their persnal cnduct. They cnduct public pinin surveys. Then they prmte the inners. Thrughut their careers, these cadres can mve thrugh and ut f all three tracks. ver time, the fd nes mve beynd the fur base levels t the fuju and ju, levels. There, they enter high, fficialdm. By that pint, a typical assignment ill be t manage a district ith ppulatin in the millins r a pany ith hundreds f millins f dllars in revenue. Just t sh yu h petitive the system is, in 201X, there ere 900000 fuke and ke levels, 600000 fuchu and chu levels, and nly 40000 fuju and ju levels. After the ju levels, the best fe mve further up several mre ranks, and eventually make it t the Central Cmmittee. The prcess takes t t three decades. Des patrnage play a rle? Yes f curse. But merit remains the fundamental driver. In essence, the rganizatin Department runs a mdernizes versin f China’s centuries-ld mandarin system. China’s ne President Xi Jinping is sn f a frmer leader, hich is very unusual, first f his kind t make the tp jb. Even fr him, the career tk 30 years. He started as a village manager, and by the time he entered the Plitbur, he had managed areas ith ttal ppulatin f 150 millin peple and bined GDPs f 1.5 trillin U.S. dllars. N, please dn’t get me rng, kay? This is nt a putdn f anyne. It’s just a statement f fact. Gerge . Bush, remember him? This is nt a putdn. Befre being Gvernr f Texas, r Barack bama befre running fr President, culd nt make even a small cunty manager in China’s system. instn Churchill nce said that demcracy is a terrible system except fr all the rest. ell, apparently he hadn’t heard f the rganizatin Department. N, esterners alays assume that multi-party electin ith universal suffrage is the nly surce f plitical legitimacy. I as asked nce, “The Party asn’t vted in by electin. here is the surce f Legitimacy?” I said, “H abut petency?”: e all kn the facts. In 1949, hen the Party tk per, China as mired in civil ars, dismembered by freign aggressin, average life expectancy at that time, 42 years ld. Tday, it’s the secnd largest ecnmy in the rld, an industrial perhuse, and its peple live in increasing prsperity. Pe Research plls Chinese public attitudes, and here are the numbers in recent years. Satisfactin ith the directin f the cuntry: 85 percent. Thse h think they’re better ff than five years ag, 70%. Thse h expects the future t be better, a hpping 82 percent. Financial Times plls glbal yuth attitudes and these numbers, brand ne, just came frm last eek. Ninety-three-percent f China’s GeneratinY are ptimistic abut their cuntry’s future. N, if this is nt legitimacy, I’m nt sure hat is. In cntrast, mst electral demcracies arund the rld are suffering frm dismal perfrmance. I dn’t need t elabrate fr this audience h dysfunctinal it is frm ashingtn t Eurpean capitals. ith a fe exceptins, the vast number f develping cuntries that have adpted electral regimes are still suffering frm pverty and civil strife. Gvernments get elected, and then they fall bel 50 percent apprval in a fe mnths and stay there and get rse until the next electin. Demcracy is being a perpetual cycle f elect and regret. At this rate, I’ m afraid it is demcracy, nt China’s ne-party system, that is in danger f lsing legitimacy. N, I dn’t ant t create the misimpressin that China’s hunky-dry n the ay t sme kind f superperdm. The cuntry faces enrmus challenges. Scial and ecnmic prblems that e ith renching change like this are mine-bggling. Pllutin is ne. Fd safety. Ppulatin issues. n the plitical frnt, the rst prblem is篇五: 倾听的力量 TED演讲稿 Listening is an active skill. hereas hearing is passive, listening is smething that e have t rk at. It s a relatinship ith sund. And yet it s a skill that nne f us are taught. Fr example, have yu ever cnsidered that there are listening psitins, places yu can listen frm? Here are t f them. Reductive listening is listening fr. It reduces everything dn t hat s relevant and it discards everything that s nt relevant. Men typically listen reductively. S he s saying, I ve gt this prblem. He s saying, Here s yur slutin. Thanks very much. Next. That s the ay e talk, right guys? Expansive listening, n the ther hand, is listening ith, nt listening fr. It s gt n destinatin in mind. It s just enjying the jurney. men typically listen expansively. If yu lk at these t, eye cntact, facing each ther, pssibly bth talking at the same time. Men, if yu get nthing else ut f this talk, practice expansive listening, and yu can transfrm yur relatinships. 认真倾听是 一种主动技能。普通地听是被动的,而倾听却是要花功夫的。倾听是 处理声音与声音之间的关系。它也是一种与生俱来的能力。比如,你 考虑过倾听也有不同的姿势,以便你接收声音吗,看以下两个例子。 删减性的倾听是有“选择”的听。它会只关注你想要知道的东西,而 忽略无关紧要的内容。男人通常会删减性的倾听。比如一个人说: “我有个问题。”另一个人说: “这是你的。多谢。下一位。”这就是我们谈话的方式,对吧, 男士们, 而另外一种,扩展性的倾听是“无目的”,“无选择”的。 听你脑海里并没有明确的目标而只是享受听的过程。女人通常会扩展 性的倾听。看看这两位,面对面,保持眼神交流,可能两人同时都在 说话。男士们,如果你们谈话时觉得索然无味,试试扩展性的倾听, 或许可以改善你们的关系。 The first really big health issue is a rd that Murray Schafer cined: schizphnia. It s a dislcatin beteen hat yu see and hat yu hear. S, e re inviting int ur lives the vices f peple h are nt present ith us. I think there s smething deeply unhealthy abut living all the time in schizphnia. The secnd prblem that es ith headphne abuse is pressin. e squash music t fit it int ur pcket and there is a cst attached t this. Listen t this -- this is an unpressed piece f music. And n the same piece f music ith 98% f the data remved. I d hpe that sme f yu at least can hear the difference beteen thse t. There is a cst f pressin. It makes yu tired and irritable t have t make up all f that data. Yu re having t imagine it. It s nt gd fr yu in the lng run. The third prblem ith headphnes is this: deafness. 第一大严重的健康问题,根据Murray Schafer 的话说,就是“幻听”。这是一种错乱,使你看到的和听到的并不一 致。所以,我们的生活中,就多了一些不在我们身边的人发出的声音。 我认为时时处于“幻听”中对健康十分不利。 与滥用耳机相伴而来 的第二个问题是压缩音乐。我们压缩音乐,以便能装进口袋,然而也 付出了代价。听听这个,是一段没有压缩的音乐。同样的一段音乐, 但却少了98%的信息。我希望至少有一部分人能听出其中的差别。这 就是压缩音乐的代价。为了补上丢失的信息,你很容易变得疲劳、烦 躁。你需要通过想象来弥补这个空白。长期下去,会对健康不利。 滥 用耳机带来的第三个问题是耳聋。 Let s mve aay frm bad sund and lk at sme friends that I urge yu t seek ut. B: ind, ater, birds -- stchastic natural sunds psed f lts f individual randm events, all f it very healthy, all f it sund that e evlved t ver the years. Seek thse sunds ut; they re gd fr yu and s is this. Silence is beautiful. The Elizabethans described language as decrated silence. I urge yu t mve aay frm silence ith intentin and t design sundscapes just like rks f art. Have a fregrund, a backgrund, all in beautiful prprtin. It s fun t get int designing ith sund. If yu can t d it yurself, get a prfessinal t d it fr yu. Sund design is the future, and I think it s the ay e re ging t change the ay the rld sunds. 不谈噪音了,我们 来谈谈一些你应该去寻求的好朋友。风水鸟: 风声、水声、鸟声,大自然的声音。它们都由各种不同的细节组 成,对健康十分有好处,因为它们都是我们进化过程中我们陪伴我们 的声音。寻求这些声音吧,对你们有好处。还有这个。安静是美好的。 古人曾把语言比作修饰过的安静。我建议你们刻意地远离安静,去设 计像艺术品一样有画面感的声音。有前景,有背景,并且比例协调。 设计声音是很有趣的,如果自己不会做的话,可以找专业人士帮忙。 声音设计就是未来,也是一种让世界变得好听的方法。 And fur mdalities here yu need t take sme actin and get invlved. First f all, listen cnsciusly. I hpe that after this talk yu ll be ding that. It s a hle ne dimensin t yur life and it s nderful t have that dimensin. Secndly, get in tuch ith making sme sund. Create sund. The vice is the instrument e all play, and yet h many f us are trained in using ur vice? Get trained. Learn t sing. Learn t play an instrument. Musicians have bigger brains. It s true. Yu can d this in grups as ell. It s a fantastic antidte t schizphnia. T make music and sund in a grup f peple, hichever style yu enjy particularly. And let s take a stearding rle fr the sund arund us. Prtect yur ears? Yes, abslutely. Design sundscapes t be beautiful arund yu at hme and at rk. And let s start t speak up hen peple are assailing us ith the nise that I played yu early n. 还有四种方法需要你采取行动参与其中。首 先专心地听。我希望在我的讲话过后你们就能去这样做。这会是你们 人生全新的、美好的一面。第二试着自己弄出点声响。创造声音。声 音是我们都会使用的乐器,但多少人接受训练学会利用我们自己的声 音,尝试训练一下吧。学着歌唱。学习演奏一种乐器。音乐家都有更 发达的大脑,这话不假。也可以尝试和大家一起这样做。这是缓解幻 听的非常好的办法。和一大群人创造音乐是,任何你喜欢的方式都是 不错的。让我们主宰周围的声音。保护听力,这是当然的。不管在家 里,还是工作中,设计并创作出好听的声音。当有人用我之前播过的 噪音来攻击我们的时候,让我们大声地给予它们还击。
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